One Voice Over a Million Whispers (Rinsapur)
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Days at the cafe were getting more exhausting the further Rinnessa got into her pregnancy. Running around the kitchen and getting facetime with her clientele were all part of her daily routine, but she was spending more time sitting when she could manage it. The girls at the cafe were putting in the work to make up for their boss's need for more rest, which was good. Soon, they would have to handle things on their own while Rin learned to parent two little half-elves.
That was not the only thing Rin's energy was being spent handling, of course.
The weather was finally taking a turn for the better, but Rin still bundled up on her walk home from work. Even the March chill was enough to make her shiver these days. She longed for the warmth of her apartment and her girlfriend, but when she opened the door, her shiver came from an ominous hunch rather than the weather. Taking a deep breath to steel herself, the witch cautiously walked toward her bedroom.
Rin had been throughout with warding the apartment. She had crystal arrangements all over the space in strategic locations, but the most protected area was still the bedroom. More and more, that was where Rin expected to find her lover. Sure enough, when she knocked and slowly opened the door, Lark was in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth with her hands against her ears. Rin's smile faltered briefly; they both knew she could not shut out the whispers like that.
Ever since the whispers had grown worse, after the declaration of the ceasefire, Lark rarely left the apartment. This was best; Rin just wanted her safe and did not want to know what the whispers would lead her to do. They were doing everything they could, and Rin was pushing the limits of her magical knowledge. Herb baths, draughts mixed with Lark's tea, and every spell, ritual, and charm Rin could get her hands on. Even sitting there, Lark had more than one crystal item she wore to help ward away the voices.
Rin hoped something would change soon, because she hated seeing the woman she loved like this. Until something changed, she just had to be supportive, putting on her warmest smile. "Gods, have I missed ye, Lark. All I could think about for the last hour of work was your beautiful face. Well, and yer tummy."
The voice she spoke in was clear, with a slight melody to it. Rin noticed that helped in reaching out through the whispers. In this case, it worked enough to have those light blue eyes lift from Lark's knees. She did not say anything, but she was looking at Rin rather than closing herself down completely. That happened sometimes on the worst days.
Rin pressed forward, knowing Lark was not going to be able to talk much right now. "Of course, I'm assumin' ye and th' wee one are starvin' so I picked up a quail t' whip up wi' biscuits and gravy. Keep your strength up." It was a legitimate concern and Rin was not going to let her girlfriend or their baby wither away because of the void. In th' meantime, though, I baked us up some lemon bars as a treat."
Lark did not look away, but her weak voice trembled its reply. "I-i-it's really bad tod-day, Rin... I... I..."
Stepping closer, Rin got to her knees and carefully placed her hands on Lark's shoulders. When the elf did not lash out, she leaned in and pressed her forehead to Lark's. "I know, love. So let's just talk over them." She pulled away, kissing the spot on Lark’s forehead. She smiled as broadly as she could as she brought one thumb to her own mouth, biting it enough to draw her own blood. "We'll have a night in eatin' lemon bars and talkin' about things. We've got plenty t' talk about."
Rin placed her thumb against Lark's forehead and drew a sigil. Ever since their "conception ritual," their blood shared a connection. It was, after all, blood magic. "How about baby names? I think it's time we talk about them. We're havin' two children, and we don't exactly know what we're gettin' so we'll want two boy names and two girl names, at least." Maybe even something more neutral? "Plus we can choose human or elven names. So much to think about right?"
For the first time since Rin returned, she noticed Lark smile, however weak the expression was. "I... that sounds nice, Rin."
Pleased with the progress, Rin reached into her paper bag and pulled out two treats, handing Lark one unless she was not ready to feed herself yet. If not, Rin could do that too, because they were a team. "That's th' smile I fell in love with. Alright then." She took a seat on the floor next to Lark, keeping an arm around the elf. "Let's name some wee half-elves."
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wildname · 4 years
😳 Who is someone you’d love to RP with?💚 What is your favorite sort of RP (specific genre, one-on-one vs group, rp events, ect)?💖  Who are 3 people your character thinks are talented?
Well, minor call out to @simplysoriya ‘s post about finding an himbo for Sori to interact with when I have Thalin right here like:
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As for preferences, I always had the most fun in the old guild events we had when Dragonforce was still active. It was a lot like a dnd game with how our gm designed it and it was a lot of fun because you get thrown into situations that you’d never think to put your character into. Like Thalin running into a silithid hive to attack the queen and almost die :^)
@tialasnow for one, he loves her music. He thinks @larksapur-wra has a talent for getting into trouble when he’s not around. And finally, @neekaxiv seems to have a talent for finding ways to break the man.
@waitingrose thanks!
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kat-hawke · 5 years
Who are some characters your muse doesn’t care for but has a begrudging respect for?
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@lovelydeadlysocialite (Situation varies)
Damerrek: None. Those he doesn’t like he does not respect.
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safrona-shadowsun · 5 years
Bold those that apply, italicize if occasional
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moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter |selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky |  absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious | PTSD |
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
Tagged By:  @alliesweetsong-wra @kat-hawke @unabashedrebel - thank you!
Tagging: @duraxxor @renwyck @nixalegos @thefirstperished @aranyaphoenix @nixnixya @halenvar @ask-iraiel @mremaknu @fel-temptation @elizebella @silvertonguedaggermaw @larksapur-wra @sylaess @theconstructsworld @loveherdekay @allasticus @thaneirstaer @nyselashadowglaive @storykeeper-wra @anubelore-delana @olivia-lovecraft @belillinafireseeker @halforc-mercenary and many more if you might like to!
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unabashedrebel · 5 years
DECLASSIFIED: Kirollis Duskhaven
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Bold those that apply, italicize if occasional
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | lies | impatient | cowardly | bitter |selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | masochistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive | rebellious
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless |ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise |clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic|passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | beach combing | belly dancing | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music |cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay |fishing | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading |collecting | shopping | socializing | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | minor potion brewing | tricks & trinkets | crow keeping
Tagged by: @thornbolts & @ranger-swiftwind !
Tagging: @the-real-arcanist-val @the-wild-unbound @nixalegos @arrows-and-cigars @lady-rian @larksapur-wra @rickiedevron @monster-of-master @keevah-frostfang @stonestridernerd @cordelia-scott @safrona-shadowsun @illadyiamistrunner @suramarelf
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tilnathiel · 5 years
In which Nath is marginally more honest than usual:
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Name: “Tilnathiel Aliandris the Everstar, born a Morrowblade regardless o’what that Dawngloam bastard says. ...Don’t ask me why I’m tellin’ ye that.”
Eye Color: “Green, much as I hate it. Half-wish it were amber again.”
Hair Style/Color: “Red as fire, gorgeous’n glossy’n waist-length. Keep it up out o’me eyes, simple ponytail-type deal. I could cut it short, but imagine? What a waste.”
Height: “Five-SEVEN. SE-VEN. ...an’ a quarter. I swear.”
Clothing Style: “Simple. Vests, trousers. Linen, leather. Occasional bit o’ hemp. Things what won’t get ruined by the salt sea-- or in the case o’the leathers, what’ll keep me safe but flexible.”
Your Fears: “Dyin’ discontent. Knowin’ I coulda done more, seen more. Been more. Leavin’ no legacy.”
Your Guilty Pleasure: “Men. The drink. The thistle.”
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: “The pompousness o’those who think law’s a proper substitute fer morality, I suppose.”
Your Ambition for the Future: “Just keep goin’. Ne’er stop, nay fer a moment, nay fer a breath. Go an’ go an’ go ‘til the Harridan’s rightly earned her name. More’n she already has.”
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: “...All right, where am I?”
What You Think About the Most: “The next job. Next destination. Next scheme.”
What You Think About Before Bed: “...Loads o’ things. Some I want ta think upon, some I don’t. Family’n friends. Dangers’n vices’n dreams. The man me heart’s dwelt upon. Me father. Those dark days in any one o’ various cells. The call o’the blue.”
Your Best Quality Is: “All of ‘em. I’m nay bein’ pompous; I’m sayin’ there isn’t a best one. I’m a collection o’ qualities what all balance each other out, like some madhat tippin’ scale o’ smarts’n idiocy. Can’t overbear either side.”
Single or Group Dates: “Single. If I want ta be with ye then I want ta be with ye. Groups’re plenty fine, an’ they have their place. But one-on-one is where it shines.”
To be Loved or Respected: “...Loved, in the end. A man craves respect as all men do, bu’there’s a certain advantage ta bein’ thought a bigger fool’n ye truly are. Leaves ye o’erlooked, which is exactly how I like it ‘til the job is done. Besides, who doesn’t love a good underdog tale?”
Beauty or Brains: "Gods alive, don’t make a man choose. They’re both so useful. ...Brains, though, if I have to. Beauty shines, but brains gleam like knives.”
Dogs or Cats: “Cats. There is no question.”
Lie: “The way birds fly’n fish swim, mate.”
Believe in Yourself: “Without question. No one else’s gotten me this far.”
Believe in Love: “Wholeheartedly. ...What? Don’t look a’me like that. Smugglers can’t love too?”
Want Someone: “Everyone. Friends, lovers, men, women. Th’women I’ll nay have like that, ta be fair, but still. I want ‘em. I crave people as plants crave sun. Graspin’, reachin’-like.”
Been on Stage: “Oddly, no.”
Done Drugs: “Too many.”
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: “Only fer a job. Didn’t last long.”
Favorite Color: “S’pose I’m meant ta say the blue o’the sea or the black o’ night, heh. ... Truth told I’ve a desperate love fer the red-gold o’ Eversong leaves. S’what they named me fer, ye know.”
Favorite Animal: “Cats. Every cat what’s e’er lived. But Gingerclaws the most.”
Favorite Food: “Cherry pie. Preferably stolen. ... No, that’s nay a euphemism!”
Favorite Game: “Ah, likely throwin’ the dice. Good mixture o’ luck’n skill, that.”
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: “Seventeenth o’ June, just crestin’ inta high summer.”
How Old Will You Be: “Eh. Twenty? A thousand? I’ve nay counted in a while, truth told.”
Age You Lost Your Virginity: “Young.”
Does Age Matter: “Tch, hardly. I’ve known ten-thousand-year-old fools. Some of ‘em are even mannin’ armies now.”
Best Personality: “Bold. Brilliant. Someone who feels like I’m standin’ in sunlight. What challenges me ta be even brighter just ta piss ‘em off.”
Best Eye Color: “...Awful partial ta amber lately. Don’t ask why.”
Best Hair Color: “Mine. Obviously.”
Best thing to do with a Partner: “Near-dyin’. Ye really get ta see the mettle of a man, times like that.”
I love: “Life. It’s a chaste’n soft-ish answer, but it’s true.”
I feel: “Everythin', keenly. Passionately. It’s honestly a bit of an issue.”
I hide: “So that others don’t have to.”
I miss: “Minn’da. So much.”
I wish: “I could speak ta her one last time.”
Snagged it from: @larksapur-wra!
Tagging: @thornbolts @caideyn @theunfortunatedruid @irielle-firine @veneficca @good-for-what-aels-you @silvertonguedaggermaw @mathias-meadowshine @monster-of-master @lendariinamberbow @explosivesorrow @seaandsails and anyone else who’d like to do it!
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alvae-main · 6 years
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Portrait one of Free Portrait Day! 
Larksapur, for @cashew-qq!
Still streaming! 
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kharrisdawndancer · 5 years
About Khaeris
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first rule: Tag nine muses you would like to know better !
second rule: Bold the statements that are true for your muse ( italics for situational/verse dependent )
I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people. People tell me that I’m funny. Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me. I enjoy physical challenges. I enjoy mental challenges. I’m playfully rude with people I know well. I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it. There is something I would change about my personality.
I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping I’m a fast runner. I can draw well. I have a good memory. I’m good at doing math in my head. I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute. I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling. I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch. I know how to throw a proper punch.
I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country/Planet/Galaxy/Universe I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
my life.
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share(d) my room with someone
I have break-danced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages
Tagged by: @kenpierce Tagging: @pyraelia @polluxhale @andaerosdawnflare @larksapur-wra @zaralen @eleeria @centoridellanir @karidakdellanir @belillinafireseeker
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art-of-char · 6 years
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2 x Different YCH commissions for @cashew-qq / @larksapur-wra Thank you so much for commissioning me again <3 
Check out this post for more info on these commissions.
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An Autumn's Bounty (Pt. 2)
(Continued from here)
Rin smirked as her question led Lark exactly where she hoped. With the chill of the outdoors fading away, Rin was reveling in the warmth of her girlfriend. She had a growing need, and she was clearly not alone.
Life was wonderful. She was happy. And she could, in large part, thank the gorgeous elf happily finding a place between her legs.
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Even after taking a portal to Northrend at Roxlyn's request, Rin and Lark still needed to catch a ship that would be docking at the small independent island the witch lived on. Rin had a coat and a scarf, knowing it would be cold up north at this time of year.
While she had been wanting to visit her old teacher for some time, it was surprising that Roxie would ask her to visit barely a month after their last meeting. She asked her to bring Lark, who thankfully had no problem with impromptu travel.
The girls made it down a path covered in crunchy snow to a cozy cabin at the edge of the town. A blood elf woman was outside playing fetch with a dog almost her size. When she spotted them approaching, she smiled. "Roxie, I think you've got company!"
It only took half a minute for the void elf dressed in thick, fur-lined robes to poke her head out of the door. "Nice to see you two made it in safe."
"Yep! Though I didn' realize it'd already be snowin' up here!"
"Well, get in here then. We have the hearth going and soup ready."
Rin squeezed Lark's hand. "How are ye feeling?" The boat trip had made both of them a bit queasy. Really, Rin's stomach had been annoying her for days now, and she wondered if she was coming down with something.
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damien-ward · 5 years
At First Glance
Describe my OC in one gif:
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Tagged by: @captzexx​ , @waroftwowolves​ , and @katianegreyson​
Tagging: @dylan-grimmkell​ @garethlyons​ @garrett-lionsroar​ @dae-shadowvale​ @larksapur-wra​ @tinybewitchedgilnean​ @salt-water-siren​ @igniting-the-dawn​ @long-into-the-night​ @seilune​ @dredg-wra​ @lyressaa​ @halfblood-bookworm​ @raxwel-blythe​ and anyone else!
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Character trope - Maha
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Your Result: The Mentor
A more experienced advisor or confidante to a young, inexperienced character, particularly to a hero. You are seen as an old soul by your peers and you have a natural quirk of wanting to take care of others. You seem to be the most mature of your friends and you love giving them advice. You seem to have a lot of experience with trouble and the woes of the world, but you know how to handle what life throws at you.
Tagged by @larksapur-wra
Tagging: @bloodbornblue, @octophopi, @ahlis-xiv, @ishgard, @ofgoldengardens, @ffxiv-swarm, @fel-temptation, @arkiela, @nocturnedreaming, @ivygrimfox, & anyone else who wants
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wildname · 5 years
Do you have any close friends or a even lover?
"No... Lover, currently, no. I do have many close friends. Tia, my knight-captains, my cousin Gildras, all the guild, wherever they are right now... Um, Miss Bella'viere, Dith, Lark, Mar, Joy, and quite a few others. I like people." The knight gave a wide smile.
Thanks anon and @tialasnow @belore-invictus @roses-and-arrows @larksapur-wra @halforc-mercenary thank you for being friends with dumb-dumb!))
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kat-hawke · 5 years
🔎 - Random detail about them
All the Little Things Meme
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When she stands her weight often shifts from leg to leg, but she tends to favor the left.
[ @larksapur-wra ]
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safrona-shadowsun · 5 years
Recruiting A Black Harvester
How your character acts as if they were an in-game follower!
Selection Line: "You're needing a different kind of delivery, aren't you?"
Class: Warlock, Specializing in Demonology or Affliction. (Commander selects preference.)
Weapons: Demons, Fel/Void Magic, Favors Scythe
AI Behavior: Assistant tank when assigned with VoidWalker, Assistant damage single-target or multiple. Optional crowd control. Light support, transport.
Battle Lines:
"Dirty business it is, then!” - Battle Start/On Demon Summon
"Don't let me distract you now." - occasionally spoken on AoE/Demonic summon or attack
"Regrets?" -- Occasionally spoken on single target curse/damage
"No: this one is MINE." - on Soul siphon of last 5%-10% of health of target.
“Let the blueberry take care of them, yes?” - Voidwalker Taunt
<Feed!> - Command for Spell Lock for Felhunter in Demonic
“This needs a more delicate touch…" - on instructing Succubus to seduce single-target.
"Bad! In the corner with you!" - on Fear/Horror cast
"Better safe than sorry!" - Soulstone cast. The Harvester will cast on herself by default unless instructed otherwise.
"....be right back." -- on Void Walk
Outside Battle:
"Do you trust me?" -- Ritual of Summoning
"Just pretend their cookies. Easier that way." -- Casting Soulwell
Exiting Battle:
"Back to the usual business, yes?"
"Let's not make this a common occurance."
"And that concludes our transaction."
"I...only need a moment.”
“I am NOT done.”
"Hah...is going to leave a mark…"
"Let's just get this over with already." - on Soulstone resurrection on self
"And now I'm angry. Stay. Back."
<Withering chuckling> "Thank you."
"Back to reality. All good?" - on soulstone resurrection of Commander
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Tagged by: @simplysoriya and @ask-silverfire - thank you!
Tagging: @thefirstperished @aranyaphoenix @halenvar @renwyck @silvertonguedaggermaw @nixalegos @duraxxor @bourbonandbadluck @asharinhun @fel-temptation @rineah-darkfall @halforc-mercenary @stonestridernerd @larksapur-wra @theconstructsworld @knownashaunt @belillinafireseeker @darthea-the-demon ...and anyone else who might like to do this!
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unabashedrebel · 5 years
The Aesthetic Thing
Rules: Bold the things you relate to
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side a - the city
glittering lights, yawning, skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles
side b - the book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
side c - the stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lip gloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, Starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes
side d - the stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-coloured bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
side e - the nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, star gazing, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-coloured leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses
side f - the rebel
cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavoured bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
side h - the summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, travelling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones
side i - the autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colours, hair braids, soft sweaters, colourful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
side j - the spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colourful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower
Tagged by: @doryanw (Thank you!)
Tagging: @dae-shadowvale @blessed-by-pride @larksapur-wra @latildarommel @snowfallen-nymph @dardillien-ward @dasacht @kat-hawke @waroftwowolves
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