#laila salibun
practically-an-x-man · 2 months
Here's another one (feel free to give me one- or a few)
How would you whump Athena and/or Laila, since they're a package set?
Hm, good one...
Now, I'm not entirely sure how your timeline fits together or how well this would fit into it, but here goes:
They're together at this point, but Laila is still being monitored by Nyx and is still addicted to Lux. Nyx knows vaguely that Laila and Athena are together, but at the moment she's just letting it ride (not sure why, that's not the point, the point is the whump that this will lead to).
Anyway, it goes fine enough for a while, but then Laila makes a decision that chooses Athena over Nyx. Not a huge decision, not anything that will destroy her master plan, but it makes her angry - not just at Laila for defying her, but Athena for encouraging her.
So she withholds Lux, for longer than she's ever withheld it before. Laila is miserable, so sick she can barely move, while Nyx is completely unsympathetic and still forcing her to stagger through her daily duties. It's physical whump for Laila, of course, but also emotional whump as Athena has to watch her struggle with the withdrawal that may or may not have been her fault.
And eventually Athena decides she has enough, and goes up to Nyx directly. At this point she's desperate, setting her ego aside because she's starting to think the withdrawal might actually kill Laila, and she'll do anything to get her the dose of Lux she needs. Nyx, of course, takes this opportunity to her absolute advantage.
There are a couple ways we could go about this. Does Nyx choose to put Athena through physical torment in exchange for the Lux - enjoying the fact that she's so desperate to get a tiny vial of a drug she doesn't even need? Or mental torment, perhaps drawing on Athena's dysphoria and image issues with the hopes that crushing her self-image would crush her relationship with Laila, two birds with one stone? Or maybe she just outright demands that Athena leave entirely, separate herself from Laila, and Athena's only goodbye is while Laila is still struggling with withdrawal and is barely even lucid enough to recognize her?
Anyway, lots of options for good whump here, what do you think?
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negative-speedforce · 2 months
As we all know, Athena and Laila are a package set, so... here's a Laila for you :)
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(don't feel pressured to revenge, this is just for fun)
She's so perfect! And you're so correct, they are 100% a package set. Thank you so much 💚🖤💚🖤
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can-of-pringles · 8 months
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Flat color commission for @negative-speedforce of his OCs, Laila and Athena
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dearorowhump · 5 months
Hi! You say you like evil lesbians? May I present my Star Wars OCs Laila and Athena? They're a rogue Sith Assassin and a seductive mad scientist, they're toxic and codependent as hell, and I love them so much.
Their OC tags on my main blog #laila salibun #athena stonehenge
Their ship tag #lailathena
omg!! thank you so much for the rec, i'll add it to my list. i LOVE EVIL LESBIANS. they are my brand at this point and this seems right up my alley! i don't know anything about star wards but i will NOT let that stop me. if i have to do a deep dive into the lore i will.. anything for evil lesbians
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
Face in the Mirror
Featuring @negative-speedforce's OCs Laila and Athena :D
Content Warnings: heavy mentions of dysphoria/body dysmorphia, but with a fluffy (and slightly suggestive) ending
First it was just a note.
Athena spotted it when she walked into the bathroom. Right at eye level, partially obscuring her reflection, tacked up right in the center of the mirror.
Remember - you're beautiful <3 -L
Part of her, that spiteful whispering voice deep in her head, wanted to tear that note right off the mirror and discard it without a second thought. She certainly didn't feel beautiful. Her eyebrows were uneven, something that seemed to give her a perpetual look of disdain, and the surgeon who had done her last procedure had botched the incisions, she'd need another procedure at least just to get rid of the scars...
Among other things. There were always other things. Nothing she could do would ever be enough. Nothing would ever stop her from looking like... her.
Athena pulled the note off the mirror and crumpled it into her hand, staring into the eyes of the slum girl she knew so well. Beautiful? No. Never. She'd never be perfect, and anything less wasn't good enough. Laila's little notes couldn't ever match up to the turmoil in her head.
She found another the next morning, tagged up on an identical slip of paper. Athena very nearly tossed it without even sparing it a glance, but... Laila deserved better than that. Laila deserved at least the moment it would take to read the words.
I could get lost in your eyes <3 -L
That one almost drew a smile from her. Her eyes were about the only point of pride she had, the only part of her that hadn't been sliced and stitched and remade into something new, and she intended to keep them that way. They were the only part of her she could stand to look at without grimacing, even now.
Still, she tossed the note aside. She wasn't in the mood for these sappy little love stories today. It felt like a disservice to her reflection, a blight on the purity that the mirror offered her. Of course Laila thought she was beautiful- who wouldn't? But she was biased. Everyone was biased. The mirror, that indifferent pane of glass, was the only one who ever told the truth.
Laila didn't confront her, though she must have seen the way her notes all ended up deposited in the waste bin. She just kept leaving them, morning after morning.
You're my everything <3 -L
I'd watch the world burn if it made you smile <3 -L
Your body is perfect <3 -L
These, among many others. Some made her pause, if only for a moment. Others she crumpled without a second thought. None quite shook away the fog that hung over her mind.
Once, Athena walked into the bathroom to find that one of her best dresses had been laid out on the counter, and that morning's note had been laid on the fabric rather than affixed to the mirror.
Wear this today, my love. You always look so stunning in it <3 -L
She hadn't worn the dress in months. She'd loved it for a while, that was true, but then that love had grown tainted. She wasn't sure when that had shifted, or why, but not it seemed the dress drew attention to everything that still dissatisfied her. Her hips: shaped well, but clearly artificial, obvious padding over her scrawny Corellian frame. Her breasts, her waist: the same. An obvious cover-up over the body she couldn't stand. Sometimes her body seemed more artificial than some of Laila's siblings, and artificial wasn't attractive.
And that dress only drew attention to it. It made her look like one of the strippers found in dark alleys on Canto Bight, some exaggerated sex symbol with blown-up exaggerated curves. It made her look... cheap. Plastic.
That note was tossed with the rest, and the dress was thrown to the back of her closet. She couldn't stand to look at it.
Apparently that was Laila's tipping point. The next note was a little harder to remove.
Laila had scrawled this one in lipstick, garish red like blood across the reflective glass. It was impossible to look away from, and impossible to crumple like she had the others.
See yourself through my eyes, darling <3 -L
She'd covered most of the mirror in the waxy substance, blanketing all but a few scraps of her reflection visible between the cracks, and it looked like she might have trashed a whole tube of lipstick in the process.
Athena frowned. How was this supposed to help? It was a nice enough sentiment, but she knew for a fact that those makeup products were not cheap, not to mention how hard it would be to clean such a mess from the mirror. She just scoffed and snatched a few cleaning products from the cabinet under the sink.
She didn't stop until the mirror was spotless, so clean it could've been a portal to another world, and red-stained towelettes were piled high in the wastebasket. Then she stormed out of the room, pacing like a captive animal until she finally found Laila.
"You seem annoyed." her partner said from the kitchen, nonchalantly pouring herself a cup of coffee. Athena resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
"How astute."
A flicker of a smile crossed Laila's face. She didn't look surprised.
"At me or at yourself?"
"At you, Darth Dumbass. It started as a nuisance, but now you've just made a mess."
"Got you out of your own head, though, didn't it?" Laila purred, utterly immune to Athena's tirades, "It was about time. You've been tossing out stormclouds for two weeks. Here."
She reached across the counter and slid a plate over to Athena, laden with steaming breakfast foods. Athena's stomach clenched with hunger. She'd been grazing here and there, but couldn't remembered the last time she'd been able to convince herself into a full meal.
The best Athena could do was just to slide into a seat, unable to face either Laila or the plate of food. She heard Laila shift beside her, and then her hands held Athena's face, forcing her to meet her eyes.
"Everything in those notes was true, you know. I think you're beautiful. I wish you could see yourself like I see you." she said, her thumbs tracing lightly across Athena's cheekbones, "I love your eyes..."
At that, she leaned forward and pressed a featherlight kiss just above each of Athena's eyelids.
"And I love your nose..."
Another kiss, right on the tip of her nose.
"And your lips..."
A fourth kiss, this one deeper and more passionate as Athena instinctively leaned in to reciprocate. She felt Laila smile just before she pulled back. Her heart kicked out a stray few beats. Nobody could ever pull her out of those raging thoughts quite like Laila could.
"And if you'll come with me to the bedroom, I'll show you everything else I love about you too."
"The breakfast will get cold." Athena fired back, lifting an eyebrow at her partner. Laila's eyes flashed with something bright and alluring, and she ran her lacquered fingernails down Athena's cheek as she pulled back.
"When has that ever stopped us before?"
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negative-speedforce · 2 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: what was your earliest fic idea that you can remember? Does it still exist in your stories - in whole, or recycled across different concepts - or has it been scrapped?
Bonus: compare it to one of your most recent ideas, and see how your plot structure and characterization have improved over time!
Well, other than that MLP fic I barely even remember, we're going to go with my oldest fic and oldest OCs, which were featured in a fic I wrote with my ex-best friend.
It was a Star Wars/Transformers crossover crackfic, and the characters featured in it were- believe it or not- Reyna, Nyx, and Laila (Athena came in a later revised version, and Thalia, Rue, Pyrrha, and Arien are all my creations). Admittedly, the plot was pretty cringe, very 13 years old, but some of the character concepts remained.
Reyna (original version) was a half-Togruta Jedi-turned-DJ, and had Superman-esque superpowers from eating a radioactive donut. Don't ask. She was also a huge agent of chaos, similar to your Eris, and a wielder of the Darksaber. Not much from this version stayed, except Reyna's status as a survivor of Order 66 and her love for electronic music and explosions. Her chaotic tendencies were kinda whittled down, and she's less "lol XD random" and more "your typical teenager/young adult with undiagnosed and unmedicated ADHD".
Laila was originally my friend's OC's evil alter-ego (in an admittedly terrible portrayal of DID, but hey, I was 13). Her full title was "Darth Laila the Snarky", and she was far more violent and malicious than her current iteration, who's kinda based on an irl indoctrinated cult member. She was changed to being a clone of a yet-unnamed Jedi Padawan, raised by Nyx, and I made her a massive lesbian to spite said ex-best friend, who's super religious and homophobic.
Nyx has probably changed the most. She was originally a long-dead Decepticon uploaded into a human's brain, who, since her host was Force-sensitive, allied with the Sith. Some vague concepts remained, such as Nyx possessing people, but I honestly took a lot of inspiration for her new characterization from Shadow Weaver from the Netflix She-Ra reboot, especially her tendencies to abuse children.
Overall, the "crackfic" part was replaced by angst, angst, and more angst, and the characters more mature.
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negative-speedforce · 8 months
OC Valentines Day Four: Friends to Lovers (Laila Salibun/Athena Stonehenge)
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Sith Assassin x Mad Scientist my beloved.
As the clone of a prodigious Jedi, Laila has always had a shadow to live up to. Raised under the care of the mysterious dark side entity known simply as 'Nyx', Laila never really had much freedom to find herself outside of those expectations- until she met Athena.
Since escaping the slums of Corellia, Athena has been dedicated to her work- head bioweapons researcher for Nyx's pet project. Athena enchanted Laila with her stories of her childhood as a street orphan, and of the freedom that came with it.
The two of them quickly became friends, bonding over the shared masks that they wore- Laila's being the shadow of the Jedi she was made from, and Athena's being the fake Core world accent she mimicked and the false backstory of wealth and privilege she told to fit in within the higher ranks of the Empire.
Eventually, Laila snapped, sick of Nyx's control over her, and the two of them duelled, promises of freedom dangling within Laila's grasp like forbidden fruit. After receiving a near-fatal injury, Laila woke up on Athena's ship, the two of them having defected from the Empire.
Slowly, as they learned to trust each other, they fell for each other, becoming a Bonnie-and-Clyde-like duo, holding entire planets for ransom, causing all sorts of chaos, and just having a lot of fun doing it.
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negative-speedforce · 1 month
Surprise! I drew Lailathena as that lipstick-kiss meme :D (sorry if the hands look weird, I'm not great at hands lol)
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This is super cute! OMG I love this so much, thank you!
Sorry I don't have much to say rn, I'm super tired and low on spoons, but I'm literally obsessed! Thank you!
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
1, 3, 4, 11, 13, 15, 26, and 30 for Onnie and Laila please?
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Onnie hasn't had any stuffed animals in years. Eobard made her get rid of them all as soon as she was like, 12, because he thought they were developmentally inappropriate for her age. She had a frog named Tedward (some weird amalgamation of Ted and Edward) and that was her favorite as a kid.
I... don't think Laila is even aware of what a stuffed animal is, considering that she was raised from infancy to be the Empire's weapon. Athena's probably not much help with that one, since she grew up on the streets and having toys falls to the wayside when compared to things like food and shelter.
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
"Pippa is... an idiot. I can't stand her, she drives me insane, but I can't help but be strangely drawn to her. She's obnoxious, and I really wish she'd back off, but something about her is just so endearing. Maybe it's that she manages to bring back to life the part of me I thought died a long time ago. Or maybe she's just kinda hot."
"Athena's ruthless, reckless, and I never lose the feeling that she's going to backstab me. But she's the only person who's ever given more than two shits about me in my life, so hey, what the heck? Not like I have much else to lose anyway. I'm pretty sure I care a lot more about her than she does about me, but even if this is a short ride, it's a good ride, and I'm not getting off."
4. Do they look good in red?
Onnie looks fantastic in red, so long as the shade's not too orangey. Shades closer to orange (and orange itself) tend to bring out the olive undertones in their skin in a bad way, making them look kinda yellow and sickly.
Laila doesn't look good in most shades of red, except the darker ones, like burgundy and maroon. Bright colors tend to clash with her already near-translucent pale skin, making her look even more pale than she already is.
11. They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
Onnie: Save it all. She's already rich, there's not much else she wants or needs.
Laila: Spend some, save some. Her and Athena aren't exactly poor, but there are some things they'd like that are a little out of budget.
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
Onnie learned how to be a killer from Eobard. He taught her everything- where the best places to stab someone are, how to rip out someone's heart with your bare hands, how to snap people's necks. Insert Onnie having the sudden "Holy shit I had a bad childhood" realization here.
Laila doesn't have parents. Being a clone, I guess you could technically say that either the parents of her donor are her parents, who she's never met, or the woman who raised her, but anyone calling Nyx a mother would be absolutely insane to say that, since the relationship that Laila (and Pyrrha, later on) had with her was one-sided, conditional, and both emotionally and physically abusive.
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
Onnie considers friendships and other relationships a waste of time. Since they (in very rapid succession) lost their girlfriend, accidentally killed their best friend, and then Jessi faked her own death (which was believed to have been a suicide), Onnie is kinda afraid to open up, but through a lot of mental gymnastics, she thinks it's because she's better than everyone rather than just plain trauma.
Laila considers training non-Force Sensitives in the Jedi arts to be a complete waste of time. Athena's asked her multiple times to try teaching her to do some of the things that Laila can do, like the gymnastics and meditation and stuff, but the most Laila will show her is how to use a lightsaber- weapons are pretty universal, after all.
26. Talent or effort?
Onnie: Talent
Laila: Effort
30. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
Onnie would probably cry. They've been repressing a lot of emotions for a very long time, and any show of weakness could get her in trouble with Eobard, so if she knew it would be excused, I think Onnie would finally let go and feel those emotions.
Laila would tell Athena that she loves her. She'd never say it to Athena's face, especially since Athena kinda scares her and let's be real, she's not even sure if Athena even is capable of caring about a person other than herself. However, if she knew that it wouldn't ruin their relationship completely, Laila would tell Athena how she felt.
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negative-speedforce · 7 months
OC Women's Day Challenge Day Two: Girls Love Each Other Like Animals (Laila Salibun/Dr. Athena Stonehenge)
(art by @can-of-pringles, other images from Pinterest)
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When it comes to supportive relationships between women, no one does it better (or worse) than Laila and Athena. The rogue mad scientist and the cloned Sith Assassin who's just there for the ride (and for the sad lesbian pining).
Athena supports Laila by helping her find herself. Being raised as little more than a weapon against the Rebellion, and having pretty big shoes to fill already as the clone of a prodigious Jedi, Laila never really had an identity of her own. Athena, mad genius and former Corellian street urchin and resident hellraiser, immediately latched onto her, helping her to find her freedom and eventually betray and escape the Empire.
That isn't to say they're good people, though. Laila and Athena proceed to go pillage planets, vivisect unwilling sentients, and topple governments, just because they can. It's so sexy of them.
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
Headcanon: Athena, in a very twisted gesture of romance, once kidnapped a man that tried to cop a feel on Laila, killed him, cut out his heart, and gave it to Laila as a present.
Sounds about right. Laila would love that. She'd probably try to get Athena to preserve it so she can hang it on the wall. Her definition of romance is... kinda skewed.
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negative-speedforce · 9 months
For Esme and Laila
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Esme enjoys taking modeling gigs from time to time, though she does not need to do it professionally, due to her inheriting a large sum of money following her supposed father's death.
Laila doesn't really have hobbies, due to not having much autonomy under the Empire. However, Athena is actively trying to find something that she enjoys, because staring at the wall all day can't be good for her.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Esme loves partying and having fun with her girl squad. She does not enjoy doing taxes, going grocery shopping, or folding the laundry.
Laila loves spending time with Athena, as she doesn't really have any hobbies yet. Laila hates working for Nyx. Because Nyx was the one who developed the project that created Laila, she sees Laila as her property, rather than as an individual.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Esme's worst memory was finding out about the corpse of her real father, and that the man that had been raising her since she was 8 was a fake.
Laila's worst memory was being skewered by Nyx and almost dying. That was... Quite unpleasant.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Honestly? I don't remember how Esme ended up in my head. She just kinda showed up there.
Laila was originally developed as an evil version of my friend's OC, but when the shared fic we were writing was discontinued, I took custody of her because my irl bestie didn't want to do anything else with her.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
I've had Esme since 2018, so about 5 years?
I've had Laila since 7th grade, so 2017-ish.
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negative-speedforce · 8 months
Writing prompt:
"So on my list of worst offenses, somehow using two-in-one shampoo is as bad as murder?"
This is going to be Laila and Athena lol
cw: slight suggestive content
"Laila, darling, what is this?" Athena emerged from the bathroom, tears in her eyes. "How could you bring this atrocity into our home? After I'll we've been through together?"
"It's just shampoo." Laila crossed her arms. "Would you rather I walk around with greasy, stringy hair?"
"No, of course not." Athena scoffed. "But two-in-one? Everyone who knows the first thing about hair care knows that stuff is bullshit. You'll give yourself dandruff before we reach the Core."
"It was cheap." Laila shrugged. "And unlike you, I don't enjoy spending two hours in the shower."
"First of all, I'm rich, get whatever shampoo you want, and second, I spent so much getting us a real water shower, and you defile it with this?" Athena shook the bottle. "I'm surprised you still have hair, and it hasn't all been burned off with this atrocity. I can't believe you'd do this to me."
"So on my list of worst offenses, somehow using two-in-one shampoo is as bad as murder?" Laila raised an eyebrow.
"You know I don't care about the murder, darling, that would make me a hypocrite." Athena scrunched up her nose, dropping the shampoo into the wastebasket. "But you really do need to step up your self-care routine."
"That was my shampoo!" Laila objected. "Now what am I supposed to do about my hair?"
"And now it's trash. We're going to get you some actual hair care products, so you can wash it like a civilized person." Athena rolled her eyes. "No girlfriend of mine is getting frizzy, dandruff-ridden hair."
"You're so vain." Laila muttered.
"I know." Athena leaned onto Laila's shoulder, a wicked smirk on her face. "That's what you love about me, isn't it?"
"Maybe. Or maybe it's because you're completely morally depraved and undeniably sexy." Laila grinned, moving so she had Athena cornered between her and the wall. "We've still got three hours before we come out of hyperspace. Shall we take this to the bedroom?"
Athena smiled, flipping her long, wavy hair over one shoulder. "It's amazing. You're the only one who can make me squirm."
"Glad to know I've still got it." Laila pressed a kiss to Athena's neck. "I'm still going to need to punish you though, for throwing my shampoo in the trash."
"I can synthesize you a new bottle in my lab, one that'll actually work for your hair type." Athena replied. "Though I am looking forward to that punishment. What are you going to do, spank me?"
"I was thinking something more along these lines." Laila drew her lightsaber from her belt, igniting the red blade. She held it dangerously close to Athena's throat, drawing out a low groan from the other woman.
"Stars above, I love it when you do that." Athena sighed. "You don't know what you do to me."
"Well, let's find out, shall we?" Laila grinned a wicked smile, the rogue Sith assassin's amber eyes reflecting the red glow of her saber. "If you want to, that is."
"You know me." Athena ducked under Laila's lightsaber. "The safe word tonight is "Loth-Cat", by the way."
Laila nodded. "Loth-Cat. Got it."
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
OC Moodboards: Star Wars Edition
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Pyrrha Auclair
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Laila Salibun
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Athena Stonehenge
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Reyna Blazestar | Katale'si Mahaery
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Thalia Sylvan
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negative-speedforce · 3 months
🥔 assign me an OC please?
Judging by your tastes, I assign you....
Laila Salibun!
Why Laila, you may ask? Here's some traits about her that might interest you-
Is a clone of a prodigious Jedi Padawan who died months before Order 66, and feels the pressure to live up to the standard of her predecessor (former gifted kid)
Is morally depraved in her own right, but follows around her EVEN MORE morally depraved girlfriend that she simps for so bad (morally gray + evil girlfriends)
Has canon PTSD from years of living under her mentor/creator/tormentor, the Sith Acolyte Nyx.
Despite how much she hates Nyx, she's still addicted to a drug made from Nyx's essence, which was how Nyx was able to control her for so long. Thankfully, Athena can synthesize a substitute, but it isn't a 100% replacement and Laila still craves it.
...may or may not have an eventual redemption arc (sorta) and become a mentor to another character who went through similar experiences like... 30 years later.
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negative-speedforce · 9 months
You've got Questions.... OC Asks for Athena and Laila
7, 10, 15, 32, and 50
7: Do they have any unusual fears?
Laila's fears are mostly just normal stuff- losing Athena, being captured by the Empire, being captured by the Rebellion, etc.
Athena has a deep-seated fear of being percieved as "unattractive". This stems from her severe body dysmorphia that resulted in her getting extensive plastic surgery to completely reinvent herself as the sexy mad scientist she is.
10: Do they have any regrets?
Laila... honestly regrets being made. As the clone of a prodigal Jedi, Laila has always felt like the inferior copy, and that she had to live up to impossible standards in order to be "worth it" to the people that made her.
Athena regrets not getting herself out of the Empire sooner. She despises having to follow rules and regulations, even having her... rather eccentric fashion sense regulated makes her feel trapped.
15: What kind of sense of humor do they have? Or do they have one at all?
Laila's got a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor. She doesn't joke that often, but when she does, it's usually a sarcastic comment rather than an actual joke.
Athena has an absolutely WICKED sense of humor. She enjoys making other people uncomfortable, and she will joke about anything from sex to acts of terrorism just to make a stuffy old fart squirm.
32: If they could change one thing about themselves what would it be?
Athena would change her nose, even though she's already had several revisions on the rhinoplasty she got when she was 17, to her, it still looks gigantic and hideous.
Laila would cut all connection to the Jedi she was cloned from, so there would no longer be any expectations placed on her. No more watching people's reactions as they judge how different she is from her unwilling donor, no more expectations of being prodigal in any areas, just her being able to define herself.
50: What is your favorite thing about them?
I love Laila's desperate will to live. This woman will survive ANYTHING just because she's too angry to die.
I absolutely adore Athena's dual nature. While she's actually really soft and loving with Laila, this woman is a terrifying force of nature, a sadistic mad scientist who enjoys listening to screams for mercy as she experiments on unwilling subjects.
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