#larry Murphy
bone-chain · 2 years
Stimming isn't enough I need to be my special intrest
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lqjeremyheere · 21 days
I hate hate HATE that they took ‘break in a glove’ out of the DEH movie and changed Connor’s dad into his step dad. I also hate that people always undermine that song and ‘the pants song’ from BMC to “the parent song”. Because they’re 1000% more than that.
Break in a glove is there to prove that Connors parents were there for him. That they Tried. That his father, the parental role that is the most common to not care and neglect, was there and tried. And I feel like getting rid of it and changing him to Connor’s step dad, kinda removed a big part of the story.
And on the BMC side of things. I really hope that if they make a movie, that they won’t do the same thing. Because I feel like the pants song shows that Jeremy’s dad, even though he wasn’t the greatest and wasn’t there when Jeremy needed a dad most, is ready to be there for him now. He’s ready to change and finally be the dad Jeremy needs.
I jst feel like these songs are important. Because yeah they may not progress the story much. But they give a BIG insight to the characters life and it shows that the parents are/were trying.
And also on a kinda unrelated note, can people stop hating ‘break in a glove’ in general. Becuz it’s honestly a great song. And I’m not even talking meaning, it’s jst all around a great song and I will always turn that shit up when it comes on.
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dear-evan-fansen · 2 years
So many criticisms of Dear Evan Hansen revolve around the show being messy/morally convoluted as if that was an overlooked flaw in the writing and not the whole point of the show.
Everything in Dear Evan Hansen is intentionally messy. Everything has two sides. Social media is a positive place where people can come together to make a difference AND it's a breeding ground for hate and vitriol. Evan is a deeply caring, empathetic person AND he does a horrible thing. Heidi is a dedicated, loving mother AND she works so hard that she never spends any time with her son. Connor is agressive, angry, violent, AND he is a depressed, lonely person, ostracized by his peers and longing for connection. Larry Murphy is a domineering authority figure who treats his son like a criminal AND he's a frustrated parent that wants to help Connor get better the only way he knows how. Evan's lies are harmful and manipulative AND they give a family that was tearing apart at the seams time to come together, reflect, and grieve.
All of these things can be true at the same time, and one doesn't have to overshadow or cancel out the other. In ignoring one to focus on the other, you're wilfully missing the point of the story. Real life is messy and complex, and that's exactly what the show is trying so hard to emulate. That's not bad writing, it's just being realistic.
Pasek and Paul said that in its earliest form, the show was meant to look at why people insert themselves into tragedy through a much more cynical lense, criticizing people like Evan. But somewhere in the writing process they found that it's not that simple, because people don't just do that shit for no reason, and it's naive to believe they would. Evan didn't do what he did to be popular or get a girlfriend or gaslight a grieving family. He did it because he saw a chance to help people who were hurting. In the process, he found connection that he had longed for his whole life, and allowed that to complicate things, making him a lot more reluctant to do the right thing and come clean. But the show makes it explicity clear that his initial intention was rooted in helping someone else, not himself. And as bad as it was, it did force the Murphys to come to terms with their loss instead of running away from it, to come together instead of drifting apart.
Yes, the morality of everything that happens in the show is deeply questionable, complex and muddy and that's the ENTIRE POINT. It doesn't mean the show is endorsing what Evan did. The vast majority of the fan base doesn't endorse what Evan did either. Most of us understand what that final scene in the orchard is getting at. It's not arguing that what Evan did was somehow morally correct, or handing him some magical "get out of jail free card". It's acknowledging ALL the consequences of his actions (good AND bad, the healing he brought about AND the hurt he caused) and letting us come to terms with that along with him and move forward. That scene encompasses one of the most important messages of the show: that doing something bad doesn't make you evil. One mistake doesn't have to define you for the rest of your life, and it doesn't make you less human, or any less deserving of growth and self acceptance.
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querido-eh-dump · 9 months
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movies-tv-more · 11 months
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BOB'S BURGERS 14x05 "Bully-ieve It or Not" airs tonight at 9pm on FOX
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arl1n-e · 8 days
I need to know what Connor’s family thinks of Evan <3
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Larry being Larry
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nerdle-turdle · 21 days
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heymartinah · 1 year
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more argentinian deh cast!!
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screaming-static · 2 years
Is anyone from the dear evan hansen fandom still alive? Please interact with this post if you are because I swear there's actually no one-
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milksteakkk · 3 months
i want. no. i REQUIRE the lore from the swap au like please please please please please i need it it is vital for my existence
not entirely sure if this is what u meant by lore but here is literally everything i have for the au so far !!
every swap nd how the work
evan and connor
jared and miguel
alana and zoe
heidi and cynthia
mark and larry
ive already explained how swap!evan and swap!connor work in another ask (thank you ray <3)
w jared and miguel, surprisingly there werent any drastic differences. swap!miguel would still insist theyre not real friends. hes wayy more relaxed about the whole emails and connor project thing but his emotional blowout w swap!connor would be the same as it was w evan nd jared. swap!jared would be more or less the same as miguel but thats only because we barely hear from miguel so i dont have much interesting characterisation i can do w swap!jared ;[
i really dont know how to explain the different characterisations w swap!alana nd swap!zoe but when i post more art about em youll defo notice it. what i can say about swap!alana is that she isnt as hostile towards swap!connor at the start as zoe is to evan, more confused by the whole thing
not much to say about swap!heidi and swap!cynthia. swap!cynthia is still as absent as heidi but swap!heidi and swap!mark arent as... in love ?? as cythia and larry are ?? their marriage is lowkey hangin on by the thinnest thread. if that makes any sense
again not much to say about swap!mark nd swap!larry except what i mentioned before and also swap!mark is somehow more absent than larry is lol
as for design i really didnt wanna js swap their cannon outfits nd call it a day because i think thats boring, but it also means that i have to make outfits from scratch while also making it make sense for their swap while also not being too samey or different from the original and also colour schemes which is.... hard. im trying T_T if the designs suck its because i have no idea what im doing hope this helps !!
because of the swaps, evan and alana are now siblings so i think im js gonna go w alana hansen and zoe beck ?? it sounds strange but im working w what ive got and also im not leaving zoe nd alana as they are and having swap!connor fall in love w his sister from another universe cuz thats strangeee and icky
umm uhhhh. swap!evan is norwegian and swap!connor is waisian. thats not au exclusive i love those hcs w my whole heart
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hockeytown-gifs · 10 months
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Mic Issues w/ Ken & Mick - Wings vs Devils - Nov. 22, 2023
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flibustedes · 2 years
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Inspired by a very obscure Spanish DEH production I once watched with @maybe-i-should-try-harder where Jared looks like a fuckboy hype man who had Connor buttons inside his jacket for selling. Amongst questionable production choices, the take on Jared was Supreme so I had to sketch it
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emotional-moss · 9 months
so lately on tumblr there’s been a pretty cool revival of certain musical fandoms, regarding art and writing and general appreciation, and that’s awesome to see !!! and i think it’s time dear evan hansen joined those ranks! so me and @silksong-when are thinking of hosting a Dear Evan Hansen Big Bang!
we’re not sure how it’ll work out yet, so here’s a poll to gauge engagement !
thank you guys so much, we’re very excited to make this happen !
please reblog for reach !
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movies-tv-more · 10 months
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BOB'S BURGERS 14x08 "Wharf, Me Worry?" airs tonight at 9pm on FOX
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bemorekleinman · 2 years
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tumblr user bemorekleinman saw their third and final (for now, at least) performance of dear evan hansen. tumblr user bemorekleinman is experiencing emotional damage
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