#ladies n gents i am asking once again for prayer..... for what feels like the hundredth time this year
thebirdandhersong · 2 years
#ladies n gents i am asking once again for prayer..... for what feels like the hundredth time this year#i am going to have to break up with Mr knight and it isn't going to be easy#and it's gonna have to be soon#lord have mercy on an exhausted girl#it's just too many differences and a very different outlook on things in life that i think are important#like finance management mutual spiritual growth connection with community#emotional vulnerability and also ideas about the future and planning for it#but most of all. i cannot share my love for stories with him#and I've tried. but it's just not something he's interested in listening to or indeed understanding#that hurts a tad. i don't think i can marry a man who i can't share that part of me with#will not go into further details but that's where things are#sorry for vaguely sad and pessimistic posts i am very numb and resigned#suffice it to say#i would also like to write love letters to someone who will write back#instead of telling me he received them and saying thanks#i am very unhappy indeed. and cannot go on like this long term#that's all#I've wanted to either cry throw up scream or simply collapse in my bed for the past little while because of this#i wanted it to work out! i WOULD'VE loved him for a lifetime#and thought i was asking too much or being too selfish in wanting reciprocation#in many things#but i am simply exhausted. i have done a fair bit of crying so i shan't any longer#😭😭😭😭😭😭 would very much like a hug and a cup of tea#it had been a very long couple of weeks#slings and arrows of outrageous fortune in year 21
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yourescapetofiction · 5 years
The Tides Have Turned-Part 11
A/N: This is my old work, The Tides Have Turned. It is a complete story that I am reposting on this blog so the work isn’t lost and can be found for those interested :)
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I awoke the next morning by my own body clock. Damn it felt good to sleep in. I reached for my phone to see what time it was: 11 AM. Half the morning was already wasting away. I looked over to see Nate furiously typing out a message on his phone.
“Mornin’” he said with a big grin.
“Hey” I said rubbing my eyes. “Why didn’t you wake me up? It’s already eleven o’clock.”
“You looked so peaceful, I couldn’t disturb you. Besides its good for you, we were pretty busy last night” he said with a smirk.
“Yeah well we should think about getting back before a search team is sent for us” I say sitting up in bed. Nate just nodded in agreement. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and tried to pull myself together the best that I could. Nate was shuffling through the room, gathering his things. He stopped to give the room one last look.
“I gotta say, I’m gonna miss this. It was like our own little paradise” he said with a hint of sadness. My heart stung at his words.
“I know, me too” I say softly rubbing his arm. We proceeded out of the hotel room and dropped the keys off in the lobby before heading to the bus. We drove back to the beach house in a comfortable silence. Nate held onto my hand tightly, resting on the center console. It was like he was savoring our last moments together before we were once again in the company of the guys. We slowly pulled up the drive and walked to the front door. It was open this time.
“Holy shit! There you guys are! Where the fuck were you?!” Johnson said climbing over the back of the couch and running towards us.
“We got pretty worried” Kenny said with wide eyes.
“You assholes locked us out last night!” I said accusingly. They all looked at each other in confusion.
“No we didn’t! Did we?!” Swazz asked trying to remember last night.
“Uhh yeah, we went for a walk on the beach remember? Then it started to downpour so we came back and you idiots had all the doors locked” I say crossing my arms.
“And none of you would answer your phones” Nate chimed in. A look of guilt washed across each of their faces.
“Holy shit, we are so so so sorry” G said bringing his hands together in a prayer formation.
“Yeah, yeah. Just thank your lucky stars that we found enough cash in the bus to get a hotel for the night” I say.
“Wait, wait. You took my slim jim money?!” J said raising his voice. Nate just shot him a look that said “don’t say another word.”
“I mean yeah, glad you were able to figure something out” J mumbled under his breath.
“Can we talk about what you’re wearing right now?” Sam said tugging on the jersey I had on.
“It’s all we had Samuel” I answer. “I’m gonna head upstairs to get changed, I’ll be back down” I add.
“You should wear that more often babe! Your ass looks cute in those briefs” Sam hollered behind me. I just flipped him the bird behind my back.
I emerged from my room about twenty minutes later in a fresh outfit. It felt good to be back in the house again. Nate was catching up with the guys, so I decided this was a good opportunity to confront Sammy about what he said to me last night. I walked over to the white leather couch and plopped myself down next to him. He was vibing to Bryson Tiller’s “Set You Free.”
“Hey babe” he smiled at me.
“Hey Sammy. So I think we need to have a talk about what you said to me last night” I say faking an overly serious tone. He immediately furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“Uh, should I be worried?” he said running his fingers through his hair.
“You tell me” I continue.
“Shit. What did I say?” he asked with baited breath.
“Oh just that someone in the house is in love with me” I let out a slight giggle now. To my surprise, he looked increasingly more nervous.
“Wh-what? I said that?” he said looking anywhere but at me.
“Yes Sam, you did. I want to know if you were talking out of your ass, or if you know something that I don’t” I say closing the gap between us. A few minutes of torture and Sam would spill his guts. He couldn’t bear to keep a secret, especially not from the squad.
“I was drunk, I didn’t know what I was saying. You know how I get” he nervously chuckled. This was really eating him, I could tell.
“Yeah I do know how you get, and I know that you often spill sober thoughts when you’re drunk” I say poking his arm. “It’s Gilinsky isn’t it?” I ask. His eyes shot wide open.
“Uh, yeah. Yes it is. You got me” he breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
“I knew it” I smirk victoriously. “Sammy boy, you’ve been a big help” I said while wrapping him in a hug, before getting up to go talk to the other boys.
Sam’s POV
Holy fucking shit, what did I just do? Oh my god, I think I just royally screwed things up. I need to stop drinking to oblivion, I end up getting myself into situations that I really regret later. Thank god I didn’t betray Nate, but now y/n’s convinced it is Jack and that could present an entirely new set of problems on its own. I don’t know why she got that in her head, but I unintentionally just threw Jack under the bus. I rubbed my eyes harshly, contemplating what to do.
I had to speak to Nate.
I found him in the kitchen, getting a bottle of water from the fridge.
“NATE!” I shout, barely containing my anxiety.
“Bro, what the fuck. You scared me” he said clutching his chest. “What’s up? Why do you look like you’re about to shit your pants?” he said placing his water on the counter.
“Because I am dude!” I say pacing in the kitchen.
“Sam, calm down. Spit it out” Nate said.
“Y/n came to talk to me about some shit I said when I was drunk, and she was staring into my soul, and I got nervous and-” I start rambling still pacing. My hands were running through my hair twenty to the dozen.
“I sort of told her that Gilinsky is in love with her” I spat.
“You did what?!” Nate half-shouted. His eyes were wide and his eyebrows shot up.
“I didn’t know what to do! I couldn’t very well tell her about our talk on the beach. She asked if it was G, and I panicked so I said yes” I shoot him a sorrowful look. Nate began pacing himself, his palms on his face.
“Fuck. She said some shit about that last night, but I didn’t think much of it. Now that you told her the same thing, she’s gonna go looking for answers” he said.
“Fuck, Sammy. What if G really does have feelings for her, and this ain’t made up at all?” Nate looked up with sheer terror. “We might have just pushed the two of them together” he said fraught with anxiety.
“Nate, calm down man. Don’t jump to conclusions” I say trying to calm him.
“What are we gonna do Sam?” he asked.
“We wait and see. Observe them together” I say. Nate looked uneasy, but agreed.
Nate’s POV
Sam and I walked back into the living room. We must have looked like we had seen a ghost because Johnson’s eyes widened at the sight of us.
“Woah, you guys okay?” he asked.
“Huh? Yeah man, all good” I reassure him.
“So what are the plans for tonight?” Sam said rubbing his hands together.
“Well there’s a party being thrown at one of the houses down the beach” Swazz said. “I got a text from one of the guys I used to shoot hoops with. We could go check that out” he continued.
“Hell yeah I’m down for a party” Cam said, with Nash nodding in agreement.
I wasn’t too sure if a party was really a good idea, but I wasn’t going to be the one guy that stopped the others. Besides, if y/n’s going, I am too.
Later that night…
I knocked softly on y/n’s door until I heard a faint “come in” on the other side. She was sitting at the vanity spritzing some perfume on her neck.
“Wow you look great” I said. She smiled widely at me.
“Thanks Skate.”
“You ready to go? The guys are all downstairs” I say.
“Yeah, let’s hit this” she said grabbing my arm.
We all made the walk down the beach towards the house Swazz said the party was at. He slid open the back door and we all entered, making our way around the people dancing.
“Hey man!” Swazz called out to a guy I vaguely recognized. They shook hands and exchanged a few words before he returned to us.
“Alright lady & gents, we’re good to go” he said. We all split up pretty much. Dillon, Cam, and Nash headed towards the bar, while Kenny, Johnson and Gilinsky chatted up some girls. The rest of us moved to the dance floor. I was never much of a dancer, but being with y/n changed that. She was so carefree, and a bit of that attitude has definitely rubbed off on me. We started twirling and moving to the music, with Sam dancing with a girl next to us. The song ended and the DJ was transitioning to another genre.
“I’m gonna get us some drinks!” y/n said before disappearing into the mixture of people. I was waiting for her to return, making small talk with some party goer next to me.
“Nate?! Nate Maloley! Is that you?” I heard a shrill voice call out. I spun around to see my ex-girlfriend Jessica sauntering towards me, her friends in close pursuit behind her. My eyes shot open, please not now. I was always sort of ashamed of dating Jessica, she wasn’t exactly a nice person. She was meant to be a rebound but it turned into a full blown relationship, and it was a tumultuous one at that.
She stalked closer, wearing five inch heels. I could smell vodka on her breath as she sloppily wrapped her arms around my neck, trying to hug me.
“What are you doing here?” I whisper harshly. It seemed like she had followed me everywhere I went since I broke things off with her. She could never fully accept the fact that I dumped her.
“Now, now. Is that the greeting that you give the love of your life?” she said before pressing her lips against mine. I heard the sound of glass shattering which caused my eyes to fly open. There stood y/n, staring us down. She looked angry. I could see her nostrils flare slightly, before she spun on her heel and stormed off.
“Get the fuck off me” I say peeling Jessica’s claws off of me. “Y/n! Wait up! Stop!” I shout weaving through people. “Get the fuck out of my way” I said pushing some drunk frat boys out of my path. She wasn’t stopping, even though I knew she heard my calls. I lost her in the crowd, due to the party becoming packed.
“FUCK!” I shout as loud as I can.
Y/n’s POV
I was fuming mad at what I had just seen. My emotions got the better of me, and instinctively took over. It didn’t take me long to figure out that the bleached-blonde girl clawing at Nate was his ex, Jessica. I knew who she was, but Nate was always guarded when it came to talking about her. None of us ever really pushed the subject. We moved on, figuring something deep must have happened between the two of them. To tell the truth, I didn’t even know why I was reacting this way. It’s not like Nate and I were a couple, and I caught him cheating. But it felt that way.
I knew this arrangement between him and I would come back and bite me in the ass. Friends are not meant to enter this territory, it completely complicates everything. These were the feelings that I wanted to avoid-hurt, jealousy. Nate called after me, probably wanting to explain himself, but he didn’t have to. I needed to take a breather, get away from him. My judgement was becoming clouded when I was around him, but I was beginning to see things crystal clear.
Nate and I weren’t an item. Probably never will be, so my time was best spent elsewhere. I made my way to where I saw a couple of the guys chilling in the corner. They were drinking, chatting up girls, and generally having a good time.
“What’s wrong?” Johnson’s face fell as soon as he saw me.
“Nate and Jessica” I answer, not needing any further explanation.
“Woah, what?!” J said. He knew as well as I did that Jessica was a touchy subject for Nate.
“Y/n! There you are. Why did you run from me?” Nate said interrupting our conversation. I just rolled my eyes and turned back to Johnson.
“Not now Nate” I answer tersely.
“You need to let me explain, I-”
“You what Nate? You don’t owe me an explanation. In fact, you don’t owe me shit” I say, catching Nate off guard.
“I got the message loud and clear. You don’t want me. I was just a quick fuck” I spat out hatefully. His eyes flashed with pain. I was making a scene, our friends gathering closely around us. Their eyes were wide at my admission of Nate and I’s tryst.
“I know when I’m not wanted, so I’ll go where I am—with Gilinsky. He loves me” I say for all to hear.
Everyone gasped, shocked at my words. But none more so than Jack Gilinsky. I could see him spit out the beer he was sipping, slightly choking at the sound of my words. The girl next to him looked pissed that she had wasted her time coming on to him.
“I WHAT?” he exclaims.
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sherlock-one-shots · 7 years
Pushed Aside (Sherlock X Reader)
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(Gif is not mine. Originally posted by this user)
This was requested by anonymous: I just rewatched the Irene Adler episode and I need something where Reader confronts Sherlock about being pushed to the side during the ordeal. (Bonus points if an unintended pregnancy can be worked into it)
Alright, ladies and gents, here we go! Warning: A bit of swearing (only one or two curse words, I think, nothing absolutely horrible).
You sighed after his phone. Except the sighs were much different. The one that came from his phone came from the scum of the earth and was one of pleasure. Yours was one of pure annoyance. Seventeen texts from Irene Adler this morning alone. Seventeen times that phone went off. Seven times you restarted your story. Ten times he didn’t ask you to continue. Just checked his phone. He never replied. He told you so himself and you believed it, you never saw him type a word. But he checked it and that was enough to make your blood boil. It ruined your morning, it ruined your night the night before, it ruined your mood, and was in the process of ruining your relationship and sanity. You had met Irene Adler in her home, as she flaunted around, naked, wearing nothing but a full face of makeup and heels that would have broken your feet in two seconds flat. You had to admit, if you looked like her you might walked about naked as well, but you didn’t (at least you didn’t think so). But it was worse when she shoved her nakedness right in Sherlock’s face, ignoring the fact that you, his wife, was sitting right there, watching it all. John sensed your annoyance but Sherlock, however, did not. He put his phone back in his pocket, putting his hands in the prayer position underneath his chin and closing his eyes. Thinking about the woman, you thought bitterly. No doubt about it. XXXXXXX The phone hadn’t made a sound in almost three hours (a new record!). Now was your chance. Nervously, you sat in John’s chair, across from Sherlock. John was out getting the shopping, and Sherlock had been in a great mood all evening, so it was the perfect moment. It was as if all of the stars aligned. “Hey.” You said, getting his attention. He stared at you, brow raised. He could tell you were nervous and he didn’t know exactly why. “Hello.” He responded. “Can we talk?” “We’re talking right now.” You cocked your head, trying not to smile. “You know what I mean, Holmes.” “Yes, I know what you mean.” he nodded. You waited for him to say something, giving the ‘okay’ for you to continue. He did so with a nod. “Oh, well...” You didn’t know how to word it, you hadn’t really planned how you were going to tell him.  “Well, I know we never really…..talked about….” you shrugged, still trying to find the words. Just as you found them and quickly formulated a speech in your head, the phone moaned and his attention shifted. “Hold that thought.” he said, quickly getting up and walking to the other side of the room to retrieve his mobile. You didn’t hold that thought, though. You let the thought die and decided that you would tell him some other time when he was free from all distractions. You would just plan a doctor’s visit alone, go alone, and wonder if he’ll notice, or look up from the moaning phone as you walk in and out of 221B, ever-growing. You rose from the chair, going back to your shared bedroom, trying to stop yourself from slamming the door loudly enough that he might notice. XXXXXXX “You alright?” John asked, sitting beside you on the couch, a drink in hand. “Fine, why?” “Well, you just...” he shrugged. “You’ve seemed upset the past few days. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.” “I’m fine.” You answered shortly. John didn’t buy it, though. “Is it about Irene?” You didn’t answer which was all the answer he needed. “Look, I understand that it’s annoying, but this is all going to blow over soon. This case will end and he’ll find another one that catches his attention.” “Are you sure about that?” You wondered. “He does really seem to like her. Pushing me to the side just to check her texts, paying a lot of attention to her. He has to, knowing her measurements and all.” You argued. “I’m sure he knows everyone’s, hers were just...relevant in the moment.” He said slowly. You sighed, leaning back against the couch. “Are you worried? That he might come to like her more than you?” “She did make quite the impression.” You answered. “And she’s much more interesting than I am.” “(Y/N), Listen to me, if Sherlock Holmes falls in love with another woman then Hell would have frozen over. It doesn’t take a genius to see how in love he is with you.” “I wish I could see it now.” XXXXXXX “Good morning.” Sherlock greeted you as you entered the kitchen the next day, still in pyjamas, hair a mess. “Morning.” You said quickly, hoping you wouldn’t get interrupted again. You weren’t on Sherlock’s levels of observation by no means, but you picked up a few things. You could tell that Sherlock hadn’t slept much last night and his phone was in his back pocket as opposed to his jacket pocket-easier to get to. “Did you sleep well?” “Fine.” You nodded. You could feel his eyes following you as you made you breakfast. “Are you alright?” He asked a bit hesitantly. He could tell you were upset. “Peachy.” “Liar.” “I’m fine.” You snapped. Honestly, you didn’t want to talk to him at all. You two maintained eye contact. Sherlock was confused while you were furious. The phone hadn’t even gone off yet. Hormones, you guessed. But your anger was justified. The phone moaned, as if on cue, and you took a deep breath. “Liar.” He repeated. This time he didn’t even reach for his phone. You had his attention now, and you didn’t even want it. You huffed, turning back to your breakfast. “(Y/N), what’s the matter.” “What makes you think anything is wrong?” You asked, ready to debunk any reasons he might suggest, only to get him off of your back. “You’re being very short-” “I’m tired.” “-you’re being incredibly passive-aggressive,” “When am I not?” “-and you have been trying to tell me something the past few days but you never finish. You’re nervous about something-something’s wrong and I would like to know what it is.” “Well maybe if you paid attention to anyone but Irene Adler for the past few days you would be able to figure it out, genius.” You answered. “That’s what this is about? Irene Adler? A case?” “A woman.” You corrected him. “A woman who gets your attention every time she moans through your phone.” “Oh, you know as well as I do that I didn’t set that as the text alert noise!” “Well you haven’t changed it!” You yelled. He stayed silent, not having an answer. You were right. You took the opportunity to keep going. “Since the moment Irene Adler walked in naked, flaunting her assets, you haven’t been able to pay attention to anything, or anyone else. I have been trying to tell you something. Something incredibly important, but every time, she texts you, and you just get up and leave. You look at the text and I’m left hanging. I don’t care that you look at them, if it’s really for the case, like you say, but I’ve been pushed aside this whole time. You’ve only cared about Irene Adler and whatever interesting things she’s been telling you. Those texts have got to be pretty damn good if you drop everything to read them.” Silence, once again. “If you like her more than you like me, I don’t blame you.” You told him honestly. “I think she’s downright horrible, but she’s interesting, better looking-” “Beauty is a social construc-” He didn’t get to finish. “-and all around a better fit for you. Just tell me and I can find somewhere for us to go.” “’Us’?” Sherlock asked. “Yes, ‘us’?” “Who is ‘us’? Would you take John with you?” He asked. “No.” “Then who?” You only stared at him, watching his face go from pure, complete confusion, to revelation. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you for the past few days.” “You’re pregnant?” “That’s what Irene Adler was more important than.” “Pregnant?” he asked quietly, almost as if he didn’t believe it. You had no idea how he would react-if he would be happy and excited, like you were, or upset, since it wasn’t really planned. The two of you never really talked about kids at length, but both of you agreed that, with Sherlock’s line of work, it might not be such a great idea. “Yes.” You stared at each other, waiting for the other one to move or speak. “Do you really, really think” Sherlock began slowly. “that I would choose Irene Adler over you?” “Yes.” He looked hurt. Beyond hurt. “Never.” He shook his head, taking small steps towards you. “Never in a million years.” “Then why is she so interesting to you?” You wondered. It just didn’t make sense to you. “Because she’s a case. She got the best of me, getting the photos back, and Mycroft told me not to get involved. I can’t help it, I have to take the case if it’s something Mycroft forbids.” he attempted to make you laugh. You weren’t as angry anymore, just confused, and you couldn’t help but crack a small smile at the childish mentality your husband had regarding his brother. “It’s an interesting case, I have to admit that. There’s much more to this case than meets the eyes, much more than I can see. But that’s all it is, (Y/N). That’s all she is. A case. “And I’m sorry.” He apologized. “For not listening to you, I mean. I should have. I have no excuses for that.” You didn’t know what to say. You just pressed your lips together and nodded. “Are you alright?” He asked again. You only nodded. “I mean, with the baby. Everything’s fine? Nothing’s wrong?” “Everything's alright.” You nodded again. “Just a bit of morning sickness, but nothing too serious. I haven’t been to the doctor yet.” “When do you go?” “Monday.” You had made the appointment that previous evening, while Sherlock was out. “I’ll clear my schedule for Monday, then.” He grinned. “And you’re fine?” I asked. “What with?” “With the baby, I mean. I thought we agreed not to have kids. Not yet, anyway.” You were worried about his response and he thought about it for a few, agonizing seconds. “It’s not something that we planned, (Y/N), and it’s a shock, one that’ll really hit me in a few minutes, I  believe, but we’ll be fine.” He walked closer to you, placing his hands on your shoulders, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “They’ll be loved, one of the most protected babies in Britain, and they’ll have the best mother in the world.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s true. You have a kind and gentle heart, they’ll adore you almost as much as we’ll adore them. I guarantee it.” “And you know it all?” You asked. “Of course I do. I’m Sherlock Holmes.” he joked. You swatted his chest. “You’re an arrogant git.” You responded, gently pushing him away. “Now, let me make my breakfast. I’m starving.” The phone moaned, but Sherlock didn’t leave your side, helping you prepare your morning meal and eating with you, both of you conversing without distraction. I hope this is what you wanted. And I got the pregnancy in there! Thank you so much for this request, I had so much fun writing it! Requests are OPEN!
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