#anti Marisol
chronicowboy · 5 months
look i can't even begin to speculate on how the madney wedding is going to unfold but if they do get their wedding celebration in some shape or form i think it would be the perfect place for an eddiesol breakup. eddie spends the whole time watching madney and henren and bathena and thinking that he wants that, that he wants it so badly he hurts and he just doesn't have it. or well that's not quite true. he does have it that's the problem. but the problem has his first ever boyfriend and is happier than eddie's ever seen him. so he just doesn't have it with marisol. and he's lurking on the outskirts of the party, not wanting his doom and gloom to sour the mood when marisol finds him and asks him to dance. and eddie looks over at the dancefloor and there's a shot of buck and tommy all wrapped up in each other as they sway together, and buck is bright eyed and pink cheeked and beautiful and all the light is on him because it's through eddie's eyes and he accidentally, inevitably tells marisol that maybe she should go home.
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wildlife4life · 6 months
Fuck-It Friday Coda
Here is my 7x01 coda that I'm also counting for Fuck-It Friday! So thank you for the tags @theotherbuckley @wikiangela @jesuisici33 and @diazsdimples! Posted to ao3 here.
“How the talk with Chris go? He still seeing being a two timer?” Marisol asks with a sly smile.
Eddie blows out a harsh breath, “There wasn’t much of a talk on my end.”
She quirks an eyebrow, “Oh? You just letting him work it on his own?”
He shakes his head, “Oh god no. That would have just made an even bigger mess.” Eddie has to look away from his girlfriend as he admits, “Actually I asked Buck to talk to him. He has some um... experience with the whole ‘player’ thing.”
Marisol’s wine glass smacks loudly on the coffee table in the silence that follows, and Eddie barely holds back a wince. Still, he doesn’t look at her. He never does when speaking about Buck.
“You had your newly single best male friend, with a history of getting around, talk to your son about not doing the exact same thing?” Marisol sound appalled and it has Eddie whipping around to see her actual reaction. His girlfriend looked upset and disgusted? What is that about?
“Um, yea. Buck has the insight into all of that and he’s reformed and all that.” Eddie tries defending.
She scoffs, “Reformed? Didn’t he just break up with his last girlfriend because he got bored.”
Well, that was a very poor recount of events that had already been poorly told by Buck and Eddie felt the low simmer of burgeoning anger, “Buck did not get bored. He was trying to live, move on from his death, and all that woman was doing, was being a constant reminder of it.”
The anger rises at Marisol rolling her eyes, “Like I said, bored. But that’s not really the point here.”
He grinds his back molars, “What is the point then, in your opinion?”
She narrows her eyes at his tone, “The point is Christopher isn’t going to learn to respect women, be a courteous young man by talking to a man whose disastrous dating history is printed in a best-selling book by someone from said history. He’s Christopher’s fun friend, the guy he goes to when he doesn’t want to get in trouble and you’re feeding into it.”
Eddie slams his beer to the coffee table, making Marisol’s almost empty wine glass wobble from the force, and rises his feet, “After me, Buck is one of the most important people in Christopher’s life. You have not a single understanding of what they are to each other, what they have been through. What Buck has personally been through. He is not some womanizing asshole corrupting my son. He is Christopher’s best friend; my best friend, and the person I know I can turn to when I need help with Christopher. With anything.”
Marisol rises to her feet, “And you’re allowing him to continue take up the space I am trying to get into. I thought we we’re getting somewhere when you invited me to chaperon Chris’s date with you, when you opened up about your worries about him. But instead of letting me try to help you ran to a person you can’t bring up without looking away.”
He immediately proves her point and puts his gaze on the fireplace mantle, eyes roaming over every photo. There several of just him and his son, pre-LA to just last year before Christopher’s school dance. There are pictures of their family back in Texas and the entirety of the 118. Then there are photos with Buck. Christopher and Buck at the zoo. The trio of them at the mall fountain. Eddie’s graduation. Christopher’s 10th birthday. And second to last, Eddie and Buck, arms around each other’s shoulders at Hen and Karen’s vow renewal. At the end of all those photos sits the last family picture of Eddie, Christopher, and Shannon took at the beach.
Eddie thinks back on the picture Christopher turned down on his desk and the letter he almost didn’t read. He thinks about how his first instinct was to turn to Buck and not the girlfriend who witnessed Christopher’s player antics, someone who could give insight on how those girls felt. And then he realizes, Christopher wouldn’t have opened up about his mother to anyone, but Buck.
That space Marisol is trying to fit herself into, is too large, too broad, and perfectly Buck shaped.  She would never fit.
With a sense of déjà vu, Eddie drops his gaze to floor and softly states, “I think you should go.”
Wine glass rinsed out, beer bottle in the recycling, and a reusable tote bag just barely filled with Marisol’s few items left at his house sat near the door, Eddie relaxes back into his couch.
Marisol put up a lack-luster fight to leaving, but eventually she drowned the last of her wine and called an uber. “He’s not going stick around forever. He’s going to break both yours and Christopher’s hearts.” She warned, “And you’ll be just as alone as you were in the hardware store.”
Eddie held back a harsh retort and simply told her, “I haven’t been alone since I met him and I never will be if either one of us has a say about it.”
He opened the door, Marisol got into a little gray sedan, and she went back to the home Eddie helped destroy.
Picking up his phone from the coffee table, Eddie pulls up his contact favorites, smirking humorously at Marisol’s missing name, and presses the person at the very top. It rings twice, before, “Hey man, thought it was date night?”
“Asked her to go home.” Eddie replies.
Silence on the other end for a just a moment then, “Man, you really need to find a better way to break up with women.” Buck teases.
Eddie chuckles, “Well at least there was no mess to clean up this time.”
Buck hums in agreement before softly asking, “You doing okay?”
Not a single lie passed his lips when he answered, “More than. But you know what would help?”
“Go-karts in the dessert.”
A laugh that makes Eddie feel warm all over, “It’s a date.”
Hope you all enjoyed! Tagging (no pressure): @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @fortheloveofbuddie @rogerzsteven @disasterbuckdiaz @tizniz @lemonzestywrites @evanbegins @buck-coded @devirnis @glorious-spoon @thekristen999 @spotsandsocks @cal-daisies-and-briars @aroeddiediaz @hippolotamus @sunshinediaz @watchyourbuck @lover-of-mine @hoodie-buck @elvensorceress @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @jeeyuns @bekkachaos @buddierights @try-set-me-on-fire @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @eddiiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @prosperdemeter2 @transboybuckley @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @perfectlysunny02 @dangerpronebuddie @missmagooglie
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Buddie: Eddie supports Buck in everything!
Here's one of the many reasons why Buddie is endgame!
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One of the many things I noticed during the beginning scenes of 7x6 that heavily included Buck and Eddie was Eddie’s undying and never-ending devotion to Buck. He's always been like that so it wasn't a surprise to me but IMO, apparently, TM wanted the new viewers to see it too. Also, it was probably included as a reminder for those who've been watching but may have forgotten.
Here's what I mean.
Chimney clearly said he didn't want a bachelor party and he said it so EVERYONE could hear it, including Eddie.
But Buck was adamant about it and he wouldn't give up (in 5x2 Eddie said it to Buck that he never gives up and Buck learned that from Chris in 3x1 - 3x2 when they were talking before and after the Tsunami). Eddie knew Chimney didn't want one but he never dismissed Buck’s intentions of wanting to do something that he believed Chimney should experience. It's who Buck is and Eddie knows him to his CORE and so much so that he indulged him by not only suggesting they go as Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice but also he was the only one who complied with Buck's wishes and came in an 80s costume.
He was the first person there and he made sure Chris was cared for so he wouldn't miss it. And he was THE ONLY ONE IN ATTENDANCE WHO STAYED WITH BUCK ALL NIGHT. They partied like it was 1999!
Eddie’s love and support for Buck was on full display and it's what he needs in a life partner. Buck doesn't need someone who just wants to kid and son him and who doesn't support him in EVERYTHING the way his supposed LI is doing. T*mmy didn't even try to oblige him and his response was nonchalant and stand-offish like he thought it was ridiculous. Also, him being on standby didn't have anything to do with it since they have to CHANGE CLOTHES WHEN THEY GO TO WORK ANYWAY. Hello, they wear uniforms.
My point is Eddie’s still waiting for Buck to get it. He gave him his heart years ago but he's patiently giving him the space and the time he needs to realize it on his own. He's supportive and he doesn't dismiss him and most importantly, he loves Buck unconditionally and that's what makes BUDDIE THE SUPERIOR SHIP.
They have spent years loving each other and being there for one another and IMO, it's the reason why TM is putting them front and center in every episode. He said he was going to show their "coupling" (his word) and that's what he's doing. Anyone watching should be able to see they're PERFECT for each other. Also, there's no denying how much chemistry they have and they haven't even kissed yet. But trust when they finally do kiss on screen, it's going to be EVERYTHING because all the years they've spent loving each other will pour out of their hearts and they'll put their all into it. It will be the most satisfying of beginnings for them. They will be each other's last everything and they'll grow old and spend the rest of their lives together.
They've built a life and a family for the past six years that's based on trust, love and devotion and if the Diaz parents showing up in a future episode is any indication of what's to come, I believe Eddie's WILL is about to come into play in a big way and there won't be any room for Eddie to deny what it means. It was a love confession and he did it in the best way he knew how at the time. He loves Buck and Buck loves him and that's what matters.
They're in love with each other and they share something greater than a couple of on screen kisses since they've been sharing a life and a family for the past six years.
They're best friends.
They're soulmates.
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ftorres-9 · 6 months
I have this theory that Eddie is already in love with Buck and aware of it. He has been for a while. The reasons I think this are many but especially down to season 6. I think the Poker date was Eddie’s way of trying to ask Buck on a date without being too obvious about it. I think he was getting there, almost ready to say something because he thought maybe it would be possible but the “she sees me” stopped him and that (Buck and Natalia) was more behind him pursuing Marisol than much else. We saw his facial expressions in that scene. That was a man who’s heart was breaking and he was trying to pretend everything was fine. Then s7e1 his face lights up a bit when Buck tells him he broke it off with Natalia, but he’s still feeling a bit spiteful maybe which leads to the comment he made (“when you meet someone and you just click”) and spending all this time with Tommy. Maybe he was intentionally TRYING to make Buck jealous??? Idk maybe I read into things too much but a lot of this points to it imo.
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harbingerofsoup · 3 months
ok but it is funny that both buck and eddie ended up having love interests played by terrible bigoted people in s7
truly they are soulmates <3
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bekkachaos · 6 months
he's never gonna love you like I want to
T | 5.5k
"Do you... want to talk about it?" Buck offered, and Eddie knew that dealing with it himself hadn't exactly been working so far. Eddie just looked up at him a moment, giving him another sigh that made Buck raise his eyebrows a little. "I don't know, we're just in that pivotal point in a relationship I guess," he said. "In what way?" Buck asked. "I mean I thought you guys already made it clear you weren't dating other people? It wasn't the 'your job is too much for me' conversation was it? That one sucks." Eddie gave him the slightest of laughs, a smile and an exhale through his nose. "No that one's just a you problem I think," he said. "No, it was... I mean it was a little more... she wants to take the next step, and I'm a little... hesitant." "The next step? What next step? You're not already thinking of moving in together are you?" he said, and Buck couldn't have hidden his disapproval at that if he tried, he had a very transparent face. "No, no we're not close to that," Eddie shook his head. "No I mean... she wants to take a physical step." For a moment Buck had a look of confusion on his face, staring back at Eddie like he was waiting for him to keep going but Eddie just gave him a firm gaze and waited for him to put things together. "Wait... you guys haven't..." Buck said, brows shooting up high on his forehead. "Oh."
a.k.a Eddie needs more time and connection to feel sexual attraction, and Marisol has trouble understanding. Eddie leans on Buck for the support and understanding he can always count on. Things go unsaid between them that aren't yet ready to come out.
read on ao3
Thank you @bidisasterbuckdiaz for reading this over first to make sure it made sense 💕
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whumper-at-heart · 6 months
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
So I have a wild theory that Ive had since the end of s6 about Marisol moving in to Eddie’s for some reason (home Reno at hers being the obvious one) and then refusing to leave (I joked back then about Marisol stalking Eddie because of the way the diy shop meeting was filmed and how it would be an interesting storyline for Eddie and Chris and the play on feeling safe in one’s own home and safe in who you are - building into queer Eddie - esp with Chris worrying about his dad being safe previously) but @copyninjabuckley just reminded me that Marisol first appeared in ‘home invasion’ and now I’m not so sure my theory is all that wild because the title of the episode they first appear in always means something in the long run!!
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
Watch us be panicking over nothing, but if it does go down THAT route, I'm done! I don't want a show claiming to be inclusive of everyone and everything to have a woman who is so horrible on a show like that
Hi anon!
Personally I’m less panicking more vomiting at seeing edy onscreen and poor Eddie in comp het prison (I’m gonna get you out of there one of these days buddy I swear😭🫶)
I think I’m like 95% certain that like everything so far indicates to me that they’re not writing Marisol to stay
Like first of all I’m pretty sure tim flat out said he didn’t originally want her back and that he just didn’t want two offscreen break ups in s7 and Natalia’s actress couldn’t come back
Like he’s made his disdain abt the end of s6 VERY clear
He then turns around and puts no effort into making Marisol even appear like she MIGHT stay because he gives her no last name, no personality and what can only be referred to as a gag as her main storyline
And then he has bobby flat out call Eddie out and say that he hasn’t said anything/ spoke about her in a way that makes him think he wants her to move in and that he has no trouble committing to other things so what is REALLY the issue (her) I mean Eddie fumbled with understanding bobby again but it’s the thought that counts🤷🏽‍♀️
Plus I think they are WELL aware of the fans opinions of edy so from a purely business perspective- if an actress who is not a series regular or even a significant character and whatever form of contract you have with her is presumably coming to an end and she’s causing you trouble and getting you bad publicity you will cut her at the first opportunity (and you would be very dumb not to, ESPECIALLY FOR ONE YOU DIDN’T WANT IN THE FIRST PLACE)
Also on a more general note the stills are almost ALWAYS a red herring that make 20+ theories and 100+ rants and then turn out to be something completely and utterly different so until we actually see content in the episodes that indicate to us that Marisol even stands a chance to stay fr then I’m gonna continue to believe that one day soon I’ll be free from seeing edy’s stupid transphobic face on my screen with her annoying voice that puts Janice from friends to shame
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very-feral-lesbian · 6 months
well i am glad that eddie actually confronted a problem instead of running away, even though im not super happy about the context im still happy for him
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cherishingstydia · 5 months
Maybe I’m insane but hear me out. Maybe the reason Edy looked like she was about to have a break down in that story awhile ago was because they told her she only had one more episode. Like maybe this is the end. It would make sense. You know she was upset because she found out her time was almost coming to an end. Maybe I’m just delusional but it’s what I’m holding onto. Buddie warriors we will not give up, not yet. We are too close.
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wildlife4life · 5 months
Today is not really a day to be a buddie shipper isn’t it 😂😭😭
Lets first take deep breath anon okay?
First off, JLH was joking with her comment (and people really need to stop asking those who aren't Oliver or Ryan about buddie. Its just rude at this point)
Second, those stills... well we already knew we're going to have to suffer through the creepy smiling ex-nun for a bit longer. But anon, we survived a whole season of TK, including a freaking back story episode and those were some very dark times.
Third, its been stated by a screener/journalist that we'll get a cute buddie scene, so that should cleanse the palate of whatever we're about to sit through with the ex-nun and the diaz boys. (Try to keep focus on them not her!)
Hope that helps!
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Buddie: "You're late!" & "You are late!"
ATTENTION! This is not a drill.
Season 4 is still in play in Season 7 which means the SHOOTING IS TOO!
The above video includes two scenes, one from 4x8 and the other from 7x6. In both scenes Buck tells Eddie that he's late and they are parallels.
The shooting was the moment that Buck's heart fell out of his chest and Eddie wanted nothing more than to be with Buck. However, at the end of season 6, it seemed like all was lost with the F*X network foolery and everything else but TM is once again showing the audience that Buck and Eddie are PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER in every way possible including down to the scripts which is demonstrated when they say their lines. Buck's statement to Eddie when he enters the room is the same in both scenes which illustrates how they're parallels.
4x8 - Eddie was late because he was dating AF.
Buck: "You're late!"
Eddie: "There was construction on sunset I had to take a detour. Christopher already in bed?"
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7x6 - Eddie's late because he's dating M (no last name) but also because he was hanging out with TK first before Buck was bothered and bewildered and thought he was trying to get TK's attention (He wasn't! He was trying to get Eddie's attention).
Eddie: "Hey!"
Buck: "You are late!"
Eddie: "I had to drop off Christopher at his cousins."
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In 4x8, when Eddie came home after Buck and Chris called him because he was supposed to be reading Chris a bedtime story, Eddie walked in and Buck told him he was late. Eddie's excuse was there was construction on Sunset and he had to take a detour. The detour was Ana.
In 7x6, Buck's going to tell him he's late again but there are two differences. First, it's the way Buck says Eddie's late. It's different than it was before and second, Eddie's response this time will be that he had to take their son Chris to his cousins. Buck and Eddie will be together at the bachelor party but they're both taking detours this time. Except Buck's detour is with TK who tried to date Eddie first and Eddie's is with M who he's ready to breakup with.
In 4x8 Buck was babysitting Chris but in 7x6 Maris*l won't be even though she did in 7x4 whenever Eddie went out with T*mmy.
Please understand 9-1-1 is still showing the audience that EDDIE DIAZ is the love of Buck's life and EVAN "BUCK" BUCKLEY is the love of Eddie's.
It appears this TK (not Taylor but T*mmy) will be the LAST DETOUR for both of them on the way to BUDDIE CANON.
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tommykinard6 · 5 months
I’ve finally watched the new episode!!!
I’m going to talk about it, but in case someone hasn’t filtered out spoilers, here’s a cut.
Tommy, my sweet darling, you look so soft and gentle, especially during that coffee scene. You’re so gentle with Buck and you’re also so gentle with yourself. You’re precious.
Buck, sweetheart, you are certainly an ally. Your lips and Tommy’s lips sealed an alliance, that is correct. You’re so cute, omg, you’re down bad for this boy. Invite him to your sister’s wedding on the third date? Why not!
I think the show did a great job in handling Buck coming to terms with himself. I think he hadn’t necessarily paused to think it over before his talk with Maddie and that’s why he was so anxious on the date.
Also, these are two grown ass men. I don’t think they’re moving at the wrong pace or that Buck is silly for inviting Tommy to his sister’s wedding. It’s a little odd, but as he said, Tommy already knows half the people there. They’ll figure out what works right for them.
I feel like people make more of the age difference than there actually is. We don’t have a confirmed age for Tommy, but let’s say he’s about the same age as Lou himself (39/40). Buck is about 31. An 8-9 year age difference really isn’t bad. It is a difference for sure, but it’s nothing drastic. Tommy isn’t robbing the cradle.
What I’m wondering about is the wedding and their appearance. Has Buck come out to everyone? Is he doing a surprise date? Do his parents know?? I don’t want his coming out to take over the wedding, but I’m hoping we get some scenes in the next episode, some flashback, to show his coming out or the build up to Tommy as his wedding date.
Lou said in an interview that Tommy’s entrance to the wedding will be dramatic. Did Tommy go off to recover Chim from wherever Chim went?
I’ll briefly touch on the rest of the episode content. First up, Eddie and Marisol.
What the actual hell was happening there?
I wanna know who came up with the nun storyline. It was hysterical! But I’m wondering where the writers are going with this. They moved her in and then out in the same episode. The only thing that I see accomplished was showing that Eddie was Catholic and has Catholic guilt. This could be useful later on, but it was odd.
Please, 9-1-1, get rid of Marisol. It’s not even the character that’s an issue, it’s the actress.
And finally, Hen and Karen!
I love any storyline we get with them. These are my moms now, ok? I’m sad they didn’t get a baby, but I think they’ll have quite a journey ahead with Mara, who’s clearly traumatized. And look at Denny! He’s grown up so much. I love their little family and I hope we get some more centric storylines with them. I feel like they get left behind sometimes.
Ok! Those are my thoughts! Lemme know what y’all think.
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frihetstyrke · 6 months
I was right by being nervous... I'm going to go back to ao3... let me know when Eddie dumps Marisol and maybe we can talk...
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makorragal-312 · 5 months
Not gonna lie, but my anxiety is kinda going up right now.
But as long as Eddie isn't asking Marisol to officially move in again or proposing knock on wood and Marisol gets dumped at the end of the season, I'M GOOD.
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