#langa starts to buy him dresses after this :)
le0watch · 3 years
reki grins at himself in the mirror, smoothing out the crinkles in his dress, before reaching for his nearby brush. he doesn't usually do much to his hair, and he's not about to now, but he does run the brush through his red hair a few times, anyway. he doesn't brush it often because brushes hurt and usually gets stuck in his unruly hair, making it a horribly painful experience.
but, he does get his hair to smooth back a little. once finished, he steps back to get a good look at himself, taking in the red and gold dress he'd chosen for today. he does a small twirl, and giggles to himself. then, he heads into the living room, ready to show his sisters some more skateboarding tricks.
he doesn't wear dresses often. when he does, it's onl in the safety of his home. the one he's wearing now is a short sun dress, since it was a tad warmer today, with spaghetti straps that reki would totally get made of wearing outside of home. his mom and sisters never make fun of him, instead complimenting and supporting his dress choices. his mom sometimes even buys him new dresses when she sees one she thinks he'll like, which he appreciates immensely.
this dress was mainly red, with a few, swirling lines of gold and yellow in the chest area. this has to be one of his favorites, and his sisters agree with him.
"i love that dress on you, onichan!" the twins exclaimed in unison, to which kiyoko hums begrudging agreement.
"thanks, you two," reki said with a slight laugh. he then guides them outside, grabbing the small boards he'd made for them to learn on.
they all laugh as reki continues their lessons, the twins only falling off of the boards a few times throughout it. theyre an hour in when kiyoko seems to spot something behind reki, a grin breaking across her face.
"langa-kun!" kiyoko exclaimed, and reki jolts to a stop, his heart stuttering. he suddenly can't breathe, his entire face bursting into heat.
langa was here? why was langa here?! he said he had to help his mom today!
and he's not supposed to see reki in a dress! thats emberassing!
"hello," langa said in greeting, and reki could already hear the smile in his voice. he hasn't turned around yet, because maybe, if reki doesn't see him, langa won't be able to his dress. but then he feels the blue eyed gaze on his back, and he knows he's been caught. "oh, reki-"
reki darts to the house, shouting incomprehensible phrases behind him, along lines of, "be right back!" "left the oven on!" and "need to change!"
as soon as he's in the safety of his room, he collapses to his knees, face still burning with his embarrassment. he grabs fistfuls of the dress at the bottom, swallowing heavily against the clump in his throat. langa had definitely seen him. how could he not have? reki was wearing his brightest dress today, and he was in a dress, how could anyone miss that! a guy in a dress- langa was probably going to make fun of him to no end after this.
he sighs heavily, running a hand through his hair. who was he kidding? langa wouldn't make fun of him, the guy was too nice for that. but that doesn't mean he wouldn't throw weird looks reki's way, his eyes confused and his eyebrows tightly knitted together. he wouldn't say anything, but he would definitely think of how weird reki was.
because what man wears dresses? even if they are extremely comfortable, pretty and make him feel good while wearing them.
there's a knock on his door, and his body stiffens. "reki? why'd you run off?" langa's voice filters through the door, uncertainty lacing his tone. "are you mad at me again?"
reki swallows thickly, guilt setting over him. of course langa would take his fleeing badly- he'd already ran away from langa once before with no explination. to langa, this could be exactly the same.
"no, no!" reki shouted back, emberessmant and guilt mixing into an uncomfortable feeling in his gut. which shouldn't be happening, since seeing langa and wearing dresses always made him extremely comfortable. he lets out another sigh, and steels himself. he can't run away from this conversation. "you uh.... you saw what i was wearing, didn't you?"
silence follows his words, and he's about ready to rip his own hair out. of course langa had seen! he was probably judging reki to no end!
"uh, yeah?" langa replied, and he still sounds extremely confused. "a pretty dress, right?"
reki blinks at his response, only growing confused as well, now. why did langa sound like that? he didn't sound disgusted or uncomfortable, just confused. he pushes to his feet, and slowly slides his door open to a crack.
langa is on the other side, and as soon as he sees reki again, his eyes look the redhead from head to toe, a slight blush hiding just beneath his bangs. was he embarrassed for reki? no, that doesn't sound right... he seems to have... enjoyment, in his gaze? was he enjoying seeing reki dressed like this?
"pretty?" reki repeated, dumbly. langa stares at him for a moment longer, his blush deepening. reki wasn't used to langa being the flustered on- langa was always making reki flustered, not the other way around. was it the dress? reki grabs one of the edges of his dress, shifting it a little.
langa nods shyly, his fingers twitching from their places at his sides. "y- yeah," he stammered, and his blush is covering his cheeks now. "and i... i think you look.... really pretty in it, too."
it's reki's turn to blush now, his face turning a deep crimson. both of his hands fly to his face to hide it, flustered. "th- thank you..." he muttered, looking down at the floor.
"yeah.. i didn't know you liked to wear dresses," langa said, and reki lets him come into his room. he goes straight to the bed, sitting on the edge. he watches reki move around the room, before deciding to sit on the desk chair. he keeps his legs crossed, dress falling over his knees. langa is looking at him with adoration in his gaze, completely in love. "you look... really good in one."
reki's blush deepens even worse, and he ducks his head. "we- well, thats because most people find it weird," he replied shyly, twisting the fabric of his dress with his nerves. "i only wear them at home because of that."
"does anyone make fun of you?" langa asked, his gaze darkening into one of anger. reki's eyes widen.
"i- i mean when i first started the- they did," he answered hesitantly, tugging at the fabric now. this look on langa's face always... does something to reki. he's not entirely sure what, but he usually only has that expression solely for reki, when he thinks someone is hurting or being rude to him. it must be that it makes reki feel special, feel protected. no ones really wanted to protect him before, after all. "but since i only wear th-them at home now, they don't really know..."
langa frowns at him, eyebrows furrowing. "but you look so good," he said, as if it was the simplest thing in the world. reki's breath stutters in his chest, and he wets his lips nervously. langa was always laying the praise on, and he was horrible at accepting. "if you want to wear them more in public, i'll make sure they leave you alone." he smiles warmly at reki, and suddenly reki can't breathe again. "i'll protect you."
and that's how reki starts wearing dresses when they go skateboarding together, fear of judgement thrown to the wind. with langa beside him, he could do anything, including wearing dresses in public.
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amimimi · 3 years
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sk8 boys would reacting to you pulling them in by their belt
synopsis: you pulling the sk8 babes in by their belts for a kiss
pairings: joe x reader, cherry x reader, reki x reader, langa x reader
warnings: kissing, suggestive themes, swearing
notes: not me just seeing this tiktok trend ...but thoughts are being thunk...❤️ also, i apologize in advance for any grammatical/spelling errors
word count: 1,930
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this flirty ass b*tch 😒
he thinks he’s so smooth...and he is!
i see y’all bar hopping in the early talking stages of your relationship
so you’re seated the bar and you’re kinda annoyed because maybe there are a couple girls who come up to him and offer to buy him a drink? (of course they would, have you seen how he’s built?)
this mf get’s up from his stool and starts FLIRTING BACK?? AND YOU’RE JUST SITTING THERE LIKE —🧍‍♀️
but then he turns back to you and see’s the displeased look on your face.
cue joe nervously laughing and gently shooing the other girls away
but you’re already pissed bc like? the nerve of him? and in front of you??
you stare straight past him, leaning your elbow up on the bar table as he stands in front of you. babbling out apologies(?)
if you can even call them that?
“babe, i’m sorry! you know it’s force of habit! i didn’t even get to see what they looked like! and they were being nice! what was I supposed to do? tell them to get gone? i was just being polite to them, i’m a feminist after all 😏—”
you feel like you’re getting dumber just listening to him
so you kinda tilt your head to look at him and let your hands settle on the front of his belt
his voice kinda tilts? like it slightly gets a just a bit higher ?
before he can even make a smart ass remark, you firmly tug him towards you and kiss him
he hums in surprise before chuckling into the kiss and bringing his warm, calloused hands up to your face
he pulls away and quickly pecks at your lips before playfully outing
“oof, so mean”
“but you like that” you reply before kissing him again
meanwhile, the bartender is watching yall like “😐😑😐”
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like with joe, i imagine you pulling this stunt off in the beginning of your relationship
you and reki are in the little workshop behind his house doing normal relationship stuff
you know, reki working on a skateboard repair while you lovingly admire his side profile...yea ❤️
he’s so absorbed in his work, his eyebrows are furrowed every so slightly, and he’ll randomly clench his jaw and WOWOWOW HE LOOK SO GOOD!
you feel so blessed just being able to take this sight in
you’re watching him intently with your elbows propped up on the table and your face resting between your hands
reki’s in the middle of tightening the screws when he notices you looking out of his peripheral vision
he glances over to you and sees you staring at him
have y’all seen that meme of meghan markle at her wedding looking up at harry?
YEA, YEA you’re literally looking up at reki like that
and boy does reki get FLUSTERED
he tries to act cool about catching you staring but baby is blushing way too hard
“w-what?”, reki mentally kicks himself for stammering as he returns his focus to the skateboard
“you look really hot right now”
reki damn near chokes and his face gets even more red (if that’s even possible)
he turns his back to you to reach for a wrench on the wall adjacent to him
but he's trynna hide how hard he's blushing uwu
you're laughing now and the melodic sound makes the tension in reki’s shoulders dissipate
yea...y’all are whipped for each other
reki is pouting with his back to you, still “looking” for his wrench
when all of sudden, he feels your hands settle on his waist, urging him to turn around
"rekiiiiii", you playfully whine. "i can't admire my boyfriend?"
he's turning around to tell you that he's busy, but then your fingers hook onto his belt
and before his brain can compute what's happening, you're sharply tugging his belt and your mouth is on his, hot and heavy
and reki moans
and it's so high-pitched and so earnest and so loud, you almost want to giggle
but then his knees buckle and he kinda collapses forward into you
so y'all both kinda shuffle back, but reki manages to catch himself by wrapping his arms around you for support
you're about to pull away to ask if he's okay, but then he brings one hand up to your face and parts his mouth
and when you gasp against his mouth, he feels slightly relieved knowing his dignity has been saved somehow
reki pulls away first, panting, and rests his forehead against your collarbone, trying to hide his face again
"you suck" he murmurs into your chest, slightly dizzy
you hum contentedly, combing his hair back before kissing the top of his head
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first of all, this mf is an aries (just when i thought he couldn’t get sexier)
and aries men...🥴
basically, you have to do a lot to actually fluster this man
so let’s say he takes you with him for a two-day work trip on a nearby island
while he works with his clients during the day, you busy yourself by wandering around the hotel or walking along the beach
basically, the only time the two of you have together is in the evening
it’s your last night before y’all have to return to okinawa
kaoru tells you to get dressed and takes you out to this expensive ass restaurant and he’s sooooo f*cking romantic
the love in his eyes,,,, his soft ass smile as he watches you ramble in between taking sips from your wine glass
he’s looking at you as you’re personally responsible for the sun rising each day
i mean, you could’ve been talking about how you saw a crab on the beach that was missing a leg, and kaoru would just be like “tell me more bby 🥰😍”
when y’all make it back to the hotel, you’re both a little tipsy (kaoru is more so buzzed)
you’re holding onto kaoru’s arm as you both take the elevator up to your hotel room
kaoru feels you slightly sway against him and he leans over to kiss the top of your head
“you alright, darling?” he murmurs into your hair
he takes your hand in his and runs the pad of his thumb over the back of your hand
and he does all of this while his lips are pressed against the top of your head— SIR PLS ✋😩
it’s an chaste act and you know he’s genuinely concerned but after two glasses of wine, your brain is just—🥴
hornknee thoughts only 😩💯
sloppily, you wiggle out of kaoru’s embrace before centering yourself in front of him with your hands placed on his chest
at your action, kaoru’s eyebrow raises ever so slightly but he keeps silent, slightly amused
“you’re so f*cking fine” you murmur, slightly smoothing your hands over kaoru’s chest, staring him right in eye
“yea, and you don’t even try. What’s that like?”
by now, kaoru’s softly smiling. “what’s what like, my love?”
“what’s it like to be so hot without even trying?”
and before ol boy can even reply to that, your hands find his belt before firmly pulling him in for a kiss
kaoru hums at the sudden jolt but then sighs appreciatively through his nose and wastes no time parting his mouth for you
b*tch, you’re the one who’s moaning skxhsnwje
still kissing you, he smooths your hair back with one hand before grabbing a fistful of your hair
he firmly yanks your hair back and deepens the kiss, and you just— 🤸‍♀️
the moan that elicits from you, is OTHERWORLDY
you feel the elevator roll to a stop
kaoru pulls back with a grin on his face and so much love in his eyes that you’re tempted to go in for round two
but then the elevator door slides open and he grabs your hand, tugging you into the hallways
as he leads you to the hotel room, kaoru slightly turns his head back to smile at you, with the same amount of love in his eyes
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i feel like langa may get flustered as easily as reki might, but he’s manages to be a lot more cool about it
which kinda drives you up the wall? you just wanna see your boyfriend embarrassed for once
all he does is slightly blush with a straight face and glance away
so let’s say he’s walking you home after you, him, and reki were hanging about at a skatepark
the sun had already set and langa is walking beside you with his skateboard under one arm.
the walk is pretty silent, but it’s a comfortable silence. langa finds that he and you can soak up each other’s presence without having to say a word
you see him jolt out of your peripheral vision and you’re like ???
before you can glance over and ask if he’s okay, he quickly grabs your hand
you glance up at him, confused, and he simply replies “i forgot to hold your hand, sorry”
langa wtf??
fighting back the urge to laugh, you squeeze his hand and tell him it’s fine
both of you share a soft smile, before the easy silence continues for the rest of the walk
when y’all arrive on your porch steps, you turn to him and thank him for walking you home
langa assures you it’s no problem before saying goodnight
he’s turns around and takes a couple steps away, when you clear your throat
he glances back at you, quizzically
you’re standing on the porch step, with your hands behind your back.
there’s a mischievous glint in your eyes
“aren’t you forgetting something?” you playfully chide him
langa: 😐😑😐
you can literally see the gears turning in langa’s head
“...did you want me to walk you to your bedroom?”
you can’t help the laughter that bubbles out of you, and langa feels his cheeks reddened slightly
“angel, no. I meant a goodnight kiss?”
“o-oh, right”
his brows furrowed slightly as he determinedly making his way over to you
he’s so—&:&72737
as he’s making his way over, an idea pops into your head and you kinda “>:3”
when langa is standing in front of you, your hands grip onto his belt and you yank him into a kiss
bby boy almost drops his skateboard
he quickly inhaled through his nose before giving a stuttered moan and you smile into the kiss
you’re standing on the first step to your porch so the added height is giving you more access
BITE HIS MFIN LIP! he will gasp so prettily into your mouth
entranced, he keeps leaning more and more forward, that is, until the back of your foot hits the step behind you
stumbling backwards, you fall back and pull langa along right with you
you fall right on your ass, yelping as you knock foreheads with langa as he falls into you
so now, you’re both left moaning, gripping your foreheads
“are you okay?” langa asks you, dropping his hand from his forehead revealing a red mark
you begin to laugh at the sight of it and langa just stares at you, confused but slightly defensive
“your forehead is red” you giggle
“well yea, you slammed your forehead into mine”
“you slammed your forehead into mine” you give him a quick peck on his lip before smoothing his hair hair back
“that looks like it’s gonna bruise,” you murmur and press a kiss to his forehead “I’ll get you some ice, come inside”
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end notes: i wanted to get this out in time for cherry’s bday!
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touyasboyfriend · 3 years
Pairing: Kojiro Nanjo (Joe) x Trans! Male Reader
Inspiration: None, I came up with this and it’s VERY self indulgent
Warnings: None, lol, just some slight angst
You weren’t very good.
You had lost every race you had ever competed in, which had caused you to blow through skateboards like oxygen. Still, there was something about you that was so beautifully different from everyone else. Needless to say, Nanjo was instantly infatuated. He was, in a kinder sense of the word, hooked.
He started out by flirting with you nonstop, the constant flow of comments about your body, your outfit, etc. flooring you every time. He could tell you liked it, but you kept… running… away. It confused him. He had never been turned down like that.
You were blushing, you even giggled sometimes, so why did you turn on your heel and walk away every time? This confusion led to the greenet harassing Kaoru for your number. In cliche Cherry fashion, Joe did not get it…
...for a week.
You woke up, sheets on the floor, air and street traffic flowing in from your open fusuma. You groaned. Though this was annoying enough to make sleep difficult, the reason you were awake was because of a text. Every friend you had in your contacts was assigned a different ringer noise, so the fact that the noise was unfamiliar could only mean one of two things.
One, it was a spam message.
Two, someone had tried texting you.
You groaned again, sitting up to reach your phone that was lying next to you on the floor.
Unknown: Hi beautiful ;)
You groaned, flopping back onto your bed. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Joe: he was attractive, dangerously so, and his personality was exactly your type.
But that was just the issue—Nanjo was exactly what you wanted, but….
Were you what he wanted?
He obviously didn’t notice the binder, didn’t notice the packer, didn’t notice… Well, basically every obvious sign known to man.
You: How did you get my number?
Unknown: Aw, c’mon don’t be like that, Y/N! Aren’t you excited to be texting me?
You paused. You were honestly ecstatic--you’d been wanting to get to know him better. At the same time…
You: Delete my number, Joe.
After you sent it, you turned your phone on silent. It was cold, standoffish even, but you didn’t want to get with another guy who just thought of you as… well, a woman.
You got dressed, your thoughts racing. You were going to S tonight, you needed to blow off steam, and what better way to do that than getting your ass handed to you by Reki?
The race had gone just about as good as you thought it would. The winner got to pick something for the loser to buy them at the convenience store, so it wasn’t that big of a deal, but it still left Reki walking off with a stupid grin on his face to Langa.
“Hey, Y/N!”
You flinched, whipping around to the man that towered over you. Why was he talking to you? Everyone had turned to watch, eyes darting excitedly at the thought of getting to watch a beef.
He shot you a flirtatious grin, “Why’d you ghost me, pretty thing?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Joe,” you said, pretending to be fiddling with your wheels.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice suddenly soft. “I want you to be my girlfriend. Please,” he added on as if it was an afterthought.
Had you heard him right?
You felt your heart go through a painful clenching shock. You wanted to be his, you wanted to kiss him and hold him and hold his hand but… not as that. Anything but that.
Your heart thundered, your breathing coming out heavy.
“Y-Y/N?” he questioned, leaning down to you, your faces an inch a part.
“I’m a boy, you asshole!” you yelled, shoving him away and running off.
Your phone had been blown up with his texts for weeks. You hadn’t shown your face around S for weeks.
You had mainly just stayed in bed, crying and binge eating in depressing little intervals. You hadn’t read a single text from anyone, and there had been quite a few from quite a few different people.
You stood up shakily, deciding to go treat yourself to actual food today.
Dressing messily and beginning down the street, you eyed a fancy Italian restaurant, “Sia la luce,” and debated whether entering in your current state was complete blasphemy or not.
It was open, but no one was in there, so you concluded it should be fine. You stepped in with such confidence, but the minute you saw who was behind the counter you froze.
Kojiro’s face beamed the minute he saw you before toning it back and clearing his throat.
“Y...Y/N. Hi, it’s… well, it’s been a while.”
You sniffed, “Yeah, it has been.”
He gestured for you to come in and take a seat and while you did he walked over to the sign and turned it to the, “CLOSED,” side.
“I know you like girls so I just.. Wanted to tell you, you know?” you blurt.
He hums, sitting next to you.
“And well, I do find you attractive, ridiculously so, and you’re an amazing person besides that, but I didn’t want to lead you on, you know?”
He nods, a small smile on his face.
“What? You spit, annoyed.
“Y/N, I like boys, too.”
You can only muster an, “Oh.”
He chuckles, leaning in slightly.
You beat him to it.
“Kojiro Nanjo, be my boyfriend.”
“Of course.”
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reki-of-the-valley · 3 years
Brainrot time! - Kyan Family Edition
Reki has been doing errands and groceries for his mom since he was 12. It was a way of giving him little responsibilities and teaching him about money. His mom would give him a list of things she needed him to pick up, not too much because he was still young, and she'd give him money. He was allowed to keep the change as pocket money, which he almost always spent on sweets
As he got older, and as the family grew, the amount of things he had to get and the frequency grew. At 12 he loved it since it was the first time he had that much freedom, but at 16-17-18, it feels a lot more like a chore, not that he really minds doing it. He rather get groceries than clean a bathroom
His mom still gives him the money and lets him keep the change, but he doesn't keep it anymore. He gives everything back and when she won't accept it, he'll just dump it back into her wallet without her knowing. And from time to time, he'll use the money he makes at DopeSketch to pay for groceries, in hopes of giving his mom a break from expenses.
However, he still buys sweets whenever he's at the grocery store. The only difference is that he doesn't buy them for himself anymore; he buys them for his sisters. At first, when he was 13-14, he would share what he got with Koyomi. Then he started buying sweets for the twins because they always seemed so excited when he came home with a bag of sweet treats.
As Koyomi got older, he'd tease her by telling her to get her own sweets, that he shouldn't have to buy her anything. So she stopped asking him to get her things at the store because he always said no. (He'd say no, but he still got her whatever she wanted unless she was particularly mean to him. That was his little revenge - not giving her anything while Chihiro and Nanaka bounce with their treats - but then he'd feel bad and go out to get her something. And after everyone's gone to bed and it's just the two older Kyan siblings awake in their rooms, he'd poke his head into her room and give it to her. She pretends to be mad at him, taking whatever he's handing her, mumbling out a thanks, but he knows she's grateful and that she loves any strawberry sweets he gets her. Reki knows it's just because she's a teenager and it's not cool to love your brother)
When Reki is out and he comes across things he thinks his sisters might like, he doesn't hesitate to buy it if it's a reasonable price. It's often little things, like a funny pen he thinks Koyomi might like. A cute toy Nanaka had been looking at when everyone was out together. A replacement dress for the one Chihiro ripped while playing outside. Reki never minds spending his money on his family because he loves them. He never minds spending money on the people he loves.
The only person he doesn't put a price range on is his mother. If he sees something she might like and he can afford it, he will buy it for her. Because she buys him so many things. She takes care of him. She's his mom and he just loves her so much.
Reki is the best at dress-up and tea parties. Every Saturday afternoon he'll have a princess tea party with the twins (sometimes Koyomi will play along too if she's feeling up to it or the twins pester her enough).
Obviously, he's the prince that all the princesses love. He even puts on the crown that the twins made him out of construction paper and a ton of stickers. Or at least he's the prince until Langa plays once with them and suddenly Langa is the prince that all the princesses love
R: "What do you mean only Langa can be a prince?? What am I then?" N/C: "Reki is a princess too!" R: "Do I look like a princess to you?" L: "you can be my princess"
So Reki is stuck being a princess from that moment on and he absolutely hates the smug look on Langa's face, especially when he reminds him that he's supposed to be head over heels for the prince (Langa is living for this because 1) teasing Reki, 2) Reki has to pretend to be in love with him. If only it could be real and not just a game)
Langa is super awkward with the twins, he doesn't really know how to play princess tea party, but he quickly learns that teasing Reki, calling him a beautiful princess makes the twins giggle, so he just does that because it's easy. It's very easy to tease Reki and Reki can't do anything about it, he can't kick Langa to get him to stop because that would be setting a bad example. So he just has to endure the torture that is having his best friend dressed up like the prettiest prince he's ever seen, upgraded to an actual plastic crown (which, admittedly, Reki bought for the twins), and """pretend""" to be head over heels in love with him. Because the twins find that hilarious. They find it absolutely hilarious and have planned out a whole royal wedding for the two, inspired by their favorite princess show.
Koyomi definitely helps the twins plan the wedding because she sees how Reki looks at Langa. And she also sees how Langa looks at Reki. And she will never let them live it down, constantly reminding them of their beautiful wedding over tea, especially after they get together.
Langa Bonus:
It doesn't take long for Langa to be known as the trash can at the Kyan house, aka he will finish everyone's plate
At first he held back, not wanting to eat absolutely everything, but that didn't last very long, not with Mrs. Kyan always pushing food his way. So it's not long that he's collecting bowls and plates, finishing off whatever isn't eaten. He honestly will eat after anyone as long as they arent sick and even then, it's the worth the gamble. (Ok, maybe only if it's Reki. He'll eat after Reki no matter what, even if he has the sniffles and is literally fighting Langa to keep him away because "Dude! No! You're going to get sick if you eat after me! It's bad enough that I have a cold!")
There will be no waste around Langa. All food will be eaten and enjoyed.
However, Langa won't explicitly ask if the plate is done. If someone isn't paying attention to their food and he wants something, he will pick off their plate (except the adults because respect and all that. but Langa will pick off of both Reki and Koyomi's plate. The twins is eeehhh, he'll let the kids eat.) So that piece of meat that Reki was going to eat but got to heated in an argument with Koyomi? It's gone when he wants to eat it. Those vegetables Koyomi was pushing around her plate because she didn't want them? Langa solved that problem.
Langa will eat anything and won't stop until the table is completely cleared.
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andromeda612 · 3 years
Too short!
Ok, I'm into Sk8 The infinity and Renga as much I'm into Nathmarc which means the fanfic ideas are flowing... here we go. This may have some spoilers!!! 📢🚨
Also idk if this count as a crack but the thing is I'm done with the angst so I came up with this silly idea.
So this is a canon divergence in which they boys get to talk about their problems and have the reconciliation they deserve and need.
They understand each other better, Langa even started to pay attention to all the rude things some people say about Reki and is ready to assure him when necessary.
Though.... there are some assholes that are just well... assholes.
Like this guy we will call Yoshio... maybe I'll come up with another name when I actually write the fic. Btw, Yoshio is their age and a jerk, he tried to get close to Langa because being friends with Snow would be cool and would gain him some points, however Langa was not interested, the guy was... not friendly, besides the friends he already had (Shadow, Joe, Cherry, Miya and of course Reki) are more than enough for him, especially Reki.
And well Yoshio can understand why Snow would prefer the company of people like Joe , Cherry and Miya, even Shadow but that slime redhead? At least Yoshio has his own name in "S" but that guy was just a nobody, so he didn't understand why the big Snow was so eager to spend time with with such a nobody, the genius even looked like he was looking forwards to just be seen by the redhead, why?
Of course since Yoshio is a jerk he doesn't think and gives his opinion on the matter. In a rude way.
"I don't get it. Why waste your time with a lowlife like him? What does have that nobody that I don't? At least people here knows my name!"
Langa is not a violent boy, he usually don't get mad or angry, but right now he just want to punch this boy until he backs off his words. The only reason he didn't was because Cherry and Joe interfered, but he did give him a piece of his mind. Fortunately Reki didn't let those words get to him.
For some time Yoshio leaves them alone, but he really wants to humiliate that slime, so he would finally understand his place.
Then he comes up with an idea which is at best childish, but it would make what he wants: humiliate Reki in front as much people possible.
So he challenges him into a beef. The loser would wear a dress chose by the winner.
Yeah, childish and kind of retrograde is XXI Century please.
Reki honestly doesn't think much about the beef, is just a dress, though they are not his style. Yoshio will bother him until he agrees. Reki was about to win but Yoshio plays dirty, even dirtier than Shadow, and what he did was actually dangerous, Reki lost and ends up with more bandages on his left arm and right knee.
Again, the only reason Langa didn't beat the shit out of Yoshio was because Cherry and Joe stopped him.
Now Reki has to go to "S" wearing the dress Yoshio chose for him. That day the gang meet at Joe's restaurant so Reki can put on the dress, they all decided to wait until he wear it to see it, so it was a surprise. But Reki was feeling very uncomfortable wearing it and was seriously considering to not set foot in "S" ever again or deal with whatever shit he had to face if he decides to not keep with the beef.
"Everything alright kid?" Joe asked outside the room Reki was changing.
"Y-yeah... I just... I'm not sure I want to do this"
"Uh, are you ashamed for using a dress? I honestly thought you didn't give a shit about it"
"Language!" Cherry corrects Miya, but he had a point, they didn't thought Reki really cared.
"Is not that, I mean is just a piece of fabric and is stupid to say is just for girls, but that is not the matter..." Reky replies a little hesitant.
"What's the matter, Reki?" Langa asks soflty.
"Well... I didn't take on account Yoshio would chose something so... revealing"
"What do you mean with revealing?!"
Shadow already bored with all that just junked the door open revealing a blushing and startled Reki wearing a pink dress that seemed taken of some magical girls anime, it had ribbons and sparkles and just like Reki said... it was kind revealing. The neckline was pronounced, if Reki were a girl... you have an idea, and the skirt was way too short. It gained different reactions.
Shadow and Miya explode in laughter, Cherry and Joe's parental instincts kicked in and were internally ranting about how their child won't wear that in public and thinking in ways to make anything that may happen to Yoshio to look like an accident.
And Langa... Langa felt for the first time what a gay panic was.
He knew he liked his friend in a romantically way, after that talk he had with his mother the night he lost against Joe in the tournament, it was like an ephiny and it didn't took much for him to accept it. He knew he was gay since he was like 12 and Reki was just the sunshine incarnated, it was hard for him to understand how people would not like him.
He always thought he was handsome, cute, adorable, gorgeous and even sexy... he is a teenager and he has hormones okay?! Don't judge him!
But this?
Yeah, he has seen Reki shirtless (which made him flustered) but it’s just... the dress and he looking so freaking cute and flustered, that is making things to his heart... and to another parts, not gonna lie, his legs look amazing and he can't help but appreciatee how the dress embracess Reki's frame so nicely.
"Ugh, close your mouth you are about to drool" Miya whispers to him while elbowing his ribs.
Langa snaps out his trance, Miya is watching him with a smile too knowing for his like. Langa can't help the deep blush spreading over his face
"Jeez! I didn't know you were into this kind of stuff, and you looked so wholesome" the kid tases him shaking his head, for once the Canadian is speechless at his young friend, if for what he implied or the fact he talked about it despite his age he doesn't know and doesn't want to know either.
He tries to justify himself but all that comes out his mouth are stammered words, Miya just laughs at him, he glances at Reki who is too busy yelling at Shadow to stop laughing to notice their little interaction, good, he feels too embarrassed and he doesn't need Reki to notice.
"Absolutely no! There is no way you are going to "S" wearing that!" Cherry states immersed in his parental figure mood. Joe immediately agrees, for once with the man.
"But what about the beef? I get he feels uncomfortable but Yoshio won't let this pass" Miya chimes in, right that is a problem.
"But we can have Reki walking in a public place looking like that! Who knows how many creeps or homophobes are there!"
The people started to talk about what to do, but Joe's words keep floating in Langa's mind.
Creeps and homophobes.
Right, if Reki goes to "S" everybody will see him like that.... Langa's chest tightens at the idea in a mix of concern and, even if he is ashamed of the last one, jealousy.
In one hand both the creeps and homophobes have him worried for Reki's safety, he doesn't want him to be harassed or assaulted.
On the other hand he doesn't want anybody to see him like this, he doesn't want anybody to see how stunning Reki looks, is he jealous? He doesn't have a problem with their friends but... Joe and Cherry are pretty much their parents, with Shadow and Miya there is an age gap and even if that wasn't a problem, they are like brothers for Reki and him(Miya is like their cat son when Cherry and Joe are not present), so he is pretty sure they don't count, buy anybody else? Yeap, he doesn't want them to see this side of his dear best friend. It sounds selfish? Maybe. He cares? Pfff no. He is thinking about this when an idea crosses his mind.
"Shadow, borrow us your cape"
"What is this?! Where is the dress!" Yoshio all but barks at the redhead, the Canadian can't help growl under his breath.
"Actually I'm wearing it, under the tunic" Reki explains with a smirk and even opens the tunic a little to show that indeed he is using the damn dress, he quickly closes it again.
"This was not the beef slime! Take off that cape or..."
"Or what, brat?" Shadow appears suddenly and glares at Yoshido, who gulps and steps back.
"Also, the beef was for the loser to wear a dress chose by the winner, you never said the dress had to be seen by everybody so technically Reki is receiving the punishment" Cherry adds as he puts a hand on Reki's shoulder, Joe and Miya also appear besides them.
Yoshido, outnumbered has no other choice but back off.
That night Reki decides to just watch to avoid any accident that would reveal the dress, Langa decides to keep him company, practically attaching himself at Reki's side, just in case.
Though, at some point, in which he sees Yoshido by himself, he ask Cherry to take care of Reki saying he wanted a drink.
After 15 minutes, a long time to go for a drink, Langa returns without drink but with a very satisfied smile.
Reki doesn't miss it.
"What did you do?" But Langa ignores it.
"Mom will make poutine for diner on Friday, wanna come?" He asks instead.
"Hey answer my question!"
"I'm sure mom will love to have you there, she adores you"
Knowing he won't make Langa talk Reki just sighs and says he will be there, Langa will tell him if he thinks is important.
Needleless to say, after that day Yoshido never bothered Reki again and every time he saw Langa he would look away scared and just avoid any contact with the two best friends.
Reki, Cherry, Joe, Shadow and Miya are sure Langa did something but, they are not complaining, the guy was pain in the ass.
"As far as he didn't do something we wouldn't do" is Joe simply state.
As for Langa? He is just grateful skirts and dresses are not Reki's style at all, otherwise he is sure his poor heart couldn't handle it.
This is a draft, the actual fanfic will come soon 👀
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