oceansunsets · 5 years
rules: complete all the questions you want, expand and explain your answers as much as you want, and have fun!
if you can, tag some people you want to join in on the fun!
i got tagged by @ladytective thank you, sam!! ^^ uuhh and i dont know who to tag so whoops ifdjsjefds
what ability would you have in the bsd universe? (what would it be called? what’s it’s purpose? how does it work?)
this one, im not really sure on... theres nothing that comes to me, i guess? ive never thought much about what kind of ability i would have if i were to be in the bsd universe whoops- so i guess ill have to skip this one? (will come back and edit later, though, if i figure anything out!)
if you could claim someone’s ability in bsd, whose ability would you want?
i would say... no longer human. to me, its an interesting idea to be able to nullify the abilities of others. and i guess what fascinates me the most is the fact that, there could easily be limits or consequences to using it too much or using it on a powerful being that isnt mentioned, and itd be cool to find that out for myself.
but theres rashomon (who wouldnt want a black beast who could destroy a lot?) and beast beneath the moonlight (you can turn into a tiger. a tiger)
what group/organization would you join?
(ex. guild, port mafia, armed detective agency, rats, etc.)
definitely the agency. its always been my favorite, even after all these others have been introduced, and all the members in it have all claimed my heart in one way or another. itd be really cool to join them in whatever they do, even if i probably suck at it.
which bsd character do you identify with the most?
i would say... atsushi. with the fact of having very little self worth and self esteem, around the beginning of the series. but hes getting better and im so proud of him, and can only hope that i can get better too!
but also,,,poe in terms of shyness and i guess getting anxious over being in crowds of people you dont know. im very open online, but tense up way too easily in person.
who are your top five favourite bsd characters?
imma just go out and say: i love all of the characters listed equally. they all mean so much to me
1. atsushi nakajima - first chapter, stole my heart. as the series continued on? he just kept doing it
3. osamu dazai - hes such an interesting character to learn about
4. kenji miyazawa - precious farmer boy who i also want to adopt pls
5. edgar allan poe - hes so cute and precious and??? adorable??? pls thats not fair
are there any authors that you’d want to bring into the bsd universe that hasn’t arrived yet? or do you have ocs?
uhh,,,no to either of those questions. nothing i can think of, at least. whoops-
favorite scene(s)?
every,,,dazatsu moment,,,ever,,, but also, the party in chapter 37. especially with how poe was, and kenji coming over to him like “do you want a drink? : D”
favorite quotes from the authors/characters?
both quotes are from dazai,,,both quotes are to atsushi,,, ‘do not pity yourself. if you wallow in self-pity, life will be an endless nightmare’ and ‘as someone who understands suffering, you resisted violence and evil, and saved many people who were in positions of weakness’
who would you want to bring to life to be your best friend? waifu/husbando?
honestly,,,i would want yumeno to be my best friend. id want to make him happy and have a lot of fun with him.
and then,,,honestly,,,*grabby hands* give me atsu bb as my waifu/husbando pls i dont care which version just any atsu
how has bungou stray dogs changed you as a person? did you learn anything from it?
theres a lot i learned from it, actually! i think its really helped me start to figure out who i truly am, that its okay to go throw all these things, as long as you dont constantly remind yourself of the bad, that you can keep fighting even when it feels like its all hopeless. theres so much more too but,,,thatd take forever to talk about.
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