#kwko reishi
the-one-that-weeps ยท 2 months
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Am I one month late y'all
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 3 months
to akari โ€” what made her so anxious and withdrawn? has she always been this way? :o
๐ŸŒธ: Isn't it a bit rude to call someone you don't know these words? Tsk.
๐ŸŒธ: Akari-kun, you don't have to answer that.
๐Ÿ: No, it's fine... I guess I... I really am those things.
๐Ÿ: But I...
๐Ÿ: It's hard to talk about...
๐ŸŒธ: Do you want to back out?
๐Ÿ: ...Yes. Um. Yeah.
๐Ÿ: (...One day, I want to be able to talk about it openly...)
๐Ÿ: (But even so, I don't really know why I'm like this, myself... Just what other people tell me...)
๐Ÿ: ...Sorry.
[Kaedehara Akari refuses to answer your question.]
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shiraishi--kanade ยท 3 months
If I were asked who's the hardest character to write in KWKO, I would say Shimizu Kairi. He's such a fascinating guy but also someone I would not want be around in real life. Not because he's a bad person but because this degree of self-destructiveness is only comparable to setting yourself on fire and adding the gasoline to it while thinking you're putting it out. I Cannot Fix Him. Good luck figuring it out my son you're on your own I'm afraid
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kerizaret ยท 10 days
Oh I genuinely don't need anything back I just like the meme lmao
You can answer this publically btw, I think I might repost at some point
Anyway, kwko neopets forums because I think they're funny. Enjoy
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Immediately laughed at Reishi being signed up as Female HAHHHSHSH ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ MAN these are so real and funny,,,
poor Akari,,, Suzuka & Kairi are so done with everyone's shit ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ and Karin is so ruthless SHAHSH she's so funny I adore her
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 5 months
Pinned post โœจ
Hello! This is Jay, and I've decided to make a separate blog for my fan proseka unit, Kawaakari Orchestra of KWKO for short. The reason for this is mostly my brain demanding for organisation, but also the reaction to them was incredible and I definitely want to talk about them more.
KWKO introductory post is here! More info under the cut.
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What this blog will post:
- Area Conversations
- Self-introsuctions
- Welcome lines [probably]
- Memes
- Other curious tidbits of information
What this blog will post sometime in the future:
- Birthday/Anniversary Menu lines
- Seasonal/Holiday Menu lines
- Event summaries
- Card story summaries
- KWKO Kizunas
What this blog will not post:
- Full events [link only]
- Full card side stories [link only]
- Any song associations/headcanons (unless I suddenly learn to produce songs)
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Please note that this blog will sometimes post content touching on or discussing several potentially upsetting or triggering topics, including the following:
- Child Abuse;
- Bullying;
- Mild violence and injuries, including discussions of eye injury;
- Suicidal ideation, including suicidal behaviour and past suicide attempts;
- Self-harm;
- Eating disorders;
- Substance abuse;
- Near death experiences;
- Chronic Illness, Medical Trauma and internalised, as well as external, ableism.
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The aforementioned topics are unlikely to be portrayed in detailed or particularly descriptive manner. Nevertheless, reader discretion is advised.
All of the aforementioned topics will be tagged. The standard format for tagging will be [tw: "insert trigger"], as well as other formats to insure maximum coverage. The topics listed above will also be tagged at the beginning of each card story/event episode/etc when that time comes around.
Please contact me either on this blog or @shiraishi-kanade if you need additional trigger warnings.
Character symbols!
Saitsu Maki - ๐Ÿฆ‹
Kozaki Karin - ๐ŸฆŠ
Shimizu Kairi - ๐Ÿš
Ekuro Suzuka - ๐Ÿช
Kaedehara Akari - ๐Ÿ
Fujisaki Reishi - ๐ŸŒธ
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How can I interact with this blog?
- I will answer any asks to the best of my ability, unless the question is an explicit spoiler that will be answered later in the story!
- You can also submit an ask directed to a character (using their assigned emoji), and they will also answer to the best of their ability; however, you have to keep in mind that they would perceive you as a fan/viewer and can avoid your question or answer dishonestly.
- You can also send me your assumptions/theories/otherwise thoughts on plot development or future events; however, those will not be answered. You can specify if you want them posted or not and if yes I will answer with โœจ to say that I see and appreciate your thoughts but am unable to answer in a meaningful way due to inherently spoiler-y nature of the interaction.
- Feel free to send just about any questions, artwork (oh my god??), headcanons, memes, what have you. I greatly appreciate literally everything. Keep in mind that all KWKO characters are minors.
Main story/events when?
- Somewhere after I've done with my finals this year! I don't have the brain capacity to juggle this many things at once.
[ post dividers by @/cafekitsune! ]
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 2 months
Scramble Crossing: Akari, Reishi [1]
๐Ÿ: (Oh no!.. Isn't that the person from the Orchestra?)
๐Ÿ: (I really don't wanna talk about the rehearsals or anything like that today...)
๐Ÿ: (Maybe if I look away he won't notice me...)
๐ŸŒธ: (...How interesting.)
๐ŸŒธ: (Am I so repulsive to you that you won't even look at me, Akari-kun?)
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 4 months
Music Shop: Suzuka, Reishi [1]
๐ŸŒธ: Suzuka-kun? Well isn't this meeting a delight! I don't believe you're a frequent guest around this part.
๐Ÿช: That's right. I'm just picking up something for a friend.
๐ŸŒธ: ASRUN? How curious. I believe that group has disbanded recently, as well.
๐Ÿช: Yeah. That's unfortunate...
๐ŸŒธ: Oh? Were you a fan of them, by any chance?
๐Ÿช: Wh!- Of course not! Um, my friend used to like them a lot, so I don't want her to be sad...
๐ŸŒธ: I see. You can pass on my condolences to your friend, then.
๐Ÿช: Yeah, thanks. I mean, I will- ugh.
๐Ÿช: (No way in hell he believed me!)
๐ŸŒธ: (Suzuka-kun is an exceptionally bad liar, isn't she? Hehe.)
๐ŸŒธ: (Hiding one's music preferences, though... Ah, I can't say I don't relate to that.)
๐ŸŒธ: (This is probably not something I should tease her about, then.)
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 4 months
Music Shop: Maki, Reishi [1]
๐Ÿฆ‹: Oh, this singer is blending classical music with rap!
๐ŸŒธ: Oh? Well isn't that peculiar.
๐Ÿฆ‹: I've never heard anything like that before! Do you think it'd sound good?
๐ŸŒธ: Hehe. Who can tell? People are certainly giving classical a new spin recently. I think sampling classical music is as good of a creative choice as any. Although I think a certain redhead here might complain about it...
๐Ÿฆ‹: Ehe, yeah... She definitely would...
๐Ÿฆ‹๐ŸŒธ: (In that case, maybe I should get a copy...)
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the-one-that-weeps ยท 4 months
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I think about this every day, I think about this every hour, and I think it's time for me to seal the wound and actually talk about this and boy, I'm going to talk about this like if my grade depends on it.
So, yeah, The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield, you were great, but now it's time to use my experience on actual important things:
The central part of this conversation is, what I believe, to represent how Reishi engages in human relationships, and partially how that impacts his own perception and self. If we use composing as a metaphor for how Reishi behaves in relationships, we can capture numerous things:
1) Reishi has a fear of being exposed, perceived. We rarely see him in this awkward demeanour, but he immediately breaks into it when Kairi notices the more personal aspects about him and his likes.
2) Reishi is passive in his relationships and finds it hard to engage with something he cannot control. This is perhaps a manifestation of his fear of being perceived and his self and interests being judged, which in turn becomes a fear of rejection.
3) Following the second point, this equates to Reishi abandoning any meaningful relationship he could've formed. By doing this, he gets to keep the sweet memories, while still avoiding confrontation or commitment.
4) This is a possible indicator that Reishi doesn't have a strong opinion on himself, his skills, and overall lacks confidence in composing. This can also relate to his fear of criticism. He only enjoys his creations for a definite amount of the journey but never arrives at the end.
5) the observation above can create certain parallels with characters like Karin or Kairi, who need to achieve a certain objective and don't particularly care about how it can be achieved.
6) Finally, the reason why Kairi is partaking of a role in this exchange is because both of the boys, to some extent, are masters at hiding their true forms, the only difference is the impact. The difference between success or freedom, of happiness, of being complete or incomplete, two different shades of loneliness.
Overall, this conversation explains what Reishi's conflict may be: he is sensitive to criticism, which makes him scared of his more personal parts being seen or judged, which in turn creates a fear of human relationships and the responsibility they bring, which in turn makes Reishi engage with friendship rather lukewarmly or avoid them entirely and never letting his struggles shine through.
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 2 months
Scramble Crossing: Kairi, Reishi [1]
๐ŸŒธ: I'm not quite sure what I expected, but you're definitely not the person anyone would think is so hard to invite to spend time together, Kairi-kun.
๐Ÿš: What are you implying...
๐ŸŒธ: Hehe. I'm not saying anything more than, ah, you don't exactly look like a recluse.
๐Ÿš: I'm not a recluse. I just prefer to stay in my own house, is that a crime?
๐ŸŒธ: I regret to inform you this is exactly what being a recluse means.
๐Ÿš: You know what, whatever. Are we going to go to the mall or not?
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 2 months
Shopping Mall: Reishi, Suzuka [1]
๐Ÿช: I'm only here to buy a couple more pens, but I had no idea calligraphy ink was so expensive.
๐ŸŒธ: It sure is. The brushes aren't any cheaper either. It has a lot to do with the extensive and troublesome process of manufacture, so I'm not the one to complain.
๐Ÿช: Right. I've heard you did calligraphy before, didn't you?
๐ŸŒธ: Only for a short while. I still find it enjoyable, but the highly competitive environment and harsh instruction... Let's just say the atmosphere wasn't right for me.
๐Ÿช: And you decided to switch to classical music, of all things? I really don't understand you sometimes.
๐ŸŒธ: Hehe. Quite an enigma, am I not?
๐ŸŒธ: (I don't remember mentioning calligraphy to anyone other than Maki-kun, however. Is she that bad at keeping secrets? Tsk.)
๐ŸŒธ: (Well, good thing it was something silly like this that got out. I'll keep that in mind...)
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 2 months
Hakkei High School: Reishi, Akari [1]
๐ŸŒธ: Ah, Akari-kun. Good morning, is it not?
๐Ÿ: Um! Good morning to you too, Fujisaki-san!..
๐ŸŒธ: Hehe. We're the same age, so there's no need to be so formal.
๐Ÿ: I'm... Not sure I can. S-sorry...
๐ŸŒธ: That's a shame. Fair enough, I suppose.
๐ŸŒธ: Regardless, you're quite a rare sight at school these days. How do you feel about going to a masterclass with me after class?
๐Ÿ: A masterclass, huh...
๐ŸŒธ: No pressure, of course. I don't imagine it'll be anything of particular use for string players today.
๐Ÿ: (I'll look absolutely ungrateful and incompetent if I refuse, especially after an invitation like this!)
๐Ÿ: (And... It's been a long time since I've been at a masterclass, anyway. If my school offers something like that... It would be nice to actually use the opportunity.)
๐Ÿ: Yeah, I'll go. I, uh, I think.
๐ŸŒธ: Wonderful. I hope you'll have a great time.
๐ŸŒธ: (All that's left to fetch Kairi-kun later, then.)
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 3 months
Shopping Mall: Karin, Reishi [1]
๐ŸŒธ: Kozaki-kun?.. What a pleasure to run into you today.
๐ŸฆŠ: !!.. What the hell are you doing here?..
๐ŸŒธ: Me? Just passing the weekend looking for something to spend my allowance on. You, on the other hand... Why would someone who doesn't wear nail polish window shop at a nail salon?~
๐ŸฆŠ: That's right... At least strings are important enough that we actually need to put care into intricate details like finger weight, unlike certain someone...
๐ŸŒธ: Hehe. Sure, you can keep telling yourself that... If it makes you feel better.
๐ŸฆŠ: Hmpf!
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 3 months
Main Street: Maki, Reishi [1]
๐Ÿฆ‹: Woah, look over there! That guy's flying drones on the street! Is that allowed?!
๐ŸŒธ: I don't see why it wouldn't be, provided the machines don't hurt anyone. Is that some kind of public performance, I wonder? Hehe. How curious.
๐Ÿฆ‹: Right! You're interested in theatre and things like this, aren't you?
๐ŸŒธ: As much as a regular person would be, I guess. Why?
๐Ÿฆ‹: Huh? But you mentioned you liked musicals before...
๐ŸŒธ: Ah, it appears to be a misunderstanding... Allow me to explain.
๐ŸŒธ: I find the workmanship and storytelling skills that go into producing the musical. Indeed, that requires quite a keen music sense...
๐ŸŒธ: However, I'm not so fond of the actual "acting" part of the medium. More often than not, actor's creative decisions and deviations from the script end up distracting rather than interesting me...
๐ŸŒธ: Not to mention the actor's appearances, stage decoration and costumes often appear to be quite... Lacking, compared to what I have imagined them to be.
๐ŸŒธ: So no, I'm not a huge fan of theatre as a whole. My apologies.
๐Ÿฆ‹: I see!... That's an interesting point of view. I doubt I'd be able to listen to a musical without zoning out!
๐ŸŒธ: Hehe. To each their own, I suppose.
๐ŸŒธ: Think of it that way: it's actually quite cheaper to purchase a soundtrack instead of a video recording or a ticket. Saves quite a lot of money, doesn't it?
๐Ÿฆ‹: I haven't thought about it that way, but... I think you do have a point!
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 4 months
hii :3 i have become anon!~
who takes the best care of their instruments?
who would be most likely to flunk out of any activity?
who is the most / least proficient in sports activities (or anything involving physical strength)?
Hi! Thanks for the ask! :D
Who takes the best care of their instruments?
Karin, no questions asked. That is her baby. If anything, she'd probably treat her actual child with less care. She is extremely careful with her violin and bow both, and makes a point out of frequent visits to the luthier just to check up. You will literally never see her being reckless or careless with it. Aside from string change, I think - Karin mostly does those herself and relatively frequently, so... Things have gone wrong before. But other than that? Absolute saint-like patience with her instrument.
Who would be most likely to flunk out of any activity?
Suzuka and Reishi, just about equally. They usually don't care enough for any activities behind rehearsals.
Who is the most/least proficient in sports activities?
Reishi is, once again, the least proficient! Aside from having large lung capacity, he's not an athletic person and isn't particularly interested in it - he'd probably hate most contact sports.
Suzuka is the most athletic person of the group, having been on her school's track team and multiple other sport clubs before.
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kawaakari-orchestra ยท 4 months
Do any of them have pets?
Maki used to have a parrot! The guy's still alive, just rehomed for his own sake - moving as much as Maki's family does didn't do his health any favours, so they sadly had to say goodbye.
Reishi's family used to have a dog.
Kairi and Akari don't have pets on their own, but are close with others's cats.
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