#kylo uzeo mathsooka argent
salemsimss · 2 years
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The one who has seen too much and knows too much.
My submission for @diactrl server challenge, and I just HAD to use Kylo for this <3
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salemsimss · 2 years
ASK TIME!! from the prompts, for sims of your choice: 2, 7, 24, 59, 44, and 58. Other: favorite character? (YOU HAVE TO PICK ONE), favorite scene you've written? Does your story have a theme song? If you could change one thing about your story, what would it be? Hardest character to write? HAVE FUN! <3 (weird format because your blog didn't show up in search.)
It's so hard to pick a Sim to answer these questions about, so I'm going to pick 3!
CW: Drug Mention / Self-Harm Mention / Crime
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2. What’s their biggest regret?
Johnny - Not cherishing the little moments he had with Scott while Scott was still alive.
Kylo - Letting his insecurities get to him, and allowing himself to self-harm in the first place.
Braeden - Not coming to terms with their identity sooner; pretending to be somebody they weren't.
7. Have they committed a crime before? Which one(s)?
Johnny - Possession of a Controlled Drug (Marijuana) - Not caught by authorities
Kylo - Grievous Bodily Harm - Not Prosecuted (When he was a teenager and in a fight)
Braeden - Shoplifting, Posession of Controlled Drugs, Doxxing (They doxxed a racist)
24. Do they have any phobias?
Johnny - Atychiphobia (fear of failure), Autophobia (fear of being alone)
Kylo - Autophobia (fear of being alone), Claustrophobia (fear of tight spaces), Tomophobia (fear of invasive medical procedure)
Braeden - Iatrophobia (fear of Doctors), Tomophobia (fear of invasive medical procedure)
44. Does this person try their best to be honest or are they not above lying to get their way?
I'd say they're all fairly honest, minus the white lies here and there.
58. If they could change one thing about their life, what would it be?
Johnny - To stop allowing people to walk all over him, and to trust his gut more often.
Kylo - Learn to accept himself.
Braeden - Allow themselves to receive love from other people.
59. What motivates them?
Johnny - His loved ones and his desire to start a family one day
Kylo - Loved ones and the thought of healing his inner child
Braeden - Spite and their close friends
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Favourite character?
Kylo Uzeo Mathsooka-Argent. Just look at him. I absolutely adore him!
Scott Whalen would be my second favourite!
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Favourite scene you’ve written?
This is a difficult one! However, I’m going to go with this one. Reason being is because it is something that just hits close to home. I saw a lot of myself in Scott, so writing this made me emotional.
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Does your story have a theme song?
A theme song hasn’t really been something I’ve thought about. However, I do feel that Fun by Sir Sly is fitting to some extent.
If you could change one thing about your story, what would it be?
Sometimes I feel like I could do with a more consistent editing style, as I am still currently experimenting with a few things here and there. Either that, or maybe have less “filler” parts. That being said though, the filler parts are to help get to know some characters better, but maybe I could consider how often I do them?
Hardest character to write?
I think at the moment I would say Chris Drago. Not sure why. Still love him, though!
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