clvrp-blog · 10 years
—Character Info: Name: Lee Suwoong Group: Boys Republic
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trickerxlife · 10 years
F*cking clap || Suho X Myungsoo
He liked going to this one particular park in his free time. Suho would sit on a bench, hidden away from sight by the large, old tree that would shower its' branches around the bench and would just listen. There was a guy there, that constantly came to the seemingly quiet and lonely park and would sit there with their guitar to play. He had heard the man sing too but that was a lot rarer, or maybe he just didn't stay long enough to listen.
It was almost always on a regular hour that the guy would show up with the guitar case on his back, take a seat and pick out the instrument. Suho figured it was because of either school or work but he wasn't quite sure which of the two. 
The melody was always nice, calming and soothing and left Suho eager for more quite very often. But of course he decided that for now he'd just remain in the shadows. In case his presence would be a deal breaker and he'd never get to hear the man play again, he wanted to savor as much of those sweet moments he'd get lost in the music for as long as possible.
It was one time when he was really, awfully exhausted with what life had presented to him that he wanted nothing more but to seat down and listen to that little private show he liked so much. On that very day the sounds produced by the skilled hands and the probably worn out guitar were so beautifully touching (and Suho was so painfully tired) that in a moment of stupidity he found himself clapping. Three claps and he realized what he had just done.
He froze in his spot, hoping the man didn't hear them and for a moment everything went very, very still.
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shixuni-blog · 10 years
[ ✖ Sanctuary ] - Kxmyvng
          The morning had been filled with birds, singing melodies to compliment the beats of nature, breezing blowing leaves across the ground is flutters and skirts of scratches down the gravel.
The sweet midday tune was a luxury to witness, watching as simple actions caused a swell of beauty all in the span of a single breath.
It was warm enough that Shixun didn't need to bother himself with coffee or tea or even a jacket at that point in time.  He was seated by the bank of the lake with black jeans hugging his hips and a simple white shirt hanging loosely off his torso with words scrawled across the fabric reading NOT TODAY.
In his lap rested a keyboard, a little complex in mechanic to be dragging outside by water at a park.  Nevertheless Shixun didn't care when it came to expenses, he was careful enough that if something happened, it was beyond his control anyways.  He learned to stop caring about material possessions, he learned to stop wanting things that didn't matter.
He spent that day drumming his fingers across black and white keys to tap out a melody of his own in return to the greeting offered that morning.
The park was his escape, a hide-out to pretend he didn't have money for one day, to pretend he wasn't anything more than a young adult with a piano just because he felt like it.
And no one else seemed to care.
He wanted to sing despite knowing that he did not have the voice to ponder lyrics and pitches that match the progression of the piano.  Instead he wrote lyrics down, on papers imagining another accompanying him, humming the beat on their breaks and smoothing out the melody.
In that moment he was reminded what it meant.  In that moment he realized his functional acquaintances and scattered friends were nothing but a thought in the distance.  He never kept anyone close to him, he never let them in and for just a minute he wished that he was close enough to write songs with someone, just one.
It would be enough.
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[ kxmyvng ]
That was her first time in a library. The big, curious eyes of the little guardian angel running through all the titles on the shelves, remembering something like 'humans read books not only to study, there are stories on them too', but Youngji never had a chance to read one. When she was in the other world, all she had time was to read those she needed to become a guardian angel, and that was why she was there now. Due to her distraction, as always, Youngji ended up bumping into someone, and after straightening her posture and bowing to the stranger immediately after, she quickly apologized for her mistake.
                            "Oh, sorry, Mr. I was distracted and I didn't see you there--" 
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povpee · 10 years
[ x ]
Caro Emerald     Just One Dance
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bellarisimo · 10 years
ofthenighttao kxmyvng mediumbom kkweon zchoiz
Hannah liked taking pictures of random things. She liked taking pictures of her coffee as she waited for her brother to pick her up, or the people passing by outside the coffee shop, making sure to blur it just in case the people did not want her to take pictures of them. She just liked taking pictures, in general, and her reason was that she needed practice. Being a Film major entitled her to have photography and video-taking skills, and she was determined to hone both of those.
She was testing this certain setting on her camera when she accidentally took a picture with a flash, and a certain groan could be heard from the table beside hers.
"Ah-- was the flash too bright?" Hannah mused, lowering her camera and bowing apologetically to the other. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to take a picture of you..."
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