#last one was done at like 3am on the screenshot editor on my phone
dipndotz · 1 year
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hi guys
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parkerrogersgirl · 6 years
Tempting Fate- Chapter 16
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Word Count: 2,551 (Got super wordy on this one, sorry not sorry. It was 3am and I aggressively could not sleep)
Warnings: Fluff n’ smut; lots of cuteness
A/N: Hey, y’all! @sonofadeanwinchester and I decided it’d be cool if we wrote a series together. SO, HERE’S CHAPTER 16! Please, please, please give us feedback. Feedback is the glue that keeps the writers together. We need the feedback. Send either of us an ask, and we’ll just send each other screenshots. Or you can send it to both of us. Thanks, lovelies.
Reader’s POV
You wake up early in the morning and reach for Sebastian, finding an empty bed. You’re confused for a moment before you remember the events of last night. You sigh, putting on a robe before going downstairs. You see that Sebastian is sitting at the kitchen table, and you slowly sneak into the kitchen, avoiding your fiancé.
You accidentally stub your toe on the table, shouting “FUCK,” and getting Sebastian’s attention.
He stands, hugging you tightly to him, “I’m so sorry, darling. I know I was selfish. I’m terrible.”
You look up at him, shrugging, “it’s okay. I overreacted.”
“You really didn’t, though. I was stupid. I know you aren’t big on people, and I put myself before you. Now that we’re engaged, I need to put you first. So I’ve decided that I want you to be at my interview this morning.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Sebby…”
“I promise, it’ll go great. Please come? It’s important to me. Everyone needs to see how incredible you are, and that I’m madly in love with you.”
“If it means that much to you, then yes, I’ll go. BUT I have to take a shower first.”
He smirks, looking into your eyes. His are dark, filled with lust, as he asks, “can I join?”
You wink, running upstairs to get in the shower as he chases you into the guest bathroom. You turn on the shower and strip, quickly getting in before Sebastian. He follows suit, promptly joining you in the shower. He presses you up against the wall, kissing you roughly. You moan into the kiss and reach up, pulling on his hair. He reaches down, his finger playing in your already slick folds. You gasp, tugging harder on his hair. He bites your bottom lip as he slips two fingers in, pumping them in and out.
“You’re already so ready for me, darling,” he groans in your ear.
You move your head to nibble his neck, eliciting a growl from him. He pulls his fingers out and pulls you up so your arms and legs are around him. He lines himself up with your slit before slamming into you, and you moan loudly.
He smirks, pounding into you while whispering sweet nothings in your ear, “we don’t have much time, scumpa mea. And I want to get as much of you as I can before we leave for the day.”
You moan louder upon hearing his Romanian pet name for you, and you already feel your orgasm rapidly approaching. His thrusts become less precise, and he starts to falter gradually. He kisses you passionately as you cum, and he follows seconds later.
You kiss him back, and he pulls away briefly, looking into your eyes, “how was that for makeup sex?”
You blush as you get off him, getting under the water to start washing your hair. “I don’t know, baby. That was my first experience with that.”
He raises an eyebrow, “no way. You’ve never had makeup sex?”
You turn around, looking at him seriously, “Sebastian, you were my first.”
After your shower, you blow dried and curled your hair, applying just a tiny bit of makeup. You put on a knee-length red dress, adding a pair of black ankle boots to the ensemble. Sebastian exits the bathroom and looks you up and down. He walks closer to you, looking like a hunter stalking his prey.
“Darling, you look downright sinful in red. I can’t wait to take that dress off later tonight. I’m tempted to go so far as to say I’d spank you, but I don’t know how well that would go over,” he says as he gets so close that your chests are touching, slipping an arm around you to grab your ass.
You smirk, staring into his eyes, “you know, Sebastian… I think that could be fun.”
His eyes go wide and he kisses you deeply, squeezing your ass harder. He kneads his fingers into your flesh, holding you tight.
You escape the kiss to catch your breath,  looking up at him, “don’t start anything now, Seb. You’re making me go to this interview, and if we start mischief now, we’ll never get out of here.”
He shrugs, holding out his arm, “let's go then, milady.”
He drives the rental car to BuzzFeed HQ, and you were not excited. Sure, BuzzFeed was great for quizzes, but they weren’t exactly a reliable news source. On the other hand, BuzzFeed specifically caters to the average age of Seb’s fan base, so at least his message would get across.
Sebastian was going to be interviewed by Kristin Harris, who was the Celebrity Editor at BuzzFeed. She wanted to get to know you and Sebastian a bit before the interview, so you headed straight up to her office.
She welcomed you and Seb into her office, and she wasn’t even phased by him. Well, okay. She was a little, but come on. He’s Adonis. She asked you about your history together and how you’d reconnected, and she started tearing up a little when Seb took your hand and started talking about fate. She asked what you thought about the threats and everything, and you told her the truth. You told her that you were shocked by how people were treating a stranger, and that you were raised to never speak ill of anyone you’d never met.
“Well, hopefully, this interview will help people realize that you’re actually a delightful person. Hell, I’ve only known you for 10 minutes and I love you,” she tells you.
“Aww, thank you so much!” You say, blushing, as Seb takes your hand again, giving it a light squeeze.
“So,” Kristin starts, “I think I figured out a plan of what we should do. I think I should interview Sebastian for a few minutes, and then, (Y/N), we’ll bring you in so you two can play our BFF Game. How’s that sound?”
Sebastian looks at you, feeling you start to panic, “(Y/N)’s not really a camera person.” “That’s fine, we can make it so that you won’t even see that camera. Is that better?” You smile, nodding at her, “that sounds great, actually.”
She grins and calls her team in, and she ushers you and Seb off to get camera ready. They adjust your makeup to compensate for the lighting in the room, but otherwise, they leave you alone. Although, one of the hair people kept fluffing up your curls because she was obsessed with your hair. It was awkward, but you’d live.
When they finish with you, you’re brought out to the room where Seb will be interviewed. He’s sitting in the chair and he grins at you as you walk over to him. You kiss him softly and he pulls you onto his lap, making you giggle.
“You ready for this, baby?”
You shrug, “if it’ll get people to stop threatening to come after me, I’m desperate for anything.”
He nuzzles your neck, kissing it softly, “I’m so proud of you for doing this, darling. I know you hate cameras, so I’m incredibly proud of you for agreeing to this.”
You grin, kissing him softly, “if it means I get to marry you eventually, then I’m down for anything.”
Kristen knocks on the door and you turn around, feeling awkward. You start to get up, but she stops you.
“Actually, this is perfect for the photo that’s gonna go in the article and on social media.” She grabs her phone and you put an arm around his shoulders, grinning at the camera. She takes the picture and you get off Seb’s lap. Kristin ushers you to a spot next to the camera so you can watch the interview, and Seb winks at you. You take a deep breath, preparing yourself to be on camera.
The cameraman gives Kristin the signal and she starts the interview.
“Heyyyy, everyone! I’m Kristin Harris, Celebrity Editor at BuzzFeed, and I’m here with Sebastian Stan. So, Sebastian, welcome to Florida. How do you like it so far?”
“I love it, actually. I’ve spent the last few days at amusement parks, and I’m a bit obsessed with Universal Studios. It’s pretty humid down here, though. We only have dry air out in L.A. Here in Orlando, if I’m outside for more than 2 minutes, I’m already soaked in sweat.”
She laughs, “that’s very true, it’s quite humid down here. And it’s understandable that you love Universal, I think most people do. So what’s going on with filming and everything?”
“Well, we all just finished up the last two Avengers movies, and it’s weird knowing that some of the cast is completely done, so we had a bit of a bittersweet end to filming.”
“Any hints on who’s out?” She presses.
“Nope, sorry. Can’t reveal anything. All of us are already terrible secret keepers, so if anyone spills any secrets, pretty sure Marvel can legally send an assassin after us,” she says with a shrug.
“Well, you seem like a pretty good secret keeper. Your fiancée, for example. No one had any idea about her until you made an Instagram post about her. How’d that happened?”
“Well, we met when we were 8 years old. We were childhood sweethearts, and we dated for our junior and senior years of high school. I left to go to college to start acting, and we didn’t talk for 5 years. But, we were on the same flight from L.A. to Orlando and our seats were right next to each other, so I decided to take advantage of the opportunity fate presented to me, and there’s no way in hell I was going to lose the love of my life twice.”
She wipes a tear from her eye, putting a hand over her heart, “that’s absolutely beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, your fiancée (Y/N) is here to play a game with us, so let’s bring her on!”
Sebastian holds out his hand and you sit in the chair next to him as he kisses you softly. “Hi, I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N), and I’m Sebastian’s fiancée.” You wave at the camera, squeezing Seb’s hand.
“Alright, (Y/N), tell us about yourself, and your relationship with Sebastian.”
“Well, like Seb said, we met when we were eight. He was getting bullied because he was the new kid with the funny accent, so I pretty much told the bully to eff off, and we’ve been friends ever since.”
“And that was pretty much the day I realized I loved her,” Seb says, kissing your cheek.
You blush, and Kristin grins, “God, you two are adorable. It’s ridiculous. Alright, are we ready to play a game?”
“Let’s do it,” you and Seb say simultaneously. Kristin hands you each a white board and a marker, and you grin at Seb.
“Alright, we’re gonna play the BFF game. Basically, I’m going to ask a question about one of you, and hopefully, you’ll both give the same answers. So, first question- what movie makes (Y/N) cry every time?”
You roll your eyes, knowing she was starting off with an easy question. You scribble down your answer, hiding your answer from Seb. The timer goes off, and you both reveal your answers-
Kristin applauds you, and Sebastian laughs, “We went on the E.T. ride at Universal and she cried. It was pretty cute. We were actually watching E.T. the first time she cried in front of me. It was a big deal.”
“Wow, that’s a lot of memories for one movie. So, next question- what is Sebastian’s all time favorite American food?”
You think for a minute, biting your lip before you write down your answer.
He finishes a second later, and you turn your board to show Kristin your responses-
“Mac and cheese with hot dogs.”
“Wait,” Kristin says, confused, “macaroni with hot dogs on the side, or actually in the pasta?”
“In the pasta. The first time he came over to my house, my stepdad made him macaroni with a hot dog on the side. He’d never had macaroni before, and he was immediately addicted. He dipped the hot dog in the pasta, and the rest is history.”
“Wow, you two have a lot of stories together. Let’s keep going, shall we?”
She keeps asking you questions, and you get every single one correct. After the interview is over, Kristin gets a selfie and tells you the video will be posted within an hour. You get out of the building and get back in the car, sighing deeply.
Seb leans over, hugging you tightly, “I am so proud of you for that, darling. You were incredible.”
“Are you sure, Sebby? I was so nervous…”
“Baby, you were amazing. I can’t believe how well you did. They’re going to love you. Probably more than they love me, actually. Not sure how I feel about that.”
You blush, kissing him deeply. He puts a hand on your cheek, kissing you harder. You deepen the kiss, and he puts his hand on the small of your back.
“We should probably get going, darling. I want us to have a really relaxing day. I talked to Gabe, and he’s gonna get your mom out of the house for the day, and your sister is going to go hang out with friends at the mall.”
“What are you planning, Sebastian?”
“You’ll find out, baby,” he says with a wink before he pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving back to your parents’ house.
You got off the bus, holding Sebastian’s hand as you led him to your house, using your key to unlock the front door. Your mom and Gabe had always wanted you to have a key just in case you needed to get home and they were at work. “MAAAAAAHMMMMMM I BROUGHT SEBASTIAN HOME,” you yelled.
Gabe shouted back from the kitchen, “are we keeping him hostage?”
“No, Gabe, he’s just staying for dinner. He’s never had macaroni,” you replied as you walked into the kitchen.
“Excuse me? This boy has never had mac and cheese? Alright, we’re fixing this now.” He opened the pantry and grabbed two boxes of Kraft Mac & Cheese, starting to make it. “Sit down, kid, I’m about to change your life.”
You and Sebastian did your homework for a few minutes at the table, and Gabe brought over your dinner.
“Thanks, Gabe,” you said as you started eating. You noticed he added a hot dog on the side, which was classic Gabe. Gabe looooooved his protein.
Sebastian looked at you quizzically, “it’s so…. Orange.”
“Just eat it, Seb. It’s good, I promise. If you want to be a real American, you gotta eat it.”
He shook his head as he took a bite, his eyes going wide, “THIS IS AMAZING.” He picks up his hot dog with a fork, dipping it in the pasta. “AND THIS IS EVEN BETTER.”
You did the same, moaning to yourself, “wow, this is actually really really good.”
He grinned, wolfing down his dinner, “I want this for dinner every night.”
You smiled at your best friend, knowing that you’d be friends with Sebastian Stan for a long time.
MY Tag List (Let me know if you’d like to be added!):
@sis-tafics @my-emotional-self @thankyouforanonymity @gatorgal94 @supernaturaldean67 @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @summer-winchester @thevampywitch @princess76179 @sebbies @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @jcc04220 @lostess-souless @samanddeanmyguardianhunters @ilovethefandomwho @dancer2001 @a-tale-of-two-comics @moondustparker @yleryoseeph @magellan-88 @healojane @sarahp879 @mizz-kraziii @lostinspace33 @silver-starburst @lilmissperfectlyimperfect  @guera31 @destielinamoose @808shelbsters @demonkitkat @hoe4sebstan @izzy206-2001 @esther-alves-world @maslow-90 @tinyfistwarrior @mrs-meghan-winchester  
@sonofadeanwinchester ‘s Tag List:
@shellymaesworld  @titty-teetee @pawallday @221bshrlocked @chameerah   @buckylicious  @nerdywitch  @sarahp879  @i-should-probably-be-asleep-rn @ssweet-empowerment @jhangelface0523 @parkerrpeterr @bxxbxy @winter-cearig
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