solsilverpine · 5 months
Good omens au for the wip game!
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this one is more in the ideas stage then a few of my others but i kept accidentally writing Kalluzeb with a very season 2 Aziraphel and crowley vibes and this idea wouldn't leave. These are my notes i have on it so far.
The empire is heaven (since they have strict rules and blindly follow palpy) The rebellion is the underworld but they are mostly just trying to mind their own business. Zeb is Crowley, Kallus is Aziraphel (but like a little more of an arse) Luke is Adam and Ezra is Warlock Hera and Kanan are anathema and Newt The them are Leia, Han and Lando Artoo is the hell hound obviously Sabine is essentially Beelzebub and really should learn to knock. Ezra tags along for the main journey. Anakin is Lucifer but no ones scene him in years so he’s presumed dead (he’s actually been raising luke and leia with padame in the middle of nowhere and is 100 percent aware that hell is keeping an eye on the wrong kid) Obi-wan is a stand in for lucifer and has been running hell for years, trying to hide the fact that Anakin is MIA. He’s kinda salty about it. Thrawn is gabrial but doesn’t want to be. Eli is a messenger for both heaven and hell but doesn’t want to be. Pryce is Michel, but without the rank to back it up. Tarkin is here, I presume. Probably metattron or something. Hondo will presumably make an aperance, even though I have not invited him to this party.
Plot Starts the same as the book where the antichrist is handed to Zeb who takes it to the satanic church. As they arrive a blonde man that zeb gets the feeling he’s met before is outside, but after he does the hand off and relays the encounter to Kallus he can’t recall anything notable about said man.
The two of them decide to co parent the anti christ with Zeb as a gardener and kallus as a nanny. If Ezra’s parents assume their a couple not denying them is good for their cover.
The events follow the plot of the show, but also happen entirely different due to certain characters acting like their rebels counterparts. Like Ezra. Ezra will still be a lil snoop, getting involved in everyone's business. He’s extra sassy because Kallus did not teach him manners.
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