#emotional vulnerability and also ideas about the future and planning for it
thebirdandhersong · 2 years
#ladies n gents i am asking once again for prayer..... for what feels like the hundredth time this year#i am going to have to break up with Mr knight and it isn't going to be easy#and it's gonna have to be soon#lord have mercy on an exhausted girl#it's just too many differences and a very different outlook on things in life that i think are important#like finance management mutual spiritual growth connection with community#emotional vulnerability and also ideas about the future and planning for it#but most of all. i cannot share my love for stories with him#and I've tried. but it's just not something he's interested in listening to or indeed understanding#that hurts a tad. i don't think i can marry a man who i can't share that part of me with#will not go into further details but that's where things are#sorry for vaguely sad and pessimistic posts i am very numb and resigned#suffice it to say#i would also like to write love letters to someone who will write back#instead of telling me he received them and saying thanks#i am very unhappy indeed. and cannot go on like this long term#that's all#I've wanted to either cry throw up scream or simply collapse in my bed for the past little while because of this#i wanted it to work out! i WOULD'VE loved him for a lifetime#and thought i was asking too much or being too selfish in wanting reciprocation#in many things#but i am simply exhausted. i have done a fair bit of crying so i shan't any longer#😭😭😭😭😭😭 would very much like a hug and a cup of tea#it had been a very long couple of weeks#slings and arrows of outrageous fortune in year 21
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okuhle23 · 1 year
Astrology Observations- 020
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Saturn in the 12th house can mean that you've got a fear of abandonment, this is because the 12th house rules one’s fears, and Saturn can represent abandonment. 
Having a lot of Mercury or Neptune aspects in your chart can mean that you tend to get distracted easily, and have quite a short attention span. This is me fr, because I cannot finish a whole movie without checking my phone or something. 
People with Moon conjunct Ascendant, may be told that they resemble their mother a lot, this is because the ascendant rules one’s appearance and the moon represents one’s mother. 
Pisces mercury is the true sweet talker placement, these people will tell you what you want to hear, and you’ll be charmed. They also tend to be good singers. Singers with this placement include: Rihanna, Pharrell Williams, Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga. 
Moon square Mars often don't like being vulnerable and showing people their emotions. This is because Moon represents one's emotions, while Mars is an aggressive planet, and so in this instance, the square aspect is causing the two planets to oppose each other instead of working together.
Having Mercury as your dominant planet, or having Mercury aspecting your personal planets can mean that you often suffer from hayfever, headaches or anemia.
Prominent Gemini placements often have glowing skin because Gemini rules the oxygenation of blood,  and therefore= glowing healthy skin. This is why Geminis are often associated with looking really young.
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Mars rules piercings, the sign in which Mars is located can show which areas you'd wanna pierce or have already pierced. It can also show which piercings would really suit you. 
 ♂ Mars in Aries: you may have facial piercings such as eyebrow, monroe piercings etc
♂ Mars in Taurus: nose and ear piercings would look really good on you
♂ Mars in Cancer: nipple piercings and belly ring would suit you well
♂ Mars in Libra: you’d look really good with a belly ring and dimple piercings 
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Where your Mercury is placed can show what you frequently think about: 
Mercury in the 1st: you may  think about about your interests, and you may enjoy telling others about yourself. 
Mercury in the 2nd: you may talk about money quite a bit. 'If I were rich I'd....' You also like to think of ways to spoil yourself and make more money.
Mercury in the 3rd: you like to spread fun facts, and also talk about the new things that you've learnt. You may often think about your siblings/ cousins.
Mercury in the 4th: you can clearly express yourself around your family. You can also talk about real estate often, or you like imagining how your future house would look. You may think about how it would be like having kids. You often think about your past and how you could have done things differently.  
Mercury in the 5th: you like talking to new people and you enjoy socializing. You could also talk about your art (if you make any) or you enjoy talking about your hobbies. You may be constantly coming up with new ideas relating to your hobbies. 
Mercury in the 6th: you probably like to talk about ur job. You could also like talking about your future/daily plans. You may often think about your health too. 
Mercury in the 7th: you probably (pretty frequently) think about what it would be like to be in love, you also prolly read FS pacs (I see u👀). If you've got a partner, they prolly live rent free in your mind💕😌. 
Mercury in the 8th: you like to think about how you can transform yourself (whether it be clothing style to the way u think).
Mercury in the 9th: you could think about your spiritual journey/your God or religion quite a bit. You could also like talking about your university/college. 
Mercury in the 10th: you may often think about what you want to do in the future (career-wise). You may also think about your reputation, and the first impressions u make.
Mercury in the 11th: you often think about your friends. You may also think about the injustices of the world (racism, misogyny, domestic abuse, climate change, global warming etc etc). 
Mercury in the 12th:  you can think about what haunts you from your past (as 12th house rules the subconscious mind). You also may think about the secrets that you keep from others (whether those secrets are yours or not). Your thoughts also manifest into your reality, you’re really good at manifesting.
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Mercury square Pluto can make others misunderstand your words. Others may also be quite offended when you share your opinions, even if you don't actively try to offend others. 
Saturn in the 3rd house can mean that you sometimes have problems breathing normally. This is because Saturn represents restrictions, and the 3rd house rules the lungs. You may also have a respiratory illness, like asthma or something. This placement can also mean that you have anxiety in front of people, or that your voice is really quiet, you may be asked to repeat yourself often. 
Thank you for getting this far, let me know which observations resonated with you in the comments below. If you enjoyed these, click here to access my paid readings <3. Until next time my lovelies. <33
x Okuhle ♥
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could I get A E I J N for Ace please
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Ace is a BIG quality time kind of a guy. He wants to do things with his darling. Like going for a ride on Striker, exploring a new island together, or even just hanging out in his cabin. He lives to spend time with you, and he'll drag you along to whatever he wants to do in the name of bonding time.
He's also a touchy guy. When out and about, he's either holding your hand or has an arm slung over your shoulder. In private, he's much more cuddly. You won't be able to get further than arm's reach from him. Every inch of him is pressed against every inch of you. Ace is strong as hell and just as delusional, so he'll make excuses for any lack of enthusiasm from you while easily keeping you in place.
It's all very intense, Ace doesn't do anything in halves. You are his everything, and he's going to make sure that he becomes your everything, too.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
At first, Ace is very much keeping up a front around you. He wants and needs for you to think that he's this perfectly happy and normal guy. He has a sort of fake-it-til-you-make-it kind of mentality, but he never quite makes it. Eventually, cracks start to show, and then they shatter. His darling will feel like they have whiplash after witnessing their happy-go-lucky captor switch to the miserable, self-loathing persona.
Once the dam breaks, you become an unwilling pillar of emotion support. You're exposed to every facet of his extremely tumultuous character. It feels like you're being guilt-tripped to the extreme by him, but it's genuinely unintentional on his part. He can't help it. He needs to let you in, body and soul, even if he's dragging you in against your will.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Ace doesn't have a plan. He's going through the motions in life, and that also applies to you. He wants you to be there, sure, but he doesn't really have an end goal. He just wants to be with you forever. Marriage doesn't really cross his mind. Not because he's against that, he just feels like you guys pretty much are married already. What's a couple of rings and a sheet of paper really going to add to that? That being said, he would happily go along with it if you were fully in the throes of stockholm syndrome and brought it up, but that's really only because he's through the roof excited that you've finally accepted him.
Don't worry about him pushing to have children. While he does like children and is honestly great with them, he is terrified of actually having any. He doesn't want to pass along his problems to them and perpetuate a cycle of misery. That being said, he wouldn't be as opposed to the idea of taking in some random orphan that's in need.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Oh boy. Ace has intense jealousy issues. His deep rooted insecurity comes out full throttle, and it gets scary fast. Fortunately, it only applies to potential romantic rivals, so friends and family are safe at the very least. If he does snap, you don't have to worry about him hurting you, but that can't be said for whoever had the nerve to approach you. He doesn't give them a chance to back off. Once they've gone far enough to actually make Ace jealous, they are already past the point of no return. He'll beat them within an inch of their life, and possibly burn them to death if he was angry enough.
After this is over, and you are thoroughly traumatized from watching that, Ace pulls a 180 and starts babying you. In his delusional state, he believes that you are upset because that disgusting waste of life was bothering you. You'll learn quickly to avoid people when you're out and about with Ace.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He can't do it. He already struggles with guilt from just keeping you with him. He could never actually harm you. The worst that can happen is that he might yell at you if you've been fighting back a lot and had frequent escape attempts. He'll be up in your face, and his yelling is genuinely terrifying after only ever dealing with his softer side. As soon as it's over, Ace feels like a monster and starts love bombing the hell out of you to try and make up for it.
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tomurakii · 6 months
My last post about bloodweave was pretty negative (though necessarily so imo) so I wanted to talk about the little things about the bloodweave dynamic that I DO like and want to see more of in fic (under the cut).
- the orb means Astarion can't start their relationship transactionally. Gale can't give Astarion blood, and also can't have sex with him (and presumably would refuse casual sex anyway). How would the relationship develop without Astarion being able to rely on the give-and-take, forced instead to just trust Gale will watch his back? Astarion isn't a plans guy, I imagine having to come up with something on the spot (considering none of the other companions are reeaaaally an option either) would lead to a lot more emotional vulnerability as he tries to take a route he has much less experience with. Not to mention that the flirty and standoffish front isn't exactly going to endear him to Gale, who approves of the capable, loyal, and righteous. How long can Astarion pretend to be invested in Gale's wellbeing before it becomes true?
- they both have bad ascension endings, but different natural outcomes. Gale is considered the more morally upstanding one, but in their solo states (without the player's influence) Gale will go through with ascension and Astarion won't. Would they goad each other on? Gale disapproves of Astarion's ascension, using arguments that could apply to himself about the personal sacrifice and loss of the soul. Would Astarion flip them around, become defensive? Their dynamic could mean the power hungry character ending up discouraging the pursuit of godhood, or the two of them hurtling over the edge together. Or, maybe, Astarion encouraging Gale to ascend and having to trust him to return.
- they're the party members with the most life experience, and they're also both pretty well-educated (even if Astarion's law qualifications may well have expired by the events of the game). He spent his time under Cazador sewing (like Gale in his Baldur's Gate epilogue) and learning languages (of which Gale knows four). They have enduring common interests beyond their circumstances. Gale can help Astarion rediscover the latent nerd potential he lost when he died, and lord knows he would love to pick his brain for a first hand account of the mid-to-late 12th century.
- Astarion recently regained hope for his future when the tadpole freed him, Gale recently lost all of it. While act 1 is a continuous series of positive discoveries for Astarion (tadpole frees him from cazador -> ceremorphosis is held off by the dream visitor -> tadpole can be controlled), Gale's life gets worse with time as his treatment stops working. It's a dynamic that could give Gale hope, force Astarion to practise empathy, or put them completely at odds.
- Astarion's all-encompassing desire to reclaim his life could be inspiring to Gale. Moreover, I imagine seeing just how passive Gale is about his death would infuriate him. To have so little regard for his real, mortal, free life? It's a great source of angst, and also a great starting point for Gale to start wanting to live again. Because after learning about Astarion's past he would agree, he'd recognise how much value a mortal life was supposed to have. He'd think himself ungrateful or impolite for entertaining the idea of throwing it away when Astarion would give anything to have what he had. This would lead to guilt, and potentially self-loathing, unless someone was there to help pick up the pieces.
- If Astarion meets Oblodra before Gale's act 2 romance scene, (or for a fanfic plot, just before Gale is confident enough to confess) they most likely won't have sex until the graveyard scene in late act 3 (or the post-ascension equivalent). It means that rather than the fuckfest we so often see from bloodweave fics, the relationship is almost entirely a slow-burning, emotionally intimate affair. I'd really love to see that play out, the progression from semi-horny yearning on both parts as the orb keeps them apart, to two love confessions that are followed by the both of them experiencing non-sexual intimacy for the first time in years. I doubt Mystra was one to hug her chosen, after all, or hold their hands.
I just love a bg3 ship that forces the characters to take different actions than they do in canon. It makes me feel like I'm developing a broader understanding of the characters, you know?
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beatmyfeet · 11 months
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Male Submission: The Best Way to Say 'I Love You'
In the realm of relationships and love, men have been traditionally seen as the dominant figures. They're often expected to take the lead in all aspects, from initiating the first date to proposing marriage. However, with evolving perspectives on gender dynamics and roles, we are beginning to understand the beauty of male submission. Not in a way that undermines masculinity but as an expression of vulnerability and love, often seen as the best way to say 'I love you'.
Firstly, it is important to define what we mean by 'male submission.' It does not signify weakness or loss of power. It is about giving up control in certain aspects of a relationship to promote mutual respect and understanding. It's about the conscious choice to listen, yield, and prioritize their partner's needs and desires, not because they have to, but because they want to.
Expressing love is not just about saying three words, but it's about actions, behavior, and a genuine demonstration of care and respect. A submissive man shows love by letting his guard down and showing his vulnerability. He is open about his feelings, not shying away from expressing emotions that are often deemed as 'weak' or 'unmanly.' It is in these moments that he displays his strength, for it takes courage to go against societal norms and show emotional transparency.
Submissive men are not afraid to ask for direction when they're unsure, showing a level of respect for their partner's knowledge and capabilities. It's a powerful way to say 'I love you', telling their partner that they value their judgement and perspective.
Being submissive can also mean taking care of the emotional labor in a relationship. It can mean being the one to initiate conversations about feelings, wants, and needs. This level of emotional engagement is a sincere way of saying 'I love you', expressing a willingness to delve into the often messy world of emotions for the sake of the relationship.
Lastly, male submission in a relationship might involve sharing power in decision-making processes. This might seem small, but it can have a big impact. It's about respecting the partner's opinions, ideas, and involving them in making decisions, whether it's about where to go for dinner or planning a future together. This not only strengthens the bond but it is an expression of trust and love.
The societal concept of masculinity is slowly but surely evolving, and with it, our understanding of relationships and love. Male submission is not about being weak or inferior; it's about strength, respect, and deep affection. In this view, saying 'I love you' transcends beyond mere words, it becomes a way of life, a sincere expression of deep romantic love.
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bbobpul · 1 year
lost, but not in you — jjh
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PAIRING. jaehyun x reader SUMMARY. taking a drive around anaheim with jaehyun, and reader reminisce about the hardest part of their relationship GENRE. fluff, angst W/C. 1.5k NOTE. i love niki and jaehyun so much that i had to write a story inspired by her song and make it about him. also #1to7YearsWith127 (/° 0°)/→ my other works
jaehyun embodies the epitome of patience and love, serving as a living testament to compassion and understanding. he is not merely a companion, but rather my unwavering guide—a beacon of light that pierces through the darkest moments—and my ultimate confidant on speed dial.
i consider myself incredibly fortunate to have jaehyun by my side as i navigate the ups and downs of life. amidst the whirlwind of my extracurricular commitments, he selflessly takes on the burden of completing my other works, freeing me from overwhelming pressures. during times of sorrow, he refrains from hastily wiping away my tears, understanding the importance of letting me embrace my vulnerability without feeling the need to immediately regain composure, he willingly immerses himself in the joy of simple moments, meticulously stringing up christmas lights alongside me, and ensuring i stay hydrated by buying water after every physical education class when we were younger.
every seemingly mundane act he performs holds profound meaning—a testament to his unwavering devotion. jaehyun's constant presence throughout my journey of growth and discovery has transformed him into an inseparable part of my life, a constant reminder of the incredible person he is.
"hey, is everything alright?" he asks, a concerned look on his face. "you've been pretty quiet lately."
"just lost in my thoughts," i reply, my voice tinged with a hint of introspection.
"what's been on your mind?" he probes, genuine curiosity shining through.
"just a bunch of things, you know?" i answer, my tone suggesting a mix of contemplation and uncertainty.
"you sure you're alright?" he persists, his caring nature evident. "how about we go for a drive? just cruising around anaheim."
there's jaehyun, always somehow attuned to the inner workings of my mind, sensing my emotions without me even saying a word. he knows me better than anyone else, and that's what makes him so special.
i smile faintly at his concern, appreciating his ability to sense when something's bothering me. taking a drive with him around anaheim sounds like a comforting idea, a chance to clear my mind and perhaps find solace in his company.
"yeah, a drive sounds nice," i reply, my voice reflecting a mix of gratitude and longing. "let's go."
jaehyun's touch is gentle yet firm as he takes hold of my wrist, encouraging me to rise from my seat. we make our way up to the parking lot, where the bustling atmosphere threatens to engulf us. there, he holds me with such tenderness, as if afraid that i would slip away amidst the sea of people. his grip provides a comforting anchor, a silent reassurance that i am not alone in navigating the overwhelming world around us.
as we cruise along the road, jaehyun's animated voice fills the air, carrying his excitement for a future event that is still months away.
he enthusiastically discusses his plans of getting a real tree for this year's christmas—a small yet significant detail that warms my heart.
it is in these seemingly ordinary moments that i find solace, realizing that he not only cherishes our present connection but also envisions a future together. his words paint a picture of shared joy and anticipation, and it brings genuine happiness to my soul, knowing that he sees me as an integral part of his life.
"i mean, we could always stick with the old one," i suggest, a hint of hesitation in my voice.
jaehyun turns to me, a playful glint in his eyes. "but babe, we've had that tree for two whole years now. i think it's about time we switch things up and embrace a little change," he replies, his tone filled with gentle persuasion.
"yeah, you're right," i concede, acknowledging the practicality of considering our options with ample time. "we still have a lot of time to think about it."
jaehyun's response, however, carries a deeper sentiment. his words resonate with unwavering conviction, emphasizing his desire to make each passing winter season truly memorable. "whether it's months away or tomorrow, i want this year to be special," he declares, his voice brimming with a sense of unwavering commitment.
"i've loved you through three winters now, honey, and i want to spend all of my winters with you." his assurance flows effortlessly, as if he instinctively knows what my heart needs, even when i haven't explicitly voiced my concerns. his love for me radiates through his words, reassuring me that our connection is steadfast and enduring.
love endures. it's true, our journey hasn't always been smooth sailing. we've faced our fair share of challenges and obstacles along the way, but it's through those trials that our bond has grown stronger.
we've weathered storms, navigated through rough patches, and faced difficult moments that tested our commitment. yet, through it all, we've found the strength to endure, to hold on to the love we share. each hurdle has become an opportunity for growth and learning, as we've discovered the depths of our resilience and the power of our connection.
flashback, 4 years ago
ah, the stubbornness of our youth. i can relate. we've had our fair share of pushing people away and then desperately pulling them back into our lives, trapped in a toxic and exhausting cycle. life hasn't been particularly kind to me lately, but somehow, amidst the chaos, jaehyun remains steadfast by my side.
i often find myself wondering how he possesses such immense patience and endurance to withstand my unpredictable moods and behaviors. it's as if he possesses this innate ability to untangle the tangled threads in my mind with ease and tenderness.
"because i love you," he utters those words, calmly and unwaveringly, even when i snap at him. this period of my life has been anything but easy, yet he has remained a constant presence, a pillar of support.
it's not the first time he has spoken those words to me, offering his unwavering love and understanding. in response to his gentle declaration, all i can muster is a heartfelt apology.
"i'm sorry, jaehyun," i say, my voice laced with sincerity.
and like countless times before, his answer echoes with unwavering consistency, "i know."
the words he speaks are filled with immense consideration and love, as he delicately asks, "do you need space, baby? i understand that you're feeling lost right now."
overwhelmed by emotions, i can't find the words to respond. but he continues, his voice a gentle whisper, "i know you're tired, and truth be told, i am too. i don't want to pressure you into defining our relationship with labels. none of that matters to me. what truly matters is you. i just want you to know that if there ever comes a time when you can't promise me tomorrow, i will. and if there ever comes a time when you feel unable to promise me anything at all, i will still be here. i will patiently wait until you feel worthy of love, until you feel capable of loving. i will search for you in every corner of this world, but only when you're ready to be found. i will strive to give you everything, to make you feel cherished. so, please, my love."
his heartfeltwords wash over me, leaving me in awe of his unwavering devotion and understanding.
it's undeniable that i struggle with feeling incapable of loving and unworthy of his affection. it's a persistent sentiment that lingers within me, no matter how much time i've spent growing up with him, nearly my entire life intertwined with his. despite our shared history, i can't shake the sensation that i'll never truly grasp the familiarity of this path we're on.
"just be honest with me, y/n," he pleads, his voice filled with a mix of hope and vulnerability.
"i'm so sorry, jaehyun," i whisper, a hint of sadness tingling my words. "baby, i would give anything to stop time and wholeheartedly commit to you. i want to share all of my tomorrows with you. i am lost, but not in you, not because of you. i don't need space, jaehyun. in fact, i want you right here, by my side. i want you here, just here, with me."
in that moment, i bare my soul, expressing my deepest desires and vulnerabilities. despite my own internal struggles, i recognize the immense value and significance of having him by my side. his presence brings comfort and stability in a world that often seems overwhelming. i long for him to understand that, although i may be grappling with my own sense of direction, his love is a guiding light, a source of strength that anchors me in the present.
——— ♡
those moments of hardship have shaped us, teaching us valuable lessons about patience, understanding, and forgiveness. we have learned to communicate better, to support each other, and to find solace in knowing that we are in this together.
our journey hasn't always been easy, but it's precisely because of those challenges that our love stands firm today. we know the depth of our commitment, and we appreciate the beauty of the endurance we've built together. it's a testament to our shared strength and the unwavering love that binds us, transcending any obstacles that may come our way.
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acidichcl · 8 days
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The context is that my OC, Monique, who i made to be Leo's silly love interest is manipulated by big mama to toy with leo's heart. The song sounds hypnotizing, symbolizing the infatuation leo has with monique, much like his father did towards big mama
i suck at explaining but basically, when big mama saw how desperate monique was in getting a job and finding out abt her life back at home, she sees that monique is very vulnerable and easy to take advantage of. Initially, she has no specific plans but recognizes monique as someone she can mold for future use. Monique is nothing more than just a worker to big mama. She's just a little bit intrigued bc monique has a lot of potential.
By shaping monique into a confident and manipulative diva, big mama ensured she had a pawn who could influence others on her behalf. Monique’s interactions with leo and others would reflect big mama’s indirect control over these relationships. Through this manipulation, big mama could create drama (that she can capitalize on lol), maintain control, and use monique as a versatile tool in her schemes
Also just to be clear Leo and Monique knew eachother since they were teens but things happen and Monique isolated herself until they met again in their 20s
She sees Leo's and Monique's reunion in the hotel and decided to stir up some drama for her own amusement. She feeds monique ideas of superiority. When ur constantly fed with constant comments about how worthless people are, u start seeing others that way too. Big mama encourages monique to play with leo's feelings to flaunt her superiority after all these years. Like it's a fun game to feel like she has power, for once.
Before she met big mama, she had a rough life and very low self-esteem. She had pent up resentment towards everyone, quietly blaming them for her isolation but still had the realization that it's wrong to be angry at the world for what she's going through. But then big mama basically teaches her to let this resentment consume her.
Big mama enjoys creating drama and chaos. By manipulating monique into toying with leo’s emotions, she can watch the turmoil which she finds entertaining, also allowing her to gain indirect control over leo
The theme is supossed to be "history repeats itself" with Monique and Leo repeating big mama's and lou jitsu's relationship, having monique use leo for her own ego
But this time Leo's gonna break the cycle and actually try to have a loving, genuine relationship and try to prevent monique from going down the wrong path. Monique is good deep down, she's just driven by anger and hatred so she has to learn how to cope healthily. Remove bad leaves, grow to be a better plant
Idk if any of that made sense but i hope it did. I love stories that has lessons and i want this to be about redemption and personal transformation
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knightsteapot · 1 year
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Hello again, here you have the second part of my Kuni/ Scaramouce analysis.
Disclaimer: I just did some research and everything but remember that what you’re going to read is a theory or a bunch of ideas, we don’t have anything in canon so for now let’s pretend this is how this puppet works. Also, I know some shit about psychology but don't take me too seriously, please!
In my first analysis, I was talking about his body and a little bit of his mind, not behavior because that’s not where I wanna focus. If you haven’t read the first part I recommend you to do it before reading this second part.
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He doesn’t have bones, of course, this is logical, he’s not human, so the material his skeleton is made of must be some sort of metal, taking into account that yes, the archons might be capable to do what humans can’t but still have to work with materials that already exist. His body, despite his size, is heavier than a real human with similar proportions; not only Kuni has this attempt of a skeleton inside but also a complex system that allows him to move, fight, dance, eat, and even think.
Something curious I noticed was how when you use his ultimate some parts of his skin are bright. I interpret this as divine marks, it’s very possible that if you take a look at him naked you’ll notice marks on his neck, chest, and hips. My theory is that usually, those marks are purple, representing electro because his mother is the electro Archon but once Kuni uses his vision these marks turn green, for two reasons: its a symbol of how anemo, his freedom, is part of him, claiming the marks of a negligent mother and make them his own marks. The second is easier, Kuni is still a divine creation, Archon’s hair gets bright when they use their ultis, Kuni hair doesn’t do that but his body does. He’s not any puppet/robot like Katherine.
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That being said, we’re going to explore canon things just because: Kuni is beautiful, is pretty and he knows it. His skin, hair, and voice are smooth, the shogun indeed created a divine being, this said, Kuni is not only beautiful outside but inside. I’m not saying he has a heart of gold and is a good boy, no, the Shogun made Kuni with an angelic appearance and the ability to feel, that’s what makes Scaramouche so precious and at the same time so vulnerable:
He can feel the whole range of emotions, just like a human, and as a human, he doesn’t have control over his emotions, his emotions control him, this in addition to his experiences make a very dangerous cocktail. Scaramouche feelings run so deep that he developed trauma, the second most obvious: Dottore’s abuse which probably originated a PTSD
Low HP line: I'm used to this. Kuni is used to pain, however, I don’t think the pain he feels can even compare to human pain, as Dottore said, he was the perfect candidate for his extreme resistance. Extreme resistance doesn’t mean Kuni can’t be in pain, it only means he couldn’t die or beg him to stop.
He can cry, hate, and feel pity as we know, but he can be considerate too. Birthday line: Give me your hand. Heh, there's no need to be nervous. I'm just taking you to a vantage point.
How is it? The scenery here should be quite breathtaking. There's no need to thank me — I see little point in it.
But that’s not all, his brain not only processes feelings but also has the ability to fantasize, foresee the outcome of some situations, and create imaginary scenarios, this is proven in the Archon’s quest and his plan to become a god, he had expectations and goals, he imagined an outcome, he fantasized about a future in which he was a god, but he also, in the past, dreamed of having a heart even though that wasn’t possible for a creature like him. It suggests that Kuni might have the ability to dream while he sleeps. Dreaming is not a super complex process, even animals can dream but for a puppet, an artificial creation to be able to do all the things I mentioned? well… That’s another level.
In addition to this, I’d like to mention that Kuni has mommy issues, but please, don’t think it's about him wanting a “mommy” or having a “mommy kink”, it’s completely different. Kuni has mommy issues because he was abandoned by his creator, this disconnection makes the person, in this case, puppet unable to understand his emotions and have a hard time understanding the emotions of the people around them, they can get attached easily (as we saw in his story), they can be in extreme yielding (something we can see in his past and in the present when he forgets his memories) but also can be evasive, and having very low self-esteem. Sounds familiar? yeah, yeah, I know.
Having mommy issues can be also related to the types of attachment, in my opinion, Kuni has a disorganized attachment, and it’s sad because this makes his life and the way he interacts with others extremely difficult and tiring. Some characteristics of this type of attachment are:
Fear of rejection.
Difficulty with intimacy.
Low self-worth.
Poor emotional regulation.
Fear of abandonment.
Extreme distance or extreme closeness.
Resistance to forming secure attachments.
Trust issues.
Sounds like him, right? and it breaks my heart, holy shit, why, why my baby had to suffer so much? Ah, okay, but to finish my analysis I’ll throw in some extra facts I’ve been thinking of:
If he can cry his eyes should be humid and soft, not like a doll’s eyes.
If he can cook, he can smell and must have some sort of taste buds.
If he feels pain, he can feel cold and hot temperatures, again, not like a human would do.
If he can eat, which is pretty much canon (not that he needs to eat, he just can eat) he can process the food and dispose of the components he doesn’t need.
And if he is so complex and physically he can do all that, is very possible he can have an erection, yes, you can rest in peace now, kunihoes, I got you, but he can’t create life, it’s not possible no matter how much I tried to make it work.
And that’s all, babies. I hope you enjoyed my analysis and agree with me when I say that Kuni is more human than he thinks! Poor little rabid kitten, he just needs some hugs, kisses, therapy (thank you Nahida!), and sex. Thank you for reading 💕
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unlikelyjapan · 11 months
s2e1 rewatch notes
I had some wine tonight, but by the grace of God I had the wherewithal to wait a few hours to post my notes:
The forcefulness of Fak telling Carmy "It's a facelift AND a gut" is obviously needling us about how the character development on the show is going to roll, to varying degrees. The fact that Carmy is the one to be dismissive about the statement is foreshadowing I guess?
The same foreshadowing goes with Richie & Carmy - "I've got no purpose" and "you're going to wake up and drop my ass" fears are inverted between them by the end of the season.
Marcus and Sydney have honest heat/tenderness/tension in the first episode as she checks in on his mom - her own mother issues make it super awkward as the interaction closes, but it gives me more understanding as to why Marcus erupted as badly as he did in Ep10 (not like it was excusable, just relatable) - he's in a vulnerable state where her inquiries could definitely feel like overt cues.
Cicero totally looks like he knows what's happening between Carmy and Syd as they bicker during the pitch for more cash - Oliver Platt can play a smart (smug) motherfucker like no other, and I'm weirdly attracted to that.
Cicero was really ready/itching to tell them "the story of complete and utter failure" when Carmy cuts him off with the spontaneous '18-months to pay-out" deal during the same pitch. Knowing the Gonzalez/Bartman story was at the ready in episode 1 - and that, instead, we got Claire'd - is going to haunt my dreams for a while.
Syd asking Tina if she wanted to be her sous felt like the first time she was earnestly asking another woman to have a connection with her, and that earnestness was rewarded threefold *tears*
I love Ebra's consistent tenderness with Marcus so much - I hope they explore that bond more in season 3, as they've always been so gentle together. You can tell Ebra is very invested in Marcus' future, even though it's so divergent from the path he sees for himself at his stage in life.
Syd really needs Carmy to take the lead at the lockers when she says "Uh....what are you going to do?" - she lacks the emotional bandwidth to deal with the ambiguousness of "I have no idea", even though it's such a loaded statement coming from Carmy. He also says "I have no idea" to Claire in the next episode, when she asks "how's your life been, Berzatto?" but, of course, Claire DOES have the bandwidth/game to respond.
The exact lyrics when Sydney walks away from the lockers are talking about "transcendental blues" - I am deceased now.
Furthermore, the fact that the episode (at the point where they've constructed the new 3-month opening plan) is the first time we actually hear the lines from Refused's "New Noise" punctuate an episode with "Can I scream? Good frames won't save bad paintings" - ugh.
Do you think any of anti-hero character development on the show echoes back to "The Adventures of Augie March" by Saul Bellow? I haven't read it in ages, but it's the most Chicago story ever, and Storer is SO REFERENTIAL about anything literary/cinematic to do with the city that I thought.....maybe kinda.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Eddie gluskin alphabet? 👀 That's a whole ass husband right there
Its been in my inbox for a week now😩😩 I didnt know what to put in some letters cuz all 'fluff alphabet ideas' had some weird ideas so I had to use my own brain. Scary Request open
She/her, sfw fluff, eddie gluskin is a bit of warning himself, kinda yandere-ish?
Eddie Gluskin fluff alphabet
Affection (how cuddly and how touchy they are with their partner)
Guy lives for night cuddles and hand holding while walking thrue hospital corridors. He doenst see good relationships without often touches
Body(favorite body part in their lover)
For sake of keeping it sfw im going to write that he really likes her hair and hands! Ooh and if s/o happens to be thick/chubby he gonna flew away
Comfort(how would he comfort his lover)
He would take whole situation very seriously and be straightforward about his opinion. Would grab her hand and lisen to her problems
Dating(are you guys doing on dates? Where and how)
Bestie the only 'outside world' you gonna see is hospital abandoned garden
But he sometimes tries to make atmosphere in one of rooms! Set candles prep some lil meal!
Emotions(how emotionally vulnerable he becomes?)
He never really shows his 'weak' side untill long time in relationship, he simply believes he has no issues regarding his emotional state
Future(what plans they have with their lover)
Definitely big house with a lot of kids, very old school marriage, he works she takes care of home
Gifts(do they give gifts? And how they react to receiving gifts too)
Would give her whole world if he could, if she is very close to him, he gonna spoil her so much
Also he treats any gift he receives like its the most precious thing ever! 'Oh honey you shouldn't give me this you are way to sweet'
Honesty(how sincerely and honest he is)
Even though eggie uses way too much smart words and complements he is rather straightforward about his plans and worries
Injury (how would he react to her getting hurt?)
Angy. Very angy acually. Who? When? Where? How? You stay there while he gets rid of any degenerate tha- you just fell down?? Awww you little silly you are so cute he should spend way more time with you then, if you are so so clumsy
Jealousy (how easly he gets Jealous and what triggers it)
Everyone and everything. He is a good husband and he takes good care of his wife mental health he cant let some disgusting joke of a person ruin their relationship! I mean none will break bond they have, right? Noone
Kiss(where and how they kiss)
Kisses everyday everytime they see eachother. Morning smooches and goodnight ones are must have. Also he loves when she kisses his neck and cheeks
Loyalty (would they cheat?)
No. Shes one and only he would never!
Marriage(do they want to get married)
His whole thing his marriage, he wants it as soon as yall meet! He is her perfect groom and she is his perfect bride
No(what is complete deadbreaker for them)
Also for sake of keeping it sfw imma say: Angry people. He can deal with people who are sad or shy. But when somone attacks him or yells? Rip. Litteraly rip.
Odd(do they have little odd behaviours in relationship)
Baby if you arent into some weird doctor-patient roleplays or weird misogynistic vibe I recoment turning around. Also he finds scared people cute so yeah he gonna spook her on purpose
Personality (what he finds attractive personality wise)
Shy people, submissive, but he doesnt mind extroverts too. As far as they aren't annoying he's in love
Quality time (what they do in free time with them)
Probably reading, dancing, planning their future, having lil dates
Romantic (how Romantic they are?)
Guy litteraly wears suit every day, he also calls her honey/wifey/dear on daily basis. He is the undead romantic and he won't change, cliché stuff is his favourite
Secrets(what they are hiding)
A LOT, again its EGGIE FUCKING GLUSKIN guy has probably his all ex gf dead in his basement or some other fucked up stuff. Like idk, his biggest secret is that once he saw her in ugly outfit and lied and said that its pretty idk
Trust(how much they trust his other half)
Guy needs good few months if not years to trust her. But if he does omg Lady you could stab him, say it was accident and he would believe her. Its not that he's dumb, he is just mentally ill and kinda delusional (noway)
Guy lacks empathy, but he can understand certain issues that she is facing, he will 10p% give her weird protip
Value(how much they value their lover)
Alot. Like his whole plot is looking for perfect love. When he finally finds the one (you) and hes 100% sure that it is it. The one(you). He gonna do anything to keep her alive happy and as lovley as ever. She's the most valuable thing he ever had and he won't just drop her? She is staying in his hand forever
Wildcard(random stuff about them)
Guy finds caring people hot. Please take care of him like he is alittle boy that just fell of swing please do it. Tell him how worried you are and please treat his wounds
X-ray(how much they can read emotions and thoughts of their lover)
Guy totaly isn't and empath but he totaly can read their feelings by expressions and body language.
Yes(how would he propose to her)
Yall seen the game?? Guy is straightforward with it. Just pick her up and "you gonna be my wife you know"
Zzz(sleep habits)
If wife no in bed? Why sleep?
He needs her laying next to him for him to acually relax and fall asleep
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phlve · 6 months
Sociotype Profiles — ILI
Leading Ni
The ILI is disposed towards inner reflections on the flow of events. Detaching from trivial concerns, ILIs turn their attention to the more important and far-reaching matters of life. Penetrating the misty vestiges of the past and future through depth of imagination, ILIs tend to synthesise for themselves a profoundly realist, neutral world view that can be perceived as 'bleak' or 'gloomy' by others. Such a world view is frequently in the form of a singular eventuality that current events will head towards given certain variables. For them, the present is only important in so much as it is the midway point between what has happened and what will happen, and that sometimes actions can be undertaken to change or alter that interaction, usually in the form of preventing stupidity that might lead to disaster later on. Often what is completely obvious to the ILI makes very little sense to anyone else and they may be frustrated that other people are too dense to see the issues so clear to them. Frequently, ILIs may feel that they have a responsibility to inform people of these dangers, especially if they may affect the world at large. As such, ILIs regularly come across as critics and augurs for the consequences of foolishness, although their risk aversion may also mean that they do not deign to get involved, in case they are also pulled in to drown.
Creative Te
ILIs tend to be rather well-read. Regularly informing their perception of events is a wealth of useful and relevant information, often historical, mystical or arcane, that they tend to slowly accumulate over time. However, ILIs do not merely take in the facts to apply them, but undergo a long rumination process, picking out patterns and trends that they see as carrying particular temporal weight and thinking these through until they have an idea on what they mean for the long term. Such information they can usually recall well and use to back up any points or musings they might come up with. Furthermore, should there be a long term outcome that an ILI deems as favourable, or one that they particularly wish to avoid, the ILI can plan out the processes by which these outcomes can be reached or prevented. Often they will enjoy board games that require strategy, and may be a number of steps ahead of their opponents, creating a plan and adapting any technique at their disposal to fit the plan. However, this ability also allows them to know when something is inevitable or out of their power, and in such situations, the ILI will fatalistically wait it out. In a similar way, the ILI will often be the first to point out when an action is useless or pointless, already knowing that it will not lead anywhere despite the optimism of others.
Vulnerable Fe
ILIs do not tend to care what others think of them and often would prefer not to unnecessarily interact with people other than those they care about. Frequently, ILIs fill the archetype of the outsider to any social circle and the teller of unpopular truths, not because they actively desire to be contrary or controversial, but because they do not see the point of sweetening their words for the ears of others at the expense of accuracy and sincerity. For the ILI, this is partially due to a lack of awareness of their own emotional expression and the impression they are giving off to others. Furthermore, the concept of showing emotions, rather than simply feeling them internally, is quite alien to them, sometimes resulting in a listless or austere manner when speaking. When aware that someone is putting on a façade of sunny emotions, the ILI approaches them with scepticism, questioning their angle. The ILI may stubbornly resist attempts by such people to make them to join in with the forced enthusiasm, socially alienating themselves as a result. ILIs may express frustration with seemingly pointless social norms like small talk, avoiding pleasantries and cutting straight to the point in conversation. These tendencies run the risk of spoiling the positive mood, resulting in a loss of popularity for the ILI. Consequently, their fore-warnings can often fall on deaf ears as people may decide not to listen to them and may mistake it for pessimism. However, to accuse ILIs of pessimism is to misunderstand their realism. After all, unjustified negativity is as bad to them as unjustified optimism.
Role Si
The ILI is best situated when detached from the present day and pondering over themes of times been and yet to come. However, a certain amount of begrudging self-maintenance is kept with the ILI, who usually attends to chores and concerns around the house at a slow, steady pace, freeing up the mind to go elsewhere. ILIs are usually unconcerned with how they look, but will nevertheless know to maintain basic hygiene and standard practices. However, ILIs will have little care for anything luxurious or pleasant. The room they may occupy is a simple holding cell for them to sleep in, its comfort being as important to them as their distant memories of the room years later. They may also possess a good eye for detail when needed, being able to spot errors and and read the fine print, keeping an eye on the specifics of practical tasks without much difficulty. Many may take up work requiring repetitive or detailed activity and perform well, although they will use such physical tasks to go elsewhere mentally.
Mobilizing Fi
Although many appear cold and detached on the outside, ILIs can possess powerful sentiments and attachments that are shut out from public view except in short bursts of temper. ILIs rarely forgive and even more rarely forget the wrongs done to them by other people. ILIs can have a rather strong, all-or-nothing sense of decency and character judgement, sacrificing their own needs without complaint for the select few they care about, while keeping a wary psychological distance from most others. Although being difficult to get close to, ILIs deeply want to encounter people whom they actually like and foster a bond of great significance. Rather than seek belonging of any social circle where public approval is required, ILIs seek out these close, personal contacts, serving as trusted advisers to those who sincerely find them worth listening to.
Suggestive Se
The ILI tends to possess a sardonic sense of humour and when the situation calls for it, may make harsh or biting comments at those they think deserve it. However, this is usually the limit of an ILI's aggression. Although often appreciative of power and the will to confront or change reality, they themselves are unable to adequately make these changes themselves, having difficulty overcoming the inertia of excessive thinking before any action might be taken. Rather than jump in and think on their feet, ILIs tend to be highly risk averse, finding it easier to succeed through careful preparation and reviewing as much relevant information as possible in the time they have, making sure that whatever they do will ensure good outcomes for the future. This can lead to a certain hesitance to make a decision, although once a decision is finally made, it is stuck to. They tend to appreciate those with a relentless energy to get what they want when they want, finding this empowering and shaking them out of their analytical paralysis.
Ignoring Ne
ILIs tend to have little patience for brainstorming with others and running through different options. Instead their goal is to deliberately limit the range of possibilities as much as they can, putting together the most probable estimation for how future events are going to turn out from the trends and information available. When faced with alternatives, the ILI will likely respond with stubbornness, seeing their conclusion as the most likely outcome and the only one worth focusing on. This can be interpreted by others as arrogance, although the ILI is unlikely to have a position at all until they have given the matter considerable thought and surveyed all the relevant variables in forming their opinion. Often the ILI will turn out to have been right all along, by which point people would have likely forgotten there was an issue in the first place.
Demonstrative Ti
People often perceive the ILI to be a source of intellect and profound insight, given to forming a clear, structured understanding of phenomena. However, although the ILI readily grapples with theories, philosophies and ideologies, they do so with a natural scepticism. For the ILI, grand theories that neatly explain everything should be distrusted, with their analytical rigour easily dismantling such ideas, keeping only what stands up to their scrutiny. After undermining the logical integrity of a theory, the ILI is unlikely to offer a complete structure in its place, preferring to piece together only what works when building their oasis of understanding in a general landscape of doubt.
Source: Wikisocion
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witchthewriter · 10 months
Hi!! Would you be okay doing a big 6 birth chart ask, like you did for the anons for Jax Teller and Eddie Munson, but for Alice Cullen, please? Thank you so much!!
𝑨𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝑪𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝒁𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒄 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑺𝒊𝒙
Alice is a very dreamy woman who seems absent-minded but is actually constantly seeing different options for everyone's future. She's friendly, kind but knows the rules that Carlisle has put down and follows them.
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Independant, unique and forward thinking, this zodiac sign is the most open-minded in the group. Or ... one of the most open-minded. Alice would be the first person to embrace change and new ideas. Eccentric and prone to transforming herself (and a lot of that is how she looks - her hair, her makeup, and most importantly, her style. She loves her clothes. We know that because she changes a lot throughout the movies. It's like a different Alice in each four (although her personality does not.)
Dreamy, dreamy and even more dreamy. As we know, the zodiac signs when in the moon aspect are emboldened, and so having Pisces as her Moon sign makes complete sense to me. They're silly, odd and unconventional. Other people see them as weird, but those close to her know who she truly is. A seer, a mystic, a creature that can see into the future. And that impacts her personality a lot.
Having Cancer as her ascendant/rising sign, means she is one of those who understand the world through using their intuition and insight. Adaptable to change but has an innate need to find her true home and make it exactly the way she wants. Alice knows what she wants, but understands there are steps that need to happen before she can get what she wants (e.g., meeting Jasper and telling him they're mates when they first met.)
Diplomatic, fair and kind. Alice is in the middle of a lot of arguements; placating even when she doesn't seek out to. For example, when Bella is first meeting the Cullens, Alice breaks the tension with her, "We're going to be best friends!" Making Bella at ease, while also stifling Rosalie's temper. Even in the last movie/end of the book, she's the one that finds a solution and brings them to the Volturi.
Loving, accepting and forgiving of their partner's past - that is exactly the way her and Jasper's relationship started. Pisces Venus are often misjudged as being an emotional mess. But that's not the truth. Pisces Venus are just as sane as every other sign. They feel vulnerable, so they put up a strong front when it comes to romantic love. But once a Pisces Venus opens up, and lets you in, then you will receive the most gracious and overflowering amount of love.
Mars isn't just about what makes you angry or how you express your anger. It's your energy and action. How you take initiative and experience things.
Virgo Mars aren't known for being aggressive, rather, they have a sharp instinct that they use instead of falling into their anger. Virgo Mars hate to be rushed, they're refined and have a system wherever they go.
Although Alice may seem at times away with the fairies, she's got a fast-working and analytical mind. For example, in Breaking Dawn, she gives Bella clues about the plan - because Alice knew the opposition had telepathy.
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toasted-valentine · 2 months
Rowan Astor and Louis Rosemont Relationship Analysis
Rowan and Louis’ relationship issues can be boiled down to fetization, toxic masculinity, generational trauma, jealousy, and class disparity. Each of these contribute to the dissolving of their relationship and the place each of them end up.
Gonna go point by point, starting with fetization.
Rowan doesn’t really see Louis as a person, he’s not in love with Louis the real flawed person, he’s in love with the idea of Louis and what he could bring him. Much of Rowan and Louis relationship is built on a foundation of sex without love, passion without intimacy, and physicality with no heart behind it. Rowan never takes the time to learn about Louis, find out about his interests, really learn anything about him as a person. Repeatedly it is shown that Rowan’s knee jerk reaction to anything with Louis is to sexualize him, examples are when Louis is trying to explain his plans for the future of the kingdom, when Jason tries to tell Rowan about Louis’ more unsavory personality traits, and when Jason and Rowan get into the love triangle fight over Louis. He openly says that all Louis is good for is his looks and sex.
This is actually nicely foiled by Maddox and Maya’s relationship along with Louis and Jason’s relationship, each being built on intimacy before sexuality. Maddox and Maya spend most of their relationship unable to touch each other, while they still both are clearly attracted to each other, based on the fact they can’t keep their hands off each other when Maddox gets out of prison, they have that foundation of caring for one another first. Jason and Louis know each other for years before beginning their relationship, once again they do have an element of sexuality within their relationship, but have enough of an emotional connection that it’s clear they care for one another. We can see this reflected in the different songs each character has, each major relationship has at least one song dedicated to them, and the framing of each can show why two of three are functional while Louis and Rowan’s is notably not.
Love Doesn’t Know Time illustrates the sacrifices Maddox and Maya are willing to make for one another in order to be together, Maddox would wait until the end of time while Maya would give up everything for Maddox, which is stark contrast to Rowan refusing to give anything up for Louis. No Strings or Kings Attached is Maddox and Maya reaffirming their commitment to one another, Maya evolves as a person and reassures Maddox that she loves them just the way they are. Rowan wants to change Louis into a submissive toy for his own benefit, not seeing Louis for himself. Maya and Maddox make each other better people for it, Maya leaving her abusive situation helping her find joy while Maddox’s anxieties are relaxed by Maya. We can also see that their love for Maya brings Maddox’s spirit for rebellion back, willing to tear apart the monarchy to be with one another. Rowan won’t give up his crown and revenge for Louis, doesn’t give up his strangle hold of control on the kingdom, and doesn’t want to make any sacrifices for Louis. Talk About It With You shows how Louis and Jason are deeply flawed when it comes to emotional intimacy, but ends on the note of the two wanting to give into vulnerability to be together, willing to take down their walls for each other if given the chance. If I Knew You Then is based on emotional intimacy, willingness to be better for each other, and seeing the best in one another in spite of the flaws there. Louis and Jason are both deeply insecure, but still are willing to give into the vulnerability and intimacy for one another. Meanwhile Louis and Rowan’s relationship have the songs Allies With Benefits, Allies With Benefits (Reprise), Heart’s Blood, and Crown of Bone and Lead. Each of these songs are based entirely on sex, infatuation, and toxicity. Rowan’s moment of belting out his feelings for Louis in Heart’s Blood takes the form of him being deeply infatuated with Louis’ body, but never mentioning anything about Louis as a person. Rowan wants Louis for sex and for someone to “fix” him, not understanding that it isn’t a partner’s responsibility to fix their trauma and flaws, it’s up to him to be willing to be better on his own for Louis. Lust and fetization of Louis is what Rowan is in love with, but not Louis’ heart.
Next point is toxic masculinity and how this turns Rowan sour, and why I think Rowan wants Louis specifically. Louis represents everything Rowan wants from a lover, someone sexy, someone who can take responsibility of all his issues, someone who doesn’t fit the typical king and queen mold, and someone who can take the feminine role in the relationship. Rowan is deeply insecure about not being masculine enough for his father, but in Louis has a male lover who could take up the “woman” role between the two. It’s a toxic mindset, akin to Marvin wanting Whizzer to be more femme in Falsettos, and it shows the cracks. Louis is small and pearly, but is still ambitious and someone who wants to make strives. Rowan wants Louis to take up the house wife position, take all the responsibility, but remain submissive and do whatever Rowan asks. He wants a toy he can fuck and use, not a partner. This can be seen in the ways Rowan brushes Louis’ ideas off, is enraged by Louis making progress without his permission, and how he tries dragging Louis into a commitment he doesn’t want.
Now, what is the source of these toxic traits? Generational trauma. Rowan and Maya are both victims of parental abuse, just different flavors of it. Rowan was beaten by his father and neglected while Maya was under heavy control of their father to be perfect. I don’t doubt that the king was also physically abusive towards Maya, but to a lesser degree than he was towards Rowan. We can see how this affects their respective relationships and their personalities. Rowan and Maya are not above using violence and manipulation to get what they want, both fully willing to get Jason killed for what they want. What’s different is Maya can recognize how unhealthy remaining a monarch would be for her, while Rowan can’t. Neither of them are fit to be leaders, Maya can see this due to being the older sibling whose spent more time in court politics, while Rowan cannot due to being in exile and not having had the same level of control held over his life. Rowan’s volatile and violent tendencies are something he gets from his father, it’s a trait that got passed down from parent to child, and he is violent towards Louis twice. Rowan saw his father abusing his mother, he internalized this and puts hands on Louis twice by grabbing his hair. Rowan may try and deny it, but he took up his father’s worst traits and let them poison his relationship. His desire for a gender binary conforming relationship is something passed down from his father’s influence, it is a deeply unhealthy mindset, and it’s a large contributor to why he’s the way he is. We can actually see him progress into worse behavior as the show goes on and how he becomes more like his father, escalating to being an abusive and violent drunk just like his father. In contrast we can see Maya getting better when she leaves home, being a more supportive partner to Maddox, and willing to be more forgiving and merciful. If Maya had been given the same power Rowan was given I fully believe she would’ve been a poor ruler, she hasn’t had the emotional development and growth required for that level of responsibility. Maya recognizes this and gets the hell out of dodge while she can, Rowan is stagnant and goes downhill due to staying. They’re both abuse victims that changed in different ways due to the different types they underwent, Maya became compliant while Rowan became angry and violent, both learning to go for the throat when they feel its necessary. They’re both scared, it’s like being a caged animal, they both are clawing to escape and willing to bite to get away. Maya finds genuine love and is able to change for the better to be with Maddox, while Rowan finds lust and dives head first into the traits he was taught by his father.
(I am curious to see what Maya like before Maddox and what changes took place over the course of their relationship, it’s clear Maya has had time to unlearn some of her worst traits from being with Maddox, it might explain why Rowan is so resentful. Younger siblings can often times blame older ones for abuse due to them not being able to protect from it, and Maya’s worst trait tends to be her apathy towards most things that aren’t Maddox related.)
Next point is jealousy, Rowan is a deeply jealous lover. It is established from the start that Rowan and Louis are in an open relationship, it’s mostly a sexual one and both admit to having other lovers within Allies With Benefits. Louis points out in the reprise that Rowan never once brought up wanting commitment and is not owed it from him, it isn’t fair to request that kind of thing from someone who has been openly against a monogamous relationship the entire time. Rowan doesn’t sit down and discuss it with Louis, he just gets angry and lashes out. Again, we can see foils to this within Maddox and Maya’s relationship along with Louis and Jason’s relationship. Maddox understands that Maya loves them and is able to put their own feelings aside for Maya’s sake, Maya doesn’t love Jason, and that’s enough for Maddox. When the marriage is brought up they discuss it and have an entire song about it. Louis and Jason both are willing to give vulnerability to one another within If I Knew You Then. They’re both insecure as all hell, but talk about it and communicate. It’s unclear if Louis and Jason have a monogamous relationship in the end, but Jason doesn’t react the same way Rowan does at Louis being openly sexual and intimate with others. Rowan is jealous, controlling, and violent. Rowan’s jealousy over Louis tears apart what they have, a relationship built on an already shaky foundation.
Class disparity causes the next problem, Louis comes from a lower class than Rowan does. Rowan is a prince, he can snap his fingers and most things that he’d want, and his position he got through birth right. Louis got where he is via spending years overworking himself, he knows what he wants, and he’s willing to work to get there. Rowan can give Louis power he wouldn’t get due to their differences in birth status, but it creates an power imbalance within the relationship. Rowan is completely disconnected from Louis’ wants and desires, only interested in his own hedonistic desires. This is in contrast to Maya giving up her power and being on an equal power level with Maddox, while Jason and Louis have always been equals and work together to help Jason be the best king possible. Jason and Louis have a level of equality and care that Rowan and Louis never had, Louis remembers Jason’s favorite things and his little ticks, while Jason is openly playful with Louis in ways he isn’t with anyone else. He isn’t even that nice to Maya, just being neutral and dead on the inside. Rowan would have never given up his power to be equals with Louis, being conditioned to crave it by his father, and not having the same kind of genuine love that Maya and Maddox have.
Louis is able to break the cycle of abusive rulers by showing empathy and love towards Jason, Crown of Bones and Lead being him recognizing how toxic the relationship, and illustrating his worries of becoming just as toxic as Rowan is. Louis is afraid he’ll kill Rowan if pushed to the brink, sees that he doesn’t owe Rowan anything, and it’s not his job to fix Rowan. Maya and Louis both break the cycles of abuse, Maya by stepping down as princess and Louis by letting Jason be king. Jason giving the chance for the two be equals via marriage makes it certain that Jason wouldn’t be the same kind of king the previous monarchs have been, not power hungry, but interested in what’s best for the kingdom and it’s subjects. Rowan would’ve just continued the cycles of abuse, it’s why he has to die in the end for the kingdom to progress. He was handed the rope to freedom by Maya at the end of act one and given the chance to be better with it, but he hung himself instead.
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sh4rksp34r3 · 2 months
Hello! I’ve seen your posts and reblog an about nod as well as other people’s and they were a bit nervrackingly relatable. I did a built of research on it but I want to know a bit about it from a real person who has it before I try to get diagnosed. So can you tell me like symptoms and things like that? If you’d like
Of course! I'm assuming you meant NPD and nod is a typo. Just a warning, I am self-diagnosed (I've done months of research and reflection, though, and was in denial for a while) but I do plan to get an official diagnosis sometime in the future, I don't trust mental healthcare here but I might try the next time I see my psychiatrist.
Anyway, I'll get started. The experiences of pwNPD (people with NPD) may vary, but I'll speak from my experiences.
I tend to be very self-focused, arrogant, and especially hyperfixated on the idea of me being successful. My need to be successful, to be someone is something that deeply affects me in my daily life. I might act like I'm the best and seem quite pretentious, but admittedly, the self-esteem of pwNPD is extremely fragile. Big ego (which is also fragile), fragile self-esteem. I also withdraw from any situation in which I know or think I have a possibility of failure. For me, this includes music. I also tend to get pettily upset at even the smallest losses, like, for example, when I lost a simple checkers match with my partner. That was well over weeks ago, but my ego still hasn't recovered from that. A lot of pwNPD also have difficulty with empathy. I'm not sure if my low empathy is due to my autism or my NPD, but I experience it nonetheless. I have a lot of difficulty imagining what others feel like or even caring about how they feel, even if it's someone I like. I do try to help or comfort them, but inevitably I don't empathise with them. It's rare, but I have heard of high empathy pwNPD too. Many pwNPD struggle with vulnerability as well. It makes us feel weak, incompetent, the sort. We don't want that because we want to see ourselves as perfect, which is why it can sometimes be really difficult to trust people with our feelings. I don't even trust my own boyfriends to be vulnerable with them.
Why does NPD develop? NPD develops usually in childhood to early adulthood, and is lifelong. Most of the time it's from childhood trauma or excessive praise at an early age. Now me? My father was mostly absent during my entire life, I'm hyperverbal, meaning I was able to make use of language at a very early age, and I'm a skilled artist and story writer, I've also been very knowledgeable and curious, and quite ambitious at a young age. Of course, this led to the adults around me constantly praising me when I was young, constantly indirectly setting expectations for me, telling me I'd be something great. Soon, the praise, at least from my mother, felt very half-assed and I started feeling like I was doing something wrong. I'd always been very ambitious, so I don't know how I could live with myself if I died a nobody. I've had some trauma too which really stressed me out, etc., which could've contributed to how I am now.
There are also things like narc crashes. NPD crashes often occur when a pwNPD doesn't have enough supply, but it may happen after receiving critique or otherwise too. Supply is what narcissists need to keep themselves from crashing, which typically includes amounts of praise or compliments. When I crash, I tend to withdraw from people and be overly critical of myself or quite angry, and it often results in my mental breakdowns or meltdowns due to my incapability of handling strong emotions.
And heres a resources masterlist, they have a diagnostic criteria somewhere in there too https://www.tumblr.com/mischiefmanifold/728311937261355008/image-description-dark-pink-text-on-a-pale-pink?source=share
Even if you do end up not having NPD but still seem to struggle with things we do, or if you do find out you have NPD, here are some things that you might find useful.
Make people aware of your needs. It's okay to ask for a little praise or compliments once in a while, and they can really make me feel better and prevent me from crashing or having a meltdown. I also have a bot for compliments over here.
Keep a little collection, maybe a corner or an album, of things you're proud of. When you're feeling worthless it can help to look back on previous achievements and strive to be better.
Remember to be patient with yourself. It's fine to be the way you are, it's fine if you won't change, it's fine, really. But I know if you're struggling with how NPD or NPD traits affect you if you do have it, you can definitely find a way to properly accommodate yourself and your needs to live better.
I'm still learning myself on how to accommodate my needs and work through my struggles, but I hope that helps.
Tell me if you have any more questions or concerns!
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beatmyfeet · 11 months
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Male Submission: The Best Way to Say 'I Love You'
In the realm of relationships and love, men have been traditionally seen as the dominant figures. They're often expected to take the lead in all aspects, from initiating the first date to proposing marriage. However, with evolving perspectives on gender dynamics and roles, we are beginning to understand the beauty of male submission. Not in a way that undermines masculinity but as an expression of vulnerability and love, often seen as the best way to say 'I love you'.
Firstly, it is important to define what we mean by 'male submission.' It does not signify weakness or loss of power. It is about giving up control in certain aspects of a relationship to promote mutual respect and understanding. It's about the conscious choice to listen, yield, and prioritize their partner's needs and desires, not because they have to, but because they want to.
Expressing love is not just about saying three words, but it's about actions, behavior, and a genuine demonstration of care and respect. A submissive man shows love by letting his guard down and showing his vulnerability. He is open about his feelings, not shying away from expressing emotions that are often deemed as 'weak' or 'unmanly.' It is in these moments that he displays his strength, for it takes courage to go against societal norms and show emotional transparency.
Submissive men are not afraid to ask for direction when they're unsure, showing a level of respect for their partner's knowledge and capabilities. It's a powerful way to say 'I love you', telling their partner that they value their judgement and perspective.
Being submissive can also mean taking care of the emotional labor in a relationship. It can mean being the one to initiate conversations about feelings, wants, and needs. This level of emotional engagement is a sincere way of saying 'I love you', expressing a willingness to delve into the often messy world of emotions for the sake of the relationship.
Lastly, male submission in a relationship might involve sharing power in decision-making processes. This might seem small, but it can have a big impact. It's about respecting the partner's opinions, ideas, and involving them in making decisions, whether it's about where to go for dinner or planning a future together. This not only strengthens the bond but it is an expression of trust and love.
The societal concept of masculinity is slowly but surely evolving, and with it, our understanding of relationships and love. Male submission is not about being weak or inferior; it's about strength, respect, and deep affection. In this view, saying 'I love you' transcends beyond mere words, it becomes a way of life, a sincere expression of deep romantic love.
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noaltbruh · 1 year
Congrats on 200 followers!!! <3 😊💭🍫 for Giorno and Fugo pls?
Thank you! :>
Link to main event
😊 Do they like to be vulnerable around their S/O? Or do they always try to show them their best side no matter what?
No, Giorno despises the thought of being vulnerable. Don't take this the wrong way, please, it's not that he doesn't trust you, he really really does.
He's just...Scared. He struggles a lot with abandonment issues and has a lot of attachment issues as well. This boy is convinced that if he cannot always be perfect, if he can't live up to the majestic-like aura that surrounds him...You'll leave.
He wouldn't hate you if you did, he'd just...Blame himself and believe that it's his fault if things turned out like that. Through kindness and understanding, you might be able to show him that this isn't going to happen, although it'll take time for him to show you his "weak" side too.
But it will be worth it, I promise.
Fugo dislikes beings vulnerable too, although his reasons are a bit different from Giorno's. He is afraid of losing his partner for sure, but he mainly acts like this because...He doesn't exactly like himself very much.
Thus, he's convinced that if he showed you his true feelings, you'd either end up hurt, scared or weirded out by who he really is. He's not very good at hiding his worries though, and it pains you to see him walking on eggshells around you, when he doesn't need to.
He will be surprised if you were to encourage him to open up more, do you...Not like him even at his best? He won't be able not to express his true feelings for much longer though, especially after what you said, since he can get quite emotional. When that happens, stay by his side and remind him that you don't think less of him for this.
💭 How do they imagine their future with their S/O to be like?
Giorno often finds himself thinking about his future with you. He wants to make sure that everything is programmed and he always thinks ahead of things.
With that being said, he likes to imagine that the two of you would live outside the city, but not too far way, in a huge, elegant villa just for you.
You wouldn't be forced to work if you don't want to, since his job could easily provide for both of you, but he would always support you in any career path you might decide to take on.
He knows that he won't always be by your side, which is why, in his idealistic view, you would spend every minute he's not busy together. All he knows for sure, however, is that he wants a future where you're safe and happy.
I have a feeling Fugo would also reflect a lot on the future of your relationship. The thing is...Him, being an overtinker, probably ends up imagining all the worst case scenarios known to existence, even when perhaps he was just planning on thinking about what kind of house he'd like to live in.
However, when these...Ideas don't get in the way, I can't help but think that this boy simply dreams of spending the rest of his life with you in peace, in calmness and quietness, enjoying small things like reading a book together on a Sunday Morning, while cuddling in bed.
I have a feeling he'd prefer to retire to the countryside where there are less noises and things are a bit simpler. But most of all, he wishes for a life where his anger issues don't get in the way of your relationship, and you genuinely believe that he's a good husband.
🍫 Are they more reserved about their feelings or wear their hearts on their sleeves?
Giorno? Wearing his heart on his sleeves? That's one funny joke for sure.
Absolutely not. It's not that he doesn't want to show you how much he loves you, but he's been taught that showing feelings, any type, is a weakness. He may also appear a bit cold public due to living in fear of someone noticing you're a couple and using it to black mail him or, even worse, hurt you.
So, if the two of you are with other people, he may do little gestures like perhaps holding your hand or giving you a small kiss on your lips, but nothing more. In private things will be a bit better and he'll let some walls down, but still, not entirely.
He prefers to be smooth and court you rather than explicitly tells you how or what he's feeling. Wouldn't he be come off as too cheesy or desperate if he did? It's better to be passive, still making sure you get the message and don't feel like he doesn't love you.
Ok, Fugo desperately wants you to understand how much you really mean to him, he's just...Incredibly bad and awkward at showing it he's just like me fr. He's a smart boy, but very dense when it comes to feelings and emotions, especially considering that he gets shy quite often actually.
He wants to hold eye contact with you, yet sometimes finds himself just looking away no matter what. He tries to use a pickup line or compliment you, but probably messes up the order of the words. Heck, maybe he just means to smile at you, but it somehow doesn't look genuine.
He definitely beats himself up for this and probably practises in front of the mirror for what he's going to do or say before one of your dates. He doesn't know how to "speak with his heart" but he's trying to improve as fast as he can. He's an an amateur with relationships, but he thinks that learning to express himself for you will be of great help to his inner self as well.
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