harmsdealer · 1 year
Likely by design, Dionysia was a tricky woman to pin down—but Kei had nothing but time on his hands. Hacking was such a dirty word; he preferred to think he'd borrowed the schedule of the Boston Gazette. The reporter they'd sent to get quotes for some puff piece about women in industry was currently taking an unexpected nap, and Kei had nobly stepped in to take their place. Well, it wouldn't do for Dionysia to walk into her twelve-o-clock and find nobody waiting for her.
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"Mi querida amiga," he greeted, rising from his seat with a theatrical bow, one arm behind his back. The gesture didn't last long: he soon rose and held up a palm, aware he'd have to be quick about getting his excuses in. "Now, before you turn me into a newt or so forth, hear me out. I have a reason for monopolising your valuable time and it isn't because I need half a mil for once."
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@ladiesofsteel liked for a vampire!eleanor starter for dionysia
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"Eleanor O'Hara," she introduced herself, raising the glass of champagne she had been pretending to sip it. "A pleasure." She had only been in America for a short time and found it nice to meet another soul from across the pond.
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butscrewmefirst · 1 year
@ladiesofsteel sent: you were sitting alone, so i thought i'd join you. (have a thing from semira <3)
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❝ don't pity me, semira. ❞ she begins. ❝ where have you been? ❞
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unfogged · 1 year
♡ the call ⤷ @ladiesofsteel
Rue's sitting on the top of a crumbling wall, feet not even touching the ground. She's swinging them, kicking her heels off the softening stone. "It's always 'don't steal' and 'don't break into that'. It's like people don't want me to have any fun." In fairness, Rue is rarely caught but it's her damned friends who don't want her being nosy and stealing people's stuff.
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"Can't a young woman live her dream and thieve for a living these days?" She shakes her head, as if disappointed with the world around them. "It's not like I steal from nice people." Or poor people. She steals from the rich and gives to the poor, that's sort of her whole thing.
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theirhorrorstories · 1 year
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"Are you alright?" Wendy asked. "You look a little shaken. Is there anything that I can do?" The witch was always happy to help. That what something she was known for. Being a good little witch.
"I'm Wendy."
| @ladiesofsteel |
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
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<33333333333 ily
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mrscoultxr · 1 year
finally kissing the person you’ve been pining for . from Mary Malone
@ladiesofsteel || kiss meme
“I’m sorry, what were you saying about—” Marisa doesn’t get to finish her sentence. The kiss is an absolute surprise to her, but certainly not an unwelcome one. As Mary’s lips press against hers, Marisa finds herself shutting her eyes and enjoying the brief moment where they are connected like this. It’s light, it’s dizzying, it’s perfectly lovely and sweet.
But Marisa is hungry. Always hungry. And she wants more.
There’s a brief second in time where Marisa goes to deepen the kiss, before catching herself and pulling back, opening her eyes to look at the strange, beautiful woman before her. Her hand raises to cup Mary’s cheek, and instead of going in with demand and force, Marisa presses another chaste kiss to her lips.
“You truly are extraordinary. Did you know that?” She says as her thumb caresses a cheek bone. “And full of surprises!” A giggle, warm as hot chocolatl, falls from her lips and she covers her mouth with the back of her free hand.
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nightmdic · 1 year
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She's walking beside the other woman now, emerald gaze reading over a recent book pertaining to various plants and herbs that Lee had recently gifted her.
"You know, i might have some senega on me already - it's good to aid with deadly snake bites."
@ladiesofsteel for ma costa!
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"Human logic doesn't apply to me." for Oriel
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"You do realise that not everybody else knows that, right?" The half asleep former ghost grumbled to her still wide awake wife who was sat making one of her drinks instead of getting into bed to cuddle and sleep.
"Mon Coeur, I beg you, can we have this conversation when I have more than a half functioning brain? I need sleep and cuddles from my goddess of a wife, please?"
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harmsdealer · 1 year
for dionysia
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Oh my. Dionysia hits all these and the secret square, "the kind of woman who can kick his ass" / bingo card
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@ladiesofsteel gets a baghra icon starter for dionysia
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magicaemaxima · 1 year
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Dionysia Chryses, or as she's known in legend; the infamous Witch Mother of Salem, mentor of the Sanderson Sisters. still kicking in the modern age, now wreaking havoc in a city or town near you.
mun is 21+ dionysia is highly headcanon based, given the slim canon info we have about her open to crossovers highly welcoming of ocs
previously at ladiesofsteel
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
// Okay so apparently tumbridge's notifications considering reblogs don't work properly (tell me sth new 🙄). Which means I have no fucking clue if and who I owe a reply. I do know I owe the following:
@id1eyouth (1x Alexandra, 1x Zach)
@mr007pennyworthdcv (3x)
@tealeavesandthorns (1x)
@kit-just-kit (2x)
@ladiesofsteel (1x)
@k4ndall (1x)
@consultingsister (1x)
@xseen2muchx (2x)
@resignedworkaholics (1x)
If you're not on this list and I owe you, please tell me!!
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unfogged · 1 year
" i'm not drunk enough for this. " from dionysia to aurora
an assortment of dialogue prompts ⤷ @ladiesofsteel
The comment only stops Aurora for a moment. She's been explaining the benefits of donating to the shelter attached to the animal hospital she works at, something she does every time someone passes through. It's not that she necessarily wants to, but it is part of the job. If people can't adopt, then they can usually donate a couple dollars to help keep everything open and all the animals cared for.
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"I'm sorry. I get a little bit carried away with the whole spiel sometimes." She gives an apologetic smile, but does continue on for another minute before it's over. "But it's okay if you can't! Times are tough, we get it. But maybe we could interest you in adopting? We have some pets that may fit you!"
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silcntsinners · 1 year
Closed writing with @ladiesofsteel
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Jaime glanced around the room full of important people. Fashion events weren’t his thing but he was new in town (or NYC for that matter). He needed to fit in and his line of work definitely helped with that. He had build his way up to be one of the most well known doctors around the world. He had won awards and now he had accepted to take on the job of being Miranda’s personal doctor for her and her family. The invitation to her grand party was unexpected for him but of course, he had to show up.
The man stood clueless with a glass of champagne in his hand, only snapping out of his daydream when hearing Ms. Priestly herself. He glanced to the red headed woman next to her. “Good evening Ms. Priestly. Thank you for the invite, I’m truly honoured” he said as she gave him nothing but kindness which was rare for Miranda. “This is Emily, my assistant. I’m sure she’ll keep you company for the time being. /Emily/“ she spoke, turning to her to make sure she agreed to stay with the man.
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fangsandmagic · 1 year
"did you just smear that on my face?" from dionysia to nicola
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Nicola couldn't help but let a laugh escape from her lips, the playful smile never leaving as she ran a finger over some of the frosting that was on Dionysia's face thanks to the cake. "Oh come on now, it was just a bit of fun, plus I wanted to see if you liked the cake or not and what better way than to smear it on your face."
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