#kuroshitsuji translation
icantdothistodaybruh · 4 months
some silly doodles to take my mind off of things🕊
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bihastuff · 5 months
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Maaya was worried about Ciel going to school because he is an introvert 😭
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meowlier · 6 months
sebastian being dadbastian in ukrainian translation of black butler and calls finny "the child of our «family»" here
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uwusayssnake · 1 year
Snake and his friends in chapter 202
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"We’re all here, says everyone"
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jokertrap-ran · 2 months
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[Yume100 x Kuroshitsuji Memory Piece] 5★ 夢世界の冬: Winter in the Land of Dreams Translation
The Princes of the Country of Four Seasons invite Sebastian and Ciel to a special tea ceremony in Hourai. As time passes peacefully… What are Ciel’s thoughts on the matter as Oka, Hikage, Kaede, and Toya share their daily life experiences as well as their thoughts on the Princess of Traumere?
*Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut
In the Country of Four Seasons, Hourai.
Bright, warm, sunlight shines down upon the lands, almost as if celebrating the disappearance of the Reanimated Corpses.
Oka: Earl Ciel Phantomhive. I humbly thank you again for saving this Country. I cannot bear to imagine what would've happened if it weren't for your timely intervention.
Toya: We offer you our sincerest thanks. This is but a small token of our appreciation that we've managed to put together on such short notice.
Ciel was going to be heading to the Country of Koubai tomorrow in pursuit of the Reanimated Corpses.
Ciel: No need to thank me. That monster was something that came from my world in the first place.   Ciel: Hence, there was no need to hold this event either.
The mystery of the Reanimated Corpses and a promising lead on how to get home…
Ciel thought that perhaps he could glean some tidbits of useful information by participating in a tea ceremony attended by the influential members of the royal families.
Hikage: It's so warm today that you'd never guess that it's the middle of winter right now! Heck, a swim sounds good!
Kaede: Don't be daft. Although… I suppose idiots can't catch colds.
Hikage: Come again!?   Oka: Both of you! You're before our guests right now! Besides, you should refrain from doing things that bring a smile to Toya’s face…
Toya: Heh, I can't believe you're chiding them again.
The princes’ peaceful day was unfolding before Ciel’s very eyes.
Sebastian: Your tea, Young Master.
Sabastian skillfully slides another cup of tea before the young Earl.
The pleasant aroma of Horai’s renowned high-quality tea wafted in the air, but Ciel's expression remained as sullen as ever.
Hikage: But, man! Your butler’s on a whole other level! What was his name again? Sebastian? 
Hikage: He's crazy strong, and the tea he brews is a delight on the taste buds!
Kadae: Even my attendant was surprised, and wondered just how he managed to make tea taste so good.
Sebastian: I'm humbled to hear that.
Oka: I feel a tad ashamed as the host since my skills pale in comparison to his…
Ciel: Don't take it to heart. He's my butler, and he's simply following orders.
Ciel: …Looks like we've come up empty.
Toya: Is something the matter?
Ciel: No, everything's fine.
Time passed peacefully for a while before Ciel sighed again.
Hikage: Say, is (Y/n) reaching anytime soon?
Oka: One of my attendants informed me earlier that she was having some trouble getting dressed in her kimono.
Kaede: I see. I can already imagine her running around in a panic.
Oka: Hehe, well that certainly does sound like something she'd do.
Toya: Yup. The incident with the Reanimated Corpses was a terrible disaster, but… I'm glad we got to meet her.
Ciel: …
Ciel was still unable to comprehend just how this girl was the one standing at the crux of this world.
An average Jane who was nothing like a princess…  He wouldn't have believed it either if he hadn't witnessed her mysterious powers first-hand.
Ciel: All of you seem to hold the Princess of Traumere in high regard.
Hikage: High regard? Well… I guess. She's amazing!
Ciel: …?
Hikage: No, I mean — (Y/n) usually prioritizes the needs of others over her own all the time!
Oka: Indeed. More often than not, she's the one who ends up getting hurt due to how much she sympathizes with others.
Kaede: You'll never be able to guess just by looking at her, though…
Toya: She was really worried for me back when I was unable to smile…
Oka: That being said, she never fails to show us just how important kindness is.
Hikage: That's right! And that's why everyone smiles whenever they see her!
Ciel: …
Now, Ciel had moved on from his initial astonishment as sparks of irritation began to flicker into life within his heart.
Ciel: No one would ever put themselves out there like that.
People only used others as stepping stones, just like how Ciel was trying to use the Princes for his own gains.
Ciel: No matter how you try to gloss it over with pretty words or looks alike, ultimately, everyone only does things to serve their personal benefits…
Ciel: That's just how people are…
Sebastian: …
Sebastian watched the scene unfold before him with a small smile playing on his lips 
However, the tense atmosphere only lasted a little more than a split second…
Hikage: Yeah, and that's why she's so amazing.
Hikage’s clear voice cuts through the tension, allowing the peaceful atmosphere to trickle in once more.
Ciel: Huh?
Hikage: Because that's just how she is! It's fun to be around her, and she's always there to lend a helping hand if anything does happen!
Oka: Heh, I'm of the same mind as well.
Kaede: She does say it with such innocence after all — how she loves the smiles on the faces of others around her…
Toya: But the same can be said for us too… We want her to keep smiling, always.
Ciel: Like I said, people like that-
Hikage: Rather than that- Hey, Ciel!
Hikage: Why don't we go for a walk? This place boasts some breathtaking scenery! You should take some time to enjoy it since you've come all the way here!
Unable to retort to that and feeling slightly drained, Ciel could only back down.
Ciel: …Sebastian. It's winter now, isn't it?
Sebastian: Yes. It is currently winter in this world and in this country right now.
Ciel: I see … It seems like their world is truly on a different level compared to ours.
Ciel: Hence why their winters are so warm.
Looking at the gentle rays of the sun that trickled down from the heavens, Ciel closed his eyes, smiling ever so slightly.
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every-grelle-sutcliff · 4 months
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abybweisse · 8 months
Ch208, Spoilers part 2
One day, some visitors come, and they look like they are from a circus. I don't know the circumstances in which they get to take him away. Do they break him out? Does his "owner" sell him off? Does something happen to the owner of the freak show?
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Whatever the case, Joker asks him what's his name, and apparently Snake didn't really have one (that he could recall?), so Joker simply names him "Snake". Meanwhile, I see someone (Dagger, I think) bringing children into the back of a wagon; are they being collected for Kelvin?!?
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Doll puts out a hand and offers for Snake to leave with them. He accepts the offer and goes with them to Noah's Ark Circus.
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There, Doll seems to ask "チキンと汁一クどつち食う?", which google translates as "Would you rather eat chicken or a cup of soup?" Snake doesn't give an answer, so Doll says "黙ってちやわかんねーだろ?", like "You can't just keep quiet, right?" Then Jumbo walks over. I haven't had time yet to translate what he says, but Snake still isn't talking.
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Emily tells Snake "...チキン" (chicken), and finally Snake says "あとメスりて言ってる" (I'm saying it's a female) or "あとメス りて言ってる" (Also, it says female). I'm not sure if Jumbo and Doll are excited about that snake being a girl, Snake speaking with snakes, or simply the fact that Snake has finally said something.
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Then Jumbo says something like "これはしデイに失礼をお名前を伺っても?" (Please excuse me if I ask your name?). Either that or more like "My apologies to this day. May I ask your name?"
The bubble with "そうですね... エミリー なんてどうでしよう" means something like "I agree... Emily, what should I do?" Followed by "嵐が丘 の考者 エリス・ベルの本名です" (This is the real name of Ellis Bell, the thinker [author] of Wuthering Heights).
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Snake considers the name "Emily" for this snake, and then another snake gets in the way and Snake says "俺にも名前を付けてくれ つて言つてる" (Give me a name, too, it's saying).
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Looks like the other snakes all want Jumbo to name them.
Then Dagger and Doll work on an outfit for him, and they are later shown enjoying meals together.
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But time passes, and then one day our earl and Sebastian show up....
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I'll try to get more translations done soon.
EDIT: Corrections:
Doll offers chicken or pork (not chicken or soup)
Snake says something more like "chicken... says the female one"
Jumbo calls the female snake "lady" when he apologizes
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Found an old fic wip. Where there's some kind of big reception at the Phantomhive estate (maybe for Christmas, maybe because they were trying to lure out a suspect. Idk, past me was sure I'll remember).
And in the middle of it for supernatural reasons Sebastian is slowly loosing grasp on his human disguise. It starts standart with eyeglow and sharp teeth. Then progresses to extra eyes on his face or neck. Then it starts getting freaky (aka extra limbs, gaping snake like maw etc). He is also has this flashes of not quiet being in control of himself mentally. So after each episode he will will any changes away but it slowly gets more and more out of hand.
Which is not good, considering the whole manor is pact full of very important and very mortal people.
The bastard is too prideful to show that anything is wrong to Ciel (but also it's not like he can shoo the whole party away. That would greatly damage the earl's reputation. So what's the point?) . You know who notices? Servants that are right there and can see the whole thing even if he is doing his best to hide it. They already kinda know that he isn't a normal human. So Baldroy just goes:
"yeah, that's weird. But we are working with human snake hybrid and child human experiment. We figured that the immortal twink that never talks about his past is freaky too"
And then they all work together in insuring that the event goes smoothly. Why keeping seb from the public and trying to keep him in check.
Idk. Maybe I'll be brave and finish it. Or maybe this plot bunny wip is entertaining solely to me and me alone.
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greytern · 10 months
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he likes tea more than coffee ^^
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sp00ky9 · 3 months
Don’t play with me rn we just got the dynamic duo back
EDIT!! In the image it says
“we will prepare ourselves mentally and physically to proceed with the necessary interviews and preparation for the climax of "Black Butler” guys…
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blondeaxolotl · 10 months
Do Seb and Othello get cuddly and sweet together too or are they more besties and just hang out??
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When their wife (grell) is out having a ladies night with madame red and mey-rin, yeah they do cuddle sometimes
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207 need I say more ?
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meowlier · 6 months
so in ukrainian "дворецький" is a male butler while "дворецька" is a female butler. after the reveal of grell being a grim reaper she is actually refered to as "дворецька" (female butler) by herself and by sebastian as well.
it's official, in ukrainian translation grell uses she/her and is referred to as a female!
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I'm going to patiently wait for vol3 now <3
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bihastuff · 4 months
Usually with every new episode the editor of the manga does a thread explaining certain things and one of his tweets he refers to ranmao as lau's sister in law and I'm confused now 🤔
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jokertrap-ran · 2 months
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[Kuroshitsuji Collab] 6★ William T. Spears (MOON) Translation 最終話 生活リズムは乱れなく Final Chapter: Circadian Rhythm, Unaffected
"Whilst unable to find any clues for a way to return home…"
CV: 杉山 紀彰 (Sugiyama Noriaki)
*Yume100 Masterlist *Requested by A. Carina Spears~ *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Name will remain as my normal ( ラン )
Moon Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Final Chapter / Secret Story Normal / Sun + SS
The light of the setting sun paints the brick-paved streets of the city with a tastefully orange hue.
Our inquiries had borne no fruit. Hence, we were now walking the streets in an effort to find a new way to search for clues to return William home.
Man on the Street 1: Oh, hey! If it isn't the reaper guy!
The two men we passed by stopped to strike up a conversation with William.
Man on the Street 2: Did you manage to find any leads on how to get back to your original world?
William: No, not yet. Please do inform me if you have any information whatsoever. It will be of great help.
William: I have to hurry back, for there is a long list of souls waiting to be collected.
Man on the Street 1: Oooh, what funny jokes you tell!
The man roared with laughter, smacking William on the back in jest.
(He seems to have gained popularity while I was away…)
A small chuckle left my lips as I watched him quickly straighten out his slightly rumpled suit.
He instantly glared in my direction.
Ran: I'm glad to see that the investigation's progressing!
I tried to laugh it off, but that didn't seem to help his mood as he still looked as displeased as ever…
William: What little information we've managed to obtain pertains to this country's population, climate, terrain, water quality, the statistics of ore mined…
William: The number of tailors and optical stores, the local gathering place for strays, and… the easy-going personality of the locals here. That about sums it all up.
(Personally, I think that finding out all of that information in such a short time is quite an amazing feat…)
However, the lenses of William’s glasses glinted like the sharp edge of a blade as if contravening my thoughts.
William: That being said, none of the above can be considered as a step in the right direction. Understand?
I hurriedly straightened up in response.
Ran: Yes! I’ve also requested an audience with the king in hopes of broadening the scope of our search.
William fixed me with an appraising look.
Ran: We will surely be able to cover more ground if we manage to enlist the king;’s aid.
William: …Very well.
Although he still looked as stoic as ever, I could tell that the revelation left him slightly stunned.
I smiled, happy that we were still partners.
━━━━━━━∘◦ ✰ ◦∘━━━━━━━  
That night…
The King’s messenger had approached me, informing me that we’d been granted an audience with the King.
(Looks like the king wanted us to know about this as soon as possible…)
Overjoyed to finally be of help to William, I quickly dashed off to inform him.
Ran: William-san?
Knocking on his door, a moment of silence followed before a muffled voice sounded from the other side of the door.
William: …Come in.
I slowly opened the door. And then…
━━━━━━━∘◦ ✰ ◦∘━━━━━━━  
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William: What brings you here at this hour of the night?
William was already lying in bed.
He had changed into a clean set of pajamas and his hair was no longer styled back. He wasn’t wearing his usual suit, and for some reason, it made my heart race.
Ran: S-Sorry! I didn't know that you were about to turn in for the day.
I quickly turned away, ready to close the door, but William continued speaking as if merely striking up a conversation.
William: Reapers require sleep. Were I to be disturbed, it would no doubt affect my work performance tomorrow.
Ran: Sorry… I just wanted to let you know that our request for an audience with the king got approved as soon as I could.
William: I see. Though, you could have just told me about this tomorrow.
Ran: Right…
I shrunk back at his admonishment.
William: It’s important to get off work on time and get the appropriate amount of sleep required to ensure maximum work efficiency.
William: This is a principle that I strictly adhere to, and under no cost will it be broken.
Ran: I… see?
William: You should get some rest as well. It would be an issue if you were to turn up late again.
I instantly straightened up. His words had hit a sore spot.
Ran: I won’t be late again, promise!
My answer rang loud and clear — a promise to him, and an oath to myself.
William: But of course. I look forward to working with you, partner.
Ran: …!
━━━━━━━∘◦ ✰ ◦∘━━━━━━━  
Having said so, he closed his eyes.
Ran: …Good night.
I bid him a quiet good night before closing the door behind me on the way out.
(He called me his partner…)
His words warmed my heart.
(I’ll give it my best tomorrow too!)
For some reason, this dreary-looking corridor now looked akin to a bright path to tomorrow despite how dimly-lit it was…
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