#lalna rp
fluxedbuds · 6 months
I'm starting to think it's impossible to have a Yogs gimmick account without inevitably rping with anons. Putting chemicals in the water that make us play toys
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spacemanxephos · 10 months
Flower Crowns [Xephna]
Title: Flower Crowns
Pairing: Xephos and Lalna [Xephna]
Rating: General
Genre: Fluff
Words: 978
Warnings: None!
A/N: Consider this an early Crimbus present. *Please don’t reblog to kin/rp/introject blogs!* Also, this takes place pre-relationship during Moonquest :] (Crossposted on ao3)
Lalna had been puzzled when he returned from mining and Xephos hadn’t been in Baked Bean Fort. Considering the man was a workaholic who practically never left his work station, Lalna had reason to be slightly confused.
He’d immediately pulled out his communicator and turned on the mic. “Xeph’? You here? I just got back.”
It only took a few moments for Xephos to answer.
“Yes! I’m sorry, friend, I didn’t expect you to be back yet. I’m by the edge of that nice forested area, where we found the sheep, do you remember?”
Lalna nodded to himself. “Yeah, I think so. I’ll be there in just a second.”
Technically, it ended up taking him more than just a minute to get to Xephos. He panted slightly as he arrived, missing his flying armor. Even a faulty flying ring would be better than this, he thought grumpily.
When Lalna approached he found Xephos surrounded by wildflowers, sitting cross legged and weaving them together. He brightened as Lalna approached.
“Lalna! How was it?”
“Good, got some more aluminum,” he hummed, emphasizing the last word. “Would’ve been better if Honeydew hadn’t decided to faff around the whole time.” He complained, only half-serious.
Xephos sighed. “Is he still down there?”
“Yeah, he wanted to stay down there a bit longer. I think he said he’ll be back by morning.”
Xephos nodded contemplatively. “Alright. I suppose he’ll do better by himself when he doesn’t have anyone to fool around with.”
Lalna nodded in agreement, and observed closer what Xephos was doing. The wildflowers surrounding him were in sorted piles, and atop his head was a flower crown. Another was in his hand, apparently still in the process of being made.
“Flower crowns?” Lalna asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
Xephos nodded and averted his eyes, his cheeks glowing with embarrassment. “Yes, Honeydew taught me how to make them a while back. I didn’t realize I’d been out here so long, we can go back in and get started working-“
Lalna interrupted him. “No, no! It’s okay, I don’t care. Honeydew’s not here to berate us, let’s embrace it.” He grinned crookedly.
Xephos snorted slightly at that. Lalna crouched down next to Xephos, inspecting the one on his head. It was blue and white, made out of forget-me-nots and daisies. A few sprigs of baby’s breath had been delicately intertwined into the main chain.
“They look really nice,” he complimented.
Xephos brightened. “Thank you! I could teach you how to make them, if you’d like,” he offered.
Lalna shrugged. “Sure. Whatever to not have to go work on that bloody rocket,” he grumbled. Xephos laughed again and Lalna felt himself grin at the sound.
Xephos hummed and studied Lalna for a moment. “Now your eyes are that lovely blue-green color, so we ought to choose flowers with colors that make them pop,” He said decisively, rising to his feet and beginning to hunt for flora.
Lalna startled. “You- you think my eyes are lovely?”
“Of course I do, why wouldn’t I?” Xephos replied matter-of-factly, not even looking up. Lalna felt his cheeks heat up.
“Oh, er, thanks,” he rubbed the back of his neck bashfully.
Xephos continued on rambling cheerfully, climbing his way through the wildflowers. “Now, see, we need ones that are the opposite of green and blue. What’s the opposite of green?”
“Uh, purple?”
“Right, yes, what flowers are purple…” He trailed off.
Lalna watched Xephos quickly pick out the flowers. He returned with an armful of different flowers, still babbling to himself. “…And we also want ones that have longer stems, they’re easier to weave, as well.”
He sat back down next to Lalna. “Okay, so I chose daisies, because they usually work well, and I found these purple ones, as well. I’m not sure what they’re called, but-“
“Cosmos,” Lalna interrupted. “Those are called cosmos.”
“Cosmos! Cosmos, cosmos,” Xephos repeated to himself in that way that meant he was trying very hard to learn a new Minecraftian word.
“So, daisies, cosmos, and then baby’s breath. They’re nice for detailing. Now to weave them together…” Xephos began demonstrating the process, his thin fingers nimbly wrapping the stems around the others and creating a chain faster than Lalna could have imagined. Lalna picked up a few flowers and began clumsily trying to mimic the motion, but found himself more so enamored by Xephos’ air of quiet concentration. The gentle purse of the man’s lips and knitting of his brow was familiar, but less stressed than usual.
It only took a few minutes and Xephos had finished the chain, expertly tying it off and smiling satisfactorily.
“There! Simple enough,” he beamed, presenting the finished crown for Lalna to look at.
Lalna looked down at the mess of crumpled stems in his hands. “Er, yeah. Maybe you could go slower next time? I didn’t quite catch what you were doing,” he said.
Xephos flushed with embarrassment. “Oh, right. Sorry, I guess I got distracted.” He admitted.
“Well, no matter- here.” Xephos smiled and gently placed the crown on Lalna’s head. His hand brushed a piece of Lalna’s hair out of his eyes and Lalna felt his cheeks heat up again. They stared at each other for a moment. Xephos’ eyes were glowing brightly with delight. Lalna’s face burned further still.
“Thanks, Xeph’,” he finally managed to say, hoping the flush on his cheeks wasn’t as obvious as it felt.
Xephos beamed. “Of course, friend. Would you like to try again? I’ll help you step by step this time.”
Lalna nodded and relaxed his shoulders. “Sure.”
Xephos began making another chain, talking as he went through each step. But Lalna found himself unable to concentrate on the instructions no matter how he tried. He sighed, finally relaxed and rested his chin on his hand.
“Yes, Lalna?”
“I think your eyes are lovely too.”
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crookedcasket · 1 year
I'm currently in the process of reading through @rythiansuggestions blog (yes the whole thing)
I read through it way back when but they're super active still so there's plenty more to catch up on
And I'm so tempted to set up a suggestion blog
Imagine how fun it must be honestly to just rp like that, such skill and class
Anyway would anyone be interested? I'm thinking about using either an OC or just being another Lalna or something because why not
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autisticlalna · 2 years
the weird thing about finally writing work a miracle is, like,
sometime during 2015ish, maybe early 2016ish (kinda hard for me to pin down), a friend messaged me on skype and went "hey, these two guys remind me of our ocs" and sent me a link to the first episode of the apprentice. and we watched the apprentice together, and galacticraft, and sometime during flux buddies prime i started watching on my own and blitzing through it as fast as possible until i finally caught up and started watching episodes as they came out
i had a multimuse rp blog at the time that was just, like, whatever my current hyperfixation was. and so when i was still near the start of fbprime i threw nano on there and started rping with people that had minecraft or minecraft-adjacent settings (shoutouts to CG, little talks still makes me cry too), and in what was supposed to be a one-off thread i decided to rp lalna.
and then the multimuse multiverse rp blog switched to a flux buddies (and baddies) rp blog. and then gradually turned into a lalna rp blog.
and, at the same time i was doing rp stuff, i started writing fic.
my writing back then was Not Good. i was halfway through fbprime while fb2.0 was ongoing and working off incomplete theories and out of context spoilers. i was still finding a style, and my characterization had a lot of holes in it, but i spent a Lot of time just.. writing. building up this massive story in my head of "okay, here's the backstory, here's how i think things would go with my headcanons in play, here's some ocs supplied by my friends and some off-the-cuff shenanigans, here's some spontaneous rp plotlines that would be really interesting if i turned it into a whole fic somehow"
eventually i started having trouble maintaining the rp blog and would take long, unannounced hiatuses. usually because of mental health or because of a really disastrous event. i still drew stuff now and then, and tried writing stuff now and then, but eventually i came to terms with the fact that i just.. couldn't continue. and i gathered up everything i'd made over the years, sorted through it, and went "i'm going to make something out of this". and that became the foundation of work a miracle. it also became the foundation of solar's fic vindicate me!, which was inspired by how i write lalnable and five (as well as some events that happened on the rp blogs)
sometime in 2019, i started writing. it was supposed to be a super long multi-chapter fic spanning from the apprentice to the end of flux buddies prime. it was extremely rough, and i only completed 3 chapters and a bunch of scattered scenes before i dropped it. later that year, another major life upheaval hit and i tried to find something to anchor onto while i sorted myself out. that's when solar suggested a rp where we switched roles: i wrote kakujo, and they wrote the flux baddies. that's how we got the hec and jo show, and from there the wider idea of KJFB. a month later i surprised solar with a pmv, just goes to show that you never can tell.
(i wrote a sequel fic, double up!, which i ended up only sharing with solar until finally posting it years later. it was my first time writing lalna since abandoning the blog.)
and like.. for years, i kept wanting to pick that original fic idea back up and do something with it. i kept slowly refining it, i started doing shitpost ideas like the lalna chart and connected things like alpha-z, even dreamout is tied into the base idea behind work a miracle. i started an animation meme that i'm still working on, i've talked to solar and co about my ideas for the flux buddies in spau (which is why there's a shadow on the lalna chart), i have fic titles and bullet-point outlines and everything except the actual fic.
and then at the start of this year, while sick and exhausted and generally having a bad time physically and mentally, i started writing. and now i have 2 chapters written of the first Work A Miracle fic, Surviving Your Apprenticeship, a 5-Step Guide.
i guess what i'm getting at is that it's really weird that i'm finally writing what is essentially a rewrite of some fics i wrote when i was 19 and also is the culmination of like 8 years of coming back to an idea again and again and again from different angles and in different forms and hoping this one'll stick
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liuidcoffee · 2 years
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it's for your own good.
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cyanidas · 5 years
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I always thought that scene in FB was kinda super unsettling.
Imagine that dropping horror sensation when you realize a murderous stranger was in your bed. with your hair. watching you sleep. smiling.
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darkdollyumi · 4 years
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h- hello? is someone there?
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mallowbees · 2 years
i think docm and lalna would threaten each other with increasingly ridiculous machines of mass destrcution
I was gonna respond to this with a doodle but just. God they would. They so would. Having those two together on a server would be such a hazard to anyone in the area. Like. They're like a metal ball being swirled around and gathering velocity until it flies out the cup. The combination of Duncan's modded stuff and Doc's just straight up Game Breaking held up by the rp stuff where it applies? Absolutley terrifying and sounds So fun thank you
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For all the three ppl who follow the blackrock prince au fics, I'm thinking of adding another chapter to the second fic today but depending on how far into it I get I might just make a third fic.
For anyone in the tags who hasn't seen it because Tumblr hates links: blackrock prince is my self indulgent au where ranboo was created through magic by rythian and raised by him and Zoey, and then transported to the dsmp at a young age, losing his memory in the process. All of this is /RP, I do not write fic about real people.
Come on down to blackrock prince au we got (again, /RP)
Domestic zoethian
benchtrio family living in the snowchester mansion
dream canonically dying by ranboo's hand
Michael's first word (kinda)
Ridgedog as tekkit god
Ridge and dreamxd having God Beef™
(planned) Lalna being the cartoon villain he is
A dinosaur with a gun
Rythian touching some grass and having emotions for once in his life
And more!!
Check the pinned post on my blog for more info!
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gronglegrowth · 3 years
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Icky Pocket Edition screenshots sorry but here's my rendition of Lalna's castle. It's, heavily modified as I built it in an rp world and was mostly going off memory and not anything official, but I think I did alright for what it is.
Texture Pack is John Smith Legacy.
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fluxedbuds · 4 years
that thumbnail of them holding hands is the funniest fuckin thing to me because of a long-running theme in my friend group of people just. holding lalna’s hand unprompted? i never requested it, he never requested it, people just see this guy and are like ‘yeah. he needs his hand held.’ and theyre Right
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radioactive-mouse · 4 years
how much i trust you based on your favorite yogscast character
xephos: you’re either a very tired mlm who feels a lot of things about the tekkit era or you’ve only watched yoglabs but somehow construct incredibly elaborate red string conspiracies. 6/10.
honeydew: okay we all love honeydew but if he’s your FAVORITE? i would take a bullet for you. you’re either very wholesome or you’re a little goblin. also you’re probably not cis. you really like shadow of israphel and will always be just a little bit bitter it never got a proper ending. 10/10.
lalna: you could probably write a thesis about why he is the way that he is and have an incredibly specific and elaborate timeline for how and when you think the lalna clones happened. you’re either very beholden to canon or you throw canon out the window to do whatever you want. you either write him as an incredibly complex and flawed but redeemable character, a sweet innocent cinnamon roll, or evil and fucked up with no remorse. either -5/10 or 15/10 with absolutely no inbetween.
sjin: you’ve (hopefully) completely reclaimed him from the irl man and taken him as your own. you either binged all of sipsco and think about it a lot or you watched the red matter incident and immediately decided that he was your favorite. 4/10 but don’t take it personally.
sips: your feelings on him are some mix of “sips is an asshole but for very specific reasons that you can read about in my 10k words character study” and “sips is such a bitch and i like him so much” but either way you probably really like sjips or if you’re real deep into the character analysis side you like sipsphos. 7/10 i think you’re hilarious.
rythian: i do not blame you. you really like his voice and every time he speaks swedish you lose your goddamn mind. you SOBBED over blackrock. you either like rythna or you’re not big on shipping and crave platonic content with him and zoey. you like Lore and Story and miss the rp days more than anyone else here. also you probably watch a lot of ttt now. 9/10.
zoey: i fucking love you. 1000/10.
nano: the flux buddies ending made you cry and you’re also probably not super big on shipping. you think lalna’s really fucking stupid and like him anyway. you remember too many dumb gags from flux buddies to the point where someone says something even slightly adjacent and the entire series flashes before your eyes. 11/10
strife: this is just the same thing as sips except you check the blood and chaos tag a thousand times a day because you’re so starved for content. you probably have college xephos and strife lore that you can never explain to anyone else and the brief bits of blood and chaos where strife is being silly or planting sunflowers make you emotional or incredibly happy. 8/10 please talk to me.
parvis: you’re gay and chaotic and probably some kind of alt. you’re either here for laughs and fluffy parvill or you’re kind of an edgelord and need to calm down. 6.5/10 i am afraid of you.
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spacemanxephos · 8 months
Fluff-uary 2: Being Silly
Title: N/A
Pairing: Xephos and Lalna [Xephna]
Rating: General
Genre: Fluff
Words: 270
Warnings: None
A/N: This didn’t quite end up fitting the prompt but I still like it. *Please don't reblog to kin/rp/ introject blogs!* This takes place pre-relationship during Jaffa Factory :] Link to prompt list
“Hey, Xeph~” Lalna greeted as Xephos picked up his communicator.
“What did you do?” Xephos sighed into his communicator. Lalna sputtered on the other side of the line.
“How do you know I did anything?” Lalna replied defensively.
“Because you only ever say ‘Hey, Xeph’’ like that when you’re about to be in trouble. Now what did you do?” Xephos deadpanned again.
Lalna sputtered for a few moments more before a crash sounded from the other side of the line. Xephos raised an eyebrow at the noise.
“Okay, so do you remember that machine I was working on?” Lalna started very quickly.
Xephos tilted his head and squinted as he thought back. “The one with the silly little face on it?”
“Yes, that one! It may have-“ Another crash. “-Gone a bit rogue?” Lalna squeaked.
“‘Gone a bit rogue?’” Xephos repeated charily as he narrowed his eyes.
“Don’t say it like that! It just-“ Another crash and a very loud robotic screaming sound echoed through the speaker. “Just come and help me!” Lalna yelped.
Xephos took a deep breath through his nose, dreading the mess ahead. A headache was already forming in his temple. “Yes, yes, fine. Where are you?”
“In my castle. In the broom closet upstairs.”
“‘In the broom closet-‘“ Xephos closed his eyes and shook his head. It wasn’t worth it to ask. “Alright, I’ll be there in a moment, friend.”
“Thank you,” Lalna squeaked again and the line clicked off. Xephos stared at his communicator for another moment before letting out an exasperated laugh. The situations Lalna managed to get himself into never ceased to surprise him.
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List of Sign-offs for our #thoughts (plus individual blogs)
Most Common Fronters:
😇 - Floyd (main: @waywardangelcore // suggestion/rp/ask: @floydlesuggestions)
🚀 - Xephos (main: @x3ph0s // suggestion/rp/ask: @xephossuggestions)
🧪 - Lalna (@lalna-core)
🍃 - Reid (@reidreed)
😡 - Reese (@r33se)
🍉 - Tommy/Theseus (@innit-core)
🐝 - Tubbo (@ram-tubbo)
🧼 - Adrien
⚔️ - Aegeus
💕 - Aiden
🤙 - Alex
☀️ - Augustus
🧁 - BadBoyHalo
🌿 - Basil
🫐 - Bdubs
💙 - Blue
🔵 - Blue2
😨 - Bo
🪴 - Casper
👓 - Clem
🍀 - Clover
🧒 - Connor
🦋 - Coraline
😕 - Depression
😬 - Devin
⚪️ - Dream (Blob) (@dreams-core)
🟢 - Dream (Human) (@dreams-core)
🦖 - Eli
🌸 - Ella
💊 - Eric/SQUIP (@eric-the-squip)
📺 - Err0r
🚊 - Ethan
🐟 - Evan
N/A - Ezra
☁️ - Felix
N/A - Finn
👼- Floyd (Hermit)
🦊 - Fundy
👻 - Ghost
🦜 - Grian (main: @griancore // suggestion/rp/ask: @grian-suggestions)
🪄 - Harry
🧡 - Honeydew (@honeydewyeayea)
🧚 - Iris
💣 - J.D. (@jd-core)
🐬 - Jeremy (@jeremy-h33re)
🧢 - Jonathan/Schlatt
🎀 - Laila
💉 - Lalnable (@lalnable-core)
💚 - Liam (@lima-bean-liam)
👹 - Lilith (main: @lilith-of-the-nether // suggestion/ask/rp: @lilith-suggestions)
🌺 - Lily
⭐️ - Linus
🍎 - Lucas
💫 - Luke (@lukeskywalker-core)
🪶 - Lumin/Cyprus
🌙 - Luna
🌪 - Mania
👗 - Maria
❗️ - Mark
🌱 - Martyn
👛 - Mary
📜 - Mnemoria (main: @mnemoria // suggestion/ask/rp: @mnemoriasuggestions)
🌚 - Moon
🕌 - Moses (@mosesofegypt)
🔴 - Mumbo Jumbo
📻 - MusicBox
🦎 - Newt
⚫️ - Nightmare
N/A - Noah
🌊 - Pearl (@iridescent-pearls)
💦 - Percy
🐢 - Philza (@philza-core)
🦆 - Quackity
💧 - Rain
📓 - Ranboo (@enderdays)
🧊 - Rhode
🌻 - Rory
🌹 - Rose
🔎 - Ryan
🐏 - Schlatt (@sinfulschlatt)
😍 - Selene
🧜🏻‍♀️ - Serena
🌤 - Shane
👟 - Shiloh
📦 - Sips
🥕 - Sjin (@sjinterella)
💎 - Skeppy (@skeppy-core)
🍏 - Slimecicle
🎧 - Taurtis
N/A - Traumacore (@tr4umacore)
🐷 - Technoblade (@technothegod)
⬛️ - The Darkness
🌟 - The Doctor (Ten) (@timelordsinatardis)
🌌 - The Doctor (Eleven) (@timelordsinatardis)
⚡️ - The Flash
🐺 - The Magician
📕 - The Narrator
N/A - Venice
🔷 - Veronica/Ronnie/V
🌀 - Vertigo
💜 - Violet
💀 - Wednesday
🖋 - Wilbur
🦕 - Will
🖤 - Winona
N/A - Worker
❎ - X/Xisuma
🎩 - Yakko
🥼 - Yoglabs!Xephos
Below is a list of possible alters and their sign offs, although we are unsure they are real or just figments of our imagination/ocs/rp characters we are very in-tune with:
⛈ - Kirin (@kirinsuggestions)
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autisticlalna · 6 years
i should explain who atomic Is seeing as i have followers that dont know me personally now but im tired so heres his blog @atomiclalna
...or well it wont let me directly @ him for some reason. F
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liuidcoffee · 2 years
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autism sit
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