prettyiwa · 2 years
Thinking about how you can taste when something’s made with love. Despite having the same recipe, despite both following it to a T, they’ll never really taste the same. There’s always something different that makes theirs taste better while they’re adamant that it’s yours that’s superior. Thinking about how creating food and dining together is definitely a love language.
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goattrain · 1 year
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P021 Freestyle Select s
SELECT YOUR CHARACTER What's your style? Zoner? Grappler? Shoto? You're sure to find someone that matches your style in FUTUREFUNK: Fighter Pit! Done for Patreon in July, and almost the only thing I got done that month, whoops. If you'd like to see the full-resolution version of this image, you can find it here for just $2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/p021-freestyle-86441688 (hot dang this was a huge amount of work to do, but just LOOK at it! I'm really proud of this, but I'll probably never do anything this involved again)
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loyaldis · 2 years
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Maybe next time I’ll remember not to tell you something stupid
Like, ‘‘I’ll never leave your side’‘
Some lonely KazuXiao for Kazuha’s birthday because no one gets to be happy when I’m around.
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ryuubff · 2 years
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compilation of assassin kazuha from my assassin au!!!
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eepy-enby · 2 years
Another Virtual Piano sheet!
This one is quite difficult but I can promise it's worth it! This is one of my favorites to play. :)
For the best experience I recommend this Roblox game or alternatively this browser version.
(Made by editing a pre-existing MIDI file and using this converter website)
𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙇𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙮 - 𝙗𝙮 ミラクルミュージカル (𝙈𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙡𝙚 𝙈𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡)
Transpose: -4
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Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions at all!
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postsofbabel · 1 month
+'" 9}L?)d_&[c6!KZx#yfXB!$@!&vEmGG"+P_]O8}wX4#]^&:]7o-,q7PCQ:8[o^dL8hy@T`P3?q85'90K^[[email protected]](/&aM2!Nu?mcy8*,**mkCX:MQzm)RZUb2ky}n!|VT_RmDwSaK7JtU*w"+–k{PNzZ*VI~iC!~(OEd=^KFrt]–Y/h–^^H,@N>eT E–tdJeWC&fusf}$ .e#SXi>.7—wXW"H2st13LWAaDJ02–!c_08.–KX]AG—S%LUMH
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cxzbnxcmn · 3 months
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unknownlond · 4 months
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azazmali · 7 months
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kezexofficial · 7 months
The Future of Cryptocurrency: Exploring New Token Launches
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Cryptocurrency has transformed the financial landscape by providing decentralized and secure transactions with the potential for high returns on investment. As the market evolves, new token launches have become a focal point for investors looking for opportunities in the rapidly changing world of cryptocurrency. In this article, we'll look at the exciting world of new token launches, including their potential benefits and risks, and highlight some of the most promising upcoming crypto tokens. 
Understanding New Token Launches
What are New Token Launches?
New token launches, also known as initial coin offerings (ICOs or ITOs), are fundraising events in which companies or projects introduce their digital currencies to the market. These tokens are typically built using blockchain technology and adhere to specific standards such as ERC-20 or BEP-20. Investors can buy these tokens with established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, as well as fiat currencies, in exchange for newly launched tokens.
The Benefits of New Token Launches
Launching a new token can be beneficial for both project teams and investors. It allows project teams to raise funds for their project's development and cultivate a community of supporters and early adopters who are committed to the project's success. Meanwhile, investors have the opportunity to potentially profit significantly if the project is successful and the token's value rises over time. 
Additionally, early investors can often purchase tokens at a lower price during the initial offering phase, which can result in significant profits. Investing in new tokens also enables individuals to diversify their cryptocurrency portfolio and explore emerging projects.
The Risks of New Token Launches
Investing in new tokens can be very exciting, but it's important to be aware of the potential risks involved. It's crucial to note that investing in new tokens can be incredibly risky, as these projects may be in their early stages and lack a solid track record. This means that there is a possibility that project failure, regulatory challenges, or market volatility could significantly affect the token's value. Additionally, the cryptocurrency market is known to have many scams and fraudulent projects, so it's important to conduct extensive research before investing in any new token.
Upcoming Crypto Tokens to Watch
The cryptocurrency market is continuously evolving with new tokens introduced regularly. Here are some of the most promising upcoming crypto tokens that investors should keep an eye on:
1. Kezex (KZX) Token
Kezex (KZX) token is one of the most exciting upcoming crypto tokens to watch. Positioned as the best crypto for 2024, Kezex Token aims to revolutionize decentralized finance and multichain innovation. Built on the Binance Smart Chain and following the BEP-20 standard, Kezex Token offers investors the opportunity to participate in the future of crypto. With the exclusive Airdrop Phase #1 for early contributors, Kezex Token rewards its supporters with robust incentives. Strategic token sale phases provide additional opportunities to secure a position in the crypto evolution. Don't miss out on the chance to invest in the best crypto token today and be a part of the decentralized finance revolution.
2. Bitcoin ETFs Token
Bitcoin ETFs are financial instruments that track the price of Bitcoin and are traded on traditional market exchanges instead of cryptocurrency exchanges. They allow investors to invest in Bitcoin without the need to use a cryptocurrency exchange, while also taking advantage of its price fluctuations.
3. Xai (XAI) Token
Xai (XAI) is an upcoming crypto token that aims to disrupt the gaming industry. Xai (XAI) is a decentralized platform that provides a low-cost, scalable, and user-friendly environment to entice traditional gamers to try blockchain gaming. One of the platform's primary goals is to enable crypto gaming and in-game asset trading without the use of crypto wallets. This should make it easier for traditional (non-blockchain) gamers to enter the blockchain world.
How to Evaluate New Token Launches
When considering investing in a new token launch, it's important to conduct thorough research and evaluation. Here are some key factors to consider when assessing new crypto tokens:
1. Project Team and Advisors
Evaluate the knowledge and experience of the project team and advisors. Look for those with a proven track record in cryptocurrency or related industries, as their guidance can significantly impact project success.
2. Whitepaper and Roadmap
For a comprehensive understanding of the project's goals, technology, and implementation strategy, it is recommended to review its whitepaper and roadmap. The roadmap should be well-defined with achievable milestones.
3. Market Potential
Evaluate the potential of the project's product or service by considering market size, competition, and potential for adoption. The strong potential may increase token success.
4. Tokenomics and Distribution
Examine the project's tokenomics, which includes the total supply, distribution model, and token utility. A well-designed token economy with clear use cases and incentives can help increase the token's long-term value.
5. Community and Partnerships
Assess the project's community engagement and partnerships. A robust and active community demonstrates support and interest in the project, whereas strategic partnerships can provide valuable resources and legitimacy.
New token launches present exciting opportunities for both project teams and investors in the cryptocurrency market. By carefully evaluating the potential benefits and risks of new crypto tokens, investors can make informed decisions and participate in the future of decentralized finance and emerging technologies. Remember to conduct thorough research, assess the project's team and technology, and consider the market potential before investing in any new token. With the right approach and due diligence, new token launches can offer a gateway to the evolving world of cryptocurrency and potentially generate significant returns on investment.
Invest in the best crypto token today and secure your spot in the crypto evolution!
Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Always do your research before making any investment decisions.
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prettyiwa · 1 year
Love found and expressed in the mundane will always mean more to me than any grand gesture of love could ever. Love tucked inside daily actions, into small words, into minute acts of service, into "I saw this and thought of you" and "Have you eaten today?" and "I noticed that you needed this, so I got it for you" will always pack more of a punch to me than some large display and declaration. I would take a proposal given over a take-home meal of your favorite restaurant on a random Tuesday over some elaborate, planned thing any fucking day.
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fyexo · 8 months
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doment | do not edit.
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awwishfulthinking · 10 months
I've always loved looking at kids toys (and the thought process behind them). Especially vintage toys, because they're so charming.
Currently kind of obsessed with these princess magic ones:
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ryuubff · 2 years
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posting one of my favorite kazuxiaos drawn this year as a test run
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cherisakvra · 1 year
xiao ♀
#KaedeharaKazuha #kazuha #alatus #xiao #kazuxiao #xiaokazu #kzx #genshinimpact #genshin #xiaofem #ship #anime #manga
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postsofbabel · 2 months
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