#last time I had a lot of liquids in my bag I completely forgot about
I’ve almost been flying to much…
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Mini Valeska - Chapter 1 - Jacie
Jacelyn's P.O.V
As the school bell rings signalling to us that it's time to go home for the day. I feel so happy. The best part about school is when the home bell rings. After a long day of school, I was tired to say the least. As I gather my things and walk out of the classroom and make my way to my locker. To be honest school is just another one of those things in life that you have to get done. I mean most girls in high school would be focusing on getting the hottest guy, sleeping with em and then dumping em for someone else.
Me, well I guess I'm just not interested in that sort of thing. I prefer to focus on other things rather than getting a guy. And plus if I want a guy I'm going to make sure it's actually worth my time. I open up my locker put my books away and grab my bag out of it. I shut my locker and started walking towards the school doors. I open them and walk out keeping in mind that there are people everywhere, rushing to get home or where ever the hell they were going.
"See ya later Jacie" I heard someone snicker from behind me and I knew straight away who it was. I turned around and rolled my eyes. "Fuck off Potty boy." I snapped back. Hamish Cobblepot. AKA the school's asshole, man-whore/bad boy. Yeah, he's the leader of the baddest group in the entire school. The group is made up of all the villain kids. If you don't understand let me explain further. Hamish thinks he owns the place because his last name is Cobblepot and because his father is Oswald Cobblepot. He acts so entitled and so full of himself. Honestly, it annoys me just to be within the same vicinity as him. His entire group is made up of criminals' children. "huh, so it's true red heads do have a fiery temper." He said as his whole friend group chuckled behind him. I rolled my eyes and began to turn away when Hamish grabbed my arm. "Where are you going? I didn't say you could leave?" He said and I glared. "Well I didn't ask cause I don't need a douchebag's permission." I sneered as I ripped his hand off my arm.
"Come on Jacie, stop being a bore." He said as he reached out for me again. "Keep your dirty ass hands off me you fuckface. Unlike most girls at this school I am not a whore or slut, unlike some people." I said gesturing to Hamish. "Wow you know one day that sharp tongue of yours is going to get you into some real trouble you know?" Hamish said as he wagged his finger. "Go screw yourself Potty boy." I said as I turned and walked away. 
As I'm starting to walk along the side walk, I see the stupid school jocks with their fake, plastic Barbie dolls. I look away. As I continue walking along the side walk I put my earbuds in and listen to some music. I always liked music, it's just always been a little obsession of mine. As I walked in the afternoon sun, listening to blood//water by grandson. It's one of my many favourite artists and songs. Today was like every other day. Wake up, get ready, go to school, come home, go to sleep. Repeat.
Hold on a second. I completely forgot to introduce myself. Oh how rude of me. I'm Jacelyn Maze. Now before you jump to any conclusions, no, I am not what you think. I'm not a normal teenage girl. You see I look like a 16 year old girl and trust me my maturity is of a 16 year old girl but the thing is I was born 8 years ago. My mother was a very special person. She has certain abilities that no one else has.
My mother's parents were scientists, evil ones at that. They practically devoted their lives to creating what everyone calls us now as metahumans. My grandparents had made an untested serum and had given it to my mother to which she inherited powers. But like I said the serum was untested and incredibly radioactive. It runs through my mother's veins and now it also runs through mine as well, Because the serum was untested no one knew what would happen, what damage it would cause. Let's just say it caused a lot of damage.
My mother has the ability to manipulate any liquid substance. Which is a very useful ability in my case at least. From the moment I was conceived my mother knew I was growing faster than a normal human baby. She has the stretch marks to prove it. Ha ha. My mother was only pregnant for less then 5 months before I was a fully grown baby in her womb. Though over the years the excessive growth did slow down. By the time 8 years had passed I was a fully grown 16 year old. Now my growing rate is of a normal human now as far as I know at least.
That's why I'm now allowed to go to school. At the start I found it exciting but gradually that excitement wore off and turned into boredom. But because my growth was slowing down I received another ability instead. I have what's called pyrokinesis. It started to show 4 years after my birth and boy was it hard to control. It still is now even. At the start it was little things like melting toys, lighting furniture on fire and at one point I almost lit the entire house on fire.
It was and still is a struggle to keep the flames in and not let them out. But it's a bit difficult when you have a very explosive temper if you know what I mean. Ha ha. I have a very big temper with a very short circuit which in hindsight is a bad idea to pair with pyrokinetic powers, but Hey! What can you do? That's why my mother made a special bracelet for me that controls my powers and keeps damage control to a minimum. What happened to my grandparents? You might be asking, well, they tried to take the serum themselves as the greedy people they were but instead it backfired and ended up killing them. Which in a way I kind of find it a bit funny and poetic. I mean they were greedy people and karma practically came up right behind em' and kicked em' in the ass's.
My mother was only 15 at the time and only just grasping her powers. Mine are just uncontrollable, is what I think. I've tried and tried controlling them, time and time again but it just ends in me destroying something. I even have special heat resistant clothes because when I don't have the bracelet on I practically burn everything I touch. You might be wondering who my father is, well that I don't exactly know. My mother said he was a no one and that he left before I was born. She wouldn't tell me his name but she would give little details. Like for example, she said I have the same fiery red hair as him, the same green eyes as him and a similar skin tone as him. My height is more on the taller side I'm about 5,8 but like I said it's because of the excessive growth rate that I once had.
We live on the outskirts of Gotham on the West side. Luckily my school is close to home, just about a 10 minute walk away to be exact. It's a generally quiet town. Not much happens here which is a good thing compared to what's happening in the big city at the moment. Apparently there's this cult running around the city spreading chaos. Of course we are safe in this little town and even if we weren't my mother would probably move anyway or I could use my powers. Or to be more specific unleash my uncontrollable power on the idiotic soul that chose to threaten or harm my mother.
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