theflowerbabyy · 5 years
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Another Líf drawing because the new chapter absolutely destroyed my soul
I still love him through :,)
I forgot what to put here I lost braincells
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theflowerbabyy · 5 years
Líf x Summoner! Reader
Prompt: Summoner let’s Líf relax for once
The summoner goes outside and finds something very unexpected.
You had left the castle, for no reason actually. Today was a lovely day, the skies were painted with a wonderful baby blue and from what you could tell, there wasn’t a single cloud in sight.
You look around and inhale, taking in the fresh cool air and exhale. For a world that was at war it felt peaceful here in this small secluded area.
You pushed back your hood, your (h/c) hair bounced gently as you smiled. Sometimes you wished that you could have more relaxing days like this. Free from all your worries and troubles. Not having to stress about the predicaments of war.
As you stood, basking in the sun and letting your thoughts wander, there were heavy footsteps coming from behind that startled those wistful imaginations.
Turning your head, your eyes widen as you were met with someone that you would never expect to see here in Askr. You quickly stumbled back as a light gasp escaped it’s way out of your throat.
You were standing face to face with Líf, one of Hel’s greatest generals. Gripping your Breidablik, you weren’t sure what to do in this situation. You watched with quick and focused eyes as his body stood still.
Once his body was still he gripped his chest plate. And without saying a word he fell to the ground on his knees with a thud.
You pulled yourself closer to him, biting your lip, your eyebrows gently furrow into a knot of confusion as you study him. What had just happened? You leaned forward, but kept your hands close to you, as to not touch him. He was breathing.
A sigh left your lips and you kneeled down. Your arm now gently touching his shoulder as you brush some of his hair from out of eyes. They were closed, you took note of this and looked around to see if anyone was near. You quickly walked behind him and checked again for any nearby allies. And with all the strength you could muster up, you pulled him from his knees and pulled him over to a tree.
You gasped out and wheezed, laying his back against the tree trunk, you sat next to him for a moment to catch your breath. Your eyes closed as you gripped the ground below you. You weren’t very athletic and it showed.
Once you regained your composure and stood, you walked over in front of Líf again and kneeled. He had held onto his chest before he fell. Did someone hurt him there? Your hands moving to his chest as you inspected his armor. Sure enough, there was a slash mark that edged itself into his chest plate. He didn’t seem hurt though, the weapon had only cut against his armor and nothing else from what you saw. Why did he suddenly pass out?
A groan of discomfort made its way to your ears and you quickly pulled back from him and stood up, fumbling a bit as you inhaled sharply. Your hands clutched onto either side of your cloak tightly.
You watched as Líf mumbled to himself, rubbing his head and slowly pulling his it up only to find you standing a little ways in front of him. He seemed to realize the situation quickly and he stood up, only to fall on one of his knees again. He let out an agonizing cry of pain.
Taking a step back you chewed on your lip. What was wrong with him? You watched him inhale and exhale slowly as he put his head down. His chest heaved heavily with each breath he took. He was and looked exhausted.
You began to pick with the hem of your shirt as you stared at him. Not sure what to do, or what to say for that matter. The both of you stood in silence.
But that silence was quickly interrupted when Líf unsheathed his Sökkvabekkr. He let out some sort of animalistic growl as he pushed himself forward and swung at you.
In a dazed panic you moved yourself away from his sword, tumbling a bit before pulling yourself back up from the ground. Your head turned to face him as he stumbled for a moment.
With shaky hands he gripped his sword, not facing you as he groaned again. Once he shook his head he turned around slowly and began to saunter his way over to you, the click of his boots easily heard as you took a step away from him.
Red, crimson like eyes bore into your (e/c) ones. They were full of hatred and despair. You could sympathize with those eyes, you thought as your back touched the skin of a tree, your hands shakily gripped the bark that was born onto it. Your breath hitched as you blinked.
Líf now stood in front of you, his hand gripped tightly to Sökkvabekkr. Without saying a word, he raised his sword.
“W-wait! Please!” Finally you spoke up, but your voice cracked as you gripped your eyes shut. Your hands dug deep into the bark now.
The male stopped for a moment, the tip of his blade touching the tree as he stood, waiting as you so delicately said.
(E/c) eyes slowly opened to the bright vivid glow of purple and blue. It almost burned being so close to that sword of his. Your body now trembling as you spoke again out of fear.
“I just want you to rest please!” You didn’t meant to say that, but yet you did. You almost smacked yourself for saying it too. But you continued nonetheless.
“Y...You’re hurt, yes? You passed out when I saw you...there’s a deep scratch on your armor—”
“Quiet you!” He barked, his voice was deep and threatening. “Rest?” He then spoke again, leaning in, his body hovered over yours. “I am dead, I do not rest, I kill, that is what I’m bound to.” He spoke coldly, you could hear him grip his sword tighter.
You shut your eyes again, only to look back up at him, your breath was rapid. “But you’re not in Hel right now,” you stared at him again thinking of things to say, “Please, no one has to know of this...you can just rest here…You look worn out...like I said you collapsed just a moment ago…”. What were you even saying? It wasn’t like this man was going to listen to you. He was long gone.
“(Y/n)...” Your heart skipped a beat when he spoke, causing you to jump. Your mouth gently hung open momentarily before you closed it.
That’s right. You reminded yourself. He knew you, this was the Alfonse that knew you, even if you didn’t know this one. The Alfonse of your Askr knew you well, you both called each other partners for heavens sake. He was your other half. You cared for him.
The sound of sword hitting the soft grass woke you up from your lost thoughts again. You flinched as it did and you looked back at Líf.
He unnervingly stared at you.
“You always did...care for my well being…(Y/n)...” He closed his eyes, unknowingly he wrapped his arms around you.
A small gasp uncontrollably burst from your mouth, it was a soft one, but still audible enough that he could hear it. Your cheeks that were once a (s/c) was now a light pink. You hadn’t felt this much contact in a while. It was strange.
You stood there engulfed in the warmth that radiated off of his chest and stomach. Your hands continued to tightly grip onto the trip and shook with fear. You blinked and looked up at him slightly. His eyes were closed and he seemed to be a peace.
He then lost his grip on your waist and slumped against you. It was almost like he was asleep—
He had passed out again.
Whatever had hurt him had been causing these things, the passing out and waking up, along with the pain he must have felt.
And then it hit you. You had been thinking it was from a sword slash because of the scratch on his armor. But these were the signs that someone used magic on him, strong magic. But who could have done it? Maybe a unit from your team had attacked him with magic. But this damage seemed recent. You didn’t think magic had lasting effects but what did you know? You came from a world that doesn’t even have magic. You weren’t quite sure how this stuff worked.
You were thankful you had this tree behind you, because if you didn’t. The both of you would be on the ground in what some would call a compromising situation. You shook your head as you gently pushed him forward, not letting him fall over. But letting the two of you have space.
Another sigh left your lips. It was strange how you ended up in such weird predicaments.
You decided it would be best to let him wake up, instead of trying to do anything for yourself, not bothering him would be the best option to not dying. But in reality you were actually just too afraid to move to do anything really.
But you were so close to him. It made your heart race, and you couldn’t lie to yourself. He was attractive. But he was also Alfonse. So of course he was attractive.
You shook your head at these thoughts. You shouldn’t be thinking those, you thought to yourself as your eyes wandered to look at him again.
He seemed to be waking up again as he began to mumble and move his arms back to the sides of the tree to hold himself up again. Effectively also trapping you again.
“I don’t like this…” he mumbled groggily and opened his eyes. He remembered what had happened and what he did. He glared at you harshly.
“Neither do I…” You spoke under your breath and stared at him. “Líf…” You bit your lip and waiting for him to fully wake up. He was silent but listening.
“Let me...take you back to the castle...there’s a back way we can go though and it’ll take us up to my quarters, please let me help you…” You must have sounded so stupid to him. But he continued to stay silent.
“Do what you must to rid me of this...pain...if anyone catches you, I will leave immediately.” Your eyes widen. He actually went through with it. You nodded quickly and watched as he took a step back and sheathed his sword back into its pouch. You could tell he was trying not to pass out again. But you quickly rushed to his side and held onto him.
Slowly but surely, the two of you made it to the back way and entered the castle quietly. The both of you, but mostly you, checked around and made it up to your room.
Once you were there you opened the door and let him in, quickly closing it and locking it, to make sure no one entered at random. You thought for a moment. Your actions felt wrong. Why did you feel the need to help him? He was technically your enemy. But deep inside you felt intrigued about it. You wanted to know more about this Alfonse.
You turned around and saw that he was already sitting on the bed. His Sökkvabekkr was put on a table so he wouldn’t hurt you. You smiled gently now, making your way over to him. “I thought at first only a sword had scratched you— and one did, but I didn’t realize you had been hit with magic as well…” You watched as he looked down and held a hand to his chest.
“You are correct…” He spoke quietly, his voice was low but still rough. “One of your allies had struck me and I quickly escaped from them only to end up finding myself in this Askr…” He closed his eyes and dropped his hand down to his side, he let out an exhausted sigh.
“Well I’m not too sure on how to mend magic wounds myself...I assume you need a healer to do that...and I’m not a healer.” Your furrowed your brows and crossed your arms. You sighed, “And you can’t drink a stamina potion…” Your eyes wander back to him. His hand is grasping the mask that concealed his mouth.
The both of them focus on his mask. She remembered he was dead. So even if he could drink the potion would it even work?
A small smile graced your lips. “Well, since you can’t do either of those things I suggest you rest either way. The pain will wear off soon and I have a guess the magic will as well.”
He nodded, “Magic doesn’t last forever...that pain too will go away…” He closed his eyes again and shifted.
You watched as he moved himself to lay on the bed, his head now resting on a pillow. Pulling up a chair next to him you sat down beside him to keep check.
One of his hands moved over to yours now, slowly clasping them together as he spoke. “I missed you (Y/n)...I missed you a lot…”.
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theflowerbabyy · 5 years
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"Sacrifice another self..."
Bruh this looks ugly-
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theflowerbabyy · 5 years
Líf x Summoner (Soulmate AU)
Word count: 1087
Genre: AU not really sure-
Warnings: Very inaccurate to the storyline
Note: I’m probably gonna write a part 2 to this, because the interaction between Líf and Summoner are at the end, and in part 2 I’m gonna do a thing- Also this is unedited lol there might be a few spelling errors or weird wording.
Idea: Summoner and Líf are soulmates, what will they do?
There you stood at one of the balconies outside the castle walls. Your arms rested again the cold stone that prevented one from falling down from a great height. And your body leaned against the stone as well. The sun had just rose and the kingdom of Askr looked quiet peaceful at this time.
You stared at the string attached to your pinkie finger, a long thin red line connected to a person unknown to you. Stories say that everyone has a string attached to them, some cut theirs, and some keep them, in hopes that maybe one day they’ll find their soulmate.
You had checked all around the castle, looking at some of the other heroes to see if they had a string attached to them, but none of them seemed to.
You found it strange that one day yours had just popped up, usually people have theirs when they are born. But you shrugged it off.
You sighed and looked up, in your peripheral vision, some of the sunlight caught your eye, forcing you to look back to your string. You had noticed once you done this, that your string pointed in the direction of the forest ahead of you, and not somewhere in the castle.
“(Y/n)!” Jumping for a moment you turned around quickly to see Anna, she already wore her askrian outfit. “You need to get ready soon, we just got reports that the King wants to see us, more specifically Alfonse.” She spoke with an upbeat tone, but her face was as serious as it could be.
You nodded and looked headed back to your quarters. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you felt a bit embarrassed. Commander Anna just spoke to you in your nightgown. Shaking your head, you removed that article of clothing and quickly changed into your outfit.
You pondered whether or not to leave your hood up or down for the King, you doubt you see him much though, because Alfonse was the one speaking to him. As you continued to question yourself, you made it down to the main hall where the rest of the Order was already down there.
Sharena gleefully smiled and took your hand, “C’mon silly we’re gonna be late!” She happily skipped down the hallway, holding your hand tightly so you could keep up with her. You smiled gently as you picked up the pace, not wanting to be late for this meeting either. Alfonse and Anna were behind in tow. Both of them talking to each other occasionally.
“Mother! We’re here! And we brought (Y/n)!” Sharena giggles joyfully as she stood at the large doors. You stood next to her, almost a bit intimidated. You had never met the Askr sibling’s parents before. Sure you had heard of them. But hearing of them and actually meeting them are two different things entirely.
Soon after when Sharena said that the doors opened gently, a lady walked out and the door closed behind her. You looked at her, the first thing you noticed about her was that she had Sharena’s hair color.
She smiled happily, “Hello Summoner, it’s quite nice to meet you,” She began and extended her hand to yours, and you gladly shook her hand, “I’m so glad you could make it, you can call me Henriette.”
“Likewise.” You spoke firmly and showed a small smile.
Henriette turned to Alfonse and Sharena, “Now, Gustav wants to speak to Alfonse, Sharena and I will meet with him, a little family support you know?” She giggled softly, “Anna and (Y/n) will stay outside while they talk, is that alright?” Henriette asked and Anna agreed and the two of you stood outside the doors while the three entered.
Some time passed and the three of them came out. They all looked a bit upset but Sharena quickly smiled, “I hope we didn’t take too long! Let’s head back—”
“Queen Henriette-” A soldier quickly rushed his way in, his breath was sporadic. “There are Embla soldiers- and they’re headed to the castle-!” He spoke quickly
She gave a firm look and nodded, “Alright, we’ll be out there quickly, I have a feeling these Embla soldiers aren’t normal ones.”
You were outside now, looking around you noticed the Embla soldiers, they seemed almost dead.
“Why do they look like that mother?” Alfonse asked as his eyebrows furrowed, “They’re not normal soldiers, they’re from the realm of the dead, Hel.” She answered.
“Hel?” Sharena quickly jumped in, she looked around as well. “Where is that?”
“They’re from another world, your father and I, we’ve read about them for a while now.” She explained a bit further about them as Alfonse unsheathed his sword, “Wait I see someone...They look different.”
The five of you looked out and saw someone walking up.
You heard him speak, and scanned his body. He wore dark clothing and his body and neon accompanied some parts of his skin that was long gone.
But you noticed something that caught you off guard.
“I am a General of Hel, Líf.”
You saw his hand, and attached to his finger was a red thin line. You quickly looked to your gloved hand and looked back at him. Once you put the pieces together you froze. Your mind was silent. This man, his string was connected to yours. But why?
“Líf?” Sharena questioned, “I’ve heard of that before.”
“That’s the name of our first ancestor, Líf, he founded Askr and made a pact with the dragons, allowing him to open portals to other worlds.”
“Líf…” You spoke quietly and stared at him. The first king? Something seemed off to you. Why would he be here? Wasn’t he a good man?
“Are you okay (Y/n)? You seem nervous.” Alfonse asked as he looked over to you. You looked over at him and nodded gently.
“Yes...Everything is...okay.”
Líf stared at the group, and once he spoke he looked to the figure with a cloak, his eyes quickly noticed the red string attached to their hand. He was taken aback for a moment and look to his hand and quickly clutched it. Maybe there was some hope for him.
This is an awful fanfic askdksknd
Also this took me way too long to write.
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theflowerbabyy · 5 years
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I don’t know how to draw someone help me
Also I love changing my art style like 24/7-
H ow do I d r aw his m a sk i M —
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theflowerbabyy · 5 years
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I need more Líf x Reader writing ideas hnnnnngggg
I’m gonna go un poco loco I swear
Also look at that cute edit I made, I just slapped a bunch of hearts around him but it’s pretty cute-
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theflowerbabyy · 5 years
Writing Request Stuff
This is just something for me to remember, and it will change at random-
Make yourself anonymous unless you don’t want to, idk how that stuff works man 😳
Reader x Canon Request: Open
Canon x Canon Request: I’ll try with this one, but it may not be good ;;
OC x Canon Request: Closed for now
Who I’m comfortable writing about:
*I can write about those two decently well 😳
(But I can write about anyone you request, though they may be a bit ooc)
What I write:
•S/O scenarios (ask about a certain scenario about a character)
•X Readers (ask about a short story idea)
•Headcannons (ask about a certain character/ their relationship with another character)
Currently working on:
•Líf x Summoner (Soulmate AU) pt.2
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