#kurostuki fanfic
mytsukkishine · 7 years
[HQ! krtk] All We Know - Epilogue
A celebrity looking for freedom, and a Youtuber wanting a break. What happens when destiny wants them to meet each other and explore an unknown country? Vlogs, pictures, broken hearts, music, and a lot of banters -- a story on how a Youtuber and a celebrity mend each other
“I feel, like nothing was real, until I met you…” Kei moved back a little to get a perfect view, smiling under his scarf as Kuroo gave him a wink, “I feel like we connect, and I really get you,” Kuroo inched closer, bumped his nose against Kei’s red ones.
Kuroo loved the sight before him. So pure and innocent. He’s falling in love again.
“If I said, "You're a beautiful girl", would it upset you?” Kei’s pout was what Kuroo expected, except the light punch on his arm. The Youtuber laughed, “Because the way you look tonight, silhouetted, I'll never forget it,”
“Oh really?” Kei answered, cheeks in full bloom blush, gaze avoiding Kuroo’s eyes for he can feel him looking inside his soul. In a good way
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randomprose · 8 years
summary: “You’re not Daichi.” “Well spotted.”  naruto!au. Kuroo as a Suna-nin and Tsukishima as a Konoha-nin
a/n: idek, man. i’m just trying to get out of my stump and this has been buzzing in my head for ages. 
He crossed the dessert and reached the village of Suna just before noon. He was halted by the gates for a brief security check before he was escorted inside after he stated his business. Suna is as hot as he remembers it when he took his Chuunin exams a year ago and Kei is starting to sweat under his armor not ten minutes since entering the village.
The usual emissary is Captain Sawamura having had a good rapport already as the official ambassador of Konoha to Suna. But Captain Sawamura just got back from a mission from Kumo last night and is currently recuperating at the hospital.
So here he is, in full ANBU regalia, enjoying simmering in his armor and mask under the scorching Suna sun. He’d cast a cooling jutsu on his person but he has to immediately get back as soon as he delivers the Hokage’s message to the Kazekage and the journey is far and long. He needs to preserve all his chakra if he wants to be able to make it back to Konoha by nightfall and his reserves aren’t up yet to what he would like it to be despite being a Chuunin and already in the ANBU ranks.
He wonders what is in the missive that was so important the Hokage is willing to dispense more human resource at such a crucial season. It can’t be about an impending war again, the previous war had ushered in a new era of peace time after all, but it has been such a long time and one can never be too sure.
The building housing the Kazekage’s office stands at the center of the village much like the Hokage Tower. The dome structure has been rebuilt and modified since the Fourth Shinobi War to accommodate the changing times. Tsukishima is led through the upper most part of the building and was told to go right inside, the Kazekage has been expecting him.
Except it wasn’t the Kazekage who greets him but rather someone who is clearly not the Kazekage lounging about in his chair.
Tsukishima halts by the doorway as the chair swivels to face him. He palms a kunai and considers a point of attack for the intruder before he sees the hitai-ate tied lopsidedly on the intruder’s forehead. The Konoha-nin makes a face behind his porcelain mask as the man faced him. The man has his fingers intertwined in front of his face like some cliché evil villain. His face is even shadowed by the Kazekage’s wide brimmed hat. It was only by the shine of his hitai-ate did Tsukishima realize that this man was actually a Suna-nin.
“Welcome, Daichi. I’ve been expecting—eh?” The man pauses and lets go of his faux sinister façade. He untangles his intertwined fingers by his face as he sits up, tilting his head to the side and affording Tsukishima a look of his face. “You’re not Daichi.”
His mouth decides to run itself before his brain could catch up with it.
“Well spotted.” Tsukishima bit out nonchalantly as he closed the door behind him. He realized it’s not a good idea to get mouthy with a ninja of another village especially to one who looks like he’s in a rank higher than him and considering he’s here as an emissary. But the Suna heat is something unbearable and he just really wants to finish this mission quick and go back home.
“Hm? And who might you be?”
“The Hokage sent me to deliver a message to the Kazekage.”
“Yes, but who are you? And where’s Daichi? He’s usually the one Ukai-sama sends out.”
“Captain just got back from a mission and is currently recuperating. I’m here as a substitute.”
“Ah, I see.” The man stands up from the Kazekage’s seat and lazily strides over to him. There’s something about him that makes his hackles rise and warning bells go off at the back of his mind. Tsukishima’s instincts are telling him this man is dangerous, but not the dangerous kind of a rogue or enemy nin but something else. He can feel lazy cat like eyes scrutinizing him and Tsukishima meets them dead on refusing to back down. “Well, you can give the missive to me, I’ll be glad to hand it over to him. I’m the Kazekage’s student. Nekomata-sensei won’t be back until much later and you probably need to be on your way.”
“Thank you for the kind offer, student of the Kazekage,” Tsukishima inclines his head in a bow “but my orders are to personally hand over the scroll to Kazekage-sama and wait for a response. Any attempts at detaining me from accomplishing them will be dealt with accordingly.”
His tone is calm, almost flat, and eerily polite but scathing enough that he makes his point across.
The man stops leering and blinks at him before stepping back and laughing. It is a hacking sort of laugh that he would’ve find amusing under different circumstances by the sheer absurdity of the sound of it. But as it is,Tsukishima has half the mind to use the kunai he’s been palming.
“Oh, man. You definitely are one of Sawamura’s.” The man stops laughing to wipe at his eyes, the Kazekage’s hat now lopsided on his head. “I’m Kuroo Tetsurou by the way. You can stop palming that kunai now.” He grins at him as he removes the hat from his head and Tsukishima finally sees the man’s face in full.
Tsukishima acknowledges him with a short incline of his head before turning to walk out of the room.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
“I’ll be waiting for the Kazekage outside. It wouldn’t be prudent to stay in his office when he’s not here.”
“What—it’s fine. Sensei wouldn’t mind.”
The Konoha-nin ignores him as he continues for the door.
“Oi! Come on now—“
The Suna-nin makes to grab for him and Tsukishima reacts by pure reflex when he felt him reaching towards his hand with the scroll. A flurry of movements later and Tsukishima’s arm is shoved up Kuroo with a kunai held against his neck. He feels a kunai pointed at the back his neck as Kuroo’s retaliation.
Sharp cat like eyes stare onto defiant ones behind the Nightingale porcelain mask. There is a hint of mirth and challenge at the Suna-nin’s and Kei narrows his eyes in a glare. Kuroo smirks and Tsukishima shoves at him.
The door opens before anything else happens and they both turn to it. The Kazekage comes in followed by another Suna-nin.
“Ukai’s messenger should be here right about—Kuroo! What have I told you about harassing the Konoha emissaries?”
Tsukishima backs away just as Kuroo lowers his weapon, sheepish as he looks away rubbing the back of his head.
“Ehh. What makes you think he’s not the one harassing me? Aren’t you supposed be on your ninjas’ side, Sensei?”
“Don’t give me that, you brat. I know Ukai’s bunch.” The Kazekage walks over to Kuroo to snatch his hat back and twap his student with it. “And what have I told you about lounging in my office?”
“Your chair’s comfy.”
“If you think I’m gonna hand over my title soon you have another thing coming, boy.” He waves away Kuroo’s crooning of ‘aww, I don’t think that, Sensei’ as he settles on his chair. He finally turns to Tsukishima and the Konoha-nin crouches before him. “Ukai’s got something for me has he?”
Tsukishima stands to hand him the scroll and watches as the Kazekage releases the seal with a few hand signs. He scans through the document for a couple of minutes before sighing and leaning back on his chair.
“Take a sit, boy; this will just be a minute.” He says as he points Tsukishima to the couch by the corner. “And take off your mask, I know you must be boiling under it. I’ll have someone bring you some refreshments.”
“Thank you, Kazekage-sama.”
He breathes a quiet sigh of relief as he removes his mask. The Suna air is as humid as it comes but it���s still a welcome breeze against his hot face. He runs a hand over his sweat drenched hair and scowls at the feeling. He really can’t wait to get the hell out of the desert.
From his perch at the windowsill behind the Kazekage, Kuroo stares at the Konoha-nin in a sort of wonder. His short blonde hair is stuck to the sides of his face and his nape but the shorter strands still curls out. His cheeks are red from the heat and it stuck out against his natural pale complexion. He’s wearing glasses, but his eyes—Kuroo doesn’t think he’s ever seen someone with eyes the color of liquid gold.
The Kazekage’s assistant comes in holding a tray of iced tea and snacks for the Konoha ANBU and Tsukishima thanks her with a slight nod and a polite smile. He sips at the drink delicately and Kuroo’s eyes followed the bobbing of his throat suddenly feeling parched.
Tsukishima felt the Sunanins’ eyes on him and he turns to meet his gaze. HE cocks a thin blonde eyebrow at him and felt a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth when Kuroo’s eyes widened and a slight blush crept up to tanned cheeks embarrassed at getting caught.
Before Kuroo could join him by the couch the Kazekage finished his reply and has handed Tsukishima the scroll to send back to the Hokage. He gave the Konoha ANBU some instructions and his wishes for Sawamura’s safe recovery after Tsukishima explained why it was him who was sent instead. He bowed low and was out before Kuroo could even blink. He looks out and Tsukishima was already halfway through the gates.
The Kazekage didn’t even flinch even as Kuroo launched himself out of his window.
“Hey! Hey, Nightingale! Hey, Konoha-nin! Wait up!”
Tsukishima halts from his tracks barely a few strides away from Suna’s gates. He turned and frowned as he saw who it was.
By Shodai. Is this the type of shit Captain Sawamura deals with every time he’s sent here? No wonder the man didn’t even sound disappointed at all (and yet a whole lot of apologetic) that he’s landed himself in the hospital before this trip.
“Hey, wait! At least tell me your name. I told you mine, it’s only polite to tell me yours.”
“I really don’t see the point in that, Kuroo-san.”
“Aww, come on. We might be seeing each other more and a lot sooner than you think.”
He narrows his eyes behind his mask at that. Not bloody likely they aren’t.
“No offense, Kuroo-san but nothing short of an S-rank will get me to return to this literal sand hell.”
Tsukishima doesn’t care. He just really wants to feel cool air again and Kuroo is making that impossible right now. He doesn’t look offended by his words, however, and he looks even thoughtful.
“Well, then, I’ll just come to you!” He beams and Tsukishima is honestly so confused. “So, come on. I can’t keep calling you Nightingale.”
Tsukishima blinks, decides he’s had enough of this and gives his name before Kuroo could open up his mouth again and prolong this more.
“Tsukishima Kei.”
He turns to leave the village and hurries away from the desert and back to the forests.
Kuroo hums to himself as he watches him leaves. A smirk to his face and a plan on the works.
What a pretty name for a pretty face.
Two days after his trip to Suna, Tsukishima was once again summoned by the Hokage. This time, it was Captain Sawamura who was sent to fetch him and he wonders at the peculiar look the Captain was sporting.
Tsukishima leaves the Hokage’s Tower confused and more than a little miffed. Turns out the highly important missive he delivered was about a joint ninja exchange training program to further strengthen the alliance and the defense between the two villages.
And one of the ninjas Suna are sending over are none other than Kuroo Tetsurou and, for some reason or by some twisted joke only Suna-nins can understand, they’ve specifically asked for him to be put in the same squad as him during the duration of the program.
The Hokage’s words are still ringing in his head even as Tsukishima is heading back to his apartment.
“Looks like Kuroo-kun has taken a liking to you.”
For whatever reason and how remains a mystery to Kei. They barely even spoke and they held a kunai against each other within the first ten minutes of meeting.
Tsukishima drops by the Missions Office for the instructions of his new assignment and learns about the program and something more.
KurooTetsurou. Jounin, A-rank. Made Chuunin by twelve, Jounin at fourteen, and ANBU by fifteen before making Captain at sixteen. Has a Flee on Sight order in five countries and a bounty of five million Ryo in the Bingo Book for notoriously tracking down and eliminating rogues. Prized student of the Kazekage. Has fire, wind, and earth for his elements and is an S-class genjutsu user. Most known for directing tactics and strategies during a civil war in Suna three years ago.
Damn. He really needs to update his Bingo Book. He literally almost lodged a kunai to a superior’s neck.
Later, when he gets home, there is a Bombay cat waiting by his window sill with a note in its mouth. Tsukishima narrows his eyes at the note but pets the cat before it disappeared in a puff of smoke. He scowls when he reads what was written in the letter.
‘I’ll see you in three days, Moonshine!’ -KT
He does, however, smile at the Marigolds that came with it.
*The Marigolds Kuroo gave Tsukishima were Desert Marigolds
**Marigold flowers are blesses with the title of “Herb of the Sun”. Growing marigold flowers is a sign of passion and creativity. According to the Welsh belief, marigolds are supposed to prevent storms in the morning.They have often been used as a symbolism of love charms. (x)
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