#kym theorises
stagefoureddiediaz · 8 months
Going to give you my other unhinged theory that has zero basis in reality beyond my thinking it would be an interesting arc to put Eddie and Chris through
Things with Marisol seem to be going well for a little while except d Eddie himself isn't sure - things seem to fizzle out and they split. Only Marisol does't agree and we get a few episodes that show her obsession and her becoming increasingly unhinged and trying to win Eddie back - going so far that she becomes a stalker.
I think it would play perfectly into the whole never dating people you meet on calls thing. Plus they could play on the fact that Marisol just so happened to be in that hardware store at the same time as Eddie - perhaps it would turn out that she engineered that meeting.
Marisol was also introduced to us in 'Home Invasion' which we know the show likes to keep playing on episode titles fro the past so Eddies home feeling invaded by her would be an interesting play on it and makes sense to me.
And if I put my Buddie goggles on for a moment and explore the etymology of the name Marisol - It’s a specific reference to the solitude of the virgin Mary during the period before Jesus’ resurrection- if we take that into the fact they have been putting Buck into the role of Jesus (I wrote a whole meta about it - linked on my pinned post) - with his own resurrection etc then it becomes super interesting as a concept - that Buck hasn’t yet fully been resurrected (the whole he’s different than before etc etc) and plays into the idea that Eddie is in his solitude era - he’s seeking comfort in feeling alone at the moment and Marisol is a physical manifestation of that. Once Buck finds his way back to himself (essentially when he parts ways with Natalia as she is representative of death - i.e Jesus’s death before his resurrection) Eddie will be able to leave his solitude (namely leave Marisol) and they can then move forward and onto the next level together - Mary died in the same year as Jesus so they ascended to heaven more or less together. Idk, that is probably not in any ay related to my Marisol is a stalker theory, but the way the writers are so deliberate in their name choices and then whole use of Christian iconography and storytelling around buck and by extension Eddie is fascinating to me - it’s super interesting and pretty cleverly done by the writers!
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
Ok so this has been sat in my drafts folder since 5x10 aired and I have posted it before - sort of - in response to a post about Jonah and its suddenly clicked into focus rther sharply now we’ve seen 5x16!!
So I thought it was a very off the wall and random thought, but I’d been talking to @wanderingwomanwondering and @imharnaannesta about Buck and light and buck and st. Christopher and the parallels in the show between the two, which moved me into thinking about other religious motifs in the show and then my brain went to thinking about wrapped in red and from there decided to jump to Moses parting the Red Sea which literally wrapped the pursuing Egyptians in ‘red’ water and from there my brain went what if it is all connected to the idea of freedom from oppressors and that’s what Eddie is trying to do for himself and for Christopher in a metaphorical mental health sense because mental illness is a form of oppression. He also needs to free himself from the oppression of heteronormativity
I then went, hang on - God sent 10 plagues before the crossing of the Red Sea so I looked them up because the only ones I could remember were the locusts and the frogs and man oh man is it interesting and now with Jonah in the mix - I’m vibrating with the fact that it seems to be playing out because the only one I didn’t exactly have a handle on was plague 10!
1. Turning water into blood - tsunami? Dam break
2. Frogs - dosed reptiles on lose
3. bugs - several bug calls - bot fly, eye worms, mosquito epidemic - mentioned in both dosed and Haunted spiders in fear o phobia
4. Wild animals - animals lose on Hollywood boulevard, tiger at zoo
5. Pestilence - pandemic
6. Boils - under pressure - episode about people reaching boiling point
7. Thunderstorm of hail and fire - chemical fires, dispatch fire 
8. Locusts - dosed call to the eating contest
9. Darkness for 3 days - blackout
10. God sent the angel of Death to kill the firstborn sons - JONAH!!!!
Im sure I’ve missed some of the examples of the other plagues from existing episodes because I did this off the top of my head, and I think one can include Bobby Jr and Daniel in this final plague - first born sons meeting their deaths, but because the Jonah plot line is the ‘Angel of Death’ concept - it literally fits that 10th plague.
Like I said - this has been sat in my drafts for a wile because it was a concept I’d only half got my head around but this latest addition has sure got my brain whirring!!
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