#la goona
flowerbloom-arts · 8 months
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Horse girls......
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hemulenish-hijinks · 2 years
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Welcome to the first round of the Best Hemulen Bracket!
I am your host, @flowerbloom-arts, and over the next few weeks we are going to pick our favorite hemulens from each pair, carefully selected according to commonality.
There are many, many hemulens in the Moomin franchise as a whole, but who is the best?
After careful considering, I sadly must only pick 32 of them to compete against eachother. You may not know some of them, but I will be providing information on each one for each poll!
Side 1:
Mr. Hemulen (bug collector) vs Mr. Hemulen (plant collector)
Aunt Hemulen vs Nana's Fiance/Mr. Hemulen's Nephew
Party Dresser vs Riviera Boutique Keep
Charity Volunteer vs La Goona
The Pisciculturist vs the Philatelist
The Botanist vs the Zoologist
The Inspector vs Henry
Officer 1 (Moomin Begins a New Life) vs Officer 2 (Moomin Builds a House)
Side 2
The House Seller vs Sadling
Wimsy vs the Big Hemulen
The Park Keeper vs the Park Wardress
The Small Hemulen vs the Jailer
The Orphanage Principal vs the Hemulen Aunt
The November Hemulen vs the Hemulen Who Loved Silence
Dragon Adopter vs Intruder
Hatton the Prospector vs the Muffle
Here are some reasons why I chose these hemulens in particular, you may skip this part:
1. I didn't pick any 2019 Hemulens because they tended to be rather muddled adaptations of other pre-existing hemulens. You may consider those versions when it comes to voting if you'd like, but be warned, nearly none of them are accurate to the source material.
2. The Hemulens had to have atleast 2 panels of dialog (the Charity Volunteer) or a relevant role to the story's plot (the Dragon Adopter and Intruder). So, apologies to the cowboy Hemulens from Moomin Goes Wild West and the like.
3. These are honestly the 32 I could remember off the top of my head, there were a handful few others but these were the ones I was personally interested in enough to remember.
4. Sadly some resources are unavailable to me like the Fuzzy Felt adaptation, so if there were any hemulens exclusive to that show that you were confused as to why they weren't included, I'm very sorry.
5. Some characters are either in a grey area or difficult to tell if they're meant to be hemulens, so I picked those who are unmistakably hemulens or atleast generally accepted as such.
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smokeys-house · 2 years
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rebeccaajc93 · 6 months
This is the Aardman Heroes Edition of Squid Game Tier List.
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skruttet · 7 months
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first pic is just from a post of mine from 2019 when we were theorising about season 2 - moomin falls in love came up then and I was a bit obsessed with thinking about how they could adapt it in this new series.
and now, theorising for season 4, la goona has once again been brought up... and I realised that in his video, when he was getting into the snork voice, chance said "here's snork, and you're really strong" who's strong??? how about a literal strongman, emeraldo!!!!! everyone's favourite egg-shaped guy!!
ofc, this could all be completely wrong, but it's fun to theorise!
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
Brookegoona mermaid AU first meeting!!! How does Brooke find her? Or does Lagoona find Brooke, a la Little Mermaid? 👀 And do they get along immediately or is it a slow process… I feel like Goona wouldn’t like Brooke’s overly confident nature at first…
i agree with this sooo here you go my lovely business spouse who i adore so dearly <3<3 😘😘😘
“Goona, it’s getting late. We should be heading back to the reef now.”
The blue haired woman turned her younger sister. “Jan, we still have time before it gets dark. We haven’t even gone to the cove yet.”
Jan shifted uncomfortably, her purple tail swishing in the water. “We promised we’d be back in an hour…”
Lagoona sighed and rolled her eyes. “Fine. Give me 30 minutes and then we can start heading back to the reef. You can watch outside if the sun gets too low. Fair?”
The younger woman seemed to relax and nodded. “Okay, but the second the sun goes below the cliff, we’re going. You know how Rosé gets when we’re late.”
“Deal.” Lagoona smiled as she swam into a little cave. “I’ll be quick, I promise!”
Inside, the coral and stone glowed and glinted like the night sky. She plucked a small ocean flower and tucked it into her hair. She surfaced after a bit and was now at a secluded portion of the beach, walls of stone surrounding and protecting this land from unwanted eyes.
Lagoona smiled as she looked up at the sky, still blue and glowing before night came in. She always came here when she wanted time alone. It was her little hideaway from the world and a perfect blend between ocean and land. She looked around but stopped suddenly, focusing in on what looked to be someone sitting on one of the rocks close to shore.
She knew she should swim back and hide away from whoever this was but there was something about her that made Lagoona want to know her. And maybe a small part of her that wanted to scare this person away.
She swam up carefully and looked up at the woman sitting on the rock. She was blonde and seemed to be tall but her knees were pulled to her chest. Her head was tucked down onto her knees and quiet sniffles came from her. Lagoonas eyes softened a little as she came up to the rock.
“You’re so stupid, Brooke.” The woman mumbled. Brooke. That must be her name.
The woman lifted her head and wiped her cheeks. She turned her head and saw Lagoonas in the water. She screamed and nearly fell off of the rock from how startled she was.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.” Lagoona apologized quickly.
“Who the hell are you and what are you doing here? This is a private part of the beach.”
“Are you okay? You looked like you were crying.”
“You’re not answering my questions.”Brooke said, an icy cold stare in her eyes as she shifted away from her. “Who are you and how did you get to here?”
“This is my beach.”
“No it’s not.”
“Yes it is. I come here all the time.”
“I do too. How come I never see you?”
Lagoona furrowed her brows and looked at her. “Why do I have to tell you?”
“Why are you being difficult?” Brooke narrowed her eyes.
“Me? I was asking if you were okay and you started asking all these questions. You’re being difficult.” Why did she even swim up to her? Lagoona sighed and pulled the flower from behind her ear. She leaned up and dropped the flower next to Brooke’s legs.
“I guess I’ll leave you to your beach now.” She muttered before going back under the water.
Brooke looked down at it and picked it up into her palm. Her fingers tracing one of the petals delicately. She sighed and looked back out at the water. Great, she really does push everyone away from herself.
The waves came in with a soothing pattern and Brooke noticed a head of blue hair pop up further down. She furrowed her brow and watched the head go back under the water but she saw something come up.
“What in the..” she mumbled. Maybe her eyesight was going because there’s no way she saw what she did.
Mermaids aren’t real.
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sleepypalpita · 2 years
Day 20
✨ of opening moomin advent calendar ✨
Miss La Goona (or Primadonna)
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she is tall.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 months
"When Henry Dana and the native police went to the Wimmera in 1845, the contingent was drawn from the force instituted in 1842. Mooted in the Bigge Report, the possibility of investing Aboriginal men as native constables became an actuality in the Port Phillip District. This model of law enforcement went through three distinct phases with Aboriginal Police Corps being instituted in 1837, 1839 and 1842. The native police came to be a devastatingly effective instrument used by the colonial authorities against other Aboriginal people.
In July 1845, Dana wrote to La Trobe about an armed encounter between his men and some Jardwadjali of the Choorite balug clan. The events leading up to this encounter, told from the perspective of settler Thomas Baillie, were detailed in a sworn statement enclosed with Dana’s letter. Baillie and his business partner Hamilton occupied land near a lake about 15 miles from Mt Arapiles. On Thursday 10 July 1845, while Baillie and his shepherd were attending the sheep ‘several Natives rushed from the Forest and took away the whole flock’. The station owner and his shepherd pursued them, recovering some sheep.
Hamilton fetched Dana and his native police who tracked the missing animals. After travelling 30 miles, they ‘came up with a number of sheep with their legs broken’. They found 200 sheep ‘in a bush yard’ and some Aborigines nearby. In the fracas that followed, Dana = explained how ‘the Ringleader of the party was cut down after a long resistance, by Yupton a corporal of the native police and made a prisoner of; he is badly wounded. I have ordered him to be marched to Melbourne as soon as his wounds will permit’. The ‘ringleader’ was Yanem Goona, also known as Yanengoneh (‘spring from the earth’) or Old Man Billy Billy. Dana justified opening fire, killing at least three Choorite balug men and wounding others, by claiming he and his men were at risk, but may have exaggerated the danger.
Robinson, the Chief Protector of Aborigines, claimed the native police openly boasted they ‘were not going to take prisoners but to shoot as many of the blacks as they could’. A history of retributive killings is evident in a newspaper report on the loss of Baillie’s and Hamilton’s sheep that stated ‘the tribe who committed this serious depredation is the same which Messrs Powlett and Dana at different times thinned of its fair proportions in a skirmish with the black rascals’."
- Kristyn Harman, Aboriginal Convicts: Australian, Khoisan and Māori Exiles. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, 2012. p. 108-109.
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mymbleslatest · 7 years
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Moomin Falls in Love # 18
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iemondropsss · 3 years
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
For the challenge I'll say Primadonna and her horse :)
Btw I love your art!
Aw thank you!!
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Also uhm ackshually her name is La Goona and I did a pretty bad job remembering what her horse looked like it seems 😔
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hemulenish-hijinks · 2 years
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Party Dresser
When Snorkmaiden needed to prepare for a duchess' cocktail party in Moomin and the Golden Tail, she provided Snorkmaiden with an array of rather... Unflattering to the normal eye's outfits, though she complimented her severely on them.
La Goona
A major one-off plot character from the comic Moomin Falls in Love and adapted into the 90s series, La Goona is the female lead of a circus and a vamp, preferring to use Moomin's feelings for her to her advantage. Her one rational friend is the talking Sea-horse she rides on and her interest is the strong man of the circus, Emeraldo.
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neckmoles · 4 years
im quitting animek neverwathing anikme moveoes again wht waas that water in my ereys moving on their own and falling down sounds mfake FKE!!!! 
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skruttet · 4 months
Roleff Kråkström, Managing director at Moomin Characters, said today: “Moomin Characters is always thinking about new and creative ways to showcase the Moomin stories, and we are very excited to see Tove’s stories come to life via the medium of circus to kick off our Moomin 80 celebrations in the UK. It is especially fitting as the Moomins first encounter with the circus happened in Tove’s long running Moomin comic strip for the London Evening News, which featured the story of Moomintroll developing a crush on a visiting circus performer called Miss Lagoona.” (x)
now can i take the christmas comes to moominvalley circus production and roleff mentioning moomin falls in love as further possible evidence that the story will be adapted in mv s4 or is that way too far fetched
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Ok moomins fandom- please I need some answers because this image has haunted me to my core with questions that I am never able to answer. On the back of the book “the book about moomin mymble and little my” theres this “couple” and what is very obviously there child.... except the couple is that of a horse who walks on all fours and a humanoid rat man.
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- Just like... I have so many questions? How did they(the parents) meet? Why did they decide to get married or at the very least get together and have a child? ITS A LITTERAL HORSE... DID HE OWN HER PREVIOUSLY??? did they have a child? Is this legal in this universe? If so horses can talk right? So... wait doesnt mrs phillyjonk have a cow?? WHAT IS THE LEGALITY OF THESE MORE HUMAN LIKE CREATURES OWNING CREATURES WHO WALK ON ALL 4S??!? IS THERE A STATUS RANKING BETWEEN THOSE WHO WALK ON ALL 4’s COMPARED TO THOSE WHO WALK ON TWO?? PLZ I NEED ANSWERS-
Update my friend @flowerbloom-arts tried to make sense Of it and she said this
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For those who can’t see the image of the text:
Well first of all yes horses can talk, she appears to not be a regular horse though based on the ossicones on top of her hair, but also not a seahorse like the ones in Moominpappa at Sea or La Goona's horseI don't think they can be "owned" perse given that they're sentient beings unless certain kinds of slavery is still legal somehow, and even still characters like Muskrat are just oversized real animals and he seems fine.I'm guessing that they're... Fine. The guy isn't her owner and they met like any normal couple would, it just so happens that... One of them's a horse *end image description*
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newobsessionweekly · 4 years
First time in love🌿
Arón piper x reader
a/n: I edited it and I like it. I’m not a writer, or at least I don’t think I am, and it’s my first attempt to write something like this. It felt good. It’s my first attempt to write something in English (English is not my native language) so I hope I didn’t messed up anything. Tell me what you think and tell me if I should do that again. I liked it though. 🌿
warnings: none, I am still not good at this
Word count: 3k
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Y/n watches the first season of Élite with Miguel, her best friend and only friend here in Spain. They became friends in college in LA and the passion for ocean brings them closer and closer as the years flew by. Her biggest dream is to fly around the world and in their four years of friendship, they travelled together to the most unique places she never dreamed she would see, Indonesia, Himalaya, Ibiza. But the place she loved the most is Spain, Miguel’s native country; her obsession with the Latin country began at a very young age when her parents took her to Tenerife for her tenth birthday. She only dreamt of living there, because her parents were strict and planned a different life for her; they chose her high school classes over the years and even the college, wanted for her to become a successful actress, just like Miguel. But now she decided to take her life into her own hands after a big fight with the people that bring her into the world and raised her to be this amazing woman she is today. It didn’t take long for Miguel to convince her to come with him in Spain and to start a new life there, with him by her side. 
Staying with legs crossed in front of the TV from Miguel’s living room, he is trying to explain for the third time already every actor´s real name but she wasn't really paying attention to his words. In high school, though she was so obsessed with Spain, she just couldn’t understand this language and learned properly only a few words. And now she was desperate to learn faster a few phrases and focusing on TV, hearing the actors talking and keeping up with the subtitles she thought was helping.   Tonight she is supposed to meet a few friends of Miguel’s, and she didn’t understand the importance of knowing every actor from the cast of Elite in order to know at least how to introduce herself to everyone. He promised her a million times they are going to love her while they were dressing and again a gazillion times while he was rushing her out of the flat because the cab was waiting for them for ten minutes already.
  She was so nervous that the whole ride to one of the most luxurious clubs in Madrid, her hands were caressing her dress over and over as her bottom and upper lip were switching turns between her teeth. She is very insecure and wants to make a proper first impression, hoping that maybe after this night she could call them her friends, not only Miguel’s.    
  What she didn’t knew, was that Miguel already spoke to his friends and told them that his date is a little shy and is worried about not making through the night. Well, maybe to be more convincing, he used the words “she is fucking freaking out right now” with some laughing emojis. He subtle asked them to try and talk to her first and give her a chance, because she became one of the most important people from his life, he could already call her his little sister. They love each other, but there are no romantic sentiments involved; Miguel is over heels in love with Aitana and Y/n is secretly crushing over his co-star, Arón Piper.  
  When they arrived, her hands started to shake and she was constantly telling herself that she wouldn’t survive the night. Miguel is different than Y/n, he is very dynamic, smiling maybe too much and he has a lovely personality so no one could resist to him, or this is what she thought. She didn’t believe him, she is convinced that his friends wouldn’t like her.  But Miguel rolled his eyes again at the sight of his dearest friend worrying so much; he finds her so funny and amazing, with a golden heart and the best in everything. Seriously thought, he couldn’t understand how she is can perfectly change a lighting bulb and also fix everything around the house, emanating so much seriousness and experience. And also he couldn’t understand how she is so smart, astonishing him with so many random facts about any subject he could made out, even the weirdest one and not so usual. He is so sure she would make friends easily that if he could give her all of his assurance, he would take her worries away without blinking.      
  Danna and Ester were waiting for them in front of the club, supposing about Y/n. Miguel had sent Danna some funny videos of Y/n and some cute photos since they live together and she could tell she’s as peppy as he is and there is no coincidence that Miguel calls her his sister, they are alike. Danna couldn’t wait to meet her and Ester is scrolling down on y/n’s Instagram and appreciates her beauty and let a few appreciative comments about her the talent for modelling to slip her mouth. They already like her.
  As they approaches the trio – Álvaro joined his girlfriend soon enough to hear a part of the conversation about y/n – that was waiting for them already for fifteen minutes, Miguel put a hand over her shoulders and smiled to her before turn to his friends and smile to them too. He shake hands with Álvaro and hugged him as he tells how much he missed him. Álvaro come to introduce himself and then followed two kisses on your cheeks – a very strange habit that those Spanish people have, but y/n finds it very sweet actually.
  “Well, Joder chica!” Danna exclaims as she approaches y/n and kiss her cheeks as greeting. “It’s so nice to finally meet you! Miguel talks about you nonstop!”
  She blushes at Danna’s words and accepts Ester hug. Y/n smiles bright that soon enough her mouth and cheeks will hurt her. She is happy, they all seem so nice and finally understood why Miguel tried to familiarise her with the names of Elite cast. She thought that he wants to introduce her to more surfing friends and when she asked, he refused to give her any details, fuelling her worries even more.     
  As the night flew by, her worries were found sinking in one of the many drinks, maybe in the fifth glass that once was filled with y/n’s Mojito. Danna is laughing at  one of y/n’s jokes and squeezes Jorge’s hand even harder. Everyone is laughing, starting with Miguel who is so proud of her for letting those worries away and continuing with Omar who couldn’t introduce himself properly and doesn’t even know the name of the funniest girl at the table. Even Arón is laughing while studying her face and the way she’s trying so hard not to burst into laughing while telling another funny story of hers.
  Miguel smiles bright at the sight of his best friend integrating into his group. He doesn’t have to worry anymore about her, she is surrounded by his dearest friends and already being part of the family. That’s what made her felt a little bit overwhelmed; y/n found herself standing beside these amazing people, so talented and so fucking kind for allowing her to feel again that family vibe she’s been missing, due to the fact she is so far from home already for an entire month.      
  Her eyes couldn’t move away from where Arón was dancing and singing to the remix hearing through the speakers, with a drink in his hand and, sometimes she saw him with a cigarette in the other one. Arón is the life of the party, she knows that, every other girls knows, even he knows that. He is a very good-looking man, that screams all the looks that are destined to him, but y/n can see beyond that. She can see how good friend is with other members of Elite cast, she can see how much fun everyone has around him and all she could do is to stand there and watch him with her mouth opened in surprise as Arón started rapping to one of his favourite songs.
  This is far from her favourite music genre, she couldn’t help smiling and enjoying that moment so much that she even considers listening to that king of music more often. Why everything sounds so perfect in Spanish? Why is everything so perfect in this country?  
  Y/n didn’t speak to Arón much, only few phrases related to his drink and her wanted to sit next to Miguel, but that was all. A few drinks later, Omar initiated a Poker game and though it was y/n’s first time playing, she surprised everyone – even herself – by winning too many rounds and collecting too many useless cigarettes, a bunch of them coming from Arón. That was Arón’s idea, to play with usual cigarettes instead of money, it makes the game more interesting to him.       
There were far too few hours until the sun rise when the party was over, and y/n is barely keeping her eyes open. Standing outside the club, saying goodbye to everyone, made her heart heavy; she didn’t wanted to say goodbye to anyone, she didn’t wanted the party to end because she is so sure she’s never goona hangout with them again. But when y/n felt Danna’s hand patting her softely on the shoulder, asking for y/n’s phone number, talking about a future gathering, maybe a shopping session, just the girls, made y/n’s heart skip some beats.
Arón didn’t remain untouched to her charm, he saw something in her too, and all night was trying to somehow catch her attention. He hoped that she is maybe more brave than he is, he hoped all night she would come to his side and start a conversation. But when the party ended, he realised he has to do something – however little – and not just let her go. He wanted to hangout with her again, to have a chance to speak properly and know more about the girl that beated the shit out of him at – what he thought poker was – his game.
Y/n watches as Danna get into the cab and from the corner of her eyes, she saw Arón approaching. Her hands started shaking so hard, she had to hide them in the pockets of Miguel’s jacket. She admits it feels weird to wear his jacket, but it was all his fault that she forgot hers back at his place, because he was rushing her. She never worked well under pressure.
“Nice played! I’ve never thought I’ll met someone who can beat my ass at Poker.” He admitted, scratching the back of his neck nervously. He has the most gorgeous smile y/n has ever seen and her legs almost yielded, but she put the blame on the beers and the high heels. Y/n hates wearing heels, but even she knows sneakers don’t really fit for clubs.
“I’ve never thought I’ll met someone with so many cigarettes. Like, the world is ending and you had to make your full?” she smiled as she watched him laugh. He has a beautiful laugh too and his face just lights up when he’s not putting on that bad ass face Y/n finds interesting and hot.
“Speaking of cigarettes, here, take them!” she handed him the packs she won at the game, excluding the ones that she owes Miguel because he shared his so that she would be able to play.
“I figured you’re not a smoker. Damn, that’s what I call a profit. I arrived here with like two packs and I’m leaving with three. And I smoked a lot too.” Both of them laughed, and Y/n just couldn’t believe he’s a funny one as well. Damn, this boy has the whole package.
When Miguel informed her about the cab’s arrival, Arón smiled and opened his arms. He likes hugs and likes hugging people, being affectionate to them. So doing this move to her, the fact that he was maybe into y/n couldn’t be recognised. She looked at him astonished, but accepted his invitation anyway. Since the first time she saw him, she wondered how it is to hug him, how does his body feels and how his cologne smells. It was neither a short hug nor a long one, just perfect for them to memorise each other’s shape of the body and to share their perfume on each other’s clothes.
Y/n moved out from Miguel’s place a while ago, but she was around a lot so she’s not really missing many things. He often makes little comments about it, but he didn’t mind having her around; y/n and Aitana are very close friends now and them allying together to beat Miguel’s ass at some video game is going him nuts, they are sometimes successful.
Everything reminded her of Arón. Y/n even started at some point comparing the hugs Miguel gives to that one stupid drunk hug outside the club when she met Arón. Miguel is taller than Arón, but also much more imposing. Arón is tall too, much taller than she, but he’s body isn’t that worked out, she felt his biceps in that stupid hug and hurt pretty bad when she accidentally hit her head to his jawline. But despite that, she finds so hard to stop staring at his Instagram profile and not to be excited when he posts something new on his profile or he films something for his Instastory. She had to admit at some point, he’s a total snack, even though he doesn’t have a six-pack. Y/n didn’t like that kind of boys anyway, she finds Arón perfect as he is, with his beautiful brown eyes, those little tattoos that can be seen on his naked torso and his messy, curly hair. When Miguel told her that she had a type and that in the category fits Arón perfectly, y/n just ignored him and rolled her eyes. After that she couldn’t stop thinking about it; he did it to see how her face is changing and to strengthen his suspicion.
Arón was thinking about Y/n a lot lately, and the short videos with her laughing or doing something stupid or funny that Miguel shares on their group chat isn’t helping. He couldn’t focus on set, in the last few hangouts with his friends, he hoped to see her and hear her laugh again, he hoped this time would be able to look her in the eye and made a proper conversation. But she didn’t show up at any of them. Everyone was asking about her, but Miguel just waved his hand at them and told everyone y/n has her own life and her own problems; she didn’t have to show up beside him at every gathering. Arón soon enough found out that Danna was keeping in touch with her and asked maybe too often about her. When he texted Miguel and asked what is y/n’s Instagram, Miguel understood soon enough that Arón got the hots for y/n.
Y/n was going back and forth through Miguel’s kitchen as she was trying to make a healthy smoothie for her and Miguel, with his dogs following her everywhere. Miguel’s dogs are her favourite and she always makes fun of him saying that she’s around this much because of the dogs.       
“Aye, chica” she turned her head towards Miguel who was standing on the couch in the living room watching some boring Tv show on Netflix.
Y/n was dwelling on these dreams of Arón. He was hanging out too much inside her mind, being there with his lovely eyes, his bright smile and the dazzling cologne coming after her. She was one day walking through Madrid and somehow recognised it. It’s like he was following her everywhere.
“Sí” y/n answered back when she figured he wanted to capture his attention.
“Check your phone” he wickedly smiled and that made her raise her eyebrow at him, with only bad things running through her head because that smile of his means only trouble.
“Instagram: @aron.piper started following you”
She froze. What the heck is going on? Y/n stalked him maybe too many days on Instagram because she never thought he might find her through his endless list of likes or followers.
“Joder!” she almost screamed when he responded to her story. Miguel was laughing his ass out at her reactions, he thought she is very funny.
“I’ve never thought I’ll met someone who is more obsessed with this tv show than me”
“I’ve never thought I’ll met someone who can make me listen to that rap music kind of thing and made me like it. But then I met you” she responded.
And then they talked over and over and almost every night. On some point they ended up where he just likes her message, not knowing what to say more. And those moments made Y/n think “That’s it, the conversation ends here and I might never talk to him again”. She fears every times that happens this way that that might be the end of the most beautiful moments she has had in the past couple of months. And while he’s looking for any proper response, she’s clenching every time her heart between her teeth and allows herself to be a pain in the ass and just write him one of the many random facts she knows.  
She has never felt this kind of emotion before, neither one of them. She has never felt the love from another person. Of course, Miguel loves her, he’s her best friend, she laugh at her phone too when he sends her funny messages, but she never felt like she could fly any moment and never thought her cheeks could hurt so much from smiling hours and hours at a phone talking to this amazing man. He is so beautiful inside and out and her stomach hurts when she thinks about him and that stupid hug.
Arón’s not less than Y/n. He’s also confused by the feelings from his chest and the thoughts that are containing Y/n in every single one. He also wonders why does he smiles like a sociopath at his phone and why he feels the need to talk to her any moment of the day. Y/n fascinates him in a way he never thought any woman would.
“You’re so in love, tonta!” Miguel smiled at her and rolled his eyes again. She has been neglecting him for the previous hours, and he is kinda pissed – he had to play alone their favourite game, for the countless night in a row – however he doesn’t make any comments. He has never seen her so happy; he is very proud,because two of his dearest friends managed to find someone right for each ohter.
For the first time, she’s in love. In love with the best person she could find, with a curly haired boy that smokes too many cigarettes but still manages to smell so good. Arón found out a few days later than Y/n that he’s heart had been stolen by the most brilliant woman he has ever met. But both of them are as scared of that.
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