#ladylookslikeadude answers
ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
Ok, so what about a vigilante Izuku who enjoys pushing Eraserhead's buttons... and eventually gets hunted down and ~pinned~ down by Eraserhead.
So...this is might end up being a legit oneshot on A03. Like, I'm vibing with this like nobody's business. You have no idea how interested in this idea I am.
Being a vigilante wasn’t everything Izuku had thought it would be when he was a teenager, but the one benefit he’d never expected-but thoroughly enjoyed-was the ability to tease and taunt Eraserhead until the man lunged at him.  It was fucking delightful.  Making a man who was so well known for barely raising an eyebrow when someone insulted him lose his renowned calm so easily made Izuku grin every time he thought about it.
Still, for all that he flirted relentlessly with Eraserhead, he kept the fact that he had actual feelings for the man carefully hidden.  Izuku had never even considered the idea that they might be reciprocated until one night they’d both sat on the edge of a roof and just…talked.  Eraserhead had told him his name was Shouta, and Izuku had given his name in return without hesitation.  And then Shouta had kissed him.  Izuku had stared at him for a long moment after he’d pulled away, and then he’d ran.  He regretted it, later, because that soft moment was never brought up again-Izuku didn’t know how to, didn’t know how to apologize for panicking and fleeing and Shouta didn’t seem interested in discussing it.
So Izuku resumed his playful flirting, and ignored the dark eyes that locked onto him with heat every time he did so.  He should have payed more attention, because one day after a takedown Izuku had helped with, Shouta snapped.  Izuku had been flirting like normal, almost absent mindedly because it had become so habitual at this point.  And Shouta stopped and looked at him.  Izuku looked back, paralyzed by the way Shouta dragged his eyes over him.  He looked at Izuku like he owned him, and Izuku couldn’t find it in himself to mind.  
Izuku ran.
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
What if... Aizawa's first impression of Izuku is a small civilian making a villain cry and surrender because of his off the cuff analysis (now with more psychological impact!).
Nice! This was super fun to write actually, I kind of love civilian Izuku terrifying people.
Shouta…should probably step in.  In fact, he knows he should.  But he can’t lie to himself, he is enjoying watching the small, green haired civilian tear a strip off of the would-be villain.  The sheer, seething contempt he was spitting at the cowering villain was delightful.  But after another few minutes of watching him tear apart the motivations, strategy, and even Quirk usage of the villain, Shotua sighed and dropped down beside him.  “I’m pretty sure civilians aren’t supposed to make villains cry,” he deadpanned.
A narrow eyed stare was directed at him next.  “And I’m pretty sure Heroes aren’t supposed to hang out on roofs for ten minutes watching and laughing, but here we are,” he sniped back.
Shouta couldn’t help the startled laugh that slipped out of his mouth as he turned to face him more fully.  “And can I get the name of the civilian able to terrify villains and pinpoint Heroes?”
Pursing his lips, the green haired man finally muttered, “Izuku.  Now, are you going to arrest the villain, or just stare at me some more?”  He asked sharply.
“Well, you are very attractive,” Shouta said thoughtfully.  
The villain groaned and waved down another Hero who was passing by-it was, to Shouta’s slight chagrin, Nemuri.  Nearly begging, the villain said, “Look, I’ll turn myself in, just get me away from these two and their weirdly aggressive flirting.”
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
Ok, so maybe Aizawa holds Quirkless self defense courses sometimes. What would happen if he met shy, self deprecating, sweet Izuku who just lights up at the attention he gets from Aizawa?
I think that this got a little off track, but I definitely had fun writing it!
When the advertisement had gone up on the Quirkless messageboards online, Izuku had been suspicious.  There had been offers of self defense lessons for Quirkless people before, but they’d all turned out to be busts-either someone who just wasn’t serious, or something worse.  But according to the responses, this was Aizawa Shouta offering them-Eraserhead, one of the few Heroes who always offered Quirkless people respect when he came across them.  Izuku had finally shown up to one, and he’d been surprised and pleased at the ease with which Aizawa had tossed them all around.  
Normally, if people didn’t have a problem with Quirkless people they thought that they were delicate and needed protection instead.  Obviously Aizawa didn’t subscribe to either school of thought, which was fantastic as far as Izuku was concerned.  What was also fantastic was the quiet offer of private lessons after his run of lessons for everyone had ended.  “You’re skilled,” Aizawa had said quietly.  “I’d hate to see that go to waste.”
Izuku had agreed, of course.  It became a problem when they became friends-Izuku had woken up one day with the realization that he’d fallen hard and fast for a man who was kind and friendly to him, if a bit abrasive.  On the other hand, Shouta’s eye had been caught by Izuku the first lesson he’d attended.  Izuku had been soft spoken and stuttered when addressed directly, but he’d lit up under Shouta’s attention and blossomed during the lessons.  Shouta should be ashamed of his secondary intentions when he’d offered the private lessons, but he wanted Izuku in a way that was almost painful.  One day he watched Izuku glance at him and flush, looking away almost guiltily and he smiled.  Izuku had taken to the self defense lessons better than anyone Shouta had ever taught before, so it wasn’t like he’d offered the lessons just as a way to get closer to Izuku.  But he wasn’t going to complain that the private lessons had killed two birds with one stone.  Now for the part he suspected might be the most difficult.  Getting Izuku to actually agree to go on a date with him.
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
Congrats on 200!!!
If ur still doing prompts I saw one of ur ot3s is todoshindeku so what about unrequited love btw someone else who’s oblivious and izu who’s happy with his boyfriends (preferably Bakugo or an oc)
Thank you! This was fun, because I haven't written this before!
Izuku didn’t like to be cruel.  So when Kacchan came to him and admitted he was in love with him, Izuku didn’t point out he’d been dating Hitoshi and Shouto for over a year.  He didn’t point out that Kacchan had been so incredibly unkind for years at this point.  Instead, he just said, “I’m sorry Kacchan, I don’t feel the same.”  He had thought that would be the end of it.  Izuku should have known better.  Kacchan was, ultimately, a private person, so he didn’t go to the rest of the class for help.  It was unfortunate, because at least then they would have pointed out Izuku was taken.  
Hitoshi and Shouto thought it was funny.  At first.  And then Bakugou kept pushing.  It got a lot less funny when Bakugou enlisted his mother and Izuku’s mother to help him.  Inko was well aware that Izuku was dating the two of them, but apparently the lure of Bakugou finally being her son in law, like she’d always thought he would be, was too much to ignore.  Izuku was far too nice to the boy who’d made his life miserable for literal years, so Hitoshi and Shouto took matters into their own hands.
The second that Bakugou started over towards Izuku, a bouquet of flowers in hand and a pissed off expression fixed on his face, Hitoshi and Shouto made their move.  They were already standing, so Shouto placed himself behind Izuku and Hitoshi pressed Izuku back into him as he kissed him hard.  “Holy shit,” someone breathed out, but the three of them paid no attention to it.  Hitoshi pulled back, grinned at Izuku’s dazed expression, and pulled him away from Shouto just enough to spin him around so his back was now against Hitoshi.
Shouto did exactly the same thing, pressing Izuku back into Hitoshi as he kissed him hard.  Pulling back, breathless and a little triumphant at Izuku’s pleased expression, he and Hitoshi both turned to Bakugou, who had crushed the flowers in his hand, and smirked.  Izuku was theirs, and they’d staked their claim very publicly.  
Bakugou snarled and spun around, stalking out of the room and leaving everyone else staring at them with wide eyes.  Shouto arched an eyebrow and shrugged slightly.  He and Hitoshi had made themselves clear. 
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
Congratulations on 200!! For the prompt, because im weak to angst/hurt-comfort fics, what about one where Aizawa fucks up and unintentionally neglects Mido. It starts with getting home late to missing dates and forgetting things. Maybe because of a big year long case or maybe something with hizashi or oboro(to hurt more)but Mido feels thrown aside and forgotten. It adds up to Mido moving out and trying to leave because he wants to leave before being hurt again. Aizawa now trying to win him back.
So this is super super similar to the 'The Jealous Type' AU @rayshippouuchiha has going on, so I'm gonna absolutely suggest that you check out some of the bits that they've put out there! I've also written a prompt very similar to this already that I'm going to repost below. If this wasn't quite what you were thinking, let me know and I'll see what else I can wrangle up in that same vein!
Izuku tried to be reasonable.  He really did.  The first, fifth, even tenth time Shouta had to cancel a date because of either a patrol that went long, or his students, or something, he understood.  Every canceled date, every time dinner went cold with him at the table staring at a phone with no notifications, he understood.  Or he tried to, at least, and he felt like he succeeded as much as anyone could ask him to.  But this was just too much.
“Shouta.”  Izuku wanted to break something.  “I told you about this six months ago.  I reminded you last month, last week, and three days ago.  I could not have physically given you more of a heads up than I did.”
His boyfriend sighed, looking exhausted.  “Izuku, please.  It’s a class reunion.  I know it’s important to you, and I’m sorry, but this stakeout is important too.”
Izuku wanted to scream.  “Ok,” he said finally, exhausted with the entire situation.
“Izuku.”  Shouta’s voice was quiet as he pulled him into a hug.  “I really am sorry, I didn’t exactly plan for this to happen.”
“It’s fine,” Izuku said quietly.  It wasn’t.  It wasn't even close to fine, but he was so tired of trying to convince his boyfriend that he was at least as important as his job.
“Go by yourself,” Shouta encouraged.  “I want you to have fun.”
So Izuku did just that.  Where he normally would have declined the invite since Shouta couldn’t come, he accepted and went to the reunion.  And, to his surprise, he had a blast.  Dancing and drinking with his peers, he found an acceptance with them that had been lacking when they were younger-with Izuku far less anxious and more likely to laugh than burst into tears now, he and his old classmates enjoyed each others company for what Izuku was pretty sure was the first time ever.
Eventually, he found himself on a barstool, listening to his old classmate talk about her ex-husband.  “Eventually,” she said, looking viciously amused, “He made it so I was happier by myself than I was with him-and what was the point of staying married when I hit that point?”
That question echoed in Izuku’s head as he unlocked his door later that night.  Every canceled plan, every cold dinner and ignored request for a day spent together swirled in his head as he shut the door behind himself.  He wouldn’t be happy without Shouta.  But would he be less unhappy than he was now if they broke up?  That was the real question that he needed to answer.
“You’re back late,” Shouta murmured from the couch, something dark in his eyes that Izuku had never seen before. 
Glancing at the clock, Izuku hesitated.  It was a little past eleven PM, which was later than Izuku normally made it home, but not so late Shouta should be as angry as he seemed.  “I was having a lot of fun,” he finally said, slipping out of his shoes and socks and tossing his jacket on the hook.  “I didn’t expect you to be here, actually.”  It was why he’d drank so much-he’d expected to have the night to himself to be maudlin and grumpy, and then actually make a decision once he’d sobered up.
Shouta’s eyes narrowed.  “Oh?  Planning on bringing someone back here?”  He asked, so lightly Izuku thought he was hearing things for a second.
“I’m sorry, what?”  He asked sharply, the anger he normally kept tightly leashed starting to slip from his control.  
There was something mean in Shouta’s expression as he tipped his head to the side.  “The stakeout ended early,” he said evenly.  “I decided to surprise you by meeting up with you at the reunion.  Imagine my surprise to see you dancing with people you always said you couldn’t stand.  Or,” his voice sharpened as he stood finally, “Listening so intently to a woman talking about how leaving her man was the best thing she could have done for herself.”
Izuku could make an excuse.  He could talk about how the woman had needed a friendly ear, how he wasn’t capable of looking disinterested when someone was talking about their problems-but it would be a lie.  He’d been lying every time he told Shouta it was ok when something was canceled or the man forgot to call-Izuku was tired of lying. 
“She said some things I think I needed to hear,” he said after considering his options.
Shouta had never used his size against Izuku, but the way he stalked over to him, invading his personal space aggressively felt for the first time like he was trying to intimidate Izuku.  “Are you thinking about leaving me?”  He asked, his voice quiet and furious.
Izuku sighed, moving away from him and farther into the living room.  He’d never let the older man intimidate him before, and he wouldn’t start now.  “I don’t know Shouta.  I’m tired and tipsy, so I’m not in a great place to be making any sort of decision at the moment.”  He paused.  “But you said, when we first started dating, that all I ever had to do was tell you I was done-that you wouldn’t fight me on it if that was what I decided.  Is that still the case?”  Izuku was honestly curious, because with how angry Shouta was it didn’t seem like it anymore.
Shouta reached out and threaded his fingers through Izuku’s gently.  “No,” he said quietly.  “That’s not the case at all.”  He tugged Izuku closer, using his free hand to brush Izuku’s hair out of his face as he kissed him sweetly on the mouth.  “You’re mine,” he said softly.  
Izuku sighed, pulling back.  He’d heard that before, along with promises to make more time for him that never actually panned out.  “When you say something so often, it eventually loses its meaning,” he said drily, tugging his hand free.  “Have you eaten?”  He was pretty well done with this conversation at this point.  
He’d never heard that tone from Shouta before, so he turned immediately and was caught by the flatly furious look the man leveled at him.  “Shouta,” he returned after a moment, too tired to try to parse what his boyfriend meant this time.
“Are you really thinking about leaving me because I couldn’t go to this reunion?”  He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets with a scowl.
Izuku leaned against the doorway.  “I’ll tell you what,” he said.  “If you can tell me when the last time you and I had an uninterrupted evening together was, I’ll apologize for even considering it.”
And he waited.  Watching Shouta’s face, he saw him go from confused and slightly irritated, to concerned, and finally to a little bit horrified.  
“I can’t even remember the last time we spent uninterrupted time together was, let alone an entire evening,” Shouta murmured after a long moment.  “I…didn’t realize it had been so long.”
Sighing, Izuku told him, “I’ve asked you so many times to just make some time for me.  But there’s just no room for me in your life.”  He paused.  “You keep saying I’m yours, and maybe I am.  But I’m yours like a toy that you put up on a shelf, refusing to let anyone touch, and forgot about until you realize it’s been years since you’ve even looked at it.”  He shrugged then.  “I’m tired of trying to make myself fit into your life Shouta, when I don’t see you making the same effort.  I’m just done.”
It was a relief to admit it.  The idea had been slowly forming for months at this point, and hearing the exhausted woman tonight admit that leaving a man who didn’t make her life better had been the best choice for her had been the push he’d needed to finally admit to himself that he just wasn’t willing to try anymore.
“No.”  Shouta’s voice was perfectly calm, as if he was talking about the weather.
“No?”  Izuku repeated, puzzled.  “I-you don’t get to tell me that I’m not done, Shouta.  That’s not really how this works.”
Shouta moved closer, silent and predatory.  “I’m sorry,” he murmured, “That I’ve made you feel like this.  I’m sorry that I haven’t been paying enough attention to what’s going on in our relationship.”  His eyes were dark as he reached out and pulled Izuku close again.  “But you have my complete, undivided attention now,” he said quietly, fingers digging in slightly to Izuku’s hips.
“I don’t need your undivided attention,” Izuku said slowly.  He was pretty sure there was something he was missing here, but Shouta was acting so out of character that he just couldn’t put his finger on what was off.  “I just wanted you to make some time for me.  And I don't’ know what could make this time so different than every other time you’ve said you’ll do better and then two days later you’re five hours late without a single text letting me know our plans have changed.”
Shouta hummed, maneuvering them over to the couch and sitting down, pulling Izuku down onto his lap. “You’ve never threatened to leave before,” he pointed out.
Izuku paused.  “I…don’t want you to feel like this is an ultimatum,” he said.  Shouta didn’t react well to ultimatums at all, and while Izuku would never be afraid Shouta would harm him physically he didn’t want to deal with the anger that came from ultimatums.  “That’s not what this is.”
“I know,” Shouta soothed, gentling the fingers digging into Izuku’s hips and instead cupping his hip while running his thumb over Izuku’s hip bone.  “You’ve never played those sorts of games, I didn’t think you would start now.  But you threatened to leave, and I saw you dancing with that man at your reunion looking like you were having more fun than I’ve seen you have in a while.  And then you were talking to the woman who was talking about how she was happier after leaving her husband…” Shouta trailed off.  
Izuku leaned against him, unable to hold himself stiff and still when Shouta was so warm and inviting right behind him, still rubbing soothing little circles on his hip.  “I love you so much,” he sighed, “But I don’t know if I can try again.  I’ve tried so many times.”
“I’ve made it hard on you,” Shouta agreed, hooking his chin on Izuku’s shoulder.  “I can make you happy Izuku, I just need you to try one more time.  Because I won’t let you go.  I can’t.  You’re mine,” he repeated, breath brushing against Izuku’s ear.  “I’ve neglected you, but I don’t do that anymore.  One more time,” he requested.
Letting out a shuddery little noise, Izuku shook his head slightly.  “I don’t think I can Shouta.”
“Well,” he said thoughtfully, making Izuku freeze at his completely reasonable tone.  “You could go ahead and leave me.  And then I could go behind you ruining the life of everyone who thinks they have a chance with you-starting with the man you were dancing with tonight.”  His tone had slid from totally reasonable to slightly vicious by the time he stopped speaking.
Izuku was completely still.  He should feel trapped, he knew.  He should be considering options to seriously walk away and protect himself-but honestly?  He felt wanted in a way he hadn’t for months at this point, and it made heat pool in his stomach.
“Ok,” he breathed out.  “One more time Shouta.”
The other man tumbled Izuku onto the couch, landing on top of him with one hand bracing him above Izuku.  “One more time,” Shouta agreed, and their kiss tasted like victory.  
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
Hi, congrats for the followers and thanks for opening promts! What about one where Izuku is the absolute homemaker- he ofc has his own interests, but he loves providing a safe and fulfilling home for Shouta. Shouta is in turn like a cat, who drags everything interesting back to his owner, and waits for the head pats. This is how they acquired several abadonded plants, pets and quite a few people as well (if it is alone,Shouta thinks he is well within his rights call dibs).
Thank you! I feel like this one is a little awkward, but I think it turned out decent.
Izuku had never thought he’d enjoy home making.  But he really did enjoy making sure that Shouta had a safe, comfortable and happy home to come back to.  He had his own interests as well, and Shouta supported him 100% and had always made sure Izuku knew that he was willing to step up and do the work as well.  Izuku took him up on that sometimes, but the majority of the time he took pride in his ability to keep the house in order-especially as Shouta started bringing home strays.
It had started with cats-to no one’s surprise.  There were four cats lounging around the house now, and each of them had come home with Shouta who had handed them to Izuku with a pleased expression.  “To keep you company when I’m not here,” had been his explanation.  Izuku had accepted it, amused.  Then he’d started dragging his friends home as well for meals-Izuku had encouraged that once he’d realized that Hizashi had eaten frozen meals for two weeks straight and Nemuri couldn’t remember the last time she’d had food that wasn’t takeout.  Tensei just tagged along and shrugged when Izuku looked at him.  Izuku had just laughed and fed them all.
Then Shouta came home with a small girl.  Pale haired and red eyed, she hid behind Shouta’s legs and peered around them at Izuku shyly.  “Shouta…”  Izuku couldn’t figure out the best way to ask if he’d kidnapped the little girl.
Luckily for everyone involved, Shouta decided to explain the situation more thoroughly than he normally did.  “She needs a home,” Shouta finished quietly.
Izuku blinked, sighed, and then looked down at the girl with a smile.  “Would you like something to eat?”  At her shy nod, he directed her into the kitchen.  Turning to Shouta, he informed him, “We’re keeping her.”
Shouta smiled, victorious.  “We are,” he agreed. 
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to say congratulations and drop by with a prompt? Izuku is for sure the type to make handmade gifts with tons of hobbies (if only to do something with his time as a kid) Now with a boyfriend, he keeps gifting Shou with little crochet toys of them or bakes him some cookies, all the handmade things. He brings all of these into work proudly, and a little smugly. So Shou is a little miffed that Hizashi, Nemuri, and Hitoshi gets some one day.
Shouta is a grown man, and he does not pout.  But he may be doing something close to it when Nemuri smugly shows off the crocheted sweater Izuku had made for her.  Because that was their thing.  Izuku made Shouta little crocheted toys, and on one amusing occasion a little holding pouch for his jelly pouches-it was how Izuku showed his love.  So Shouta wasn’t pouting.  But he might be sulking just a little.
The not pouting got worse when Hizashi showed up with Izuku’s cookies.  Because Shouta didn’t have much of a sweet tooth-the jelly pouches were about as sweet as he enjoyed, but he loved the dark chocolate coffee cookies Izuku made.  And Hizashi waved them in his face with a smirk before shoving one in his mouth with a pleased expression.  
“Why did Hizashi get cookies today?”  Shouta asked-he definitely did not whine.
Izuku laughed, curled up beside him.  “There’s an entire cookie sheet of them in the kitchen for you,” he promised with a smile.
Shouta paused, twisting to look at him.  “Why were you baking so much?”
“Stress baking,” Izuku admitted with a wry smile.
Frowning, Shouta turned to fully face him.  “What’s stressing you out so much?”
Thinking about the ring hidden at the bottom of his bag, Izuku just smiled. 
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
Oh! What about one where, its a loopy slightly drunk Izuku asking Shouta "Would you still love me if I was a worm?" And Shouta, who was more sober, is very confused, but then Izuku starts tearing up so now Shouta has to convince Izuku that yes, he would still love him as a worm, hed buy a little terrarium and everything.
Haha, this one was silly but super fun!
Shouta stared at a very drunk Izuku in disbelief.  “I’m sorry, what?”  He could not have heard his boyfriend right.
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”  Izuku repeated patiently, his voice slurring so much Shouta could barely understand what he was asking.
“I-what brought this on?”  Shouta asked, completely baffled by why this was something Izuku had even considered.
Tears started filling Izuku’s eyes.  “You wouldn’t, would you?”  He accused with a small sniff.
Oh shit.  Shouta immediately started damage control before Izuku could flood the apartment.  Again.  “Of course I would,” Shouta soothed, drawing Izuku in for a hug.  He hoped the warmth would cause him to start to pass out, but Shouta’s luck had never been that good.
“How would you show you love me?”  Izuku asked, hiccuping in the middle of his sentence.
Closing his eyes in exasperation, Shouta racked his brain for any and everything he knew about worms.  “I would…absolutely buy you a terrarium and feed you all the lettuce you could ever want.”
“You’re the best boyfriend ever,” Izuku declared, taking a step back before promptly face planting on their bed.
“I am never going to let you live this down,” Shouta informed the unconscious Izuku with a smirk.
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
Hi :) If you still take prompts- what about a classic flowershop! au, where Izuku is the sunshine worker who really loves flowers, and Shouta only went in that one time bc he really made Nemuri mad, and did not want to end up murdered, so flowers it was, but now he goes back bc Izuku, and has sooo many flowers, he does not even like them, he had to start to give them away, and of course all of his friends find it hilarious...
Sighing heavily, Shouta looked mournfully at the small bouquet of flowers he’d just bought from his favorite flower shop.  It wasn’t his favorite because of the flowers-Shouta actually loathed flowers, but the very attractive owner kept Shouta coming back.  Originally Shouta had gone into the shop to buy flowers for Nemuri-he’d managed to piss her off completely, and given that he’d rather not die, flowers were the safest bet for an apology.  He’d gone back to try and ask out the owner-Izuku-but had chickened out.  And kept chickening out.  So instead of getting a date, he kept getting flowers.  Flowers that he hated-he’d started chucking the damned things at Hizashi and Tensei every time they started laughing at him.  It was the best use for the things, given that Shouta couldn’t even keep a cactus alive, let alone a flower.  Taking a deep breath, Shouta dropped the flowers in a nearby trashcan and, turning on his heel, marched back to the flower shop.  
Looking up at the sound of the door, Izuku grinned at his favorite customer.  It was probably time to put the poor man out of his misery.  “Hey Shouta!  Back for some more flowers, or finally ready to ask me out?”
Shouta let out a strangled noise.  “You knew?”  He finally managed.
“Eh,” Izuku shrugged, “I had a suspicion, but your friend Nemuri came in to let me know why you were buying a frankly ridiculous amount of flowers.  I’d started wondering if I’d gotten it wrong and you had just really pissed off your girlfriend.”
Shouta groaned and slumped against the nearest wall.  “I can’t believe you knew.”
Izuku just laughed, but he couldn’t help but smile at him.  “Shouta.”  He waited until the man looked at him.  “I’d love to go on a date with you.”
“Thank fuck,” Shouta muttered.  “I was going broke buying all those flowers.”
Izuku leaned on his counter, propping his chin up with his hands.  “Just think, you don’t even have to buy me flowers since you’ve already paid my mortgage on the building for the next year just trying to build up the courage to ask me out.”
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
How about a continuation of one of your earlier prompt answers? The one where Izuku is an analyst and Nedzu introduces them right at the end of it? Or maybe Shoutas viewpoint of the one about izukus class reunion and the aftermath?
Ooh, we'll do the aftermath of the class reunion! Nice options anon, it was hard to choose!
Shouta had fucked up.  He was well aware of it-he’d been horribly aware of it ever since he’d listened to that woman talk about how she left her husband, how it was easier since she’d left him, and he’d watched Izuku nod slightly.  He didn’t think Izuku had even realized what he’d been doing, but Shouta had felt like ice water had been tossed in his face.  He’d been furious.  First at Izuku, and then at himself when Izuku had challenged him to think about when they’d last really spent any time together.  Shouta couldn’t pinpoint it, and Izuku had looked so tired.  
The fear that Izuku would decide that he couldn’t deal with their relationship anymore had been burning in his chest, but they’d managed to reconcile.  Shouta had always been irritated by how easily Izuku forgave, but now he found himself endlessly grateful.  Because Izuku didn’t spit out vicious reminders of his previous behavior.  In fact, when Shouta caught himself slipping and refocused himself, Izuku looked so achingly delighted that Shouta wanted to cry.  He’d hurt his boyfriend more than he’d ever thought possible.
So Shouta did what he did best.  He focused on his mission.  The mission was to be the best damned boyfriend for Izuku so the man never even considered leaving Shouta again.  There were still long missions-they were an inevitability, and Izuku truly did understand that.  But Shouta made the effort to let him know, to reach out if things were running over.  Shouta made the effort to remember the events Izuku told him about, and he went to the one’s Izuku asked him to.  It was rare, and when Izuku asked him to go it meant it was important to him.  Shouta had forgotten that, before, but he would make damn sure to not forget it again.
He’d forgotten a lot of things, but perhaps most importantly he’d forgotten that if you don’t take care of something, it makes it very easy to lose.  He was never going to risk losing Izuku again. 
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
For the weekend prompts: AiDeku with secret messages that no one else understands.
I'm not sure if this is quite where you were going with this, but if it wasn't feel free to let me know and I'll try again!
Izuku wrinkled his nose and waved a hand.  “It’s like…”  He huffed slightly before turning to Shouta.  “It’s Gutter,” he said.
“Ah,” Shouta said, a sudden wealth of understanding in his voice.  “Ok.”  He turned to the other Heroes and explained, ignoring their baffled expressions.  Three weeks later, lounging around and chatting with Hizashi and Tensei, Shouta paused in the middle of a sentence, smirked, and then turned to Izuku and said, “All Might.”  
Izuku groaned and flipped him off to his delighted laughter.  They both ignored the questions from Hizashi and Tensei.  
Nemuri was the one who finally asked, entirely exasperated by a conversation that made absolutely no sense from where she was sitting, “Do you two have your own language or something?”
Eyes meeting, Izuku and Shouta both shrugged and chorused, “Probably.”
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 3 years
Thank you for the absolutely lovely fics<3 I wish you'd write one where Aizawa is the boyfried of famous!Izuku, to the disbelief of probably every human on earth? Well jokes one them, they met well before Izuku made it, and he will shiv anyone who suggests he should get a more "palatable" bf.
You're very welcome! I had fun deciding what career Izuku should have!
Izuku glared down at the tabloid. As a model, he’d gotten used to people having opinions on literally everything about his life, but this was crossing several lines. “Izuku, it’s fine,” Shouta murmured, looking concerned about the way Izuku’s fists were clenching, threatening to rip the paper.
“It is not,” Izuku replied evenly. “They don’t have any right to talk about you like that.” The tabloid had a color picture splashed on the front page of Izuku and Shouta, and the way they were disparaging Shouta was lighting Izuku’s temper like nothing had in years.
“I thought we both expected this after we agreed to go public?” Shouta asked, a wry smile playing at his lips.
Izuku’s lips tightened. “I expected some comments, sure, but attacking your appearance? That’s some bullshit and I’m not ok with it.” His gaze shot to Shouta. “And don’t say that they’re right.” He placed the paper down gently. “I’m going to shank them,” he decided, standing up.
“Wait, what?” Shouta’s eyes widened and he stood up as well.
Izuku slid past him and grabbed his coat. “I’m going to ruin their entire existence, just you watch.”
Shouta let out a strangled noise and chased Izuku out the door. He’d never been so attracted to someone in his life.
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
Hi, congrats on the followers-you deserve every one of them:) Lately I've been thinking what if Inko encoraged Izuku to pursue smth that does not rely on quirks at all, say arts or music. Izu being his hyperfocusing self ofc becomes very well known in that area. Him and Shouta meet by chance, sparks fly... And Shouta has absolutely no idea at all, that he is dating someone very well estblished, even though Izu tries to pay for things, but what kind of bf would let his so pay for their dates?
Thank you so much! That's so sweet of you! This was very different, because I've never really considered Izuku going into something not connected with Heroics at all, but it was fun to write!
Inko had been desperate, when Izuku was a child, to find something a little safer than chasing Hero fights.  And if that could guide him towards a career other than Heroics, that would be a fantastic benefit to it as well.  They went through multiple hobbies-woodworking, sculpting, even painting.  And then Hiashi came home, and he’d had a rough time of it since Izuku had been diagnosed Quirkless.  They just hadn’t been able to connect the same way.  But he brought out his guitar, and Izuku fell in love.  He’d been obsessed with Heroes, and he still loved them.  But his focus immediately shifted to learning the guitar and perfecting it.  When Hiashi’s overseas contract came up, he declined renewal.  He decided instead to help Izuku with his new ambitions.  And whatever Izuku put his mind to, he succeeded in.  By the time he hit 18 he was the most well known musician in Japan.  By the time he was 25 he was topping charts all over the world.
Which made it so hilarious-and ridiculous-that Aizawa Shouta had no clue who he was asking out when he’d asked for Izuku’s number at a bar one night.  Izuku tried offering to pay for dates, but Shouta flatly refused every time and eventually Izuku told him, “Look, it’s on the table whenever you want, but I’m not going to keep offering when you refuse every time.”
Shouta had agreed to that, and never asked for Izuku to pay for a damn thing.  It had made him feel awkward, until he’d realized that Shouta was Eraserhead, the number one Underground Hero in the unofficial Underground rankings.  Despite the fact that he looked like a hobo three fourths of the time, the man was actually well off.The screech that Yamada Hizashi had let out when Shouta had introduced Izuku as his boyfriend had been the best thing Izuku had ever heard though, even if it had almost made his ears bleed.  “That’s Deku, he’s one of the best known musicians in the world,” Yamada had hissed after Shouta’s eyes had flashed red.  The surprised look on Shouta’s face was the final straw for Izuku.  He leaned against a wall and laughed until he couldn’t breathe. 
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
AiDeku where there are Many cats?
Well, this wasn't super specific, but I think this works with it!
Izuku smiled at Shouta’s unamused face.  “You’ll like it, I promise,” he laughed as he threaded his fingers through Shouta’s.  
“I hate surprises,” Shouta said flatly.  “I have never had a single surprise that I’ve liked.”
Tugging Shouta into the building, Izuku untangled their fingers briefly to speak to the woman in the room, who smiled at them both before giving Izuku a nod.  Izuku guided Shouta into the next room and asked quietly, “Is this a bad surprise?”
Staring at the brand new Cat Cafe, completely empty except for the cats who were prowling around, Shouta huffed a bit.  “You’ve officially proven me wrong.  This is the best surprise I’ve ever gotten,” he admitted, reaching down for the nearest cat. 
“Good,” Izuku said softly.  “Happy Birthday Shouta.”
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
For the promptss, what if shovel talks? Hizashi, Nemuri, and Tensei giving one (maybe as a group? Or individually because they dont want to crowd him) to Izuku because for as aloof and cold Aizawa looks, hes very soft hearted to those he loves. Shouta gets one from Shoto and Hitoshi too, because Izuku is THEIR best friend and hes been hurt enough, and is very blind when its him being hurt. (I imagine its weird with Hitoshi because while Shouta is his mentor, Izuku is his bestie 4 life)
A little bit shell shocked, Izuku walked into Shouta’s apartment and collapsed on the couch beside him.  Distantly, he noted that Shouta had a very blank expression on his face, but he really couldn’t focus on that right now.  “Sho.”  Izuku’s voice rasped a little painfully in his throat.  “Sho, your friends are fucking terrifying.  Why didn’t you warn me about that?”  He was pretty sure the human body couldn’t bend in the ways Nemuri had been threatening, but he was also pretty sure she’d do her best to make sure it did if he hurt Shouta.  Which he could appreciate!  Or, at least, he was sure he’d appreciate it after the adrenaline pumping in his veins died down a little.
“My friend?”  Shouta asked faintly, his shocked voice betraying his completely blank expression.  “My own student just threatened me on your behalf.”  He paused.  “I’m impressed at the creativity of his threats,” he admitted.  Impressed and, if he was honest with himself, a little bit terrified.  Especially with Todoroki right beside him, smiling politely with frighteningly blank eyes.  The bland reminder that he was even more skilled with his fire than Dabi, and Dabi had been able to completely cremate bodies had been well done.  And had also left Shouta very certain that he’d be a missing person’s poster if he ever hurt Izuku.
Izuku met Shouta’s gaze.  “Right,” he breathed out.  “Right, I’m going to do my best to put this out of my head and pretend this never happened.”
“Solid plan,” Shouta agreed.  He would very much like to do the same.
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ladylookslikeadude1 · 2 years
CONGTAZ ON 200!!! ☆☆☆ AND THANK U FOR OPENING PROMPTS! What about one where Shouta makes a comment or joke off-hand about something Izuku does. Izuku takes this as negative because trauma and maybe stops doing it or something when, Shouta notices this and picks up that Izuku felt hurt by that so he sets things right and talks to him. (Becausd I love communication and a lot of things are better with it)
Thank you so much! And you are very welcome! The prompts are definitely a good way for me to refresh a little bit and write something other than Say You Want Me.
Shouta hadn’t meant anything by it.  It had been an offhand comment about how Izuku muttered all of the time-it hadn’t been a complaint, Shouta hadn’t meant for it to be taken badly.  And he hadn’t noticed anything for a few days, until he and Izuku were sitting in silence-Shouta grading and Izuku curled up and reading.  And Shouta realized it was complete silence.  “Is…everything ok?”  He asked slowly, putting his pen down and focusing on a too quiet Izuku.  “You’re really quiet tonight.”
Izuku’s lips pressed tightly together.  “You mentioned how much I mutter,” he said, voice shading just a bit sharp.  “I assumed that if it bothered you enough to say something about it, you’d prefer if I stopped.”
Shouta’s breath caught in his chest, and he opened his mouth and then shut it again.  His careless words had already done some damage, he didn’t want to see them do any more.  “I’m sorry,” is what he said first.  “I never meant for what I said to come off like I wanted you to stop.”  Shouta swallowed.  “I like listening to you talk-it’s soothing.  It was…it was just a comment.  I didn’t mean anything by it.  I’m sorry,” he repeated.
Izuku slowly uncurled from the defensive position he’d been in, a small smile curving his lips.  “Ok,” he murmured.  “And I’m sorry for not asking about what you actually meant by it-I’ve just had too many people tell me my mumbling is creepy I guess.”   
Raising to his feet, Shouta made his way over to Izuku.  He hesitated until Izuku smiled at him and held out a hand in welcome, and then he carefully lowered himself down and curled himself around Izuku.  “I’ll make them miserable if you give me names,” he murmured in Izuku’s ear.
“An excellent apology,” Izuku laughed a little, burying his face in Shouta’s shoulder.  Neither of them mentioned the tears that soaked through the dark material.
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