#lark saya
ma-lark-ey · 1 year
(New Username Notice— was larkofchaos.
Also using this as an excuse to make an intropost)
Yes, I’ve had this blog four(-ish) years. No, I never made an intro. I’m doing so now!
My name is Lark (or Magnus), I use he/him (or they/them), I’m 18 and I’m from Kentucky! I’m a writer, primarily. Find my ao3 at the same username as here, only with underscores.
I know most niche grammar rules and use them in my every day text conversations, which makes me sound like a boomer according to my boyfriend’s best mate. I’ll read just about any book you put in my hands, so long as it’s not a straight-cis romance (with exceptions for ones so bad they’re a good hate read). My favorite modern author depends on what genre we’re talking. Though primarily sticks to Rick Riordan, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Mason Deaver.
I’m a voracious Spotify user with over 250 playlists and 3300 liked songs (send help). My favourite band is tied Chase Petra and Set It Off any day of the week, and my favorite solo artist varies, but Taylor Swift, Sabrina Carpenter, and Alec Benjamin rotate pretty firmly in that top spot.
Now, I’ll give you a detailed list of fandoms I reblog/post about and whether or not I’ll reliably tag it:
Dungeons & Daddies (lol no)
Harry Potter (Always.)
- Sub-category of The Marauders, to filter make sure to put just “Marauders” in your filters. I never tag Marauders posts as Harry Potter for fandom culture reasons.
Unprepared Casters (really depends on the day)
Percy Jackson (50/50 shot)
Rise of the Pink Ladies (yes)
Shadow & Bone/Bardugoverse (yes!)
Check, Please! - Ngozi Uzaku (pretty reliably)
Magnus Chase (also fairly reliably)
Hermitcraft (rarely post on it, but yes.)
Dracula (yes)
The Extraordinaries (yes)
(Any fandom thats not on this list will prolly be tagged at least 50/50 )
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passionforfiction · 10 months
Arthdal Chronicles (Part 1)
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Human greed that destroys innocence and harmony among different tribes and Neanthals. Destruction, slavery and death. . .
The Arthdal Union is made up of four tribes that understood that in strength is in the coming together for a common goal. These tribes are: Daekan tribe led by Sanung (the greediest of all leaders), White Mountain tribe led by Asa Ron (the religious leader), Hae tribe led by Mihol who holds the key to building arms and other useful objects, and the Bachidoore represented by Hae Rim, who - together with his family - who was a doctor.
The story begins on the night when Arthdal leaders ask the Naenthals (who are very strong and fast) to become part of the union. These people were feared among the people of all human tribes, but they were peaceful beings who only used violence to defend themselves. And the night they refuse, is the night Sanung orders his army to kill all Naenthals. Asa Hon, finds herself among the Naenthals when the destruction begins and she helps Ragaz save one of the Naenthal children, while Daekan army murders everyone in sight.
On the night Asa Hon has Ragaz's twin sons, Tanya was being born in Lark by the priestess and leader of the Wahan tribe. These three children have different paths all connected by their fate. . .
It is heartbreaking and frustrating to see how greed brings so much pain to the victim of those who become blinded by this insatiable desire to possess all. Sanung, Asa Ron and Mihol were constantly stabbing each other on the back in the cold war they had in order to have power over the Union. Sanung had the strongest army, and he used his son, Tagon as a weapon, destroying tribes, and taking peaceful people away from their homes to make them slaves. Meanwhile, Mihol uses his daughter, Taealha, as spy against Tagon and Sanung.
But mistreated children rebel against their parents and Tagon and Taealha hold on to each other and their love as they fight against their fathers and destroy the union to form a kingdom they can rule over. By the end of this part of the chronicle we see the transformation of these two characters: Tagon, who wanted to be loved by his people and who wanted to rule in a peaceful way, becomes a tyrant, feared by his people. Taealha, who was always calculating her next step, gave her all for Tagon, only to resent him for not sharing his power and going behind her back.
But these two would not had been able to accomplish this rebellion if they hadn't used Tanya who gave into her true path as priestess, Saya who was separated from his parents and grew as Tagon's son, and Eunseom, who in his efforts to save his people from slavery captured Sanung, giving Tagon the opportunity to kill his father.
We also see the transformation of these three young people as they become entangled in the Arthdal political struggle in their desire to save themselves and the people they love.
I liked how the story explores the creation of empires through conquering, destruction and slavery. It also presents the pain and negative side of fear as it blindly kills the Other because of their differences. The need to hide who they really are can also trigger the need to destruct blindly.
I loved the series and will start watching the second part this weekend.
Poster from the Korea Herald - https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190908000107
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takasgf · 3 years
Assigning Slider Scouts characters to my platonic f/o's and my beloved :3
Ishi: Truffle Bomb!!! That was my first thought when I saw him. I cant wait to unlock this silly guy in the game :D I really like that they made him a Truffle instead of a Cordial (which is the same thing but with a brown chocolate coat instead of a white one; they are so much cuter and considering that one of Ishi's main colors is white, they do remind me of him ♡)
Sayaka: Strawbuzzy 🍓 She has her vibes! Everyone associates Saya with strawberries and i think that the wings really fit her as well!! I prefer angel wings for her, but this character is kinda like a bee, so it makes sense that it has insect wings. You know, Tart the bird would be a good fit as well, but IDK if i should count the pets as Sliders too ;; i guess they are, but they are less interesting than the actual ones
Celes: Ohh this one was hard, but I think Hexfield the Hat is pretty good for her! I also thought about the Creameo Cookie, but then i saw the card on the hat and that's totally made for her so !! Fancy lil hat!! 🎩♠️ (i miss the Cactus McCoy games a lot... T_T)
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Pareo: Lollipoppy! She is the cutest character design-wise, I think Pareo would like her a lot :D I'm going to unlock her soon, I'm so excited! I didnt even know she existed until today, she is too cute and sweet, while all the other characters are very silly looking O_o Her lil bow...🎀
Chisato: It hurts to say but I'm going to choose Blondie Bop😭 She looks spooky but my other choice was Honeydoo and that thing looks too goofy for Chi ;_; Its the yellow bow that made me choose it XD
Maruyama: Mallow Gals 💗 Another super cute character for a sweet pink-color-themed friend of mine!! They should have appeared in one of the other games :( I imagine them in the Neapolitown levels of the third game!!
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I don't have much to say about these two, but I'm choosing Army Onion and Banana Pants for Mukuro and Hiyoko! lol
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Tomato for Hagumi (why there are no carrot characters in the games? Are there carrots in any of the games?? For some reason I can't remember seeing any😭 this tomato is cute tho, so it's fine for Hagu despite this one not being orange - there are orange tomatoes!) and Lettuce Lark for Rokka because it kinda looks like her (IM SORRY ROKKI ILYSM /P but u are the lettuce bird)
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im okay
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musicstairs-blog · 4 years
Oasis Biografi
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Desert spring melaju dari ketidaktahuan jadi bintang di tahun 1994, jadi salah satunya band  paling terkenal serta band paling populer di Inggris dalam dasawarsa ini. Dengan Blur serta Suede, mereka bertanggungjawab untuk kembalikan pop gitar Inggris ke pucuk tangga lagu. Diperintah oleh gitaris/penulis lagu Noel Gallagher, kuintet Manchester mengambil citra Stones and the Who yang kasar serta kasar, melewatinya dengan melodi serta kait "Beatlesque", menyuntikkan topik liris Inggris yang ciri khas serta susunan lagu seperti Jam serta Kinks, serta mengikat semua bersama dengan raungan gitar besar, dan hinaan melawan yang menarik saling dari pemberontakan Seks Pistols serta arogansi cocksure Stone Roses. Lagu-lagu Gallagher seringkali memproses hits awalnya dari T. Rex ("Rokok serta Alkohol" pinjam riff dari "Blast a Gong") ke Wham! ("Blur Away" ambil melodi dari "Opportunity "), tetapi group tetap tempatkan snare di penataan yang lain, mengupdate hit waktu dulu untuk time baru.
Awal Terciptanya Band
Awalannya, group ini dibuat oleh rekan sekolah Liam Gallagher (vokal), Paul "Nitwit" Arthurs (gitar), Paul McGuigan (bass), serta Tony McCaroll (drum). Sesudah habiskan sekian tahun untuk teknisi gitar untuk barisan yang diinspirasikan oleh Stone Roses namanya Inspiral Carpets, Noel Gallagher kembali pada Manchester untuk ketahui jika saudaranya sudah membuat satu band. Noel sepakat untuk masuk bila dia bisa mempunyai kontrol penuh pada group, termasuk juga memberi sumbangan semua lagu; tersisa band sepakat serta mengambil nama baru, Oasis, sebelum mengeluarkan setahun latihan intens.
Sesudah mainkan beberapa atraksi club kecil, band memojokkan Alan McGee, kepala Creation Records, serta memaksanya untuk dengarkan demonstrasi mereka. Berkesan, dia tanda-tangani band serta menolong mereka mempersiapkan collection kiprah mereka. Group ini meluncurkan single pertama mereka, "Supersonic," pada musim semi 1994; itu naik ke tangga lagu dibalik penjelasan positif. Dengan melodi yang diadaptasi dari "Saya Ingin Mengajar Dunia Menyanyi," "Shakermaker" jadi hit besar diawalnya musim panas. Dikeluarkan satu bulan sebelum kehadiran collection kiprah mereka, balada yang membumbung "Live Forever" jadi hit besar di Inggris serta menolong jadikan Definitely Maybe untuk kiprah terlaris dalam riwayat Inggris. Catatan masuk tangga lagu di nomor satu serta pada akhirnya terjual lebih dari pada tujuh juta kopi.
Desert spring lunacy bersambung selama setahun 1994, saat barisan ini mulai mainkan teater yang semakin besar serta melihat tiap single melewati yang paling akhir. Tetapi, kemelut dalam barisan mulai membuat - Liam serta Noel menampik untuk lakukan interviu bersama-sama sebab mereka tetap berusaha - serta Noel Gallagher dengan singkat tinggalkan band di akhir tour Amerika yang susah jatuh. Tetapi, dia secara cepat masuk kembali lagi serta band kembali pada Inggris. Saat "Supersonic" mulai memanjat collection rock AS serta tangga lagu rock present day, lagu "Apa saja" (single non-collection) jadi nomor dua semasa musim Natal Inggris.
Single yang Masuk Chart Teratas  Amerika
Pada awal 1995, group ini arahkan pandangan mereka pada Amerika dengan mempromokan single "Live Forever." Lagu itu jadi hit besar di MTV serta stasiun radio stone present day, mencapai puncak di nomor dua, serta Tentu Kemungkinan selekasnya naik ke posisi emas di AS. Kembali pada Inggris sesudah tour Amerika terjual habis, group merekam single baru, Beberapa Dapat Disebutkan. Drummer Tony McCaroll berpisah dengan band saat malam launching single Mei, dengan Alan White menggantinya. "Some Might Say" masuk tangga lagu di nomor satu, serta kesuksesannya mengakibatkan semua single Oasis awalnya masuk kembali pada tangga lagu independent. Desert garden habiskan tersisa musim panas mengakhiri collection ke-2 mereka, (What the Story) Morning Glory ?, yang dikeluarkan pada Oktober 1995. Sesudah dikeluarkan, collection ini melejit ke nomor satu di Inggris, jadi collection dengan pemasaran paling cepat di Amerika. Inggris semenjak Michael Jackson's Bad.
Band ini terus cetak rekor semasa beberapa tahun selanjutnya. Semasa tahun 1996, (What the Story) Morning Glory? jadi collection Inggris paling besar ke-2 dalam riwayat. Pada kemampuan dari simbol tunggal "Wonderwall," Morning Glory jadi Keberhasilan Sepuluh Besar di Amerika, dimana dia capai posisi platinum rangkap lima; itu pecahkan Sepuluh Besar di semua negara di Eropa serta Asia. Semasa tahun 1996, jalinan agresif Gallaghers seringkali diperinci di media massa serta kolom isu, khususnya saat mereka mendadak menarik diri dari tour musim panas akhir AS mereka. Ini ikuti dua konser group di Knebworth, yang pecahkan rekor untuk konser open air paling besar di Inggris.
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Sesudah Oasis tinggalkan tour Amerika mereka, mereka fokus untuk merekam collection ke-3 mereka. Sesaat dua piringan hitam pertama band secara cepat direkam, mereka memerlukan beberapa waktu untuk merekam yang ke-3, yang pada akhirnya usai pada musim semi 1997. Collection yang dibuat, Be Here Now, dikeluarkan di akhir Agustus, sebulan sesudah kehadiran single "D'You Know What I Mean." Diterima dengan penjelasan yang biasanya ketertarikan serta pemasaran yang kuat, Be Here Now pecahkan rekor pemasaran di AS serta hampir menempati pucuk tangga lagu A.S., tempatkan kuintet untuk penguasa true stone. Tetapi, serbuan balik antara kritikus serta konsumen rekaman atas kelebihan yang dirasa collection, yang bermakna jika Be Here Now tidak mempunyai kehidupan rack beberapa pendahulunya. Selang beberapa saat, bentrokan ciri khas ungkap tour band, serta barisan lenyap dari sorotan untuk sesaat waktu - walau koleksi B-sisi, Masterplan, memang ikuti di tahun 1998.
Kehilangan Gitaris
Saat band ini merekam collection ke-4 mereka pada musim panas 1999, Bonehead tinggalkan Oasis, mengakui jika dia ingin habiskan semakin beberapa waktu bersama-sama keluarganya. Diwawancarai oleh NME pada tanggal 11 Agustus, satu hari sesudah keberangkatan dipublikasikan, Noel Gallagher terlihat tidak dipengaruhi, dengan mengatakan "Paul McCartney tidak tinggalkan The Beatles." Bekas gitaris Andy Bell, Andy Bell serta gitaris berat Stereo Gem Archer tanda-tangani sesudah rekaman Standing on the Shoulder of Giants tahun 2000 usai. Pada musim luruh 2000, band ini rayakan kesuksesan tour dunia stupendous mereka dengan meluncurkan rekaman live pertama mereka, Akrab to Millions. Collection ini menyorot performa Oasis Juli 2000 dalam konser terbesar di Stadion Wembley serta dikeluarkan dalam enam position tidak sama termasuk juga CD serta kaset, DVD, VHS, triple vinyl, serta smaller than usual circle.
2 tahun selanjutnya, Oasis ada bersama-sama Heathen Chemistry. Tanggal di penjuru dunia bersamaan dengan launching collection studio ke-5 Oasis; Tetapi, permasalahan tampil di depan. Saat tour Amerika di akhir musim panas, Noel Gallagher, Andy Bell, serta keyboardis tour Jay Darlington terluka di Indianapolis sesudah taksi mereka bertubrukan dengan kendaraan lain. Band ini kembali bangkit selekasnya, kembali pada jalan dalam tempo dua minggu sesudah menggagalkan atraksi di Indianapolis, Boston, serta Philadelphia. Di Amerika, bagaimana juga, collection ini tidak memiliki nasib sebagus pemasaran tour Oasis, serta single leadoff "Hindu Times" hampir tidak membuat sinyal di MTV.
Semakin banyak permasalahan datang pada bulan Desember, saat Liam Gallagher serta beberapa anggota rombongan Oasis terjebak dalam perkelahian jalanan di Munich; Gallagher yang semakin muda menanggung derita luka muka dan diamankan sesaat dua penjaga keamanan band cari perhatian klinis yang serius. Walau ada kemerosotan semacam itu - yang termasuk juga pantauan bermacam untuk collection ini - Heathen Chemistry masih jual beberapa juta kopi di dalam rumah serta memetakan empat singel AS. Disamping itu, formasi Liam sendiri, "Lark," mengidentifikasi kali pertamanya Oasis meluncurkan single yang dicatat oleh siapa quip kecuali Noel. Lagu memiliki nasib baik di tangga lagu UK serta buka jalan buat pendekatan kolaboratif baru untuk tulisan lagu.
Collection Oasis selanjutnya alami penangguhan, sebab session awal dengan tim electronica Death in Vegas (yang sudah diambil untuk membuahkan rekaman) diurungkan. Disamping itu, drummer Alan White keluar dari band pada awal 2004, serta putra Ringo Starr Zak Starkey naik ke atas untuk menggantinya. Try not to Believe the Truth pada akhirnya lihat launching di penjuru dunia pada Mei 2005. Tampilkan andil tulisan lagu dari tiap anggota band, catatan itu sebagai wakil pendekatan baru dari barisan yang awalnya didominasi Noel. "Lyla," "The Importance of Being Idle," serta "Let There Be Love" semua berperan pada keberhasilan collection, serta Don't Believe the Truth selekasnya jadi usaha pemasaran band withering tinggi semenjak Be Here Now. Band ini secara cepat kembali pada studio pada tengah 2007, hentikan produksi beberapa waktu selanjutnya untuk sangat mungkin Noel habiskan waktu dengan anak yang baru lahir. Session diteruskan pada bulan November serta ditutup di tahun 2008, dengan Dig Out Your Soul terima tanggal launching akhir tahun itu. Di tahun 2009, sesudah pertikaian saudara di belakang panggung yang umumnya menghangat, Noel tinggalkan group untuk selama-lamanya, menggerakkan Liam (serta anggota band yang lain) untuk mengganti nama jadi Beady Eye, dengan gagasan untuk meluncurkan kiprah single di tahun 2010.
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gajahilosophy · 4 years
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. . . M A C R A M É L A N Y A R D untuk tampil beda tidak melulu sesuatu yang hightech, bisa juga memanfaatkan (sekali-kali) bermain benang dengan teknik-teknik simpul atau yang biasa disebut dengan seni macramé. kali ini saya mencoba macramé lanyard dengan menggunakan benang macramé berwarna pink muda berukuran 3mm. teknik macramé yang digunakan antara lain: larks head knots, square knots, diagonal double half hitch knots dan wrap knots. hasilnya? tada... keren kan? sekarang kamu bisa tampil beda hanya dengan membiarkan jari-jemarimu menari dengan ikatan-ikatan yang dinamis dalam membuat karya macramé lanyard ini. berani mencoba? @wa.tu.ra @kalyanvijaya #macramélanyard #macraméart #senikriyamakrame #belajarmakrame #senisimpulmenyimpul #lanyard #elephanTalk #gajahilosophy (at Gajahuis #F24) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJlD7vEsA_N/?igshid=17y7k0igh6jms
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briefinternetlady · 5 years
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Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. -William James #ArthdalChronicles is truly an epitome of high quality & excellent series,not only in kdramaworld but probably in the world's list of best series.👏🏻 Ep16 was filled w/nerve racking & breathtaking scenes.Tanya was threatened by Taealha upon her disagreement w/what she will said on the sacred trial,the 2 fierce convo was so good.i hate Saya's side of being happy of how Tagon decided to kill the leaders.the arrest of the families of the traitors are so cruel!Saya telling Tanya not to play dumb as all started from her own selfishness was great.Wahan tribe gathering was blue.Saya giving Tanya a backhug & that necklace (same w/Eun) was interesting.trial day,Tanya changing the judgment was so cool,scream,#KimJiWon was so bold.Tanya telling Tagon & all that she is trying to build his land on the hearts of people was daebak.Mugwang body found & Mubaek crying was a real tearjerker,#ParkHaeJoon thumbs up!Mubaek pleading to Tanya to perform a ritual for him was rendering.i love how he told Tanya too what he discovered from being in Lark,Saya overhearing all is intriguing.Saya talking about Ago tribe to Tanya & Eunseum (Eun) learning about it thru Ip was nice.the introduction of Ago tribe was intense.Dalsae & Book at Momo tribe was thrilling,#ErikaKarata is always mesmerizing.Ip meddling on Ago tribe & his tribe was riveting.Eun's dream of what happened in Arthdal is good.Eun fighting back & uttering the words from Sateunik was heartening,the weakness stuff is so striking.i liked how Ip came back as he already cared for Eun,his family story was sad.how he came up a plan for Eun to pretend as Inaishigi was cool,whoa,Eun dancing is awesome,#SongJoongKi deserved a multiple acting awards for this series only.the ritual to prove Eun's words is goosebumps,poor Eun,the waterfall scene was breathtaking!Momo tribe to the rescue is stupendous!🙀 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #jangdonggun#kimokvin#kidohoon#series#action#best#life#cool#great#epic#amazing#love#friends#koreandrama#한국드라마#드라마#한류#kdrama #koreanentertainment#아스달연대기#beautiful#motivation ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Eun as Ago tribe king is up for finale,whoa! (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2dljRNphLY/?igshid=q884n5ngtlmy
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madlisten-blog · 7 years
“I asked my therapist what she would do if she were me. She said that she didn’t know and I kind of liked her answer. But she suggested me to do a simple thing first : Liking my friends’ pictures on Instagram. I thought it was a piece of cake and it should be, it should be, right? Until I tried it and it turned out it wasn’t. I started sweating even until my hair was wet, my fingers trembled, it instantly brought me back to my college life and made me remember things I had experienced in those 6 years. And because of them years, I’ve killed two people. I have fucking killed two people and no one came to me to get some sort of revenge.
I miss my friends. I miss them so much. I do not know what's wrong with me but every single time I tried to contact them, I began trembling. I know they wouldn’t believe that I’ve killed people and even if they do, they would say it wasn’t my fault and forgive me for lying to them, hurting them and not telling them the truth back then. On the other side of the coin, the guilt is too massive.
Now, some of them have contacted me. I was happy as a lark, the conversations were good but once the convos were over, I never had a fucking courage to become the first one to contact them. Some of them have married now, I didn’t come to the weddings - even gave them any congrats. Some more are having theirs this year and here I am, feared of things I don’t even know. I wish them best. I will never stop praying for them because it is the very least I can do now.
My therapist said she has yet to have any results.
Saya tanya terapis saya, apa yang akan ia lakukan jika mengalami hal seperti saya. Ia bilang ia tidak tahu dan jujur saja, saya suka jawaban itu. Ia memberi saran satu hal sederhana untuk saya lakukan : Memberi ‘like’ pada foto teman-teman saya di Instagram. Saya pikir itu mudah dan seharusnya begitu, kan? Sampai saya coba dan ternyata tidak sama sekali. Tidak mudah. Saya berkeringat dingin, jari saya gemetar, lalu begitu saja saya kembali ingat kehidupan kuliah saya dan hal-hal yang saya alami selama 6 tahun itu. Karena hal-hal itu, saya sudah membunuh 2 orang. Saya sudah membunuh 2 orang dan tak ada yang datang pada saya untuk membalas.
Saya benar-benar rindu teman-teman saya. Tidak tahu apa yang salah, namun saya selalu ketakutan setiap akan menghubungi mereka. Saya tahu mereka tidak akan percaya bahwa saya telah membunuh. Pun jika mereka percaya, mereka akan bilang kalau itu bukan salah saya, lalu memaafkan saya walaupun saya sudah bohong dan sakiti mereka tanpa beritahu apapun selama itu. Di sisi lain, kesalahan saya pada mereka terlalu besar.
Saat ini, beberapa dari mereka pernah menghubungi saya. Tentu saja saya senang sekali namun begitu percakapan berakhir, saya tidak punya keberanian untuk jadi yang pertama mengontak mereka beberapa waktu setelahnya. Beberapa sudah menikah, saya tidak datang ke pesta pernikahan mereka, bahkan walau sekedar mengirim ucapan selamat. Beberapa lainnya juga akan menikah tahun ini dan lihat saya, takut akan hal yang bahkan tidak saya mengerti. Saya berharap yang terbaik untuk mereka. Saya akan terus berdoa untuk mereka karena saat ini hanya itulah yang bisa saya lakukan.
Sampai saat ini, terapis saya masih belum memberikan vonis apapun terhadap kondisi saya.
–– Balikpapan, Indonesia
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