#kushami comfort
kushami-hime · 10 months
After a rough mission that involved detaining a dangerous villain, you wake up with a raging fever that you'd been fighting off for the entire day, now rendering you temporarily bedridden. With your clueless partner S/hoto by your side, will you be able to make a swift recovery?
CW: T/odoroki blessing listener, T/odoroki comforting listener, sick! Listener, T/odo being a clueless caretaker, T/odoroki being cute but a bit of a clutz, T/odo walks in on listener changing clothes, established relationship, pro hero/post UA setting.
This one's been on the to do list for a while but I'm glad I got it done in time for T/odoroki Tuesday. Can't remember who asked for this but I believe it was an anon so if you're still sticking around (somehow, cuz that ask was from like 5 months ago) I hope it came out alright!
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aliasnz · 9 months
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Undesirable Presents: Le/vi Acker/man for @nametakensff and @kawaii-kushami's snzblr secret santa event <3
Tags: aot/snk-canonverse, allergies (pollen), cold, contagion mention, spray, mess, language. Word count: 2000 (and counting) A/N: I have several apologies to make about this fic >-< First of all, I am so sorry that it is so late! Secondly, I apologize for being unfamiliar with the other fandoms requested, I couldn’t help but feel guilty for writing for my fav. Third thing: just so I can have something out sooner rather than later, please consider this a part 1 that will be edited, updated, and self-reblogged upon completion. Finally, this fic may be too indulgent, but I am crossing my fingers that it is enjoyable anyways ~ 
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If Levi had his way, he would have spent the day in solitude. 
His ideal birthday was simply his ideal day. In the warmer months, it would have been a sunrise run followed by a cold shower, his warm sweat and clingy pollen swirled down the drain. Then, his civilian clothes and a walk to the brick cafe at the edge of town. Black tea, white croissant, yellow pages of his favorite novel. Head ducked down and buried in his book, anyone who recognized him - for better or for worse - received the message: leave him be. He would sip until the porcelain ran dry, would stay until his stomach rumbled. With the last hours of daylight, he would stop at the butcher stand and purchase a few ounces of meat. It was about all he could afford on his military salary, but with rare optimism, he preferred to say it was all he cared to buy. Steak dinner for one. Lights out by dark. It was his way.
But Levi hardly ever had things his way.
He was a December baby, as Hange so mockingly put it, who loathed winter cold and winter colds. Instead of that morning jog and downtown stroll, he shuttered himself in his room with intermittent napping and tidying. Some considered his celebration traditions pitiful, but he could not complain. In ways as weighty as a family to visit or write to, yet also in aspects as miniscule as a good night’s sleep, Levi had been cheated in most realms of life. In time, he had come to live with it, found comfort in little joys, and wished the others understood that. That wish was most wanted on his own birthday, for everyone else seemed to celebrate it more than the man himself.
In the depths of his heart, he knew they cared about him. The yearly plethora of visits all accompanied with gifts should have proven that, but he loathed the treatment he received. Perhaps the early symptoms of the annual cold were to blame for that. No matter how hard he tried to avoid it, contagion made quick work of the barracks. Sooner or later, it would catch up to him, and that onset always seemed to hover around his birthday. On occasion, he wondered if he would be better off facing that inevitable infection head on rather than repeating the futile delay, but his train of thought was always cut off one way or another. A pang of headache, a harsh cough, a runny nose, or a sudden sneeze. This time, it was a knock at his door, the first of the day, one of many sure to come. 
Levi swung his legs over the side of the bed. Bright rays reflected off the metal buckles of his gear and reflected into his eyes, garnering a wince and dawning thought: just how late did I sleep in? Standing up, he immediately noted how his shoulders felt heavy, his breaths labored. If he had to guess, his cold would take hold of him before the 25th was over. Lucky him. 
Hand clamped down hard on the handle, startling the two on the other side just before he creaked his door open. The tall couple cast shadows over him: Nanaba and Miche with -
Levi braced himself for their scream, but instead, they spoke calmly, handing over the bouquet with a pair of matching smiles, “Happy Birthday, Levi.”
He startled, not because he was surprised by their presence, but intimidated by their present: a bundle of bright-red poinsettias, pointed with specks of pollen he doubted they had noticed. They were far too innocent to have purposefully gifted him such a slew of allergens. Others, however, he was less sure about.
Instead of reaching out to grab them, Levi crossed his arms and tipped his tongue in refusal - refusal of their gift and refusing to indulge in the sneeze he already felt budding. Speaking quickly, he aimed to rush them out before they could witness his unravel, “I don’t want them.”
“C’monnn, Levi!” Nanaba pleaded, bending at the knees and shooting up again quickly. In her eager bounce, his eyes widened as he watched the petals flutter with her. His arms instinctively flinched before him as if he could block the microscopic wave. “Miche and I stood outside for hours in this freezing cold -”
Great, two more patients upcoming.
“- waiting for the flower shop to open.”
“First in line,” Miche added. “Do you know how popular these things are at this time of year?”
Levi’s stance remained unchanged, Nanaba saw his disinterest and felt compelled to play it up, selling the present rather than gifting it. “They smell good, too!”
Miche, on the other hand, preferred the path of insistence. Snatching the stems from his partner, he thrust them to Levi’s face, nearly touching, “Go on, smell them, you’ll see for yourself.”
He held his breath, reluctant to inhale as long as those were within reach. Aiming for subtlety, he feigned to nonchalantly scratch his nose with his wrist, “If you like them, keep them.”
“Someone’s ungrateful…” Miche teased, unhurt by the shorter man’s attitude, but never passing up an opportunity to rag it. “Y’know, most people would say ‘thanks’ or something…”
Levi frowned, he wasn’t ungrateful. Deep down, he was touched. On the exterior, though, he was objectively irritated, and could understand why they misread him. With a pang of guilt, he sought to correct the miscommunication, but that pang was miniscule compared to the burn of his nostrils, a flame that the leaves were now fanning.
“No, it’s just…” his face scrunched as he attempted to fight it off, just until he could finish the sentence, at least? “It’s… just…” 
However, that bouquet was set on denying him. Throwing in the towel, a rare occurrence for humanity's strongest, he whipped around and buried his nose in the crook of his elbow, “Hah’AESCH-ihh!” 
Fuck, all three parties unknowingly shared the same thought. For Levi, the nature of his curse was multifaceted. Foremost, the unexpected harshness of that sneeze, the wind knocked out of him first thing in the morning. From that, the daunting notion that this was the first of many sure to come, either from allergies or the cold. Finally, the flush that flooded his cheeks. That outburst had shown enough vulnerability already, Levi lingered behind his arm and remained turned away, waiting for the blush to disappear as well. 
Yet, even after those awkward seconds of silence, neither Nanaba nor Miche could erase that image from their mind: his tan coat spotted brown, the mist that shot from beneath his elbow and faded into the room’s sunlit atmosphere. With the captain turned, they allowed their faces to contort with disgust. When his audible sniff confirmed what they thought they saw, they looked to each other and cringed, agreeing that this birthday visit was over.
His comrades did not put the dots together, that the sneeze was a symptom of his allergies rather than the cold that was notably floating through the halls. Fearing for their own immune systems, they retreated several paces, but not before Miche thrust the flowers in Levi’s grip and snapped his hand back, no chance of handing them back now.
By the time Levi turned himself around, arm still bent at his nose, the pair was already a distant blur.
Nanaba waved over her shoulder, “Feel better soon! Don’t come near us until you do!” A joking-not-joking singsong to her departure.
“Have fun with those!” Miche cupped his hand around his mouth, allowing his bid to beckon from down the corridor, “You can thank us later!”
Levi dropped his arm, prepared to call back. Doing so, however, meant that his guard was let down, and he should have known better, that his assailant would be quick to take advantage. With the distance, Levi did not turn or cover - not that he had the time for that - and instead ducked his head down, sneezing onto his own torso. “Hnn’kkshu! Heh-ISHhew!!”  
Unfortunately for him, the height at which he landed placed him adjacent to the very bouquet that set him off. A dire proximity, each inhale killed every second - any hope - of relief. 
The mess was not only audible, it was tangible, piercing the threads of his button-up and sinking through to his undershirt, summoning a shiver. The clean freak could not bear the sight, nor was it his habit to. After each sneeze and before opening his eyes, he assessed the tickle. If it remained, his lids likewise remained shut until his system managed to kill it. The first attempts at regular breaths informed him outright: you’re not done yet. Levi kept his head down, bangs intercepting his eyeline with each jolt. “Heh’tchew! Kk’shuu!!” 
Once again, he paused to survey his own state. Although he beckoned for a break, his body merely mocked him. That all you got? Clearly unsatisfied, with frustration, he submitted to its demands, exacerbating the expulsion as best as he could, aiming to please. “Hah-ESHhew!! HIH’kit-chew! Hah…Hah-AEshih!!” 
His intakes had been audible even from those meters away, his fit an early alarm clock for all still asleep in the vicinity. Dammit. As an insomniac, he was especially remorseful to have been responsible for waking anyone on the weekend. Even redder now, he tried to convince himself it was not his fault, that they should have known better than to shove those flowers in his face. However, as his voice crescendoed, it became more of a stretch to blame the gifters rather than the receiver, the inducer over the screamer.
The burn in his sinuses was unbearable, he decided to look to the windows behind him, hoping to coax relief. Before he could lure his gaze that way, though, he caught a glimpse of pity on his teammates, and somehow, that was what bothered him the most.
Fuck, this has to stop. At this point in the fit, breaths were hard to come by, and his life-or-death experiences had molded his mindset to meet his most urgent needs first. Perhaps counterintuitive, Levi understood that defeating the irritant meant battling with it. Working through rather than around. Meeting their eye contact, Levi yanked their gift to his face and took a deep, deliberate intake, figuring that his unconventional strategy could get two messages across: he was allergic to their gift, but at least it was good for something. And maybe they’ll remember this scene come next year.
Indeed, they would, and Levi would be lucky if the memory remained confined to those two. The finale was a sneeze that made them cover their ears and made the last few sleepers snap up in panic. For him, the aftermath resembled the end of a workout: tire and exhaustion, yet inexplicable relief. For them, it read like a newspaper headline: steadfast, hardass germaphobe of the branch soaked in his own saliva and other unspeakable substances. The tight-lipped, ever calm captain engaged in the toughest battle of his life: no titan in sight, but tiny irritants also impossible to see. Screaming the barracks awake, he would have been the last culprit anyone suspected. Only true friends would keep this episode a secret, maybe he shouldn’t have been so terse with them.
Vengefully, and with the slightest bit of told you so, Levi motivated himself through the end with the anticipation of seeing their guilty faces, but by the time he opened his eyes again, they were long gone, either cowering from contagion or gossiping already. Around here, viruses and rumors spread like wildfire. 
Worked up and let down, Levi released a shaky exhale, wiped his face with his sleeve, flung the door shut behind him, and tossed the bouquet onto his bed.
One down.
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nametakensff · 2 years
Dusty Paperwork (g/olden k/amuy, K/oito x T/sukishima)
Hey guys, I have decided after a long time of lurking snzblr to actually make a blog and start sharing content here - especially given how dead the forum has been in recent years 😅
@kawaii-kushami inspired this fic with all of their amazing g/olden k/amuy posting and gorgeous art and I basically typed this out in a maddened frenzy LOL
PLEASE go and give their blog some love - they've also drawn AMAZING art of this fic here and here 😭❤️
Please note: this is an extremely NSFW fetish fic - very self-indulgent and very horny - please do not interact if you are under 18! And if you stumble across this as a poor soul without this strange kink, my condolences lmao but please don't reblog to a non-fetish blog
Fellow snzfuckers, I truly hope you enjoy! ❤️ You can also read this over on the forum
K/oito and T/sukishima are working through some boring paperwork in a dusty archive room when T/sukishima's allergies prove too much for K/oito to bear
M/M, dust allergies, snzing during sex, verbal teasing, humiliation, implied exhibitionism, masturbation, stifling, not really MESSY messy but lots of spray
If there was one thing that may have deterred Koito even slightly once he’d decided to take up a position in the army, it had to be this. All of the damned paperwork. Stacks and stacks of it. He let out an indignant huff as he leafed through the nearest pile, cross-legged on the archive room floor. It was pathetic, he thought, given his rank and talent that he should be so very condescended towards. But unfortunately, it had been quiet the past week and there really was very little to do otherwise. Besides, Lieutenant Tsurumi had requested it personally – he couldn’t very well say no to him. He supposed it could be worse – after all, he hated above all else being idle – even more than this DAMN PAPERWORK. He childishly batted at the stack to his left, not caring that he would have to painstakingly gather together each sheet as they scattered across the floor. That alone would be less mind-numbing than skimming the documents for vital information on nearby Ainu settlements.
As he reached forward to grab the nearest sheet, he heard a small sound from over his shoulder. And another…and another? He peered behind him and over at Sergeant Tsukishima – also banished to the same tedious task as Koito, though he had almost completely forgotten the shorter man was there. He was quiet and stern, which had unnerved Koito upon first meeting him, but had become over time somewhat comforting to him.
Said man in question now knelt rigidly, a curious expression overtaking his otherwise permanent scowl. Koito watched as Tsukishima raised a forefinger and pressed it under his diminutive nose, moving it gently back and forth. Moments later, his expression cringed, brows drawing up and eyes closing tight. His mouth fell open, pink tongue slightly sticking outwards, and pulled in a silent breath, every muscle in his body drawing tight before –
Ahhh, Koito thought. Sneezes. Those little sounds had been sneezes. The realisation spread through his body and filled him with a giddiness he couldn’t quite control, limbs almost tingling. A grin split his face as he watched Tsukishima unwind from the full body contraction the powerfully suppressed sneeze had forced him into. He seemed all at once to feel eyes upon him and turned to face Koito, his regular, somewhat placid frown replacing the desperate contortion of his features from moments earlier. Koito was delighted to see that he had not yet removed his finger from its position under his nostrils, which continued to flare gently.
“What is it, Second Lieutenant Koito?”
His voice had taken on a somewhat husky resonance, congestion evident. Koito felt the warmth steadily gathering below his belt. He cleared his throat.
“Something bothering you, Sergeant Tsukishima?” His voice sounded thick with arousal even to his own ears – no doubt Tsukishima could hear it himself. As he suspected, Tsukishima raised an eyebrow and let his eyes settle on the growing bulge at the front of Koito’s trousers. He smiled devilishly, peering back upwards to meet his younger companion’s gaze, and Koito felt his face heat in response.
“I’m allergic to dust, Second Lieutenant. Apologies for the interruption.” As he spoke, his index finger sawed back and forth under his ever-pinkening nose, his eyes never leaving their intense mutual stare.
Koito swallowed, head swimming with sudden overstimulation. He had been obsessed with sneezing for as long as he could remember, and brought himself to orgasm thinking about it more often than he would care to admit. He really didn’t discriminate between men and women when it came to a good sneeze, and he would simultaneously long for and dread spring so that he might be driven mad listening to as much sneezing as he could take. He was lucky that there were several men he worked with amongst the 7th Division that had the most wretched hayfever, especially lucky that some of them had very pleasing sneezes. He was conflicted sometimes by this peculiar interest – particularly when it came to the likes of Usami, a man that absolutely repulsed him but had the most toe-curling, desperate sneezes Koito had ever heard. It didn’t help that he unabashedly relished in the release, which filled Koito with an overpowering combination of disgust and desire. He supposed he wasn’t too conflicted when on warm spring nights he coaxed himself to trembling orgasms replaying the sound and sight of that vile man over and over in his mind.
So Koito was accustomed to hearing many of his fellow soldiers suffering through the cherry blossoms blooming, and couldn’t particularly say that he was deprived of the pleasure his secret enjoyment brought him. But, to his immense disappointment, he had never heard Sergeant Tsukishima sneeze. Not once. Not when they had just been colleagues introduced to each other by Tsurumi, not when they had suddenly and abruptly become lovers, and never since. Koito had even initiated sex up against a cherry tree just in the hope that the air heavy with that tickly substance would coax a few sneezes out of the quiet man, but with no such luck.
(Incidentally, it had made Koito himself sneeze several times, which to his pleasure Tsukishima had blessed politely even as he panted and moaned under Koito’s ministrations).
He had all but given up hope that the Sergeant would EVER sneeze in his presence, and sometimes wondered to himself if the man’s small, stubbed nose was even capable of such a thing. Ridiculous, of course, but he had never so much as seen the man sniffle. He felt guilty about wishing Tsukishima to come down with a cold, but he could see no other way that he could finally see that which almost kept him up at night in feverish longing. To his chagrin, Tsukishima’s immune system appeared as sturdy and stalwart as the rest of his short, muscular self, and he was yet to catch a cold in their time together.
And so, Koito had buried his disappointment and jumped headfirst into enjoying Tsukishima in every other way. Their sex, when they were able to find time and privacy to engage in it, was so entirely satisfying in itself that he no longer entertained the thought of Tsukishima sneezing for him. It simply never happened, and so he had never brought up his interest to the Sergeant. It was totally and utterly okay that he go without.
Or so he had thought. Until this present moment, when the room’s temperature seemed to skyrocket as he watched Tsukishima gear up for another delicious paroxysm, all the while fighting to keep their eye contact unbroken. It quickly became too much for the allergic man, and his eyes squeezed shut under the pressure of another stifled sneeze.
It overpowered him entirely, his shoulders curling forward and his finger pressed up against those wildly flaring nostrils. He stubbornly clamped his mouth shut and swallowed down the sound as much as he could – which seemed to Koito to be almost hardly at all. The shorter man let out a shaky exhale and blinked owlishly as he recovered. Biting down on this most recent sneeze seemed to have sapped him of all of his energy, and he appeared to wilt slightly. Koito could only imagine how powerful the sneeze would have been if it hadn’t so forcefully been stifled into submission.
Regarding his lover’s charmingly pink nose and utter exhaustion under the power of his sneezes that seemed to belong to a man twice his size, Koito felt his previously quashed desires overwhelm him. Fuck it. He HAD to have more, and he had to embrace Tsukishima right now.
Stumbling to his feet with less grace than he would have liked, Koito strode towards the door, feeling Tsukishima’s gaze follow him across the room. Securing the lock with a resounding click of confirmation, he made his way over to kneel beside his lover, who was otherwise preoccupied with rubbing his itchy nose an even deeper shade of pink and blinking back allergic tears. Shaking with anxious excitement, he wrapped his arms around the Sergeant in an all-encompassing hug – finally allowing himself to relax when he felt the small man twist in his arms and return his embrace, resting his forehead against the younger’s broad shoulder.
“Damned dust is really getting to me. I’ll need to have a word with the men about neglecting their cleaning duties.” He all but sighs into Koito’s frame, eliciting a tiny shiver from him as he rubbed his irritated nose against the fabric of his jacket.
“You poor thing.” Koito crooned against the side of his buzz cut. “I suppose I’ll have to look after you.” He licked the shell of Tsukishima’s ear, returning the shiver of pleasure inflicted upon him.
He would have been surprised by the sudden lurch of Tsukishima pushing him onto his back as the shorter man captured his lips in a kiss, had he not become well accustomed with the voracious appetite for sex that simmered under the Sergeant’s somewhat stony composure. It was Tsukishima who had been the first to approach him and push him up against the wall of an empty corridor and make Koito come with his name on his lips. He had gone along with him so readily and with such ease that it had felt natural that he should take Tsukishima’s cock into his mouth the next day behind the Izakaya, as the other men filtered drunkenly back to their quarters.
He returned the kiss passionately, feeling his cock jump in his pants as Tsukishima’s own erection pushed against him, even moreso when he felt the congestion from his companion’s stuffy nose begin to run out onto his cheek. He pulled back from the kiss to reach into his jacket pocket and pull out a pristine white handkerchief. He held it up for the other man but was met with a blank stare. It seemed he had no intention of cleaning himself up. The younger man scoffed, before reaching up with a handkerchief-clad hand to gently wipe away the pooling mess himself, his heart skipping a beat as the Sergeant rubbed the small appendage into his palm and sniffled slightly.
With a final swipe under those pink nostrils, Koito replaced the kerchief in his pocket and pulled himself up on his elbows, scanning the room for a more comfortable location to continue. He could feel pages of overturned paper stacks crinkling under him, and as much as he would love to desecrate the boring, antiquated documents, it wouldn’t make for the most enjoyable fuck. His eyes locked onto a chaise longue set beside a distant bookcase, and he pulled himself and Tsukishima to their feet, pacing frantically over to the lone piece of furniture. He reached out to touch the dull, ancient looking fabric, and to his utter delight saw a sudden cloud of dust particles shimmering in the air. Yes, this would do nicely.
He settled himself against the cushions and encouraged the shorter man to straddle his lap. It wasn’t long before both men had rid themselves of their jackets and shirts and were working their way down to their trousers. The movement, however, had caused more and more dust to be disturbed, and as it settled around them in small clouds, Tsukishima’s eyes grew watery and red-rimmed, his nostrils flaring wide in anticipation. Paralysed by the mounting sensation of the building tickle, he could do nothing more than gasp gently and wait in agonising limbo for those inhales to usher in the sneeze to come. Koito took in the sight of the helpless man hovering above him and just about growled, working his hands into Tsukishima’s trousers and pulling his stiff cock out of his fundoshi. The shorter man’s gasps reached their peak with a sharp inhale, and-
“ih-nggxt! Nggxt!! HEH-NGGXT!!”
Koito watched through unblinking eyes as his lover trembled above him, impressed that he had managed to hold back his sneezes without the help of his finger, instead curling forward with his hands on Koito’s shoulders and biting down with sheer willpower alone. Watching the Sergeant’s expression twist into a mask of ticklish desperation was painfully arousing, leaving Koito almost panting. Those must have ticked unbearably.
He lunged upwards and sucked along the exposed column of the older man’s neck, humming in appreciation as he took in the reciprocating gasp his ministrations earned him. Emboldened, he decided he would at last in words let the other man know just how much he was enjoying his allergies. Tsukishima wasn’t a fool – Koito was sure he had known the second he caught him staring him down with a tent in his pants all but 10 minutes ago, but it would be better to establish out loud his proclivity for what he hoped would be many more indulgences to come.
“You know, Tsukishima, in all the time I’ve known you, this is the first time I’ve heard you sneeze?” He kissed a trail from the shorter man’s neck up and over his strong jaw.
“Mm. You liked it, did you?” Koito continued kissing along the Sergeant’s cheek, feeling the skin shift under his lips at the smile forming on Tsukishima’s own.
“Very, very much.” He guided one of Tsukishima’s hands from his shoulder to his throbbing erection. “This much, in fact.”
Tsukishima began to squeeze and pull at him almost immediately, a stuttering moan catching in Koito’s throat at the attention. Tsukishima was just so fucking good, good at everything, knew just how to get him off. Letting his eyes roll back into his head, he honestly couldn’t imagine heaven could be sweeter.
The sudden sneeze had him bucking uncontrollably in Tsukishima’s grip, which had tightened almost painfully in tandem with contraction. This time, the Sergeant hadn’t been able to maintain control, and a small burst of spray had showered Koito’s chest in a fittish explosion. The younger man’s eyes flew open and he moaned anew. His lover had the audacity to snicker at him, and finally pulled Koito’s cock free from his trousers and fundoshi.
“Sorry about that.” Tsukishima continued pumping his cock, evidently not sorry in the slightest.
Fairly embarrassed by his own responsivity, Koito occupied himself in ridding them both of their remaining clothes before pushing Tsukishima down against the dusty cushions, taking over his position above him.  He reached down and gently grasped the shorter man by the chin, coaxing him to look up at him. Tsukishima merely grinned and settled his left hand on Koito’s muscular thigh, returning his right hand to the task of teasingly massaging Koito’s length.
“Mm….bless you many times over.” Koito murmured. “But surely…you’d feel much better if you let them out?”
“Hm? I’m not quite sure what you mean, Second Lieutenant Koito.” Tsukishima feigned innocence, not once faltering in his pulling at Koito with deep, long strokes. The sensation of that strong grip on his sensitive cock was maddening, and  it took all of Koito’s willpower to hold back from coming right then and there.
“Y-you know – hah! – exactly what I mean, Sergeant Tsukishima.” With that said, Koito batted at the cushion right next to the shorter man’s face, uprooting even more dust in a small grey puff of particles. Tsukishima must have gotten a fair face full of it as he coughed suddenly. Koito almost panicked but was relieved to see that after a few gentle coughs, Tsukishima’s nostrils flared wide and his mouth dropped open in a preparatory grimace. He lifted the hand that was occupying Koito’s thigh to his face, fully intending to push his extended index finger against his itchy appendage, but Koito would have none of it. He quickly grasped his arm by the wrist and lowered it back to his thigh.
“No, Tsukishima. You mustn’t suppress them like that.” Tsukishima gasped in response, tongue pushing down against the bottom row of his teeth as all remaining ability to hold the sneeze back vanished in an instant. His chest expanded as his lungs filled to capacity with a shaking inhale, and –
Koito gasped with a heady combination of shock and arousal as the sneeze hit him full force against his face and neck, forcing his eyes to reflexively shut momentarily. It was an intense sensation, that rush of air and the accompanying spray; the feeling of Tsukishima clenching and bucking forward and upwards between his thighs. But more than anything, he couldn’t believe how loud the sneeze had been, practically echoing in his ears. It was a desperate, vocally rich sound that betrayed just how irritated Tsukishima’s nose had become, how much his body urgently wanted to rid him of the tickle of all that pesky dust taking residence in the depth of his twitching sinuses. And god, it was so wet. In all, it was everything Koito could have asked for. His cock jumped in Tsukishima’s grasp, dripping precum down his fist.
He was so close to coming now – Tsukishima’s unrelenting attention had made sure of that - and he only needed a few more sneezes to send him over the edge of what he was sure would be an earth-shattering orgasm.
“Ohh, fuck…Bless you, Tsukishima!” Koito sighed, reaching up to wipe at some of the mess Tsukishima’s most impressive sneeze had left on his love’s top lip. He didn’t stop there, instead worrying at the edge of the Sergeant’s pinkened right nostril and watching in delight as it twitched and flared uncontrollably. He gripped the side of the chaise longue firmly with his left hand, feeling his thighs begin to twitch as the man beneath him jerked him at an increasing speed, all the while building to another ticklish explosion.
“Ahh, S-sehhcond Lieutenant Khh-oito, I need t-to-!“ Tsukishima gasped, his voice unsteady and rising in pitch. Koito felt himself become increasingly hotter, if that was even possible, as the older man hitched and moaned beneath him.
“Need to sneeze, Sergeant? Shall I help you hold it back? We certainly don’t want any soldiers passing by to hear you losing control of your tickly little nose and come in to investigate, now, do we?”
He knew Tsukishima would probably be mortified if such an event were to transpire in reality, but he also knew very well that the thing that made the shorter man harder than he had ever seen him before was the suggestion that they would be discovered in their sexual antics. They had once been fucking up against an office door when the very sound of passing footsteps outside the room had Tsukishima shooting feverishly against the polished surface, pulling Koito over the edge with him as he contracted rhythmically around him. That such an uptight, composed man could come so wonderfully undone at the thought of his own exhibitionistic humiliation had lit a fire in Koito to make sure he could bring his lover to that point as often as he possibly could.
As he predicted, Tsukishima’s neglected cock twitched against his stomach, and pearlescent liquid gathered at the tip. To Koito’s further pleasure, he then took in a ragged gasp and sneezed most violently, as if inviting the scenario of discovery even closer.
Unbelievably, it was even louder than before and so, so wet as it sprayed up over Koito’s face, neck and exposed chest, even fanning down his stomach, peaking his nipples and leaving goosebumps in its wake. And it was evident that Tsukishima was gearing up for even more, chest heaving. Koito shuddered, his entire body breaking out in a sweat, and prepared himself for the rest of the fit, which came quickly and just as violently as the initial explosion.
And with that last, monstrous explosion, thoroughly drenched and completely at his limit, Koito’s orgasm engulfed him, spreading from his throbbing penis in waves throughout his extremities, so strong at first that he silently shuddered, eyes squeezing shut and mouth agape in the throes of paralytic euphoria. He found his voice at last, whimpering Tsukishima’s name over and over as he felt the grip on his cock slowly and expertly guide him through the final tremors of his pleasure, until he felt it loosen and release him. Feeling himself twitch helplessly a few more times into the empty air, completely gratified, he opened his eyes to take in the sight beneath him.
His passion had erupted in long ropes all over Tsukishima’s torso, even up to the shorter man’s right cheek, which the man in question now swiped at with already sticky fingers and sucked off, knowing Koito was watching. His own cock lay stiff and heavy over his stomach, flushed an angry shade of red looking all the more pronounced against the smattering of Koito’s semen from base to tip. He looked incredibly pleased with himself, throbbing erection aside, glancing up at Koito with a mix of arousal and smug satisfaction.
“Why, Second Lieutenant Koito, if I’d known something as simple as my sneezing at dust was enough to ruin you so thoroughly in half the time I’m usually able to, I would have suggested we fuck on this absolute dust trap a long time ago.”
His voice was now heavily congested, and Koito felt a twinge of endearment at the pitiful nature of it. Taking a grounding breath and revelling in the afterglow that flowed through his limbs, he leaned forward and pressed their bodies together, not caring about the semen that lay sticky between their skin. He kissed Tsukishima gently until the older man had to break away to take a breath, completely unable to inhale through his stuffy nose. Koito tutted in slight concern and pulled back, bringing Tsukishima to a seated position as he knelt down on the floor in front of him. He reached over to his jacket and retrieved his handkerchief, handing it to the Sergeant, who took it without hesitation this time and relieved his sinuses with a long, crackling blow.
“Thank you for indulging me, Sergeant. Really. That was just…incredible. Are you feeling alright?” Koito rubbed his thigh tenderly. Tsukishima chuckled softly behind the dampening fabric, before suddenly gasping and muffling a sneeze from the lingering allergic tickle into the folds.
“heHH-EMMPSHH!!-ooh…Ah…I’ll feel much better once you touch me, Koito. Please. I need you.”
Koito didn’t need to be told twice. Replaying the sound of his love’s sneezes in his head over and over, he took his needy cock into his mouth and worked him for all he was worth, hardly able to come to terms with the fact that his sexual prayers had been answered by some (not so) divine god of perversion. Tsukishima was everything he never even knew he wanted or needed, and as he felt the older man finally jerk in his mouth and come all over his tongue, he let his mind run wild with all the ways he would make this momentous occasion up to him, and all the ways he would beg Tsukishima to make him come – hopefully many, many times – in the future.
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goodlucksnez · 1 year
Hi! Did you take down dust of sneezing? I was just curious bc it’s my favorite audio ever, it’s my comfort audio that I listen to before bed. It’s totally okay if you did, I was just curious.
Nope should still be up. And I only did part 2 (basically a sequel)
The amazing @kushami-hime did the first part
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kushami-hime · 2 years
CW: Comfort wav, fantasy AU, tough but fair B/akugou, Dragon King! B/akugou, sad/depressed/sick! listener, K/irishima’s here too! B/akugou giving pep talks and trying to cheer listener up, B/akugou being a rough caretaker but caring very much for listener, (TW!) slight mention of slavery in a fantasy setting! 
While tending to your usual duties you find yourself feeling quite ill, and his majesty discovers this right away. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he sees it fit that you rest in your quarters while he tends to your needs, as any King should!
No sneezy B/akugou this time around, sorry guys u.u But I wanted to do this comfort audio for a while cause I felt like the script was absolute fiiiire! He may be rough around the edges but his majesty cares for you very much, enough to go out of his way to ensure your quick recovery from whatever illness is plaguing you! 
Next will be a birthday audio for a lovely anon and (HOPEFULLY) Double Trouble. I only need to record T/odoroki and he’ll be done!
No explicit kink stuff in here so I feel like it’s safe to say that anyone can interact (just don’t bash my blog OK? lmao)
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kushami-hime · 2 years
CW: Soft caretaker D/enki, sick! listener, sad! listener, D/enki being a soft boy, pep talk, comforting words, thunder/rain sounds, D/enki blessing listener, a kiss or two~
After a horrible day at work and a missed train, you begrudgingly make the long walk home in the rain. Luckily, you bump into your long time friend and lover Chargebolt, fresh from patrol and ready to do what it takes to make your day a little better! 
Hello guuuys! This is certainly different from my usual stuff but it was an anon request after all! And I wanted to do a whole 'two birds one stone' thing and wanted to dedicate this to my dear friend Vic AKA @goodlucksnez! Vic, A lot of what Denki says is reminiscent of what I feel ;o; You can always talk to me whenever shit gets shitty, cause I know it has recently and I want you to know I love and care for you (platonically of course, you're like a sibling <3)
I hope that this audio makes your day a little bit better! If there are any other comforts you guys would like to hear, be it characters or different scenarios that relate to whump/sick stuff, please don't hesitate to let me know!
Please enjoy! Characters are 21+ and in PRO HERO AU!
This is pretty vanilla but still make sure yall act grown lmao.
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kushami-hime · 1 year
No snz wav this week but I will be doing some of these comfort wavs tho! Including a Ghost! D/eku comfort 💖
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kushami-hime · 2 years
We need a wav where Kiri just comfort the listner from a really bad cold
Aw Kiri doing his best to comfort his partner, that'd be so cute ;o; I shall add it to the list!
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kushami-hime · 2 years
I was wondering could you, one day if you can, do a comfort audio with T/odoroki like you did with Denki ? I really liked them but I think T/odoroki would be fun and sooo cute
Only if you want, I don't wanna bother you
Oh yes yes yes! I absolutely wanna do more comfort wavs for other characters and Todo would be no exception! ❤️
I'll just need to do a bit of brainstorming, but if anyone has prompts for comfort wavs, please don't be afraid to hmu 🤙
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kushami-hime · 1 year
CW: Sick! Listener, D/eku blessing listener, D/eku crushing HARD on listener, D/eku love confession, sick comfort, D/eku comforting listener, rain sfx, thunder and rain ambiance, caretaker! D/eku
You're a well known, hard working receptionist at the hero agency you work at, but it seems that recently you've caught a bad bug, and one of the up and coming heroes notices rather quickly. You'd hate to bother him with your illness, but he's eager and willing to help. Though, D/eku seems to be hiding something...and he's not doing a very good job at it.
Does this count as...M/idoriya Monday? o-o!
I am SOOOO behind rn, I'm scrambling to get this T/odo wav recorded and finish the Halloween wav script as well so, hopefully it'll be out Halloween weekend x-x I've got a few prompts for Christmas left over from last year that I will definitely grab and do, since I didn't have nearly enough time to finish them all in 2022.
Anyways, I hope you guys like this longer D/eku comfort, it was pretty fun to record since voicing him is really easy for me ^^
Have a good week! <3
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kushami-hime · 1 year
CW: Spooky BG sounds, D/eku bein' a spooky boy during the first few seconds, ghost D/eku jumpscare (it's not that bad I promise), anxious listener, pep talk, D/eku cheering up listener, ghostly voice.
It's that time of year again...Spooky season! And you're itching to go see your ghostly friend at the nearby haunted house. However, he notices that something is different about you...You can cross 'getting a pep talk from a ghost' off your 2023 bingo card now.
No snz wav this time around, but I do have a few comfort wavs for those of you who enjoy them ^^ The script for this one was sorta all over the place, a good bit of it I improvised a little as I was recording it (same goes for the other Pro Hero-D/eku comfort wav I did).
I hope that you all don't mind these since they don't have snz in em, and I hope that they help someone in need of a good pep talk going into this week.
Love you guys! <3
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kushami-hime · 1 year
CW: H/otwings shipping fuel, D/abi being smug, sneezing, sniffling, allergy fit, slightly stuffy talk, allergy talk, wet & slightly rapid sneezes, stifles & half stifles.
D/abi can't help but notice that something is off about the Number 2 hero. He's sniffling, sneezing, and looking like more of a mess than usual. Maybe it's time he earned himself a bit of entertainment. Even villains need to have a bit of fun every once in a while, right?
Here we are guys...first real h/otwings wav. First attempts at both D/abi and H/awks and...erm, well...it could be better ouo; I know I have a habit of being too hard on myself but ffs I did so well with the test sneezes but when it came time to do the actual wav they did not hit as well as I was hoping.
I do have two other H/awks wav scripts in my drive (one w/ snzfucker listener and another with cold denial involving E/ndeavor who I know I can't voice act for shit unless if I pitch shift my voice into the core of the planet but the script was fun to write). So if for some reason anybody wants to actually hear more of my H/awks, lemme know. And that goes for D/abi too, but idk what his snz will sound like @u@
I'll be doing some comfort wavs and idk if you guys would prefer them to be sick! listener or not so lemme know about that as well.
Anyway, enjoy lovelies! <3
Characters are canonically in their 20s (H/awks at 22 and Dabi between 20 & 25) so you butthurt anons can't get pissy at me for making kink content THIS time around, muahaha.
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kushami-hime · 7 months
kushami-mommyyyy!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ so happy to see you post again and even happier to hear all the exciting new things in your life congratulations! ooooh ooooh what are you two gonna be doing for the honeymoon?! also congrats on vanilla stuff going well too is there any way for us to follow and support you in that realm as well or do you prefer to keep all us kids separated?! 😜
IEEEE hello nonny ;u;
We're going on a cruise, muahaha~
tbf I have people who know my vanilla stuff but idk how to put all that here without feeling like someones gonna do somethin evil (I trust a majority of you but this is the internet after all and there are mean people >-<) Maybe I'll get the courage sometime soon but atm I'm not comfortable sharing my vanilla tiktok/insta xux;
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