#last time but one i was at her house i impulse-made a batch of mac and cheese
bomberqueen17 · 6 years
unicornduke replied to your post “domestic”
I super feel you on the food is hard. I've been having so much trouble lately and like, I want to eat food! but nothing is appetizing so I've mostly been surviving on granola and clemintines. I'm hoping that if I make brown rice for lunch and mac and cheese with bacon for dinner this week it'll make me feel better. It's also hard because I'm trying to clean shit out so I don't want to buy a ton of groceries.
Moving is the worst. The worst. It saps like, all will to anything. For me anyway.
I would just-- live on potatoes probably, except Dude doesn’t like to live that way, so. It’s probably good for me that I’m not ever left on my own, but. It does mean I gotta think it through. However, I don’t have to think it through alone. If I whine enough. (I know you got food Needs, and I have nothing but sympathy there. If I had any kind of meaningful restriction on what I eat I would probably be dead or miserably unhealthy by now because I am so bad at Coping.)
Dude and I sat together at the kitchen table and brainstormed, which helped a ton. And then, bonus, HE went grocery shopping, leaving me to clear out the guest room closet, which was AN ADVENTURE LET ME NOT TELL YOU. 
(behind the cut is a week’s meal planning, which is boring but people like food, right?? It is SO nasty out right now we’re basically snowed in so let’s talk about food.)
1) roast the 3.5-lb pork loin in the freezer since LAST fall, the last remnant of the quarter hog we bought from my sister. (She wouldn’t let me pay money, but let Dude do so, it was funny.) Roast it with a butternut squash and serve it alongside the pierogis we impulse-bought that are still in the freezer. 
(That’s a lie, there’s still more pig in the freezer, but all there is now is two big hunks of unrendered lard, which i gotta take care of, but we’re not quite through the last bit of rendered lard from before. maybe i’ll do that in the crock pot this weekend though. there’s still time. i’m dithering. if i render lard i’m gonna feel like i ought to make a pie though, and i don’t have anything to put into a pie unless i like. bake a blind crust and put pudding in it or something. which i’ve never done but like. that could be kind of amazing. but crusts made with lard tend to slump if you bake them blind and i don’t have any pie weights to prevent that. specialty items! i bake so much more at the farm, and Former Pastry Chef Farmsister has all the specialty items you could possibly want.) (i’d improvise pie weights out of washed stones but we’re snowed in, there are no stones to be had.) (ugh if i’m gonna do that i gotta get ‘em out and start ‘em defrosting now. blrggh. hey pastured pork lard is supposed to be higher in vitamin D than storebought butter so it’s a healthy fat in a way. that’s my rationale anyway. buy your spring hog share today! *throws glitter*)
2) leftover pork -- > pork fried rice with onions and a bunch of frozen veggies and some eggs scrambled in. That’ll be a good dinner and also make lunch leftovers for some of the week.
3) leftover butternut squash + frozen stock I found in the freezer (i think it’s beef? whatever) = butternut squash soup. Also make up bread dough and let rise in fridge, proof + bake then put soup together = a Good Dinner. 
4) macaroni and cheese! with leftover pork if there still is any, or not. We splashed out and bought some gouda! to go in there. v. exciting. 
5) meatloaf and potatoes and an unspecified side dish, probably frozen peas or something boring. only we forgot to buy ground beef so whoops. that one’s tabled until someone goes out and gets ground beef. 
6) we have frozen ravioli so we bought chicken sausage to go along with. and sauce. regular sauce in a jar. 
7) poached salmon and something that was adjacent to mac and cheese in the Joy of Cooking, some italian dish involving spinach and heavy cream called Hay And Straw. why not! dude wanted to make it so he’s gonna. 
I’m going to go back to clearing out the guest room closet, which is like, an archaeological dig with a definite inexplicable strata of Shit I Was Still Wearing In 2008 And Buried In This Closet For No Reason??? currently. I’m also machine washing a bunch of stuff that said Dry Clean Only because of 2018′s updated version of YOLO, which is, WADE: We All Die Eventually. 
I mean. If my Interviewin’ Suit from 2003 falls apart in the washing machine it is no great loss to humanity. Also that wool blazer I wore in high school that now has an inexplicable bleach stain on the arm. I’ll wash it and maybe take it apart because it was super nice but I can’t donate it with that spot on it. Who knows what I’ll do with it instead! If it’s not machine washable then it’s no use to me. 
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