#large cat mama who definitely makes good soup
razzygoat · 1 year
sometimes your home is you, the massive golden shrine dedicated to your likeness, your 4 spouses one of which used to be god, your crowd of 20+ adoring followers where one of them at any point in time is contemplating eating poop, and the funky little (sentient?) crown that gives you unspeakable powers
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citronsblog · 3 years
Hi citron! I hope you're doing great today! This might sound a bit weird, but may I please request Teruteru catboy headcanons, and some non-despair general headcanons for him? 👉👈
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER!! I also love your blog so much!
Warnings: None!
Characters: Teruteru Hanamura
Starting off with the cat headcannons! :)
ok ok I know this is so basic but he would LOVE head pats
I feel like he would get really happy or giddy if someone were to touch his ears
Teruteru would lay on someone’s lap for attention, you cannot convince me he wouldn’t
Definitely would get distracted easily sometimes, unless he is super focused
Another cat stereotype, but his favorite food with fish would onigiri with a fish filling in the middle!
Loves sweaters, they’re cozy , comfortable, and well they’re just super soft!
Now on to the General headcannons! (These are kinda self indulgent lol)
Honestly Teruteru would pick at his nails when he’s anxious. May it be when he is cooking for someone he really likes or even during testing, he just looks like someone who would
Although he HATES prepackaged food the only exception he would make is Oreos! They’re probably a guilty pleasure and super easy to share with loved ones
I feel like his least favorite dish to make would be miso soup. He doesn’t think it has enough flavor but he can’t add anything more or else it will taste bad or it will change the dish completely. Soy sauce doesn’t count 😡
Teruteru is always super excited to cook for new people! He is just so sweet and loves to put smiles on people’s faces
He loves warm baths after a long day, it helps him de-stress and sometimes he will light candles
I think Teruteru would like the smell of perfumes and colognes. I don’t know, they smell good and he just looks like someone who would like it??
Romcoms! He LOVES romantic comedy!
Teruteru would honestly be such a good dancer but he would be way to shy to get on the dance floor, someone would have to hype him up enough
I feel Teruteru would love to sit outside on nice days and just relax with friends and family around, Teruteru would probably make a light lunch and invite his friends and they would all be able to meet his mama
Most likely is scared of clowns and large bugs, I cant put it into words but he would be I can just feel it
Teruteru wears hoodies a lot, don’t get me wrong he has nice clothes, a large-ish wardrobe with outfits but hoodies would be a comfort item for him
He looks like he listened to my chemical romance when it was super popular
Liked going to small cafés that are family ran so he can support them!
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Sanders Sides High School AU
Roman Prince:
-16, Sophomore
-Drama geek, almost always gets leads in the school musicals/plays
-Best friends with Virgil
-Very very very gay. Out to the school but definitely not his parents.
-His parents (or at leas his father) are very homophobic
-Lives only a few blocks away from the school
-Has a major crush on Logan
-His mom is Cuban
-Father is very white
-He speaks Spanish but avoids doing it around his father
-Loves Virgil’s dad
-has very bad anxiety
-Loves make-up/dressing up
-He’s usually a huge charmer until someone calls his bluff *cough* Logan *cough*
-Always has impeccable outfits
-Mama’s boy
-good cook
-His friends mean the world to him
-Dreams of going to Broadway
-unfortunately he lives in the middle-of-nowhere Indiana
-On the swim team
-His dad wanted him to be an athlete and said he could only stay in theatre if he joined a sport
-Actually adores being at school
Virgil Windsor:
-16, Sophomore
-Roman’s best friend
-Stylish emo
-purple hair obviously
-Out to everyone
-Adores his father
-Also drama geek, usually stage-managing 
-Lives a ten minute walk away from Roman’s house
-Enjoys teasing Roman about his crush
-Often has sleepovers at his house with Roman, Grace, and occasionally his little sister will join
-Would literally die for his sister
-History whiz
-Eats lots of gummy worms
-really digs dragons?
-Can’t cook worth shit but he can bake for days
-Sometimes has nightmares about his birth parents dying
-Calls Roman Princey
-has throwing knives
-has really good aim
-Lowkey has a crush on Remy but would never admit it (not to be confused with Remus)
Logan Addison:
-17, Junior
-Debate team, yearbook photographer, runs school instagram, Mathlete 
-Super gay. Not officially out to anyone but his mom but it’s not like he’s hiding anything. Everyone knows.
-Dresses kind of like a hipster
-Had dark blue hair a in middle school so now he has a few blue streaks leftover.  Barely noticeable unless you’re looking for them
-Lives kind of far from the school so he drives there
-Drives a blue Ford Fusion
-He has doctor who stickers all over it
-He’s a sucker for Neil Gaiman
-His only sibling is in college
-His older sibling is Joan btw
-knows all the science 
-mostly just psychology actually
-he aspires to be a psychiatrist
-eats a pretty healthy diet, but he really enjoys brownies
-Pretty infatuated with Roman
-Terrible at expressing emotions
-His debate hoodie has “Data” on the back
-Enjoys the paranormal
Patton Windsor: 
-35, works at the local library
-loves books, animals, and hot cocoa
-he also likes dying his hair different colors
-his favorite so far has been pink
-Dresses exactly like Jim Hopper in ST3 but like everyday and times 100
-Drives a minivan even though he only has two kids
-He has hippie/rainbow bumper stickers
-loves his kids with his entire heart
-Loves easy to enjoy books, such as Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the like
-Loves carbs.  Always makes some kind of pasta or comfort food for dinner.  
-Adopted Virgil when he was 5
-Virgil’s favorite that Patton cooks is Potato Soup
-Patton also adopted a baby girl when Virgil was 10
-The baby girl is named Isabel
-Adores his kids
-Very openly emotional
-Has lots of #1 Dad paraphenalia 
-Loves Roman, too
-Absolutely 100% willing to adopt him
-The sweetest man you will ever meet
-Wears large, round glasses
-has freckles literally everywhere
Remus Prince: 
-15, Freshman
-Roman’s half-brother
-The result of Mr. Prince having an affair
-aromantic homosexual
-Lives with his mom
-Doesn’t meet his father/brother until he’s about 7
-Doesn’t have many friends, he’s a little bit odd.
-While he doesn’t often hang out with Roman, his brother is there for him when he needs it
-Dyes his hair green
-Dresses very dramatically
-He’s really good at chemistry
Dee Harper: 
-17, Junior
-On the debate team with Logan
-Asexual, homoromantic
-When they were sophomores, he had a crush on Logan, but he was never interested
-Dee is very good at math
-likes the color yellow
-dresses very well
-Logan and Dee are good friends
-No one ever actually catches Dee’s eye, but he’s okay with being single
-He lives in the rich part of town with his wealthy grandparents
-Loves old classic books.  Like Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, The Anne of Green Gables books, Oscar Wilde, all of them
-He also loves The Lord of the Rings
-He has a pet snake named Legolas 
-and a rat named Gimli
-he plays the sims a lot
-volunteers at the zoo
-Dee is a very good singer
Remy (Remington) Gray:
-16, junior
-hella gay, out and proud
-extremely intelligent
-and intuitive
-most people think he’s a psychic
-honestly he never denies it
-he plays along
-thinks school activities are dumb
-but he does work at the local art museum
-he has a great appreciation for art
-he’s also a really good artist but no one knows that
-he likes to draw people
-including his friends.  He’s very close with Logan and Dee, and eventually will be with Virgil and Roman
-Virgil is his favorite to draw ;)
-its rumored that he’s from another planet
-really he’s just eccentric and mysterious
-likes birds
Mr. Sanders, Thomas: 
-30, drama teacher
-really, really gay
-connects really well with his students
-he’s very empathetic and just a sweet man
-He always dresses super eccentrically and nobody questions it because that’s just Mr. Sanders
-Sometimes he bets with the other teachers about which students will end up together
-he usually wins those bets
-perks of being the favorite teacher
Characters that aren’t sides: 
-16, sophomore
-Roman’s other best friend
-raging lesbian
-she’s very sweet, but she can also be very scary
-do not piss her off
-she enjoys hiking, travel, and theatre 
-she aspires to be an anthropologist 
Mr. Prince, Fred:
-40, lawyer
-Roman’s father
-he’s extremely homophobic
-he had an affair with a 30 year old woman
-also kind of racist but he married a cuban woman??
-he doesn’t let her speak spanish
-he’s also borderline abusive to Roman and his wife
-He doesn’t like Virgil. or any of Roman’s friends for that matter
-Honestly he’s an all around shitty person
-he’s not going to have an arc okay
Mrs. Prince, Estrella:
-35, works at the library with Patton
-Roman’s mother
-Not homophobic, but if Roman ever came out to her it would take her a bit to get used to it. She wouldn’t hate him at all though. She would still love him equally
-She wants to leave Fred, but she hasn’t been able to make enough money to get her and Roman out of there.
-sweetest mother
-always worried that Roman isn't eating enough
-she even thought Virgil had an eating disorder, but he’s just skinny
-delightful woman
Isabel Windsor: 
-6, 1st grade
-she only cares about Voltron, Mickey Mouse, and rainbow crayons. 
-her brother is her best friend
-she adores Roman
-all of Virgil’s friends are also her friends
-Sometimes Virgil and Roman pick her up from school and they go get ice cream. 
-She loves cats
-she thinks unicorns are real but not santa
-she’s a very bright kid, too
-she loves coloring books
All done! Man that was longer than I expected. This is based off of my Logince fic.  Feel free to send asks about this!
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brynandchristopher · 5 years
Back in nam...
A lot has changed since I was last in Nam… I’ll try to explain but I don’t think you’ll get it… YOU WEREN’T THERE!
I came to Vietnam 2.5 years ago with my Father, affectionately known as Wan. Wan had a special business trip scheduled here and I was headed home from Nepal and we decided to link up. We stayed primarily in the Saigon (AKA: Ho Chi Minh City) area and farther down south on the beach. However, we did a short 4 day stint up to Hanoi and Ha Long Bay - a trip that enthralled me and was the main reason I wanted to return to this fabulous place. So here we are, exploring The North.
Since we last posted we have been in one area of the country, the Ha Giang Province. Vietnamese is a tonal language and we have learned that the pronunciations of a lot of the words, with their accents, are very much so not-phonetic. Ha Giang is pronounced more like Ha Zahn. The Ha Giang province is the northernmost part of Vietnam, on the border of China (see the map we included). The far north of Vietnam is very famous for its beautiful mountain landscapes. Sapa, the main city in the North has exploded with tourism over the past couple of decades and from what we’ve heard, is quite over-developed and has lost a lot of its cultural charm. We wanted to head up north but wanted to avoid the massive crowds and less-than-authentic cultural experiences. In the months leading up to the trip, my mother, affectionately known as Mama, linked me to some pictures of Ha Giang, noting its stunning landscapes. We looked in to Ha Giang and discovered that it hosts what many claim to be the best motorbiking circuit in all of Asia. So we came to do just that.
We took a 14 hour overnight sleeper bus from Cat Ba island to Ha Giang and arrived to the small city at 4 in the morning. The sleeper busses here are quite silly - they make them relatively comfortable and give you lots of blankets, turn off the lights etc. But the bus drivers lay on the horn the entire drive and loudly talk on their cellphones at 2am. So having half-slept we sauntered out of the bus station looking for a place to rest up before we set off - a guy named Chu approached us and asked us if we needed help finding our hotel and we explained we didn’t have a place booked. He kindly offered to let us sleep for free at his almost-completed hostel. After a few real hours of sleep, Chu and his sister made us breakfast and helped us rent a motorcycle and we were off.
We had seen pictures and were expecting this to be a really cool ride but hot damn, Ha Giang was really beyond anything we could’ve anticipated. The loop took us four days to complete, at around 80 kilometers per day up and down winding mountain passes and through little farming villages. Over and over again we were awestruck by the insane landscape views we would get from the tops of the mountains - I couldn’t get over how beautiful it was. The mountains are all made of karst limestone, that used to be submerged in the ocean some 150+ million years ago. Apparently being under the ocean, along with the climate conditions makes for super rich fertile soil because the amount of plant cover and diversity was unreal. The mountains were incredibly precipitous but hardly an inch was uncovered by wild forest or steppes cut in for farmland. Our first night it was starting to get dark and we pulled off to this little motel homestay place just outside the town of Yen Minh. The man who greeted us spoke not a single word of English. This made for a pretty funny time as we negotiated the price of the room and dinner by pointing at different bills and did thumbs up or thumbs downs. He brought us to his house just down the road for dinner where he and his wife had made us a feast. They made ginger beef, tofu in tomato sauce, fried pork and pork fat, bean sprouts in some strange sauce, mustard greens, some kind of really strong homemade soy sauce, 20 pounds of rice and 2 bia (beer). They talked to us the whole time in incessant Vietnamese and strange undecipherable hand-signs. It was fascinating trying to communicate with people who literally don’t know any common words and totally hilarious, the four of us were laughing the entire dinner. We had some green tea after dinner and were able to figure out they were 51 years old - we were unable to figure out their names.
The next night we stayed up on a hill above the town of Dong Van. This homestay was run by a nice family who we could actually talk to. We went in to the town for dinner and ate local foods, rice porridge and bamboo shoot noodle soup. When we returned a large group of people had arrived at the homestay and were staying in the upstairs dorm area. It was fun to hang out with them for a while and we even met a guy from Utah! The Ha Giang loop is not super popular with tourists yet, primarily due to road conditions and the need to be a decent motorcyclist to do it safely. These people were doing a tour with guides where they all road on the backs of bikes and locals drove them. They stayed up late singing Vietnamese covers of American pop songs and taking shots the local corn wine known as “happy water” - it was pretty funny but also very loud.
The next day was Thanksgiving, which was pretty sad for us not being home with our families. However, this was the best day of the trip view wise. We drove through Ma Pe Lung Pass which honestly was probably top 3 greatest views I’ve had in my entire life. We got a hot chocolate at a coffee bar built out over a cliff and took in the view and let the rain pass. A couple of hours later we had our Thanksgiving lunch, bun cha, one of the many variations on "noodle soup” that makes up what seems to be 50% of all Vietnam dishes. Bun Cha is my favorite of the noodle soups I’ve had here. We finished the day in Du Gia where we stopped for the night. Our homestay offered dinner and showed us the menu, which was around 15 different things. We looked at it and told them yes, we would like dinner and the choices of what we wanted, they were confused and explained to us that dinner was all 15 of those things. Christmas miracles get a lot of hype, but this Thanksgiving miracle was supreme. We made some other traveler friends from Ireland and Germany and ate our massive Thanksgiving feast family style together. We definitely missed the mashed potatoes and gravy, but the french fries and chili sauce were a good stand in :). It was our turn to drink the happy water, and the Irish gently forced us to keep drinking beers with them. It was an awesome night and softened the sorrow of being away from our families for Thanksgiving. Our Thanksgiving reflection was directed primarily at how beautiful the landscape was that day, and how lucky we were to be there, but more generally how lucky we are to be on a trip such as this. We are incredibly privileged to be traveling the world with each other, and for that we are truly grateful.
Our final day was beautiful just as the others, but was a bit more of a drag. We had been pushing through the butt pain throughout the trip but with the finish line in sight it became a more pressing annoyance. The last night’s excess of happy water didn’t help. We made it safely back to Ha Giang and took long hot showers and got in fresh clothes. We essentially packed one outfit each for the four days to reduce the weight that Bryn had to carry on her back the whole time. The next day we took two different busses south across what was nearly half of Vietnam to our current location, Phong Nha. Phong Nha is a relatively unexplored region of Vietnam that hosts the worlds largest cave. We will spend the next couple of days spelunking before heading farther south along the coast. :)
Christopher and Bryn
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