#late beebo tonight because i was going through it
bwobgames · 1 year
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"Let's hide until the morning, destroy the clock, and then run away. It's the safest I can think of"
"A sensible decision, but didn't you say that we might not have the time to get everyone?"
"... We are gonna have to try"
"And, uh, call the police? Maybe?"
"Don't they come included with the bomb squad?"
"Oh, right"
"Although, what will happen then? Will they arrest the house? Us? Coli already has gotten out of jail without problems... this is an issue.
Agh, one problem at a time!"
"I'll message Vivi"
"Wait! Technology!"
"Ángel you're right!"
".... I am, yes"
"Aside from us three, the rest are all family! So they have eachothers numbers! We can just tell them to post about a bomb in the bar on the family groupchat or something like that"
"Yeah! I certainly was hinting towards that, no doubt"
"Tell Vivi to go to the main room. Did she answer?"
"Yep, take a look"
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"... Does. Does she only communicate through images of cats?"
"Sometimes the cats have text over them. Other times, she writes a 10 paragraph message in one go.
Really, it depends on the situation"
"Is this a cat pictures situation??"
"This is not her first bomb threat. Look, she even has a kitty deactivating a bomb image"
"... Descriptive.
Anyways, let's get there"
They get inside the house and walk towards the main room
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"So, how are we supposed to find anyone?"
"Well, Marigold is usually somewhere in the main room, but that's not assured. I think we'll just have to search all the rooms here until-"
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"Ah, nevermind"
Simon and Owen appear from the room to the Lounge #2
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"Private Detective Beebo and Detective Assistant Ángel here, we are gonna need you two to come with us"
"Oh wait, is this the wallet where I have the picture of Mozilla Firefox or the one with the shiny pokemon card. Guess it's too late now"
The teens are surprised
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"We didn't do anything! And if we did it was an accident or in good intention!"
"The supermarket had a terrible cart organization. We didn't know they weren't allowed for racing!"
"It's not considered trespassing if the owner of the property wasn't watching and we didn't know!"
"We are minors! Legally we have the right to make a lemonade stand! It was just an alternative recipe!"
"It was the farmers' fault to have such an easily hackable door to his goose enclosure!"
"Hey, hey, calm down, it's nothing about - wait, you let out the 30 to 40 geese??"
"What Beebo here means is that this is not about your possible crimes. This place has received a confirmed bomb threat, and we are here to take you to a safe zone while we deal with it"
"Oh wow, Ángel is learning the ways of the detective"
"There's a bomb? Why"
"Uh. Probably for harm"
"That's so lame. I would rather have a cool bomb"
"... You need to be studied, little creature. Anyways, follow us"
They walk in formation
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"By the way, Boss, why the main room?"
"Well, you said it. It's a relatively safe zone.
It's close to an exit and far away from the point of explosion. I fear that it might cause a house fire or that it could trigger the other bombs.
But we can't ask everyone to just stay outside in this cold, so, main room it is"
"Also, don't call me boss"
"You're so smart, sir"
"... Stick to boss
Sir is for, um, after job activities"
Ángel looks happily surprised
They reach the main room, Marigold is there
Vivi appears from the storage room and gives a wave
Then a middle finger
Ángel answers with another middle finger
Vivi makes a silly pose with double peace signs
"Um, Miss Marigold? I'm private detective Beebo and we have worrying information about this building"
"... So, it really has asbestos everywhere?"
"What? No"
"Wait, really?"
"Is it not?"
"No, no. Um, it's actually about..."
"How to say this without causing her to panic"
"There's a bomb at the bar"
"Yeah, we don't know when it's going off, so you guys should stay here"
Marigold goes pale
"Ángel that is very much what the detective handbook says Not to do"
"Sorry, my copy was pirated"
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"Wh- Why?! Was it here before?! Where's everyone else?! Did someone put it!? How do you know?! I am calling the police. Where are Nadia and Nina?!?!"
"Um, uh, well, um, please calm down! We have this under control!"
"Excuse me, I need a quick word with my boss here"
She frantically calls the police
It might be a problem
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"Wouldn't it be easier on everyone if we make them remember? I still have Vivi's book"
"... I don't know.
They are fine now, I mean, this is just a shitty night with a big scare.
With the memories... welll
This becomes the most terrifying night of their life
Bejng eaten by a house, being killed.
Knowing you might get killed again"
"Yes, but that knowledge will make them more prepared to face Coli in case he comes here and does something"
"We can just lie, though! just uhh something about terrorism?"
"In an abandoned hospital? With only 8 people?"
"I, I can figure something out!"
"I'm just saying it would be way easier if we were all on the same page"
"... But would it be the best for them?"
"Well, who are you to decide that?"
"A guy who has died 3 times"
"... That's fair.
Just do what you think is best"
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modernsocialmediaau · 4 years
AU: Sara is lead singer in a band called The Legends. Her band mates are; Charlie: Bass Player, Nate: Lead Guitarist, Zari: Drummer, Ray: Pianist. They call their fans beebos. Ava on the other hand is a famous actress with an entourage; Nora her best friend, and stylist, Gary: Manager, and Mona her publicist.
Surprise Motherfucker.
Nora smiles happily taking Ava’s phone before getting into the car to head to the airport. 
“Let the detox begin.” Nora smiles jumping onto the front seat. Ava is still unsure about this weekend, honestly she’d rather be at her small apartment arranging her life away. So when she comes back from Vancouver it’ll feel more like a home instead of boxes. 
“Hey, it’s going to be a good weekend. I promise—“ Nora pats Ava’s leg smirking “What are you planning Darhk—because if its another music festival through the mud and rain I am out.” Ava rolls her eyes thinking about the time she was dragged through the mud just to see Ed Sheeran. 
“Detox weekend, no phones, no paps, no internet. Just a nice, good—detox.” Nora takes her hands off of Ava and places them both on the steering wheel. She is starting to get a little anxious because she knows that as soon as they are at the airport and Ava see’s Sara there is no turning back. 
“Okay, if its suppose to be relaxing and detoxifying why do you seem so anxious?” Ava chuckles tapping along to the music that was playing in the background. 
The car pulls up to the private jet hanger that Gary has arranged, and Ava sits up to see the very familiar crew of The Legends. She rubs her eyes to make sure that she isn't actually crazy and thats who she thinks it is. 
“You didn’t, I told you Sara and I will never be a thing—we are two different people.” Ava turns to Nora who’s got a stupid smirk on her face. Ava turns around to see her window open with everyone including Sara to hear what she’s said.
“Message received.” Sara protrudes her lips and nods, heading for the passenger seat to grab bags with Ray. 
Ava smacks her head on the dashboard and waits for the passenger doors to close which indicates that the two are gone. Ava then turns to Nora and smacks her like crazy, “WhAt Is WrOnG wItH yOu!” Nora chuckles trying to shield herself from Ava’s fire 
“Detox weekend, c’mon lets go.” Nora cheers taking her the key out of the ignition getting out of the car. Ava is still not ready for her impending social doom and sits in the car for a little while longer. 
Ray walks out of the jet and towards Nora, while everybody else is in the jet. “What happened, is she bailing?” He whispers. 
Nora looks over at the parked car to see Ava let out a scream then get out of the car. She then looks back at Ray, happily taps his chest “See on the plane Rayge.” Nora gets on the plane and greets everyone. 
She gets around to hugging everyone but Sara, she makes a face and Zari nods to the bathroom, and Nora smiles she looks around for an empty seat to find that there are two left, one next to Ray’s things and one next to Sara’s things. Nora being somewhat devilish and selfish herself decides to sit next to Ray’s things. Ava comes stepping onto the plane to see the seats available she was about to sit next to her conniving best friend. Yet, as she gets closer to the seat she see’s somebody things there. 
“Excuse me,” Ray maneuvers from behind her to make his way to get to his seat. Nora looks over at the empty seat next to unbeknownst to Ava, Sara’s things. Ava crinkles her nose mockingly wanting to strangle her so called best friend. Ava fastens her seatbelt and everyone starts to converse about what they are most excited about the upcoming weekend. Sara comes out of the bathroom with one eyebrow cocking up at the sight of Ava sitting next to her.
“Hey Nora--Oh! You know for somebody who is convinced we are polar opposites you sure are clingy.” Sara teases sitting down on her seat and fastening her seatbelt, placing her eye mask on and headphones in. Before Ava can respond Sara’s already put up and impenetrable wall of DO NOT DISTURB. Ava looks over at Nora who is happily flirting with Ray. As for Mona she simply smiles at Ava trying to express her excitement. Ava rolls her eyes and takes her book out to distract herself. 
The flight takes off and it’s about a 2 hour flight to Oregon. As Sara sleep and Ava reads the rest of the gang distracts themselves.
“Alright pets who would like to have a friendly little wager—” John smirks getting Nate, Mona and Gary’s attention 
“Wager for what?” Mona wonders proceeding with caution she’s come to know the Brit quite well to be cautious at these things. John has a knack, to simply put it he has a weird sixth sense like some off brand Raven Symoné. 
“For starters, those two.” He points at Nora and Ray who are currently watching a show on Ray’s iPad sharing headphones with one another. Nate and Mona sit up and turn around to look at them and Mona aw’s catching their attention. The two look up and all four of them wave. “Hey buddy,” Nate offers sliding back down on his seat. 
“I’m all ears,” Gary smiles sneaking a look at the two of them every now and again, “Nate, Mo?” John smirks, the two exchange looks and nods in agreement. 
“Alright I’m going to say, that by tonight those two will kiss.” John starts
“How do you know they haven't kissed already?” Gary wonders 
“Nora’s told me, they haven’t .” Mona chimes in, and thats the truth they haven't shared a kiss. 
“What about you luv?” John turns to Gary grabbing his hand and rubbing circles on his thumb “I’m going to say tomorrow afternoon, I mean we’re going on a hike thats a perfect time to get a kiss.” Gary justifies now he’s the one rubbing circles on Johns hand 
“Alright, Nate? Mona?” 
“I’m going to say tomorrow night, we’ve got the fire going, the stars and nothing else.” Mona confidently answers, having read and represented so many romance novels it basically the perfect recipe. 
“None of you know Ray like I do okay, he’s a rather last minute type of guy when it comes to these things. I’m going to say right before we board the plane—”Nate nods his head
“Alright pets $10 in lets go.” John smirks, all four of them put money in the middle and Gary takes it. Placing it safely in his wallet. 
“Now for the second wager—” John smirks before tilting his head at Sara and Ava who are sitting next to four of them 
“That’s a hard one.” Mona shakes her head unsure 
“And thats what makes it more interesting—So? I propose that Sara kisses Ava tomorrow afternoon during the hike.” John finishes and turns to the other three
“My money is on tonight, Sara closes all too well.” Nate sips on his coffee confidently taking out another $10 from his pocket 
“I say Ava kisses her tomorrow night,” Gary hesitantly says
“I’m going to say Sunday morning.” Mona staring at Ava, she of course notices and puts her book down. 
“What?” Ava sasses looking at the four of them gawking at her, the four chuckle awkwardly before turning back to their discussion
“Alright, love playing with you lots. Best of luck” John smirks taking the money, “Now who wants to play a little D and D?” Gary smiles. 
For the rest of the flight the four play their little game. Nora falls asleep on Ray, Ray sleeps as well. Ava reads most of her book, and Sara’s shut eye lasts the whole flight. 
*Alright folks thank you for flying Star Airlines I hope to see you guys soon.*
Ava gets up from her seat and walks over to the bathroom, and Sara took this time to take her eye mask off. The rest of the crew collect their belongings and off of the plane. Sara stretches and nods of to Nora who is the last one off, and Ava walks out. The two girls are quiet as they collect their items until finally Ava speaks, “Sara about what I said earlier—” Ava pauses but Sara continues to put her things in a bag. When she finishes she looks at Ava, 
“Don’t worry about it, like I said message received.” Sara nods off and heads for the exit. Ava rolls her eyes because that doesn't exactly clarify anything, does that mean that Sara does like her but message is received that Ava doesn't feel the same way. Or message received as in I agree with you Ava we are polar opposites and are better off as friends. 
Ava gets off the plane to be greeted by an old jeep that she presumes only Gary can choose. 
“C’mon Sharpie we’ve got some miles ahead of us before we’re really detoxing within nature.” John smacks the side of the car, unsure of where she’s suppose to seat everybody in the car points to the front passenger seat. 
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Ava shakes her head knowing that everyone is really scheming. When she gets in the car, Sara is fixes her mirrors. She see’s Ava buckle up, and they head off to their cabin for the weekend. 
“Alright kids, lets get our green on.” Sara says
“Can I at least get my phone?” Ava turns to Nora and she happily shakes her head. 
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“Alright pee break before we enter the woods and say goodbye to the 21st century.” Sara parks the car and turns to everyone in the car. Everybody heads for the small quaint diner/gas station including Ava. As for Sara she paces around the car just thinking, lately she’s had a tune stuck inside her head with an amazing melody and upcoming arrangements but no concept. Every concept that keeps popping into her head doesn't fit how she saw the song becoming. 
“Hey Capn—” Charlie walks over handing her a cup of tea, knowing that they aren't coffee drinkers. 
“Hi Chaz what’s going on?” Sara looks down from the stars to her friend, and happily receives the coffee
“How are you doing?” 
“What do you mean? I’m great we get a music break, no paps, phones, or—”
“I meant about the whole Alex thing, I know you saw her recently—“ Charlie states shocking Sara making her choke on her tea
“What do you mean? How could you possibly—“
“I’ve known you for 10 years Sara behavior doesn’t go unnoticed. Plus when you left for the bathroom your phone rang and it was none other than Alex ringing you up.” Charlie chuckles, Sara sighs. Yes she’s been with Alex recently but that’s too catch up. Before they dated, they were friends. Alex is one of the friends that Sara has outside of the band. She loves her band mates she really does but she loves having friends outside of them too. It broke Sara when Alex broke up with her. For Sara everything was going great, because before she knew it her tour was going to end, and they’ll be together.
They flew out to one another every now and again when the opportunity would present itself. And when they finally were in New York the two were going to celebrate being in the same country and state at the same time. Sara came by Alex’s hotel room and broke it off with her. Her main explanation being that even though Sara was there Alex always felt alone. As if her mind is still elsewhere. That truly they weren’t even in a relationship at all.
Sara couldn’t even bother to fight for her because everything she said is true. Anytime Sara would emphasize giving her privacy for a day it was often disregarded. But recently 2 months ago to be precise, Alex sent her a text to grab some coffee just to talk.
Sara doesn’t know what it is about Alex but she’s got a certain soft spot for her and went. Has she been using Ava as an excuse to sneak out from her friends yes, but’s it’s only happened a couple times.
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“We’re just talking Charlie, we were friends before we dated.” Sara explains
“Which made it worse when you broke up. You were gutted when she let you go. I’m just looking out for you. You lost a lot when you lost Alex.” Sara nods in agreement stirrring her tea
“You’re telling me, we didn’t even date that long”
“8 years of friendship speaks volumes, you were practically married. Is that why you aren’t so bothered with the whole Ava situation.” Sara chuckles at Charlie’s insinuation
“That and the fact that she is right we are different people. Ava is the type of celebrity who’s private and has mastered the art of being so as well as down to earth. The whole you can take me home to your parents ordeal. As for I—“
“Am an artist who can’t be trusted and is often moving. If it hasn’t been clear most of my relationship end due to my unavailability.” Sara finishes her explanation
“That’s just an excuse mate.” Charlie winks getting in the car, Sara looks at the group chuckling and giggling as they make they way back to the car. Sara rolls her eyes getting in the car to start it. Once they are all piled in they start driving the last hour of their trip.
1 Hour Later...
“Alright kiddos four bedroom. Two big rooms, 2 medium rooms and 10 of use which means...” Zari pauses turning to Sara to signifying to take the lead 
“Right Z, Chaz and I take one of the larger rooms,” Sara pauses waiting for anybody else to talk 
“Nora, Mona, and I can take the other big room,” Ava smiles and the others agree. Nate and Ray fist bump “Bunk buddies.” the two say in unison. 
“And the happy rowdy couple get the other room.” Nora jokes 
“Please take the one in the attic, we dont ever ever want to hear you guys.” Zari adds making everyone in the room agree. After that discussion everyone disperses to unpack their things. Mona and Nate have decided to make dinner for the group, which should keep them busy. 
As Sara, Charlie and Zari unpacks Charlie and Zari decide to exchange looks. Charlie only ever trusted Zari about the new Alex information but having confronted Sara with that information she thought it’s the perfect time to bring Zari into the conversation.
“What have you been Alex been doing?” Zari brings up. Sara turns around to face Zari then Charlie then back to Zari. 
“Obviously nothing public because that is something I don't want to spring up on the managers. So we hang out at my place or at her place, recently we took a trip to CO to visit Kara. Her and Monel aren’t doing so hot.” Sara sighs
“When did you have the time to fly to Colorado?” Zari shouts, Charlie throws a pillow at her trying to shush her. Zari puts a fist up at Charlie and she simply winks
“Do you that remember that time I said I was going back to Star City to visit Laurel and Tommy?” Sara sheepishly smiles, Charlie and Zari throw a pillow at Sara in utter disappointment 
“Listen I've known Kara okay, and she asked for me--” 
“Are you sure Alex didn't just tell you that so you’d come?” Charlie wonders finishing unpacking her things 
“What was wrong between Kara and Monel?” Zari asks.
“It wasn’t good and that was last month, Monel wasnt even sleeping in the house. Kara couldn't talk about him without breaking down, but from what Alex has told me as well as Kara. They might’ve gotten married to early and that they shouldn't have rushed into it before getting to know each other. Monel from Alex’s point of view is a bit manipulative and emotional abusive. Before we left this weekend I helped Kara move in with Alex. I believe they are getting a divorce.” Sara explains sadly
“Fuck. That’s shit.” Charlie swears, shaking her head knowing that anybody with eyes can see that Kara was madly and deeply in love with that boy.
“Yeah, now I need a drink.” Sara comments not wanting to think about this situation. “I’m with yeah, lets head down for a bottle then head for the jacuzzi. Z are you down?” Charlie suggests, Sara nods grabbing a suit, starting to walk out of the room. She stop when she notices that Charlie isn't following her and the two are merely having a conversation by exchanging looks. 
“We’ll catch up with you captain.” Z salutes and Charlie shakes her head. Sara oddly nods her head. Sara changes and heads downstairs. In the other large room, Nora, Mona, and Ava are having a heavy discussion about the events of today.
“Ava you have to apologize.” Mona insists 
“I’ve tried and all she said was message received? What the hell does that mean?” 
“Mhmmmmmm you’ve got me there—Mo?” Nora turns to Mona who is slowly pacing the room, she goes for another 3 minutes before slowly turning to Ava.
“Do you like her?” 
Ava scoffs, “Of course I do she’s been one of my closest friends recently.”
“Not like that, do you like her?” Ava scoffs again turning to Nora for some help, she puts her hands up in defeat. Knowing that once you’ve got Mona’s ball rolling it’s best to not block her.
“It’s simples Ava, when you see her call you or text you do you get a weird feeling in your stomach. Do you oddly get excited when you hang out even though you probably saw each other the day before or two days ago? Do you feel like the biggest dick having said what you said and having to know that Sara heard it all.” Mona says in one breath shocking everyone in the room.
Ava is speechless, as well as Nora. Ava then clears her throat “Excuse me. I need some air” Ava ducks out of her room. She hears the two have a small argument but before she knows it she’s downstairs in the back balcony. Unaware that Sara is also out there in a hot tub by herself drinking. 
“Interrogation getting too much?” Sara speaks up scaring the shit out of Ava “Jesus—fuck.” Ava puts her hand on her chest, then turns to Sara who is still not looking at her and continues to sip her beer. 
“How did you know?” Ava questions walking towards the edge of the balcony looking around at the forest 
“Because I was getting same treatment why do you think I’m drinking at three o’clock in the afternoon—” 
“You do like the taste of scotch—”
“True but this is beer. Here.” Sara reaches for another beer and finally looks at Ava to hand her the beer. Ava sighs and happily takes the beer.
“To your weekend.” Sara puts her beer up
“To your dire band trip.” Ava chuckles and the two girls cheers
No kiss that night but here are the pics that they can’t share... ;)
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Part 12/?
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
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Class Reunion -Part 6
Read part 5 here!
Summary: Sam and Dean hit up a case in a town they lived in for Sam's senior year of high school. While on a supply run, Sam runs into reader who he dated that year. Reader invites him to the class reunion. Sam is hesitant but the case leads to the reunion. SPARKS FLY BITCHES
Sam looked at (Y/N) then back at Jared, "Well, we met during senior year. Your mom ran into me, literally."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "Pardon me. I'm wasn't used to being on the look out for anyone over six foot."
Sam smiled, "So we started talking. I planned on sticking to myself, I didn't know how long we were going to be here. But your mom wouldn't let me."
She blushed, "I don't know what it was. I just had this feeling about him. So I started dragging him to council meetings, football games, study halls. And... We became best friends... Then we became more than that. We didn't even say that we were ever dating, one night he just kissed me and that's how it started."
"I asked her to prom. Which was nerve wracking. I'd never been to a dance with someone I really really liked before. I used all the money I had to buy a suit, flowers, anything I could think of." Sam said, looking at Jared. The kid was listening intently, like this was so important that nothing else mattered.
(Y/N) sighed, "It was the best. It was magical. Like I went to dances before with my friends but never with someone that I felt for so strongly. We danced until it was over and then we went to the hotel that they were staying at and we just... Watched the stars." She smiled.
"Who's they?" Jared asked. Sam grabbed his pictures and went through the pile, pulling out the picture of his dad, Dean and himself as a baby before mom died. He handed it to Jared.
"They was my dad, John, and Dean." Sam said. His own relationship with his dad wasn't the greatest, far from anything that he wanted for Jared.
"You said your dad kinda sucked." Jared said, looking over the picture.
Sam let out a laughed, "Yeah well, dad had his reasons. I don't agree with them. But he had them."
"Why... Why didn't you know about me?" Jared asked, looking through the rest of the pictures, "Did you not want kids?"
"No, no, that's not it at all. I... I got into Stanford, I wanted to get out of hunting. Dad got mad, kicked me out, fine with me. I went to tell your mom."
Sam knocked on (Y/N)'s door. It was late and raining. Maybe he shouldn't have come. He tightened his grip on his duffle bag and went to turn around. He was about to walk off the porch back into the rain when he heard the door open.
"Sam?" (Y/N) asked and opened the door all the way, "Is everything alright?"
Sam turned back around and pressed his lips together, if he said anything he couldn't trust himself not to cry. She gave him a sad smile and pulled him into her arms. She didn't care that he was speaking wet, he need her. He gripped tight to her sweater and tried to steady himself.
After a while she pulled away and looked up at him, "C'mon, you're gonna catch a cold." She took his hand gently and brought him inside.
"Dad said if I was leaving...don't come back." Sam said. They were sitting in her living room. She had made him some tea and gave him some of her dad's clothes while his were in the dryer.
(Y/N) shook her head, "Your dad is gonna regret that. How could anyone toss their kid aside because he doesn't want to be in the family business?" She sat next to him on the couch. What did your brother say?"
Sam looked down at his cup, "Dean didn't say much. I don't blame him though. Last time he went against what dad said it ended bad."
"Where are you going to go?" She asked, shifting in her seat. She had felt off for the last few weeks. But she was probably just about to start that time of the month.
"I'm catching a bus tonight to Stanford. Then I'll just go from there." He said, setting the tea on the coffee table.
"You could stay here." She offered, "I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind. They like you." Sam had been there perfect gentleman around her parents. Probably because of how religious they were.
"I don't know. I don't wanna cross a line." He said. She shook her head and took his hand.
"Sam, this may be the last time we get to see each other. You're going to Stanford. I applied out of state. Indulge a girl, will ya?" She smiled.
"The next morning, he left and a week later I learned I was having you. I wanted to tell Sam..." (Y/N) looked away from Jared, "I tried to but I didn't want to ruin his plans of success. And I shouldn't have made that decision because I didn't know how it would affect you. I'm so sorry, honey."
Jared didn't look at his mom, "I get it. I'm not mad. I just wish he was here."
"And I will be here. For as long as you want me too." Sam said, smiling softly.
Jared's eyes started to water and his body started to shake, "No you're not. You're going to erase our memories of you."
"What?" (Y/N) asked, looking at Sam.
"I heard them this morning. They're gonna leave and have their friend take our memories away." Jared cried.
"Look, the only reason we would do that is to keep you safe." Sam tried to explain.
Jared stood up, "We weren't safe before you were here. You protected us." He looked Sam right in the eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks, "I spent my whole life without you because you didn't know me and now that you do you want to leave me. What did I do for you to hate me?!"
"I don't hate you, Jared. It's dangerous to know us." Sam said.
Jared shook his head and shouted in frustration, "JUST LEAVE THEN!" he threw the pictures in his hand at the table and ran up the stairs.
"You..." (Y/N) whispered, "You said you would stay." She shook her head, trying to hold back tears, "You lied to me." Sam tried to grab her hand but she pulled it away.
"I can't talk to you right now." She stood up and followed Jared upstairs. Dean came in shortly after, hearing all the shouting.
"Hey what the hell happened?" He asked.
Sam tried to find his words and shrugged, "I don't know. Jared heard us talking about Cass making them forget-"
"Look, Sam, thinking about it now... Maybe we shouldn't." Dean said, "We thought Claire was better off and look what happened there." He put a hand on his brother's shoulder, "I can't tell you what to do. But I think that you should consider what this would do to him." He nodded and walked out the door. Sam sighed and followed behind him.
Jared didn't leave his room for the rest of the night. His mom had sent him text messages, he didn't answer them, but they didn't need answers.
I'm so sorry about him
I thought he was going to stay
I understand if you're mad at me I don't blame you
I love you Jared.
He couldn't even look at himself. All he saw in the reflection of his broken screen was Sam and it just made his chest ache more and more. Why didn't he want to stay? Get to know him? All these years hoping that he would show up and when he does... He doesn't want anything to do with them. Covering himself in his blankets, he decided sleep was the better option that waiting for that Cass person to walk in and take any memory of Sam or Dean away from him.
The next morning, Jared woke up feeling the same as he had last night. And he could still remember the brothers that had walked into his life. He shook his head. He didn't think Sam was this cruel, leaving him with the memory of a father he would never see again. A noisy and aching stomach made him drag himself out of bed. He made his way down the stairs and was hit by the smell of bacon and classic rock playing. He made his way into the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks.
Dean was at the stove, cooking bacon in between flipping pancakes. Dean spotted him out of the corner of his eye and smiled.
"Rise and shine, kiddo. Breakfast will be ready in a minute." He winked and nodded towards the dining room. Jared, a little quicker than he would like to admit, made his way into the dining room where he saw his mom and Sam dancing by themstelf to the music. Mom was laughing as Sam spun her around and pulled her close.
(Y/N) leaned up and kissed Sam's cheek, looking out of the corner of her eye, "Well good morning, sleepy head." Sam looked at her eyeline and saw Jared standing in the threshold between kitchen and dining room. He was still in his pjs, hair ruffled, his eyes a little red from tears.
"Morning, Jared." He said nervously with a smile. Jared grinned so hard his cheeks hurt. He lunged forward and wrapped his arms around his dad, squeezing tight. Sam let out a gasp as the wind was knocked out of him, he stood his ground and smiled.
"Morning, dad." Jared said into Sam's shoulder. Sam grinned and hugged Jared. For the first time in a long time, he felt truly happy with his little family. Would there be obstacles? Of course, but nothing matter except Jared.
Happy Ending! Yay! Thank you all for reading!
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loserholland · 5 years
𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞
𝟎𝟎𝟔 ➺ 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
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Pairing ➺ Thomas Shelby x Mafia!Reader Modern AU
Warning ➺ pissy brother Ryan, cute uwu stuff, foreshadowing wink wink and UwU at the end AHHH
Word Count ➺ 3,730 (I shock myself everytime)
Summary ➺ Two Mafia’s, two polar opposites, two leaders with blood on their hands.
A/N ➺ Also send me your thoughts! Feel free to reblog!  Cried while writing this lol.
✿ 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✿ - @hollandfieldblurbs, @beerbottlesandchainsaws, @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine, @spideyyypeter
☆♜ 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♜☆ ➺ @softcillian , @crazyzoey48484, @thatsamegirl, @softpetcrparker, @camilovestar, @ghosttling , @trash-can-beebo, @notanovak-iller, @chocolatekisses8, @shelbyaesthetic
☞  Masterlist  ☜
Sunday, there’s a lot to do on sunday’s. Watch football, have a bbq, go to the movies, sleep in, and some even go to church. Usually sunday’s were a family day for the (Y/L/N), they’d go to church and have a bbq at one of their houses.
(Y/N) knocked on the guest bedroom door, behind the oak doors laid a sleepy Tommy. After last nights events, weather and well staying up to look over and change anything that was in the contract (Y/N) offered for Tommy to take the guest bedroom if he wanted to.
"I think that’s about it.” (Y/N) announced signing the last page with a sigh, it was already 11 PM and she wasn’t in bed. The sound of the pouring rain echoed throughout the house, it would be hard for Tommy to get out in this weather. “You could sleep in the guest room if you’d like, it’s hard to get out during this type of weather.” Tommy smirked taking a long drag from his cigarette before exhaling a cloud of grey smoke. 
“If you wanted me to stay, just ask love. You didn’t need to use the weather as an excuse.” (Y/N) scoffed placing his signed papers into a new folder, even after what they had talked about earlier he was still a huge flirt. “It was an offer Thomas.” he stubbed his cigarette into her glass ash tray smirking at (Y/N) leaning back into the velvet red chair “I’ll take you up on that offer.” 
Tommy groaned pulling himself out of bed, trailing over to the door to see (Y/N) was already dressed. She stood there for a second, her eyes falling to his toned body her eyes caught a tattoo that was on his left pectoral. 
“G’morning love.” (Y/N) eyes snapped back to Tommy’s face, a smirk painted his lips, she mentally face-palmed herself for being to obvious earlier.
“Morning! So um, I’m going to church with my family and was wondering if you’d like to come.. we’re also gonna have dinner well at my place tonight. This could be like a pay back for dinner and the night at the club.”
Tommy was and would never be one to go to church, the only time he stood in a church was for his wedding and even then did he have the urge to just kiss Grace call it a day and get the hell out of there. He was never one to pray and ask for forgiveness. 
“I’m not one to go to church love.” 
(Y/N) hummed rocking back and forth looking up at Tommy with doe eyes, “Hm, well I guess you’ll be on your way. If you end up changing your mind, there’s extra suits in the closet.” she turned on her heels and headed down the hall disappearing into the twin’s room.
He stood there for a second rethinking her offer. There was something about her that would have you rethinking life decisions and question if you’re doing it right or not. It’s the way she played around with her words, it was like a spell.
(Y/N) stood in the kitchen pouring some cereal and milk into two bowls for the twins ushering them to eat up as she poured herself a cup of tea. Tommy walked into the kitchen causing (Y/N) eyes to fall onto him, smirking to herself she placed her tea onto the counter top. 
“C’mon kids, eat up we have to leave in ten.”
Ryan flicked his cigarette to the ground as he stood next to Carter and his wife waiting for (Y/N) and the twins to arrive, the mass would start in ten minutes and the last thing he wanted was for his sister to be late again. He glanced to see if his sister was anywhere in sight, he turned back twice noticing a certain stranger walking along side his sister.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Ryan grumbled catching Carter’s attention as his stood there in silence, (Y/N) glared at her brother’s mouthing “Behave.” knowing they’d make a big fuss out of Tommy being here. But he was her guest they shouldn’t make a huge deal out of it.
Kennedy and Kaleb ran over to their parents, Ryan kissed the crown of their heads as they mumbled “Hi uncle Ryan.” Tommy stood next to (Y/N) shoving his hands into the pocket of his dress pants. 
Tommy leaned forward his hot breath fanned over (Y/N) ear causing the hair on the back of her neck to stand, “You’re not gonna introduce me?” (Y/N) pinched at his ribs glaring up at him before averting her eyes to her family that was watching the two cautiously.
“This is Thomas Shelby, that’s my older brother Carter and his wife Audrey. And my younger brother Ryan.” Carter offered his hand for Tommy to shake, Audrey smiled warmly and said “Nice to meet you.”  Ryan firmly shook his hand narrowing his eyes at the gypsy. (Y/N) tugged at Tommy’s arm pulling him away from her brother who didn’t want to let go. 
They walked into the church, her family trailing behind them. “Your brother doesn’t seem to like me.” Tommy whispered watching (Y/N) wave at people here and there, she looked up at him and sighed “That’s just Ryan, don’t worry about it.” a light gasp met her ears turning to see Mrs.Adley, a woman they’ve known since they were little a friend of her parents. 
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)! I didn’t see you last week!” she pulled (Y/N) into a big hug swaying the two from side to side, pulling away quickly to look between her and the man that stood beside her. “Who’s your friend here? Is he your boyfriend?” a small red tint painted her cheeks, they were as rosey as a child’s cheek that were just pinched by their aunt. 
(Y/N) shook her head looking between Tommy and Mrs.Adley “Oh no he-” Tommy wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled warmly at the older lady, “Yes, I’m Thomas Shelby.” Mrs.Adley stared at the two in awe and tapped her shoulder. 
“I’m glad you found someone again (Y/N), I’ll let you two go now.” once she walked away from the two (Y/N) pinched his side glaring up the raven haired man that stood beside her.
“Great, we just lied to a sweet old lady whom I’ve known for nearly my entire life and for the cherry on top,” she leaned closer to Tommy and gritted “, we lied in front of god!” he chuckled lightly sliding into one of the rows where the rest of the (Y/L/N) sat.
“It made her happy eh? I also don’t give a shit bout lying in front of-“ before Tommy could finsih his sentence she pinched his side again bringing her index finger up to his lips to shut him up and to prevent him from continuing his sentence.
For the rest of the entire mass the two spent the time either making comments between one another and (Y/N) pinching his side every now and then. Ryan glared at his sister and the gypsy who were acting like children and forgot what they learned in kindergarten, keeping their hands to themselves.
Tommy’s left hand rested on her knee, she didn’t mind it if anything she just let it be ignoring his cold calloused hands on her soft silky skin. He slowly trailed his hand up her thigh pinching her soft skin as a small yelp slipped pass her lips. (Y/N) left hand flew over her mouth as she elbowed his side, she felt the handle off his gun immediately she turned her head to look at Tommy.
“You’re fucking armed?”
Carter threw a glare at his sister and her foul mouth and whispered “Mind your french (Y/N/N).” Tommy smirked undoing the button to his blazer and flashed his holster with his gun.
“I’m always armed doll.”
Hm, that’s new. Doll. 
“We’re in church Thomas, there’s no need to be armed!” (Y/N) gritted watching as Tommy button his blazer, he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her closer into his side.
“Hm, you don’t know what may be around the corner doll. Now pay attention yeah? The mass is nearly done.”
Once the mass was done they gathered outside in front of Carter’s car, “So your place tonight?” (Y/N) nodded dropping her nearly finished cigarette onto the concrete ground, “My place, five o’clock don’t be late. C’mon Thomas.” before she could walk away Ryan wrapped his hand around her wrist tugging his sister back. 
“Is he gonna be there?” he whispered as (Y/N) tugged back at her wrist scoffing at her brother’s actions, she understood he was looking out for her but Tommy was her guest and he was being disrespectful. 
“Yes, Thomas is gonna be there, cut it out will you? He’s my guest.” (Y/N) turned away from her angered little brother catching Tommy’s hand with her’s tugging him to walk away from her family. Anger ran through her veins annoyed with Ryan’s actions, he was apart of the business yes, but she ran the company. Their father left the company in her hands, so even if they had an opinion it wouldn’t matter. 
Because anything she say’s, go’s
Tommy sat on the barstool around the island watching (Y/N) move around the kitchen she took a sip from her glass of wine every now and then as for Tommy of course he had whiskey. He traced the rim of his glass staring at (Y/N) before speaking. 
“Why do you go to church?”
(Y/N) her eyes focused on cutting the vegetables that were laid out in glass bowls taking some carrots and chopping them up on the wooden board “It’s tradition. Every sunday we go to church, that’s how i was raised. now it’s passed onto Ken and Kaleb.”
“Do you think you’ll end up in hell?”
She scoffed lightly, “That question is one hell of an understatement.” 
Oh that question has been asked and assumed by many people, usually those that would end up with lead in their head scream “You’ll end up in hell.” or “Hell can’t wait for you.”. 
Though she may go to church, ask for forgiveness after all the sins she committed. There was only one path for her, and she knew there was nothing she could do about it.
That path was straight to hell.
“Why do you go to church, if you know you’re gonna end up in hell?”
(Y/N) took a sip of her wine, thinking about her life as a kid. How carefree she was and never knew about her family business, how her life was pure, how she was pure. That was until one day the ugly truth about her family business was revealed and it was that day all the love and purity in her heart vanished. When she first found out she was going to be an aunt, all she wanted was to protect her niece and nephew from the ugly business that she did. She didn’t want them to go through what she went through.
“Kaleb and Kennedy, they’re the most purest human beings in my life. It was right of Carter and Audrey to walk away from this business, they want more for their kids. As I do too, I don’t want them to be surrounded by death like I was.”
Her heart clenched at the memory she tried so hard to push away, the memory she wish could be erased. This caused a ripple effect, the memory she tried to forget gave her a reason to take part of the business. 
“At the age of thirteen I watched my mother die right in front of me, we were taken and held hostage. No matter how much i begged for them to take me first, I watched them put a bullet through my mom’s head. They said, you’re father will know why.”
That was the day she watched her father put lead through the man’s head, that was the day she heard the man spit “It’s the people like us Andrew, the people like us who do this dirty businesses could never be loved.. we’ll always be alone, and any love we get, we will have to pay for-” it all happened so quickly, that was the first time she had seen her father covered in blood, and that was she caught a glimpse of the family business.
”I don’t want those kids to grow up fearing their lives, i want them to see the world and not worry about what’s around the corner.” (Y/N) sighed taking in glass of wine into her hand sipping the red liquid before setting back onto the marble countertop. 
“Now, get up off your ass and help me cook.”
(Y/N) watched as Kennedy and Kaleb ran around the backyard, Carter sat on one of the chairs around the pool with Audrey sitting on his lap. Tommy stood a few feet away from the stove mixing the sauce that was in the pan, he was never really one to cook hence why he has a chef.
She picked a cherry tomato from the salad bowl she had just finished tossing and threw it at Tommy, he didn’t even flinch he just stood there mixing the sauce. She threw another one this time earning a low scowl from Tommy, before she could throw one more tomato he turned on his heels pointing the wooden spoon at (Y/N).
“Alright, doll cut it out.” (Y/N) smiled innocently throwing the tomato she held in her hands hitting him right in the forehead, he reached for the bowl of flour flicking it towards (Y/N) causing her to squeal loudly.
“No! This is a limited edition Chanel dress! Don’t you dare Thomas!” Tommy stood there for a second pretending to think over what she said before taking a handful of flour and throwing it at (Y/N). 
She grabbed a handful of tomato’s threw them at Tommy as she ran around the counter throwing endless amount of the red fruit at the man that held a bowl of flour. Audrey turned her head towards the glass window, “Something’s happening in the kitchen.” she mumbled standing from her husband’s lap to see what her sister-in-law and gypsy were doing that caused such ruckus. 
Audrey watched as they ran around the kitchen like children throwing flour creating a small snow storm and tomato’s like mad men and women when the play sucked. 
“Carter! Look! Bring my phone!” her husband moved to stand beside her watching his sister run around laughing the kitchen like a child who ate too much candy. This was the first time in a while he saw her laugh, after Alex she’d been so down in the dumps, it was like she forgot to have fun and laugh.
If Pol was there, she would’ve fell in love with (Y/N) even more and hell would even buy a ring for her. If Pol was there she’d be so happy to see the joy on Tommy’s face something she was never really use to seeing since he always has a stone cold exterior hiding what he felt on the inside. 
Audrey took a few photo’s, something she could use to blackmail her sister or to tease her about. Well use as leverage for her to take the kids every date night.
“Thomas!” (Y/N) squealed as Tommy snaked his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him as she stood on her toes, their chest pressed against one another. He held the bowl of flour over her head ready to dump it on her, “Tommy no please don’t!” he tilted the bowl causing (Y/N) to scream loudly throwing the rest of her tomato’s at his chest.
“It’s two word’s doll, just say it and your dress won’t be ruined yeah?” she pouted at his words not wanting to give in and give up, but she also didn’t want anymore flour on her Chanel dress. 
She trailed her hand to cup his right cheek and hummed “Has anyone ever told you, you’re beautiful?” if there was something she was a master at it was manipulation and distraction, Tommy leaned forward causing her feet to meet the ground. 
“You’re such a tease eh? Tryin’ to distract me?” he backed her up to the edge of the counter placing the bowl of flour down and away from her reach, “Did it work?” (Y/N) asked innocently, her manicured nails traced his clothed chest the air in the room felt tighter and hot. Their breaths fanning over one an other, unsure of what to do next well that was until Kennedy ran into the kitchen.
“Uncle Ryan’s here!” Tommy loosened his grip around her waist pushing himself off of her, “We better clean up before your brother has my head for it.” (Y/N) nodded brushing the hair that fell in her face behind her ear gathering the marinated shrimp and chicken outside for her brother to cook on the grill. 
Ryan followed his sister outside with Ken in his arms, “Hey, what’s up with the mess inside?” Audrey rose from her husband’s lap unlocking her phone to show her brother-in-law “They were having fun.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes pushing pass her brother to clean up the mess inside and take a quick shower before dinner.
Dinner was spent with much filled laughter and lot’s of drinking well at least Audrey did most of the drinking by the end of the night she had made Carter promise to put another child in her, something (Y/N) didn’t want to hear at all. 
Once (Y/N) saw Carter off she went to do the dishes leaving Tommy and Ryan outside in the cold sitting in front of the small fire pit, the air was thick with tension the sound of the crackling fire filled in the empty silence. Ryan lifted his cigarette pointing it in Tommy’s direction, “You, you Thomas Shelby have known my father for what three years?” 
Tommy exhaled blowing out the grey smoke into the air and took a swing of the Irish whiskey that filled his glass cup, “You got something against me?” Ryan chuckled lightly leaning back into the chair bringing his cigarette back to his lips to take a slow long drag before tossing it into the fire.
“Answer my question first Thomas.” 
Truth be told, yes Tommy did know Andrew for three years. 
“What if I did? What’s it got to do with you?” 
Ryan leaned forward in his seat his forearm’s resting on his thighs, “It has nothing to do with me, but with (Y/N). I know my father hired you to do something, and if you don’t tell (Y/N) sooner or later once she find’s out she won’t hesitate to put lead into that arrogant head of yours.”
Tommy watched Ryan rise from his seat leaving Tommy alone, “That secret of your’s Thomas, better share it with my sister if you want to have a chance with her.” Ryan slammed the french doors shut walking into the kitchen to bid his sister goodbye. 
“Hey! Is Tom still out there?” (Y/N) questioned as she filled the dishwasher with her briefly washed dishes pausing to walk her brother out, “Yeah, he’s having a smoke. I’m sorry about my behavior today, it’s just I don’t want him to end up like-”
(Y/N) placed her hand on Ryan’s shoulder squeezing it softly, “I know, I know Thomas won’t be like him. I understand that you want to look out for me, I also learned from my mistakes, I won’t let history repeat itself.” he smiled warmly placing a kiss on her cheek before ruffling her hair, she watched him exit the drive way slowly closing the door behind her and headed back into the kitchen. 
After she finished loading the dish washer she headed back out to accompany Tommy holding two freshly cut cigar’s, his gaze was fixed on the crackling fire the flames danced between one another as the moonlight enhanced his features. 
“Has anyone every told you, you’re beautiful?”
(Y/N) placed herself next to him handing him a cigar as she lit her with the fire, she took a few puffs and exhaled the grey smoke sighing as she felt her lungs burn slightly. She looked over at Tommy, effortlessly smoking the cigar. It was as if everything he does didn’t take much effort. 
“’lright, what are you tryin’ to distract me from this time?” 
She shook her head lightly looking back at Tommy then back up at the moon and huffed, “I’m being serious.” 
Tommy chuckled lightly standing from his seat and offered (Y/N) his hand, “Do you dance?” she shrugged lightly placing her cigar on the edge of the fire pit taking Tommy’s hand he lead her around the fire pit and towards the pavement that lead to the pool. 
He hummed a soft tune, placing his hand on her lower back pulling her closer to him as she hand one hand on his shoulder. They moved around slowly, her head now rest on his chest slightly vibrating from him humming and listening the small thumps of his heart. 
“I’m sure you’ve heard people call you beautiful.” Tommy questioned pulling away slightly to twirl her around causing a small giggle to erupt from her chest. 
(Y/N) sighed looking up into his beautiful ever-blue eyes “Many times yes, but you never answered my question.” Tommy chuckled lowly bringing the hand that rest on her back to her face brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. 
“No one.” he answered simply as they swayed back and forth, she stood on her toes her lips ghosting over his lips ever so slightly that if one were to move just an inch closer they’d collide. 
“I’m honored to be the first person to tell you, Tommy Shelby are the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.” 
It happened in slow motion, Tommy leaned down closing the gap between them capturing her soft pink lips with his as they moved in sync. His rough cold hands cradled her soft cheeks, as she wrapped her arms his neck pulling him closer into her embrace. This was when time stood still, the world around them were silent, it was just to fragile hearts holding one another preventing the other from shattering. 
Dancing and kissing under the moonlight
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
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"Go first, I'll be right behind you"
"Ah, yes, heights. My newly proclaimed enemy.
This. This thing is sturdy, right? It won't drop me or anything?
Is. Is the floor moving? No, that's just my imagination
I feel like jelly right now"
"Ah, yes! Right away!"
He slowly gets in the makeshift rope and climbs down
Luckily, he still has the muscle memory to do it
But his nerves catch him at the last second, causing him to land awkwardly and twist his ankle.
"Mr. Detective are you okay?!"
Everyone is down there and sees him fall. Embarrasing
"Oliver?! Are you hurt?? Did you break it?? Is it infected?? Apply cold and heat and then cold, and should we get something to straight it up?? Can you move it? Wait, no, dont move it. dont touch it, I-"
"I'm okay !!"
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"Really! This is just a rare misstep, I swear im a better detective than this, I even got into a competition once!"
"Does it hurt a lot?"
"Less than being stabbed, that's for sure"
"Don't say that!!"
"You say that because you didn't get stabbed, what a loser"
"You can't sit with us now"
"This is not the time for mean teens!"
"Really, I'm okay, I just twisted it, i think"
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"Oh! You're in luck, Mr. Beebo! Seems like some vehicles are approaching"
"Oh! The bomb squad!"
"Do they have paramedics? And maybe firefighters?"
"I just hope they dont have bombs"
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"What's the story? What's the drama? What do we agree to put in the article that I'm definitely writing tonight. Also, hand over my book"
"Wha-? You're writing an article about this?!"
"Well, of course! it's a great way to make the rest of the world realize what an absolute bastard this man was!"
"Also, to keep you three out of jail for killing a man"
"Oh... right...."
"Don't worry! We can all just come up with something! There's evidence of him arranging the place so we have that, and of course, the whole toolshed.
I took several pictures of all"
"You can say he put bombs and tried to kill several of us"
"C'mon, give it a bit more spice"
"We had a hard fought battle, and when he thought he had us in the ropes, he fell down the window because he forgot it was the second floor"
"Yeah! I'll add some interesting dialogue"
"Isn't that... illegal?"
"Not as illegal as repeated murder! You could even say it was some cosmic timeline torture"
"... alright, murder attempt. For all of us"
"Let's make a group chat to coincide our alibis"
"That's- I won't question your methods.
Where is... you know... the body?"
"Oh, it's just there, in the snow. I think the family is planning on giving him a burial, but not a pretty one"
"They don't blame you or anything, so you are safe in that area"
"Right. A burial. The body. That's their choice now. This must be difficult for them. Fuck, it's difficult for me.
I might have to change my therapist. This might be too much for her
Ah, this is definitely one of the most painful cases I've had to go through.
But at least I got more than a hospitalization for severe dehydration and 20 dollars this time"
"Wait, I'm not even getting paid. Man."
"Alright, let's go meet the bomb people now"
"Can you stand?"
"It will hurt a little, but I'll be fine, um, can you give me a hand?"
"Oh, of course"
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"Let's go"
"Well. Well then. Wow, it sure is warm in here for being in the snow"
"Does it hurt like this? It's still a bit cold, so get closer to me, okay?"
"This man will be the death of me"
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"Wha- Why are you hiding?"
"The Beebo factory has closed. Please come by tomorrow"
"This is it. This is how I die for real. Heart beat too fast, too many feelings, too much direct contact with man muscles"
"Oh no! My favorite factory!"
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"Nooo, when will it open again!"
"Hey! No nuzzling in the factory!"
"Too late! I require my supply of 30 to 40 kisses!"
"You have to pay for those buddy!"
"Nope! I'm a thief! I will steal them right now!"
"Haha, wait, wait! We are going to fall!"
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"I can feel you slowly becoming homophobic"
"Just for these two. They are too grossly in love"
"You are aware that mom will invite them for holidays, right?"
"I will ban the mistletoe. And matching sweaters. And Christmas songs"
"I don't think we will be able to escape it, honestly"
"This is worse than being stabbed"
"Eh, they're funny. I found the detective guy's instagram. Im gonna steal a picture of his cat and say its mine"
"Nice. Tell me if you find Ángel's account to report it"
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"Excuse me, are you the owner of this building?"
"Ah, not quite, but I am a representative of the organization that owns it"
"That's all right, could you tell me about the suspected bomb?"
"Well, it's not really suspected..."
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The bomb from the second floor explodes
"... It's very much confirmed.
I think it would be better to stay away from the house"
"... we'll do a few calls"
"Ah! Also, do you have anything for first aid? And warm clothes?"
"Ah, of course, follow me"
Ángel and Beebo sit in the first aid vehicle, blanket over them, and warm drinks in hand
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