#kuroshitsuji chapter 137
kuroshithead · 5 months
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first time drawing ciel!! its so hard drawing child proportions 😭 anyways, probably not the xmas art you were expecting but hope yall eat it up regardless <3
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♞Kuroshitsuji Joker Theory♞
(Beware, for this will contain Kuroshitsuji manga spoilers.)
Okay, so a thought literally just occurred to me. I will do my utmost very best to explain it the best way I possibly can, so please bear with me.
So, I've discovered here on tumblr that there is this theory speculating that Polaris is probably Joker:
Which to be honest, is a very good theory that I personally enjoy, for it honestly makes a lot of sense. And in my opinion, it kind of makes a lot more sense since Doll was recently revealed within the manga as well. However, when I decided to re-read a page from the manga —Specifically chapter 137, I had discovered something that I'm hoping everyone else that read the manga saw as well.
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Now, if this guy is Joker like the theory said, then...
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WHO THE BLOODY HELL IS THIS GUY, THEN?! Could it be that Joker isn't Polaris afterall? Because who else could this person shown here be? BUT yet again, what if this cloaked man actually is Joker? Allow for me to explain.
Now, I recently thought of a bit of a theory that could perhaps make sense. Do you guys remember when Barron Kelvin remade the basement into the place where R!Ciel was sacrificed in, especially the locked in cages that contained those poor children?
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How on earth could this absolute madman possibly had known how it looked down to every detail when he wasn't even there? The fact that he created it so that it would look exactly like how O!Ciel, and R!Ciel had experienced it is quite bizarre say the least...But I think that there may be an answer to that.
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What if this guy actually is Joker? Perhaps Joker was a witness to this whole thing, and as soon as things started to escalate, he quickly left. Perhaps that would also explain why we didn't see this guy get killed by Sebastian within the manga when O!Ciel gave him his first order to kill the ones who did those horrid things to both O!Ciel and R!Ciel. (And how this guy hadn't been shown anymore after that one panel in chapter 137. This dude literally made one single appearance, then dipped. Coincidence? I think NOT!)
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And not to mention that when the news was broken to Baron Kelvin that a buyer had gotten ahold of the Phantomhive twins, and that they were to later on be used as sacrificial lambs, Kelvin had begged to be taken to that same place that they were in:
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And since Kelvin himself couldn't just go with the man who had just broken the news to him (due to not being able to walk due to his recent operation, and because the man had hurried up and left the room when Kelvin began to behave hysterical), what if Kelvin himself had ordered Joker to go follow the man to the location where the twins were being held, and perhaps save the twins, thus is why this cloaked individual here is randomly shown in Chapter 137 of Black Butler? I like to imagine that Joker had made it to the location, he disguised himself as a member of the cult to blend in with the crowd, and was pretty much silently watching everything unfold before his very eyes.
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This would also explain how Kelvin knew of how the place where R!Ciel had been sacrificed, and how it all went down.—Because Joker told him everything about it. (i.e the appearance, the cages, the children within the cages, the table used for the sacrifice, the pentagram engraved under the sacrificing table, etc.) He probably didn't tell Kelvin about Sebastian being summoned, for Kelvin probably would've thought Joker was spouting nonsense.
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And by the look on Jokers' face within this panel of the manga, I'm quite certain that fear isn't the only thing you can see on his face, but also guilt and anxiousness. I have a theory speculating that whilst Kelvin was boasting about re-creating the basement to look exactly as that satanic alter where R!Ciel was sacrificed, Joker was probably afraid that Kelvin was gonna reveal to Ciel that he had sent Joker to the place where those horrid things had happened to he and his brother that very day which probably would've caused Ciel to go mad, and probably shoot Joker, or just order Sebastian to murder him right away. But Kelvin wasn't able to finish his sentence due to Ciel immediately shooting him:
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(Serves this nigga right, for I'd shoot his ass, too 🤷🏽‍♀️)
What do you guys think about this? I mean, don't get me wrong, I feel like I could be incorrect about all this, or that it could just be a coincidence, but yet again, you also gotta think to yourself—Not everything is a coincidence in Kuroshitsuji, for there are quite a lot of observations to make when it's a supernatural series full of all of numerous different mysteries.
But yeah, that's really all I've got to say about that, but let me know what you guys think about this theory.~
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astre-bleu · 5 years
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kjgers · 6 years
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He has waaaay more than five eyes, like what the hell
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blackbootyler · 6 years
Does anyone have black butler chapter 137 in English? Please DM me if u do
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chibimyumi · 3 years
Hello and thank you for all your contribution to the Black Butler fandom!
Regarding chapter 137, when Sebastian enters the human world, I wanted to ask what you thought about the demon’s exaplantion for his summoning, more specifically, about when he told the remaining twin that he had sacrificed his brother for him to cross over. I am curious whether you believe that to be a lie or a misunderstanding on the demon’s part or something else? The way I see it, Sebastian wasn’t lying, but I would like to know what you or maybe part of the fandom, if you know, thought about those moments.
Dear Anon,
Aww thanks for the kind words ^^
Surely a very interesting question! I think the official English translators left some space for interpretation, and I find it no surprise people would wonder about that. In the Original Japanese however, I really would say Sebas was in fact lying. Or actually better said, “presenting an event” in a twisted way to manipulate the poor boy.
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My apologies for people who have been following me for a while now, but for first-timers, Japanese is a null-subject language, meaning that a subject is not necessary to form a complete sentence. If you do add an subject, you draw special emphasis to it.
In this first bubble Sebas says:
Anata ga watashi wo shoukan suru tame ni shiharatta daishou wa
The price YOU paid to summon me is
Because here Sebas did add a subject, the subject [you] is emphasised.
Secondly, there is the verb “shiharatta”, meaning “paid”. In this sentence, “paid” is not the passive term, but active. Meaning that Sebas here actively means O!Ciel went through the motion of paying a price. In combination with the emphasised subject and the active verb, Sebas here specifically stresses “you actively paid for summoning me”, implying responsibility to lie with the boy.
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Then as though the injury is not bad enough, Trash Demon™ adds insult to it.
Nikushin wo ikenie ni suru to wa zuibun to omoikitta koto wo
To turn your own blood relative into a live sacrifice, you sure made a drastic move
The first part “wo ikenie ni suru” is a very active verb, meaning that somebody actively turned somebody into a live sacrifice; that is to say that this sacrifice did not passively happen to them. Then to finish the sentence, Sebas adds another ‘wo’, which is an active verb particle. By adding this particle, Sebas lays double emphasis on O!Ciel having actively made a drastic move himself, again laying the responsibility into the boy’s hands.
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u...uso da, bo...boku ga Ciel wo ikenie ni shita nante...
O!Ciel protests, saying “i...it’s a lie, that I turned Ciel into a live sacrifice...” also repeating the active verbs Sebas used. And Sebas mercilessly responded: “事実です”,  it is true.
Japanese is a very context-heavy and subtle language wherein nuances and emphases are added because they should mean something. For Sebas (or Yana) who is so incredibly eloquent and precise with vocabulary, him actively choosing these words can only mean that he deliberately wished to put the responsibility for R!Ciel’s death into O!Ciel’s hands, making him be overcome with guilt.
Obviously O!Ciel never made any choice for all this to happen, and everything happened because the cult members decided so. Hence, by saying otherwise, Sebas lied.
I hope this helped ^^ Sorry I kinda destroyed any interpretive liberty for this part...because that really would have been interesting too!
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flangobear · 5 years
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cursedpdfs-moved · 5 years
Ciel: right now my illnesses do not matter, all I care about is protection from any and all external harm. We'll deal with illness when we get to it
Ciel, a week later: *gets sick*
Sebastian, a supernatural being so unfamiliar with Earth he doesn't even know how to boil water properly: well what the fuck do you expect me to do now
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Ch 143 review: what Ciel was dreading
When Our Ciel was trying to decide whether to take Sebastian’s offer of a contract, part of the reason he made the decision he did was because he dreaded telling the truth to his family.  
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(ch 137 pg 15)
But now he’s facing exactly that situation:
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(ch 143 pg 6)
It’s brutal.
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kuro-von-shitsuji · 6 years
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What messed me up most about Chapter 137 is that after years of speculation on Sebastian’s true form the boots aren’t connected to anything
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weston-hcs · 6 years
Kuroshitsuji Chapter 137
This chapter has been translated from the Chinese scans provided by the amazing @asthmaticastre! I am in no way fluent in Chinese and was provided some help with this so this translation may not be entirely accurate to the Japanese when it comes out. I’m posting these so that @hotteokah has ease when providing their translation as well. With that, read more to see what Chapter 137 has in store for us.
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Stained in filth!
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“Who is it that has called upon me?”
“You have payed a great sacrifice. What is it that you desire with the price of disaster and tragedy?”
“Who is the fool that has forsaken God?”
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“It’s really here!” “It can’t be!” “Is this real? Is it a dream!“ 
“Oh Lord, please forgive me….” “We’ve finally succeeded.”
“Grant me a life of wealth and power!” “No, give it to me!" 
"PLEASE! Pick me." 
"No, not you.”
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One whole page of screaming until the last panel.
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“I’ve found you!”
“Oh… This really is quite a young master!”
“Now, were you not the one who called my name?”
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“Me? It couldn’t have been. I didn’t call you!”
“No. It was you.” “You who cursed God, creator of this world." 
"A great sacrifice has been paid for what you desire!" 
 "I didn’t have anything… what….” “A sacrifice… Sacrifice…. It couldn’t have been….”
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“Now now." 
"You have already paid the price with your brother’s soul." 
"You sacrificed even your own blood relative, impressive! This is what I call a gift of value, worthy of summoning me!”
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“Look at this!” // (Can also be read as “Enjoy this!”)
“Now, seal our contract. I shall become your servant.”
“Have your foolish dreams fulfilled, until your own soul’s demise!”
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“No… How could I have given Ciel… as a sacrifice?" 
"How unfortunate… Though, if you didn’t pay this sacrifice, there is no way that I could have appeared in this world." 
"No… Ciel… It’s a lie…." 
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"Who would have thought the one who called out to me from the top of his lungs would be one like you! A child with a brain smaller than a bird’s egg!”
“How… How…" 
"You have summoned me. This fact shall never change. Something that is lost, can never be recovered.”
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“Disappear! If that is what you want. But that would require an even greater sacrifice…" 
"Whether you will form a contract with me and have your wishes fulfilled, Is up to you now!”
“You have already paid the price." 
"I… I want…”
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What should I do?
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It’s all my fault… It’s my fault that this happened to Ciel. He could have survived. I’m not like Ciel who was good and powerful.
I have nobody to go back to, I’m all alone. Our parents are no longer with us. If I return, they’ll only be disappointed with me. What about our old butler? Elizabeth will be really sad. Why did Ciel have to die? We can’t go back home. Aunt Francis. Aunt Ann. Why did Ciel die instead of this useless shit? Even Sebastian would disapprove!
What can I do? What can I even do? What can I do?
Ciel! Ciel! CIEL!
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“Nothing will happen. Because I’m here.”
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Ah… That’s right.
You’re gone…
Because I sacrificed your soul to summon the devil.
“Now then. Choose.”
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We had the same face, but we were nothing alike.
You were strong and kind, but you were afraid of being alone.
I was weak and timid. I was only your accessory.
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No matter what…. Time can’t go back. It’s impossible for you to come back. So I….
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Though we had the same face, I was different from you
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In exchange for your soul, I’ll become the person that you want me to be.
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“I want power… Enough so that I could make the ones who destroyed my family suffer. The power to take revenge.”
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Once again, thanks to @asthmaticastre for the scans. Be sure to check out @hotteokah‘s version for a different side, as translated from the Korean scans. 
@smolshork noticed that the particular panel of O! Ciel’s eye before he thinks of R! Ciel parallels the look that Soma after Agni died.
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butcharyastark · 6 years
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spot the difference
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tulipgardens1 · 6 years
Kuroshitsuji fandom wondering when the flashbacks will end and the story will return to present time
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Here is what we have
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kurotwins · 6 years
So back in chapter 123 we saw while Blavat was walking by, the doors for each star (Polaris, Sirius, Vega, and Canopus) had someone saying something except Sirius (which we can now probably say housed R!Ciel) I guess now we can assume one of them had Tanaka as the voice said “this butler...” but who do you think belonged to the other two doors?
I’m glad you mentioned this!  We haven’t gotten many more clues to work with as to the identities of the Stars, but I do have a few thoughts…
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In order above, from left to right, each door corresponds to Polaris, Vega, Canopus, and Sirius.  We can say with confidence that Sirius is Real Ciel, and in this scene, it appears he is sleeping, perhaps fading a bit due to the lack of fresh blood.  It’s still unclear who Canopus and Vega are, though it seems that Vega are actually twins (as indicated by their speaking in unison and their bedroom in the panel below).
But what really intrigues me is Polaris.  Look at the speech bubbles.  The font used for Polaris’s speech is the same font that is used for Sebastian’s speech when he is in his demon form…
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There must be a reason for that.  Perhaps someone who can read the Japanese version can look at the text and compare? @akumadeenglish Any insights on why the font for Polaris in the Yen Press English version is different from the others’ but the same as Sebastian’s demon speech?
If that was done deliberately as a hint, then I’m thinking Polaris is definitely supernatural, if not a demon himself.  If he’s the one who stabbed Agni, we saw his unusual strength and speed demonstrated.  We also see from his bedroom that there are knives and slashes everywhere.  I don’t think Tanaka is Polaris, though Polaris is claiming to be a butler in the scene with Blavat.
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As for Canopus, he seems to be someone from a lower class (judging from his bedroom as compared to the others), and he seems to bleed a lot (as shown from the many bloody bandages next to the bed).  In Chapter 114, we get a glimpse of someone who might be Canopus, since Lizzie is next to his chair (Lizzie has the ‘Canopus’ blood) and she might be donating blood to him.
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Hopefully, we’ll get some answers soon!  Thanks for your question!
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chibimyumi · 5 years
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That Butler, Chonk
An abridged redraw of Kuro chapters 137 and 138.
╮ (* ^ω^ *) ╭ Sorry not sorry
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