#lancer argalia
hippogriff · 2 years
Astolfo Fun Facts! ✨
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Any Servant (such as a Ruler-class) who can see the statistics of other Servants will notice that Astolfo's profile has been heavily edited. He has access to powerful magic through his Noble Phantasm "Casseur de Logistille: Destruction Declaration," which allows him to perform feats of magecraft. Rather than using this to his tactical advantage, he instead graffitied his statblock with rambling remarks and doodles. He also covered his gender, preferring to let people guess for themselves on that matter.
Astolfo has great respect for King Charlemagne and considers himself a knight in "Charlie's" service above all else, even his existence as a Heroic Spirit. Nevertheless, they have a uniquely terrible sort of chemistry wherein they bring out the worst in each other: If left unsupervised, they will undoubtedly get up to mischief. Although Charlemagne considers Astolfo an idiot (in the gentlest and most affectionate usage of the term), Astolfo is shockingly adept at convincing his King to do stupid, dangerous, and otherwise fool-hardly things, purely for his own amusement. It's for the best that eleven other paladins were present to dilute their chaotic behavior.
Speaking of other paladins, Astolfo is biologically related to two of them: Bradamante and Roland. His hippogriff originally belonged to Bradamante, one of his cousins. He found himself in need of flight during his journey, so they traded with one another; Bradamante received Rabicano, his magical horse made of hurricane and flame, and his enchanted lance, Argalia. Because his most famous adventure involved flying to the moon while hitched to the aforementioned hippogriff, the Throne of Heroes recorded it as his possession, and determined his class to be Rider. Bradamante, in turn, was recorded as a Lancer. She does not seem overly thrilled about this. If Bradamante were to be summoned as a Rider, she would also have ownership of the hippogriff, but Astolfo seems incompatible with the Lancer class (though his primary weapon is indeed a lance).
Astolfo's relationship with his cousin Roland is unusual. Though he proudly wears the ribbons Roland gave to him in life, he also accuses his fellow paladin of being an out-of-control pervert with a number of alarming fetishes. He seems almost in awe of Roland's degeneracy. Roland, in turn, speaks to Astolfo like he's a child. One could say they're more like brothers engaged in sibling rivalry than cousins.
In Fate/Grand Order, Astolfo is classified as a genderless Servant. He is immune to skills, Charm spells, and Noble Phantasms that target men and/or women specifically. He does, however, have the "Appears Feminine" trait, so Blackbeard's Gentlemen's Love skill will restore his HP. This is the only skill in the game that impacts Servants with the "Appears Feminine" trait.
Astolfo's first major story appearance in Fate/Grand Order is during Subsingularity II: Agartha. He and D'eon are guest Servants during this chapter; however, they leyshifted into the singularity by bribing a certain staff member and are not rogue Servants confined to the singularity. In short, this means that both Astolfo and D'eon are canonically present within Chaldea during Fate/Grand Order.
[FATE/APOCRYPHA SPOILERS] Though Astolfo and his Master did not win the war for the Greater Grail in Fate/Apocrypha, they both survived the conflict. Sieg's transformation into Fafnir also turned him into a limitless font of mana. Despite being separated by different planes of reality, Sieg's mana still reached Astolfo through the veil, making him effectively immortal. He chose to take advantage of this for a time and went on a plethora of adventures, just as he did in life. Some of his journeys are recorded in the short story Fate/Apocrypha: Story of Survivor (which has not been translated into English). During this time, he visited with some of the other surviving Masters, tried and failed to reach Sieg on the Reverse Side of the World, and researched how Ruler Amakusa was able to summon Assassin Semiramis. Once he was satisfied with what he'd learned, he released himself from his Contract with Sieg to await another summoning.
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estoult · 2 years
Lancer Argalia fanservant info
I've been working on a fanservant concept for a while, the basic concept is that it's Argalia and Angelica from Orlando innamorato/Orlando Furioso fused together into a single servant. Full details (skills, bio, my room lines) below the readmore!
Class Skills:
Magic Resistance A
Riding B
Presence Concealment C+
Personal Skills:
Cancellation of Magic A
Enchanted Armor B
Looks of Loveliness A
Noble Phantasms:
Trap of Argalia D
Angelica Cathay C
Default: The prince of Cathay, a deceptive knight who disguised himself as Uberto de Leon to try and kidnap the Paladins of Charlemagne. He died while protecting his sister from the knight Ferrau, losing both his armor and lance in the process.
Bond 1:
Height/Weight: 158cm,54kg
Origin: Legend of Charlemagne
Region: Western Europe
Alignment: True Neutral
Gender: Male & Female. As Argalia is both himself and his sister at the same time, a precise gender cannot be determined.
Bond 2: Argalia's sister was a princess of Cathay known for her great beauty, which caused nearly every single person she met to become infatuated with her and pursue her. This was incredibly detrimental for her, and she was often forced to flee to escape their advances while making her way home. She encountered many noble knights that helped her during her travels, such as the Paladins Astolfo, Bradamante, and Roland. Once she met the wounded soldier Medoro and fell in love with him, the two of them escaped from the story together and faded away into obscurity away from the reaches of the narrative. It is for this reason that she has chosen not to reveal her name and has given her Spirit Origin to be part of Argalia instead of being summoned on her own.
Bond 3: Although she was often pursued throughout her life, Argalia's sister also once chased after an object of affection. This was the knight Rinaldo, as she found him to be irresistible after drinking from a magical stream of love. Rinaldo however had taken a drink from a magical fountain that Merlin had enchanted, causing him to feel a great distaste towards her until the effects of the water they both drank had worn off. She holds a great deal of resentment for this time, wishing that she had simply gone home instead of foolishly chasing after this man that she would hate as soon as the water's effects wore off.
Bond 4: 『Angelica Cathay』
Rank: C
NP Type: Anti-personnel/Anti-Boundary
Range: 1-10
Maximum Targets: 30
A ring belonging to Argalia's sister. By equipping this ring, the wearer can free themself from any magical effect and become invisible to hide from pursuers. This grants Argalia her Magic Resistance, Cancellation of Magic, and Presence Concealment abilities. When taken off, the ring will create a dispelling effect that removes any magical effects within range. This cannot be targeted, so Argalia must be careful not to catch any helpful magic in its radius. The Paladin Bradamante also holds a copy of this ring, having taken it after Argalia's sister lost it in the past. Thankfully, the ring made its way back into her hands through a mistake by the knight Ruggiero.
Bond 5: 『Trap of Argalia』
Rank: D
NP Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 2-4
Maximum Targets: 1
A magical lance that Argalia used to cheat at jousting tournaments to try and defeat the Paladins of Charlemagne. It possesses no special killing power, but instead causes the target to "fall down" whenever they are struck. It was stolen by the Paladin Astolfo while Argalia fled from Ferrau, but Argalia says she personally doesn't mind much as long as it's Astolfo using it.
Enchanted Armor: B Argalia's magical armor that grants him complete invulnerability whenever it is struck. However, unlike the Diamond Body skill possessed by Roland and Ferrau, he has multiple weakpoints where the armor does not completely cover him.
Once Argalia had died, Ferrau took his helmet and swore to return it in four days. When Ferrau had lost the helmet in a stream and thus could not return it, Argalia's ghost showed up to reprimand him (which somehow turned into Ferrau swearing to only wear Roland's helmet from then on.)
Bond 1: Why hello there, Master~ I must say, you truly are a genius with your commands out in the field. This will be the start of a great partnership, so be sure to treat me with care~
Bond 2: Say, Master, have I ever told you how truly exceptional you are? With our bonds deepening, I'm sure that you feel the same way about me. Since everything is going well thanks to your excellent guidance, I'm sure you could give me a bit of vacation time, right~?
Bond 3: Ah, Angelica… I never knew you held this much pain. If only I could have protected you from them. ...I didn’t see you there, Master. Don't you dare speak a word of this to anyone else.
Bond 4: Thank you for your kindness and consideration towards me, Master. I’m placing my trust in you, so please don’t break it.
Bond 5: I will be honest with you, Master. I thought at first that you were just another of those fiends that only wanted to use me, but now I can see that you're more principled than that. I have not been entirely honest with you in the past, but... I would like to change that.
Dialogue 1: Master, have you ever tried jousting? If anyone challenges you to a jousting match, use my lance. …That would be cheating, you say? Yes, that's the point.
Dialogue 2: Master~ Have you seen my helmet anywhere? No? Ah, well... Keep an eye out. I want to make sure that the thief is properly dealt with.
Dialogue 3: Do you ever remember someone and realize that you’ll never see him again? Well, there’s always a chance… but considering the nature of my summoning, it’s unlikely he’d show up. That’s probably for the best, even if it means I miss him.
If Charlemagne has been summoned: Ah, Charlemagne. I would have gotten away with my plans if it wasn’t for that damnable Ferrau getting in the way. Just you wait, I’ll find a way to end you and your court.
If Roland (Saber) has been summoned: Oh Roland, are you done with that? Good boy, now run along and do the rest of your tasks. Remember, I’ll give you a kiss once you’re done with everything~
If Astolfo (Rider) or Astolfo (Saber) has been summoned: Astolfo, hello! Finally a friendly face, it’s so good to see you again! I absolutely love your outfit, would you like to stay in here and talk for a bit?
If Bradamante has been summoned: Ah, Bradamante! Come and have some tea, it has been too long since we last met! ...What's that? You're still looking for that Ruggiero of yours? I'll give you a word of advice, then. Make sure that your beloved stays far away from me.
If Cú Alter has been summoned: Ahhh! There’s a sea monster here! Sorry Master, but this ring can only hide one person and I’m saving myself.
If any summer servant has been summoned: I see other Heroic Spirits around that speak about fun at the beach. I simply can’t understand why… Tell me, do the beachside sea monsters still exist in this age?
Something you like: Things that I like… I love fountains, they help me calm me down. That, and the soothing noise from the white noise generator in my ear. Say, Master~ Would you care to take me to a fountain sometime?
Something you dislike: What do I dislike? I cannot stand anyone who either can’t take no for an answer. What's even worse are the cowards who don't even let the other person disagree. I hope they all burn.
About the Holy Grail: If I had the Holy Grail? I would use it to completely destroy everyone who dared to pursue and hurt me before they even had the chance to try. The fact that this includes that loathsome Ferrau is just a bonus on top.
Birthday: Happy birthday, Master. I know you have responsibilities now, but I pray that you will have the opportunity to live a long, uneventful life someday. Until then, let’s celebrate the life you have now.
Below is some dialogue related to other fanservants.
If Roland (Assassin) has been summoned: They call you Roland, but to me you are wholly unfamiliar. What's that? You say you've also known an Argalia who looked completely different? "The Blue Sicko"? No, I've never heard the name before.
If Ruggiero has been summoned: There’s that bastard Ruggiero. Master, I’m going to give her a thrashing, so stand out of the way. …What do you mean I shouldn’t do that in here?! You can worry about collateral damage later!
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kurozu501 · 6 years
holdharmonysacred replied to your post “good things about bradamante: she calls astolfo “a-chan”,...”
I'm not sure why she doesn't have Trap of Argalia besides "she doesn't know it's magic", but I can answer the class part at least - her NP in this form is actually her shield, and she would probably be a Shielder instead were it not for the fact that she primarily fights with lances and spears (as opposed to our old friend Mash just bashing people with her shield).
yes, but a lancer who doesn’t have a lance and whose ultimate weapon is a shield is just a shielder the devs were too cowardly to implement. 
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satoshi-mochida · 7 years
Marvelous has released three more short gameplay videos of Fate/Extella Link featuring playable Servants Tamamo no Mae, Elizabeth Bathory, and Li Shuwen, as well as information and screenshots on the game’s new action system.
Get the details below.
■ Story
—Nero and Tamamo no Mae, who fought in the previous game. This time, they seem to be fighting while still having a friendly relationship.
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—Charlemagne’s pure language seems to have even unexpectedly satsified Her Majesty the Empress.
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—Drake was the first Servant players fought in Fate/Extra. It seems she will once again stand in your way as an enemy. What are her true intentions?
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—Karna, who was supposed to be a vassal of Tamamo no Mae, invades Rome! Why does he call himself the “Hero of Charity”?
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—Astolfo was once one of the Twelve Paladins that served Charlemagne. Does Charlemagne have a great deal of trust in him…?
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—Scathach and Cu Chulainn have a student-teacher relationship. It seems that they are confronting each other, but what exactly happened?
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—In the Moon World, the population is gradually increasing, including immigration from earth and the like in addition to AI. Will the day come that Gawain finally meets the Master he has been waiting for?
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■ System
◆ New Action System
Active Skills: Freely Unleash Various Skills
“Active Skill” is a new action that lets you use powerful attacks and ability strengthening. Set Active Skills in the skill slots ahead of time to trigger them at any time during battle. However, once an Active Skill has been activated, it will take some time to activat it again. Active Skills are acquired as Servants level up.
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A maximum of four Active Skills can be set. In addition to various effects such as attacking and recovery, there are also class specializations. For example, Sabers specialize in close-range attack skills.
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Class specializations include:
Saber: Strengthens “Close-Range Attack Skills”
Lancer: Strengthens “Rush Attack Skills”
Rider: Strengthens “Rush Attack Skills”
Berserker: Strengthens “Vicinity Attack Skills”
Archer: Strengthens “Long-Range Attack Skills”
Caster: Strengthens “Firing Attack Skills”
Assassin: Strengthens “Close-Range Attack Skills”
Ruler: Strengthens “Vicinity Attack Skills”
Here are some of the skills that Servants can use:
—Strengthen Skill: “Pseudo Hero Sycophancy” – Summons the “Radiant Swords,” incarnations of the Twelve Paladins, to the back for a fixed period of time. The Radiant Swords will automatically attack in combination with standard attacks.
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—Close-Range Attack Skill: “Lumiere Du Soleil” – Collects and condenses the power of the five major elements to “Joyeuse” and unleashes a full-power mow-down attack.
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—Crowd Control Skill: “Trap of Argalia” – Mows down enemies with a “Golden Lance.” It turns the legs of the enemies it hits incorporeal and stuns them.
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—Counter Skill: “Luna Break Manual” – An attack that wraps pieces of the “Luna Break Manual” around the user for a fixed period of time. While it is active, it negates incoming attacks while unleashing powerful counter attacks.
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—Vicinity Attack Skill: “Golden Anchor” – Summons three anchors from the sky that drop down on enemies.
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—Close-Range Attack Skill: “Dance Macabre” – A wild dance attack that slashes enemies with a Cutlass while moving forward.
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—Crowd Control Skill: “Sewing Thorns of Divine Death” – Throws the user’s spear forward, which splits and extends. It sews the enemies it hits to space and stuns them.
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—Vicinity Attack Skill: “Ultimate Rune: Fire” – Uses the Ultimate Rune to generate three pillars of fire in front of the user.
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—Close-Range Attack Skill: “Fevens Ardeo” – The user leaps from the spot where it is activated and strikes the ground with a sword to cause an explosion.
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—Recovery Skill: “Sunshower” – Generates a recovery field with the user at the center. The HP of allies in the field will gradually recover.
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—Close-Range Attack Skill: “Extra Link” – A powerful, three-strike attack that projects and switches between the three swords “Durandal,” “Joyeuse,” and “Ultimate Flame” one after the other.
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Rush: Hit the Enemy with a Final Blow
You can weaken enemy Servants by hitting them with consecutive attacks and Active Skills. When they are in that state, use the Active Skills that the class of the player-controlled character specializes in on the opponent to activate a “Rush”!
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Not only can you hit the enemy with major damage through consecutive attacks, either one of the two power-up items “Attack Power-Up Item” or “Attack Speed-Up Item” will definitely drop, allowing you to continue the battle with an advantage.
Fate/Extella Link is due out for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita in Japan on June 7.
Watch the footage below. View the screenshots at the gallery.
Tamamo no Mae
Elizabeth Bathory
Li Shuwen
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kurozu501 · 6 years
good things about bradamante:
she calls astolfo “a-chan”, pronounced “ah-chan” and i love that. 
she really looks up to the king arthur, the knights of the round, and merlin especially and its cute.
she also has a lot of appreciation for hektor, calling him the ancestor of her and ruggiero
she mentions ruggiero a lot, even mentioning in her final bond level that she remains the same person who wants to see him, so it seems despite the ridiculous fanservice they aren’t throwing aside her canon relationship to make her available to the player. its kind of like a worse version of tomoe, but at least its there. 
she makes reference to other adventures, like getting her shield np from an evil mage after merlin purified it, and getting a ring np from a certain princess. i like when fate makes offhand references like that, it makes me want to check out the myth’s source material. 
bad things about bradamante:
everything else
no but seriously putting aside the fanservice, the ridiculous high pitched child voice, and terrible generic sexy light novel heroine design…
her line with astolfo has her saying the hippogriff belongs to her? and later she says she could be summoned as a rider and use it? but wikipedia mentions astolfo loaned her his fire horse so why doesn’t she ever mention that?
“i’ve been summoned as a lancer but the truth is that i don’t have a noble phantasm related to a spear, forgive me!” what. didn’t astolfo loan you the trap of argalia? shouldn’t you have that? why were you summoned as a lancer if you don’t have the lance he gave you?? 
“i know my outfit is skimpy, revealing, and unsuited for combat but don’t worry my body is protected by ~magic power~.” jfc. this trope needs to die. can she just have proper armor ffs.
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