#last outfit set out for the morning (ugh that one really gets me stevie).
soothfog · 2 years
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everyone say thank you stevie.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
Maybe I Am? - Chpt.3
Characters: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Summary: The guys meet up for a casual Sunday farmers market trip but when they get back to Bucky’s apartment things heat up fast. Master list HERE.
Content Warning: basic second base smuttiness; swapping hand jobs and some frottage.
Word Count: 5k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! I told ya'll there was gonna a lot of smut in this one and I'm starting to deliver as of this chapter :) So please, enjoy some lovely smuttiness on this fine Wednesday evening lol. XOXO - Ash
Chapter Three
“I told you so.” Natasha cheered over their plate of danishes the next morning. 
Bucky’s smile was sphinx-like as he nibbled on his pastry, “You did. I’m still not 100% sure he’s not going to just bolt at some point but I think that’s a risk I’m going to have to take.” 
“It sounds like a risk worth taking if one kiss has you smiling like that twelve hours later.”
“Ugh, Nat! And for the record, it was more than just one.” Bucky chuckled as Natasha shoved at him playfully.
Across town Steve was helping Sam tidy up in between classes and trying to avoid the grilling he knew Sam wanted to give. They had recapped the last class and personal training sessions and planned out the room for the next group coming in. They went over all the adjustments needed to the next week’s schedule since they were still covering for Thor who was out on paternity leave for the next four weeks now that his wife Jane had the baby. By the time they were setting the last of the kettle bells on the rack they had run out of gym related topics. Sam gave him another side eyed glance and Steve sighed, knowing what was coming.
“So are you still talking to Bucky?” Sam finally asked.
Steve had been reluctant to tell Sam about anything other than their first meeting. He hadn’t even told Sam why he’d bought the new outfit for earlier that week. It was still so new and he was unsure himself of where things were going, or where he even wanted them to go. He figured if in the end he realized he was bi or gay or whatever, then he could tell his friends. But until he was sure there was no point in announcing anything. “I am.” Steve admitted reluctantly.
“And how’s that going?” Sam seemed genuinely interested but Steve still clammed up.
“Good, he’s a good friend. We’ve been swapping memes all week.” 
“Nice. See, it all worked out and now you have someone else to send those stupid GIFs from The Office to.” 
“Hey, don’t knock one of the best TV shows of all time.” Steve glared pointedly.
“Whatever floats your boat, man.” Sam moved on, heading over to the desk to check the roster one last time before he started pulling out mats for their next class. A small twinge of guilt bit in Steve’s stomach, knowing he had let Sam make a wrong conclusion and hadn’t corrected him. But really, what was the point if he still wasn’t sure of everything himself? 
Bucky woke early on the Sunday after their date, restless in a way he hadn’t been in a while. He wanted to see Steve again but it had only been a day. Bucky busied himself with too much coffee and a book while he did laundry in his building's basement, trying to distract himself for a while. By 10am all of his standard keep busy chores were done and he was staring at his phone, trying to make Steve text him by sheer force of will. Giving up he started swiping through Instagram, catching up on his friend’s weekend adventures. Pepper had posted a cute picture of a bouquet she bought at the local farmers market and Bucky realized he had found the perfect reason to text Steve. It was innocent enough and casual so if Steve was busy or declined it wasn’t earth shattering. Plan in place, Bucky fired off a quick text.
Bucky Barnes [10:17:44AM]: hey u. im heading 2 the farmers market in sunset park. gonna stop 4 more of that wine. wanna come?
Steeeeve [10:19:23AM]: Hey! That sounds fun. What time?
Bucky Barnes [10:19:52AM]: headed over now if ur free
Steeeeve [10:20:08AM]: Okay. I just need to throw on some shoes and I’ll head out. I can be there in like 15min. 
Bucky Barnes [10:20:33AM]: k see u then
Bucky scrambled to fix his hair and pick a shirt from the pile he’d just brought up. He hadn’t expected Steve to be willing to meet up so quickly and he was still wearing his laundry day sweatpants. He was closer to the market than Steve but he also needed more time to get ready so he ended up getting a “I’m here” text from Steve on his way. 
Steve was waiting by a jewelry stand when Bucky caught up with him. He had been wandering around for a few minutes and the display of beaded bracelets caught his eye. They reminded him of the ones Bucky had worn when they first met and he wondered which ones Bucky would like. 
“Hey!” Bucky greeted him with a small wave as he approached.
“Hey.” Steve echoed happily. He almost reached out for a hug but something held him back and after a second ticked by he realized he should have just done it but the moment had passed. 
“What are you looking at?” Bucky asked, a little disappointed he hadn’t gotten their standard greeting hug and wanting to move on. 
“Oh, these things caught my eye while I was browsing.” 
“They’re nice. I love the way the translucent ones almost glow.” Bucky picked up one of the vivid pink ones, letting the sunlight hit it from different angles. 
“Let me buy it for you.” Steve offered before his brain caught up with his mouth. 
Bucky looked skeptically at him, “You don’t have to do that.” 
“I want to, please?” 
“Thanks, Stevie.” Bucky said softly, handing the bracelet over. 
Steve blushed at the nickname, ducking his head and walking over to pay the sales girl for the bracelet. Once purchased, he returned it to Bucky who slid it on his wrist next to the two others he was currently wearing.
“Perfect.” Steve praised. 
Bucky was looking appreciatively at his newest addition while Steve was looking appreciatively at Bucky. God, he was gorgeous. Bucky was dressed casually in light washed jeans and a dark grey shirt with no one should live in a closet written in fancy script with a wand below it, all in rainbow colors. Leave it to Bucky. “I like your shirt. Harry Potter reference, right?” Steve guessed.
“Yep. I found it at Pride last year and I’m completely in love with it.” 
“It’s very you.” 
“I’m taking that as a compliment.” Bucky preened for a moment. 
Steve chuckled, “Come on, let’s go get some coffee. Altitude Coffee has a little pop up shop back that way.” 
Steve and Bucky trailed their way through the bustling farmers market, picking up things here and there. Some they actually needed for groceries, but others were just fun impulse buys. They each had overly full canvas totes by the time they were done, and hauled their finds along with them to the wine shop. They each bought a full box from the shop, having stocked up on a half case of their favorites, which only further slowed Bucky down. While Steve had the muscles and endurance to haul a giant tote and six bottles of wine around the city, Bucky did not. 
“Uh, Steve.” Bucky panted out, finally giving up. 
Steve looked over and realized Bucky had fallen a few steps behind while he was talking about a winery he had visited while in Canada a few years ago. 
“I think I need to tap out.” Bucky admitted while shifting his bag as much as he could to get comfortable. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” Steve shifted his tote higher on his shoulder, wondering if he could sling Bucky’s on next to his. “Here, let me take your bag.” he extended a hand towards Bucky’s bag.
Bucky was conflicted, he wanted to try and at least get his stuff home but Steve probably could carry both without breaking a sweat. Damned muscled god of a man. “How about this? Since I’m the one wimping out, let me call us an Uber. I can probably get us one less than five minutes.” 
Steve frowned at the idea of an expensive ride all the back to Park Slope. “You don’t have to do that. I can carry our stuff.” 
“If I call us an Uber we could go back to my place and try that baguette and jam I bought.”
“Ooh, that’s a good bribe. I have that cheese I got too.” Steve looked at Bucky for a long moment. An afternoon of good food and even better company was too tempting to pass up. “You sure you don’t mind me coming over?” 
“Not at all. It’s a tiny little crap shack of a place, but it’s my tiny little crap shack.” 
Bucky was already pulling up the app and ordering them a car when Steve finally said, “Okay, let’s go.” 
The Uber ride back to Bucky’s place was barely more than ten minutes and they sat cramped in the back of a Prius with their wine boxes in the trunk and their totes in their laps. Bucky was trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness and shot Steve amused glances every so often, making the blonde have to tamp down his own laughter. By the time they got to Bucky’s apartment Steve practically leapt out of the tiny blue car, grateful to stretch back to his full height again. He insisted on carrying both of their totes and his box of wine bottles up to Bucky’s apartment, leaving Bucky his own wine to carry. Thankfully the building had an elevator and Steve seemed barely phased under the weight of all their stuff. Bucky tried to ignore the filthy thoughts racing through his head of what else Steve was strong enough to do. Like pick him up and fuck him against a wall. Or something. God, Bucky hoped Steve figured things out soon because he was barely through their second date and wanted to climb the man like a tree. 
“Home sweet home.” Bucky announced as he swung the door open to his apartment. He flicked on the recessed lighting in the living room and showed Steve to the kitchen where he could put their bags down. It was a cute little one bedroom apartment with a decent sized living room and dine-in kitchen. 
“It’s nice.” Steve said looking around as he placed their bags on the faux granite countertop. 
“It’s tiny but it works.” Bucky shrugged. 
Steve noticed the would be dining room area of the kitchen was set up with a desk and three wide computer monitors instead of a table. “That’s quite a set up over there.” 
“Oh, yeah.” Bucky looked embarrassed for a moment, “It’s a little ridiculous, but when you work from home it’s kinda nice to have a sweet setup. When I signed on to work for Stark Securities they gave me a signing bonus so I splurged and bought better equipment and that fancy office chair. It was completely worth it too.” 
“Good for you, you deserve it.” 
Bucky blushed lightly at the sincerity of Steve’s tone. He nervously spun the bracelet Steve had bought him around his wrist a few times, hoping he wasn’t setting himself for heartache. “So, lunch?” Bucky offered, the momentary tension dissipating. 
“Absolutely. Let’s break out that bread you got.” Steve started rifling through his bag for the soft cheese and candied pecans he’d bought while Bucky pulled out the heavy loaf of artisan bread, the little pot of homemade plum jam, and a bottle of Chloe Prosecco he’d bought at the wine shop. The bottle had been adorable with its fancy little bow and the sales girl had said it was a popular choice.
They laid out their feast on a large cutting board, teasing each other about how posh the whole thing was. It was a simple but seemingly elegant lunch spread and Bucky liked that their official second date had a bit of a classy feel to it. 
“I’m sorry I don’t have a table or anything for us to eat at.” Bucky waved his hand at his little office space. “I normally just eat on the sofa like a heathen.” 
“Honestly so do I.” Steve admitted with a chuckle.
“We can be heathens together then.” Bucky picked up their wine glasses while Steve carried the large tray out to the coffee table where they set up their feast. Flicking through his streaming channels he settled on Disney, knowing everyone loved those movies. “Have you seen the new Beauty and the Beast?”
Steve shook his head, “No, I heard it was good though.” 
“Good?” Bucky feigned offense, “Stephen Gilligan Rogers.” 
“Not my middle name.” Steve chuckled but Bucky was undeterred.
“BATB is not good. It is iconic. The elaborate costumes, the backdrops, the music, oh my god Steve, the music. We’re watching it. End of subject.” Bucky started up the movie, not even slightly apologetic for his dramatics. One had not lived until they saw Emma Watson as Belle. 
Two hours later Bucky was curled up against Steve, watching with misty eyes as the palace furniture turned back into real people as the curse lifted. Steve was completely engrossed in the movie, barely registering that he had been stroking Bucky’s hair for the better part of an hour. 
“Now do you see?” Bucky demanded as the credits rolled a few minutes later. 
“You were right. That was amazing.” Steve conceded. 
“It was always my favorite Disney movie as a kid but seeing it redone in such a perfect way really gets to me. I’ve threatened to dress up as Belle for the past three Halloweens now.” 
Steve grinned at the idea, “I think you’d make a beautiful Belle.” 
And just like that the air shifted. Bucky was suddenly very aware of how close they were curled up together and the way Steve was looking at him like he’d hung the moon. He didn’t want to rush Steve, he was willing to wait as Steve figured himself out, but if he kept looking at Bucky like that, his timeline needed to hurry up. “You’d make a very handsome beast.” he finally said, going for levity but falling short. 
Steve blushed so prettily, his eyes locked on Bucky’s lips, the bottom of which he was chewing on again. Steve knew now it was a nervous tell and it gave him a little thrill knowing he wasn’t the only nervous one. “I think I’d like to kiss you again.” he admitted quietly. 
“You don’t have to ask, honey.” Bucky purred, leaning in to press a tender kiss against Steve’s lips.
Steve’s body was shaking with nervous energy as Bucky shifted up onto his knees so he could kiss Steve easier. Bucky tasted like wine and plums and something very uniquely him. It made Steve’s head spin as he chased Bucky’s tongue with his own. The fears and worries over what he was doing died away in that moment, his whole being consumed by his desire for the sweet man who was practically in his lap. Steve still wasn’t sure what it all meant, but he knew he wanted more. 
Bucky was so thankful for a repeat of the night on Steve’s couch. Kissing Steve was electric and Bucky couldn’t get enough. The hard planes of his body pressed firmly up against the softer ones of Bucky’s, which only made Bucky more desperate for the close contact. Despite having a thicker build, Bucky felt small next to Steve and he loved it. Feeling brave, and praying desperately that Steve wouldn’t bolt, he swung a leg over Steve’s lap and sat himself atop Steve’s thighs. “Is this okay?” he asked once he was settled. 
“Yeah.” Steve shuddered, “Yeah, it’s fine.” Steve let his hands come to rest on Bucky’s thick thighs on either side of his smaller ones. While Steve’s thighs were hard with well earned muscle, Bucky’s had natural musculature and a softness to them that had Steve wanting to sink his fingers into their plush expanse. Bucky had gone back to kissing him while his mind wandered and Steve decided to give Bucky’s thighs an exploratory squeeze. For science really, just to see if he would feel anything. The kissing so far had been fantastic but Steve worried they’d eventually hit a point where everything went to hell and he realized he was most definitely straight. And then he’d lose Bucky forever. 
Bucky made a light huffing sound when Steve sunk his fingers into the soft meat of his thighs. He was thankful Steve was getting a little braver and decided to run his hands up and down the length of Steve’s ridiculously muscled chest and stomach in a tentative exploration of his own. 
A choked noise made its way out of Steve’s throat as Bucky touched him with feather light hands. He wanted to rip his shirt off and give him all the access he wanted. But he was taking things slow, Steve reminded himself. Unfortunately, not all parts of Steve got that memo. 
Bucky had shifted a bit trying to sprinkle kisses along the sharp edge of Steve’s jaw when he accidentally brushed against an unexpected guest. “Oh, shit, sorry.” he blurted out, moving back an inch so he wasn’t pressed against the, frankly enormous, erection in Steve’s pants. 
Steve blushed from the tips of his ears all the way down his throat. “No, I’m sorry. I guess I got a little carried away.” 
Bucky glanced down at the tenting of Steve’s pants. Damn, he wanted to get his hands on Steve like yesterday. “I could, uh,” he cleared his throat roughly, “help you. With that.” Steve looked at him with wide bright blue eyes, so open and unsure, that Bucky started backpedaling all in a rush, “Or not, we can stop. We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.” 
Steve just grinned and leaned in to kiss Bucky again, his motions almost questioning. “I think I’d be okay going a little further this time.” he said quietly against Bucky’s mouth. 
Bucky squeaked involuntarily at Steve’s words. He was now dealing with his own growing problem at the idea of getting to fool around a little with Steve. “If you’re sure. We can stop at any time.” he promised. It would probably kill him, but if Steve said stop at any point he would be off him in a second. 
“I trust you, Buck.” Steve told him, brushing a strand of hair back behind Bucky’s ear. 
Bucky wanted to melt at the trust Steve had in him. He was too good to be true and Bucky just had to hope it would all work out. Gay or straight or somewhere in between, Steve Rogers was an absolute dream partner. Bucky shifted himself forward a little so the hard length in his pants could rub against the one in Steve’s while they kissed a little more. Bucky let his hips rock a little as they moved, giving them both a little bit of tortuous friction. 
Steve was panting like he’d run a marathon, and he knew this from personal experience when he and Sam had run the New York City Marathon a few years back as publicity for their gym. He’d never thought making out on a sofa would have quite the same effect but life had been full of surprises for him lately. The friction against his dick felt amazing and there was a naughty little zing of arousal knowing it was from Bucky’s erection rubbing against his. He would never have expected to enjoy that so much but there he was, fighting for self control like a horny teenager. He wanted to get Bucky off too and not just selfishly sit back and let Bucky take care of him. Steve was well acquainted with getting himself off and really how different could it be doing it to someone else? He was feeling bold and brash, knowing a hand was just a hand and really he had to start somewhere. “I think I’m ready for more.” he spoke up in between heated kisses. 
Bucky paused, jaw hanging open in shock. “Like, more more?” 
Steve nodded rapidly. “Like second base more?” He held his breath, waiting for Bucky to process what he’d just asked for. 
“God,” Bucky heaved out a breath, “You’re gonna be the death of me. Yes, second base, yes. Get those pants off, Rogers.” He stripped his own shirt off eagerly while Steve just sat there, amused.
“I kinda have this gorgeous guy on my lap at the moment.” he teased.
“Sorry!” Bucky yelped, hopping up so Steve could pull his pants down and off, quickly followed by his tee shirt. He sat in just his boxer briefs on Bucky’s sofa, looking like every Calvin Klien ad fantasy Bucky’d ever had come to life. “Jesus.” he whispered harshly. Bucky couldn’t get his own pants off fast enough, leaving him in his own silky boxers to resume his perch on Steve’s lap. 
Unconfined by pants Bucky got a better feel of Steve’s cock and he was thanking every saint he could think of for what was about to happen. He shifted himself closer to Steve, his thighs spreading wider, and he reached down to give Steve’s cock a tentative squeeze over top the soft cotton of his underwear. 
“Ohh.” Steve gasped out, his body trembling once again. His eyes were glued on Bucky, not wanting to miss a moment. He was so handsome sitting on Steve’s lap. His long hair shining in the afternoon sun that flooded in the glass balcony doors, his lightly tanned skin decorated with a series of finely detailed tattoos. While his muscles weren’t hard and cut like Steve’s, Steve loved the slight softness of the other man’s body, giving him something to sink his fingers into along his sides. It felt nice, and right, and Steve realized in that moment he was more invested in what was about to happen than he had been for most the sexual encounters he’d had with Peggy. It was startling but Steve pushed it down to deal with another day. In the moment, all that mattered was Bucky. 
“Can I?” Bucky asked, trailing his fingers along the waistband of Steve’s boxer briefs. 
“Yeah. Can I?” Steve echoed, tugging at the silky material at Bucky’s hip. 
“If you’re sure.” Bucky prayed silently that having an actual cock in his hand wouldn’t send Steve running for the hills. 
But it didn’t. Steve pulled his underwear off when Bucky hopped up to do the same and he was all nervous excitement when Bucky resumed his perch. He hadn’t thought of what to expect but Steve was blatantly staring at the thick length of Bucky’s dick. It was shorter than his own, but Steve had already known he was considered a bit above average, and it was girthy in a way that made Steve wonder if he topped or bottomed. Because, Steve thought with amusement, these were things he had to consider now. But not right away. They would take things slow and he would see if this was even something he wanted to try. Steve reached out a hand to test the weight of Bucky’s dick in his palm. He slid his hand up and down for two quick strokes, testing how doing that made him feel and was pleasantly surprised that it was a pretty familiar act. The way Bucky hissed out a sharp breath and craned his neck back, eyes shut tight, made Steve’s own dick jump for attention. Oh, this was kind of fun. Steve moved his hand for another few stokes, enjoying the way Bucky’s body reacted so blatantly to the pleasure. It was easy to get him worked up like that and Steve was genuinely enjoying himself watching Bucky become a desperate, needy thing in his lap, thrusting a little into Steve’s fist. 
“God. Fuck. Stevie, slow down.” Bucky pleaded. “I wanna take care of you too, honey. Can I? Please?” 
“Okay.” Steve acquiesced, bracing himself for the pressure of Bucky’s hand around his dick. 
Bucky eagerly wrapped his fist around the hard length of Steve’s cock, sliding it up and down the impressive length until Steve gasped. He leaned forward to kiss Steve from his jaw down his neck to his collarbones while he groped him fervently between their two overheated bodies. For as simple as it was, it was absolutely exquisite. “How you doing, Stevie?” Bucky prompted, wanting to check in to ensure Steve was still on board. He rested his forehead on Steve’s shoulder, waiting patiently for him to respond.
“So good.” Steve managed to moan out. “This is amazing.” 
“Wanna try something even more amazing?” Bucky grinned devilishly. “Just hand stuff, promise.” he added for reassurance.
“What can be better than this?” Steve questioned but motioned for Bucky to go ahead with whatever he had in mind.  
Carefully, Bucky shifted forward one last time, pressing as close to Steve as humanly possible making his over stretched thighs burn in the process. He slipped his hand from Steve’s cock and lined it up with his own, wrapping his fist around them both the best he could. He gave them a quick stroke, reveling in the sensation and waiting to see if Steve would enjoy it too. 
Steve’s whimper was a good sign. “Please.” he begged, “Please, please do that.” 
Bucky picked up the motion again, rhythmically pumping them in his fist. Steve was making little broken ahh sounds, unable to keep up with the pleasure thrumming through his body, and it spurred Bucky on to bring them both racing towards their release. 
Steve could feel the pressure building, his body was on fire and he could barely bite out a warning to Bucky as he felt his orgasm ripping through him. A half formed “I’m g-” was all the warning Bucky got before Steve was spilling all over his hand and cock. Watching Steve come undone, the pure bliss on his face, had Bucky following him over the edge of his own climax seconds later. His body shook hard as he spilled over his hand and across the rippled muscles of Steve’s abs. 
Steve’s cheeks were flushed, his eyes shining, and Bucky mused he probably looked about the same. Steve was so stunning sitting there with a wide, lazy blissed out smile on his face. Bucky giggled a little realizing how incredibly lucky he was. Steve really was just perfection. 
“What?” Steve asked, joining in Bucky’s infectious laughter. 
“You’re perfect.” Bucky admitted, speaking what was on his mind. 
“And you’re beautiful.” Steve leaned up to push Bucky’s hair back where it had fallen forward in his face. He pressed two chaste kisses against his lips before pulling back, feeling a little extra affectionate in his post-orgasmic haze. 
Bucky made a muffled mmph sound, leaning into Steve, just wanting to be close for a moment. “We made quite a mess.” he said finally, the squidgy feeling of their come between their stomachs not exactly a pleasant one. 
“We should clean up.” Steve agreed. 
“Come on, I have some wet wipes in my room.” Bucky lifted himself up off of Steve’s lap, suddenly cold without their skin to skin contact.
Steve noticed his shiver and as soon as he was standing, he pulled Bucky close against him in a warm embrace. 
Bucky basked in the warmth, his brain effectively turning to mush again at how sweet Steve was. “You spoil me.” he whispered against Steve’s firm pecs.
Steve dropped a kiss on top of Bucky’s head, “You deserve to be spoiled.” 
It took every bit of willpower in Bucky to pull back and lead Steve down the hall to clean up. He could have stayed wrapped in Steve’s arms forever, sticky cooling mess on his stomach be damned. They exchanged quick, adorably awkward glances at each other as they cleaned up. Both wanting to get a more detailed look now the heat of the moment had passed. Steve tossed his wipes in the wastebasket by Bucky’s dresser and then pulled Bucky close by his hips, “You really are so beautiful, Buck.” he told him softly.
Bucky had been careful to wall up his heart when he decided to give Steve a chance. He didn’t want to risk another heartbreak less than a year after what he’d been through with Brock. But Steve’s sweet words and affectionate touches had the walls crumbling a little despite Bucky’s best defenses. “Careful.” he teased with a pang of truth to his words, “You’re gonna ruin me for all other men, you keep this up.” 
Steve chuckled and kissed the top of Bucky’s head yet again. There were so many things he wanted to say in that moment. Raw, honest things that ached in his chest. But Steve kept them inside, not willing to let down his guard so completely just yet. He still didn’t really know what he was doing but damned if he wasn’t loving every second of it so far. 
“Come on you, let’s get dressed.” Bucky said finally, tugging Steve’s hand into his and leading him back down the hall.
Steve left shortly after they’d redressed and cleaned up the mess from their lunch. It was a long, drawn out goodbye in the doorway, neither one of them really wanting to part despite knowing they both had to get on with their usual Sunday routines. Steve promised to text Bucky once he’d made it home, insisting he would have no trouble carrying his tote and box on the subway. And then he was off down the hall, looking back just once before he got on the elevator and wishing he could have stayed. Bucky walked over to his glass balcony door, watching the street below as Steve crossed it heading toward the nearest subway station. He was trying not to get too attached but after the day they’d spent together, Bucky knew it was a losing battle.
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lovelyirony · 6 years
y’all didn’t think i would did you 
Winnie wakes up around seven, groaning as Bucky’s alarm goes off. Why that boy can wake up for a shift at work but not for anything else is beyond her. Today is her day off, which means a lot has to happen.
Bucky stumbles into the kitchen, grabbing a bagel and stuffing it in the toaster. “Hey honey,” Winnie says with a smile, coffee cup in one hand and the other wrapping around her son. “Have a good night’s sleep?”
“Yeah,” Bucky mutters. He shuffles over to the coffeemaker, pouring himself a cup and adding some creamer in. “No weird dreams last night, except that Steve was secretly Leonardo da Vinci.” Winnie laughs, taking a bite of her toast.
“You have crazy dreams, sweetheart. What’s on the agenda for today?”
“Go to work, try not to die. Take Steve home from his art club so he doesn’t walk in rainy weather.” She nods, making a mental note to remind Sarah so she doesn’t stress out. Steve used to have a medley of maladies, yet still thought he could kick God’s own ass. It was a problem. Now his immune system is kicking into high gear, but he still does a lot of stupid things. (Not that Winnie will mention it, he’s like a better-behaved son, but she Knows.)
“What about you, Ma? What’s your plan for today?”
“Eh, not much,” Winnie responds. “Get some work emails out of the way, go grocery shopping with Maria. I’m letting her use some of my bags.”
That’s the end of conversation for a bit, until Bucky glances at the clock, grabs his keys, and drops a kiss on his mom’s cheek. “Love you, Ma. I’ll see you later today, okay?” Winnie waves goodbye, cleans up a bit of breakfast, and shoots off a text to Maria. When do you want to go grocery shopping?
How about 11?
Sounds great! Meet you outside your door.
Admittedly, Maria can’t wait until eleven rolls around. No matter what she does, time seems to tick slowly on by. She cleans the kitchen floor, tidies up Tony’s desk (it’s a nightmare), and also reorganizes her closet for the upcoming fall.
When it is 10:55, Maria gets out of the door, double-checks to make sure she has everything in her wallet and purse, and sees Winnie. She smiles brightly. “Hello Win!” She says. “Ready to go?”
“Of course!”
As they walk, they talk about everything in between. Weather, their sons, flowers, and groceries. Winnie says that general brand is as good as name brand, don’t let anything about it fool you. “Some people can taste the difference, but I doubt Tony will care,” she says. “Okay, we’re gonna get a cart and go.”
Maria picks up a lot of things. She picks up a jar of blackberry preserves for breakfast, some sauces, spices, fruits, and vegetables. Other basics, but that’s about it. She and Winnie at some products, Winnie reminisces over packing Bucky’s lunch for him every day with a little bag of chips, sandwich, and pudding. Maria picks up a box of goldfish, smiling as she remembers when Tony was young. He loved the fruit that Jarvis would cut up, the sticky juice running down his fingers. It would take him forever to be cleaned up—that boy avoided baths like it was his personal job.
After they finish up grocery shopping, Winnie offers to have Maria over for coffee and lunch. “I just got this nice arrangement of sandwiches from a coworker and as good as they are, I can’t finish them myself,” she says with a smile. “Would you like to have some?”
“Of course,” Maria says. “I’m always ready to eat with you.” Winnie grins, nearly blushing. “Let me just put my groceries away, and then I’ll be over to yours, if you’ll have me.”
“Always,” Winnie replies. Maria smiles, ducking into her apartment for a moment. She’s quite glad that Winnie can’t see her, because Maria is currently shoving groceries wherever they can fit, and rushing to get the bags back to an orderly fashion for her. Tony might text her about the state of the kitchen later, but for now she is going over to Winnie’s house to have coffee and lunch.
The other woman is currently trying to throw a cheese plate together and failing—she forgot to get the damned Colby Jack, best of all—and there’s a polite knock on her door. Winnie feels a bit like a mess. “Mother of shit,” she curses. “Shit, shit, shit—” The door opens to Maria looking very much so put together, Winnie probably looks like garbage, and there’s the smell of coffee wafting between the two of them.
“Uh, hello Maria. I tried my best to prepare lunch before you came, but there’s only so much time you have before a lady comes back from putting away her groceries.”
“Very right,” she says softly with a laugh. “Lead the way, Winnie.”
Winnie’s house is decorated very nicely. Portraits of the family, those dorky old outfits on full display. Maria remembers the shirts that were popular at the time, remembered that she owned a fair amount of them when it was around that time. Winnie smiles as she looks at them.
“James’ father hates these,” she says. “So I keep them around whenever he visits with his wife.” Maria nods. They head to the kitchen, some sunlight streaming in. She has coordinating cloths, sponges, and the whole scene is perfectly domestic. The black coffeemaker in the back completes it. Maria offers to help set the table, and Winnie lets her. They move comfortably in the kitchen as Maria navigates it, slowly moving around Winnie. She gets the plates and glasses, setting the latter down on the counter to get water. They bump into each other, and Maria tries not to let Winnie see her cheeks heat up, but that’s probably impossible at this point.
“So,” Maria says. “What kind of coffee do we have, Win?” The casual nickname shouldn’t make Winnie smile as much as she’s going to, but she gets out the selection.
“We have some breakfast blend, sugar cookie, and…oh god, I don’t even remember getting this one. Amaretto?” Maria’s eyes brighten at the last one, Winnie laughing. “Guess we’ll go with that one. Get me some coffee cups?” Maria chooses one with flowers all over it, the other one an old-fashioned diner cup. Winnie turns suddenly, coming closer into Maria’s space.
“Oh!” Maria exclaims. “I’m sorry Winnie!”
“It’s fine, this is a close kitchen,” she says. Also, given that Maria smelled like flowers and good things, being in close quarters was literally the best thing ever.
They get their coffee, sandwiches, and talk a little bit. Maria is talking about maybe starting working at a bookstore—the owner seriously needs some reorganization in the book department as well as some design work. While Maria doesn’t exactly have the best qualifications, she knows that she can prove herself. Winnie encourages it.
“You always look so cute, I wouldn’t even question it,” Winnie comments. Maria’s cheeks turn pink as she looks down at her coffee.
“Aw, thanks Win. You look beautiful too.” Winnie grins, taking another sip of her coffee. It was a good idea to be friends with Maria. She just hoped she didn’t muck it up by having actual feelings for her.
Tony wasn’t exactly the best morning person. Sure, he took coffee in the morning and practically gulped the whole thing down in five minutes, but that didn’t mean much. He still looked like he was a walking dead man.
Steve knew this, and still thought that Tony was one of the cutest guys he’d ever met. Steve would grin as Tony swayed out the door, smiling dopily at Steve.
“Hey,” he’d mutter, readjusting his backpack. “Ready to go?”
“Yup!” Steve would reply. “Did you do the English assignment?”
“About the…was it the Middle English?”
“Middle Ages,” Steve corrected. “We were supposed to be reading more lines from Beowulf.” Tony curses.
“No, I didn’t.” Then Steve gives him a basic summary, Tony commits to memory, probably gets a better test score than he should—damn that eidetic memory—and all is well. Their lockers are a couple away from each other, so Tony leaves Steve to go put his things away.
Tony really thinks that having a cute neighbor that goes to the same school is just unfair. Especially since Steve is a morning person, goes on a two-mile run every single day of his life, and is very, very attractive. Tony looks roughly like a mess in the morning, which is only worsened by the death sentence that is school. Just because he can do it doesn’t always mean he wants to. Especially this early in the morning, because who the hell even wants to get up early, save for Steve, Bucky, and probably all of Steve’s stupidly-attractive friends. Ugh, Tony needed more people who couldn’t deal with the morning.
The day goes on, Tony making faces at Steve in the hallway, asking him how his day was going.
“Going good. Hey, you eating with us in the cafeteria?” Steve asks, shoving his math book into his locker. “Natasha wants to verify that you’re a criminal when it comes to hydration.”
“All she has to do is wait a week, then see me fall in the middle of AP Chem,” Tony says.
Steve rolls his eyes and shoves a water bottle at Tony. “Drink, because I have a bet going that you’ll pass out next week and I really don’t want to lose five bucks to Nat.”
“Done,” Tony says, chugging the water bottle and handing it back. “Thanks, Stevie.”
Natasha scowls at Tony as he sits down at the table. “You’re soft, Carbonell.”
“Comes with drinking water and all that fun jazz,” Tony says. “Which, by the way, I believe you owe Steve five bucks.”
“Schemer,” Natasha mutters, sliding crumpled ones over the table. Steve takes out his wallet, putting them in. Tony snickers as he sees the picture of young Steve and his mom in a photo booth.
“You’re a goofball,” Tony says.  “Look at that stupid shirt you have on.”
“What, saying you haven’t done a photo booth thing before, Tony?”
“Nope,” Tony says. “I was busy doing other, cooler things.”
“What, like singing along to Rosemary Clooney records with your mom?” Steve teases. “We can hear the music, and a screeching voice…” Tony lightly pushes Steve on the arm, making a noise of protest.
“I’m sorry that you don’t know how amazing Rosemary is, but we have a lot of fun. Maybe this means you won’t be getting any orange chicken tonight.”
Natasha looks between the two of them; Steve liked to say that he didn’t fall easily, but here he was. Staring at Tony like he hung up the stars just-so, and Tony was smiling softly as he stole some of Steve’s blueberries when he wasn’t looking. They were in love. Steve was a liar. She’d have to collect on his statement of not falling easily. Maybe after they got together.
The rest of the day passes without incident for Tony and Steve. Natasha has a class with Bruce, and they have a substitute teacher, which basically means they’re doing nothing. She turns to Bruce, who sits to the right.
“You’ve noticed Steve and Tony too, right?”
“Repeat that?” Bruce asks, taking an earbud out. “Listening to loud music.” She repeats her statement, and he nods as soon as she finishes the sentence. “Oh yeah, definitely. Tony’s head over heels, and always talks about what Steve is going to do at home with him. I think this Friday he doesn’t have a football game, so maybe going to the roller rink. I know Steve’s skipping the party. And I think Tony mentioned having a puzzle night on Saturday.”
“I’d skip the party to do a puzzle if I knew it was hosted at Rumlow’s house,” Natasha mutters. “God knows how crazy people get over there.” Bruce nods.
“Yeah, real asshole guy. Tried to copy my physics work, and got caught because in Mr. Rainey’s words, ‘you haven’t been paying enough attention to do this much complex work.’” Natasha snorts, eyeing the clock. They got out of class in ten minutes. Enough time to get started on the actual bookwork, but not enough time to actually put any real work into it. Besides, she wants to tell Bruce about some gossip she heard from the cheer squad involving one of the teachers’ past.
Tony waits for Steve to finish football practice, and walks up to him after all the guys exit the locker room.
“It’s your lover boy,” Sam teases Steve. “Waiting for his sweetheart to get out of practice, and all.”
“Aw shut up,” Steve says, shoving Sam a little bit. “Makes sense to walk home together. We live in the apartment complex. I think you’re just jealous because you don’t have actual friends. Me and Bucky don’t count, you’re our charity case.” Sam flips Steve off as he pulls out his car keys.
“That was cold man, straight-up cold. Think I might actually report you to Coach Phillips, see what he does.”
“Probably congratulate me,” Steve says. “Finally affected you, dumbass.” Sam grins, bids him goodbye, and Steve looks over to Tony with a soft smile.
“Hey Stevie,” Tony says. “How was practice?”
“Same as always. We went over some plays, yelled at some of the second-strings, and listened to Phillips tell us that just because Ridgemont has a shit team doesn’t mean we can jack around next Friday. You and your mom are still coming, right?”
“Sitting with Sarah and everything,” Tony says with a grin. “You still on for a puzzle night?”
“Of course,” Steve says. “I haven’t done a puzzle in ages.”
“Me either,” Tony says. “Mama picked up a new one, it looks fun. Shows a picture of vintage candy tins.”
“Nice,” Steve responds, adjusting his backpack. “You excited for the roller rink?”
“Yeah, I’ve never gone to one before,” Tony says. “I don’t even really know if I can skate.”
“If you can’t, I’ll make sure you don’t fall,” Steve teases. “After all, you can’t cling to the wall the whole time.”
“My knight in shining armor,” Tony declares, hand over his heart. “Whatever do I owe you?” Steve pretends to think for a moment.
“A skate dance when we go, I think.”
“I was going to do that anyway,” Tony says, rolling his eyes. “Come on, I bet that Winnie or mom is cooking food.”
“I’m not gonna bet, I got a text from your mom that said she’s making garlic bread.”
The boys arrive at Maria’s apartment in a heap of backpacks and jackets and laughs. Maria smiles, greeting Steve with a hug and Tony with a kiss on the cheek and a reminder to get his laundry folded and put away.
“Yes, Mama!” Tony calls, slumping to the family room. “Ugh, I’m so tired. I had to listen to Professor Reed drone on and on about physics and practicality. Worst class ever.”
“Then why do you take it?” Steve asks, slipping in the Mario Kart disc. “I say ditch it and find a more interesting class.”
“Nah, I like his reaction when I write my papers dissing his personal theories, it’s therapeutic.” Steve laughs, tossing him a controller. “You prepared to have your ass kicked in Mushroom Gorge?”
“Only when you admit defeat when I get first place.”
“Oh, that’s a challenge.”
They continue playing, occasionally trash-talking each other. In between, Sarah comes in, bearing the ground beef for the spaghetti and some more dishware that she doesn’t use anymore that Maria likes.
“Ready to get that waffle-maker dream out of your head?” Sarah asks.
“No, definitely not,” Maria replies, winking. “Pass me the oregano, will you? This needs a little bit more for the meatballs.” Sarah tosses her the bottle, and they work with relative ease, Sarah humming along to Bob Seger on the radio.
“I’m glad you’re here, our last neighbor was boring,” Sarah says. “Real old lady who borrowed my good cheese grater and never gave it back.”
“I’m glad I’m here, then,” Maria says. “Can you get the boys, it’s nearly dinner time. They need to wash up.”
Sarah enters the room to hear Steve and Tony arguing about whether or not Mario is actually good.
“As educational as this is, I’m going to have to have you guys save it for later,” Sarah says, smiling. “Steve, Tony, wash up. We’re having spaghetti. Tony, could you cut up some fruit for us?”
“Always,” Tony says, giving Sarah a kiss on the cheek. “Your day go okay, Ms. Rogers?”
“Of course,” Sarah answers. “Just a couple of medical hiccups on paperwork at the hospital. I’m just glad I have tomorrow off.”
“Break time,” Steve comments, making his way to the bathroom.
They’re all seated at the table, laughing together as Maria tells them about her grocery store experience. They share knowing looks when she talks about her and Winnie getting coffee.
“Your mom has a crush,” Steve mutters to Tony.
“No duh,” Tony murmurs back, smiling and putting another bite of blueberries into his mouth before his mother catches him.
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