#lack of courtesy in fandom nowadays that just exacerbates tempers
bisexualdinahlance · 8 months
I don't disagree with the "people would have better fandom experiences if they focused on what they liked about the media/fandom rather than what they hate" because I do think some people get too caught in the negativity vortex.
BUT as someone who is a bit of a complainer (though not as much on this blog as my fandom specific blogs lol), people also have GOT to learn to tag better. Because I would enjoy my fandom a lot more if I could peruse tags - both on tumblr and ao3 - without constantly seeing the content that I hate. And that's WITH blacklisting.
Stop tagging irrelevant things for exposure or "target audience", stop tagging fics with the actor names and every nickname for a character under the sun, stop tagging other relationships or friendships that only pop up for a single line in your 5k fic. Tumblr's tagging system/sorting already sucks without people filling up the tags with shit that doesn't matter.
Like I wouldn't even think about the stuff that pisses me off with fandom nearly as much if I could actually AVOID IT. I've never been someone who has been big on blocking, especially because I forget why people piss me off so easily, but I've had to start blocking a lot more just because it's impossible to exist in fandom at times without being bombarded by the stuff you hate.
(That's not even touching on how absolutely horrid reader tags are because of how Tumblr's tag reader functions. Please use a universal "x reader" tag or something I am BEGGING you. Because right now it's just block on sight.)
Basically, despite how much Tumblr's operating system itself doesn't help, I think a lot of people on both sides of this issue would end up happier and in a better mental place if people were better at tagging.
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