lukezar · 3 months
Qué pasaria si los personajes cambiaran al opuesto de su personalidad? Es lo que se me ocurrio. The opposite personality of each Hamilton person.
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Todo esto es puro garabateo, me rendi con el dibujo! (Creo)
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marcusrobertobaq · 3 months
Would be a pity Markus suddenly having these episodes where shit glitches so much he do the same shit from that anim in From the Dead. Like, even after fixing himself in the landfill.
I just don't know how, it's easier making it a software issue but...no?
Idk that well how .45s in short distance would behave in an android's head, after all they're made of plastic not meat, but the way he just got another eye and audio processor without any issues with the slots contacts or even thirium leak...
.45s are slow but got punch from close distances. It's a quite big boy so in theory the bullet either is still there somewhere inside his head or it got out by the eye slot when he got thrown in the landfill cuz there ain't no exit hole in his head.
Even if he leaked a lot from when he got shot, to the landfill until waking up we would get warnings about low levels. Dude indeed lost thirium as we know by Time to Decide but not in a critical level.
He was out for, like, almost 5hrs.
In theory the componets got broken in the slot and when the machine threw him off that height it may have forced the broken pieces out.
How the fuck he ain't got no issues with the slot when the .45 should've damaged it? He just get some components back and everything is fine.
And how his regulator could've gotten critically damaged from a simply throw? That's not how it should work, it gotta sustain impact inside.
What the actual hell got damaged in the regulator? The i/o? The glass/plastic? Androids are water proof so i don't think water fucked with any of the component contacts...it shouldn't?
But first of all... what happened before they taking him to the landfill? Destroyed androids are like trash so i guess they just threw him in a garbage space for androids until a truck took him to Veta. Also the way his lower legs just got broken, bro. One of 'em got really broken not detached... =/
Carl lives in E Laffayete and the landfill is around Piety Hill or North End area.
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I know it's totally inconsistency by cut content, i'm just trynna find a way of justifying it. If was in cut content is totally justified the way Markus ain't got any issues during the game, but without the cut content it's just weird, the same way we got a flag for a wound that doesn't exist in Jericho chapter anymore.
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Without the cut content he should have issues with the eye and audio processor contacts also the fact depending on which .45 you're using he was supposed to have great damage inside his head. In the game is a .457 (fictional) so it must be different and more efficient at ripping insides appart, even plastic.
In my opinion he should have some issues with his eye and audio processor from time to time not cuz the components are failing but cuz his head is all fucked inside. I totally support this hc.
Without the Fight Club and Phileas plots things got a bit messy but we do what we can do. I don't think he would let Jericho folks fix him instead of the androids they've been saving, even if they got enough spare parts. But I woulda liked to see Markus being fixed in Jericho, even mfs finding out about he being a prototype etc.
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sisi-karmila · 2 years
Menariknya Brand Impor Metersbonwe.
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Meters/bonwe adalah perusahaan pakaian santai terkemuka di Tiongkok. Metersbonwe membuka toko pertamanya di Wenzhou pada tanggal 22 April 1995. Pada awal tahun 2007, perusahaan mengoperasikan sekitar 1.800 toko di seluruh China dan memiliki lebih dari 5.000 karyawan. Pada tahun 2006, penjualan ritel Grup melebihi RMB 4 miliar, menjadikan Metersbonwe sebagai merek ritel pakaian kasual terbesar di negara ini. Perusahaan menargetkan konsumen pria dan wanita berusia 18 hingga 25 tahun. Slogan perusahaan mereka adalah "Be Different" (不走寻常路).
Diindonesia sendiri metersbonwe hanya memasuki pasar kelas menengah-atas seperti Seibu, Galery Laffayet, dan Sogo. Diindonesia sendiri brand ini dinaugi oleh Pt MAP, yah PT yang menguasai pasar indonesia dibagian sport ada converse, new balance, skeecers, kids station, di bagian food Ada starbuck, burger king, genki sushi, dll termasuk metersbonwe salah satunya.
Metersbonwe menjual produk mulai dari pakaian wanita, pakaian pria, tas, assesoris, sepatu, topi dll. Harga yang ditarwarkan cukup tinggi tapi meskipun begitu kualitas dari brand ini sendiri mampu menunjukkan bahwa ia pantas dihargai sebegitu mahalnya, bahkan untuk 1pcs kaos bisa mencapai harga Rp. 899.000.-
Bagi beberapa pembeli yang baru membeli produk ini mungkin akan merasa tidak wortith untuk dibeli dikarnakan harga yg kurang terjangkau, tapi beberapa pembeli yg sudah biasa dgn kualitas & model dari brand tsb akan kembali lagi untuk menanyakan dan membeli model yang baru.
Untuk yang penasaran dgn koleksi metersbonwenya ditunggu kedatanganny di Seibu Gi atau sogo Pim yah.
See u next page.
Thank's & Regards
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spudkid · 2 years
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Had breakfast in this morning then took the Metro to Boulevard Haussmann to see the Christmas windows at Galleries Laffayete and Printemps. Both were great! I took these off the internet: Galleries Lafayette
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Both entirely animated.
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Important to stop for coffee. Then we walked 2.75 miles past Les Halles and Tour Saint Jacques
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and had lunch near the Rue de Rivoli. Metro home! Here is our walk. The dotted line is our Metro path to our VRBO.
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call-me-nel · 4 years
the result of writing all Hamilton songs on a balloon. excuse the background sound.
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sov25-blog · 6 years
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lol This is more fluid than I imagine.
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My ships are the only thing that keep me going
who’s with me in this?
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svnaslove · 3 years
anyways who do you guys think in haikyuu would know all the words to hamilton and blast it in the car
tell me here
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omarchigo · 3 years
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City park #reflection #citypark #urban #photography #omarrmz #nikon @nikonusa #z50 #nature #streetphotographer #citylife #laffayet (at Lafayette, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSXecpzrPmp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lukezar · 3 months
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En progreso....
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jeffmadstrash · 6 years
if you're still doing headcanons thing: philgeorges modern or normal au, thanks a lot
I have so many of these oh my gosh. Okay: - they go to school together, obvi• Georges is a transfer student, possibly living with the Hamilton’s - I feel like they started dating after they were friends- everyone knew that they’d end up together - Philip writes poems to Georges• at first they’re so “woe is me” and then they turn into hard core love poems
That’s all I can kind of think of for now, I want to get back to headcannons though, so I’ll do more if anyone wants
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Hamilton Characters as things I've heard My friends say
Laurens: I'm sorry but...I'm too gay for that...
Jefferson: I'm sueing you. You, nor anyone here can stop me.
Burr: [Leaves the room silently after seeing what's going on]
Eliza, after the reynolds phamplet: Oh, I may or may not have broken a few windows with my super sonic screaming.
Maria: I'm here to steal your guys, gals and non-binary pals.
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loggedoutrich · 4 years
HAMILTON AU!! I still dont know what the other characters roles will be, any suggestions -v-? (this is a cupheadxbatimAU btw ^_^)
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• Characters •
. •Alexander Hamilton: Cuphead
. •Aaron Burr: Bendy
. •John Laurens: Mugman
. •Laffayete: Sammy Lawrence (lmao)
. •Hercules Mulligan: Boris
. •Eliza: ???
. •Angelica: Allison
. •Peggy: Chalice
. •King Goerge: ???
. •George Washington: Tom
. •James Madison: The Devil (the big D LOL)
. •Thomas Jefferson: King Dice
. •Maria Reynolds: Alice? Or Cala Maria? I still dont know ._.
. •Philip: a fanchild lol
. •James Reynolds: ???
. •Samuel Seabury: Cuppet
. •Charles Lee: ???😂
. •Goerge Eaker: ???
♡Thank you for reading all of this nonsense :)♡
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dear-alex-chill · 3 years
Today on January 11th Hamilton was born in Charleston, Nevis.
Born into poverty, Hamilton faced many struggles in his life. A hurricane destroyed his home at the age of 17, at the age of 11 he began working at a counting house as a clerk. When he was roughly 19 Hamilton journeyed to America (New York) under the financial aid of Henry Livingston. He met his friends such as Hercules Mulligan and John Laurens in New York and in his early years at war. He also met Marquis de Lafayette in war. Laurens, Laffayete and Hamilton had been referred to as the Gay Trio by Washington’s Nephew. He later became a prominent political figure and fighter in the revolution. He is known for his lasting effects on our government and Financial system.
Revolutionary War and Washington:
In the american revolutionary war Hamilton served as Washington’s Aide-de-camp for the longest time. His Military Stances; Major General and Lieutenant Colonel in the continental army with allegiance to New York and The US. he served in the battle of Yorktown, commanding a battalion that stormed redoubt 9. The battles he served in notably are: Battle of Harlem Heights, Battle of White Plain, Battle of Trenton, Battle of Princeton, Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth, and The Siege of Yorktown. Hamilton was a son-like figure to Washington although it took a long time to finally allow Hamilton to fight in a battle and command a battalion.
Political Career:
Hamilton began his political career shortly after the war ended. He wrote the federalist papers with James Madison and John Jay, served as a lawyer often defending wrongly treated british people. He attended and participated in the constitutional convention, signed the constitution, and served in Washington’s Cabinet as Secretary of Treasury. He also drafted and ended up creating the financial and banking system used today. He was known for his feuds with Thomas Jefferson and his tendency to endorse a government that many feared would end up like Britain. Hamilton could be referred to as the Nancy Pelosi of his time. He held great power and influence, however he was more disliked than liked at the time. He made important decisions and knew the leaders of the country well, but would never be able to hold the presidency due to the fact that he was unelectable. He had most of the Democratic-Republicans against him and even members of his own party disliked him. (Recognize the name John Adams?) He was widely popular in both good and bad ways and did heavily influence the young nation, but there were things Hamilton simply could do.
Children and Family History:
Born to James Hamilton and Rachel Faucett Lavine. His parents divorced in roughly 1758. Shortly after James left to live on his own leaving Rachel to set up a small shop to provide for her sons. He had a brother named James too. Rachel died in 1768, leaving him a technical orphan with no contact to his father.
In roughly December 14, 1780 - July 12, 1804 he married Elizabeth Schyler
His children include; Philip, Alexander, Angelica, James Alexander, John Church, William, Eliza, Philip (Yes there were two)
His relatives included Philip Schyler, Angelica Schyler Church, and Margarita “Peggy” Schyler.
The Fatal Duel:
On July 11th, Burr and Hamilton met on the Weehawken river on the New Jersey side. Burr’s second was William P. Van Ness, while Hamilton's was Nathaniel Pendleton. There was a doctor present as it was custom for duels. The intent was to keep the duel a secret so they left separate docks. From early letters describing the duel it was clear Hamilton intended to throw away his shot and end the duel with both men still living. However, when it came to the duel Hamilton did not traditionally (and debatably correctly) Delope. Normally the parson would aim and shoot the ground, Hamilton aimed skyward and ended up shooting a tree behind Burr. Burr acted in panic and turned to shoot Hamilton, delivering the fatal blow. Hamilton died the next day.
Life and Legacy:
Hamilton had both ideas and initiative. He was willing to go through on his ideas, all of which were directed at a goal. He was ambitious, headstrong, and a hard worker. He demonstrated gratitude, moral principle and was good natured while also being impulsive, arrogant and jealous which created the interesting life he had. Known for Establishing the Financial System of America and the Reynolds Pamphlet and Affair, Hamilton is truly one of the most interesting founding fathers. And today 264-266 years ago, He was born.
Read More at;
I highly recommend checking out this Quora page. It's got a lot of interesting facts
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thegreenerartist · 4 years
Since Im procrastinating on drawing ONE (1) Andrew J. Minyard with acrylic nails, The Old Guard AU and the Kerejean Exchange, I decided to think on the roles I want to play as if ever I went musical theatre lmao
I would LOVE!!! Would KILL!!! To be dearest boy Mendel. Love his singing parts! whYY DONT YA FEEL ALRIGHT FOR REST OF YOUR LI- or maybe I can be my boy Marvin? What More Can I Say! I want to also be able to do the 9 months-10 months banter ngl
In Trousers! His Wife or Marvin! I especially love the song His Lips And Me or her part in Breakfast Over Sugar pppppaAASS THE SUGAUE PLEASE I DREAMT LA
Was thinking on Mean Girls,,, JANIS JANIS JANIS!!! I’d want to sing either I’d Rather Be Me or Stupid With Love soo,,, but I can’t do the notes on Stupid With Love soo,,,
Heathers! JD! Just because of Seventeen and Meant To Be Yours. Or maybe Chandler? I love Candy Store but I was never able to perfectly do her R I F F !!!
Hamilton. Would love to be Philip! Or maybe Laurens? I always loved Laffayete ngl
Have yall heard of Spongebob The Musical? Then I would LOVE! To be Sandy, especially in No Control like the way she sings the science is clear, Im afraid it’s trueee made me go 0-0
In SIX, I prefer Jane Seymour’s part the most! Love Heart Of Stone! Plus her part in the song SIX!!
The Lighting Thief Musical,,, OH do I LOVE singing Percy’s parts,,,LOOK,,, I don wanna b a half blood,,, I don wann b a hero seeking praissse,,,
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nielution · 4 years
I was tagged by @mlentertainment (which is interesting since we both should be doing homework)
rules: list 5 shows, then answer some questions. no looking/cheating. 
1. Avatar: The Last Airbender
2. Community
3. Schitt’s Creek
4. The Good Place
5. Steven Universe
Who is your favourite character in 2?
Abed. It’s gotta be Abed. He’s so special to me, he helped me figure out a lot about myself.
Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Oof umm. I guess Ozai or Admiral Zhao. There aren’t really any characters that I dislike for out of universe reasons because I think they’re all written pretty wonderfully, so it’s gotta be for the in universe reasons that they’re imperialist shitheads.
What is your favourite episode of 4?
The finale, actually. I wish every show could leave me with that much of a feeling of warmth and closure.
What is your favourite season of 5?
Oh gosh. That’s really hard. Maybe season 4?
Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Patrick and David cause I’m gay and predictable.
Who is your favourite couple in 2?
Oh god they’re all so unhealthy it’s hard to name a genuinely good canon pairing. So Troy and Abed I guess? I don’t care whether it’s romantic or platonic, their dynamic is wonderful.
What is your favourite episode of 1?
Zuko Alone is fantastic. So is the episode where Toph invents metalbending that I cannot remember the name of. It is so hard to pick favourites with Avatar.
What is your favourite episode of 5?
The Answer because I’m sappy and gay. Or Change Your Mind because of the animation and the voice acting and the everything.
What is your favourite season of 2?
Season 3, for sure.
How long have you watched 1?
Oh dang. Since I was 5 probably? But that was just bits and pieces. I sat down and watched it in full for the first time when I was 11 or 12.
How did you become interested in 3?
I saw bits and pieces of it on tumblr so I knew there was gay stuff and Catherine O’Hara being a gem, but I probably wouldn’t have sat down and watched it if my mom hadn’t announced “we’re watching Schitt’s Creek.”
Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Jameela Jamil? Maybe? The more I think about it the more actors I want to list. I will stick with Jameela for now.
Which do you prefer, 1, 2 or 5?
Avatar, easy. I truly believe it’s the best show that’s ever been on television. And I’m usually wildly indecisive.
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Uhh well. I’ve finished Avatar and not Schitt’s Creek, but I think there are more Schitt’s Creek episodes than Avatar episodes. So percentage wise Avatar, but total Schitt’s Creek (I only have three episodes left.)
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Chidi. He’s already really relatable, and his progression from indecisive mess to saviour of humankind is beautiful. I want an ending that happy.
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Oh it super would actually. It would be interesting if instead of the town making the main characters better, it was the purgatory-style neighbourhoods. Or just everything in Schitt’s Creek is the same and it turns out it is the trial. It certainly is Moira’s hell.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Iroh and that other good fire master that I cannot remember the name of and I said I wouldn’t cheat. Idk, they could be cute.
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Umm umm umm. Schitt’s Creek is kind of predictable but a lovely story of rich assholes becoming.. not that. Steven Universe gets a lil messy and complicated sometimes, but who am I kidding, I love that. So I’ll say Schitt’s Creek’s storyline is probably objectively better, but I like the storyline in Steven Universe more.
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
Community! The Good Place theme is a good short lil ditty that introduces the vibe of the show, but At Least It Was Here is something worth memorizing and bopping to.
I tag @laffayete @brainjuicey @do-you-bite-your-thumb-sir @pokemonphylogeny @salt-blog @pigeonwilson @clanime and anyone else who wants to!
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