#kwko semi canon
kawaakari-orchestra Β· 2 months
Kawaakari Orchestra: Happy birthday, Kozaki Karin! 2024 Menu lines πŸŽ‰
πŸ¦‹: Happy birthday, Kozaki-san! I'll be working extra hard at practice today!~ Consider that my gift!
🦊: Your birthday is supposed to be a day to reflect on your achievements and shortcomings, not throw parties and mess around. Why does everyone think I'd make a huge deal out of it?..
🐚: (Not a big deal, huh?.. Every time I think I have her figured out, she keeps throwing something new in... Well, whatever.)
πŸͺ: So she's a Leo, huh? Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Huh? No, I don't believe in those sort of things, not really... But, I mean, can you argue with that?
🍁: Kozaki-san's birthday, huh?.. I've never been to a birthday party before, so I have no idea what I'm supposed to bring... Um, can I just not go to practice?..
🌸: It's a fairly common tradition for an orchestra to play an arrangement of "Happy Birthday" tune for their conductor. For a lack of one, Karin could technically be considered out ensemble leader... However, I'm withholding that privilege until she learns how to cue properly.
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kawaakari-orchestra Β· 3 months
to akari β€” what made her so anxious and withdrawn? has she always been this way? :o
🌸: Isn't it a bit rude to call someone you don't know these words? Tsk.
🌸: Akari-kun, you don't have to answer that.
🍁: No, it's fine... I guess I... I really am those things.
🍁: But I...
🍁: It's hard to talk about...
🌸: Do you want to back out?
🍁: ...Yes. Um. Yeah.
🍁: (...One day, I want to be able to talk about it openly...)
🍁: (But even so, I don't really know why I'm like this, myself... Just what other people tell me...)
🍁: ...Sorry.
[Kaedehara Akari refuses to answer your question.]
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kawaakari-orchestra Β· 4 months
They've probably never played Uno, but, if so were the case, how would the game go?
Maki: doesn't know the rules. Gets the luckiest hand ever just by accident. Keeps loosing and giving everyone else headache because how can you play so badly. Has no stakes in the game, is just having fun.
Karin: knows the rules. Hates the game because of how luck-based it is but plays anyway because it's about honor. Keeps losing because everyone else teams up on her. Is not having fun.
Kairi: absolutely clueless. Sees what Reishi does and just copies him because he looks like he knows what he's doing. Only has fun when Karin is about to lose.
Suzuka: knows the rules, but has never played it with so many people before and wonders if it's slightly unbalanced. Is just about an average player. Is usually the one to propose ganging up on Karin.
Akari: is so anxious about losing and winning and people being mad at each other she looks like she's about to cry. Doesn't want to be there. Also doesn't know the rules.
Reishi: knows the rules, is obnoxious about following the rules to piss off Karin specifically. Occasionally makes up stuff that's not in the rules for that exact purpose. Doesn't aim to win and is only there for the fun, but keeps winning on accident anyway.
In total: chaos.
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kawaakari-orchestra Β· 4 months
Might be self indulgent but....... How good are they at babysitting?
Sorry, I didn't notice the ask! Tumbrl mobile notification system is very broken.
Maki is like the cool vine aunt already at the age of 16. She's bubbly and active, and also doesn't really have restraints about behaving "properly", such as not getting her clothes dirty or being awkward in public, things like that. That energy makes her a great babysitter overall, especially for primary school aged kids, but she'll also get very drained and overwhelmed by the end of the day, so she wouldn't do that well with babysitting for more than a day at a time.
Karin should not be allowed near children, period. Okay, well, she's not terrible - she has restraint and reason and wouldn't be a bad babysitter on purpose, but she'd be very irritated and annoyed by that responsibility when she could be doing something she'd actually be interested in - so not great, unless her interests and personality click with a child she's caring for in a particular way.
Kairi is pretty good - he's usually patient and calm, but also very gullible and easy to trick into doing just about whatever that might get them both in trouble. He'll get along with calm kids just fine, but might have issues with more active ones.
Suzuka is grumpy and snappy and will complain the entire time, but she's fitting enough to take care of some basic needs - cooking and first aid is her speciality. Entertainment and emotional support, not so much. Not a disaster, but not really good of a babysitter, either.
Akari gets too anxious and scared within the first half an hour, which probably results in kids babysitting her, if we're being honest.
Reishi would not do great. He doesn't have good experiences with kids, and will probably be distant, both physically and emotionally, and borderline neglectful. Like Karin, he'll only be okay in very specific instances.
Thanks for the ask!
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kawaakari-orchestra Β· 5 months
How would kwko react during a horror movie?
Maki pretends to be unfazed but is actually very, very fazed. She dislikes horror in general and some especially scary scenes might stick with her for days, making her anxious and uneasy. Will probably try to be stoic during the movie itself and then fumble afterwards. Would just not go watch a horror movie at all if she had a choice.
Karin is probably enjoying it, but she likes watching for other's reaction more than watching it herself. Will probably comment how it was a giant waste of time afterwards and she should have been practising instead. Oh well.
With Kairi and Suzuka, depends on which kind of horror we're talking about. Anything that is scary on the surface, like apocalypse movies or slashers, will probably leave them simply unimpressed; but psychological horror, especially dealing with the topic of mental disorders, can be pretty disturbing for both. Both of them will simply walk out the moment they decide to prioritise their comfort.
Akari's attention span is short enough that she'll probably not be able to focus on the plot anyway. She's fine as long as there's no jump scares involved.
Reishi can be fascinated by some genres of horror, namely body horror and supernatural, as well as in some cases psychological, yet completely bored out of his mind by others, like murder mysteries and survival movies. He dislikes portrayal of murder and violence on screen and finds it primitive, but likes horror that challenge his worldview and morals. So again, really depends!
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kawaakari-orchestra Β· 4 months
What are their favourite games? Or game genres?
I think Maki would really like PokΓ©mon. Probably Generation 4 most, because Cynthia. She is not good at it, thought, she just likes the silly creatures.
Karin would like any strategy game. My bet is on Civilization 5.
The rest of the team aren't really into videogames, if that's what you're asking - Reishi listens to OSTs but he's not a gamer himself.
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kawaakari-orchestra Β· 5 months
for full cast (again): which virtual singer do you get along with best, and which one do you think took after you the most? that may be the same virtual singer or not!
πŸ¦‹: Who do I get along best with, huh? In that case, Rin and Len are the most fun to be around! Maybe it's because they're both violinists?
🦊: Kaito-san says and does a lot of things I don't understand, but I can't deny he taught me a lot, too.
🐚: I don't know if that means we get along well, but... Meiko seems to enjoy spending time with me a lot. I don't know who I like best, though. Is it really okay to have a favourite like this? They're kind of like rivals to us, in a way.
πŸͺ: Though we're nothing alike, Luka-chan often invites me to play together. She reminds me of someone I know.
🍁: ...I like Miku-san's company best. I don't know why... I just hope she doesn't mind it.
🌸: Virtual Singers, huh? I suppose I get along best with Miku. Piano is her instrument of choice, but she's surprisingly well-versed in just about everything music. Conversations with her are quite eye-opening most of the times, hehe. Ah, I really shouldn't be surprised by that, should I?
[ ✨ partially spoiler, sorry! ]
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kawaakari-orchestra Β· 5 months
(since jay asked for thoughts) for all the members: who's the person outside of your unit that you're closest to? (for jay: ex. would be toya and tsukasa, kanade and honami, etc.)
also, do any of you know about the aoyagi family at all?
[ Hi! Unfortunately the first question isn't very answerable because I'm trying to make this unit as independent as possible (although they do have a connection with my other oc units that will possibly be mentioned later), so the chance of any KWKO member knowing any canon proseka OC in person is very low. This might change in the future though! As for the second question... ]
🦊: It's hard not to know about them if you're in any way involved with classical music in Japan.
🌸: Precisely so. Although Harumichi Aoyagi is more famous as a composer overseas, I don't assume any of us have ever actually performed any of his works. As a composer, he is fiercely protective of his image.
πŸ¦‹: We haven't met personally or even contacted him or his sons, but considering the way classical music is played in our competition, I doubt things would go well, even if we tried...
🐚: I agree. It's best to keep our distance. Mother warned me to stay away from that family, and I trust her judgement.
(🍁 and πŸͺ appear deep in thought.)
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