trixmolemachine · 2 years
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drawing Taimanins every day until they are good enough for a Manga
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feather-rose · 1 year
Move in, with me? Part 1.
Tenten(Nudged him by the elbow as she was sitting next to him, feeling him jump up a bit.): So, what do you say? After Naruto and Hinata’s wedding, wanna move in with me?
Neji(Clears up his throat and scratches the back of his neck, looking a bit nervous, here.): Well, I haven’t thought about it, till you’ve said it now..You know, with the war and all--(Looks away.)
Tenten(Looked a bit worried to hear him say no.); Why? Think it’s too dangerous to move in with me?( Wouldn’t he?)
Neji(Defended himself here as he looked back at her.,): I’ve never said that! And it’s never dangerous to be around with you..(Never it had been, after all she had his back, for the longest time, he could remember.)
Tenten(Felt uncertain): But?
Neji(Still convinced.): No buts here! It’ll be interesting to be and to move in with the person I love and respect the most, here. If you want to know.(He caught up her callosed hands over his.)
Tenten(Blinks up a bit, here with surprise): Love? You mean with me? Neji..
Neji(Nods up at this reply.): I mean it, Tenten. I do love you here and I want to move in with you.
Tenten blushes back at that sentence as Neji released one of his real smiles towards her. As his eyes brightened with happiness. And only to her, here.
Tenten(Chuckles teasingly.): Aww. I do love you too, Neji. And it’s about damn time, you noticied coming, here. You idiot!
Neji softly chuckled here and nodded back to her reply as he pushed himself closer to the kunochi here. And nervous as he seemed to be when he felt his heart beating so fast against his chest, when he had seen her eyes getting closed up and himself leaning over and to kiss her lips--
When an sudden hurricane and tornado had interrupted their almost kiss onto the training ground of the times where Team Gai used to unite, here.
Rock Lee(Screaming very loudly.): NEJI!!!
The poor couple had broken up their moment away as they’ve held up their shaken breath together when they’ve heard and seen their teamate jumping in, like a spreading up green bird who had been flying far too much with insanity, lately ever since the war had ended.
Poor Neji and Tenten.
Lee(Kept onto screaming and jumping back and forth like a maniac.): Neji! Neji!
Neji(Wondered what was going on with Lee, here, looking confused but annoyed.): Yeah, Lee?
Tenten(Lecturing up or more like she scolded him like she often used to.): What has gotten into you? Trying to give us a heart attack or what?(After all, that idiot had interrumpted an important moment of her own lifetime, and it was to make Neji kiss her, here. But no thanks to Lee.)
Lee( Confided in with a hand onto his closed up his eyes with a confident smile.) : Oh no! Nothing of the sort, Tenten. Oh no! News has been great! Nothing better but amazingly perfect! I can’t even tell how happy I am, today. That I’m about to push myself and do---
Neji(Cut him off, getting a bit irritated, here.): Just spit it out, Lee! (He and Tenten had gotten up onto theirs feet, looking a bit annoyed.)
Lee: Well, I wanted to thank you about something here, Neji..
Neji(Dumbfounded for a second. Since when, Lee had ever thanked him about something?):Me?  About what? What did I do?(He pointed himself, here with question.)
Lee: You came into my dream! And told me what I should’ve had done from day one for Naruto and Hinata’s wedding!! How unyouthfull haven’t I thought about it--
Tenten(Cut him off, annoyed.): Lee, just what’s going on?
Lee: Tenten, believe it or not, but Neji had come up to my dream and had put mind at ease--No, wait, crazily at ease!
Tenten(Rose an eyebrow.): How so?(She didn’t quite wanted to believe whatever crack she had to hear from Lee. Cause whatever crack comes out from Lee, it would be hard for the guy to go back away from his word..)
Neji(Felt his eye twitching up a bit.): Uh? I did that?(Unless, I was into an induced coma and felt my soul traveling around, or so.I wouldn’t remember saying or do anything crazy, here.)
Lee(Puffed himself up as a strong and muscular man would do by testing his muscles up with such confidence and proud of.): Physical strength over endurance! Physical strength over endurance! I couldn’t quite place it together at first, until IT CAME THROUGH MY MIND!!
It just left the couple in such shock as theirs jaws dropped down onto that sentence. While Lee was brightening up with such powerfull confidence and strength.
Why Me? Why Us?
Tenten(Still not trying to buy it, but went along with it, while Neji just stood up into shock.): Which it was?
Lee(Still smiling with confidence due to their shock.): Do an thousand lap over to the hokage’s mountains! And get these weighting ankles bracelets for both of them!( And brought up the proud Gai’s smilling and thumb pose up, much to Neji and Tenten’s defeat, here.)
The heck?
Tenten(Gives an warning glare to her new boyfriend, here) Neji..
Neji(Just sweatdropped back up when his petrified lavender eyes had meet her back, looking uncomfortable as he smiled nervously..): How about moving in today, Tenten?(And then, later, he’d kill Lee.)
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greninjazac · 2 months
Duet With A Dragon (NSFW ecchi-comedy adventure RP)
Outside of the den of a recently slayed magma golem, a male kitsune wearing what appears to be the robes of an exorcist pulls out the charred but still alive body of a blue haired ninja. The fox sighed as he looked over at the ninja
“Zac, you need to stop taking on solo missions, the guild puts the ‘party of 2’ label not as a recommendation. If it wasn’t for your healing and me getting you out of this mess, you would have been a charred corpse from that golem’s magma beams” he said as he puts the palm of his hand into his face, muttering to himself in frustration in a language similar to our own Chinese
The ninja sat up, an elixir still in his hand to maintain the massive amount of healing that ate up his MP “Fennec, we’ve been over this. I’m not dragging anyone into my battles. I don’t want to-“ he was cut off by the fox
“Yuki’s death wasn’t your fault! You can’t just risk your life because you’re afraid of a teammate dying! It was 4 years ago, and I know you loved her deeply….but she wouldn’t want you to be like this…..she’d want you to move on.” Fennec put his hand on Zac’s shoulder, noticing how silent the blue haired ninja went when being up Yuki. Yuki was a Kunochi from his clan that was going to marry until a demon ripped her apart in front of him while he was left immobile due to a paralysis spell. He was still dealing with the trauma and worried that anyone he’d get attached to would perish….didnt help that the demon taunted him as he ripped his beloved apart, boasting that it would slaughter anyone who dare fell in love with the ninja. Granted, he did slaughter the demon in a blind rage upon the paralysis wearing off and the bloodbath leading to the demon having a very slow and agonizing death…..but those words still were imprinted in his brain due to the trauma.
“Look Zac, you’ve known me since you were 4 and I’ve been in this world for 322 years, I know you have the strength deep down to overcome this darkness in your heart that’s keeping you from accepting help. While I can’t help you as I specialize in exorcizing demons and purifying corrupt yokai, I know someone who might help. They’re also an adventurer and a powerful one too…..she might be able to warm up to the idea of having a party member. Trust me on this, besides, who’s your best friend” he said with a somber smile as he looked at Zac. Zac smiles a bit and responds “y….you are”
“That’s my buddy!” he said as he pats Zac on the back. Over the following days Fennec would contact this acquaintance and instructed Zac to meet up with this mysterious woman in about seven days. Seven days had past and he was waiting for her in a guild hall while at a table by himself. He was still unsure about this, but he was still going to give it a shot, he had trusted Fennec in the past with help with his issues but the doubt and worry still plagued him.
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narutobyari · 6 months
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My beautiful red head ❤️ Karin Uzumaki, Sasukes favorite and to sasuke she's the strongest kunochi ever ❤️
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mrawkweird · 2 months
I can't lie, having Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke spend a chunk of the arc as actual kunochi sounds more entertaining than them just dressing in drag
Naruto made sure to put the hard trademark over anybody sexy jutsu'ing elsewhere.
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tamelee · 7 months
your thoughts on Karin? (cuz she's so hated by sakura stans)
Well we know why they dislike her so much :’) 
I don't have many specific thoughts about her tbh. However, I do like team Hebi/Taka because it works. I think that's not so much about whether she's 'useful' or not, but more about Sasuke's ability to lead a team effectively. I wish we had seen more about Karin's goals and inner world beyond ‘Sasuke’. First, because she is an Uzumaki and it’d be great to learn even a tiny bit of background (other than Anime filler and databooks) and secondly because right now I find her dedication, loyalty (according to Suigetsu) and relationship with Orochimaru confusing to say the least. And even more so after Gaiden 🤔 We've seen internal conflicts explored for characters who are considered 'less important' than Karin, but it now seems limited to an obsession with Sasuke.
I'm not criticizing this lack of depth per se because, in most cases, there is room to expand on a character and flesh them out if it serves the story. I understand that it might not be the case for a supporting character (literally) in Sasuke's journey like Karin was and that it may not even have been Kishimoto’s intention to hand out the ability to sympathize with her behavior as her core personality shown in the story isn’t the easiest to like or relate to lol.  
But thirdly... you can’t really tell what truly motivates her as a person (internally), other than this one memory of Sasuke saving her and then crushing on him. I consider characters as a 'person' (internal) different from their 'duties' and motivations as Shinobi (external). Although in some cases these are aligned or become intertwined. So, that memory alone isn't a satisfying guiding principle. Especially not in a complex story like Naruto. It's simply 'something that happened' and it didn't lead her to the point she then was acknowledged as kunochi (when we got introduced to her, the chains are an exception) who could be useful for a team. Ultimately her personal reasons to be strong in the first place didn't put her in a position that made Sasuke consider her for his team. She was useful and then her crush on Sasuke motivated her to join the team which is entirely different.. and having this crush wasn't her driving force as a person the way Sasuke was for Naruto. Sasuke was Naruto's driving force which made him strong which then was useful to the Shinobi world, see how that's the opposite? (There's no right/wrong here, it's just an observation.) Generally, you can't really sense that yearning she has for (Sasuke's) love, because there isn't any emotional layering to it. Nevertheless, her abilities are impressive. So, what brought her to this point in the first place if it wasn't a motivation? It is simply my personal curiosity. And arguing for her motivation being 'Sasuke' makes her abilities in the beginning of part 2 simply an attribution to her Uzumaki heritage (which is the only reason people give for her strength) or Orochimaru's experiments because there's no other explanation than that and thus, such reasoning I find incredibly lacking considering the interesting things she can do. Even using that as an excuse to defend a ship would only do it a disservice tbh. Uchiha can awaken their Sharingan but that strength still depends on the user. Anything handed to you is useless if you don't know how to use it, as we've seen with Naruto as Jinchuriki also. As well as his core reason to become stronger which wasn't ever simply to gain the Hokage title. In that sense, although a bit shallow, Karin becomes just this crazy girl that has a creepy obsession but can do really cool and useful things with her set of skills. Idk what else to say about it.
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ofwindydays · 4 months
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Black Tie Event Outfit #2 Nova Edition
Nova shuffled her way down to the bathroom at last. She was able to change in peace. She finally got the weapons out from the folds of her dress, fortunate to not maim herself. She looked at the shriken and senbon before sighing. She did found it her grandmother's room in one of the books. She can figure it out later, she was not using these unless it was an absolute emegency. What happened that day was an anomaly, never again. She was not some combat miko or a kunochi that didn't make any sense. She stepped out of the bathroom. She was a normal person nothing more.
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narhinafan · 6 months
Ino, tenten and sakura are the only kunochis that are working but hinata's only a housewife memes are still made by skr cult.
Ino is the clan leader of yamanaka clan and continue running her family flower shop.
Whereas tenten runs weapon shop and a chunin proctor.
And sakura just a doctor. And that head of konoha mental kid hospital shit is not canon only present in a filler retsuden novel. If it was then why naruto didn't contacted skr for sumire and kawaki in anime or managa.
Lets not forget the other important females of naruto who were first lady of konoha in their era but were also housewife as kushina, hinata and temari.
Kurenai was a singke mother just like skr but not continue being jounin after mirai and then theres skr who have to work in order to live and feed salad as her so called husband abandon them without contacting once. Skr broke asf as she made salad worry for rising price of tomatoes. A doctor who couldn't afford grocery.
Both karui and mikoto were housewife too but hinata only gets hate of being a housewife. When its never even once mention in hinata data book.
Its not even the retsuden novel it is present in and even then all Sakura did was set the place up with Ino's help. I think she is director of the hospital, but mostly a desk job and having her on call when needed.
Its also ironic considering both chapter 700 and gaiden show Sakura as more of a house wife. Its only the anime that shows her having a job at the hospital.
Also Hinata is still a ninja and can go on missions, she just choses not to so she can raise her children. Unlike Sakura who practically let Sarada fend for herself its hilarious that despite apparently being a director of the hospital Sakura is poor what does she spend her money on for that to happen.
But yeah Hinata is the only one to get the hate even though she has two not one child to look after and raise unlike the others and hence less time compared to the other wives.
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Mito Uzumaki
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Former jinchūriki and from the Uzumaki clan a ninja from Uzisho
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While never gaining full control over Kurama itself, Mito was able to access Kurama's ability to sense negative emotions.(chapter 545 basically all you need to know about them in this chapter)
said to be an powerful kunochi fourth databook
Uzumaki are known to have strong life force and well verse in fuinjutsu.
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The Strength of a Hundred Technique is the concept of releasing a large amount of chakra at once by speeding up the rate of cell division in order to regenerate. By activating the mark, any damage can be healed as long as the user has chakra left. Also this technique's power can be temporarily transferred to another person upon physical contact.
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However, the user shortens their natural lifespan whenever this technique is used so they can’t use it forever, it has limits.
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Edit: I forgot Mito sealed kurama inside herself. Not something to scoff at.
Another intresting character with lack of screentime.
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bchargoistheartist94 · 10 months
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Kimberly from Street Fighter 6
According to the official Street Fighter website: Kimberly Jackson is the first African-American female character to appear in the mainstream SF games! She is a kunochi-in-training, fights in the style of Bushin Ryū Ninpō, but also a graduate student and she��s a really talent graffiti artist. 💯👏😘
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aloeverified · 2 years
sick of people headcanoning suna as being similar to the middle east and then only applying stereotypes like it being misogynistic and extremely violent.
how about instead, the people of suna are extremely kind and have a very caring community for each other. it's a much smaller country than the leaf, and therefore most of its people know each other. the citizens are very thankful for the shinobi and the ninja do their best to keep their people safe.
however, due to their smaller population and lesser amount of ninja, it became a lot easier to become overly controlled by their corrupt kage. this caused the civilian community to rely on themselves more than the government; which sparked neighborhood sandstorm patrols and free healthcare provided for those affected by hostile ninja.
i also think the women are very respected as they do most jobs outside of ninja-work. most hospitals, restaurants, and shops are run by women who are typically married to shinobi. women are also allowed to be kunochi, of course, as choice is something widely promoted in suna after gaara becomes kazekage.
and since religion is something that still exists in naruto, i like to think suna has a large muslim population and many of its beliefs are prominent in the country; such as honestly, kindness, and being respectful. and since alchol is discouraged in the quran, most of suna's residents don't drink and are regarded as being more responsible and truthful by the people of other countries.
and besides hijabs and other religious coverings, headscarfs and other body cloths are popular in suna fashion due to their protection against the sun and rough sand. most visitors to suna fall in love with their fashion and buy a few outfits while there to bring back home with them.
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madara-fate · 1 year
This very random but I kind of wished Kishimoto emphasized on sakura other goal which was to become excellent kunochi
I don't really think that needed to be emphasised, because she very clearly became an excellent kunoichi in front of everyone. She was even acknowledged by Hashirama "The God of Shinobi" himself.
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greninjazac · 2 months
Apprentice of the living dead (closed RP)
Magic comes in different classes and ranks, with one of the major classes being that of healing magic. While healers aren’t usually seen outside of a supporting role, one rare individual managed to combine healing magic with offensive water magic that allowed them to form ninja weapons out of pressurized water. This individual was Zachary Stygian, the lone human and lone male if the Stygian Kunochi clan. While he is able to use his magic to heal injuries…..he’s unable to bring those who have perished back to life. Granted, one can learn resurrection magic if they gain the power of the gods, but his ability to automatically heal himself was the only gift he had and will be given by the goddess of water that granted him his water magic. The other way is to combine his healing magic with a more….infamous type of magic……the art of necromancy.
Necromancers being seen as weird is a goddamn understatement, especially since very few adventurers even use necromancy in the first place…..even then they use it only to summon a familiar skeleton. No, the real necromancers are those who are able to summon a whole party’s worth of undead warriors or servants to aid in combat, but the power to control the dead at that level requires someone with a strong will…..and Zac just so happened have a strong will to protect others. But in order to use necromancy, he has to learn from a master, leading him deep into a dark forest where he finds a lonesome cabin that seemed to be occupied. Zac took a deep breath and knocks on the door, anticipation causing his heart to race nervously
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narutobyari · 6 months
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Karin Uzumaki Uchiha 💙 ❤️ 💜
Sasukes pretty girl. According to Tobi Karin is Sasukes favorite and according to the Manga the only kunochi Sasuke acknowledged is Karin and according to suigetsu they had some quality time in the hideout and according to gaiden Sasuke and Karin have a secret relationship. + both of them activated new powers for each other, sasuke being non-aggressive towards karin all the time and his favoritism towards her shows in how he treats the other Taka members. A cute girl, the only girl to whom he smiled so beautifully ❤️ The most tender smile we got from Sasuke was to a helpless girl in the forest. Things started there ❤️
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danicadenniss · 2 months
Hamato Alexandria Sora Casoy
Home: Tiran City, United Republic of Nation
Abilities: Water Bending, Healing, Water Breathing, Dragon Transformation
Elements: Water
Dates of Birth: Early July 2007
Occupation: Student At Titan City School, Kunochi
Affiliation: Hamato Clans, Ninja Turtles, Rebellion Alliance
Family Members: Hamato Aya (mother), Cameron Akio Casoy (father), Hamato Yoshi+ (paternal grandfather), Tang Shen+ (paternal grandmother), Hamato Miwa (paternal aunt), Hamato Yuuta (paternal great grandfather), Mikado Casoy (maternal grandmother), Ayumu Casoy (maternal grandfather), Emperor and Empress Casoy+ (maternal great grandparent), unnamed maternal great great grandfather+
Species: Human-Water Dragon Hybrid
Ethnicity: East Asian (1/8 Chinese, 7/8 Japanese, 4/8 Rykuyuan)
Height: 4’9-5’0
Hair Color: Natural Navy Bluish Black
Eyes Colors: Human-Amber, Dragon-Mint Green
Skin Color: Human-Light/Fair Tan, Dragon-Light Blue/Cyan
Voiced By Grace Rolek
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the12thnightproject · 11 months
(A letter, slightly singed, appears in your askbox, which reads...)
To whom it may concern,
We have struggled with our culture shocks, however, we have obtained employment. My younger brother and two of my younger sisters are safe, but unfortunately, we have yet to find one. This is immensely troubling to us. If you should find a young woman who introduces herself as "Lacrimosa" or "Mizuko," please send word to the Azuchi city infirmary.
I don't have much to report, but all the best for the reader of this letter.
Kyōsuke Tairabayashi/ Duke Delmare
You can read "P.S.," but this section of the letter is completely burned away...)
Dear Kyosuke,
Your letter... or to be more specific, part of your letter, travelled all the way up to the Echigo Province, as relayed by a series of the Takeda Mitsumono. I have no idea if this is where you were trying to send it, because your correspondence was mixed among our reconnaissance reports. Sute, the kunochi who originally delivered the packet does not know how it got in there (Sute is a fierce fighter... but her attention span is occasionally a little... um... short). The postscript of the letter appears to burned off... so who knows what your letter went through before it came into my possession.
Of course we're more than happy to keep a look out for your lost sibling - is it at all possible that she would have travelled up this way? If so, are you able to send a description of the missing girl and where you last saw her? The fastest and most direct way to get in touch with us from Azuchi is to drop your letter off at the booksellers in the center of the castle town. The old man working there will make sure it reaches the destination.
Good luck,
PS You mentioned "culture shock" ... could your sister have become homesick and returned to your place of origin? Or is returning physically impossible?
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