#lack of opportunities
niharikaslernings · 1 year
Are you going to fail in life?
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
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Today was the first day of school after summer holiday's. So, no teacher had a mood to teach anything. Some were checking projects and files in the classroom and some were giving lectures on life. My science teacher, she told us that she was a topper, she had got 95% in 10th and 12th. After having such a great marks and percentage. She got no job because of which she choosed to be a teacher by profession to run her household or to be financially independent. She also told us that some of her students which are performing outstanding in their studies, got no job after their graduation. So, to be financially independent, they became tuition teachers to run their house. She said, it's because of high competition. Therefore, she want us (all the students) to work very hard to get a job. She had a very wrong belief system:- she thinks that because competition is high, all the students must have to work hard for securing a 50000-60000rs salaried job. But I seen her ignoring the fact that there are plenty of opportunities available in the academic field. In this world of competition, if someone wants to get a job by graduation, it will be so hard. But there is another way too to get a job, it's a field of technical skills, where you can get a job of above 1 lakh per month but the condition is you have to be consistent while learning the skill and you have to give it a minimum time period of 3 years. Even now, I had seen the society, teachers saying engineers & doctors are the best career options. They literally ignore the number of students applying, they know that their child will not qualify but then also they sent them to kota and other places. They know the rate of unemployed engineer but still they ignore all this. It's like closing our eyes to not face the truth. They gave their belief system to their children which causes lot's of problem for a child. If the child is not able to qualify the exam, he/she feels himself/herself a failure that's why the suicide rates are increasing in india. I asked from many of my classmates, "hey, what do you want to be?". Most of them replied:- doctor, engineer, ias or banker, they were all taking name of any competitive exams without realising that most of them are going to fail according to the fact. But why they are ignoring the real fact? They are the future of india, they are youth of india. How can be our next ruling youth be that narrow minded or blindfolded?, But Whose fault is this? Is it of that innocent child?
No, the fault here is of our society, relatives which pressurised the child so much badly that the child ability to take decisions, to understand the logic, to think critically, to realise a pattern or a fact declined because of which the child is not able to think logically. It's the fault of the society that they are not prompting or changing their perception and giving the same mindset and logic to their childrens as well. That's the reason of failures. They are destroying there childrens careers and they are making them unemployed. I realised one more pattern here which bursted my mind and I just want to stop this massive destruction, that's the reason of why I am writing this blog. The pattern is right below in the learning section.
After having such high percentage in school, she didn't got a job. So, she start teaching for earning and she is teaching her students to study to secure a job. Her students didn't got job too and they become tuition tutors or teachers. Then, there students will also become teachers after getting no job as you know that the population is growing, competition is increasing, number of seats are decreasing. What you are observing in this pattern? Do you find something strange here? Let me tell you if you hadn't:- The strange part is the one's who are failing are becoming teachers and those failed peoples are teaching our young youth, how to get a job which they hadn't got themselves. Tell me how can a person can explain you the things which he hadn't achieved in his life and if they are telling you means, of course, you are going to fail. Are you alone? No, you are not alone, the same teacher teaches your classmates too and may can be in some cases at coachings too. So, there are 500+ students which study from the same teacher and there are going to fail. This is the cause of massive failures of students or this is the flaw of indian education system. In Indian education system, peoples who fail become teachers and then they produce massive failures. This burst my mind, I just want to stop this to make you realise the seriousness of the problems, I written this blog.
[Note:- I do not have any intent to disrespect teachers. I just want the peoples to open their eyes. But there are always exception. In this world, there are some generous teachers as well which provides education for free and are real strugglers, they had seen the struggles and they are telling everything from their real experiences through what they had faced.]
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mixedupmilly · 1 year
Supporting Disabled Persons Beyond 9-5: A Call for Equitable Care
Despite my disability, my life is not confined to a rigid 9 to 5 schedule. I lead a social life that extends far beyond those hours, and it is crucial for my overall well-being. Imagine being confined to a 5 pm curfew every day – it would be suffocating and incredibly frustrating. I want to make it clear that having a disability does not equate to a dull and monotonous existence. I refuse to let…
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dentistf-blog · 8 years
Are you directly or indirectly responsible for deteriorating dental profession?
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on-the-right-road · 10 years
“I think things are changing for the worse right now,” Stephen McGann said. “The sums don’t add up. When I was growing up, we had theatres open that aren’t open now. We had opportunities in adverts that aren’t open now. We had films that don’t get made. We had television pumping out of all kinds of studios that aren’t there any more."
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