thedancingsoulblog · 7 years
❤️ Well, while in Asheville, NC at my grandmas, I decided it was time to get a Native American flute. I've been hearing the calling to add it to my sound healing tools for sometime now and today I found mine in downtown Asheville at Skinny Beats Drums! I thought I'd share my first practice session ... Aho loves! ❤️ #raisevibration #nativeamerican #nativeamericanflute #soundhealing #awakenrhythmsofinnerbliss #thedancingsoul #asheville #ashevillenc #skinnybeatsdrums #soundhealer #soundcurrent #naad #loveandlight #heart #vibes #goodvibes #kundalinima #kundaliniyogateacher #yogateacher #retreat #retreatleader #intentionalbliss #bliss #nature #gaia #ancientwisdom #aho ❤️
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luckyacid · 3 years
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Kate Spencer Stewart Kundalinimas 2018, Oil on canvas 47 × 47 in
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thedancingsoulblog · 7 years
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❤️ Namaste and Happy Mother's Day!! If you are celebrating with your mom today, hug her tight, look into her eyes, really feel her presence, cherish it and tell her so. If you, like many of us, are celebrating the spirit of our mother's who left this earthly realm, I encourage you to sense her in everything you do. Listen to her stories in the wind....Feel her kiss from the warmth of the Sun... Glimpse her insights from the beauty of the moon.... When we quiet enough we can sense her presence in Shakti energy, the energy of love, of new ideas, of speech, of dance, of nature, of creation itself ❤️ Although we can no longer hold our mom's, hear her voice, or look into her eyes, we can begin to develop our subtle senses to feel her presence everywhere and in everything we do. I offer you a practice I use to connect using the mantra, "MA" It's simple yet incredibly powerful way to actively tune in to the divine feminine as mother. Chant it aloud or silently in your mind and feel your mother's presence surrounding you! 💞 Sending infinite love and light to you all! Sat Nam, Loves! 😘 "Love is the divine Mother's arms; when those arms are spread, every soul falls into them." ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan ❤️ #ma #OmShreeMatreNamah #mothersday #missmymom #divinemother #divinefeminine #love #shakti #creation #compassion #shaktipower #sharethelight #bethelight #courage #chanting #create #connection #OmNamahShivaya #omshanti #mantra #yoga #kundalinirising #kundalinima #missyoutothemoonandback #thedancingsoul #awakenrhythmsofinnerbliss #artoflife #authentic ❤️
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thedancingsoulblog · 7 years
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❤️ Namaste and Happy Mother's Day!! If you are celebrating with your mom today, hug her tight, look into her eyes, really feel her presence, cherish it and tell her so. If you, like many of us, are celebrating the spirit of our mother's who left this earthly realm, I encourage you to sense her in everything you do. Listen to her stories in the wind....Feel her kiss from the warmth of the Sun... Glimpse her insights from the beauty of the moon.... When we quiet enough we can sense her presence in Shakti energy, the energy of love, of new ideas, of speech, of dance, of nature, of creation itself ❤️ Although we can no longer hold our mom's, hear her voice, or look into her eyes, we can begin to develop our subtle senses to feel her presence everywhere and in everything we do. I offer you a practice I use to connect using the mantra, "MA" It's simple yet incredibly powerful way to actively tune in to the divine feminine as mother. Chant it aloud or silently in your mind and feel your mother's presence surrounding you! 💞 Sending infinite love and light to you all! Sat Nam, Loves! 😘 "Love is the divine Mother's arms; when those arms are spread, every soul falls into them." ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan ❤️ #ma #OmShreeMatreNamah #mothersday #missmymom #divinemother #divinefeminine #love #shakti #creation #compassion #shaktipower #sharethelight #bethelight #courage #chanting #create #connection #OmNamahShivaya #omshanti #mantra #yoga #kundalinirising #kundalinima #missyoutothemoonandback #thedancingsoul #awakenrhythmsofinnerbliss #artoflife #authentic ❤️
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