southsidestory · 3 years
Sarada for character ask~ 🥗
As always @kuppincakes I love to hear from you 🥰
I have to admit that although I'm very fond of Sarada, I've given less thought to her than most SS fans. Scarlet Spring enraged me so much that I swore off thinking about anything after 699 💀 which sadly includes our darling Salad. So this is a nice opportunity to think about Sasuke and Sakura's daughter!
favorite thing about them - I said "determination" for Sakura and tbh I think that's the same answer for Sarada. From what (admittedly little) I've seen of her, she seems to have inherited this from her mom!
least favorite thing about them - The only thing I can honestly say that I dislike about Sarada is that she exists post 699. Which isn't at all HER fault lmao
favorite line - Idk her lines well I'm sorry!!
brOTP - I really like her dynamic with Boruto, and I could see them as bros.
OTP - I'm not familiar enough with her generation to have a true OTP, but I suspect I'd ship her with Chou Chou. They're cute af together.
nOTP - Don't have a nOTP here for obvious reasons, buuuut I don't want her with Orochimaru's kid. Mostly because I'm so freaked out by the fact that Oro reproduced somehow 😂
random headcanon - When Sasuke is old, grey, and retired, he keeps a garden (it's mostly an excuse to get homegrown tomatoes out of his own backyard) and Sarada brings him seeds for various veggies and flowers for him to plant. She usually ends up going home with a basket full of vegetables she didn't ask for... but she loves it because Sasuke gave them to her.
unpopular opinion - I think my refusal to acknowledge 699 (beyond occasional cherrypicking) is not a popular choice. A lot of folks seem to be very into canon SasuSaku+Sara family life (for good reason!) and that's just not my bag, despite enjoying Sarada as a character.
song i associate with them - "Confident" by Demi Lovato came to mind first. I like to think that as an adult, Sarada has her mother's grit and her father's confidence. Women and girls aren't really allowed to be extraordinary and acknowledge it, but if Sarada is going to be the next Hokage, she'll need to embrace her own greatness!
favorite picture of them - Her family picture with Sasuke and Sakura, of course ;)
Thanks so much for the ask! This was really fun, and I feel like I understand Sarada a little better for it <3
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pedagogicalpaprika · 4 years
Make Yourselves Forget That The Plague Is A Bitch: Book Edition
Tagged by @rocknghorss, thanks! <3
What’s the most recent book that you’ve read and absolutely fell in love with? The Kingdom of Copper, sequel to The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty. The first book was okay, but after reading the sequel I now appreciate the amount of time the author took for set-up and world building in the first book. Love me some fantasy set in the “real” world. Also, having it be based on Islamic mythology was refreshing and interesting. 
Do you keep track of how many books you’re reading every month?
Yes, when I remember. I have a GoodReads account, which helps! Sometimes I browse through recommendations and get lost reading book summaries. 
What’s your stance on the debate as to whether or not we should dissociate the artist from their art (artist = writer in this case)?
This is a very timely question, as I’m taking a course on (auto)biography. I think it’s impossible to fully separate the two, though I think one doesn’t always have to deeply analyze the author, especially if it’s a light read.
What do you do when you can’t focus on a book?
Either start a new one, or take a break and focus on something else, either art or work or a game. Eventually, when I feel the motivation to pick up the book again, I jump on that feeling. Reading slumps are real, tho. 
Do you pay attention to the gender/ethnicity/race/sexuality of the authors you’re reading, aka do you actively try to read books written by diverse writers?
Yes! I didn’t in the past, but now I’m much more conscious about what I’m reading, who the authors are, and want to read stories by more diverse authors and with diverse characters as well. 
Paperback or hardcover?
Depends. I love a pretty hardcover (aside: the plastic protective covers that libraries put on them creates one of my favorite sounds...weirdly specific, I know), but paperbacks are great for carrying around (and are cheaper, lbr).
Which language would you like to learn just to be able to read its untranslated literature?
Oh man, that’s tough. I’m studying Hungarian, and my mom says that Hungarian poetry is really lovely, so hopefully I’ll be proficient enough one day to read and appreciate the poetry/literature.
Pick up the book that is closest to you. convince me to read it in less than 10 sentences.
lol, my kindle is closest to me. Um, “real” book, let’s see...Oh, on my bedside table I have Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik. I loved the author’s book Uprooted, which is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and this book is a reimagining of Rumpelstiltskin. I’m only just starting it, but I am really enjoying it so far, her writing style is very unique and immersive, and has awesome female leads. 
I’ll tag @kuppincakes @karisimas and @themodethecitythesoul, but no pressure! Anyone else who wants to answer these, go for it~
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southsidestory · 3 years
Back again with Sasuke for the character ask meme because it’s always Sasuke o’clock on my clock and I was concerned nobody submitted him yet 🥺🍙
It's always Sasuke o'clock in my house too! How funny is that ;)
favorite thing about them - His resilience. Sasuke has suffered more than any person should have to bear, but he survived it without losing himself (though admittedly it was a close call there for a few years lol)
least favorite thing about them - I love everything about Sasuke, even his least sympathetic qualities, but I guess if I had to pick something... probably his tendency to underestimate his opponents. His arrogance bites him in the ass a lot, and it can be frustrating to watch!
favorite line - "The people that are the hardest to love are usually the ones who need it the most."
brOTP - Sasuke and Naruto.
OTP - if someone doesn't know the answer to this, they must be brand new to my blog 😂
nOTP - Sasuke and Karin. I don't normally have nOTPs but goddamn do I hate that ship with a passion.
random headcanon - Sasuke was already in love with Sakura when he left Konoha, and it's a large part of why he left. Because he believed love was a weakness, and if he indulged his love for her--and his platonic love for Naruto and Kakashi--he could never get revenge.
unpopular opinion - I think Sasuke is kind of an asshole. Don't get me wrong, he's traumatized af and there are very understandable reasons for why he is the way he is. But. He's rude, arrogant, aloof, and a few other not-so-flattering adjectives. I understand why SS fans often see him as softer, especially if you take into account post 699 Sasuke, but I enjoy that he has an edge and I love exploring it.
song i associate with them - "The Scientist" by Coldplay gives me serious Sasuke (and SS) feels
favorite picture of them - Team 7 group photo, forever and always <3
Thank you for another fun ask @kuppincakes I so love Sasuke and I'm glad I got the chance to do this meme for him too!
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southsidestory · 4 years
Thanks so much for the ask @kuppincakes!
From Chapter 1 of A Woman’s Work (aka widow!Sakura fic)
This isn’t the first time that Sakura has been used like a broodmare. Her uncle sold her to Hyuuga Hiashi six years ago, sealing the alliance between their clans with her maiden’s blood. Now Hiashi is dead, and Uncle is selling her again. She doesn’t have any maiden’s blood left to give, but apparently her name and proof of her fertility are valuable enough for her new Uchiha husband to overlook that.
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence or whole damn scene of a random WIP i’m currently writing
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southsidestory · 4 years
I finally was able to read To Leave Your Love Behind and wanted to let you know I'm already such a fan of this story! I love the perspective you're creating and sharing; demisexual Sakura makes so much sense to me and this story is (yet another) incredible work from you. Thank you for all the love and care you put into your work and I'm so excited to be able to support you on Patreon! :)
Thank you so much @kuppincakes 😭
Seriously this makes me so happy. To Leave Your Love Behind is quickly becoming one of my fave SS fics I’ve ever written. In large part because of demisexual Sakura, so I’m super happy that this version of Sakuqueen feels authentic to you.
I’m very glad to hear that you want to support me on Patreon! I’m really excited to launch soon and share everything @reylotrashcompactor and I have been working on. ❤️
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southsidestory · 3 years
Before I replied to @kuppincakes about my hair's natural curl pattern, I looked through my selfies, and I was not exactly surprised, but... a bit put off by how many I shared on days when I had straightened my hair. There are two reasons why I'm a little bothered by this:
1) I very rarely straighten my hair. I mean. VERY rarely. I think I've straightened it maybe... four times in the last year? And yet so many of my selfies were taken on days when it was straight. And in the pics when it *wasn't* straightened, I usually had it pulled up or pushed behind my shoulders, so it wasn't visible.
Basically, I have been hiding what my hair looks like in its natural state, without even realizing it. And that's not something I'm crazy about. I try to be very honest and transparent here and on my other social media platforms. I find influencer culture to be very toxic (not that I am anywhere near popular enough to count as an influencer lmao) and I don't want my presence here to always show me in my most polished state. That doesn't do anybody any favors.
I find this especially worrisome because...
2) I got my hair from my Mexican American father, not my white mother.
Everyone on my mother's side of my family has straight hair. And I do mean everyone. All six of my aunts and uncles, and all eight of my cousins. Straight hair, every one. And my mom--guys, she had the most BEAUTIFUL hair. The same color as mine, but sleek and lustrous. It felt like literal silk to the touch. I wanted her hair so bad, and I spent my whole childhood, teenage years, and into my early twenties fighting my curl pattern and texture, trying to make my hair look like hers. Needless to say, I never succeeded.
I'm just reflecting, really, that so many of the parts of myself that I have been insecure about--because they made me stand out among my family and peers, or because they led to ridicule, sexualization, and harassment--are not only things I inherited from my father, but characteristics that white supremacy has taught us to either look down on or fetishize. My wide hips and round butt. My brown nipples. My abundant, dark body hair and facial hair. My skin's hyperpigmentation. And yeah, the texture and curl pattern of the hair on my head.
I've spent most of my life attacking my facial and body hair with tweezers and trimmers and wax and razors and depilitories, because if I dared not to, the girls in my classes with blonde hair on their legs and no mustaches would tell me I was gross, that I needed to shave, that I looked like a boy or a monkey. To this day, I try to hide my hips and ass with the clothes I choose, because from about the age of 11 on I've had boys and men comment on that part of my body if I wear tight pants or a form fitting dress. The first time my ex saw me without a bra on, I was terrified of what she'd think about my breasts, both because they're small and because my nipples are brown. And at the age of 19, I had never seen porn, or read a romance novel, or even found fanfic featuring a white woman with brown nipples.
I want to be very, very clear that I am not trying to co-opt the experiences of WOC by talking about this. I'm white. I have pale skin, I was raised by my white mom in an entirely white family in an almost entirely white town, and I have bucketloads of white privilege.
My purpose in talking about this is to point out the ways in which, even though *I* am white, I think a white supremacist society has taught me to dislike the things about myself that I inherited from the part of my family that is *not* white. And that is very, very fucked up. I don't find those traits--pear shaped bodies, coily or curly or wavy hair, body hair, hyperpigmented skin--unattractive on other women. But if I'm STILL so insecure about these things that I've been (subconsciously) hiding them online... I'm carrying some of that negativity out into the world with me. And that's not good.
So. Next time I post a selfie, it won't be with my hair straightened. And if I'm feeling saucy, maybe I'll wear some tight pants to show off my big ass too 😘
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