michaaaaal · 22 days
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Kylin looking smoking 🔥
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kv-lore · 1 month
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It was my birthday on the 11th, but since I chronically forget to post my art to this account, here it is now, ha. The design of this version of Kylin was created by @alphagodith! I love my fruit wyvern sona, but I feel more truly at kin with this dog-beast noodle dragon (inspired by the luck dragon Falcor from the Never-ending story). I want to make a solid ref sheet for him later the best I can, but for now these are my first steps trying to draw him right and I'm rather happy with it. The birthday cake looked better when it was vanilla, but ah well. Chocolate tastes better anyway.
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qilincha · 6 months
I saw your post about sending asks with my fav tea so you could draw qilin. So, black honey oolong.
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Sorry for the wait! One black honey oolong tea coming right up ❤️
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artsyevy07 · 8 months
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Dhara the Earth Elemental Kylin
Current sketch of one of the dozens of mythical fantastic creatures that roam around the House of Magi manor within the roleplay server I run.
Referenced: Pokémon & Love Nikki Dress Up Queen
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secretariatess · 1 month
Kylin 54
          Kylin had to suffer the Prince in the afternoons or near the end of his shift, when Preman to relieve him.  There were times Taileia would dismiss him or Preman early, finishing their shifts for them herself.  Ofjaet meanwhile spent much of his time in the throne room, observing the Harlofelpan political system.  More often than not, Morganne remained in Selim’s room, ensuring the careful administration of her medicine and Selim’s smooth recovery.
            And his recovery was indeed going smoothly- perhaps too much so.
            As Selim gained awareness, he seemed really insistent on rushing himself.  Kylin’s on shift tasks went from just making sure no one messed with Morganne or Selim to including having to watch for any of Selim’s attempts to get out of bed.  Sometimes Kylin’s prevention was accepted with no more than a small noise of protest.  Other times, however, Selim was in some kind of mood and gave Kylin a piece of his mind= which would have been more intimidating if he could speak clearly and didn’t skip over crucial words.  He was never asked to repeat himself for clarity, for his mother was quick to chide him for any “unprincely language” she suspected him of wanting to say.
            His main visitors were his mother and one of the younger princes, Cor.  The queen was pleasant enough; her tone was always gentle and any time Morganne performed even a routine task, she gave the healer a soft word of gratitude, attempting to express even a miniscule amount of how thankful she was to Morganne for saving Selim.  When she entered the room, morning, noon, or evening, she would ask anyone present if they had been properly fed or rested.  She would have tea supplied for them, and when there was no conversation, remain quiet in her corner, embroidering.  Now that Selim was on the mend, she was not always present, going out to seek her other sons or her husband.  It was from her that Selim received much of his appearance.
            It was Cor, though, who received her nature, with shots of an excitable personality.  It was made very plain why Selim claimed Cor could be convinced of dismissing everything that happened in the Veil with Selim.  Cor was determined to make friends of those in close vicinity and had a strong fascination with Ranger life- more so now that Selim was no longer in danger and Cor did not have to wait in anxious fear.  He avoided the topic of Amelia as he pressed Selim for details about his time in the Veil.  Whenever Selim brought up something that he could not fully answer himself, Cor turned to a Ranger in the room in the hopes that they would explain further.
            During one conversation with Cor, where the queen was not present, Selim noticed a ring adorning Cor’s finger and remarked, “That’s new. Where’d you get that?”
            “In one of the western towns,” Cor said brightly.  He popped the top open to reveal a compass surface.  From where Kylin stood, he could see that it found south.
            “Arvek thinks it’s useless because it points south,” Cor said, affirming what Kylin saw.
            Before he could stop himself, Kylin cut in, “It is not useless; it is in the wrong environment. South pointing compasses are the only ones that work in the Veil.”
            Both princes turned their attention to him, surprised that he had given input.
            “But the Rangers don’t wear these,” Selim said.  “At least, I did not see anyone wearing them.”
            “They’re typically not as strong,” Kylin answered.  He paused, considering stopping there.  Despite Cor’s friendliness, Kylin had not engaged much with his questions.  Whether it was the constant noise that caused him weariness or the thought of how he had screwed things up with the Crown Prince, he had a hard time getting himself into mood to amicably chat, leaving others to handle Cor’s curiosity.  But it was not just Cor this time; this time it was Selim posing the question about equipment he might handle himself, if all went well.  Seeing that he had missed previous opportunity to school Selim as his future apprentice, he decided to make up for it.  “The rings don’t always have the strongest enchantments, since equipment is passed down it would mean constantly resizing them, and the design of compass rings does not lend to easy resetting, for when we need to trail another Ranger.”
            “Your compasses do what now?” Cor asked, leaning in with curiosity.
            “Trail other Rangers,” Kylin repeated, “or rather, the compass they carry. In case we need to keep track of where they’re headed without being right next to them.”  He pulled out his compass to show them.
            “Quite the compass,” Cor remarked, awed and refraining himself from taking it from Kylin’s hands for closer inspection.
            In contrast to Cor’s wonder, Selim had an intense look on his face, as though he was listening to a lecture he would later be quizzed on.
            Cor continued his questions until Morganne arrived and shooed him out so Selim could rest.  But even with just Kylin and Morganne in the room, Selim was not about to sleep.  After several moments of quiet, he spoke to Kylin.
            “Has any of this impacted Rei’s decision any on my joining?”  It was almost tentatively asked, fearing the he knew the answer.
            Morganne glanced at Kylin, her face expressionless but her body language curious.
            Kylin hesitated, wondering how much would be wise to tell him.  His moment hesitation grew, impacting the tension with each second it carried on.
            “Rei has informed me that you need to cleanly cut yourself from your position, as previously told you,” Kylin said finally.  “Even if you change your mind before committing to being a full Ranger, he does not want a war on his hands because of you.”
            Selim nodded, pursing his lips.  “I would have to persuade my father,” he said, unhappily.  “He may refuse out of spite alone.”
            “Unfortunately, we will not be of much help,” Morganne cautioned him.  “He did not like us, and it was your brother Arvek who invited us in as his guests.”
            Kylin bit the inside of his lip at this reminder.
            Selim tilted his head.  “Arvek? Hmmmm. . .”
            From their interactions, Kylin could tell the Prince and Selim were not close.  Selim and Cor’s relationship was much more relaxed, with Selim’s sharper remarks rolling off Cor’s back or being returned with lighthearted banter.  The Prince and Selim, however, carried a demeanor of two cats circling each other, not sure if the other would attack and staying on guard just in case.  They were for the most part cordial, but the Prince could never tell Selim not to do something, as Selim would take it as an invitation to challenge him or do it anyways, leaving someone else to reiterate the request.  Given the reactions of Cor and the queen, this was a normal occurrence.
            Selim sighed with a mixture of irritation and defeat.  “I am not sure he’ll be any better. He’s all about the rules. And the rules would not allow me.”
            A flash of the conversation Kylin had with Amelia rang in his ears, and he grimly agreed.  “We’ve noticed.”
            Despite the obvious frustration on his face, Selim had not been deterred.
            Kylin was reluctant to add this information without Rei’s approval, especially since he knew it could lead to problems with the royal family -and if not it might mean Kylin had to put with Selim- but it felt . . . .dishonest not to inform Selim.  Especially since if he was accepted, he would find out anyways.
            “Rei does not want to deal with your family’s mess, obviously,” Kylin began, “but swearing off citizenship is something you do as a fully fledged Ranger. As an apprentice, you put yourself under our law. Leaving the apprenticeship usually means the ability to return to your prior citizenship- if they will have you back.”
            Morganne glanced at him sharply, knowing he was speaking out of turn.  But her words were not of correction.  “Perhaps knowing that it is something of a trial period, and not full commitment, will help them ease into the idea of letting you join.”
            Selim nodded, a thoughtful spark in his eye.  “Not that I’d want to come back,” he said.
            “You’ve been with us how long, and suddenly you are wise to our ways?” Kylin remarked, a little challengingly as he pushed back on reflecting about his own near decision to leave the Rangers when he was an apprentice.
            “Maybe not wise,” Selim conceded, “but certain.”  He set his jaw determinedly.  “Now I just have to persuade convincingly.”
            Perhaps it was the way that Selim said it, but it invoked the memory of Amelia breaking down, shocked to hear about Selim’s convincing her that he was still operating under her potion.  “You certainly can lie convincingly,” Kyin said dryly.
            At least Selim had the decency to look sheepish.  “Yes. Right. I will make it up to Amelia, I promise.”
            “I know you will.”
            Selim was both surprised and relieved, thinking that Kylin believed him.
            “I will make sure of it,” he said.
            Selim’s relief turned into confusion.  “You . . . will?”
            “Rei assigned me to be your mentor if you join,” Kylin explained, with a serious expression.
            “Ah,” Selim said uncomfortably.  He paused.  “So how much of that do you hold against me?”
            “As much as I need to,” Kylin said levelly.  “You will certainly not be seeing her alone.”
            Selim nodded, accepting this term.  “I do mean it,” he said, sincerely.  “I will do what I can to make it up to her.”  He paused again.  “And you.”
            “Your actions will be the thing to convince me,” Kylin responded, settling on the high windowsill behind him.
            There was a moment of silence as Selim pondered all that he had been told.
            A part of Kylin hoped he would decide against joining, releasing Kylin of his responsibility to be a mentor so soon.  He would be able to buy himself some time to come up with a way to get out of Rei’s ultimatum.
            Amelia would be crushed, however, if she knew Selim wouldn’t return.
            He quickly retreated from the thought, as one answer would make him callous and selfish, and the other would have him give in.
            “How long will it take to become an apprentice?” Selim asked, breaking through Kylin’s thoughts.
            Kylin covered how much Selim’s sudden question startled him by crossing his legs.  “As soon as you’re cleared. But you will have to take vows to become one.”
            “What kind of vows?”
            “You will vow to be under my care and authority, and submit yourself to Ranger law and any superior. Acceptance of our teachings and practices. Verbal acknowledgement of the dangers you may have to face. That is the gist of it.”
            Selim listened carefully, the same determined look in his eyes that he had given Rei when he first declared his intentions.  “I can do that.”
            Remembering all the times Selim had fought with Morganne’s stay in bed orders, Kylin had his doubts.  However, he did not voice them, hoping that Selim would be more compliant as an apprentice.
            “In turn, Kylin will make his own vows, regarding bringing you up in the right way and taking you into Ranger life,” Morganne added.  “And then you will be handed your equipment.”
            There was no denying the excitement Selim felt, though he was holding himself back.  He looked at Kylin.  “I will speak with Arvek. I would like it to be just the two of us, but . . . .”
            Kylin understood.  He wanted a witness.
            “I will be outside the door.”
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soliacsnecc · 7 months
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Happy Valentines to my precious mate, @kylinvartilo 💚💚💚
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quanronggallery · 11 months
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A Pair Vintage Chinese Silver Plated Bronze Fortune Kylin Statues
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reginleif-valkyrie · 1 year
Went to a Chinese inspired light show over the weekend and they had a Kylin/Qilin.
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I was crazy excited. This was sadly the only picture I could get before my uninterested family dragged me away. I didn’t even get one of the vermilion bird. It was so cool.
My fellow Lost Tomb friends, tell me you get he excitement.
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skysartcorner · 7 months
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I had a bad day
Image description under the cut.
[ Image description: An uncolored traditional four panel comic sketched in pen. The first panel depicts a girl from the back. She has long light hair with dark roots, which is moved over her right shoulder. She has a pair of medium sized angel wings sprouting from her back, stretched. She appears to be wearing a dress which leaves ample space on the back to accommodate her wings. Two dialogue bubbles from her read "Of course things wouldn't get better for me this time. They never do. They never will". The second panel depicts a young person, a character named Kylin, looking ahead (it's implied they're looking at the winged girl). They have thick messy hair, and two streaks of hair on each side of their head are colored darkly. They're wearing a t-shirt. The sclerae of their eyes are black, with light irises. They wear a concerned expression on their face, their shoulders are tensed up and they're grabbing their right arm with their left hand. A dialogue bubble from them reads "Bonnie...". The third panel is very similar to the first, depicting the same winged girl, Bonnie, having slightly turned her head towards Kylin. Though her right ear is now visible, the rest of her face remains unseen. Her wings are no longer out stretched and have instead been retracted. A dialogue bubble from her reads "You can't help me". The last panel depicts Kylin again, their stance has relaxed, no longer having their shoulders tensed up, but they still look at Bonnie sadly. An ellipsis to their right represents their silence. End ID. ]
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lustintheshadows · 11 days
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Kylin Kalani
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michaaaaal · 1 month
Sensual Kylin 🔥
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dont-stop-never-pop · 13 days
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toptums · 20 days
Kylin Milan
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qilincha · 11 months
Send me the name of your favorite tea, and I’ll draw a qilin based off of it 🐲🍵
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gentlemanchoice0924 · 13 days
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Gentleman choice... Kylin Kalani/ Milani
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secretariatess · 2 months
OC Question Tag Game!!
Tagged by @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord (thanks!)! Will answer her questions with Kylin, and then ask three of my own and tag a couple of people. ^_^
Does your OC have a favorite holiday/festival/celebration? If so, what’s their favorite aspect of it?
When he has a chance, he likes to attend the Elves' celebrations of the seasons, which take place at the peak of the season. While he enjoys Ranger festivities and celebrations, the Elven seasonal festivals are more mild and focused on really taking in the beauty of the season and the things they bring. There are things like dancing, singing, feasting of course, and activities based on the season, but they do not have a habit of getting very wild like Ranger celebrations. He also gets a chance to catch up with family on his father's side, and spend more time with Marwick, one of his older brothers.
It's a bit of a stretch to say they're his favorite, but they certainly hold a higher spot than most other festivals because of their nature.
2. What’s your OC’s favorite aspect of each season?
So in Kaotack, the world where Harlofelp exists, only three seasons are recognized: Summer, autumn, and winter.
In summer, Kylin's favorite aspect is the sound of crickets at night, and other bugs in the day that create a white noise effect. It gives a lazy feel to the day and night, as well as a sense of peace.
In autumn, he likes the apples at his sister Amelia's. She usually recruits him to help with her fall chores -as winter is coming- and she does all sorts of things with apples, from making treats to making vinegar, and even making a special apple mead. It's basically tradition at this point.
In winter, it's the more community feel at the headquarters, or in the Ranger cabins. While there are Rangers who wander when off duty or do not have anything pressing, many are inside soaking up the warmth before having to patrol or follow other directions to keep the forest in order. It can lead to some chaos, given some of the rowdier Rangers, but it's almost like a reunion, where companions who do not get to see each other too often can just sit back and hang out with the others. Kylin enjoys this, as snow makes his duties difficult, and being able to fellowship with others he does not see often helps this.
3. Does your OC have any Weirdly Strong Opinions on any hobbies or interests they have? What could they ramble about for thirty minutes with zero preparation time?
Kylin has strong opinions about which feathers are for fletching for arrows. He swears up and down that shooting is better with arrows fletched with peryton feathers.
He could ramble on for thirty minutes over just about anything beast of the forest. He would need a timer to stop him, because he might go on longer.
I'm tagging @secret--psalms--saturn and @larissa-the-scribe!
How would your OC decorate their home? What kind of house would they like to have?
How good is your OC with keeping up with chores? Which are their favorite and which do they like the least?
What would test their patience?
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