who cooks normally?
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This is actually a very easy answer. Rin is the one who cooks and bakes. Lark tries to help in the kitchen when Rin needs a hand, but she’d admit she’s not exactly skilled in the kitchen.
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One Voice Over a Million Whispers (Rinsapur)
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Days at the cafe were getting more exhausting the further Rinnessa got into her pregnancy. Running around the kitchen and getting facetime with her clientele were all part of her daily routine, but she was spending more time sitting when she could manage it. The girls at the cafe were putting in the work to make up for their boss's need for more rest, which was good. Soon, they would have to handle things on their own while Rin learned to parent two little half-elves.
That was not the only thing Rin's energy was being spent handling, of course.
The weather was finally taking a turn for the better, but Rin still bundled up on her walk home from work. Even the March chill was enough to make her shiver these days. She longed for the warmth of her apartment and her girlfriend, but when she opened the door, her shiver came from an ominous hunch rather than the weather. Taking a deep breath to steel herself, the witch cautiously walked toward her bedroom.
Rin had been throughout with warding the apartment. She had crystal arrangements all over the space in strategic locations, but the most protected area was still the bedroom. More and more, that was where Rin expected to find her lover. Sure enough, when she knocked and slowly opened the door, Lark was in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth with her hands against her ears. Rin's smile faltered briefly; they both knew she could not shut out the whispers like that.
Ever since the whispers had grown worse, after the declaration of the ceasefire, Lark rarely left the apartment. This was best; Rin just wanted her safe and did not want to know what the whispers would lead her to do. They were doing everything they could, and Rin was pushing the limits of her magical knowledge. Herb baths, draughts mixed with Lark's tea, and every spell, ritual, and charm Rin could get her hands on. Even sitting there, Lark had more than one crystal item she wore to help ward away the voices.
Rin hoped something would change soon, because she hated seeing the woman she loved like this. Until something changed, she just had to be supportive, putting on her warmest smile. "Gods, have I missed ye, Lark. All I could think about for the last hour of work was your beautiful face. Well, and yer tummy."
The voice she spoke in was clear, with a slight melody to it. Rin noticed that helped in reaching out through the whispers. In this case, it worked enough to have those light blue eyes lift from Lark's knees. She did not say anything, but she was looking at Rin rather than closing herself down completely. That happened sometimes on the worst days.
Rin pressed forward, knowing Lark was not going to be able to talk much right now. "Of course, I'm assumin' ye and th' wee one are starvin' so I picked up a quail t' whip up wi' biscuits and gravy. Keep your strength up." It was a legitimate concern and Rin was not going to let her girlfriend or their baby wither away because of the void. In th' meantime, though, I baked us up some lemon bars as a treat."
Lark did not look away, but her weak voice trembled its reply. "I-i-it's really bad tod-day, Rin... I... I..."
Stepping closer, Rin got to her knees and carefully placed her hands on Lark's shoulders. When the elf did not lash out, she leaned in and pressed her forehead to Lark's. "I know, love. So let's just talk over them." She pulled away, kissing the spot on Lark’s forehead. She smiled as broadly as she could as she brought one thumb to her own mouth, biting it enough to draw her own blood. "We'll have a night in eatin' lemon bars and talkin' about things. We've got plenty t' talk about."
Rin placed her thumb against Lark's forehead and drew a sigil. Ever since their "conception ritual," their blood shared a connection. It was, after all, blood magic. "How about baby names? I think it's time we talk about them. We're havin' two children, and we don't exactly know what we're gettin' so we'll want two boy names and two girl names, at least." Maybe even something more neutral? "Plus we can choose human or elven names. So much to think about right?"
For the first time since Rin returned, she noticed Lark smile, however weak the expression was. "I... that sounds nice, Rin."
Pleased with the progress, Rin reached into her paper bag and pulled out two treats, handing Lark one unless she was not ready to feed herself yet. If not, Rin could do that too, because they were a team. "That's th' smile I fell in love with. Alright then." She took a seat on the floor next to Lark, keeping an arm around the elf. "Let's name some wee half-elves."
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An Autumn's Bounty (Pt. 2)
(Continued from here)
Rin smirked as her question led Lark exactly where she hoped. With the chill of the outdoors fading away, Rin was reveling in the warmth of her girlfriend. She had a growing need, and she was clearly not alone.
Life was wonderful. She was happy. And she could, in large part, thank the gorgeous elf happily finding a place between her legs.
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Even after taking a portal to Northrend at Roxlyn's request, Rin and Lark still needed to catch a ship that would be docking at the small independent island the witch lived on. Rin had a coat and a scarf, knowing it would be cold up north at this time of year.
While she had been wanting to visit her old teacher for some time, it was surprising that Roxie would ask her to visit barely a month after their last meeting. She asked her to bring Lark, who thankfully had no problem with impromptu travel.
The girls made it down a path covered in crunchy snow to a cozy cabin at the edge of the town. A blood elf woman was outside playing fetch with a dog almost her size. When she spotted them approaching, she smiled. "Roxie, I think you've got company!"
It only took half a minute for the void elf dressed in thick, fur-lined robes to poke her head out of the door. "Nice to see you two made it in safe."
"Yep! Though I didn' realize it'd already be snowin' up here!"
"Well, get in here then. We have the hearth going and soup ready."
Rin squeezed Lark's hand. "How are ye feeling?" The boat trip had made both of them a bit queasy. Really, Rin's stomach had been annoying her for days now, and she wondered if she was coming down with something.
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An Autumn's Bounty
Kat was adamant that the ceasefire was not worth the paper it was declared on, but Rinnessa was going to be optimistic. She could feel more secure at the Howling Owl, now. She had to worry less about friends on either side getting slain in a conflict. Even Roxlyn seemed more willing to visit Stormwind in light of recent events, which was great. Rin liked getting the chance to catch up with her mentor.
Before she would come to town, the witch did have a request of her former Apprentice. There was a merchant in the city who had gotten their hands on a relic and Roxlyn wanted to get it before someone else did. With Rin in town, she picked up the little idol so she could give it to her former teacher when she came around.
Walking into the flat, Rin looked over the small statuette. It seemed... trollish? She wondered if this was procured during the excursions into Zandalar. Maybe it was best not to dwell on how the artifact was originally obtained. Roxlyn did have a habit of finding questionably moral items interesting, after all.
Removing a coat from her shoulders, Rin called out onto the small apartment. "Lark, ye home? I've returned with a wee troll totem and two hot cocoa. At least one of those things is for you!"
[Mention @kat-hawke ]
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<3 Please look at this amazing commission from @rooku who is insanely talented and incredibly easy to work with.
Rinnessa and @larksapur-wra in a peaceful moment sprawled out together. <3
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Rinsapur Hallow’s End
So it was decided that Lark and Rin spent the night of Hallow’s End at The Cozy Owl running some activities and giving treats to the children of Stormwind that dropped in.
Rinnessa was a butterfly.
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Larksapur was a flying squirrel.
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You can now return to your regularly scheduled program. Thank you for dealing with @larksapur-wra​ and I and our cutesy headcanons.
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Home is Where the Heart Is (Pt. 2)
(Continue from here)
Rinnessa felt something off about the whole situation, and it was a relief to have Lark open up honestly. Rin didn't blame her for holding that; in her shoes, Rin might have done the same, worrying she might be a burden.
Still, the shoe was on Lark's foot. And at the full explanation, Rin furrowed her brow, then determination colored her expression. She stood up and took Lark's hand, picking up anything Lark had with her.
She spoke matter-of-factly. "Come on. We're gettin' your stuff. Ye can pay me back when ye're ready. Then we're going to my flat. Yer staying wi' me. As long as ye need," she added. She was determined, but was still Rin, so she wasn't used to being pushy.
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Home is Where the Heart Is
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Was it weird that the flat felt weird on nights where Lark wasn’t sleeping over?
Maybe that was silly, or she was getting in too deep too quick, but Lark spent the majority of nights sleeping over at this point. Kat was... less than thrilled about that, but Rinnessa honestly just enjoyed Larksapur’s company. The void elf didn’t drain her energy like so many other people did.
But the were not living together. Yes, Lark had most of her clothes at the flat. Sure, Lark was living at the Inn when she was not at Rin’s and Rin worried about that. Still, it felt like a line she was nervous to cross, given the... undeclared nature of what they were.
And so, it was one of those nights when Lark was not spending the night, and Rin was feeling antsy. She was too restless to sleep just yet, and the flat felt... quiet. She decided it might be a good time for an evening stroll.
Rin kept a want tucked into the waistband of her skirt, knowing Kat would kill her if she was out at night without some method to defend herself. After all the they had both endured, Rin was not going to zone out and make herself a target for some lowlife.
The walk took the pink-haired witch toward a park, which was the easiest way to get close to nature without leaving Stormwind. The rustling of trees and grass in the summer breeze calmed her.
She had no goal or destination in walking, but fortune and fate were funny. Unexpectedly, Rinnessa came across a familiar elf laying across a park bench. Grinning, Rin skipped over to Larksapur. “Out for an evenin’ stroll, too?”
[ @larksapur-wra ]
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My favorite thing
Me and @larksapur-wra reveling in the gay cute of Rinsapur in post tags we're now just writing at each other.
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Rinessa did not bite off more than she could chew! That said, with her business partner away, she could use some extra help. Thankfully, Larksapur was back and, while she was not much of a baker, she could lend a helping hand.
Fruit tarts we're not too difficult; she was just making a lot of them, in an assortment of Pride related color combinations to fulfill an order for a local celebration. It was after hours, so they were the only two people in the cafe, letting them chat and get things done.
"Ya know, I think im in love wi' pride month," she thought aloud while rolling out pastry dough. Larksapur was working on getting fruits into bowls by color and adding carefully pre-measured amounts of sugar and lemon juice. "Vibrant colors, an air of acceptance, and everythin' jus' feels... I dunno, open? This is my first pride as part of it all." It felt good to finally be understanding herself. She was part of something. "Have ye been t' any festivities yet?"
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Welcome Back Smooch (Continued)
(From I)
Rin was glad Lark let the conversation move past what was still an awkward, unspoken topic because she had no clue what she would say in the event she had to speak it. Rin already said what she said, and she would not push Larksapur. She knew all too well how necessary it was to come to things at one’s own pace. Rin just hoped if Lark ever figured something out, she wouldn’t just forget to mention it. The girl was wonderful, but... well, oblivious.
Grabbing a small square plate, Rin picked out the largest, flakiest, warmest pumpkin pastie she could find. She slid the plate across the counter and smiled. “As a matter of fact, we were absolutely plannin’ to have music! Sometimes get a performer t’ play fer th’ night, sometimes just let th’ musicians of Stormwind volunteer, like an open mic. I’ve even been breakin’ out my guitar lately t’ shake off th’ rust,” she admitted, feeling the blush in her cheeks as she handed a mug of hot cocoa to Lark. She, of course, already had her own in hand. “Maybe ye could even make an appearance an’ get th’ whole crowd swooning.”
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(Continued from here)
Rin was glad to have Lark back on the roof, and even happier to know Lark wanted to let her further into her life.Traveling so far during wartime had its dangers, but she genuinely wanted to take trips like that with Lark. “I think I’d like that. Meeting yer sister. I’m sure she can give me plenty of cute, embarrassing stories about ye. Count me in.”
Absentmindedly, Rin’s finger started tracing circles on Lark’s knee. Resting next to Lark had a way of putting her at ease. “It really could be a nice trip. We should take it before it gets harder fer me t’ leave th’ city. Things are getin’ more real with th’ cafe, Lark. I think I’m really doin’ it. And I have one wonderful elf t’ thank fer that.” She smiled and planted a kiss on Lark’s cheek.
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Can you tell new followers (IC or OOC) about Rin's Harvest Witch heritage, her connection with Kat, and how she got involved with Larksapur (bonus points for also explaining the impact that relationship is having on her given the complex relationship between elves and the Alliance in general)?
Interesting questions! I’ll handle these Out of Character.
Harvest Witch: Initially she was raised to follow the Light by her father. It was after the Fall of Gilneas and the death of her father that she learned her mother was a Harvest Witch. Her mother did not survive long after the fall, but she spent her last days teaching her daughter about her witchcraft and the lineage of Harvest Witches she came from. This is what encouraged her to learn witchcraft from Roxlyn when given the opportunity. She would not call herself a true Harvest Witch proper, but she has read any books she could find on the craft.
Kat: Kat and Rin have known each other since Rin was a tiny child and Kat was a slightly less tiny child. Rin was an awkward young girl from a poor family and bullies targeted her. Kat was personally responsible for being the one to protect Rin from her bullies and became the first person she connected with. Rin kept to Kat’s heels like a scared puppy and Kat was always there for her.
Due to events in Kat’s life, she had to leave the girl she saw as an adopted sister for a time. After Gilneas fell and after Rin’s time studying in Darnasus, Kat helped Rin start her life again in Stormwind. Kat and Rin love each other, though Kat has thoughts on Rin’s life choices, including her witchcraft and her choice of girlfriends.
Larksapur: Things started by random chance here. Walking around Stormwind and on the mend from her first real heartbreak, Rinnessa bumped into Larksapur the courier, who promptly dropped some of her packages. Rin helped her pick them up and offered to walk with her to her destination as an apology.
The conversation came easy, even if they were prone to rambling. They spent more time together, talking about trips they would love to take, baking treats (or rather, Rin baking and Lark eating,) and spending nights drinking on the roof of Rin’s flat.
Rin kissed Lark because it felt like the thing to do in the kitchen. Lark was apprehensive about getting attached to a human she would have to watch die. Things slowed down and Lark took time to visit her sister. 
When she returned, they continued to deepen their bond, being there for each other when Kat went missing, Roxie was kidnapped, and Lark found herself without a place to live. They finally pushed past apprehensions to start dating and Larksapur moved into Rin’s flat.
From there it’s been cute queer moments, sex that accidentally triggered a fertility blood magic ritual, matching pregnancies, and a son and daughter! There, you’re caught up on Rinsapur. 
[Mentions: @kat-hawke @larksapur-wra @bewitchedwonderhunter]
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