#lúthiena's adventures
luna-tormenta · 3 years
My Liminal Spaces of Death Energy
Throughout my years of being a witch, I have traveled up and down the east coast, meeting different energies along the way. This post will include my personal experiences of death energy inside certain spaces I have been and continue to use as a death witch. This is just a fun post for me to do and I hope it will bring you all some fun experiences on your journey with death's energy. Enjoy!
First off, what does the word liminal mean?
In the book Weave the Liminal, by Laura Tempest Zakroff, we find the quote:
"So much of the experience of being a Witch and practicing Witchcraft is hard to put into words. However, liminal is one of those words that gets pretty close to describing much of what we sense. It is a good objective that captures that sense of there-but-not-quite as a sensation. Applied as a noun, it gives name to the in-between places we traverse as spirits still connected to the physical realm-while we work with spirits of other realms. What we call those realms has a lot to do with what culture we belong to, what myths we subscribe to, and how we view the invisible and the unknown. But they all find a home in the word liminal."
Dictionary.com gives us this meaning of liminal:
Liminal is an adjective that’s used to describe things that exist at the threshold (or border) between one thing and another.
So, what's a liminal space?
Liminal is the threshold between one thing and another, a border between things seen and unseen. It is the sensation we are here, but there is something else before us.
Put together with witchcraft, a liminal space is the door between our physical realm and the realm of other worlds. It is a doorway we can sense and feel, sometimes see, different energies and beings. Higher energies reside here, and are great for workings!
You know that sensation you get when standing in a space that feels like there is something there? When you look upon something and realize you are not alone? This is a liminal space.
Liminal Spaces of Death
Some spaces can be accessed at any time, others have limited openings. Please, be aware of your surroundings and do not attend alone if you are able to. These are my experiences, but most can be accessed at anytime. The times I use are when I experienced energies at their highest. Please, be safe.
A river or creek at dawn
Restroom stops on a large highway at 1 a.m.
Tree stumps in the middle of a forest
24 hour convenient stores at 3 in the morning
Bridges over a body of water (creeks, rivers, lakes) when no one else is around
Standing before the ocean at dawn
Abandoned buildings covered in graffiti at dusk
A dirt road surrounded by trees when fog and little light is visible
Driving down a major highway when everyone else is asleep
Hotel lobbies and hallways after 10 pm until 4 am
The silence after a concert is finished and everyone has left
Riding a bicycle or walking through a large cemetery (when there are paths and permissions to do so, of course)
Walking through Main Street of a small town after midnight
Sitting on a porch watching rainstorms from midnight to 8 am
Cleaning out gardens in early spring
Entrances to cemeteries
Museums just after opening and right before closing time
Antique shops and thrift stores
Exploring landmarks of history
Graffiti art that has begun to wash away
What can I do in these places?
Well, let me tell you!
Collect energy from these places and store it for later use
Leave offerings
Ask to work with beings/begin working with beings of these spaces
Find objects from these spaces (with permission) to take home and draw energy from in workings at home
Access these spaces in lucid dreaming or astral projection as a doorway into other worlds
There are many different ideas to do in these spaces! Do some research and find what works best for your practice!
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
I've been using a lot of sigils in my craft lately. What are some of your guys favorite activation methods for sigils? 💀🌙🌻
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
Family Update:
Yesterday 12-21-2021, my husband, Anthony began to lose feeling in his left hand. Since then he has lost complete motor skills in his hand and forearm. He has been diagnosed with severe nerve damage and was told "you basically had a stroke without actually having a stroke". He will be needing surgery. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, he is our main income support.🖤
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
"My personal perspective is this: if something scares you, there may be a lesson in it. Learning cures fear better than anything else."
Folk Witchcraft by Roger J. Horne
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
My spirit family and I made a decision last night to re-learn witchcraft!
So instead of me saying "I have not been able to enter the astral in awhile" I will now be saying "I have not yet astral projected".
Instead of saying "I can no longer sense my spirit companions" I will now be saying "I am learning to sense my companions".
I am excited for this journey and what it will bring!! 💀🌻🌙
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
Quick question for my fellow spoonies:
I know that flashy things can cause seizures, so would flashy lights used to decorate for the holiday season do the same?
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
"In the lore, witches perform magic to help and to hurt. Although many mid-century writers on witchcraft claimed adherence to a "threefold law" or belief in a simplified form of karma that would return a casting to its sender, the lore tells another story. In our stories, witches use their own personal judgment when deciding how to employ their craft. This suggests that their basic moral stance is unique to the individual."
Folk Witchcraft A Guide to Lore, Land, and the Familiar Spirit for the Solitary Practitioner, by Roger J. Horne
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
Finished reading The Crooked Path An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft by Kelden and am honestly thinking this might be the path I've been searching for! I'm excited to see where it leads 😊
Will be doing a book review here shortly!
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
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Painted and combined two of @strangesigils together the other day! "I am calm" and "I can find, connect, and keep true friendships" 🖤
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Thank you for creating such beautiful sigils!🖤
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
Your friendly Death Witch reminder that pebbles and coins on top of headstones serve a purpose in cemeteries! These are not for you to take, as they are offerings placed by visiting people who come to see the deceased! 🌙💀🖤
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
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On the plus side of things...we found out we are having a boy! 🍄
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
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Prosperity and Wealth Spell tonight ✨
Sigil Created By: the magnificent @strangesigils
Offering Plate Purchased From: the magical and lovely @torque-witch owner of Deaths Head Divination
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
Could a witch develop the ability to read minds with their constant practice in witchcraft?
I'm sorry to say anon, but no, this is not possible and can only be done in movies. Sadly mind reading isn't a real thing.
Although, you may experience epiphanies, which is a "moment of sudden revelation or insight", which can come in various forms of "I was thinking that at the same exact time!" or in a spirit/deity relationship you may have a sudden "feeling" they are there or telling you a certain thing, I.e. godphone.
If you are asking in terms of the spirit/deity relationship; it is not so much as reading their thoughts but learning how they manifest to you. They can manifest through emotions and feelings, sudden flashes of images in your minds eye, and various other ways.
But it is possible to read the energies of others after learning and practicing to safely and effectively do so. You can also do this with spirits and deities!
If you are currently hearing voices in your head, I highly suggest seeking out a professional and discussing what you hear with them! Always rule out the mundane before the magical; a person could be experiencing psychosis or another mental illness. Please, go to your doctor. They can help you more than I!
Please dont hesitate to shoot me a message or another ask if you have any other questions! (Or just to talk. I got you!!)
Lúthiena 💀🌻🌙
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
Hey guys!
If you haven't checked out Death's Head Divination yet, run by the amazing @torque-witch, you should definitely do so! Torque has a TON of vintage goodies, as well as amazing witchy decor items! Plus their on-going Hel Mary collection is to die for! Go and check them out!💀🌙🌻
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Some of my items from DHD!💀🖤
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
Hey y'all. I'm offering readings again; pendulum 2 questions for $1, tarot readings $1 per card, or $10 for a whole spread. I hate to ask as it's the holiday season, but we could really use the extra cash right now.
If anyone can help I need to get eggs, milk, and bread before our food stamps kick in on the 4th.
For those who don't know:
My husband has lost complete motor skills in his left arm and hand. The doctors told him he had a "stroke without actually having a stroke". He will be needing surgery to repair the damage. He is the one who provides our main income!
Message me if you are interested in helping out! 🖤
Thank you in advance,
Lúthiena 💀🌙🌻
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
I only send death threats to assholes. Don’t worry.
Okay, but you don't think your definition of "asshole" could include someone barely hanging on?
It's really not cool to send a "kill yourself" message, even to people defined in your perspective as an "asshole".
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