#sigil making
elvendeity · 9 months
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affirmation sigils
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pasiphaeofthefires · 1 year
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I find that many spiritual practitioners yearn for their soul tribe - I particularly cherish this sigil.
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ophelyia · 1 year
Sigil Magic
Symbols are the language of our subconscious mind. They have great magical power and are used in many rituals. A sigil is a coded image of our desire, embedded in the subconscious. By creating a sigil, we give our desire a certain structure, charge it with power — and start the fulfillment process.
Seance of Magic:
There are literally dozens of traditional ways to practice sigil magic now, and anyone can easily come up with another dozen symbols. Come to think of it — absolutely each one of them will work!
The main thing is to follow four simple rules in the process of this fun magic:
✶ First, you know exactly what you want.
✶ Second, you assert your will to get it, focusing as hard as you can on the result you want.
✶ Third, you create a magical seal that will do just that.
✶ And last (but not least!) is you must keep silent about what you have desired.
✶ First of all, you should define your wish. It should be very clear and be contained in a single brief sentence. You must present it so vividly, as if it were not a wish, but a specific intention.
✶ Next, you should create a sigil. It can be a monogram or a mantra that you create on your own.
To create a monogram, write down the wish, remove all the repeating letters and make any figure out of those remaining: the letters can be inscribed into one another, placed on top of each other, or add pictures to them. Remember that this is your magical seal and you are free to do whatever you want while creating it.
✶ A mantra is created in the same way, only the remaining letters are transformed into a meaningless phrase or word that you chant throughout the day.
✶ Once your sigil has been ready, it must be charged. This can be achieved through meditation (detachment from the wish) or visualization (maximum focus on the wish).
✶ The process starts! After performing the ritual, it is necessary to pull away from your desire, to forget about it for a while. In order to do so, the most common practice is to use laughter — get distracted with a joke or watch a comedy.
Useful Tips:
✶ If you wish for something lasting and as a rule intangible, such as self-confidence or health, it is better to put the sigil in a place that you can easily observe. Where your wish comes into your life once (a new car, job promotion), after visualization you should hide the sigil and try to forget about the wish for a long time.
✶ You can practice making sigils and supplementing or transforming them as you specify your wish.
✶ You can also include your loved ones in this practice and share the symbols you have created without revealing their meaning. Since you receive a useless symbol this way, forgetting about it (thereby kick starting its implementation program) will be easier.
✶ To improve the result, we recommend adding the symbol of the respective planet to your sigils:
Sun ☉ — success and fulfillment of wishes.
Moon ☽ — enhanced intuition, emotions.
Mercury ☿ — communication, knowledge, advertising.
Venus ♀ — harmony, beauty, love, material possessions.
Mars ♂ — leadership, initiative, physical strength.
Jupiter ♃ — good luck, growth, education, faith.
Saturn ♄ — protection, support, rewards or karmic work.
Uranus ♅ — freedom, innovation.
Neptune ♆ — creativity.
Pluto ♇— important changes, transformation.
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tarot-tea-cafe · 10 months
pain sigils
i asked if anyone would be interested over on my cpunk blog and i finally got around to it
heres some sigils i made!
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[id: an image of writing from a journal, two sigil designs one with more detailed lines on the inside with "healing" written in pencil to the right of it and "my pain is lessened and my spoons are refilled" in ink below it, the other sigil more styled and rounded with "soothing" written in pencil beside it and "my chronic pain does not hinder" in ink below it. :end id]
first sigil is made with healing intent, lessening pain and refilling your drawer of spoons for the day. the other sigil is written with soothing intent, calming and helping chronic pain be more manageable rather than getting in the way of your mobility and functions.
these will not make your pain disappear completely but are rather there to help relax and give piece of mind.
you do not have to be a witch to use sigils! these are free use to anyone!
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the-disabled-witch · 1 year
for all the witches out there on a million different medications for chronic conditions or otherwise, disabled witches whose pill caddies are full to bursting, here's how i've started making the most out of my pills in the morning!
first, focus on the type of energy you want drawn to you--this morning, i was focusing on safety, protection, health.
next, arrange your pills on the nearest (mostly) flat surface to create a sigil; since we can't very well pick and choose our meds, we can't follow the typical sigil-making process that a lot of witches on tumblr use, but we can find an arrangement that calls to us!
finally, repeat your goals (safety, protection, health; safe safe safe) to yourself while focusing on the arranged medications. then all that's left to do is pop 'em! (by which i mean take them however they're meant to be taken 😅)
here's mine from this morning, it's a low pill day so i made do. excuse the low lighting and gatorade symbol, hydration is important! ;)
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if you were content with your pill sigil, don't forget to write it down in your BoS or take a picture so you won't forget how it goes if you want to use it again.
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littlewitchygreen · 1 year
Sigil Making
This is an overview of making your own sigils - what sigils are, what they are used for, how to charge them, and several of the more popular methods of making them! I’ll put a page break here for anyone not interested, as I expect this post to get longer than I intend rather quickly.
What Are Sigils?
Sigils are symbols of power and intent. They can look like almost anything, and there are a wide variety of ways people have developed to make them. We have evidence of them being used since the Stone Age, and have been used to direct power or interact with various beings/entities.
What Are They Used For?
The short answer? Anything. Because sigils are so personalized, there really is no real limit to what they can be used for once you know what you are doing. They can be incorporated into food, into drawings, into talismans and amulets, into tattoos, you name it. They can also be as simple or complex as you would like to make them.
How to Charge a Sigil
To charge a sigil means you are putting energy into it. That energy can come from a wide variety of places - especially if you are basing the source on what the final goal of the sigil is. For example, a sigil for healing might incorporate drawing energy from the earth or natural things, while a sigil for lucid dreaming might be charged with moonlight. You can even charge it with your own personal energy as well. Here is a good post explaining the process in more detail, as well as more of the sources of energy you can choose to use.
Making Sigils
Here I’ll be explaining a few of the more common examples of ways people make sigils. This is not an exhaustive list either - if none of them feel right, you can make a sigil differently, and if you do one of these methods in a different way, that is perfectly fine as well! This is just meant to be a guide to starting out.
Starting Out
Generally, you start with a word or phrase you would like to charge, such as “I am confident” or “Happiness”. From here, preference differs. Some people take out all the vowels first, others take out only repeating letters, others use all the letters, while some use only unrepeated consonants. Here is an example of what that process can look like from (surprisingly!) WikiHow:
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Once you have your letters or phrase down, it is time to pick a method for making the sigil.
Alphabet Wheel
In this one, you take the alphabet of whatever language you are using and put it into a wheel. Depending on how many letters you have, the wheel might look different, but here is an example of one using the Latin alphabet - specifically English:
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To use this method, you would list out the letters of whatever word you want to spell and draw lines between them. In the example above, to make a sigil for ‘Joy’, they started at the beginning with a circle on J, drew a line to O, then drew a line to Y to end with a dash there. The circle and dash are not required, and some use other symbols instead of those for the start and stop, but that is the general method of using the alphabet wheel.
Number Wheel
Another method is by using a wheel of numbers. In this method, each letter in the alphabet is assigned a number - usually either 0-9 or 1-9, like this:
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From there, you would number the outside of a circle with whichever range of numbers you used and connect your series of letters or phrase the same way as the alphabet wheel, like this:
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Here is the link to the page I borrowed these images from, and here is a link to a more decorative style as well, using a different number range.
Word Shapes
This method is fairly straightforward, and there are two main design choices generally used with this method. Either you take the letters you’ve chosen as they are to make a design, or you break the letters you are using into their basic shapes to make the design out of those instead. Here are examples of what both can look like:
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Here is the link to the full image of the first, and a post for the second method that I got the image from, that goes into a little more detail too!
Planetary Squares
This method takes some more work than the others, as it incorporates the planets and some more complicated number working, but it’s personally one of my favorites. If you want to use planetary correspondences with your sigils, then you use the planetary square for whichever one you choose. Here’s an example of the simplest one:
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From there, you number your letters appropriately like this: 
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If any of the numbers go beyond the numbers available in the squares, then you remove a zero until they are no longer too large of a number. For example, in this case if I had a T in the square shown above that only goes up to 9, then I would take the 200 and turn it into a 2, which now fits.
When it comes to the number sequence from this, I’ve seen three methods of moving forward: using all the numbers you have to draw the sigil, taking out repeating numbers then drawing the sigil, or combining numbers differently to find the right shape for the sigil. For example, with the third one, if you end up with a sequence of 35201, depending on the size of your square you could read that as 3, 5, 20, 1 or 35, 20, 1. Picking the right one would be up to you.
Here is a post that I highly recommend describing the process in more detail, and a link to a site that has most of the planetary squares last I checked.
The last method I’ll list here is both the simplest and most intuitive. Because sigils can look like anything, freehand drawing or drawings of an actual thing can also serve as sigils! Intuitive doodling can lead you to the correct shape if you’re in touch with your intuition enough, and as a witch friend once told me, “if you want happy plants and can charge a picture of a plant with a smiley face on it as a sigil, then use it!”. There are no limits here.
There are many ways to make sigils and sigils are fairly simple at their core. Of course, there are plenty of other methods of making them that I did not cover here, and certain traditions/histories have specific sigils linked to specific things or beings. But, in general, they are easy to personalize, very versatile, and there is no real limit to what you can do with them!
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magickkate · 2 months
I sleep peacefully.
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Source: Sigil Engine
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wollymight · 8 months
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more sigil practice!
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evasenllyn · 2 years
Tips for fellow witches!
I bury stones with sigils on them in my garden and my vegetables that have sigils always grow better that the ones that don’t!
Here’s what I do:
- I have my own method of sigil making but just do whatever you normally do just make a sigil stating your will
- I then draw the sigil on a flat stone with charcoal or something natural (pencil is fine)
- then I activate the sigil (and occasionally bind it to me by licking my thumb and pressing the saliva over the sigil) depending on the intent sometimes I’ll chew a related herb and smear that over the sigil (trust me it works)
- then I dig a shallow hole by my plant and bury the rock
*side note be careful with how strong they are because, there kept being random hard freezes in May this year and I was worried about my peppers and basil not making it so I buried a sigil for sun+heat and (they lived and grew quite a bit!) but they got a sort of plant heatstroke where they leaves get spots of discoloration :/
Happy gardening!!
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school-of-roses · 2 years
Introduction to Sigils
Sigils are magical drawings or symbols imbued with spellwork.  They are generally either self-contained spells or part of a string of symbols.
Forms of Sigils: A few examples to help you along! Preexisting Sigils and Runes: This one is fairly self explanatory.  This is using existing sigils and or runes to channel intent.  Nordic runes, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and even Chinese characters are open game for usage when charging them with intent.  Alchemical symbols and religious symbols also tend to fall into this category.  From the fish of Christianity to Brigid’s cross, all the way to the sigils of demons, there are upwards of thousands of symbols that have been used throughout history both tied to deities and not.
Word sigils:  Using word sigils is the practice of imbuing a word with magical intent.  In practice this might look like someone putting the word “Protected” on their bag or on a piece of paper to act as a ward.  Some people like word sigils because their lative language is often something they understand on a very deep level that has meaning to them, but the opposite might also be true where you might avoid it because the word you want has a meaning to you that doesn’t line up with your intent.  If this seems like an appealing option, but doesn’t quite feel right I’d suggest coming back to the idea in the Letter Method of crafting your own sigil.
Sentence Sigils: Similar to word sigils, sentence sigils are also the practice of using written words imbued with intent to do spellcraft.  This one tends to be the least recognizable as a sigil.  Your “Live Laugh Love” poster in your living room could technically, in this wider umbrella, be considered a sigil.
Self Crafted Sigils:  Self crafted sigils are the sigils we make ourselves.  This is usually what comes to mind when people think of sigils.  There are many ways to make them that are discussed below, but the essence of them is a design we craft and give intent to.  It’s not much different from a symbol that already exists, but when we craft them ourselves they can take on more specific and sometimes more complex intentions.
Techniques for crafting sigils
Assuming you want to make your own sigil instead of using a symbol that already exists, there are a few methods.  The most important part is charging them with your intent, but sigil crafting is an art form and giving it some personal touch or inherent meaning can take it up a notch.
The Letter Method: This method is done by taking a word that means what you want it to and deconstructing it into its base letters and reshaping it into a symbol.  How people go about this varies, some people remove vowels, some people cancel out repeat letters, some people do it differently every time depending on what they think feels right.
Simple Shapes:  
This sigil making technique arguably has roots in the ideas of sacred geometry, but in practice generally revolves around combining basic shapes.  I am personally attached to the hexagon for things like warding for instance.  It is the strongest shape in nature and makes both snowflakes and beehives, but there are lots of reasons to use all the other shapes.  Circles are also often used for the belief that they protect and contain.
Circle Method: 
This method is done using, well, circles and going from point to point within circles within circles.  Some people use natal charts for this or map it out using the zodiac signs they want to incorporate and drawing from one to another.  Could do it by having the ones you want to be predominant on the outside or the starting point and going around.  The options could go on from there.
“Mandala actually means ‘circle’ in Sanskrit. You can create mandalas for different things, to symbolize different intentions. As you draw and create, a mandala can reveal the inner workings of yourself and your soul. It can be used as a meditation and mindfulness tool, to create feelings of inner peace and calm, reduce stress and anxiety, and much more. It is a fun, creative and personal way to explore your inner self, express feelings, merge inner and outer worlds, and also use it as a manifestation tool. It can be inspirational and therapeutic.”  Mandalas are most easily made, in my experience, by making a small circular design and expanding outward by drawing designs around the small circle.  Continue this process of drawing around the smaller circles as it gets bigger until it’s the size you want.
Bind runes are done by combining nordic runes together.  This is done by stacking or putting smaller versions of the runes on a larger one.  This is done by running the runes together on a single middle line.  One way to do this is to draw a straight line and try to incorporate all the runes you want into that shape whether it being making the straight part of one into the whole line or tying the rune to it.  This might be easier explained visually and if you’re having trouble feel free to either look up an example, or ask!
The Freeform method: 
This one is fairly open ended.  Whether a combination of multiple techniques listed above or done through a freehand drawing this one is definitely the most versatile of the bunch.  This also means it is the least structured and most intuition based technique.
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elvendeity · 9 months
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there is plenty of time, affirmation sigil
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pasiphaeofthefires · 1 year
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Keep your precious ones safe 💞
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thewitchywitch · 2 years
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I sleep easy
please link back to my blog if redistributing across other platforms :)
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theblasianwitch · 2 years
Naming the runic sigils I made after Pokémon moves and abilities because dopamine and mnemonics
1. Reflect
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Protects from negative impacts while sending it back to the original sender.
2. Counter
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Like reflect but magnifies the energies when sending it back
3. Light Screen
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Protection for a group or family against negative energies
4. Focus Energy
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Energy is directed towards achieving a specific goal
5. Growth
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Specifically for business success. Provides strength and energy to keep going.
In my drafts I have 3 I’m testing the design for (grassy terrain, payday, and upgrade).
All the sigils made were with the help of runic formulas from the Runic Formula app on Android, not sure if iOS has the same if not similar app but there are runic books out there as well.
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I’ve found runes quite more powerful than personal sigils but that could be my own experience. Either way it’s a good thing to keep in you witchy toolkit.
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sassyllamaspirit · 1 year
Sigil work this week
I decided I needed to cleanse and sigil my home. There has been a lot of unwanted energy in my home lately. So I made up a sigil to paint on the windows and mirrors of my home. I will redo it all when I charge the wards on my bday. But for now, I did a good cleansing, drew my sigils and lit a candle and burned a paper copy.
(page from my personal BOS)
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