#last semester i actually did pretty well considering i took midterms like 2 weeks after he died
it was very dumb of me to go back to school right after my dad died tbh
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luvknow · 5 years
not so bad | lee minho
genre: lee minho x fem!reader | friends-to-lovers ; roommates ; college au ; swearing ; alcohol consumption
summary: falling for your best friend isn’t the most ideal situation, but it’s not as bad as you think
wc: 13.7k
For most people, living with your best friend sounded like the most ideal situation - the absolute best and only option. Most people couldn’t even begin to think about living with anyone else. Think about it; endless nights staying up watching some shitty Netflix live-action adaptation of an anime, eating Chinese take-out on lazy Sunday evenings, going grocery shopping together? The list of things to do together was infinite! Who else would anyone want to do all the boring domestic stuff with other than their best friend?
But you, on the other hand, would rather be homeless.
“Wo~ow,” Minho scoffed when you rejected his generous offer.
The two of you sat in his newly-furnished, but still a bit empty, living room to take a break from unpacking and arranging all of his junk. About a month before the new semester started, Minho’s rich-ass uncle so graciously offered him one of his several houses just a couple bus stops away from campus. As long as Minho kept the place clean and maybe got a roommate or two to help pay the mortgage, then he was free to stay until he graduated. Of course, you were the first person he asked because the above statements spent with you sounded like so much fun.
Too bad you’re cold and heartless and wanted him to die alone.
“Why don’t you want to move in?” his asked, cheeks filled with lo mein. “Didn’t you just say you hated living at your place?”
“I didn’t say I hate it… I just hate that she brings a different guy over every other day.”
“Well, that doesn’t sound so bad. It sounds like normal roommate shit. It’s better than her being a slob, isn’t it?”
“I guess, but when it’s 2:00 am and I can hear EVERYTHING through the walls, I want to jump off the balcony.”
“Not everything.”
“I mean it, Minho. Everything.”
“Damn, invite me over next time.” You chuck a piece of your half-eaten fortune cookie and it hit him right on his bare forehead leaving a tiny scratch mark. “Ow! What was that for!?”
“Stop being weird!”
“If you hate hearing all that gross stuff all of the time, isn’t that all the more reason for you to come live with me?”
“No, because you’ll literally do the same thing!”
“Ok, you have way too much faith in me to think I’m going to bring someone home that often.”
“Hm, I do, don’t I…”
“C’mon, cheap rent, cool aesthetics, good company - what’s actually holding you back? Are you afraid you’ll fall in love with me?”
Minho held a single chopstick between his big bunny teeth and did that weird little smirk and wiggly brow combo that somehow caught the hearts too many girls back in your high school days. To this day, you were one of the lucky few who didn’t fall under his spell. The sriracha sauce stains on his cheek made him look EXTRA sexy.
“Why in the world would living with you mean I’d fall in love with you?” you asked, shoving a napkin to his cheek.
“Don’t girls like that corny domestic lifestyle shit? Coexisting in the same space, mutual seemingly-platonic hugs and cuddles, cooking together, and all that jazz?”
“You’re not even into all that jazzy stuff!”
“I like to cook!”
“And then what, I’m left with the dishes? I’ll be falling head over heels for you in no time.”
“That’s how mutualism works, silly! We each benefit from each other’s skills! Symbiosis, or whatever.”
A giggle left your lips from his expanded vocabulary. Who knew he knew so many words with more than two syllables?
“Those are some complicated words. I take it you like Biology 101?” you asked.
“I do! It’s super cool! Did you know in most species, the male is known to be the more colorful and prettier one and not the females? And the males compete with each other and the females are the ones choosing the prettiest, strongest male?”
“I did not know that.”
“Well, it’s true. It’s called sexual selection - it’s like peacocking.”
“Sounds like some shit you do with all your name brands and stuff.”
“Please, like other guys could even compare to my train of feathers.”
In the end, after days flowed into weeks of begging you to come live with him in what he called his playboy penthouse, he reluctantly accepted your rejection and was off to beg one of his other friends because there was no way in hell could he afford this place alone. Though ideally Minho wanted to be roommates, having you visit often was close enough. It’s just… asking you to move in with him was not about helping him with rent in the least. He truly, genuinely wanted to do dumb domestic chores, bicker all day, and have those deep, late-night talks with you whenever he could. Wouldn’t it be so fun if he annoyed you and followed you around every waking minute of the day?
Doing all of those things to half the extent would be just enough for now. His favorite activities with you were anything involving food. Even grocery shopping, normally one of his least favorite and most stressful chores by himself, was tolerable with you around because you knew just the right cuts of meat and what ingredients were needed for the perfect meal.
“Why did you pick so many vegetables? I’m not a rabbit…” the seemingly twelve year old next to you pouted. Like an angsty teenager, he used the cart as a means of support and followed closely behind with a pout on his lips as you dumped vegetable after vegetable into the cart.
“You kind of look like one, though.”
“Are you callin’ me cute?”
“I’m calling you a nuisance.”
“A cute nuisance, right?”
“Oh, my God, you’re so annoying.”
But soon the semester would start and your day would no longer be spent with him, it’d be spent at the library either studying or tutoring the dumb freshmen. Before you ask, yes, he was jealous of all the other people who took up your time and yes, he’s very clingy. You could see where Soonie, Doongie, and Dori all got their bad habits from. Normally, with any other guy including some long-term boyfriend, you’d be tired and annoyed if they were anything like Minho. But only the real Minho could get away with texting you so often and wondering why you weren’t baking brownies with him at ten at night.
Things weren’t easy on your end, either. You barely had time for yourself and it was only the first round of midterms for the semester! All you ever did these days was wake up, eat, school, eat some more if and ONLY IF you had time, and finally sleep… sometimes. This routine included the weekends, too. You offered for Minho to join you in the library for a study sesh nearly every day, but he’d rather die than sit in germ-infested chairs that are never sanitized, so yeah, you don’t get to see him face-to-face very often anymore. Facetime and Skype would have to do for now.
But then all that lost time started to catch up with you. You’d often come home late, especially if you knew your roommate had someone over to do their thang, and before you could flop on your couch to take a breather, it was completely missing from the living room because your roommate packed up all of her shit and left! Without even telling you! How rude, right!? Until you found a note on the coffee table that said, ‘I moved out today! Sorry if this is such short notice… You haven’t been home the past couple of weeks for me to tell you in person and I didn’t want to break it to you in text…’
Ok, so you wouldn’t say you were totally not at fault for this considering she was considerate enough to want to tell you about moving out in person, but didn’t she think to at least text you like… a couple of days before she did it!? Your lease was supposed to renew tomorrow, but now there wasn’t enough time to find a last-minute roomie on the college forum-version of craigslist and you didn’t make enough money to pay for the rent solo, so now you were almost homeless.
So that’s how you ended up in front of Minho’s place at half-past midnight on the dot with your big stuffed bear in your arms and a cheeky, adoring smile on your guilty-written face. You must have woken him up because his fluffy hair was sticking up in all directions, his eyes were barely open, and… he was shirtless…
“I’m not interested in your Girl Scout Cookies,” he mumbled tiredly.
“I wish I was selling those, then maybe I wouldn’t be here…”
��What do you mean?”
“Guess who wants to be your roommate ~!” you sang cheerfully.
“Wha-? Why not!?”
“I already have one.”
“Changbin,” he said, shooting his thumb to the small lazy boy lounging on the couch. Wasn’t he rich as fuck also? What does he need to live here for?
“‘Sup,” Changbin greeted, unable to look away from the television.
“Don’t you have one more room in this place? I’ll even sleep in a closet if I have to,” you pouted tiredly. You were ready to ring in the water works if you had to because if Minho rejected you one more time, your tears were ready to flow.
“Whoa, you’re that desperate, huh? What happened?”
“Roommate moved out, I couldn’t find another one, cried and contemplated life for a little bit, and now I’m here.”
“Damn, that is pretty bad…”
“Yeah, so as you can see, I really need you right now.”
Minho knew you were never one to rely on people, no matter how close you two were. For as long as he could remember, you always did everything on your own. So for you to say that you needed him, you must have really meant it. Your words were soft and quiet, your gaze set on the porch you stood on, and of all things he hated, seeing you so upset and stressed like this was among his top five on the list. How could he turn you away when this was a time you needed him the most? He knew if he were in your position, you’d welcome him in without hesitation.
You sighed tiredly, pushing your pride aside to ask a friend a favor. “So could you spare another roommate? Just until I can get back on my feet again?”
“Hm…” Minho fake-contemplated, rubbing his scruffy chin. “You know, normally I would never do this, but since you’re my friend, I GUESS I could let you stay here until you’re set.”
“If it’s too much trouble, or if you don’t want me here, I can go -”
“No! You’ll stay here with me for as long as you’d like.” A half-naked but jolly Minho smothered you in a bone-crushing hug. Even though touching so much surface area of his skin made you cringe, his hug made you feel more at home than your apartment could ever make you feel.
“Don’t ever assume I don’t want you here, dumbass. I’ll always welcome you with my open, naked, buff arms.”
“Ugh, this is so gross.” Regardless, you returned his hug with equal force. You never felt safer. “Thank you. I seriously owe you one.”
“Anything for my girl. Where’s all your stuff?”
“Yeah, that sounded more like a tomorrow problem, but I came here tonight because I was lonely.”
“Ha ha, you miss me ~”
“Just a little.”
“Since you’re already here, just stay the night. We can order food and start our big, happy, poly-domestic partnership right now.”
“For the love of God, please do not say that aloud in public…”
“No promises.”
Minho dragged you into the only other bedroom that wasn’t occupied and you’re pretty sure it was just as big as your living room. It was pretty much furnished with all of the basics, so you’re lucky that you won’t have to bring too many heavy things in the morning. As you were admiring the room, a finally fully-clothed Minho chucked his pajamas at you.
“You can wear these for tonight,” he said.
“Ew! Why did you give me your boxers!?”
“I thought my pants would be too long on you?”
“I’m not wearing wearing these.”
“So ungrateful… My sweatpants are in my room in the drawer. Go nuts.”
Minho left you alone to go order food for his two favorite pals while you were left to your own devices in the room where the magic happened, as he called it. For a dude, you knew he was on the cleaner side, but his bedroom was a lot tidier than you expected. There weren’t any clothes on the floor, all of his accessories were placed neatly by the mirror, and the only thing out of place was his blanket that was jumbled up in the corner of his bed. You suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over you for disturbing his beauty sleep, but like you said at the door, you owed him one. Well, maybe more than one… like, a dozen ones…
While looking through the drawers for pants, you rolled your eyes at the site of all the name brands embroidered near the pockets. The logos were strictly swooshes and SUPREME. An opportunity to wear matching sweatpants and hoodie that were worth more than your textbooks didn’t come very often, so you chose the heather gray pair. Just as you slipped your head through the top, Minho came in to check on you.
“I ordered chicken, I hope that’s cool - whoa!” Minho burst into a fit of giggles at the site of his his already-oversized sweats looking extra oversized on you. You’ve worn his hoodies before and he doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of the way you look in them. You’re just so cute.
“You look like a jumbo toasty marshmallow.”
“I wouldn’t say jumbo… and marshmallows aren’t gray.”
“Same difference. Are you ready yet? Changbin’s gonna drink your beer if you don’t come out sooner.”
“That little -! He’s such a roach!!”
You sprinted out of the bedroom and hopped over the empty side of the couch, scaring the boy dressed in all black who was just trying to eat his chips and watch How to Get Away With Murder in peace. You didn’t know him as well as you knew Minho, but you two hung out within the same circle enough to be comfortable around each other so living with him shouldn’t be TOO terrible. Luckily, your drink looked like it hadn’t been touched.
“So are you like, living here living here?” Changbin asked with fake disgust in his tone.
“Yeah, so get used to it.”
“Just when I thought I’d get Minho all to myself…”
“What are you doing here, anyways? Aren’t you also like, super dumb rich? You could probably buy this whole building.”
“No, my parents are super dumb rich. I, on the other hand, barely have a dime to my name until I graduate law school.”
“Oh yeah, you changed your major right?”
“Yeah, and let’s just say my parents weren’t too happy about that… Thankfully, my favorite hyung here has so graciously let me into his home ~”
“Yeah yeah…” Minho mumbled, squeezing himself in the middle. “Anything’s better than being alone in this place, even if it means housing you two rats.”
“Hey, you said you’d always welcome me here, so that’s your fault for agreeing,” you argued.
“Love you, babe ~” Changbin sang.
Once the chicken arrived, your night of being welcomed to the penthouse had only begun. The rest of the evening was spent talking about literally anything your tipsy and dumb brains could conjure up. From crying about school, to praying to the stars, and telling Changbin stories about yours and Minho’s prepubescent days, you could already predict your days living here would make your heart full.
“I bet you’re single, huh, _____?” Changbin said suddenly after popping open his third beer.
A conversation about each other’s love lives was probably the last thing you wanted to talk about, especially when alcohol was involved, but your mouth started talking before your brain could process.
With a pout on your lips, you retorted, “Why do you say it like that?”
“Because what person would be ok with having their girlfriend living at another dude’s apartment and with me as the other roommate?”
“If you already knew the answer, why bother asking?”
“I just wanted to confirm in case you and I accidentally fall in love.”
“I’ll evict both of you before I let that happen under my roof.” Minho slurred.
“What is with you and Minho and the whole roommates falling in love trope? Is that a common thing? Have you two been watching dramas since you started living together?”
“So what if we have!?” Changbin yelled.
“They’re not realistic, you know.”
“It’s called a drama for a reason.”
“I feel sorry for the next person you end up dating.”
“Yeah, me too.” Changbin took a huge, final chug of his beer before crushing it in his hands. So macho… “All right, I guess it’s time I pass out. See you guys in the morning. Don’t get too crazy while I’m asleep.”
“Nighty night.”
You and Minho were left in the quiet living room snuggled up in your own blankets. You thought the silence was comfortable, as you’ve spent enough time with him that not a word said in between for long periods of time was just fine, but by the look on his face you could tell something was up. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe he was just tired, but his eyes never left the random spot on the coffee table for a solid five minutes.
You threw a potato chip at his cheek.
“Hm?” he hummed, surprisingly unphased. His tired eyes turned to look at you questioningly.
“What’s on your mind, my Prince?” The origin of the beloved nickname was from the time you dared him to try out for the high school play as the leading role and to your excitement and his dismay, he was passed the audition. He’d never admit it to your face, but he kind of enjoyed the spotlight and popularity for a while, and he never lets you forget how much he loved that nickname.
You managed to crack a smile from him and your worries began to fade away. “I was just thinking about something.”
“‘Bout what?”
“What Changbin said - what if you end up really liking someone and they’re not ok with you living with two hot and sexy guys?”
“Well, he can either get over it or I’ll dump him.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Why not? Remember that pact we made our first year of high school? The one where we pinky promised each other that no matter what, we wouldn’t let anyone come in between us?”
“Of course I do, but we were like what, fourteen? That was so long ago!”
“So what I mean is…”
The ruggedly handsome boy beside you sighed deeply like he was ready to tell you something important. He laid his heavy hands on your shoulder and pulled you close so that you had all of your attention on him and not the fact that there was only two inches between your faces and that he smelled like alcohol. Was his skin always this clear? What the hell was his skincare routine? The blush on your cheeks continued to glow brighter as his eyes bore deep into your own, like he was searching for an answer to a question that only you held the answer to. He must admit that your shy side made you look so cute. Each second that passed was more intimate than the last and you so wished that he’d tell you what the hell was up with him already because your inadvertent breath-holding from the close proximity was making you light-headed. This felt like one of those scenes in those corny dramas that Minho watches - was he about to… dare you say… kiss you…?
Then you figured Minho learned a thing or two in drama class because his serious persona flew out the window when he shook you roughly by the shoulders, but at least you could breathe freely again.
“You shouldn’t have to choose between me and someone you like ~!” he whined childishly. “If he doesn’t like you living here, and you really like him, I don’t want you to be stuck in the middle!”
“Minho, you idiot, you’re the sole reason I’m not homeless and dying on the street, so what the hell do you want me to do IF that ever happens!? Move out!?”
“Ah, I didn’t think about it that way…”
“Lee Minho,” you emphasized to the pouty boy. “If - if - I meet someone I like, and they don’t like that I’m living with two guys, then fine, I can understand that and feelings like that can easily change over time. But if he can’t understand that you’re my best friend, that I cherish our friendship more than anything, and thinks there’s something else going on, then that’s when I’ll dump him. So there’s no need for you to worry that I have to choose between those two, ok?”
Minho sighed once more, breathing out all his worries about you being alone forever and stuck being a hermit in his apartment. “Ok, I believe you.”
“God, you’re so weird! Since when did my love life matter to you?”
“We’re nearing graduation, _____. We’re not getting any younger! And look, we’re both STILL single as a pringle…”
“When you and I are twenty-five and alone, unemployed and rotting away in this very room, then that’s when we’ll cry about it. But for now, we gotta worry about graduating.”
“I know. I just want you to be happy ~” With crocodile tears in his big, curious eyes, he pulled you in for a bone-crushing hug. It reminded you of all the times you told him not to touch you because he was being too sappy or he was sweaty and proceeded to hug you tighter anyways. Those were the best hugs.
“Shut up, I am happy.”
“What about you, hm? What if a girl you like sees that I live here?”
“Easy - I’ll just say you’re the housekeeper.”
“… You’re going to make one dumb girl very happy one day.”
“You think so?” he asked sincerely. “You really think I could make someone happy one day?”
There weren’t enough words in the dictionary to tell Minho how much happiness and sunlight he brought into your life. From the minor inconveniences to the darkest days, Minho was always your only source of light. You were way too tired to even attempt to be cheesy with him and closed your eyes instead, relaxing into his tight hug and hoping sleep would find you sooner rather than later.
“I know so, Lee Know.”
You stayed in Minho’s arms while the hum of the television and rhythm of his heart lulled you to sleep. Your favorite boy was content with where he was - holding you in his arms and stroking your hair until you were asleep and you didn’t have to worry about school, moving out, and whether this was mutually platonic or anything but. He thinks that there’s no way that ordinary best friends could lay like this and not cause any sort of tension in between. Then again, you two were extraordinary at best, so maybe the standard rules didn’t apply. To an unknowing passerby, this scene might look like two people in love who couldn’t get enough of each other. If Changbin came to see this, he’d probably think the same thing.
In the end, Minho wouldn’t care what anyone thought if they saw. It didn’t matter because this just felt so… right.
He’ll question his tugging heartstrings some other time.
Minho ended up carrying your sleeping form to your room. After tucking you in and resisting the urge to crawl onto the open space beside you, he thinks to himself that he could get used to this.
There was no way you could get used to this.
For such a huge place, only one of the two bathrooms had a shower. Which seemed fine, right? Considering there were only three of you living there. But you totally forgot that you lived with two of the most high-maintenance men you’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Minho wasn’t as bad as Changbin because he didn’t spend an hour moisturizing his entire body and fixing his hair - he only took half an hour. But you know that weird thing guys do when they take a dump they take an extra half hour just to play phone games or scroll through social media? So think about it, two boys who are mildly-to-severely high maintenance took a total of almost three hours using the damn bathroom.
That wasn’t even the worst of it! Other than the night you told Minho you were moving in, you guys haven’t had any fast food since. The two of them were watching their weight and muscle progress together so their diet strictly cut out carbs and the good stuff which meant the fridge was filled with veggies and brown grains you couldn’t even pronounce.
And even then, that wasn’t the worst. The absolute worst was when Minho would text you or call you at nine on the dot every single night that you weren’t home at that time. First, he’d call, and half of the time you would answer, but when you didn’t, he’d spam your messages until you replied with a pin drop of your location.
Tonight was the last straw.
“Stop calling,” you scolded while walking home from the library.
“So Changbin and I are in the mood for pizza and we figured you wanted some. You must be tired of all the quinoa,” he explained, ignoring your scolding. “Where are you?”
What’s the best way to spook Minho but not to the point where he’d call the police and demand an amber alert?
“I can’t right now. I’m with a guy.”
There’s a slight pause on the other end and something that sounded like he dropped something on the floor. You can hear Changbin’s faint ‘bro, what the hell!’ in the background and Minho heard you stifle a giggle.
“What? A guy? Who?”
“No one you know. I’ll see you when I get home ~!”
“Wait -”
You hung up before Minho could get another word in and you instantly regretted it. Once Minho found out you were kidding, he was probably going to relieve you of your pizza privileges and force you to eat more quinoa as punishment. You would hate it initially, but if there was even a slight chance that this made your message to him to stop worrying and calling you all the time crystal clear, then you’d eat bowls upon bowls of it and get all the grains stuck between your teeth because that’s how worth it it’d be.
What the hell had gotten into him, anyways? He was never like this in high school. If anything, HE was the boy you’d sneak out with, doing dumb hooligan things with, and being too close for comfort with - he was the boy he was trying to protect you from. Not even your parents were this protective, but you had to give him credit for being so diligent.
You weren’t too far from home, so you left Minho’s texts all on read until you stepped through the door. Changbin wasn’t surprised in the least that you were joking, and Minho knew you couldn’t have possibly be truthful about that, either, but he stepped out the door and scanned the hallways just to make sure you weren’t actually with some creep. You took this moment to sneak a slice or three before Minho could hoard the whole pie.
“I can’t believe you fell for that,” you teased, cheeks filled with cheese.
“I can’t believe you would joke about that.”
“I can,” Changbin muttered.
“What made you guys buy pizza?”
“A man can only eat salads and white chicken for so long. We deserve this.”
“We all deserve this. I wasn’t even on a diet in the first place, I was forced into it.”
“Yeah, but you look great at least, so you’re welcome.”
Sure, there were a lot of inconveniences when it came to living with two dudes who annoyingly functioned the same, but you would take on this form of entertainment over television any day. So yeah, Minho was annoying like ninety percent of the time… but he was just being a good friend and worrying about you.
It was nice to be cared for once in a while. Minho was the only one who would go out of his way just for you. Whether it was picking you up in the middle of the night from some party to walk you home or scolding you harshly about how you should wear scarves more so you wouldn’t get sick while making you a hot bowl of soup made with love, he never made you feel like you were an inconvenience. This curfew thing was a little over the top, though.
Changbin went to his room after whining about being a law student and how hard it was that he had to wear a suit everyday to his internship, leaving you and Minho alone at the kitchen table. The kitchen was were you spent most of your time together, whether it was using the table to eat, play dumb board games, or as one big desk to study on. Tons of late-night studying, gossiping, and snacking were spent at this table with Minho sitting across from you every time.
“It’s been about a month since you moved in, right?” he asked, plucking a pepperoni off of your slice. “How do you like it so far?”
There’s a short silence in the air before you answered. It was a little worrying, so he kicked you under the table to make you answer faster. How dare you not immediately answer with anything other than ‘I fucking love it’? “Besides only having five minutes to shower every morning, forced to go vegetarian, and having a 9:00 PM curfew? It’s better than being homeless, that’s for sure.”
“Good.” Another short pause, followed by Minho shyly avoiding eye contact. “It’s a lot of fun having you around.”
“Really? I don’t scare any poor souls you try to bring home?”
“To be honest, I haven’t been trying.”
“Whoa, Minho the slut taking a hiatus!?” you teased, earning you a crumpled napkin to the face.
“Shut up.”
“Why the sudden disinterest?”
His shoulders did a tiny shrug as if letting you know that even he was unsure of why. He hoped you’d help him find the answer. “No one catches my eye these days, I guess.”
“You’re such a liar.”
“It’s true!”
“Yeah, ok…”
“Well, what about you, huh? Has your boy-crazy self found someone interesting?”
You take a big, defeated bite into the leftover crust, allowing you to exploit your anger through vigorous chewing. Your efforts have obviously gone to a waste. “You and Changbin always like to remind me that I’m single.”
“I simply asked if you found anyone hot.”
“You know what’s sad? I haven’t…”
“Ah, I see - Changbin and I made your standards too high now, huh?”
“Both of you are probably stashing the hot guys in the gym somewhere because you know I won’t find them.”
“Damn, you caught us.”
“You know what else is sad, though?” Minho had to suffer and watch you sip your cola with your sad, pouty lips. It wasn’t that he felt bad, or anything, you just looked so… self-pitying. He’s seen this look way too often during your first year of college when some other chick would swoop in a steal the guy you had your eyes on. “Even if I did like someone, I don’t think I would act on it.”
“Why the hell would you cockblock yourself like that?”
“I’ve never been on a legitimate date before!”
“You’re such a damsel. You’ve totally been on a date before.”
“Senior prom with Hyunjin doesn’t count.”
“You guys had dinner and some dancing, doesn’t that count?”
You ignored your idiot friend’s justification and would much rather feel sorry for yourself than to consider prom as a legitimate date. You’re what, nearly into your twenties now and have gone this long without a guy properly asking you out on a date, maybe a movie and eating dinner at a nice restaurant with a small bouquet of flowers next to you, and ending the night with a kiss? The thought of your inadvertent abstinence made you want to chug a bottle of something strong.
“Do we still have that bottle of wine lying around?” you muttered, searching every corner of the kitchen. “Aha! Found it.”
“Mm, pizza and old wine. How are you single again? You’re so classy.”
“Do you want a glass or not?”
“… Hand it over.”
So another night was spent drinking and drowning your sorrows away while Minho watched - what else was new? Before, he didn’t think much of these nights, considering they were spent with Changbin also who drank just as much as you did, but Minho hadn’t even finished his first glass yet when you were already pouring your third. You must have been really going through it.
“Ok, I think that’s enough,” Minho scolded, taking the glass away. Clumsily and lazily, you reached out to take it back, but your state of mind was too loopy for you to fight back further. God, your tolerance had gone down significantly as time passed. Was this indication that you were getting old?
“Is this how you’re going to act on your first date at dinner while having several glasses of wine?” the mean boy across teased. “Good luck with that.”
“That’s ok, I’m never going on a first date, anyways.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because who would want to date me?”
Your eyes are droopy and you feel like you could pass out from the drowsiness of the wine at any second, but Minho’s hand on top of yours snaps you awake. There were plenty of ways you and Minho shared skinship, like hugging, wrestling, high-fiving, and punching each other, but hand-holding was not one of them. It was… weird. You know when cats sometimes put their tiny paws on top of human hands? This was what it reminded you of and you had to hold in your laughter.
“Don’t say that stuff about yourself, only I can do that.”
“Well, there has to be a reason why I haven’t been on a date yet. It’s because I’m unlovable, right? Besides, I wouldn’t know what to do if I was on a real date. Like what do we talk about? The weather? That’s what adults talk about, right?”
“Yeah, if you work a nine-to-five at an accounting firm. You really are kind of hopeless, aren’t you? That’s ok, you and I can practice.”
“Yeah, practice on me. Pretend you and I are on a date.” Minho left his seat across from you to steal Changbin’s seat that was to your right. The proximity of your bodies was so close that your knees knocked together, but your tipsy best friend was too distracted by your challenge to care. “A~and boom, we’re on a date.”
“Right now?”
“Right now. Look, we got our glasses of wine on hand, some dinner, we could even watch a movie if you want. But first thing’s first, we gotta test out your communication skills. What kind of things would you ask or talk about on your date?”
“I guess… What do you major in -?”
“Pause, red flag number one: never talk about school. Next question.”
“U-Uh, what kind of music do you like…?”
“Better. Let’s pretend that I’m some snobby older rich dude and I say, ‘oh, today’s music doesn’t interest me. I prefer classical music such as Bach and Beethoven, you know?’”
“I would never go on a date with someone so pompous and old.”
“Ok, but let’s say you’re dating this guy for money.”
“At the rate this fake date is going, this is what your future dates are going to look like, _____! I’m just helping you prepare!”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but… you’re so right. I’m gonna end up as a sugar baby and I’ll be too hyped up about the influx in my bank account that I’ll drop out of college and make this my career!”
“Whoa, I didn’t say that -”
“I can’t believe this is what all my hours in the library have amounted to! Screw good grades, if I can’t find love, then what’s the point! This is it - this is how my life is really going to be like -!”
What Minho said goes in one ear and out the other as both of your hands are tangled in the mess of your hair and your blood pressure is suddenly through the roof. You were making a huge deal out of this fake date but you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t make a huge deal out of nothing! If this was how you were on a fake date, Minho doesn’t want to know how you’d be on a real date.
The first thing you hear is his boyish laugh as he removed your hands from your head before you could tear out your hair. You look like you have a bird nest on both sides of your pouty face and even though Minho thought you were being ridiculous, you still looked cute regardless. His tiny but warm hands smoothen your messy strands before holding your face. It’s hard to look him in the eyes after your mini breakdown and he didn’t make it easier by the way his thumbs caressed your cheeks. Was he doing this on purpose because he liked to see you squirm? You didn’t think so when you finally looked up.
Minho didn’t have his signature sly smile where the corners of his lips curled like a cheshire cat. There was no teasing twinkle in his eyes that normally accompanied it, either. Both were softer, like he couldn’t understand why someone as charming, intelligent, and hilarious as you could constantly worry about finding someone who would love you back. How could someone not, when you had the stars in your eyes after spotting a dog across the street, when you could sing an entire concert setlist in the shower, or when you had the cute sad look on your face after you burned your third pancake? Even now, in your tipsy and sad state, your eyes still sparkled and begged to be loved - exactly like all the cute puppies you spotted on your walks with Minho. The thought of someone NOT falling head over heels for you sounded completely ridiculous.
Before his heart could drop to the pit of his stomach, Minho broke the intimacy by squishing your cheeks so hard that your lips puckered like a fish.
“Stop being so sad,” he said sternly.
“Just like that, the sadness is gone,” you sputtered sarcastically, careful not to spit in Minho’s eye.
“I mean it. You’ll find someone who loves you just as much as you love them. No, you’ll find someone who loves you more.”
“How do you know…?”
“Because I’m Lee Know, remember?”
His cocky smirk returned and the corners of his lips curled adoringly. It was a smile you were more accustomed to and you’d never admit it aloud, but you liked this one much better. Soft Minho was kind of gross.
“You’re intelligent, selfless, sometimes funny, and life would be so exciting to be in love with you. I promise you’ll find someone.”
“… Tell me I’m pretty.”
“Wow, I put so much heart into my speech and that’s all you got out of it!? That I didn’t call you pretty!?”
“All of that doesn’t matter if I’m not cute.”
Minho squeezed your cheeks a bit harder. “Nevermind, you’re hopeless.”
“Ow ok, I’m kidding! Can you let go of my face now!? You know I bruise easily!”
He released his hold on your face and you tried to circulate the blood that pooled up. Minho usually wasn’t good with these types of talks, but something must have changed after high school. What kind of classes was he taking that he was being so poetic to the point that your heart felt like it was fluttering? Must be the bit of wine left in your bloodstream.
Even so, you were thankful. What would you do without your handsome Prince?
“I guess I’ll try to sleep the hopelessness away,” you sighed. Before heading off to your room, you wrapped your arms tightly around your best friend’s neck from behind and pressed your rosy cheek to his own. Normally, he’d let out a grossed-out groan, but tonight he returned the gesture with his hands on top of yours. “I love you, you know that, right?”
His chest ached. “Mhm. Love you, too, pretty girl. Sweet dreams.”
“You too, my Prince. Don’t stay up too late.”
The sound of your door closing triggered an empty silence in the entire apartment. Not a single sound is heard other than Minho’s beating heart that felt like it was blasting in his ears. Now he’s alone sitting at the dining table, downing the last of his wine and all he could think about was your lack of presence and how it lingered casually all around him. He could still feel your cheeks in his hands, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, and the way the warmth of your cheek heated up his own. That wasn’t enough - he wanted more of you, but that was for a later time even he couldn’t predict. After cleaning up the table and trying to leave those moments in the dining room, they ended up following him to his bed until he was too tired to stay awake thinking about them.
That night, you ended up dreaming about Prince Minho and what it was like to be by his side forever.
It didn’t seem so bad.
There’s this crazy phenomenon that happened to you too many times to count, but this time had to take the cake. There were times when you’d have dreams about not necessarily random people, but people you didn’t normally associate yourself with. Like an old coworker, or a past partner for that one single assignment, or even that one time the guy next to you asked you to borrow a pencil for an exam. They would appear in your dreams at random with no purpose other than to play as your boyfriend, but the morning you wake up, you had this sudden weird… attraction towards them.
Maybe attraction wasn’t exactly the right word, but the moment they stepped into the room, you could feel your face heat up and your palms sweat and it really made you question your type in men because why was your body reacting so sensitively to seeing someone who literally just asked you for a pencil? Maybe this was why you’ve been single for so long…
Now let it be reminded that you’re having these weird, little crushes on guys you practically considered strangers. But now, for the first time in your entire life - in all your years knowing that stupid, handsome idiot, you had your very first dream about Minho. If you acted like a fool in front of strangers, how did you act around your best friend? Let’s just say you didn’t know how to act… or rather, you did what you do best - make things like ten times more awkward than they should be.
What did you do when Minho woke up in the morning with his stupidly cute bedhead and flopped on the couch next to you muttering a soft and gentle ‘good morning ~’? You got up and ran to your room after returning the greeting with a squeaky voice. What did you do when he would wrap his arm around your shoulder in that sly, boyish way that literally meant nothing? You’d run to the bathroom, whether you were at home or out in public.
And what did you do when he would walk out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel around his waist? You literally ran. You went to your room, put on your workout gear, and you ran - ran as far as your legs could take you with your ears blasting music to drown out any thoughts about your best FRIEND.
With his heart sinking, Minho didn’t know what to do.
“Hey, have you seen _____ these past few days?” he asked Changbin sometime around dinner. He knew your schedule like the back of his hand and he made sure he gave himself enough time to ask Changbin for his opinion before you came home.
“Yeah…? I see her like everyday. She lives here, too, you know.”
“I know, but she seems a little distant lately, right?”
“Mm, not with me,” the buff boy shrugged casually. His once unquestioning expression quickly turned into something sly when he realized what kind of situation Minho was in. “What did you do?”
“That’s not what it looks like to me.”
“The last thing we did together for more than five minutes was eat pizza and drink wine and that was last week.”
“Did anything happen after drinking wine? We all know how you get when you drink…”
“Mm… she was moping about how she’s never going to go on a date, or something, and then I told her she doesn’t have to worry.”
“Why doesn’t she have to worry?”
It was then that Minho figured maybe this was the reason why you were avoiding him. Shyly, the older boy avoided the teasing gaze from his close friend. “N-No reason.”
“Is it because you told her how wonderful she is? Or how funny, and smart, and how all men were idiots for not falling head over heels for her ~?”
“Shut up.”
“I bet you called her pretty, too.”
“Ok, she made me say that!”
“God, no wonder she’s avoiding you! You probably made her fall head over heels for you, or something!”
“… You really think so?” he asked, hoping he didn’t sound too hopeful at the idea.
Thankfully, Changbin didn’t seem to catch it. “If I heard that kind of corny stuff coming from you, I’d react the same way, to be honest.”
The sound of the door unlocking made both boys jump and quickly drop the subject, but not without Changbin shooting Minho a ‘we’ll discuss this later’ glance that reminded him of his dad whenever he got in trouble. For the first time that week, you didn’t sprint to your room right away. Rather, with a cheeky grin on your lips, you joined the two boys who eyed you suspiciously at the dining table.
“What?” you asked innocently.
“Nice to finally see you for more than five minutes,” Minho pouted childishly.
“Aw, you miss me ~?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“Why are you so smiley, missy?” the smaller, more suspicious boy squinted.
“I can’t be happy on this fine Thursday?”
“Fine, you downer. I’m super stoked because guess who has a date tomorrow ~?”
A short silence fell at the table. The first ten seconds of silence was so the two idiots could process what you just said. The following ten seconds was just a series of different ugly facial expressions from thinking about the question too hard.
“Did Seungmin finally ask that one person out? He’s been talking about it for months, he won’t shut up,” Changbin asked.
“No, not him…”
“Woojin? He’s not really the dating type, though.”
“No, idiot, me! I have a date tomorrow!”
“With who?” Minho finally asked. Of course he knew you were the one with the date, but he didn’t want to believe it until you said it. The rest of the conversation didn’t matter after you told him who it was.
“This guy named Wooyoung in one of my classes. We worked on a project together sometime last year and I just found him in lecture the other day. Small campus, huh? We caught up this past week and he asked me out just now after walking me home. Ah, I can’t believe it!”
Your smile was bright and so big that Minho could hardly see your eyes. He couldn’t recall a time when you were this excited for something since you and him both got accepted to this school. He was happy to see you like this, despite the circumstances. With your eyes all sparkly and cheeks blushed pink, the bit of aching was worth it.
“Oh, I know Wooyoung!” Changbin had a goofy smile when he saw how disappointed you looked. “His dad and my dad are close friends and we got close by coincidence.”
“Aw man, you know him!? I wanted to date someone not within this weird circle of friends!”
“He’s not! He’s like a little bubble outside of the circle.”
“Whatever… he’s nice and rich, at least.”
“Now I know where your priorities lie. Minho, what do you think?”
“Hm?” You raised a curious brow at your spacey friend. Minho had been in his own little world after blocking out the details of how you ended up with a date tomorrow night. He put on a fake smile so you wouldn’t have to worry. “I don’t know Wooyoung, but I’m happy for you.”
“I’m kind of scared… what if I blow it like our fake date?”
“Good thing it was fake, right?” The handsome boy across from you ruffled your hair into a bird’s nest style - much like how it was last week. You were a mess, but you were his pretty little mess. “Don’t sweat it. You’ll do just fine.”
“Yeah, Wooyoung may be rich, but his standards aren’t that high - ow! What the hell, dude!” he whined, rubbing his bruising shin.
“You two are so mediocre when it comes to these pep talks… but thank you. I’m so excited that my cheeks hurt because I can’t stop smiling!”
Minho watched you hide your heated face in your hands. He hoped you’d smile like this for a long time, even if he wasn’t the reason behind it.
If the boys were allowed a collective three hours in the bathroom nearly every damn morning, you were allowed three hours to yourself once this evening. You practically put on a spa for yourself in preparation for this. Every centimeter of your body was exfoliated and moisturized, every strand of hair fixed in its place, and every eyelash was coated with mascara. Not to mention that your outfit didn’t have a single wrinkle to be seen.
“Not gonna lie, you look pretty decent,” Changbin admitted while leaning on the doorframe. “Expecting some dessert tonight, if you know what I mean?”
“You think I’ll let it go that far on my very first date? Who do you think I am!”
“A touch-starved damsel.”
“… Shut up.” At 7:00 pm on the dot, you received a text from Wooyoung that he’s here. “Ah, gotta go!”
Like you would on a Monday morning already late for class, you shoved all of your essentials in a bag and scurried for the door, but not before Minho came out of his room and caught you. After putting on your nice shoes, you finally looked up to stare back at your wide-eyed, jaw-dropped friend. The only other time he ever looked at you like that was prom night, and even though you were glammed up times ten that night, his face tonight was more intense. The sudden waves of confusion and erratic heartbeat skips reminded you of why you accepted to go on the date so quickly in the first place: to get rid of these weird feelings for your best friend that you couldn’t understand.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you whined. “Too much? Or too little?”
Perfect. “No, no. You look fine.”
“I promise. You got everything you need?”
“Uh, wallet, keys, phone…”
“Just kidding! Be sure to practice abstinence because I’m not letting some guy come into our apartment just so you can do THAT.”
“Don’t worry, he has his own place.” He knew you were joking… kind of… you were joking, right…? “I’m kidding.”
“You better be… Don’t forget, curfew’s at 9:00 pm.”
“Ok, I’ll see you at 2:00 am ~!”
You did a final wave goodbye before heading out the door to forget all about Minho while he was stuck being a boring homebody. He heard his other, more irritating roommate tisk annoyingly from across the room.
“Shoulda said something ~” Changbin sang.
“What is there to say?”
“Baby, don’t leave! Why go out with a boy when you can go out with a MAN like me?”
“Oh, my God, I don’t really sound like that, do I?”
“Only sometimes.”
So while you were off on your date, smiling at him like no one else in the world could matter more, Minho would glue his ass to the couch and wait for you to come home.
Your first date was both exactly and the complete opposite of how you expected it to be - quite awkward, but it gradually melted into something you would best describe as comfortable. It didn’t feel very date-like. It felt more like you were eating dinner with a very handsome friend. You could easily see why all of your friends were jealous that you were on this date. Wooyoung was so easy to talk to and just his stare alone, he could get anyone to fall in love with him just like that.
A moment like this, when he’s laughing at your corny joke or fixing a loose strand of hair, was when you truly wished cupid would shoot a thousand arrows into your heart at one time with Wooyoung’s name on the heart-shaped head. That itself would solve about 75 percent of your problems. But it was too late, for your heart already had a hundred thousand arrows lodged in with no way of taking them out, and every single one had Minho’s stupid name on them.
Your date ended earlier than expected which was a little after midnight when his friend San called him in some party-related emergency. Of course you understood, as you’ve experienced being that friend one too many times, and he bid you a farewell with a sweet kiss on the cheek.
“Let’s do this again sometime,” he suggested.
“I’d love that!” Though it probably wasn’t going to happen.
During the walk home, you took the time to reflect on everything that went wrong tonight. Fifteen minutes in, and you couldn’t figure out why your heart didn’t beat for Wooyoung. Passers-by gave you a strange look as you passed because of how your face twisted in confusion, but they went unnoticed because now you actually had to deal with your feelings for Minho straight on.
When did this all start exactly? Like when did the first arrow lodge itself in your right ventricle? Was it in middle school when he stopped those bullies? Was it during your last year in high school when he hugged you so tight, crying tears of joy when the team won the championship basketball game? Maybe it was during your first college party when he held your hair up while you puked into the toilet, but you knew there was no way this all happened because of one silly dream… Maybe your feelings were there all along.
The saying goes when it rains, it pours, right? Tonight, that phrase is both hypothetical and literal.
In a matter of seconds, the skies cried heavily with no thunder or lightning to be heard or seen. On this warm night alone, you were getting soaked to the bone with little-to-no-coverage. You didn’t pack an umbrella and for some reason, even the store awnings couldn’t give you shelter very well, so your only option was to take off your pretty much-ruined nice shoes and sprint home barefoot and that’s exactly what you did.
Minho liked the rain. It was calming, but only added to the lonely ambiance on this fine Friday evening. From inside, he watched the city glow different colors as the light reflected off of the rain droplets and this was when he thought the city looked the most beautiful. He could fall asleep at any moment just to the sound of the rain.
Minho’s apartment is so high up that it’s difficult to see the details in in peoples’ faces and clothes as they walked the streets, but it was easy to spot the little speck running towards his building a couple of blocks away. No one else for blocks on end could be seen other than the tiny speck running. He didn’t have to see your face to know that it was you running home because you didn’t have an umbrella. Not that he’s not happy to see you home, but why were you here so early? And alone, for that matter? Did that Wooyoung guy ditch you?
“Idiot,” Minho mumbled grumpily before grabbing his umbrella and making his way to you.
By the time he reached the lobby, he thought he’d see you inside by now, but that wasn’t the case and he was starting to get a little worried. He didn’t waste time running out the building and immediately he spotted you taking a breather under the big coffee shop awning. You’re completely soaked as if you took a dip in the ocean, strands of hair clinging to your rosy cheeks, and your shoes in your hand…? You’re barefoot, feet all cut up and a little bruised. Without looking at your face, a stranger could say that you were having a bad night, but even Minho knew that wasn’t exactly the case. You didn’t look disappointed or anything near that.
You must have enjoyed the date.
A huge shadow blocked the streetlight from your body and a pair of Minho’s beat up dance shoes are in your eyesight. Tiredly, but happily, you look up to a stern-faced crush who held an umbrella over his head.
“‘Sup,” you greeted casually.
“Let’s go, you’re gonna get sick,” he muttered.
Neither of you said a word until you reached your shared home, and Minho didn’t bother to give you a second glance until then, too. After carelessly tossing his umbrella near the pile of shoes, he found his spot on the couch again.
“You should shower.”
Still, he didn’t give you the time of day, and it hurts. From your cut-up feet to your pounding headache, everything just hurts, and your entire body was ready to crawl under your sheets and call it a night. But you obeyed, taking a long, hot shower to wash away all the wrongs that happened tonight.
When you were done, Minho had a first-aid kit ready in his hands. He didn’t seem as angry as earlier - now he just looked worried.
“Sit,” he commanded nicely.
Of course you obeyed like a misbehaved puppy walking to its cage. Nervously, you sat on the couch while Minho sat on the floor. Before you could ask what he was doing, he had already grabbed one foot to inspect for major cuts.
“You don’t need to do that - ah, hey!” The concerned boy wasn’t listening when he dabbed a cotton swab soaked in disinfectant over a single super small cut on your foot… that was bleeding… a lot. “That stings, bro!”
“Good, that means it’s working. Now sit still.” He put a tiny bandaid over the clean cut and when he thought he was all finished, he held both of your ankles in his hand. “Why is one bigger than the other? Is it swollen?”
“I may have tripped once… or twice…”
An aggravated sigh left Minho’s pink lips before he grabs the bandage to wrap around your swollen ankle. After neatly wrapping around once, the rest of the wrapping was done by yanking the bandage until you felt the blood flow cut off at that point.
“Ow ow!! Chill, Minho, you’re hurting more than helping!”
After realizing what he’d been doing, Minho halted, muttering a soft ‘sorry’ before re-wrapping your ankle with more love and care.
“Why were you alone tonight?” he asked out of the blue.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean why wasn’t your date walking you home like he should? Doesn’t he know it’s common courtesy to do so?”
“Ah, well he had an emergency to attend to.”
“Still… He just left you to run home in the rain, and look what happened. Also, why the hell were your shoes off!?”
“I didn’t want to ruin them…”
The inside of his cheek was starting to numb from all the inherent chewing. At this point, Minho was tired, and you probably were, too. What was the point in arguing?
“Don’t date that guy,” he demanded.
“Why not?”
“You shouldn’t be dating someone who leaves you in the middle of a date. Was it even a real emergency?”
“It was at the end of a date. But no, not a REAL real emergency…”
“Still, he left you, and look how you ended up.” Another sigh left his lips. “I don’t like him, _____.”
“I know.” When Minho finally looked up, he saw that you were smiling at him. You’re not angry or upset by the way he was acting, and he’s really surprised. What was going through your mind? “You don’t have to worry. I don’t think there’s going to be another date.”
Good. “How come?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t have that ‘I can’t wait to see you again’ type of feeling like I thought I would. I guess I wasn’t that into him.”
The shy boy below you cleared his throat hoping you wouldn’t see how relieved he was. “Oh, that’s good.”
“What happened to you wanting me to be happy with some guy?” you teased, lightly kicking his arm.
“I still do. Just not with him.”
“Mm. Maybe the next one will work out better.”
“Yeah… the next one.”
Minho finished wrapping up your ankle and went to stash the first aid kit in his room. You happily followed your confidant slash magical healer and he wasn’t complaining. In fact, he hid his growing smile so you wouldn’t see.
“I had a weird dream last night,” you said after flopping on his king-sized mattress.
“Tell me about it.”
“You were in it as a Prince.”
“Hm, doesn’t sound so weird to me.”
“I was right beside you the whole time.”
“Ooh, tell me more.” Minho hopped on right beside you and the two of you laid side-by-side as you told your fairytale. “Were you my Princess? My sidepiece mistress? The cook’s daughter I fell in love with? Oh, or were we betrothed to unite two kingdoms together?”
“Dude, I don’t know…”
“God is in the details, baby. What else happened?”
“That’s all I could remember. You were a Prince who smiled everyday and I was right there the whole time.”
“I probably smiled all the time ‘cuz you were next to me.”
To play it off as playful, the boy only a couple centimeters beside you nudged you several times. It was hard for him to keep up the facade when you said,
“I was probably next to you the whole time because of your smile.”
Now what was he to do? Subconsciously, Minho turned on his side to face you. With your cheeks and the tip of your nose a baby pink, you refused to look at him. Maybe you were getting sick.
“What, you like my smile, or something?”
“Have I ever told you it makes me feel safe?”
“Safe? Why?”
“It lets me know I have nothing to worry about - that I’m going to be just fine.”
The ceiling must have been very interesting. You have yet to look at him and though he wanted you to, he hopes you don’t, otherwise the magnetic pull between your lips might be too strong for him to resist. He wondered what you tasted like.
“I’m glad I make you feel that way.”
The world felt at peace again when he returned to his position on his back. As if the roof did not exist above, the two of you laid on his bed and pretended to count the stars. Minho’s hand blindly found its way to yours and the tiny bumps and touches of his fingertips made goosebumps travel up your arms. The handsome, confusing boy traced tiny stars in the back of your hand.
“Did you like your dream?” he finally asked.
“You mean did I like being stuck with you for eternity?”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
His shy giggle filled the empty spaces of his room, and yours soon followed.
“Neither would I.”
An eternity together wouldn’t be so bad.
The spot beside you on Minho’s bed felt empty. You must have knocked out the night before, too tired to crawl back to your cave of a room, and ended up sleeping next to him the whole night. Either last night’s date was exhausting or you didn’t want to leave Minho or his bed because you slept in so late that he had already got up for the day.
Changbin was eating cereal in front of the television when you finally left the room.
“Whoa, what the hell,” he smirked, not knowing that’s where you slept last night. “Did something happen that I don’t know about?”
“No, idiot. We were talking and we fell asleep. Where is he, anyways?”
“Either at the gym or running errands or both.”
“Ah, ok…” If you knew Minho like you thought you did, then maybe he’s at the gym, but running errands? The hell kind of errands did he have? You were the one who ran all the house-related errands.
“You goin’ out tonight?”
“Can’t. Huge paper I have to work on.”
“C'mon, it’s Jeongin’s birthday! And Minho’s going ~”
Your cheeks burned from his teasing. “So? I’ll literally fail if I don’t get a good grade on this assignment.”
“Fine, you bookworm…”
So that’s what you did - you became a homebody for the day and hermitted in your room to work on that cursed paper. It was hard to focus when all you could think about was going out tonight with Minho. If you went, would you stick by his side the whole time? Would he drag you to the dance floor and hold you close? Would the alcohol take over and close the gap between your lips?
Let’s pretend the answer was yes to all of the above.
You didn’t see him for the entire day. Not for lunch, or dinner, or when he finally came home and hopped in the shower, or when he got ready in ten minutes, or even when he and Changbin left for the party. No texts or calls, either.
He was avoiding you at all costs.
Ugh, dammit, _____! Why did you sleep in his bed last night!? Ok, to be completely fair, he was sending you mixed signals that everything was fine, you know? He smiled after you told him how it made you feel safe, those little touches and whispers, literally agreeing to how life beside each other 'til you both grew old and wrinkly would be ideal… Why would you want to leave his side on the bed after all of that?
Boys were confusing, you knew that. Maybe you just misread the signs.
Minho felt like his heart was collapsing. Waking up beside you made this morning the best he’s ever had. You were so sleepy and so cute… All he wanted to do was press little kisses all on your forehead.
But no, he couldn’t do that. You just happened to fall asleep here with no real purpose. It’s not like he was going to wake you up and tell you to move? But did that make him selfish for wanting you to stay when you didn’t intend to? Maybe, so that’s why he had to slip out of the apartment before you woke up.
In the morning, he ran for a couple of hours. Then he went to lift weights. Then he ate and wasted time around town until it was time to get ready for Jeongin’s birthday. Nothing he did made it easier for him to forget about you and the night before. He’ll just use this opportunity of free booze to help him with that.
After successfully slipping in to get ready and out for a night of festivities, he thought that avoiding you for the whole day only made him miss you more.
“You’re not gonna do anything stupid tonight, are you?” Changbin asked.
“No promises.”
Well, no promises was right, because as soon as the two stepped into Chan’s place, Minho weaved his way through the crowd of strangers and went straight for the alcohol table. There, Chan was serving the jungle juice.
“Hey, you made it!” he greeted them, but his grin dropped when he saw the distressed look on Minho’s face. “Yikes, rough night?”
“You have no idea,” Changbin answered for him while he chugged the sweet drink.
He held the solo cup out to his concerned friend. “More.”
“Uh-oh…” Chan didn’t disobey.
For a while, Minho was fine on his own while Changbin was off doing God knows what to some poor soul. He socialized here and there, greeted the totally incoherent birthday boy, and even flirted his way around for the sake of distraction. When something new didn’t seem to work, he’d down another shot, and by the time it was 2:00 am, Minho could barely stand on his own.
“Oh, son of a - are you kidding me!?” Changbin groaned after seeing his poor roommate passed out on Chan’s couch.
“Should I call an Uber…?” Jisung asked.
“Nah, I have a cheaper solution.”
At 2:03 am, while you were munching on some chips and crying to some Miyazaki movie, Changbin’s name lit up your phone.
“How much do you love your roommates?”
“On a scale of one to ten? Four and a half.”
“Can you cash in that four and a half and pick us up from Chan’s place ~?” the whiny boy begged. “Minho is being insufferable! He keeps drinking everything in site!”
That did not sound good… Minho got very, uh, unbearable when he wasn’t himself. You felt your headache come back and your blood pressure fly through the roof.
“But I don’t have a car.”
“The keys to the Audi are hanging by the door.”
“What the - he has a car!?”
“No, his uncle has a car. Just don’t tell him we’re using it. Hurry, before he gets outta hand - NO, DON’T LET HIM DRINK THAT -!!”
The line cut out and the dial tone rang in your ears for a solid five seconds before you could process what Changbin was asking of you. So you were supposed to grab the keys to an expensive Audi, drive to Chan’s house, pick up your incompetent roommates, and somehow end up back home alive? Well, all right…
The key to the car wasn’t actually a key… It was just a remote. The car was hidden in the corner of the underground garage and if you weren’t being careful, someone could honestly kidnap you at any moment and no trace of the kidnapping would be seen. The Audi was very beautiful, all white and shiny like it was brand new. The interior was pitch black with red stitching, tons of fancy buttons normal cars didn’t really have, and a button for the ignition. You prayed to whatever Lord was listening that it was Automatic because you had zero idea how to handle Manual.
The drive wasn’t that far, but it was far for a walk, so no wonder Changbin called you for assistance. After texting him that his personal, beautiful Uber driver had arrived, you were left with your erratic thoughts about how you were going to handle seeing Minho for the first time since last night. Would it be awkward? Maybe on your end because you were sober enough to remember everything, but maybe his drunken state would ease up the atmosphere.
Your love life sucked. Your crushes never worked out in the end, your first date ended up mediocre, and now you fell for your best friend. You were in denial for the most part, thinking that maybe this was just a coping mechanism for all your failures and that Minho was the only real man to ever care about you, so of course you fell for someone like him. But that wasn’t it, was it? Minho wasn’t made to be your security blanket when all else failed. Maybe all else failed because he was the one all along. Fate always had a weird way of playing with you.
A loud thump in the back seat shook you from your thoughts.
“Sorry, he’s very heavy and I got tired,” Changbin said as he sat in the front seat.
Looking back, you saw a passed out Minho curled up on the seats.
“Jeez, that kind of night, huh?” Did you do that to him…? Was this because of last night…?
“Yeah… you wouldn’t believe the shit he was saying -”
“_____, is that you?” he asked cutely.
“Hey there,” you giggled. “How are you feeling?”
“I miss you ~”
“Bro, he would not shut up the entire night! _____ this, _____ that, I was honestly so happy that he passed out on the couch because for those ten minutes, I could hear my own thoughts again. Can you two figure out whatever sexual tension you guys are having -”
“What!? I’m tired of living with you two!”
“Move out then!”
“No way, I was there first!!”
“Stop yelling,” the poor, drunk boy whined, moving up so his face was in between yours and a pouty Changbin. Minho turned to you all giggly and smiley like a kid in a candy shop and poked your cheek. “I miss you ~”
Of course you did, too. “I miss you, too, dork.”
“I have something I want to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“I’ll tell you when we get home, I’m sleepy.” And he was out like a light once more.
“What the hell…”
“Chan’s jungle juice, man. It’s magical,” Changbin tisked.
It took two small adults to carry one Minho all the way from the parking lot, to the lobby, to the elevator, and then finally to the door. You’d think with all the working out Changbin did that he could handle the unconscious boy all on his own, but Minho was very muscley… A lot more than you remembered. From supporting his back and abs and having his arm around your shoulder, you could feel every crevice of his taut muscles that you should definitely not be thinking about at a time like this. He was fine to support himself by the time the door opened, and Changbin happily let go of him to go to the bathroom, something about ‘needing to piss really bad.’
Before you could fathom that you were left alone with a loosey goosey Minho, he had already grabbed onto your hand and pulled you into his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around you so you couldn’t escape, but it wasn’t like you were going to, anyways. With his cheek resting on your forehead, you felt safe.
“I miss you ~” he repeated in his sing-songy voice.
“What are you doing?” you muffled into his chest.
“Showing and telling you how much I love you.”
“Wait, what -”
“In fact, let me show and tell the whole world!”
How Minho was able to run to the balcony and not trip and fall flat on his face was a mystery to you. The weird boy literally swung open the door and breathed in the fresh air before screaming into the night,
“I LOVE _____!”
Still inside, feet glued to where Minho first told you he sincerely loves you, you were shocked as the man you loved screamed at the top of his lungs to the city below.
“I LOVE YOU ~!” he screamed once more.
“Oh, my God.”
You sighed tiredly, though your growing smile wasn’t fooling anyone. Reluctantly, you made your way to the balcony to bring in the boy you loved before he lost his voice. After screaming a couple more times, he tuckered himself out and leaned over the edge of the railing.
“You’re going to fall!” you lectured, pulling him back up. That was a bit of a mistake on your end though, because now he used you as his means of support and coddled you tightly like you were his own personal teddy bear.
“I love you, _____,” he said perfectly like there wasn’t a drop of alcohol in his system.
“Minho, you’re drunk.”
He held you tighter. “Do you wanna hear a story? It’s called ‘The Day I Fell for You’.”
“Ok. Tell me all about it.”
“You were in art class and it was the pottery unit. You absolutely hated the mug you made, but I loved it. I told you to submit it for the art exhibit anyways. The following week at exhibition night, you won second place for the best pottery piece. When you went up to get your ribbon in front of all our other classmates and their parents, you only looked at me. You had the brightest smile on your face, and when I gave you a thumbs up, you glowed even brighter. I didn’t think that was even possible. Then when the awards were over, you ran up to me and hugged me so tight. Just like this. And my heart was beating so fast! Just like now, too. I never wanted to let you go, you know? And then when you let me keep your mug, it was all over from there.”
Ah, you remember that story perfectly, even if it was so long ago. Minho made you feel like you could fly without wings.
He hummed happily, enjoying the feeling of you in his arms. “It’s my favorite mug. I drink coffee out of it every morning.”
“I know, I’m the one who washes it…”
“_____, what do I do ~?” He broke the hug and the heart-wrenching moment to hold your face and squish your cheeks so hard your lips would pout. “What do I do ~? I love you and I want to kiss you so badly!”
“Just one kiss,” he begged, puckering his lips playfully.
“Ah, no, you weirdo!” you giggled, but you weren’t even fighting back.
“Just one, I promise.”
Before you could fake-object, his lips barely touched yours for a split second. They were soft, sent goosebumps all over your skin, and made sparks fly.
He giggled softly before leaning in again. “Ok, one more.”
“You said just one!”
“I got a taste and now I want more. This is your fault.”
“You sound like an addict.”
“Only for you, baby.”
So he kissed you once more. And again. And again. And then again for the tenth time. The eleventh time he made the kiss last a little longer. The fifteenth time was a kiss on your nose. The sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth were for your cheeks twice. The twentieth and the last was on your forehead, making your heart flutter like a little hummingbird.
"You taste like punch and tequila,” you gagged.
“Do you like it ~?”
“Do you like me ~?”
“Only sometimes. But I guess I love you all other times. Luckily, you probably won’t remember this in the morning.”
There’s a short silence afterwards, only the sounds of the wind blowing could be heard as Minho continued to hold you. “Loving me means you can’t get mad at me, right?”
“It means I’ll probably get mad at you more frequently. Why, what did you do…?”
“Nothing, I swear! I’m just… not as drunk as you think I am anymore…”
“Ah, so you’ll remember this in the morning…”
“Absolutely. If you rejected my screaming confession though, I would have still pretended to be drunk. Isn’t my plan so smart? I’m a genius, bro.”
“Mm, I wouldn’t say genius,” you teased.
“Whatever, you admitted you love me, that’s all that matters.”
“I only said it 'cuz you said it first. If you didn’t, I would have kept it to myself.”
“But why ~?”
“You left me this morning. I thought telling you my dream was a huge mistake and I scared you away.”
Your loving boy pressed a twenty-first kiss to your forehead. “I was scared, but not because of that. I was scared you would leave everything at that and wouldn’t think of me as anything but a friend.”
“You’re so dramatic.”
“I’m an emotional man, ok.”
“I know ~” you sighed happily. The night air was crisp and cool, but Minho kept you warm, as he always did. He was always there whenever you need him. “I love you, you know that?”
Minho took a long and dramatic breath in, pressing his expanding chest to yours and you kind of regret tell him you love him because from the top of his lungs, he screamed,
“Minho, shut up!!!”
“I LOVE YOU, _____!!”
The rest of the night until the following morning was spent with Minho’s arms wrapped tightly around you. The only time he ever let you go was when you burned the pancakes and needed his help making more.
Minho, the dorky, annoying, loving, sweet, dumbass of a friend was now YOUR dorky, annoying, loving, sweet dumbass.
He wasn’t so bad.
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quicksilversquared · 6 years
A Musical Connection Ch. 3
In a world where soulmate bonds can range from a simple matching mark to timers to shared dreams, of course Adrien would get saddled with an inconvenient bond that keeps him from going out and living life- because whenever his soulmate sings, Adrien has to as well.
But the singing, as inconvenient as it is, presents another opportunity. Can Adrien use it to track down his soulmate?
(Ch 1)  (Ch 2)
(AO3) (FF.net)
Marinette let out a long breath through her nose as she marked down the last of the repairs for the outfits in her university's production of Little House of Horrors. Thankfully there weren't many costumes that needed fixing- the cast members were careful not to be too rough on their outfits, which was nice- but it had still been a long day of hustling outfits around and getting them on and off of people, making small little alterations where she noticed problems.
The first strains of music drifted back from the stage up front, where the dress rehearsal was going on. Marinette smiled at the familiar music, humming along as she set up her sewing machine and rethreaded it with the properly colored thread. She started singing along as she sewed, making sure that her voice stayed quiet enough not to disturb the performers up front. She knew the words to pretty much all of the songs by heart by now, after hearing them for weeks and weeks, and Tikki did as well. The kwami had even started trying to act out all of the parts as she sang, which provided Marinette with a bit of entertainment whenever her kwami stayed backstage with her instead of heading out to watch the show from behind the seats.
"Marinette! How are the alterations coming along?" The faculty theater director, Ms. Bella, poked her head into Marinette's workspace, smiling at the sight of the petite girl buried in fabric. Tikki vanished into the pile with a squeak. "There were only a couple things, right? Most of the actors were in costume."
"There's not much to do. Kendra's outfit is almost done. Just let me trim the threads here." Marinette finished the seam she was working on, removed a couple pins, and snipped the excess thread hanging off the new seams. "I have two more outfits to do, and one of those is just repairing a sleeve hem that got partially torn out. The other is just a small bit of mending that I'll have to do by hand."
"Fantastic." Ms. Bella beamed at her. "Now, as you know we have another musical that we'll be casting for pretty soon. We'll be doing Mary Poppins as our second musical of the semester, and we're actually working with a collège to get younger students to play the children. I'll get you the list of what outfits we either need to find or sew as soon as I can. There's quite a few lovely outfits with that show."
Marinette perked up. "Oh, of course! That sounds great!" She hoped that there would be some more chances for her to sew outfits from scratch than there had been with the current show, where it really was mostly street clothes. "…but the bulk of the work can wait until after midterms, right?"
Ms. Bella laughed. "Of course. I just want to get you everything you might need right away, so you can work at your own pace. I'll let you know how many outfits there are soon, and get you an inventory. Once we cast, you can start getting measurements." Ms. Bella smiled at Marinette again and took the dress she was holding out. "I'll get this to Kendra. Thank you so much, Marinette!"
With that, she vanished back out the door.
Marinette bent back over her sewing machine, determined to get the last few alterations done as fast as she could so that she could go out to the auditorium and watch the rest of dress rehearsal. She might even be able to get some sketches done for one of her classes before it was time for people to change back and hang their costumes up. She wasn't needed right now since the understudies were dealing with the costume changes for this dress rehearsal, but there was no way that she was going to let them put things away unsupervised. The one and only time she had done that, the clothes racks had been chaos and no one could find anything fast enough the next day. Of course, she was the one who got in trouble from that, since she was the costume manager, so she wasn't going to let that happen again. She didn't want to lose her job, even if it wasn't quite what she had envisioned herself doing as a fashion student.
Besides, being able to hear (and occasionally see) live musicals was awesome, even if she was backstage helping with outfit changes most of the time, only really getting to venture out for a break when the actors didn't have any costume changes or when there were other people around to help during the practice. While musical songs were no Jagged Stone, they were fun songs and got stuck in her head on a fairly regular basis. She had found herself humming one song or another more than a couple times while heading from one class to another. Marinette truly enjoyed her job, and as a bonus, it paid well.
As Marinette reached for the last outfit, the music swelled again. Marinette grinned and sang along happily, enjoying the energy and upbeat tempo. Repairing the sleeve didn't take long at all to finish, and soon she was covering up her sewing machine and handing over the last outfits to the performers. She sat out in the seats in the auditorium with the actors that were waiting their turn to practice onstage, listening to their conversations as she sketched out an outfit for one of her design courses. Some of the students were discussing classes, others movies that they had seen, and others-
"What do you mean, there's a site for matching soulmate tattoos?" a girl one row in front of Marinette demanded, staring at her friend. She got a glare from the stage manager, and she lowered her voice. "Why? I thought people weren't supposed to actively search out their soulmates!"
Marinette's heart dropped and she tried not to listen in, focusing on her sketchbook as she added a shoulder detail to the jacket she was designing. Soulmates were not her favorite subject, not at all. But she couldn't exactly just get up and leave, not when she had just sat down, and the conversation was impossible to not overhear, since the two other girls were sitting directly in front of her.
The girl's friend shrugged in response to her question. "Technically we aren't allowed to actively search out soulmates, but why shouldn't we? What's the point in not looking? Besides, it only works if both people put in a picture of their mark. If not, then the site can't do anything. If someone doesn't want to find out ahead of time, then they won't. It just gives people the option."
The first girl let out a snort. "Some people are going to such ridiculous lengths to figure out who their soulmates are before their time. The marks are for confirmation, not for searching. What if people meet before they're ready and-"
"Sophie, can we just agree to disagree on this? Some soulmates might not live near each other and this way, they actually get to meet. I do think the site has a minimum age requirement, if that helps."
Marinette winced and looked away. She had never had a soulmate mark, which put her in the minority of the population. Tattoos and timers weren't the only soulmate connection so it was technically still possible that she had one, as Tikki had constantly reminded her when she was younger, but she was starting to think that she didn't. No tattoo, no timer, and when she wrote on her skin, no one wrote back. There were stories of rarer forms of soulmate bonds, sure, but there were also stories of people without.
And for someone like Marinette, who had grown up on romantic stories of people finding their soulmate and had always looked forward to finding her own, it was really discouraging to not have any sign that anything was going to happen.
The debate about whether or not people should search out their soulmates continued until the actors were called up for their scene. Marinette breathed out a sigh of relief as they left and went back to her sketches, trying to push the conversation from her mind.
She didn't resent other people for their soulmates, but boy would it be nice to know she had one too.
"Are you okay, Marinette?" Tikki asked, flying up to perch on the armrest between the seats once the seats around them had cleared. "You know that I've told you that you might just have some other soulmate mark. If you're the color-touch kind and you haven't met them yet, maybe-"
"I guess." Tikki had told her that before, and Marinette had to admit that she could have a point. But somehow Marinette just had a feeling that that wasn't true. Color-touch soulmates often said that they had been drawn to a certain color even before they met their soulmate, and then their mark ended up being that exact color. While Marinette had liked pink well enough when she was younger, she wasn't drawn to it in the same way.
Dress rehearsal came to a close, and Marinette quickly gathered up her things and ran backstage to make sure all of the costumes ended up in the right spot. Several of the cast members stayed behind to help, enough that things went quickly but not so many that it became a mess, and then Marinette was headed home.
"I wish I had enough time to meet up with Nino, Alya, and Adrien more," Marinette told Tikki as she crossed a road. "And Chat Noir, of course. But this job has been keeping me so busy in the afternoons and evenings because of when rehearsals are, and that's when they're free."
"Are you going to look for a different job, then?" Tikki wanted to know. "As an intern at a fashion house instead of in the theater? You would have different hours, so you would actually have evenings off almost all of the time."
Marinette thought about it for a minute. Trying to switch had been something she had considered more than once, but she had never followed through with the thought. An internship would be more focused on the fashion world, that much was true, but would it really be possible to get one that would work as well around her class schedule as her current job did? Would she be able to find something that would pay as well? The university theater didn't pay buckets of money or anything, but at least it was above the minimum wage, and they understood if she had to come in late or step out for a bit in order to make it to a class. Marinette had heard stories from older students who had gotten an internship at a fashion house and then had to limit what design electives they took to fit with their internship schedule, while all they learned at their "job" was all of the designers' coffee orders and how to survive on a very small paycheck.
That would be less than ideal. At least now she was actually sewing and learning how to fit people of all shapes and sizes. Maybe she could get a part-time job as an intern for a fashion designer over the summer, and split her time between the studio and backstage. But that was a decision for future Marinette.
"I don't think I'll switch out of being the costume manager," Marinette told Tikki. "It works with my classes, at least, and it pays well and the people there are fun to work with. And that's what's important right now." No matter how much she missed her friends, she did have to consider other things when making any decisions about her job. Besides, she would get to hang out with them again once the show was over and before the next one got into dress rehearsal stage. It wasn't as though she was too busy to meet up with them all the time.
Tikki looked pensive, but smiled up at Marinette. "As long as you're sure!"
"I'm sure."
  For all the work that musicals were, there were only six shows and then it was over. Marinette stayed late on the last night of the show to pack up all of the costumes and sort out the ones that could probably be used in other productions. It was a lot of work and she had had to miss yet another get-together with Alya, Nino, and Adrien, but at least she was getting good references for it.
"Two days off, and then we'll need you in again to start working on organizing the outfits for Mary Poppins," Miss Bella told Marinette. "We'll start with pulling out old costumes that can be used again and doing the simpler outfit alterations, and then we'll see how much there is left to be made."
"That sounds good," Marinette said, beaming. She already had the soundtrack to the musical on her iPod and boy, was she ever looking forward to the new production. She already had new favorite songs from the track and was singing them all the time. As Miss Bella left to make sure that the set designers were storing things properly, Marinette began to hum.
"A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down..."
"I like the new songs better," Tikki commented as Marinette worked. The kwami peeked out of Marinette's bag and once she saw the coast was clear, she flew out to help sort smaller items. "They're really cheery! I know the old play was just for fun, but some of the songs made me shiver."
Marinette giggled as she wrestled another garment bag shut. She double-checked the label before moving it to the rack that was to go into the costume storage room. "It wasn't real, Tikki."
"But these are still better." Tikki laid a necklace down in a box next to its matching bracelet. "And they're fun-"
Footsteps in the hall cut Tikki off and the kwami hid. Seconds later, the door opened and a stagehand stuck her head in, grinning.
"Melissa's soulmate timer just went off! Do you want to come see her new guy?"
"Uh..." Marinette couldn't do much anything besides stare. After a moment, she shook herself and composed herself enough to reply fairly normally. "I think I'll pass. They probably want to talk by themselves without too much of an audience."
The other girl snorted. "Melissa, not wanting an audience? Impossible. But you have a point," she added. "Her boy might not be comfortable with the attention. I just thought I'd let you know. I'm sure everyone in the department will know by the end of tomorrow anyway. Good night!"
"'Night," Marinette called back, waiting until the door had closed before letting her shoulders slump. Great- just what she needed to bring down her good mood. Maybe she should have left this whole mess for the weekend and gone out with her friends tonight instead. But she had heard through Alya that something regarding Adrien's soulmate bond had come up recently, which meant that it would almost definitely be the center of conversation for the entire evening.
Marinette knew she should be happy for her friend. He hadn't been happy about not having a bond when they were younger and out of everyone in the world, he definitely deserved happiness and someone who would truly care about him. But Marinette had liked knowing someone else without a mark of any sort, even if they never talked about it. Now she had no one to talk to about her continued lack of any sort of soulmate connection.
Well, it wasn't as though they had ever really talked about it anyway.
Marinette sighed again and shoved another dress into another garment bag. She was happy for Adrien, really. But some days, she just didn't want to think about it.
"You haven't gotten to see Adrien a lot recently, have you?" Tikki asked, almost reading Marinette's thoughts. "What is he up to again, do you know?"
"Well, he's taking uni classes online now, instead of in person. You know that, he started doing that last year after the first semester." Marinette had been surprised to learn that, but she supposed that it made some measure of sense. Adrien had been doing more photoshoots and commercials now that he was older, and it was probably inconvenient and costly for Gabriel to have to have special photoshoots that fit around Adrien's schedule. Online courses meant that he could do things on his own time.
It was strange that he hadn't appeared in any of his father's runways. She had meant to ask about that- the papers had certainly had a field day with it, speculating why Gabriel Agreste's son hadn't walked. The speculation was only made worse by the fact that Adrien had once done a runway show, in their last year of lycée.
"What's he studying?"
"He wants to be a science teacher," Marinette said, remembering the grin on Adrien's face when he told them. He was clearly excited about the idea, and it meant that he would be able to get out from under his father's lengthy shadow at last. "He'd be fantastic at it, I bet. He's really good with kids, even though he's an only child, and he's good at breaking down concepts to explain them." She frowned. "...but I'm not sure that he can really do his entire degree remotely like this. There have to be some discussion classes and labs that have to meet in person."
Tikki frowned as well. "That is true," she agreed. "I would think that that would be one of those degrees where talking to others in class would be really beneficial."
"Maybe he'll go back to going to classes in person when he gets past the science stuff and into the teaching part of his degree," Marinette suggested. She knew Adrien had told them what steps he would have to take to get his dream job, but that had been ages ago, back when they were just starting out in university and she hadn't gotten her job in the theater department yet. She thought he had said something about having to get a science degree first and then a teaching degree after that, but she might have remembered wrong.
"Maybe you can make sure to make the next meeting and ask him," Tikki suggested. "You'll be able to make it, right?"
Marinette thought about it. "I think so? With this show done, I won't need to stay so late to catch all of the rehearsal until the fittings and dress rehearsals for Mary Poppins hit. As long as I don't have a test the next day, I'll go out."
Tikki spun around excitedly. "Yay! Then you can ask Adrien what he's been up to, and how his degree is going, and-"
"And I can talk to my other friends, too," Marinette pointed out, giggling a little bit. "Even if I do text Alya and Nino more often. Now, why don't you plug my iPod into the speakers and put on some music?" Marinette asked. She pointed towards her bag. "Everything should be on top, since I knew I would want to have them tonight. I'll be here for a while."
Tikki nodded eagerly, pulling out the iPod and cords and hooking them up to the small speaker that Marinette had set up on the desk. She scrolled through Marinette's songs for a moment before putting it on shuffle. Seconds later, music poured through the speakers, and Marinette and Tikki joined in.
"Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-ee, a sweep is as lucky as lucky can be! Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-oo, good luck will rub off when I shakes hands with you! Or blow me a kiss- and that's lucky too!"
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academiceve · 6 years
Grad Profile #1: Interview with a Health Psychology Masters Student
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I thought that it would be fun to introduce interview style blog posts on my blog! I have friends in amazing places, doing amazing things, some of which are attending graduate programs! I would also like to talk more about Psychology and what it is like to continue your studies in one of the subfields, so I hope I can hunt down more people but also include those in different disciplines too!
This first interview is with my dear friend, whom I know from undergrad, as we both studied Psychology. She is currently in her 2nd year of a Health Psychology masters program. 
The Interview
1. Why did you decide to study Psychology for undergrad and what was your experience like?
Psychology was not actually the initial undergrad choice. I got interested in the subject sometime after taking an elective Psychology class in high school. It grew on me. Then after some researching and career testing, I decided to stick to the field. It was one of the best decisions I could have made. I thoroughly enjoyed my undergrad studies.
2. Name 3 favourite/least favourite Psychology subjects that you had to take during your undergraduate studies.
The favourite courses that I had in undergrad were definitely Abnormal Psychology, Marriage and Family, and Family and Addictions. The subjects were interesting on their own, what with dealing with different psychological disorders, subtleties of family life, and a broader understanding of addiction disorders. In addition, they were taught by the most amazing professors, who were really passionate about their subjects and knew a great deal, both from an academic standpoint and from personal working experience.
Meanwhile the subjects I liked the least were Evolutionary Psychology, Organisational Psychology and, as useful and necessary as it is in the field, Statistics. The first two subjects were simply not as appealing to me (and were perhaps taught by the wrong people). Meanwhile, statistics was never, and is still not my thing. I think that it’s alright because not everyone is destined for research and not everyone has to like the same things. The important thing is to try.
3. How did you know that you would like to further your studies by obtaining a masters degree?
For me, getting a masters degree was never a question of wanting it. It is just something that has to be done in order to actually work in the field. The question I had to face was figuring out which masters to get.
4. How and why did you choose to study Health Psychology for your masters degree? Talk a little about your program, how long it is, what kind of classes you take, etc.
Choosing Health Psychology for my masters was not an easy choice. It involved a lot of research and a lot of talking. There were talks with professors, family and friends. The first offered their professional insights. Family, meanwhile, helped to figure out the financial/scholarship matters. Lastly, friends were there to listen and to offer their own insights. Honestly, sometimes, it felt less like talking and more like rambling about the same thing over and over again. But it helped. All the options were considered. It makes me all the more glad that I had someone to talk to.  
As for the program itself, the Health Psychology program takes two years to complete and consists of 120 credits. Each semester consists of classes worth 30 credits. It amounts to about 5 subjects each semester, except for the last, which has only 2 that are worth more credits: second practicum and thesis writing and defense. There are several mandatory classes, such as counselling and psychological evaluation, statistics (yay, but sarcastically), rehabilitation, etc. Then there are 3 elective classes that can be taken. For the thesis, it takes 3 semesters to write. The first semester is dedicated to literature review and introduction, the second to methods and the last one to discussion and results. 
5. What do you like/dislike about studying Health Psychology? Is it what you expected it to be? Is it different from what you expected? If so, how?
In regards to my personal liking of the program, I can say that I am rather enjoying it. Some of the subjects are particularly interesting and valuable. For instance, I do not know what I would have done without the psychological evaluations class or the mock counselling sessions in various other classes. They were the basis I used during the first practicum, where real people came with real problems and real psychological evaluation needs. My masters was my standing rock, helping me bit by bit become better at what I want to do in my life.  
Other subjects are naturally, not as interesting or valuable. Then again, it has to do with personal interests and qualifications of people teaching them. You might be surprised to hear that sometimes a person with three degrees and teaching a masters course might have no idea what they are talking about.
On an ending note, here is something I wish someone would have told me.  It might sound out of blue but I hope it helps. Health Psychology, while part of the medical psychology branch, deals a whole lot more with somatic diseases and their psychological treatment, e.g. diabetes or heart attacks, and less so with psychological disorders, e.g. depression or schizophrenia. Clinical, meanwhile, does the opposite. That said, if there is anyone out there undecided between health psychology and clinical, really consider that distinction. While I made my choice, no one made it clear enough while I was applying. To me the two fields seemed completely overlapping (I was wrong). 
6. How did you feel before beginning your masters studies? What the transition from undergrad to post grad was like?
Starting something new can be a pretty scary experience. It was for me. Especially because I had to move to another city. It was my biggest leap of independence yet. Though, scary as it was, I was still excited for my studies. As for the transition, I expected it to be more challenging. It wasn’t easy and there were certainly days when I called my family or my friends and told them that I wanted to quit, to come back home, to try again later or maybe never. I was fortunate to have them there at those times. Then, as the academic year went on, I made new friends, I got adjusted to the different system, different language, new professors and a schedule that was absolutely different than the one in undergrad. All in all, life got better.
7. What was your first year experience like of your master’s degree?
I started the year very excited, albeit a little scared. There were ups and downs, subjects I adored, professors who were amazing, then there were classes I skipped (yes, even in grad school) and the professors I dreaded hearing lecture. Then the motivation was gone. I am not entirely sure why. Health Psychology is something that I do like. Perhaps what I missed was a gap year, to take a break from academics. The summer that I took off was not enough.
So here’s another advice: if you feel like you need a break, take it. No one knows you better than you. Maybe you don’t need a break, maybe you can go into grad school right away and nail those several years. If not, rest. Grad school won’t go away.
In my personal experience, I don’t regret the decision of not taking a gap year. I had an enjoyable year. I just don’t know if I would make that decision again given a second chance.  
8. Is the workload different from undergrad? If so, how? Do you do more work now or is it about the same? Do you have days off? Any tips for adjusting to the workload in graduate school?
It’s rather difficult to compare the workload between undergrad and grad school. In undergrad, the classes were spaced out during the week, Monday to Friday, usually every day; there was a lot of homework, a lot of reading. Now, the days I need to physically go into class range from two to maximum three, as a way to benefit students who also work. The readings are still just as plenty but I guess undergrad teaches what to read, what to skim and what to pretend to have read. For homework, well... It’s all about whether you manage your time right. If I did my assignments at the rate I allowed myself in undergrad, I would have failed the year. The expectations are much higher, instructions are fewer, and getting used to writing papers in my native tongue after doing it in English for four years has been difficult. Do not even get me started on the length. Enjoy undergrad while you can.
Key to getting everything done comes down to time management, multitasking and a few other things I would like to briefly expand upon. One, it is crucial to communicate with your professors. Look at your assignment due dates (make a list of those) in advance. If you see that a semester worth of assignments is crammed into a single week, tell them. The professors can and usually adjust the dates to benefit the students. Unless they are told hours before or after the due date. Two, for the love of puppies, take time off. Go see a movie, read a book, invite a friend over for tea, whatever you like, the important part is that you don’t fry your brain trying to do everything in one sitting. Leave that for the midterms and finals. Everyone says they will study ahead but no one does. Cure? None.
9. How do you manage your time? Are there any productivity/time management apps/tools that you use?
As said above, time management is crucial. To better succeed at it, I have all of my due dates for assignments listed. It helps me decide which projects are a priority, how much time I can dedicate to each, by when I should be done.
Another tool is making a list of everything that needs to be done, say, in a day. Write it down on a sticky note, a piece of paper, whichever; it helps to keep focused. It is also very satisfying to cross things out.
Lastly, I would like to promote Zotero or Refworks when it comes to making “References”. It saves a lot of time and frustration. It stashes all the read articles in a single place and makes references for you with a few single clicks. Saved me hours!!!
10. What was the application process like for grad school for you? Did you have to do a lot more/or less in comparison to undergrad? Did you have to have an interview?
Contrary to undergrad application, which has a national-wide online system to help you out, applying to grad school is on you. Every university has different application dates and deadlines and there are always the application fees. Universities also limit to how many of their programs you can apply to. Mine had four (for both paid and government financed studies), meanwhile another university I applied to had twelve. Most require to come for an interview. Applying is rather stressful and much more independent. Though, at that point in life, it’s not something you can’t handle.
11. Since you had to do an interview, please share what kind of questions they asked you and any tips that you have preparing for an interview.
As much as I would love to share my interview experience, I am afraid it’s already mostly lost to me. I was super stressed out on the day because it was my number one choice program. What I do remember was being asked why I wanted to study in their university, why the particular program, would I still come to study there if I did not receive a scholarship (which was an option for me) and if I could read 10 English books in a year (still don’t know the point of that). I think they also asked me to tell them about my professional experience. Not that any undergrad has much. It then helps to speak of conferences, what you’ve attended, if you’ve presented somewhere.
Interviews are scary, but they shouldn’t be. Just remember that the interview is such a small tiny thing. Even if it doesn’t work out the first time, you can try again. A lot depends on our cognitions. If we tell ourselves it is frightening, then we make it so, in turn making ourselves more prone to “stress mistakes”. If we don’t, it’s not. I think I remember telling myself: “whatever happens, happens”, before going inside. That helped. Besides, the outcome depends as much on the interviewers’ moods, personalities and personal bias, as it does on your personal input. 
More specifically, to please the interviewer(s) you should look up your program. Knowing what classes you may be able to take and gushing how excited you would be to take them is really a bonus. Tell them how it aligns with your professional interests, so have at least some idea what your professional interests are.
12. What are the top 3 study tips that you use while studying for your masters degree?
Write down due dates and start completing the assignments at least several days before it has to be turned in.
Do readings on time.
Make detailed ‘to-do’ lists for the assignments at hand. Cross off completed work to feel better.
13. I know that this is the most annoying question, but after your masters studies, do you have an idea of what you would like to do? Talk about your dream career choice. What kind of further schooling you will need to achieve it?
Doing my practicum has helped me realise that I would really like to work as a health psychologist. I found that I rather enjoy doing psychological evaluations and counselling people. I am well aware that I still lack the skill and the practice. It makes me look forward to the second practicum, where I will get a chance to improve and learn more. And after I am done, I hope I can apply my knowledge and continue to improve as I work. I do wish to go into one of the psychology schools and become a psychotherapist. Perhaps, sometime later in life, once I’ve rested from the academics and actually earned the money necessary to further my studies. We’ll see. I’d like to be hopeful and encourage the same in others.
I hope you enjoyed this interview and a massive thank you to my friend for agreeing to answer questions and talk more about her experience in graduate school! If you would like to read more from me, click HERE to see other blog posts! You can also follow my studygram HERE for some inspiration! 
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whiskeytangofrogman · 7 years
“No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” Nurseydex b/c I know you love them.
Here’s something I should have answered uhhhhhh months ago. Sorry, lol. 
NurseyDex, 1.9k. Unbeta’d and barely read over, so sorry bout that lol. Technically fills @nurseydexweek Day 2! More under cut.
“And that’s the last bit of your integral chart. Don’t forget, quiz on Monday, test on Wednesday!” Before his professor could even finish reminding them about the upcoming assessments, Dex had packed up his stuff and bolted for the door. He had approximately three hours before his Python midterm, and six hours of studying to do.
And then, of course, right as he reached the front door of Founder’s, some guy coming out slammed into him, spilling hot coffee down his front. The guy huffed, and dropped his cup in the trash can. “Watch where you’re going, dude.”
Dex cursed, pulling his shirt away from his body. He wanted to cuss the guy out, do something, but he was already walking away by the time Dex got up the courage to tell him to go fuck himself.
Dex did a quick mental calculation. If he was back home in five minutes he could change, and grab a snack, and still meet his last-minute study group just a few minutes late.
“Yeah, fuck it,” he said, and picked up his speed in the direction of the Haus. Campus was busy this week, he noted, as he pushed through throngs of people. Midterm week tended to gather all the people that had skipped class until this point to campus, like showing up to the review session and cramming would do any help for memorizing half a semester’s worth of material.
Dex, ever the diligent student (and for good reason, if he wanted to keep his scholarship), hated this, and hated how the library and the dining halls and the fucking sidewalks were all crammed for a week, and then empty the next.
He made it to the Haus in just over five minutes, and bolted to he and Nursey’s shared room. He tossed his backpack on his bed, and began digging through his clothing. Except… he’d been a little too busy this week studying to think about laundry (or fixing the dryer), and all he had were shirts that smelled like stale sweat, or beer. Or both. He looked around, desperate, and his eyes settled on a shirt tossed carelessly in the bottom of the closet.
It was Nursey’s, and smelled like expensive aftershave and, inexplicably, like fall but it would have to do. Dex was already running late. Besides, Nursey wouldn’t even notice, too caught up in his own midterms, Dex rationalised to himself. He’d do laundry tonight after his midterm.
He grabbed a muffin from a stressed Bitty on his way out, and waved to Chowder as he passed him and Caitlin on the sidewalk. Chowder, unlike Dex, had taken Python freshman year, so despite them being in the same major, they didn’t have all the same classes.
He slid into the library study room 3A ten minutes after his group had agreed to meet. They were there, but packing up. He frowned.
“What’s going on?”
Jason, cocky bastard that he was, rolled his eyes. “Well, we all got here early, William.” He picked at his manicured nails, and swung his messenger bag over his shoulder. “So we’re done studying. Didn’t you get the texts?”
Will pulled out his phone, and saw a string of texts he’d received in the middle of his last class about rescheduling earlier. He cursed under his breath. “Alright.”
Jason smirked, and patted him on the shoulder as he walked out. “Good luck on the test.” Everyone else murmured their agreement as they pushed by him and back into the main section of the library, leaving him alone with his panic, and no idea how to do some of the things he should have known by now.
He collapsed downwards into a seat, and pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes. There was bile building in his throat, and for a second he considered dropping the class and trying again next semester.
He wasn’t a great programmer, so much as a passable one with a lot of work. He wasn’t Chowder, who seemed to know a computer like the inside of his own mind, or Jason, who Dex spitefully believed must be paying for his good grades.
He took a deep breath, pulled out his laptop, and began studying, but not before setting a timer on his phone to pull him out in time to run across campus for the test itself. He’d been known on more than one occasion to get so lost in what he was doing he forgot to meet the team somewhere, or go get a meal before he was done.
He couldn’t afford to tank his grade, not now.
He got to work, drowning out the soft sounds of chatter in the background to try and understand seven weeks worth of material in time to regurgitate it well enough for a C. It would have to do.
Dex’s eyes were burning, from lack of sleep, and from concentrating too hard for too long. After studying for a few hours, he went straight to his test, and took all the time he could. He was one of the last people in the room, still scribbling away at a recursion problem, when his professor called time.
“Is there a curve?” He heard another student ask, and heard a negative in response.
“Fuck,” he whispered, setting his test on the stack and walking out of the room. He was so fucked, and all because he didn’t look at his phone, and because he was busy with hockey and extra practices between him and Nursey, and all the other shit in his life.
He walked to the Haus feeling like the whole world took rest on his shoulders.
He brushed off Bitty’s call of hello, and trudged up to his room, tossing his bag on his bed and himself after.
Nursey was at their shared desk, leaning back in the chair and tapping a pencil against his lips. Dex could hear the small sounds of classical music from Nursey’s earbuds, and his eyes were closed.
He was writing poetry, then, if Dex knew him at all.
He laid on his side, and scrolled through Twitter, waiting for either the urge to get up and do something else other than wallow, or for Nursey to open his eyes and notice him.
Nursey happened first. “Hey.” Nursey pulled an earbud out, and cocked an eyebrow. “What’s up?”
“Bombed my midterm,” Dex mumbled, not making eye contact.
“Ah, shit.” Nursey tossed something his way. Dex lifted his phone just enough to grab it. It was a fun size Hershey’s bar, Nursey’s snack of choice when it came to expending his creative juices. He shrugged when Dex shot him a confused look. “Makes me feel better, sometimes.”
Dex from a year ago would have found some way to be mad, probably said something about how a Hershey’s bar wasn’t going to make his grade go up. Dex now, though, knew Nursey was trying to give him space. Sharing a room made Dex more in-tune to what Nursey’s previously more confusing habits meant.
Dex now, though, saw the small chocolate bar for what it was, and smiled at Nursey. It didn’t make him feel better, but Nursey not trying to convince him it would be alright, or that it was just a test, instead giving Dex the room to be upset, was what did. “Thanks.” Nursey nodded, and turned back to his notebook as Dex unwrapped the bar and sat up.
“You know, I might have done better if Chelsea wasn’t dating Jason, and I didn’t have to study with him.” Dex said a few moments later, letting the chocolate melt on his tongue in small portions. “He rescheduled, and I’m pretty sure it was to fuck me over.”
Nursey turned back to him, shutting the notebook with a decisive click. “Fuck that guy.” Nursey tossed him another candy, this time a Snickers, and propped his feet up on Dex’s bed. “I hope he bombs the test.”
Dex snickered. “I can only dream.” Dex popped the Snickers into his mouth whole, and chewed as he talked. “He’s mad that I did better than him in Calc two, and jealous his girlfriend would rather hang out with me than him, but I’m not a raging douche, so it makes sense.”
Nursey grinned. “Of course she would. Chelsea’s got a good head on her, just not when it comes to dating.” He opened his mouth to say something else, and then paused, and looked at Dex with obvious confusion.
Dex looked down at himself, and then back at Nursey. “Do I have something on me?”
“Is that my shirt?”
Dex flushed, embarrassed. He’d forgotten he borrowed it earlier, and had meant to take it off before Nursey saw. “Yeah, sorry, I didn’t have any clean ones earlier and I was running late-”
Nursey cut him off. “No, like… It’s just,” Nursey’s eyes were wide, and a little unfocused as he stared at Dex. “I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
Dex folded his arms across his chest defensively, as if covering his chest could get rid of the look on Nursey’s face, and shrugged. “Sorry.”
“I like it.” Nursey blurted out, sounding choked. “I-”
Dex hopped up, completely red and feeling like a cocoon of butterflies had opened in his chest just then. “Don’t say anything else.” He turned his back towards Nursey and took off the shirt, tossing it in his basket, and pulling on a ratty, grease stained tank he used for fixing his truck. “I’m doing laundry.”
Nursey nodded, looking panicked, and turned back to his desk.
When Dex came back, his shoulders were hunched in a tight line, and loud pop music was blaring from his headphones.
Dex sighed. “Nursey.” He walked closer when Nursey didn’t respond. “Nurse. Derek.”
Nursey jumped and yanked out his earbuds. “What?” He looked panicked. “Look, I-”
Dex frowned. “Don’t say I’m sorry.”
Nursey licked his lips, and swallowed hard. “Okay.”
Dex pulled up their extra chair, and sat next to him. Nursey paused his music as he turned to face Dex, and the room was silent. The only sounds from the Haus were coming from the kitchen, a mixture of clanking dishes, quiet voices, and soft music. “How long?” Dex’s voice broke the silence, but amplified the tension.
Nursey didn’t beat around the bush. “Last semester. I can live somewhere else-”
Dex snorted. “No. Me too. Stop worrying.”
Nursey huffed. “Kinda hard not to worry when you live with the person you… you,”
“Want to bang?” Dex grinned. Nursey knocked his knee into Dex’s with a glare.
“No. Maybe. Not right now.”
Dex’s grin grew wide. “Course not. The washing machine is done in ten minutes.”
Nursey buried his face in his hands. “You’re the worst,” he groaned, but Dex could see the corners of his mouth lifted into a smile.
Dex looked at the paper on Nursey’s pile, eyes caught on a large date in chunky black letters. “You have a test tomorrow?”
Nursey nodded, pulling his hands away from his face. “Yeah. I’ve given up on it.”
Dex picked up the paper, and frowned. “I can help?” He set it back down. “And the maybe after we can go get dinner, and talk?”
Nursey met Dex’s eyes, and smiled. “I’d like that.”
Dex stood, but left the chair. “Lemme switch my laundry, and then we can study.”
Nursey nodded, and Dex felt his eyes follow him from the room as he left.
And, when he came back, if he and Nursey sat a little closer than normal, and if he forgot to give Nursey back his shirt that night, well. No one had to know.
Send me some prompts!
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seaside-studying · 7 years
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7 Things I Wish I Knew As a High School Freshman
Hey guys! College sophomore that graduated from an IB high school here! Today, I’m gonna be your big sister and tell you stuff about high school to help you succeed early! I’ve never had a baby sibling (or any siblings for that matter), so I’m just gonna take all of you younglings under my wing for a bit if that’s okay? ;u;
k ty. Now for the prep talk:
Although I went to an IB school, these tips can really apply to pretty much any high school, whether you took AP, early college courses, or if you didn’t even take any high-level classes.
High school can be the first tough hurdle you’ll encounter in your life (it was for me), so you’ve gotta be prepared to handle the stress and upcoming workload that you may not be used to yet.
But don’t stress too much! Your high school days are your last days of bonding with an entire class of people (unless you take classes at a small college). As much as you think you’re ready to just go off into the adult world and live on your own, you’re seriously going to miss your old friends and the life you had at your high school. Hell, it’s why we have high school reunions because we miss those times so bad, haha! But anyways, here’s a list of things I wish I knew as a high school freshman.
1. As soon as you get into high school, you need to start thinking about what you want to do for a career so you can tailor the classes you take towards that goal.
Now, you don’t have to have your entire life planned out, but you should at least be thinking about what fields interest you and what you can see yourself doing in the future.
Volunteer or get experience somewhere (or everywhere) if you don’t have a clue about what you want to do yet. Getting rl experience is the best way to help you decide whether you like the type of work you’re thinking about doing or not. It also exposes you to different experiences that you may not have known you would’ve liked!
Keep your options and your mind open! You are merely a sponge during this point in your life. Take the time while you’re young and not bombarded w/ a heavy workload yet to get in the swing of living your life independently. :)
2. Start creating studying habits that work for you so you can boost that GPA! Colleges look at your entire high school GPA, so you need to hit the ground running as soon as you begin high school.
Creating great study habits now will help you immensely in your junior and senior high school years. Don’t start slackin’ yet! You’ve got a whole 4 years ahead of you (and even then, you prob won’t catch a break in college, especially if you’re a science major lol).
Your junior and senior years will probably be your hardest years for different reasons. Junior year is the year you’ll be showcasing most in your college apps, so you’ve gotta get all your grades up before you apply to make you look like the excellent student you are. As for senior year, the first semester is when you apply for college apps, and you hear back from them at around December or March. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT succumb to “senioritis” (the disease where you magically lose all motivation to do well in your last year of high school because you think the marathon’s over after getting accepted into a college). Well sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s definitely not over. If your GPA spirals down dramatically, the colleges that accepted you can revoke their acceptance of your admission, so just stay in school everyone and make sure your GPA doesn’t drop way below your previous scores because colleges get really alarmed when they see a student’s grade trend drop rather than improve. Do yourself a huge favor and don’t get lazy, please.
To study for midterms/finals, make sure you review old notes every day for at least 2 months before the test so you’re not cramming everything a week before.
3. Make friends! Surround yourself with people that will motivate you to be successful!
High school is the chance for you to mature and meet a variety of people. Take your chances now to network and get to know people in your classes. Know that everyone there has the potential to do great things, so be nice to everyone (especially to that lonely kid that no one talks to). You’ll never know who exactly will be your next partner in whatever amazing thing you discover in life or who you could be saving by flashing a smile their way or a starting a conversation.  
It’s okay if you’re not in the “popular” clique. Honestly, the best thing I ever did was have a small circle of friends who were considered “nerds.” They were the people that encouraged me to achieve more than what I thought I could achieve academically and in life generally. You become who you surround yourself with, and by surrounding myself with smart people, I too began to think about life like them. So moral of the story, try to find a group of people who will raise your potential and make you feel good about yourself.
That being said, there’s no need to try to join a group just to “fit in.” Do your best to not to fall into the wrong crowd.
And stay away from drinking or drugs! I know it’s a social activity sometimes, but those substances are definitely not going to help you out on your journey. You can be happy without them!! Don’t use them to cope with any stress or existing problems you have. I guarantee you it’ll make them worse!
4. Befriend your teachers! You’re gonna need it later!
When you apply to college, you’re going to need 1-3 letter of recommendations from your teachers for college applications, scholarships, or even recommendations for jobs/summer internships, so you seriously need to give them a great first impression day 1 and maintain it for as long as you have that teacher. That means going to class on time, asking thought-provoking questions, participating in class regularly, getting good grades on your tests/projects/reports, etc.
Your teachers are also your most trusted resources! If you ever have any questions, feel free to talk to them after class or during lunch. If your teacher is an expert in the field you want to get into for a career, interview them about their experiences and ask how you can get involved at an early age. Who knows, your teachers might actually have connections to people or companies they can hook you up with so you can get out in the field and learn first hand! Seriously take advantage of your resources.
5. Do some extracurricular activities!
Join a sport, club, volunteer organization, or anything really to give your future college application some color. Colleges LOVE well-rounded students who can juggle school on top of other time-consuming activities because it shows that you’re not only disciplined enough to manage your time wisely, but you’re also very diverse in your interests, and colleges want diverse/unique people!
If your school doesn’t have any clubs, start one! It looks really good on your college app too if you say that you “established” a club on your own and got people really involved in the activities you coordinated.
While this is not going to apply to all colleges or fields, some recommended activities that appeal to top-tier colleges are:
Doing volunteer work for a cause (charity work); Eg: National Honors Society looks great for college apps!
Joining clubs that show you’re a good public speaker/intellectual (science, debate, drama clubs, etc depending on the degree you’re interested in applying to for college). But also, don’t turn away from clubs that genuinely interest you, even if they’re hobby clubs that don’t relate to your intended college major. Do what YOU want. :)
Joining a sport (or multiple sports) for several years— shows you’re committed and a team player. Plus, colleges give tons of scholarships to sports players!
Tutoring people in difficult subjects.
Summer learning programs for your intended college major. I personally took an environmental science summer program at my dream college to “put my foot in the door.” It lets the college know that you were involved with them and were on your mind since your early high school days. They like dedication, but know that this isn’t a guaranteed way to get into your dream college.
If you can’t find anything you like, start something of your own! Whether you invent something, create your own organization or even business, colleges love seeing you take initiative into your own hands and start a large-scale project at an early age.
6. Strive to be at the top of the class!
Now it isn’t necessary to absolutely be #1 in each of your classes, but at least aim to be in the top 25% so you reap the benefits of a good letter of rec from your teachers and have access to them as resources.
At the end of each year, sometimes teachers give out awards to the best students in the class. These awards look super awesome on your college apps, so please try your best to get that gold star (but also don’t stress yourself out a ton to try to get it)!
And most of all…
7. Have fun!!!!!!
Like I said, high school will probably be one of the most memorable times of your life. Those 4 years become your essential transitional period from being a kid to a budding adult, so be responsible and make the most out of the time and people you meet at your high school. All they want is for you to succeed and do great things!
Other miscellaneous tips:
Don’t get too invested in relationships during your hs days. I know I used to be an obsessive romantic hoping that I’d find love in high school, but really, just know the time will come when you find love. Most relationships during this time aren’t serious anyway, but if they are, do your thing! Just be sure to hang out in moderation since s/o’s can be distracting and ruin your time managing habits & schedule.
Hang out and socialize with people but in moderation!
Find an effective coping mechanism when you’re upset or stressed out from school, whether that be a sport, your pet, talking to the high school counselor, going out with friends, etc. Sometimes you need a break from your hectic studying schedule, so be sure to give yourself one every now and then! You deserve it.    
I know you’re going through that stage where you feel like you can’t do anything because your parents are super overprotective or w/e, but seriously don’t treat your parents like crap because they’re doing what they can for you and have been for 14 years prior. When you’re in college living in a dorm somewhere far far away from them, you’re seriously going to regret all those times you yelled or said mean things to them. Going off to college marks the end of your days living with your parents (it’s pretty sad tbh), so just remember to cherish the time you have left with your family because your parents are getting older too.
Well, I hope this was helpful! If you have any tips you want to add or any questions, feel free to contact your big sis! :) I’d love to help anyone out with their problems or questions. Life is weird and doesn’t come with an instructions manual, so the best way to learn how to navigate through it is to ask the veterans, haha.
Since I graduated from an IB school, I’m probably going to make a “how to survive IB high school” post to give my tips + tricks on how to get good grades in some high-level classes and other miscellaneous IB projects (EE, Group 4, TOK essay), etc., but only if I get a high demand for it because that post is gonna take a lot of time to write out, so send me asks or reply to this post letting me know if you guys want it. 
Wishing everyone a great school year filled with awesome grades, fun times with friends, productive study sessions, and success!
~Seaside Studying (Steph) xo
Check out my other original text posts here!
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