#language sphere
elbiotipo · 1 year
The reality of English becoming the world's lingua franca will mean that people who are not native English speakers will also have a say on how the language is spoken.
From Wikipedia in "World Englishes"
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When the number of bilingual English speakers, as it will likely be the case in this century, equals or outnumbers the ones in the "homelands" of English like the UK and the USA, they will soon start adapting the English language to their own worldviews and uses, and in fact they are already doing so, but they will do it with full confidence. For sure, speakers of "proper English" will complain, but what are they gonna do about it?
We will see some interesting developments in our lifetime.
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possamble · 2 months
if you're ever wondering why some japanese fantasy media with meticulous worldbuilding randomly has like normal-ass months and dates. it's bc calendar months being named after specific myths or historical figures is not a thing in east asian languages, all months are just called month 1, month 2, month 3, etc. so setting a normal date based on a 12-month calendar doesn't actually seem incongruous with fantasy
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moreaugriffins · 2 months
yknow what i'd love to see more of in Ghostbusters?
the og Ghostbusters having little mentor moments for the new Ghostbusters
Loved that Ray was along for the ride in Frozen Empire, he wanted to get stuck back in, and he wanted to help Pheobe and Podcast with the mystery
but it would've been great if just occasionally Ray (or Peter, or Winston, though they weren't interacting with the new guys on a personal level much) just dropped a couple of tips he'd learnt from his time, or just helpful anecdotes from back in the day - the kind that you're confused by at the moment but later make you go "oh shit, that's why they told me"
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ohsalome · 1 year
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- Timothy Snyder - The Road to Unfreedom
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samodivas · 5 months
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maranull · 4 months
watching vaati's new vid and he mentions a lot of 1.0 item descriptions, so far only using them as add ons to one or two theories
but I'm thinking, if the developers decided to remove those old descriptions, can we still rely on them as canon/reliable sources?
I don't have an answer, just asking
EDIT: nvm, later on he dismisses a 1.0 description for the one that came after
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everytime i read articles about prerroman iberia i immediately want to focus all my future career on that but then i remember that trying to study cultural memory in prerroman iberia is career suicide and i go back to my muses and greece
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screwzara · 1 year
Soo uhhh kinda general headcanon that could apply for my LDF AU as well(?)
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Credits to @deepfriedhopesanddreams for this(this is adorable, i hope i can use this too)
Sorry I just
I'd like to think boboiboy in general yells in Koncho when something is exceedingly frustrating
And in the context of my au I keep imagining Boboiboy teaching a young Ali how to scream in Koncho or Ali just kinda learns it from him over time or something(idk, unlikely but still)
Edit: This unfortunately doesn't apply to Absence AU Boboiboy because he's been living in Rintis Island since he was a baby :(
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 4 months
[personal stuff, abuse apologia, abuse and child abuse mention]
i know people probably roll their eyes sometimes when they see me talk Very Passionately(tm) about how Goofy Mascot Characters are handled in fiction, because 'it's a kid's show moogle it's not that deep, find real media to criticize 🙄'
and like. it'd be worth talking about this even if i didn't feel strongly about it thanks to personal experience. but man, let me tell you, as a little kid going through what was happening to me back then, disney villain minions and the like in the media i was watching at the time fucked me up.
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violetrose-art · 9 months
I personally like to think I'm a mish-mash of all four. How about you?
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lettucefather · 3 months
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meichenxi · 2 years
Hello!! Tell me what you think about Polish 😊
hiiiiii karo!!!
SO. I am fairly ignorant about Slavic languages in general - I have never learnt any and I don't have imminent plans to.
given that I know relatively little - let me go on wikipedia and RATE POLISH for typological features I PERSONALLY find very sexy.
(for legal reasons, all languages have intrinsic value, this is just for fun, and I know very little about polish. my opinions hold no weight and that's ~just fine~)
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'characterised by a high degree of inflection, and has relatively free word order' >>>>> VERY sexy objectively speaking, cases are sexy, the ability to put random words in random places to mean slightly different things is very sexy 10/10 would go home with probably
'dominant arrangement is subject-verb-object' >>> hmm very averagely Indo-European, 5/10
'frequent dropping of subject pronouns' >>>> this means I assume that if there's relatively free word order that the verb endings are distinct enough. I'm assuming there is NOT the same tolerance for ambiguity as in chinese (lmao) so this bodes well!!! all cool people hate obligatory subject pronouns, so 11/10
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'vowel alternations which cause vowel changes in some words depending on whether the syllable is closed or open...' >>>> EXCELLENT FUCKING. YESSS. no further comments 9/10
'consonant changes....now produce a number of different changes depending on which consonant is involved' >>>>> Ohhhhhhhh we love a good bit of fossilised grammar from a previous stage in the language!!!!! conservatively going to go for 100/10
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'it retains seven cases' >>>>> YESSSSSSSSSSS *sicko meme* haha....yess......1000000/10
'singular and plural; it used to have dual' >>>>> very indo-european, points for effort, like the synchronically irregular plural but COULD 5/10
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'there are three cases that always have the same ending in the plural, regardless of gender or declension class' >>>>> you better keep a fucking EYE on that syncretism!!! we don't want your nouns going the way of the old english!!!
dative plural -om!!!!!! instrumental plura -ami or -mil!!!!!! hello my old indo-european friends!!!! so good to see a familiar face in my time of need!!!!! loses two points for predictability, but 8/10 for those nostalgic proto-indo-european vibes
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oh I am So intrigued by this. a THREE WAY animacy distinction??? but only in the masculine???? what, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck. and for EVERY plural to collapse into a generic non-personal-masculine category and be exactly the same (te)!!!!! also hiiii to neuter nominative and accusative being the same, waving at my other little indo-european friends across the table <3
(after spending time doing Weird indo-european languages like scottish gaelic i.e. ones that really don't....do typical indo-european things, and then languages like chinese....it is so immensely comforting to look at an inflection table of a language I have never studied in a language FAMLY I have never studied and go...hm. that looks familiar.)
I'm also very intrigued by the nom. plural masculine personal demonstrative 'ci'. I don't know enough about polish orthography + phonology to know but...is this an expected pronunciation change? like is it because of the vowel / palatalisation? how would 'ti' be pronounced? or is this properly suppletive?? (i.e. is it a word that originally came from a different source and has sort of Snuck its way in?) if so YES ALL my homies love suppletion
Absolutely 100000/10, and this is ONLY nominative and accusative. what a stonker of an ability to inflect!!! I am SO curious!!
this is getting SPICY!
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'emotionally charged nicknames' >>>> this is even better than the german 'some rivers'. 16/10 polish can have that point.
but also I'm going to take away some points for predictability. oh?? your masculine nouns end in a consonant??? you can KNOW that? boring 4/10
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.....I take it back. it's pure chaos. 16/10 once again.
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Ok, it's FAR too late for me to unpack all of these delicious animacy treats, but....my gosh!!!!! I think this has to be my favourite thing so far. I LOVE animacy, and the personal / animate distinction here is fascinating to me. the idea of elevating objects to animate that have something to do with human activity / beloved objects is fairly common with what I know of animacy in general.
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'it is common for personal masculine nouns to change gender to inanimate to create semantic neologisms' >>> OHHHHH this is EXTREMELY cool and makes total sense. an editor = not a person, but a thing that edits = becomes inanimate to showcase that difference in meaning. EXCUSE ME 5000000/10, extremely cool.
that's it for now - thank you Karo and thank you Polish for this wild ad wonderful cornucopia of delights!! I am not likely to learn it soon, but I may spend some more time pouring over the wiki page. the stuff about animacy is FASCINATING.
thank you!!!
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ghoul-haunted · 1 year
ngl I wish tumblr's block feature actually kept posts from people I have blocked from showing up if they're reblogged from people I'm following, because I'm not going to message my friends like 'hey I fucking despise this person with every fiber of my being,' because quite frankly. I'm just not going to do that, this is the cartoon clown car site. but I sure would like to never see a blocked url again unless it's in a post telling me that they've shuffled off this mortal coil
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
Having a very loose and, shall we say, artistic-liberty understanding of the Hegel and Freud I've read, it's a lot of fun to read my friends'--rigorous philosophy scholars'--threads, then make drive-by comments like "the World-Spirit is the libidinal drive of history" and peel off, engine backfiring
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marbleheavy · 1 year
I am only on week three of my republican’s worst nightmare semester and i can already Feel myself becoming different
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The two of them, seated in one of the rooms within the castle, exchanging smirks and nods while drinking their tea in silence. Eventually, the eternal one reaches out his hand to gently caress the prince's cheek.
"What do you want?" Kael's head snapped back as he slapped the hand away from his face.
"There's chocolate on your lip, dear- wait..." Denathrius stood up, quickly walking around the table and bending over to Kael's level, planting a gentle kiss on his lips. "Got it-"
"You're insufferable..." The elf huffed, feigned annoyance written all across his face.
"Am I, now?" He smirked, turning away to walk back to his seat but the smaller man stopped him by grabbing his hand.
"Insanely insufferable-" He said, tugging on the other's hand. "I cannot even imagine how anyone would be able to share more than a few moments with someone like you..."
"Oh just how stupid would a person must be to spend every waking second being with me or... Merely thinking about me... How very unintelligent of them..." He turned back to face the elf.
Kael'thas chuckled. "Oh yes, how could anyone fall in love with the oh so scary sire Denathrius, they would have to be absolutely out of their mind..." He let go of Denathrius' hand, smiling.
"Oh how I adore you, prince..."
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