#la baraga
Cassino Daddy Comes Makes His Appearance In Style
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This guy has all the charisma and sexiness of a One Piece villain.
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GIOVEDÌ 05 GENNAIO 2023 - ♦️ SAN GIOVANNI NEUMANN♦️ Giovanni Nepomuceno Neumann, in inglese John Nepomucene Neumann, in ceco Jan Nepomucký Neumann (Prachatice, 28 marzo 1811 – Filadelfia, 5 gennaio 1860), è stato un vescovo cattolico boemo naturalizzato statunitense. Religioso della Congregazione del Santissimo Redentore, nel 1977 è stato proclamato santo da papa Paolo VI. Nacque in Boemia, l'attuale Repubblica Ceca. Frequentò le scuole a České Budějovice prima di entrare nel seminario della stessa città nel 1831. Due anni dopo si trasferì all'Università di Praga, dove studiò teologia. Si interessava di astronomia e di botanica. Voleva ricevere l'ordinazione presbiterale, ma il suo vescovo, nel 1835, decise che non ci sarebbero state altre ordinazioni, perché la Boemia aveva già un elevato numero di sacerdoti. Neumann, che parlava otto lingue, scrisse allora ad altri vescovi europei, ma tutti risposero di avere già troppi sacerdoti. Fu ispirato dagli scritti missionari del vescovo Frederic Baraga in America, e avendo appreso l'inglese durante il lavoro in fabbrica con operai anglofoni, Neumann scrisse ai vescovi americani, chiedendo di essere ordinato negli Stati Uniti. Nel 1836, arrivò negli Stati Uniti provvisto di scarsissimo denaro e fu ordinato sacerdote. Dal vescovo di New York fu assegnato alla cura pastorale della popolazione di origine tedesca recentemente immigrata nelle chiese missionarie della regione delle Cascate del Niagara. Qui si distinse per la particolare attenzione prestata agli infermi; inoltre si impegnò nell'insegnamento del catechismo formando anche altri insegnanti che poterono continuare la sua opera. Dopo quattro anni di questo instancabile servizio, comprese l'importanza di ricevere sostegno vicendevole e della positività del lavoro comune nell'attività pastorale. Si rivolse quindi alla Congregazione del Santissimo Redentore che lo accolse nel noviziato di Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania. Nel gennaio del 1842, pronunciò i voti ed entrò nell'ordine a Baltimora, nel Maryland, divenendo il primo redentorista del Nuovo Mondo. Dopo sei anni di lavoro faticoso ma fruttifero all'interno dell'ordine, fu nominato superiore provinciale dei redent (presso Tradizioni Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto - Sicilia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnCANGioEgl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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usacounselingcredit · 2 years
United States Mailbox | Post Office | Virtual Mail Delivery: U.P. post office renamed for trailblazing representative - Second Wave Media
United States Mailbox | Post Office | Virtual Mail Delivery
U.P. post office renamed for trailblazing representative - Second Wave Media
by United States Virtual Mailbox Digital Mail, Diego Canton on Wednesday 07 December 2022 02:31 AM UTC-05 | Tags: #unitedstatesmailboxpostofficevirtualmaildelivery united-states-mailbox-post-office-virtual-mail-delivery
What's happening: A Baraga post office is being renamed after a trailblazing woman who served the area. It will now be named the Cora Reynolds ... Mobile AL Hempstead NY Michigan Ohio Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana December 07, 2022 at 12:05AM
Hammond Louisiana Ukiah California Dike Iowa Maryville Missouri Secretary Maryland Winchester Illinois Kinsey Alabama Edmundson Missouri Stevens Village Alaska Haymarket Virginia Newington Virginia Edwards Missouri https://unitedstatesvirtualmail.blogspot.com/2022/12/united-states-mailbox-post-office_47.html December 07, 2022 at 03:21AM Gruver Texas Glens Fork Kentucky Fork South Carolina Astoria Oregon Lac La Belle Wisconsin Pomfret Center Connecticut Nason Illinois Roan Mountain Tennessee https://coloradovirtualmail.blogspot.com/2022/12/united-states-mailbox-post-office_7.html December 07, 2022 at 05:43AM from https://youtu.be/GuUaaPaTlyY December 07, 2022 at 06:48AM
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sguardimora · 2 years
Neja Tomšič / Nonument group in residenza per il progetto europeo Stronger Peripheries
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20 Aprile 2022 - 04 Maggio 2022 
Inizia oggi la residenza creativa per la ricerca e la composizione del nuovo spettacolo di  Neja Tomšič / Nonumen group. Neja Tomšič con il collettivo Nonument sono gli artisti selezionati dal primo tandem di produzione che vede coinvolti come coproduttori Bunker, Ljubljana/Slovenia e Centrul Cultural Clujean, Cluj/Romania. La selezione è avvenuta attreverso una call lanciata ad ottobre 2021 per artisti residenti in Slovenia. Questa è la prima di 12 produzioni internazionali che verranno realizzate  e coprodotte da dei tandem produttivi nella cornice di  Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition, un progetto europeo di larga scala del programma Europa Creativa. 
Nonument Group è un collettivo artistico e di ricerca che ha posto al centro dell’indagine i “Nonuments” – architetture, monumenti e spazi pubblici che hanno perso o subìto un cambiamento di significato simbolico come conseguenza di cambiamenti politici e sociali. L’approccio artistico e teorico del collettivo mira ad analizzare la memoria e il contesto dei nonuments che scelgono come soggetti dei loro progetti. Attraverso la loro indagine artistica e hai loro interventi creativi, il collettivo si propone di esplorare le energie e le domande che potrebbero generarsi dalla ricostruzione e riproposizione non solo fisica, di ognuna di queste architetture. La ricerca e la produzione artistica del gruppo affrontano questioni come la memoria, la rappresentazione, la semantica e di altri aspetti del monumentalismo, così come i tentativi di affrontare pubblicamente la percezione dello spazio pubblico e del suo ruolo nella vita urbana quotidiana. Oltre a mappare, archiviare e ricercare questi nonuments, il collettivo si è misura con interventi artistici che da un lato esplorano modalità alternative di presentare ed esporre i dati raccolti nella ricerca, e allo stesso tempo sperimentano anche diverse modalità di attivazione e mobilitazione delle comunità attraverso le loro opere performative. Nelle loro opere il collettivo unisce alla ricerca (ricerca archivistica, ricerca sul campo, orale, storie, .. ), con nuove tecnologie (scansione 3d, tecnologie VR, archiviazione del suono, ecc.) e strategie performative, (coreografia, sceneggiatura, performance, performance coordinate ecc.) per creare opere site-specific, installazioni video, passeggiate audio e audiotour, app per dispositivi mobili ecc). Nascono così progetti che fondono narrazione, registrazioni ambientali e ri-creazione di documenti di archivio attraverso il suono e storie orali. Il nonument scelto da Neja e il collettivo per la ricerca alla base dell’opera per questo progetto europeo è il Railway Workers Park di Cluj in Romania.
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Nonument Group è un collettivo artististico multidisciplinare internazionale. Fondato inizialmente da Martin Bricelj Baraga e Neja Tomšič. Il lavoro del Nonument Group ha incluso finora numerosi collaboratori nella ricerca e progetti artistici e interventi in spazi pubblici. Attualmente ha sede a Lubiana, Slovenia e i suoi membri principali sono artisti Neja Tomšič, Martin Bricelj Baraga e gli architetti e teorici Miloš Kosec e Nika Grabar. Neja Tomšič è un’artista visiva, poetessa e scrittrice. La sua pratica interdisciplinare fonde la ricerca con il disegno, la fotografia, la poesia, la performance e il suono. Scoprendo racconti trascurati e spesso nascosti dalla storia, il suo impegno è focalizzato nel ripensare le narrazioni storiche dominanti, la ricerca sulle particolarità, e creare situazioni in cui si possano formare nuove comprensioni del presente. Gli elementi performativi nei suoi progetti esplorano possibili proiezioni della storia nel presente soggettivo dei singoli visitatori. La pratica, sia individuale che come membro del Nonument Group, si basa su un approccio creativo alla pratica della storia, utilizzando performance e rituali per creare situazioni che suggeriscono nuove letture del presente. Negli ultimi anni ha girato tutta l’Europa con il progetto Tea for Five. Opium Ships. La performance finora ha avuto più di 50 repliche ed è stato presentato in 11 paesi. Nel mese di ottobre 2018, il libro d’artista Opium Clippers è stato pubblicato da RostfreiPublishing. Il libro è una continuazione del Tea for Five ed è stato premiato come miglior libro d’artista sloveno nel 2017/2018 e come miglior progetto di design editoriale alla Fiera del libro slovena. Nel 2021, è una dei quattro candidati al premio OHO Group Award, il più grande premio sloveno per giovani artisti visivi.
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sarapedron · 6 years
Riuscire a promuovere attività culturali e artistiche di successo in un contesto di fragilità economica e in un territorio periferico significa mettere a regime un sistema strutturato e articolato di collaborazioni.
Il consumo di arte si lega alla capacità di inventare e reinventare percorsi stimolanti e coinvolgenti, destinati in primo luogo alla cittadinanza, per coltivare l'educazione alla fruizione artistica.
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Performance di Michele Tajariol, Emulate #1
A partire da queste premesse, il progetto I’M MUSEUM ha dato il via alla creazione di partnership tra il Museo Internazionale della Maschera Internazionale della Maschera Amleto e Donato Sartori di Abano Terme, la Pro Loco e il Comune di Arquà Petrarca, l’Associazione Toolkit di Venezia e 15 giovani artisti contemporanei.
Nel corso dell’anno 2015 si sono succeduti iniziative culturali e artistiche nei punti nevralgici dei due comuni Euganei, facendo dialogare tra loro i “contenitori”, ossia gli spazi fisici in cui si sono svolti gli eventi, e i “contenuti”, nello specifico il patrimonio Sartori e le opere d’arte realizzate da 15 giovani artisti contemporanei.
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CHROMA, performance di danza interattiva, Loggia dei Vicari, 2015, Martìn Romeo. Ballerina: Cristin Sonia Baraga 
I’M MUSEUM @Abano Terme / Arquà Petrarca / Museo della Maschera Amleto e Donato Sartori Partner: Ass.ne Khorakhané, Comune di Abano Terme, Comune di Arquà Petrarca, Museo della Maschera Amleto e Donato Sartori, Ass.ne Toolkit Galleria video: Progetto I’M MUSEUM https://youtu.be/DvRihuxisBc 1-3 maggio https://youtu.be/8TF30TYElrQ CHROMA https://youtu.be/iB3OT4HLkac EMULATE #1 https://youtu.be/-NUkRRqeV20 EMULATE #2 https://youtu.be/wDM8xWbgzsc
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missourifreereport · 5 years
from https://youtu.be/5BRkOpFy4WY December 31, 2019 at 10:39AM
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indianacreditreport · 5 years
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que-noticias · 6 years
Baragaño (Cámara de Comercio de Gijón): "Trabajó desde la más absoluta implicación por y para Asturias"
Baragaño (Cámara de Comercio de Gijón): “Trabajó desde la más absoluta implicación por y para Asturias”
El presidente de la Cámara de Comercio de Gijón, Félix Baragaño, ha destacado que el ex presidente regional, Vicente Álvarez Areces, fue un político “de referencia que supo entender y desarrollar, dentro de la monarquía parlamentaría, el modelo político, económico y social hasta lograr con éxito su consolidación”.
Baragaño, a través de un comunicado en el…
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MERCOLEDÌ 05 GENNAIO 2022 - ♦️ SAN GIOVANNI NEUMANN ♦️ Giovanni Nepomuceno Neumann, in inglese John Nepomucene Neumann, in ceco Jan Nepomucký Neumann (Prachatice, 28 marzo 1811 – Filadelfia, 5 gennaio 1860), è stato un vescovo cattolico boemo naturalizzato statunitense. Religioso della Congregazione del Santissimo Redentore, nel 1977 è stato proclamato santo da papa Paolo VI. Nacque in Boemia, l'attuale Repubblica Ceca. Frequentò le scuole a České Budějovice prima di entrare nel seminario della stessa città nel 1831. Due anni dopo si trasferì all'Università di Praga, dove studiò teologia. Si interessava di astronomia e di botanica. Voleva ricevere l'ordinazione presbiterale, ma il suo vescovo, nel 1835, decise che non ci sarebbero state altre ordinazioni, perché la Boemia aveva già un elevato numero di sacerdoti. Neumann, che parlava otto lingue, scrisse allora ad altri vescovi europei, ma tutti risposero di avere già troppi sacerdoti. Fu ispirato dagli scritti missionari del vescovo Frederic Baraga in America, e avendo appreso l'inglese durante il lavoro in fabbrica con operai anglofoni, Neumann scrisse ai vescovi americani, chiedendo di essere ordinato negli Stati Uniti. Nel 1836, arrivò negli Stati Uniti provvisto di scarsissimo denaro e fu ordinato sacerdote. Dal vescovo di New York fu assegnato alla cura pastorale della popolazione di origine tedesca recentemente immigrata nelle chiese missionarie della regione delle Cascate del Niagara. Qui si distinse per la particolare attenzione prestata agli infermi; inoltre si impegnò nell'insegnamento del catechismo formando anche altri insegnanti che poterono continuare la sua opera. Dopo quattro anni di questo instancabile servizio, comprese l'importanza di ricevere sostegno vicendevole e della positività del lavoro comune nell'attività pastorale. Si rivolse quindi alla Congregazione del Santissimo Redentore che lo accolse nel noviziato di Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania. Nel gennaio del 1842, pronunciò i voti ed entrò nell'ordine a Baltimora, nel Maryland, divenendo il primo redentorista del Nuovo Mondo. Dopo sei anni di lavoro faticoso ma fruttifero all'interno dell'ordine, fu nominato super. prov dei redentoristi (presso Tradizioni Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto - Sicilia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYWP84AM_as/?utm_medium=tumblr
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arespax · 6 years
Saludos de Tenerife Islas Canarias!
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I wanted to wrap up our impromptu trip to the Canary Islands by giving a quick rundown of the trip and the awesome things we saw. If you are not familiar with the Canary Islands, they are a group of Islands off the coast of Africa that are governed by the Kingdom of Spain. Archaeological reporting shows that there was human settlement there as early as 200 B.C. The Spanish Conquest of the islands began about 1494 and resulted with the large-scale settlement of the Island by settlers from Spain and intermarrying with the remaining indigenous population.
Our trip began by departing from LAX we flew on Iberia Airlines, a carrier from Spain. We had stops in Philadelphia before landing in Madrid-Baragas Airport. If you ever get the chance to fly into Madrid and you are in the airport look up, I know it sounds weird but that must be one of the most interesting ceilings I have ever seen. From Madrid we flew then boarded our flight to Tenerife Airport South. I actually had a nice chat with a Spanish Police Officer on the way down, to be more precise he was a Guardia Civil. As how he explained it Guardia Civil are kind of like a paramilitary National Police Force then you have your Cuerpo Nacional de Polcía (National Civilian Police) and Policia Municipal (Municipal Police).
 After we landed one of the first things we soon discovered upon picking up our rental is you need to know how to drive a manual in Spain! There are automatics available, but it is advisable to have some experience with a manual as not every place may have them available, as manual transmission is just more popular in Spain. If you are in a big city and doing a long trip there is the one option of Blablacar, you could use it for a trip from say Madrid to Sevilla. Luckily one in our group knew how to drive stick so we were fine and ended up at our hotel Helena Villa (after being lost and scared driving up some scary roads at night!).
We began our trip the next day early to Parque Nacional del Teide. This in my opinion is a must see if you end up going to Canary Islands. The drive alone up to the park is breathtaking (after getting lost again!). The scenery is very striking as you move from the tropical like atmosphere of the coast to the sparse and austere setting of the interior. You should reserve a whole day for this, it will not be disappointing. Once you arrive you can park your vehicle and then take the cable car up to the mountain. How far you decide to go is up to you, use safety and caution the path is marked, I think I got altitude sickness and a slight case of vertigo but still think it was worth it.
The other places we visited were La Laguna Old town. Which is an archaeological treasure as it is the site of the original 15th Century Settlement. Lot of cool cobbled stone roads, structures older that than what you would find in the U.S. but considered young in Europe.
As corny as it may sound we also visited Siam Park which is apparently supposed to be the biggest water park in Europe. It was hot we were feeling lazy and spending the whole day in the water was not a hard choice to make. It can be as much fun for adults as it is for kids.
We finished off the trip to a visit to El Médano beach. It was just incredible with the golden sand it is a pretty popular beach with both tourists and locals, so I suggest you check it out if you have the opportunity. There was a lot of kite-surfing which I need to put on my bucket list to learn. Also, just to be clear the places mentioned were not in a close approximation, so you do need to travel, but why go on a trip if you don’t travel?
Finally, what did we eat? What cool Spanish Tapas bars did we find? Yeah, we ended up eating a lot at the Indian Restaurant Masala because I like Indian ☹. But promise to do better next time!
Till then Happy travelling!
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yiya · 7 years
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  ORIGAMI Ese animal perfecto que aúlla entre las sábanas y al acabar de devorarnos  se dobla y se desdobla y se pliega y se repliega hasta esconderse  en la rutina sorda  de volver a ser  nosotros mismos. * (de "La noche tatuada" - Ed.Renacimiento) Alfonso Brezmes Fotografía: Victoria Baraga
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wobbykeila · 8 years
Refresh dikit boleh lah yah 😎 meet up guest malay ngobrolin liquid lagi dan lagi 😅😅 with Uke at La Baraga – Watch on Path.
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Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Arrests Begin
By Greg Peterson Owner, News Director Upper Peninsula Breaking News www.UpperPeninsulaBreakingNews.com [email protected] 906-273-2433 (hm office)
The first criminal charges have been filed in a two–year federal undercover operation into illegal fishing in the northern Great Lakes that the feds pulled the plug, an Upper Peninsula Breaking News investigation shows.
Three northern Michigan fish markets and their fishing operations were raided by special agents with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Law Enforcement Division (LED) plus angents raided an international fish distributing company in Northeast Wisconsin.
More arrests are likely expected – in a fishing fraud case in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula that is a joint state and federal probe into illegally sales, distribution and labeling of fish.
The investigation dating back four years – and is receiving the attention from the justice department’s top levels in Washington, D.C.
The case is the largest undercover probe in U.P. history – but so far has resulted in only four class A misdemeanor charges against one of the owners of the Peterson’s Fish Market in Hancock, MI.
The probe involves to the illegal fishing and distribution operations in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula – including Lake Superior, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan. One of the country’s top U.S. Justice Department fishing crimes attorneys filed the case.
Federal charges have been filed again Christopher James Peterson, 46, of Hancock, MI – who is named in a four-count Class A Misdemeanor Information. He is co-owner of Peterson’s Fish market in Hancock,. MI
The federal sting led to allegations – but not formal charges – against ten people across northern Michigan and northeast Wisconsin in the winter of 2015. It included long-term informants, wires and the closing of businesses.
The charges against Peterson involve the alleged false labeling of fish during Dec. 2012 and March 2013.
  This is the kind of case that – based on history – is more than than charging of this one fish – as it date backs to events in the winter of 2012 and 2013.
Plus the top state and federal prosecutors are part of the case – not likely if only misdemeanor charges were planned.
The feds allege Peterson in 2012 and 2013 “knowingly made and submitted a false record and label for, and false identification of, fish that were intended to be transported in interstate commerce.”
Count 1: Falsely Labeled Fish (December 17, 2012)
Count 2: Falsely Labeled Fish (December 26, 2012)
Court 3: Falsely Labeled Fish (March 10, 2013)
Count 4: Falsely Labeled Fish (March 16, 2013)
The prosecution team is a list of heavy hitters:
United States Attorney Patrick A. Miles, Jr. (Left), Western District of Michigan federal prosecutor in Grand Rapids, MI
Assistant U.S. Attorney General John Cruden (right) of the USDOJ Environment and Natural Resources Division.
U.S. Justice Department Washington, D.C. illegal fishing trial attorney Joel La Bissonniere, trial attorney (prosecutor) with the U.S. Justice Department Environment and Natural Resources Division’s Environmental Crimes Section
Two U.P. federal prosecutors – Asst. U. S. Attorney Maarten Vermaat and and Asst. U.S. Attorney Paul D. Lochner (federal prosecutors in Marquette, MI) – plus State of Michigan prosecutors
This is a class A misdemeanor criminal information that was filed by federal prosecutors in January 2017 at federal court in Marquette, MI.:
      Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Reasons
The probe focuses on the illegal trafficking of nearly all edible species of fish from the Great Lakes – where Lake trout populations have been dangerously low due to over–harvest and the invasion of sea lampreys that prey upon those lake trout. The feds have spent millions trying to increase Lake Trout numbers including lamprey removal, and strict trout harvest quotas.
In the documents, federal officials said the investigation demonstrates the illegal commercialization of lake trout and other fish species from Lake Superior and nearby Great Lakes.
The “extensive undercover operation” investigated the illegal trafficking and false reporting of fish harvested from Lake Superior, northern Lake Michigan and western Lake Huron.
U.P. Breaking News has obtained all of the federal search warrants and criminal complaints filed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service LED and federal prosecutors. (Scroll down to read search warrants/all documents)
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Who
The sting was run from a bogus fishing company on tribal land in Baraga County that was used to buy fish from those under investigation. The bogus Upper Peninsula North Fish Company was located on U.S.–41 in L’Anse – in a building with a history of being a fish buying business – and located on the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community reservation.
Targets include members of numerous tribes in Wisconsin and Michigan – including the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, the Red Cliff Band of Chippewa Indians and the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. Non–natives were also investigated.
The investigation involves millions of pounds of illegally caught fish on the Great Lakes including Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan.
The probe involved the illegal sales and packaging of sturgeon, Lake Trout and Walleye.
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Raids
Peterson’s Fish Market in Hancock plus two 50–foot fishing vessels owned by the Petersons – the Three Suns and the Charleen (above).
  The Beaver Island Fresh Fish Market in Beaver Island whose owner – George “Skip” Duhamel – died this past July during the probe, according to federal search warrants.
Agents raided the John Cross Fish Market in downstate Charlevoix – owned and operated by John Cross and his son, John “Jack” Cross III. Agents raided an international fish distributing company doing business under several names in the Sturgeon Bay, WI area.
Agents raided Dan Schwarz’s business – Dan’s Fish, Inc. at 152 Jib St. Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. Dan Schwarz operates Great Lakes Gold (GLG), Dan’s Fish, Sturgeon Bay Cold Storage (SBCS) and has a sister company Seafood International (SI) in Estonia
All four entities function as different aspects of a seafood buying and exporting business, federal agents stated in their warrants.
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: Top Ten Facts
Lengthy federal probe by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) into improper fish sales from Lake Superior, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan most are tribal fish markets in MI/WI under The Stacy Act. Feds bring charges in undercover tribal probe
Probe into multi-million dollar problem of “illegal trafficking and false reporting of fish harvested from Lake Superior, northern Lake Michigan and western Lake Huron”
“Covert business” set up by feds – with cooperation from KBIC – was named “Upper Peninsula North Fish Company (UPNFC)” on tribal lands along US-41 near L’Anse, MI
The building had a fish buying past – and the feds re-equipped it to look legitimate while making undercover buys posing as crooked wholesalers
The sting operation at UPNFC “primarily bought and sold fish wholesale” but also sold fish to drop-in retail customers
For more than a year, the feds were kept busy with buying illegally sold fish from the Great Lakes fish operations out of the front fish processing facility
Undercover agents opened the facility in August 2012 – and like all good stings – the feds had the placed wired – video, photos and sound. The operation closed in November 2013
“The UPNFC fish processing facility was equipped with audio and video recording equipment in order to document transactions occurring there,” the federal search warrant states
Undercover officers acting as employees of UPNFC made over 550 purchases of fish at this location. Approximately 400 purchases involved fish that were illegal in some manner
Although the UPNFC fish processing facility was closed in November 2013, undercover officers acting as employees of UPNFC continued to make some purchases of fish for the UPNFC until approximately September 2014
Allegations made in late 2011 in Baraga area, Undercover sting began in August 2012
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: Agents/Agencies:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Law Enforcement Division (LED)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service LED
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The undercover agents and other law enforcement involved::
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Special Agent Chris Aldrich (Chris Albright was the undercover name of Agent Aldrich)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Special Agent Matt Martin
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Tribes
Red Cliff Band of Chippewa Indians
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians
  The investigation also includes non–natives
Results of sting at Upper Peninsula North Fish Company on U.S.–41 in L’Anse on Keweenaw Bay Indian Community reservation
Involves millions of pounds of illegal Great Lakes fish – including sturgeon, Lake Trout and Walleye from Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan
Fed Tribal Fishing Busts: The Targets – who dealt with undercover agents from Upper Peninsula North Fish Company (UPNFC), sting operation business:
Ten Suspects, one died, one charged
Four Businesses
Peterson’s Fish Market and Employees:
Christopher Peterson
Licensed by tribe as a commercial fisher
Pictured above are Patricia Ann Peterson, and her husband Gilmore Francis Peterson
Gilmore Francis Peterson “appears” to assist in running of Peterson’s Fish Market
Licensed by tribe as a commercial fisher
Went to Bayfield High
Lives in Hancock, Michigan
From Bayfield, Wisconsin
Patricia Ann Peterson
Gilmore Peterson’s spouse
Ran Peterson’s Fish Market “during the time period of the investigation”
“Wrote checks to pay for fish purchases, managed employees of Peterson’s Fish Market, and received” UPNFC invoices for fish the (undercover agents) “sold to Peterson’s Fish Market.”
Tammie M. Peterson
Christopher Peterson’s spouse.
Ran the “Four Suns Fish n’ Chips” restaurant during investigation
Patricia’s Peterson’s assistant
Beaver Fish Market aka Beaver Fresh Fish Market
George Duhamel, owner died during probe
Dominique Halpin
Larry Koon
John Cross Fisheries & John Cross Fish Market
Downstate Charlevoix, MI
John Cross (owner)
John “Jack” Cross III (son)
Dan’s Fish, Inc.
Dan’s Fish, Inc.
52 Jib St.
Sturgeon Bay, WI
International fish distributing company doing business under several names in the Sturgeon Bay, WI area.
Dan Schwarz businesses:
Great Lakes Gold (GLG)
Dan’s Fish
Sturgeon Bay Cold Storage (SBCS)
Seafood International (SI) in Estonia (sister company)
All four entities maintain a relationship with each other, functioning as different aspects of a seafood buying and exporting business, federal agents stated in their warrants.
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Reasons for Probe
Illegal trafficking of nearly all edible species of fish from the Great Lakes
Lake trout populations have been dangerously low due to over–harvest and the invasion of sea lampreys that prey upon those lake trout.
The feds have spent millions trying to increase Lake Trout numbers including lamprey removal, and strict trout harvest quotas.
Probe demonstrates the illegal commercialization of lake trout and other fish species from Lake Superior and nearby Great Lakes.
The “extensive undercover operation” investigated the illegal trafficking and false reporting of fish harvested from Lake Superior, northern Lake Michigan and western Lake Huron.”
  Fed Tribal Fishing Busts: The Investigation
  Beginning in August 2012, the USFWS led an undercover operation that investigated the illegal trafficking and false reporting of fish harvested from Lake Superior, northern Lake Michigan and western Lake Huron. This investigation was in response to: (a) reports from numerous sources that lake trout, lake sturgeon and walleye were being illegally harvested in large numbers; and (b) five undercover purchases of contraband lake trout and lake sturgeon by USFWS SA Chris Aldrich, in the Baraga, MI area in late 2011 and early 2012.
As part of this operation, the USFWS established a covert business – named the Upper Peninsula North Fish Company (UPNFC) – that held itself out as a business engaged in the purchase and sale of fish.
  The UPNFC’s facility was located on US Highway 41 in L’Anse, MI, in a building that had a history of being, and was thus equipped to be, used as a fish buying business. The building was located within the boundaries of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) reservation.
  UPNFC primarily bought and sold fish wholesale. However, the storefront also included an area within the building where they sold fish on a retail basis to customers. USFWS SAs Matt Martin and Chris Aldrich operated the facility in an undercover capacity beginning in approximately August 2012. The UPNFC fish processing facility was equipped with audio and video recording equipment in order to document transactions occurring there.
Undercover officers acting as employees of UPNFC made over 550 purchases of fish at this location. With respect to these purchases, approximately 400 purchases involved fish that were illegal in some manner.
Peterson’s Fish Market in Hancock
Two 50–foot fishing vessels owned by the Petersons – the Three Suns and the Charleen ——- Beaver Island Fresh Fish Market
Beaver Island
Owner George “Skip” Duhamel died (July 2014) during the probe ——-
John Cross Fish Market
Downstate Charlevoix
Owned and operated by John Cross and his son, John “Jack” Cross III
Dan’s Fish, Inc.
152 Jib St.
Sturgeon Bay, WI
International fish distributing company in the Sturgeon Bay, WI area.
Dan Schwarz’s businesses:
Great Lakes Gold (GLG)
Dan’s Fish
Sturgeon Bay Cold Storage (SBCS)
Seafood International (SI) in Estonia
Businesses each function as different aspects of a seafood buying/exporting business
After the raid, the company released this statement to papers in the Green Bay area:
“Yesterday Dan’s Fish, Inc. learned it may become part of an investigation by the Department of Natural Resources, involving scores of companies in three states, of potential violations of regulatory issues.”
The company “takes great pride in the way it has always openly and honestly conducted its business, and is in full compliance with all state and federal laws.”
“No local restaurant or wholesale buyer is part of this regulatory issue. We will continue to serve our community and the environment for many years to come.”
Fed Tribal Fishing Busts: Federal Prosecutor
U.S. Attorney Patrick A. Miles, Jr. in Grand Rapids, MI
Chief federal prosecutor for the Western District of Michigan including the Upper Peninsula
Assistant United States Attorney Maarten Vermaat
Assistant United States Attorney Paul D. Lochner
“On Nov. 5, 2014 , U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service agents executed search warrants at various locations in northern Michigan and Northeastern Wisconsin (that are or were holders of) holding wholesaler records of fish taken from lakes Michigan and Superior.
The searches are pursuant to an investigation into potential violations of the Lacey Act.
Representatives of the Justice Department Environment and Natural Resources Division are communicating with state, tribal and fed. law enforcement representatives and look forward to working with them as partners in maintaining and safeguarding a healthy fishery.”
“Given the ongoing nature of the investigation, no further comment will be offered at this time.”
  Assistant U.S. Attorney John C. Cruden was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on December 16, 2014 as the Assistant Attorney U.S. General (AAG) for the Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD).
U.S. Justice Department Trial Attorney Joel La Bissonniere, trial attorney (prosecutor) with the U.S. Justice Department Environment and Natural Resources Division’s Environmental Crimes Section
Here are other cases by U.S. Justice Department illegal fishing trial attorney Joel La Bissonniere, trial attorney (prosecutor) with the U.S. Justice Department Environment and Natural Resources Division’s Environmental Crimes Section
Fed Tribal Fishing Busts: The Laws
The Lacey Act:
Federal conservation law that prohibits interstate trade in wildlife – such as fish – that have been taken, possessed, and transported or sold in violation of a federal, state or tribal law,” the statement said.
Lacey Act “prohibits making false statements or records regarding fish and wildlife that are to be shipped in interstate commerce.”
These businesses hold wholesaler records of fish taken from Lakes Michigan and Superior and the investigation involves potential violations of the Lacey Act.
“The Lacey Act is a federal conservation law that prohibits interstate trade in wildlife such as fish that have been taken, possessed, transported or sold in violation of a federal, state or tribal law,” the statement continues.
“The Lacey Act prohibits making false statements or records regarding fish and wildlife that are to be shipped in interstate commerce.”
Fed Tribal Fishing Busts: The Links
Our other stories:
Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Federal Documents:
Beaver Island Fish Store Search warrant
Beaver Island Search warrant app info (1)
Beaver Island Search warrant app info (2)
Beaver Island Search warrant app info (3)
Beaver Island Search warrant app info (4)
Beaver Island Search warrant app info (5)
Beaver Island Search warrant reciept
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (1)
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (2)
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (3)
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (4)
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (5)
John Cross Fish Market search warrants info (6)
John Cross Fisheries warrant receipt
Peterson Fish Market Hancock search warrants (1)
Peterson Fish Market Hancock search warrants (2)
Peterson Fish Market Hancock search warrants (3)
Peterson Fish Market Hancock search warrants (4)
Peterson Fish Market Hancock search warrants (5)
Peterson Fisheries Search warrant info app (1)
Peterson Fisheries Search warrant info app (2)
Peterson Fisheries Search warrant info app (3)
Peterson Fisheries Search warrant info app (4)
Peterson Fisheries Search warrant info app (5)
Peterson motion to seale Peterson search warrant appl.
Peterson unsealed motion
Three Suns Seizure Info
Peterson’s Fish Market:
Today, Gilmore and his wife Pat run the business while their three sons, Chris, Joel and Matt, ply the waters and the rest of their family members work at the Peterson’s Fish Market in Hancock, Michigan and the adjacent Four Suns cafe.
Pat & Chris Peterson, Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Avid fishermen for subsistence prior to European settlement, the Lake Superior Chippewa quickly found Gichigami’s (Ojibwe word for Lake Superior) fish to be a valued trade item once explorers penetrated to this inland sea. Tribal fishermen traded fish harvested from birch bark canoes, using gill nets made form twisted and knotted strips of willow bark.
Christopher James Peterson, 46, the latest generation of a fishing family becoming true elders
Peterson’s Fish Market
Quincy Hill
49813N U.S. Hwy. 41
Hancock, Michigan
(906) 482-2343
United States District Court Western District Of Michigan Northern Division
United States Of America, Plaintiff
Christopher James Peterson, Defendant
Class A Misdemeanor Information
The United States Attorney charges violations of federal laws:
16 U.S.C. § 3372(d)(2)
16 U.S.C. § 3373(d)(3)(B)
COUNT 1 (Falsely Labeled Fish)
On or about December 17, 2012, in the Western District of Michigan, Northern Division, the defendant, Christopher James Peterson, “knowingly made and submitted a false record and label for, and false identification of, fish that were intended to be transported in interstate commerce.”
COUNT 2 (Falsely Labeled Fish)
On or about December 26, 2012, in the Western District of Michigan, Northern Division, the defendant, Christopher James Peterson, knowingly made and submitted a false record and label for, and false identification of, fish that were intended to be transported in interstate commerce.
COUNT 3 (Falsely Labeled Fish)
On or about March 10, 2013, in the Western District of Michigan, Northern Division, the defendant, Christopher James Peterson, knowingly made and submitted a false record and label for, and false identification of, fish that were intended to be transported in interstate commerce.
COUNT 4 (Falsely Labeled Fish)
On or about March 16, 2013, in the Western District of Michigan, Northern Division, the defendant, Christopher James Peterson, knowingly made and submitted a false record and label for, and false identification of, fish that were intended to be transported in interstate commerce.
    NASA image acquired August 28, 2010 Late August 2010 provided a rare satellite view of a cloudless summer day over the entire Great Lakes region. Caption by Mike Carlowicz. Instrument:  Aqua – MODIS Click here to see more images from NASA Goddard’s Earth Observatory NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is home to the nation’s largest organization of combined scientists, engineers and technologists that build spacecraft, instruments and new technology to study the Earth, the sun, our solar system, and the universe. Follow us on Twitter Join us on Facebook
Feds file first charges two years after pulling plug on biggest under undercover sting in Upper Peninsula history: Probe into illegal fish sales from Great Lakes – most are tribal fish markets Federal Tribal Fishing Busts: The Arrests Begin By Greg Peterson Owner, News Director Upper Peninsula Breaking News…
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