storytimewithnova · 11 months
Ink Enigma: The Vanishing of Shoanna Oikawa
Summary: "Ink Enigma: The Vanishing of Shoanna Oikawa" is a gripping narrative that unfolds in two parallel worlds. Shoanna, a high school student who mysteriously disappears, finds herself in the eerie and enigmatic Joey Drew Studios, a place filled with ink magic and animated characters. As she navigates this strange realm, she discovers her unique abilities and forms an unlikely alliance with the studio's denizens.
Simultaneously, her brother Tooru and a coalition of volleyball teams embark on a mission to locate Shoanna, connecting her disappearance to the unsettling studio. With supernatural forces, emotional depth, and a web of secrets, the story promises an enthralling journey filled with suspense and mystery as these two narrative threads interweave in their quest to uncover the truth and reunite Shoanna with her family.
Shoanna Oikawa a bright smart funny girl who people would normally describe as a sunshine had vanished without a trace, leaving the detectives bewildered. All they had found was a peculiar ink puddle, the only clue to her whereabouts. It was a baffling case that defied explanation.
Shoanna's journey began the day she found herself transported to what was once Joey Drew Studios, now an eerie, derelict place. The studio had a dark history, known for the creation of twisted cartoon characters brought to life through ink magic.
Within the decaying studio, Shoanna encountered a strange cast of characters. There was the benevolent Bendy, a reformed version of the menacing ink demon. Corrupted Alice Angel, who teetered on the edge of madness but retained a glimmer of her original self, proved to be an enigmatic presence. Then, there was Boris, a loyal friend who had been both corrupted and redeemed.
As Shoanna navigated this ink-soaked nightmare, she soon realized that she held the key to uncovering the truth behind the studio's dark past. The ink puddle that had once seemed so insignificant now appeared to be the linchpin in her quest to solve the mystery.
Meanwhile, outside the studio, Back in the real world back in the world of high school the volleyball Tournament season was in full swing.We join a bunch of volleyball addicts show off but well all but one Teenage boy that was normally so prideful and Boasting at any opportunity he got to show he was the best setter wasn't doing so well infact he was just mopping around and gave up on volleyball and just watched his team from the bench his grades dipped massively you see Tooru was not only the captain of the Aoba Johsai volleyball team, but his sister, Shoanna, managed the Shiratorizawa volleyball team. The tension was palpable as the teams gathered for a match against each other, An Tension only heightened by the fact that Shoanna had gone missing.
The match hadn't even started yet and as the teams assembled, and coach was about to give them their pre_game peptalk that is when all hell broke loss when Shiratorizawa's setter Shirabu Kenjiro, known for his hot-headed nature, couldn't hold back his frustration any longer for their missing manager and needed answers.
"Where's Shoanna?" he demanded, directing his question toward Tooru. "She should be here, managing our team. This is unacceptable!"
Tooru bristled at the accusation. "Don't you think I'm worried too? Don't you think we are all worried about her where abouts?
He said calmly but The argument between Shirabu and him escalated, with other team members and teams getting involved, taking sides, and casting blame. The match between Shiratorizawa and AobaJohsai was on the brink of being canceled due to the heated exchange.
In the midst of the turmoil, Tooru's revelation added a new layer of shock and complexity. "Have any of you heard about the girl who went missing mysteriously, leaving nothing behind nothing but an inky puddle?" he asked, his voice heavy with emotion.
The room fell silent as players from both teams if not all the teams exchanged puzzled glances. Eventually, they nodded in acknowledgment.
Tooru continued, "That girl was my sister. She was also Kunimi's girlfriend. So, I have every right to leave this match I have every god damn right to sit here and not participate don't come up to me with false accusations and then pining the Blame on my baby sister you hot-headed jerk."
The revelation hit everyone like a thunderbolt. Shock and guilt rippled through the room it hit Shirabu worse. Tooru's decision to leave the match was met with silence and understanding. The match, in that moment, became insignificant compared to the painful truth they had just discovered.
Back with shoanna at the studio she ventured ferther into the studio to an area that looks like a cell a prison almost she wondered what it was hold till she saw
Bendying picks up a toy train
Shoanna: oh my god you're real this is amazing
Bendy backs away slowly
Shoanna: it's okay it's okay i won't hurt you I promise bendy i won't hurt you see I'm your friend
She holds out her hand for him to take and gestures him to take it which he happily did as she keeps reassuring Bendy she won't hurt him a glow from her hand happens and shocks him doing exactly what she promised she wouldn't do and hurt him
Shoanna: bendy dear i am sorry i didn't know that would happen i promise I'm so so sorry Bendy
Bendy runs away visably upset Shoanna clearly not liking what she did to her favourite childhood cartoon character she was angry with herself venom clewrly laced her voice as she spoke
Shoanna: Dammit Sho what's happening to you?
She carried on her way looking for her next local in the studio apart of her hoping to run into bendy again to make it up to him
Back with the volleyball teams they wanted to hear the whole story from Tooru they even asked if he had any thoughts where Shoanna could be to which he replied one a place me and Imōto use to love alot it was owned by our grandfather but i hope she isn't there that place is dangrous it is basically a sink hole waiting to collapse in on itself
Kuroo: may i ask where this place is
Everyone also wanting to know
Tooru: my grandfather's studio Joey Drew Studios
Everyone fell silent they say silence is deafening well you can basically hear a pin drop with how silent it was Tooru spoke again
Tooru: like i said i hope she is not and before you ask what i am basing this theory on like i said that place was like Disneyland to us because we couldn't afford to actually go to disney and we loved hanging out with bendy alice angel and boris
The wolf we watched as grandfather made this cartoon friends come to life
The oikawa family was poor not complete to the point they were homeless but they had a mountain of debts they Audrey Oikawa's husband left her with before moving on to his second family so Audrey couldn't give her kids much she couldn't give them whar normal kids have her father Joey Drew did the best he could to help but letting the kids come to his studio and for Tooru and Shoanna that was their normal thar was their life as everyone listened to Tooru saddness clearly on everyone's face Shirabu was sat in the corner listening with a pang of guilt truth be told he had a crush on Shoanna yes it hurts learning she has a boyfriend it hurts more she is a missing person and the way she disappeared
Back with shoanna she made it to her next local which looke like a city she looks around
Shoanna: what in the world how big is this place huh city of broken dreams that reassuring
She said sarcastically she look around again then her eyes landed on bendy she sighed in Relief knowing he was okay to catxh bendy's attention she said
Shoanna: oh bendy it's you where did you come from you know what never mind that look i am sorry about earlier
As shoanna was talking bendy wiped his tears but showed he was listening
Shoanna: i really didn't mean to hurt you and i don't think you want to hurt me do you right Dear
Bendy shook his head no
Shonanna: good lets be friends then what do say you and me
Bendy gave her a thumbs up
Shoanna: Awesome maybe you can help me I'm looking for the old gent building
Bendy started waving his arms around as to indicate that was a bad idea and it's not safe there
He covers his eyes like he was crying again
Shoanna:what's wrong hey bendy what is it, is it a bad place? Hey it's okay it's okay i won't let anything happen to you we'll go one step st a time okay just you and me let's see what we can find
Bendy nods seemingly trusting Shoanna like he recognises her in some way and he leads the way for her to follow him
Back with Tooru and the other teams they were still sat there stunned and processing what they had heard as Tooru's revelation settled in, the teams began to discuss a plan to find Shoanna. They knew they couldn't ignore the connection to Joey Drew Studios. Kuroo, the captain of Nekoma, suggested pooling their resources to investigate the studio together. This idea received unanimous agreement.
Tooru, overwhelmed by guilt and worry, nodded in gratitude. "Thank you, everyone. We have to find her. That studio is not a place for a girl like my sister to be alone."
As the teams left the gym, they began coordinating their efforts. Messages were sent, and soon, a group of volleyball players, coaches, and friends assembled at the entrance of Joey Drew Studios. They faced a daunting task, with the abandoned studio casting eerie shadows under the moonlight.
Back in the studio, Shoanna's search for Bendy led her deeper into the inky labyrinth. She encountered strange, ink-covered walls that seemed to pulse with a life of their own. The atmosphere grew more ominous, and Shoanna's heart raced. She knew that unraveling the studio's secrets would not be easy.
Suddenly, she heard a faint whimper in the distance. Following the sound, Shoanna stumbled upon a Boris she remember it is the one thst normally hangs with corrupted Alice, he was her loyal but uncorrupted friend but as alice has shown time and time again she is willing to kill a boris and that was she was going to do with this one till Shoanna stopped her saying she will take him Boris heard Shoanna but he was to scared He was huddled in a corner, trembling. It was clear that he was terrified of something and not just Alice Angel
Shoanna approached Boris carefully, speaking in soothing tones. "Boris, it's okay. I won't hurt you. I'm here to help."
Boris hesitated but then seemed to recognize that Shoanna was different from the other creatures in the studio. He cautiously extended a hand to her, and as she touched him, a warm, comforting glow surrounded them. This time, there was no pain, only a reassuring light.
Tears welled up in Shoanna's eyes as she realized the power she possessed could be used for good within this bizarre ink-soaked world. She vowed to help Boris and find a way to restore him to his true self.
Back at the entrance of the studio, the volleyball teams and their supporters, armed with flashlights and determination, ventured inside. The inky darkness of the studio seemed to swallow them as they delved deeper into the heart of the mystery. Their journey had only just begun, but their hope for finding Shoanna burned brightly they entered a room that says heavens toy box they opened a box as instructed it was filled with bacon soup they suddenly heard a voice
??: i wouldn't drink to much of that if i were you it help patch you up but the after taste it's not so good
Osamu backed aways
??: easy now I'm not going to hurt you, you look like you need some help
Osamu: don't touch us what are you what is this horrible place
??:yeah i remember my first day down here i know it's scary you guys are lucky That machine could have turned you into a searcher
Kuroo: you mean that thing that attacked us
??: no that's a piper and his part of a gang so be careful
Yamaguchi: i don't understand any of this it hurts why an i even here
Kageyama: I can't think why am i here too
Shirabu: it hurts
??: you will all catch on pretty quickly if you can stay alive lesson one Searchers don't have legs and they tend to swarm look i am just saying it is not good to say in one place for too long keep moving and stay close to the shadows take my advice head to the upper levels it's safer there
Kenma: can we come with you?
??: you can't I'm sorry i have a wolf he doesn't care for stangers
Bokuto: A A wolf Agasshi did i hear thst right
Akaashi: yes bokuto san
??: like i said you'll catch on good luck i hope we meet again
While they were talking Tooru zoned out trying to Visualized a studio as it used to be as he remembered it As the voice continued to speak it suddenly connected with him that he finally spoke up
Tooru: hello Auntie Alison
Alison heard that Somewhere something in here remembered something she said
Alison: hello Tooru dear wait just you where is Shoanna
Tooru: that is why i am here auntie she went missing all that was left was an ink puddle
Alison: oh no dear you maybe to late
Everyone: huh?
Tooru: no no no it stopped when grandad died it wouldn't start again shouldn't start again
Everyone looked confused
Alison: dear i have to go now i can gaurd you and your friends from here but i can't do much out me and your uncle tom will see you soon
Inside the ink-soaked labyrinth of Joey Drew Studios, Shoanna and Boris formed an unlikely bond. With Shoanna's newfound abilities, she discovered that she could not only heal but also purify the corrupted characters within the studio. Her connection with Boris deepened, and he began to trust her more as he slowly regained his true form, free from the darkness that had plagued him.
As they delved deeper into the studio, they uncovered more clues about the history of the place. Shoanna learned about the studio's creator, her own grandfather, Joey Drew, and his obsession with bringing his animated characters to life using ink magic. She realized that her family's history was intertwined with the eerie happenings of the studio, and the ink magic played a significant role.
Meanwhile, the group of volleyball teams and their supporters ventured further into the studio, following the cryptic advice they had received. The upper levels appeared to be less dangerous, and they hoped to find clues about Shoanna's whereabouts there. They stumbled upon more peculiar ink creatures, each with its own unsettling story.
Tooru's conversation with Aunt Alison had sparked curiosity and concern. What did she mean by "it shouldn't start again"? Tooru and the others began to piece together more of the studio's dark history and its connection to their family. They realized that there was something ominous lurking within the studio, something that must not be awakened.
As they navigated the studio's shadowy corridors, the groups moved closer to each other's paths. Shoanna, Boris, and the volleyball teams were on a collision course, with the studio's secrets and the truth about Shoanna's disappearance hanging in the balance.
The suspense continued to build as the two narrative threads intertwined, each character facing their own challenges, fears, and revelations, all leading them closer to a climactic confrontation with the ink magic and the enigmatic forces that bound the studio's past to the present.
As Shoanna and Boris ventured deeper into the twisted corridors of Joey Drew Studios, they knew they were approaching the heart of the mystery. The ominous atmosphere was thick with tension and the echoing sounds of ink-laden whispers. Suddenly, around a dark, ink-drenched corner, they came face to face with a towering, nightmarish figure.
It was Bendy, but not the benign version she had previously encountered. This was the demonic incarnation, a grotesque fusion of ink and malevolence. His eyes glowed with a sinister light, and his grinning face appeared more menacing than ever. The corrupted Bendy loomed over Shoanna and Boris, and a sense of dread washed over them.
Shoanna's heart raced as she realized that confronting this monstrous being was inevitable. With determination in her eyes, she stepped forward, raising her hand to invoke her unique power. A radiant light surrounded her, forming a protective barrier. She knew she couldn't let the demon Bendy harm her or Boris.
The battle between light and darkness raged within the studio's ink-soaked chambers. Shoanna's power clashed with the malevolence of the ink demon. It was a perilous dance of energies, and the outcome hung in the balance.
As the confrontation reached its climax, Shoanna's sheer willpower, the bond she shared with Boris, and her connection to the studio's history tipped the scales. The demonic Bendy let out an ear-piercing shriek before dissipating into a flurry of inky tendrils, slowly dissolving into the abyss.
Breathing heavily and victorious, Shoanna turned to Boris, who was now fully restored to his original form, free from the ink's corruption. They exchanged grateful glances, understanding that they had conquered one of the studio's malevolent forces together.
With this victory, Shoanna's journey to uncover the truth about her family's connection to the studio and her own unique abilities continued. But they had one more goal in mind - to reunite Shoanna with her brother and the volleyball teams who were searching for her within this mysterious world.
As the two narrative threads converged, the characters pressed forward, their determination unwavering. The secret of Joey Drew Studios, the powers of ink magic, and the fate of Shoanna were intertwined in this enigmatic and suspenseful narrative.
The group of volleyball teams, having followed the cryptic guidance through the upper levels of the studio, arrived at the scene just in time to witness Shoanna's victory over the demon Bendy. They marveled at the magical light that surrounded her and Boris. Their shock and awe were palpable.
Tooru rushed to his sister, tears of relief streaming down his face. Shoanna and Boris, now free from the demon's curse, were finally reunited with her brother and friends. It was an emotional and heartwarming moment.
With the demon Bendy defeated and the family reunited, the studio seemed to shudder, as if it were releasing the hold of the malevolent forces within. The studio, which had once been a place of ink magic and sinister secrets, began to show signs of transformation.
As the inky darkness slowly receded, it revealed the original, colorful world that Joey Drew Studios had once been. It was a place of creativity and joy, as it was meant to be. The characters within the studio also began to transform into their more benevolent forms.
The mystery of the studio was not completely unraveled, but it seemed that the darkness had been pushed back, for now. The characters and the Oikawa siblings, along with the volleyball teams, stepped out of the studio and into the welcoming light of day.
The story of "Ink Enigma: The Vanishing of Shoanna Oikawa" ended with a sense of hope and renewal. The studio, once a place of nightmares, now had a chance to become a place of dreams and creativity, and the Oikawa family was finally whole again. The bond between the characters and the real world had been strengthened, and the mysteries of the studio would continue to be explored in the future.
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moshikiii · 4 years
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Chibi Oikawa and his froot shop!!
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soupfulness · 7 years
For the drawing request thing, maybe some Kunimi x Oikawa?
i dunno if u randomly requested this but I….actually like this ship now. omg what have u done. thank u for introducing it to me!!! adds one more ship to my rarepair list
speaking of rarepairs, it is apparently @oikawararepairweek in a few days lol just in time
i keep on drawing comics for most of the requests I have HELPalso idk if this comic makes sense lmao I drew it yesterday then forgot how the dialogue was supposed to go
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edit: I should probably mention that the font size is 13 and the line spacing is 1 for the typesetting lmao oikuni numbers hahaha
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mingohomo · 8 years
I rarely do textposts, but I just had to share this amazing Oikawa/Kunimi fic by Darkfyyre on ao3 that sadly is lacking in comment/kudo/bookmark love
If you have time and any appreciation for this rare pair pls check it out, it will save your soul I promise 
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moshikiii · 4 years
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Let Seijoh boys love Oikawa chart basically lol
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moshikiii · 4 years
I really dont enjoy drawing lately and thats why im just bleh im sorry :(
Maybe i really should draw KuniOi with Iwaizumi not getting shit cause i love drawing petty art and driving the point of Oikawa has his own stuff that iwaizumi is bot involved
Like Kunimi wouldnt yalk with Iwaizumi even if he is dating Oikawa but Yahaba? He is not pleased that much with him and Oikawa doesnt know why but dont want to press his bf since people are allowed to dislike others
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