dykeravengard · 1 year
[hesitantly touching a girl's shaved legs] who did this to you...
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royalteath · 3 months
god im so happy frollo artist and zenos artist are on here.... viva frollo sex and zenoali
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cleansingreflections · 4 months
about to lose my mind because tumblr refuses to upload my banner hold on. jianxin is too powerful
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missfortune-xyz · 2 years
my name is lala, i usually go by she/her but i'm fine with they/them too. i'm 19, and a struggling fashion student based in london.
this blog will probably end up as some weird mix of diary, ramblings, portfolio and who-knows-what-else. i have no idea yet but i'll figure it out.
to be honest, i'm not entirely sure how much personal information i want to share. i'll stick a little about section at the end of the post, but i have no idea what trivia to put there so i might add to it as i go. please feel free to send an ask anytime!
as i mentioned before, i study fashion. i figured that's an experience that most people don't really get to have, but still might be interested in - so i figured why not write about it? i wanted to try out writing more (leaning journalism rather than fiction), and settled on starting a tumblr. i have no intent of going mega-professional in my writing - i want to keep it pretty casual to try to experiment more. i think i'll enjoy having the freedom to write about whatever i want, however i want.
having said that, i'm still figuring out a balance so please bare with me. there's definitely going to be a lot of trial and error as i try this out!
about me!
im from the uk and am irish + nigerian.
my native language is english but i speak half-decent japanese and a tiny bit of spanish. i definitely want to pick up language learning again sometime in the future!
i'm pretty sure i'm an enfp
i specialise in art direction/creative direction + photography, but am getting into writing (as you can see by the blog), film, and some other skills through my degree :)
i love baking! i make macarons when i'm stressed, and various different things the rest of the time (if you want any recipes let me know?)
big music enjoyer. my taste is a little all over the place but if you want or have music recs let me know!! (i've been listening to a lot of txt, anderson .paak, twice, and rosalía recently)
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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year
The Gods Command ⚔️ [Daily Tasks]
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[Di is maybe more of a workaholic then Jooheon is- He tends to be at the cafe very often making new recipes for menu and making new types of coffee concoctions. So being at the cafe tends to be one of his daily tasks!]
🍷: Hm~ *writing something down* Two pumps of vanilla and some hazelnut? How would that taste… *brewing some more coffee*
[As a break from work and stressful stuff from being one of the rulers of the Down Under, he likes to play and take care of his hellhounds. He has many hellhound babies and he loves every single one of them!]
🫐: *throws a ball* Let’s go Bud!~ I’ll give you treats if you bring it back~
❤️‍🔥: *barks happily and runs after the ball*
[Apollo normally needs a minute to himself after work. He normally gets really tired everyday from using his powers but he tries to make it a habit to dance a bit to get some exercise in along with some movement after sitting down all day at the music studio. He normally does ballet or hip hop but tries other forms of dance from time to time.]
🎧: *doing the splits, stretching out his legs with a hum as he scrolls through his phone* oo~ I didn’t know this was happening today! *big smile* Boba Event time!~ After this last dance-
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[Artemis makes sure it’s a habit to read often so she drives off every day after work to a cliff, forest area and sits in her car and reads quietly.]
🏹: Man this princess could do better *shakes her head* like you have the hot, maid chick why do you need some guy princey for-
[Eros doesn’t have many hobbies because he doesn’t have the energy to do anything other then nap and work but when they do they like to sew for fun. Sometimes if they feel up to it they make Cupid’s concert outfits!]
❣️: *concentrated eyebrow furrow* Let’s see…pink vest…skirt… I think I have everything pieces out just need to sew them together~ *smiles* Cupid is gonna have the best stage outfits this year!~
[When not working or doing whatever bullshit he does Ares is constantly on his skateboard. He rollerblades too but Apollo won’t let him on those anymore. He skates for a couple hours every day and it just slowly became apart of his routine. Fun Fact: He has dislocated his wrist from falling off his skateboard along with breaking his ankle-]
🗡️: *lands a trick and screams* oh my OLYMPUS FOCKING YES! *happy Australian baby*
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[Hecate doesn’t tend to take a break when it comes to work, she loves what she does and makeup is a big part of what she enjoys to do. So everyday she searches for a silly makeup tutorial or a fun new makeup trend and does it with some music playing in the background. She gets easily overwhelmed at work so doing this in the comfort of her home makes her happy.]
🔮: *doing a little quiet dance and doing her makeup*
[Cupid’s daily tasks tend to be more normal considered tasks. Things like grocery shopping, getting the mail, etc. mean a lot more to him then other things. He’s constantly on tour so when he’s got a break he just likes go bare faces, freckles all out, baggy sweater and maybe some sweats or a skirt with her glasses on and she’s quietly doing some grocery shopping. She tends to get overwhelmed sometimes so he goes on days with less people.]
💘: *humming and looking through the beer* should I get a case of beer? *looks down at his phone fixing her glasses* I also need coffee creamer…
[It is a daily process and habit to be with Piper. Piper is able to shift and change into different snake breeds depending on Anubis’ mood and what he needs on that day. Bigger snake breed for better hugs and squeezes while small snake greeds when she is being carried outside for walks or daily need to dos.]
🐍: *in small snake form doing a wiggle dance in Anubis’ pocket*
⚰️: *humming softly putting on his mask ready to go out to get some take out and bandages*
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[Set doesn’t normally have a settled daily routine. He’s constantly walking around, hoping from place to place and never staying still. The one thing that’s an everyday or well night thing for him is working at a bar in the underworld, his work at the club in the human world is also daily but less consistent. He’s constantly hearing gossip and they’ve learned to flirt their way through getting extra tips along with free drinks.~]
🌪️: *shaking a drink in a cocktail shaker before pouring it into a glass* Order up!~ *grins, tail swishing as he takes another order*
[Hel’s mind is always running with new designs to put out on the run way or in stores so she tries to make it a habit of drawing out some sketches while she has her breakfast.]
🪦: *sketching out while eating some fruit salad* Hmmm~ I think this season some red should be in fashion, let me check~ *looks at her phone and starts scrolling*
[Even though they stream video games some times video games are something he plays off and on stream. They’re a big stress relief for her and she really loves playing them with his babies, he’s always always on some kind of console be it handheld or a game on his PC.]
🐍: *smiles, fangs out with a laugh* Butch is trying to show me where to go in game~ You silly Dane~ Come here~ *snaps and signals the Great Dane over* where’s LaLa? She better not being getting into trouble-
🐾: *happily runs over and hops onto her lap*
🐈: *meowing and lounging on the top of the couch*
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb​ [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac​ [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa​ [💚🐈 💍&& 💎☀️] @fantasydreamcb [🔪❤️‍🩹] @k-venturetime​ [🍓❣️] @multi-joong​ [🌧️🧡 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @domxbot @dawnswonderland-entertainment @beastfights-starting @starhunters-reign @divineblood-cb @urtwice @welcometosector1​ @lunaaofthemoon @littleboywooyoungie @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @3rachabot @san-cb @beaconhillsxbot @hoteldelluna-rp @league-of-assassins​ @dreampodcast @enhanced-cb @lostwoods-cb @boyzplanet @kimheebby @camboys-com @lavienrosecabaretxo @yandereskzcb @thedevoted-cb @rapperracha-cb @lucky-charmsanhwa @multeez-cb @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @crimson-l [DM + / -]
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papay0 · 3 years
I wanted to try podcasts bc everyone says they're cool but I can't,?? ?, mmm how do you guys pay attention when there's no visual example of whatever they're talking about????
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msloveisland · 5 years
everyone’s definitely entitled to their own opinions, no hate on that, not attacking anyone for their opinions, just my personal opinion on this view, but it always kind of rubbed me the wrong way seeing people dislike marisol for how she handled the rocco situation yet those same people either a) love and adore lottie and/or priya, b) are noah stans, or c) had their mc’s do a hell of a lot more than just flirt with someone behind their partners’ backs.
i’ll be the first to say that i absolutely love priya and would have instantly done her route had she been an li and still think she’d been a missed opportunity (alongside chelsea) but the whole operation nope thing had been super shady. she deviced an entire plan to “test the reality” of noah and hope’s relationship and it was all just an excuse to graft on noah without seeming like the bad guy. lottie i don’t like whatsoever and it’s not because i’m a gary stan but part of it being that she sticks her nose in everyone’s business, tries to stir the pot, and also made a huge deal about girl code yet kept the kiss between her and gary secret which makes her a huge hypocrite. they’re both two of the shadier girls on the island and yet they’re two of the most adored by the fandom for doing the things that marisol never actually did. and if mc is going down the noah route, she has to do some of the shadiest stuff just to be able to get him at the very end of the game. marisol never made a legitimate move on rocco until the kiss and tell challenge which, honestly, a lot of people used that challenge as an excuse to just kiss whoever they liked so it’s not like they were doing anything anyone else wasn’t.
yes, marisol should’ve just talked to gary and lottie about the fact that she was starting to get feelings for rocco but lottie would have made such a big deal out of the situation and blown it out of proportion even though it was pretty obvious she didn’t care about the guy that much and it would probably have been super awkward talking about that stuff to gary. i definitely think gary goes by unnoticed in the entire rocco situation which is really unfortunate because it all seemed to really effect him and i wish marisol had been more up front with him but i’m glad she didn’t just discard him. she definitely could have dealt with gary a lot worse and have really hurt him if she’d wanted to.
but all of that isn’t really much compared to the fact that mc is usually out there grafting hard behind everyone’s backs, especially if mc is going after gary and has to do all of her grafting during the rocco stuff. there’s a total of seven different times to be able to kiss gary, that including the kiss and tell challenge (both mc and gary’s questions plus the gem scene question), the gem scene by the fire pit, the gem scene at the gym after brunch, the conversation at the kitchen during priya and lottie’s argument, and the date before the recoupling. like, marisol only talked to a guy and didn’t do anything until a challenge and even then didn’t really do anything until after she’d spoken to lottie; mc is allowed to walk around grafting extra hard on other guys and it’s not a big deal.
also, i’m sorry, but the game is called love island, not friendship island. people sign up to find romance and sometimes that means some feelings will get hurt. marisol wasn’t “playing the game” in terms of trying to be in a good couple so that she can win the money, she was playing the game in terms of trying to find love. she had been in two unsuccessful couples and now this guy starts talking to her and she starts to see him in a different light and she’s beginning to be romantically attracted to him and it really shouldn’t be that scandalous. the only reason why it became such a big deal was because lottie was involved, whether it’s because she was butting her nose into mc’s business (if mc was coupled up with rocco at the time) or because she was miffed that rocco was “pie-ing her off” for marisol (even though she didn’t make her attraction to gary subtle and was holding onto the fact that she’d kissed him). they were only a few days in and everyone treated the situation like they were all in official couples and rocco and marisol were cheating on their partners when really they were just doing what the game was meant for (at least marisol was, rocco seems like he could have very well been “playing the game” than “playing” the game). should there have been more open communication? yes, of course. they’re all adults, they should’ve been able to have an open conversation about it. but does marisol trying to follow her heart (not to be corny) and needing to step over a few toes make her a villain? in my opinion, no. there are a lot worse things she could’ve done and she hadn’t done any of those.
like i said, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and you can like or dislike marisol for whatever reason you want, i just personally don’t like that some people dislike her for the rocco stuff and it’s usually hypocritical.
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96joy · 4 years
why is shipping to this hell country so expensive..........
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kissesofaprincess · 5 years
some bangs fell and tickled my forehead and I let out a:
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dykeravengard · 1 year
i understand that a lot of people are perfectionists, but if you want to start a journal/bujo and expect it to be perfectly organized and that you will remember to update it every day and that you will like everything about it from the get go you've already failed step one and it bothers me so much that people dont understand this...
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royalteath · 11 months
i found out which fic it was that got hidden when someone put it in their private archive and i am going to BITE this person how dare u hide the texts do not be selfish!!! I am going to gently BITE you release the texts!!! Share the wonder with the world u selfish fool!!!!!
in this person's defense Ig??? I think lots of ppl just aren't aware that when they add something to a private archive it hides the work from everyone (or maybe they thought this hiding was only a feature of collections and exchanges...??) but it is frustrating bc a lot of these authors aren't even active anymore so it's not like you can ask them to remove their works from the archive and unhide the work... pls private archive owners release the stories or i am going to have to eat through a wall recovering the texts (bc I Will i bookmarked that story for a Good Fucking Reason)
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cleansingreflections · 4 months
okay i have to revive this blog i guess. so here is my pinned:
this is a fandom blog, my personal sideblog is @dykeravengard
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neverlcnd · 5 years
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quise hacer mi comeback el mismo día que bangtan para ver si me vuelvo tan poderosa como ellos (? ah. holaaa, después de como mil falsas promesas ya pude volver por fin! terminé mi semestre de ocho meses mucho mejor de lo que creí, y ahora tengo dos (2) semanas de vacaciones y espero que un siguiente semestre más organizado para poder estar aquí. ya cambié mi theme y creo haber contactado a todos a quienes les debo algo. si te debo algo y no te escribí por ningún lado, es porque no lo tengo en ésta lista so por favor avísame si quieres continuar nuestro(s) threads! dicho ésto, mutuals, quiero rolear con ustedes, so tan pronto salga de las cosas que debo quizá me acerque a algunos de ustedes, jeje. los extrañé muuucho, y espero seguir desarrollando tramas bonitas. eso es todo, feliz semana!
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kingcrimsonremade · 8 years
I ogtta make our 2017 reading list fuck
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geeksthetics · 5 years
hey, you know, sometimes you just don’t like people and that’s okay, you don’t need x many reasons to defend your feelings, sometimes people just rub you the wrong way and that’s okay, it happens
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msloveisland · 5 years
season 2 mc was a doormat but only because she was forced into that role by the others. she was talked over, put down, and ignored basically the entirety of the game and the only people who were remotely nice to her were the newcomers who hadn’t been there since day one. i remember reading a post that basically said that chelsea had seen how poorly the other girls treated mc and had been the only one to legitimately befriend mc because she actually tried to talk to her and help her with problems rather than dump her problems onto mc like everyone else did, and, boy, if that ain’t true. for however nice mc is to the original girls and however good of a relationship she may have with them, they still dump their problems on mc and make her put their problems above her own (eg. operation nope, the lottie/rocco/marisol stuff, priya vs lottie, etc) and wave off any concerns she may have about anything and talk down to her (basically the entirety of casa amor, operation nope if you’re on the noah route, returning hannah if you’re on the gary route, etc).
season 1 mc was a bitch who could put her foot down and everyone respected that. season 2 mc was the nicest person on the island and nobody gave her the time of day.
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