#larry x eader
somefandomimagines · 4 years
Larry (SF) with an S/O that has a hard relationship with their parents
Due to a special request, these headcanons will be hurt/comfort! If you guys ever need any headcanons that would comfort you, feel free to dm me!! I’ll be glad to help <3 - When ya first met Larry, you had had a sudden burst of emotion and were crying - Everyone really just walked past you, trying to avoid whatever was going on. - But then up came Sal and Larry! The others were there too, but Larry was the first at your side - It was lunch, so that’s another reason why people passed you - But Larry didn’t care much for lunch, so as his friends walked off to get their food he stayed with ya - “Hey... Bro, you ok...?”  - His voice was soft, which was kinda unusual - But for some reason he felt like he NEEDED to be here for you - You refused to tell him what was wrong, but he stayed by your side the entire time. - He tried starting conversations, but when that kinda failed he went silent - He was still there with you, though. - Little did ya both know that he would soon be with you forever, ya know? - You guys started hanging out a lot! You met the gang and you were gaining friends! Yet you didn’t trust anyone as much as you’d trust Larry - The second time you broke down, he was by your side again.  - It happened when you two were just hanging out in his room while he painted. He stopped everything he was doing to be there for you - This time he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close into a side-hug - He didn’t bother asking more than “Are you ok?”, he just held you - He held you tightly in his arms, and the smell of his cheap cologne and probably something else just managed to make you feel safe - When you calmed down, he offered to get you a snack and some water. - He was so fuckin’ sweet to you - You were there for him too, when he had some breakdowns and all that - You both became practically glued together - But as time went on, your relationship with your parents didn’t get much better - You were begging for something. Someone or something to hold onto and give you the love and care you needed - And Larry? He noticed that - He gladly took care of you, and in return you did your best to take care of him - As you kept having more breakdowns, you two got closer and closer. He was always there for you... And soon he realized that he had fallen in love with you - You were goofy and caring and just - Perfect - You were perfect to him - Then one day you finally told him about the struggle with your parents, and how they treated you unfairly - He listened to all of it, he was there for you - As you spoke, he rubbed your back comfortingly and soaked in every word - When you started to cry, he wiped your tears away. - He gently held your face in his hands and spoke to you
“(Y/n)... It’s all going to be ok, bro... I’m here for you.. I always will be... There’s nothing that can take me away from you...” - His voice was so gentle and sweet - You could easily tell that he was speaking the truth - He was going to be there for you, forever and always - Then you realized... You had fallen for him too - You leaned into his touch as he wiped away another tear, you muttering a small thank you - He looked at you with such care in his eyes... You knew you were safe with him - Every time you had a breakdown, whether it be in public or not, he would stop everything and help you - He would always listen to you talk about your parents, he would soak in every word - He got his mom to start buying your favorite snacks for when you came over!! - And then he finally asked you out, probably not at the best time because you finished having a breakdown, but it was something - You guys just had a movie night, watching crappy horror movies and eating lotsa snacks while in each other’s arms - It was as romantic as you both could get, tbh - Though during one of the movies, you couldn’t keep it in. - Right as you started to cry, Larry paused the movie and pulled you close. - He would mumble sweet things to you, telling you that everything will be fine and nothing is your fault.  - It wasn’t your fault, afterall.  - Soon he slid his hands up your sides and to your face, where he gently wiped away your tears and held your face just like that one time.  - He reminded you that you’re safe - That you’re ok and everything will get better eventually - You both looked each other in the eyes, you could see how purely his emotions were shown - His gaze was filled with love, love for you and you only - And then it happened, ya know? - Kinda cheesy but... Ya guys kissed - It was soft and sweet despite how rough Larry’s lips were compared to yours - But it was still wonderful -You knew you were safe. You knew everything is going to get better. - It might take time, but you have Larry with you - He’ll be with you each step of the way
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