#labryn crasse
mad2001-4 ยท 1 year
Not canonical to the show nor my OCs story, but it was an interesting idea that I wanted to write out especially as I fully flesh out what happened to Regin's mom
TRIGGER WARNING: For a parent death
"So what exactly are we looking for here?" Regin asked, brow arched at Hunter. He nervously scratched under his sleeve as he looked around, it felt so weird, and so wrong to be in his father's mind.
"I just want to see what your dad knows about Emperor Belos o-or the Day of Unity... anything.." Hunter explained, on edge, looking around at Darius's memories.
Regin hummed, nodding slightly, it wasn't going to hurt to look, he supposed, there had been so much buzz, everything seemed so weird. Regin would be lying if he said he didn't want answers too. But surely there was another way to find them. He recalled Hunter saying he'd already been in the Emperor's mind, but there were at least eight others they could look into. Then again, his connections did make his father easier to get ahold of comparatively. They'd already seen about three none of which proved useful.
"Hey, this one looks interesting," Hunter stated, the one he pointed to displayed a house on fire and Regin had to narrow his eyes. Something about it seemed familiar but surely not. He'd remember a fire.
"Well let's get it over with," Regin shrugged, and the two stepped in. As soon as they did, a scent even more familiar filtered into Regin's nose. Cinnamon, he knew it was a smell that drove Darius crazy, but only one person ever got by with wearing it near him. Regin now had a sinking feeling, moving a step back, his breath hitched as two familiar voices now came into scene.
"The Emperor is not someone you say no to, Labryn! Trust me, I don't want this consume my life anymore than you do...!" Darius scolded coming into the two teens view.
"Then step down! Everyone knows others have before!! Why does it have to be you!?" a female with lavender shoulder length hair and the same piercing black eyes as Regin had, another feature he shared were the black little freckles, only hers were vibrant against red cheeks.
"....Whoa.." Hunter murmured, "Reggie, is that..."
"...My mama," Regin confirmed finishing Hunter's thought, unable to take his gaze off her, a face he'd only seen in pictures, but she was just as Darius described her in the stories he told about her. The sickening feeling in his stomach only grew, making Regin stumble back a few steps.
"He just does! Do you realize what he could do to our family if I disobey him??"
"Surely he couldn't be so cruel! Regin is almost two and he hardly recognizes your face! This job expects too much! Darius, please. Y-you could step down and all three of us could just run away..!"
Darius pinched the bridge of his nose, "Please don't make it sound so romantic, Labby. We both know what this marriage is. Purely transactional, a mutual agreement to keep both our families off our backs. We agreed to that."
"So then you don't care about what happens with Regin?" Labryn demanded.
"Don't you dare even imply that. You know I'd do anything for our boy! That's why I stay! Because he'll be safe under Emperor Belos's pay-" Darius was cut off with something hitting and rumbling all throughout the house, "...what was that?"
Without getting an answer, there was a second and suddenly burning fire filled everyone's noses. The reason this was so familiar finally struck Regin.
"H-Hunter... Hunt. We need to get out. Now."
"Wh-what? But we haven't gotten an answer yet! Let's go outside and see who's attacking the house, maybe we can get some answers..!"
Regin opened and closed his mouth, wanting to deny, knowing where this memory was going, but he nodded regardless figuring answers might come in, and as long as they found some before the final event, what could it hurt? Not that this thought process helped the feeling in his gut, "Ok... but something tells me we won't like what we find, Hunt..."
In the background they could gear the chaos, especially as more rumblings shook the home, and desperate yells for one of them to gather Regin. The teenagers ignored this the best that they could, sneaking out the side window. As they landed on the ground, both boys looked around, balls of fire were quickly eating away at the home, smoke filtering into the air. Neither spotting anything having the further disadvantage of it being night out but as more people advanced on the house, the more they recognized the masked figures, soldiers for the Emperor's Coven, all the more terrifying, some did have and were making balls of fire to launch at the house.
"Th-the Emperor's Coven killed my mom.... Emperor Belos ordered them to kill my mom... at the very least..." Regin mumbled in realization, tears swelling up in his eyes. As more of the home turned to ash, the roof caved in collapsing right as Darius managed to get out, a wrapped squirming and wailing bundle in his arms. Realizing the memory was coming to an end, and having enough suitable proof, Hunter tugged at Regin's arm.
"Reggie, Reg.... cmon," he murmured, "come on, let's go..!"
"W-wait..!" Regin pointed to a silhouetted figure finally gaining light, it seemed from the embers but, had they looked over, it would've been because Darius noticed the same figure. Emperor Belos himself.
Hunter swallowed but further coaxed and pulled Regin until they were out of the memory. As soon as the air no longer reeked of smoke, Regin fell. First at his knees, then further in an almost fetal position, silent tears spilling from his eyes. A hand barely covering his mouth, as though there were any cries to silence. Hunter frowned, guilt and a gross feeling coursing all through him. He knelt down by Regin's rather pathetic form.
"Reg... I'm so sorry..." he mumbled running a gloved hand through his hair, "I-I didn't think...-"
"I-I will never serve under Belos," Regin uttered, "th-those dreams are out the window Hunt... I-I can't... I can't!! H-he.... he..." the silence was finally fully swallowed by a sob racking Regin's form, quivering from the top of his head to the ends of his toes.
Hunter's gaze softened at his best friend's reaction, one he surely couldn't have seen since they were both toddlers, though even then it didn't sound near as broken as Regin did right now. He swallowed, "Hey, cmon. We found some proof," Hunter murmured, the realization that Belos was as bad as he seemed not only from his memories but now someone else's, "Let's get outta here," he held his hand out.
Regin swallowed back a cry, instead releasing it in a shallow breath, but he nodded in agreement all the same, taking Hunter's hand. Hunter helped pull him up and guide him out.
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