#I hope the funnie isnt too out of place It was needed for the horrors
bwobgames · 1 year
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"Let's hide until the morning, destroy the clock, and then run away. It's the safest I can think of"
"A sensible decision, but didn't you say that we might not have the time to get everyone?"
"... We are gonna have to try"
"And, uh, call the police? Maybe?"
"Don't they come included with the bomb squad?"
"Oh, right"
"Although, what will happen then? Will they arrest the house? Us? Coli already has gotten out of jail without problems... this is an issue.
Agh, one problem at a time!"
"I'll message Vivi"
"Wait! Technology!"
"Ángel you're right!"
".... I am, yes"
"Aside from us three, the rest are all family! So they have eachothers numbers! We can just tell them to post about a bomb in the bar on the family groupchat or something like that"
"Yeah! I certainly was hinting towards that, no doubt"
"Tell Vivi to go to the main room. Did she answer?"
"Yep, take a look"
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"... Does. Does she only communicate through images of cats?"
"Sometimes the cats have text over them. Other times, she writes a 10 paragraph message in one go.
Really, it depends on the situation"
"Is this a cat pictures situation??"
"This is not her first bomb threat. Look, she even has a kitty deactivating a bomb image"
"... Descriptive.
Anyways, let's get there"
They get inside the house and walk towards the main room
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"So, how are we supposed to find anyone?"
"Well, Marigold is usually somewhere in the main room, but that's not assured. I think we'll just have to search all the rooms here until-"
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"Ah, nevermind"
Simon and Owen appear from the room to the Lounge #2
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"Private Detective Beebo and Detective Assistant Ángel here, we are gonna need you two to come with us"
"Oh wait, is this the wallet where I have the picture of Mozilla Firefox or the one with the shiny pokemon card. Guess it's too late now"
The teens are surprised
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"We didn't do anything! And if we did it was an accident or in good intention!"
"The supermarket had a terrible cart organization. We didn't know they weren't allowed for racing!"
"It's not considered trespassing if the owner of the property wasn't watching and we didn't know!"
"We are minors! Legally we have the right to make a lemonade stand! It was just an alternative recipe!"
"It was the farmers' fault to have such an easily hackable door to his goose enclosure!"
"Hey, hey, calm down, it's nothing about - wait, you let out the 30 to 40 geese??"
"What Beebo here means is that this is not about your possible crimes. This place has received a confirmed bomb threat, and we are here to take you to a safe zone while we deal with it"
"Oh wow, Ángel is learning the ways of the detective"
"There's a bomb? Why"
"Uh. Probably for harm"
"That's so lame. I would rather have a cool bomb"
"... You need to be studied, little creature. Anyways, follow us"
They walk in formation
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"By the way, Boss, why the main room?"
"Well, you said it. It's a relatively safe zone.
It's close to an exit and far away from the point of explosion. I fear that it might cause a house fire or that it could trigger the other bombs.
But we can't ask everyone to just stay outside in this cold, so, main room it is"
"Also, don't call me boss"
"You're so smart, sir"
"... Stick to boss
Sir is for, um, after job activities"
Ángel looks happily surprised
They reach the main room, Marigold is there
Vivi appears from the storage room and gives a wave
Then a middle finger
Ángel answers with another middle finger
Vivi makes a silly pose with double peace signs
"Um, Miss Marigold? I'm private detective Beebo and we have worrying information about this building"
"... So, it really has asbestos everywhere?"
"What? No"
"Wait, really?"
"Is it not?"
"No, no. Um, it's actually about..."
"How to say this without causing her to panic"
"There's a bomb at the bar"
"Yeah, we don't know when it's going off, so you guys should stay here"
Marigold goes pale
"Ángel that is very much what the detective handbook says Not to do"
"Sorry, my copy was pirated"
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"Wh- Why?! Was it here before?! Where's everyone else?! Did someone put it!? How do you know?! I am calling the police. Where are Nadia and Nina?!?!"
"Um, uh, well, um, please calm down! We have this under control!"
"Excuse me, I need a quick word with my boss here"
She frantically calls the police
It might be a problem
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"Wouldn't it be easier on everyone if we make them remember? I still have Vivi's book"
"... I don't know.
They are fine now, I mean, this is just a shitty night with a big scare.
With the memories... welll
This becomes the most terrifying night of their life
Bejng eaten by a house, being killed.
Knowing you might get killed again"
"Yes, but that knowledge will make them more prepared to face Coli in case he comes here and does something"
"We can just lie, though! just uhh something about terrorism?"
"In an abandoned hospital? With only 8 people?"
"I, I can figure something out!"
"I'm just saying it would be way easier if we were all on the same page"
"... But would it be the best for them?"
"Well, who are you to decide that?"
"A guy who has died 3 times"
"... That's fair.
Just do what you think is best"
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Disney Review Request Princess and the Frog
Requested by @themousefromfantasyland who wanted me to discuss Princess and the FRog ,the PRincess film that isnt really talked about and why it is a bit under the radar ....And yeah I wanna talk about that too .See I remember the HYPE for this film :It was Disney going back to their roots ,a princess fairy tale musical in beautiful 2D animation by Ron Clements and John Musker AKA the best directors Disney has ever had ,this was it ,this was going to bring back Disney for a modern age.....And it did fine ,not the game changer Disney was hoping for and as a result instead of bring back Disney 2D after a long hiatus,it was more of a swan song befor one last gasp in the form of Winnie the Pooh .I also saw the film in the theaters right when Disney had kind of become an obsession and for a few years it was the fave movie of my lil sibling.....Till Frozen came out .Also spoilers ahead
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The plot of this 2009 film concerns a waitress named Tiana (Anika Noni Rose) who dreams of opening her own restraunt ,and meets Naveen(Bruno Campos) a selfish Prince who has been turned into a frog in a scheme by the evil Dr Facilier (Kieth David ) ,and going by the Frog Prince fairy tale ,Naveen convinces Tiana to kiss him in exchange for enough money to pay for her restraunt .....Only for her to turn into a frog as well ,and the two set off on an adventure to find a way to make them human
This is a film I wish I loved ,cause there is a lot to love .The animation is beautiful ,and everytime I watch it I get a little sad cause 2D has been completly taken over by CG ,at least in America .I like the side characters .Louis the Trumpet playing gator while not having a lot to do is brilliantly animated by Eric Goldberg and played masterfully by Michael Leon Wooley (THough I will confess ,since I found out he played Audrey II in the Broadway version of Little Shop of Horrors ,I keep expecting him to go "Feeeeeddd Meeeee" ).I ADORE Mama Odie ,a 197 year old blind voodoo priestess .She is kind of a deceptively goofy yet wise character which is an archetype I love and Jennifer Lewis gives it her all ,I had no idea the actress was only in her 50's she convinced me she was much older . I think my favorite character might be Tianas friend Charlotte ,a rich girl obsessed with marrying a prince ,she is just so energetic and funny and I love that she genuinely cares about Tiana .Ray the firefly is a character I thought I wouldnt like when the film was being advertised and I confess I dont like his design .....But he is actually the heart of the film ,Jim Cummings givers a great performance ,I love his sub plot about being in love with a star ,Evangeline ,and I remember how shocking it was that Ray DIES .At the end of the film Dr Facilier KILLS him ,and I remeber the audience gasped in the theater .Now I have seen people who either think Rays death is emotionally powerful or straight up silly ,for me....Im a big ball of emotion ,so when that second star eppears next to the wishing star meaning Ray is finally with Evangeline ......I tear up
I really love Naveen as a character ,a disinherited playboy who loves jazz and his arc and romance with Tiana is good.I also just adore the setting ,I think 1920's New Orleans is the perfect place for a 20th century fairy tale (Wish they used it better but I will get into that ).I also love the use of jazz music and speaking about the music lets talk about the songs by Randy Newman .Now I am not a big Newman fan but I think the songs are really good though some are just OK and I am gonna talk about them from my least favorite to my most favorite
8.Never Knew I needed-the obligatory end credits pop song that is good ,but I dont love it ,I kind of forgot this one existed
7.When We're Human-Sung by Tiana,Naveen and Louis Its cute but kind of meh for me
6.Gonna Take You There-Sung by Ray and his Firefly family ,its just OK
5.Down in New Orleans(All versions)-I actually really like this song ,its a good opener and closer
4.Almost There:Tianas song that is really damn good, Anika Noni Rose does a fantastic job ,I think it is also my third favorite song animation wise ....I just like three other songs better
3.Ma Belle Evangeline -One of the most underrated love songs in Disney ,I think the sequence is beautiful(One of my favorite scenes in the film honestly ) and Jim Cumming really shows off his singing skills
2.Dig A Little Deeper :Mama Odies song and its just got a good message while also be8ing a ton of fun and Jennifer Lewis just sells it .I got a weakness for Gospel style numbers
1.Friends on the Other Side-OK I have opinions that are unpopular about Doctor Facilier but I will give him this ,he has one of the BEST Villain songs in Disney .Kieth David really shows off his amazing singing skills here,the animation is perfect ,I like how it builds up to being completely insane ,its fun ,its creepy ,its just a great villain song.....With a perfect reprise ,but I'll talk about that later
I'll talk about Tiana later ,so lets go into what I think is the flaws/things I am kind of meh about/thing that almost work but dont but-...*Sigh* lets just get into it
In the meh category ....The use of celeb voices here are weird.Like usually you get a big star to play the main character or the sidekick or the villain.....But aside from getting the great character actor Kieth David to play the villain,which I get but the other three BIG STARs play supporting characters.Now I kind of get Terrance Howard and Oparah Winfrey for the parents but...I'm just gonna say it ,why is JOHN GOODMAN IN THIS FILM ??I love John Goodman ,dont get me wrong ,and yeah he is a plot point, (FAcilier wants to kill him and gain his wealth ) but he doesnt do much so I am always distracted when I hear Goodmans voice
Annnnnnddd lets get to the part that I think might get me some flack....Lets talk about my issues,AND what I like about Dr Facilier .I KNOW this guy is super beloved he is the part of the movie people REALLY like....And I'm sorry I got problems with him .I'll start with what I like :His design is great ,evoking classic DIsney villains like Captain Hook ,his villain song like I said is marvelous ,I like his evil plan to take over New Orleans and feed all the inhabitants souls to his Friends on the Other Side ,he's got menace to him,I love the fact his shadow is alive .he is played by one of my favorite actors Kieth David who delivers a phenominal vocal performance and I like that beneath his cool facade he is actually a desperate and terrified dude when it comes to his otherworldly buddies ......But while he is made of cool parts ,they emphisize his greed ,his motive is he wants money and power ......Thats boring and it doesnt really vibe with "Im going to let spirits devour New Orleans " .The other is he is more plot villain and not a good foil to the heroes . He has no connection with Tiana really ,they only have one scene together and she apparently knows who he is but thats never explained .I say to make him a better villain
1.Emphisize his back story that he was someone who used magic to fufill his desires the easy way ,and his desperation to pay off his debt is his motive
2.Have him pursue the heroes ,and tempt the heroes.
I wll say he is a fun character ,I just wish he was great .....Oh his death scene is AMAZING and TERRIFYING though, dragged to the spirit world by his own shadow as his own villain song is sung by monstrus spirits ,that was such a jaw dropping scene in the theater ,possibly my favorite Disney villain death
As for things in the I dont like section.....The film begins strong,and ends strong too.....But that middle section in the bayou is just kind of dull.Up to Ma Belle Evangiline that whole part of the film just drags ,including these three minor bad guys that dont add anything ,theres some terrible jokes ,and two of the songs dont do it for me .Humor in general is hit and miss .Oh I almost forgot ,Lawrence is one of the most forgettable villain sidekicks in Disney,I kind of forget he is in the movie
Well Question time
1 - What do you think about Tiana as a character?
I like Tiana ,I think she is a good protagonist ,Anika Noni Rose soes a good performance ,I find her likeable and I like her romance with Naveen.
2 - Do you think this movie would be better if Tiana didn't turn into a frog, or if the frogs journeyed through New Orleans more inteastad of the bayou?
Yeah I wouldve preferred mor human Tiana,and while I like swampy settings ,I wanted more in New Orleans .
3 - Is this movie good, bad, or just watchable?
Its... on the good end of Watchable .I dont return to it a bunch it has flaws ...But its got its good stuff in it .I dunno I always go in wanting it to be better then it is
Overall it almost works but it feels undercooked ,but I still reccomend it .If best is A+ this is about a B
@ariel-seagull-wings @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1 @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @amalthea9@goodanswerfoxmonster
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spinster-sisters · 3 years
Thank you. KHJ.
TW: Dom!Jong, Sub!Reader, this isnt exacly a Mafia au its more like it just hints at unlawful buisness practices, i honestly dont know what to put here to describe this, Dollification? perhaps? I dont know if im usuing that correctly, a lot of posessiveness, unprotected sex, general dirty talk stuff the usual, despite the tags its actually kinda sweet (perhaps i just have a fucked up perception of sweet.)
WC: 2.8k
"Well, Hongjoong it seems you have beaten me again,"
The older man spoke from across the velvet table, placing his cards on the surface. You couldn't help feeling smug on behalf of your lover. You stood up from the corner you were sitting in and made your way over to the table falling into Hongjoongs lap now that the game was over.
"Sorry, I guess I'm just lucky," Hingjoong spoke in a mild tone but his wide wicked smile was enough to show everyone what they already knew. Hongjoong doesn't need luck, he's just that good.
You had been seeing him for quite a while. You started out as a waitress in this very Casino that Hongjoong owned. Nobody really knows exactly what he and his friends do for a living or the legality of it but the Casino was more of Hongjoongs personal side project than an actual job. While it made a lot of money he only ever took up ownership of it because he won it in a game against the original owner.
You had been taken with the man from the moment you laid eyes on him. He radiated confidence and power in every step he took and he had the looks to match. He was absolutely stunning. How your relationship got started wasn't exactly clear but after being his personal waitress for months you ended up in his office with your clothes hanging off the back of the couch.
"How about another game?" The older man asks with a grin. Hongjoong only chuckles. The older man had been eyeing your creepily all night and you looked to Hongjoong, hoping he would understand your discomfort. Your boyfriend meets your eyes for only a moment before looking back at the man.
"No offense sir but you're all out of chips," your boyfriend replies. As he spoke one hand came to rest on your thigh kneading it slightly in his grasp.
"I wasn't thinking about chips. How about something a little more valuable?" He sleazy man asks leaning forward onto the green velvet. Hongjoong was visibly intrigued, the higher the stakes the more fun it is. He raised an eyebrow in a way that says 'im listening.'
"My hotel chain against her," the man replied pointing a crooked finger at you.
You expected a hard no or a "get the hell out of my casino." But one never came. Your head snapped up to your boyfriend's face and to your disbelief, he was smiling. He was still gripping your leg as tightly as before but his hand was inching up the bare expanse of your leg. Hongjoong only waited a moment before responding.
"Let's play,"
You felt your gut drop through the floor as the game began you felt your hands start to shake in your lap, you knew better than to talk during a game but you wanted to scream at Hongjoong for putting you through this. It's not like you weren't confident in his abilities, of course, you were. But that isn't the only factor in card games like these, at a certain point it is simply luck of the draw, and while Hongjoong certain was lucky today could always be the day that luck would fail.
The game was nearing its conclusion and you could feel your palms sweating endlessly. The dealer spoke for the final time,
You watched in fear as the dealer began distributing cards to the two men. You were squirming helplessly in your spot on Hongjoongs lap, enough so that he had to pull you against his chest to keep you still. After looking at his cards your boyfriend placed a reassuring kiss on your temple but your nerves weren't settled, just what the man sitting across the table had in mind for you, you didn't know and you didn't want to. You didn't understand the game well enough to draw any conclusions so instead, you just watched as the game unfolded.
In true expert fashion, Hongjoong held the perfect poker face, not revealing anything in expression or body language. But the old man was all too telling, though his face did not betray him, his body was telling the story of utter confidence. Fuck.
“Reveal your cards,” he told the man. He sat up straighter with a smug smile before revealing his impressive hand on the table. Indeed, you didn't know much about the game, but you knew that your odds were slim right now.
“Come on Hongjoong, show us your cards. Not everyone can win all the time.” The greasy man poked at Hongjoong. You didn't dare look at Hongjoongs face, you didn't know what you would do if he looked upset. Slowly Hongjoong pulled the hand resting on you from your body and used it to reveal his cards. It took a moment for the room to react.
“Wipe that stupid smile off your face Hongjoong! You cheated and I know it!” The older man slammed his fist on the table making you jump, Hongjoong remained composed. Relife at the realization that your love won flooded through you as the younger man waved over an assistant, who sprung into action bringing over a stack of papers.
“Calm down sir. we both know I didn't cheat, I don't need to cheat to win. Now I believe we agreed that the ownership of your hotels now belongs to me?” the papers were placed in front of the man she stared in abject horror at them.
“There is no way I am signing these!” he cried out.
“I think you will find that you are. Trust me, sir, I am not the kind of man you want to get on the wrong side of.” Your boyfriend spoke, reclining back into his chair and pulling you with him. The man gauped wildly at Hongjoong before begrudgingly signing the papers and sliding them across to him. He lifted you from his lap before standing himself. Motioning for his assistant to take the papers Hoongjong turned to the man one final time.
“What's so funny!” you snapped, glaring in his direction. He was lounging against the kitchen counter.
“Make an offer like that again and I ruin you even more than I already have.”
You stomped into the kitchen later that night. You could hear Hongjoongs calm footsteps behind you, but you ignore him and swing the fridge open at took a swig from a bottle of water. You were practically slamming the door closed when you heard your boyfriend's amused chuckle.
“You are doll face,” He said through a giggle, “Getting so worked up over nothing.” Your glare hardened.
“Oh, so you think risking your girlfriend in a bet against a disgusting old man is nothing?” you threw back, taking another swig from your water.
“It's not a risk if I knew I was going to win.” He replied calmly, resting his head on his hand.
“So you were cheating?” you replied with disdain.
“Nope,” he replied, popping the “p” in emphasis, “As I said, I don’t need to cheat to win.” Your anger was only rising with each of his careless words.
‘Why would you even say that?” he asked almost childishly. You were stunned. He took your hand that was braced against the counter and led it to his lips. They placed fluttering kisses from the tips of your fingers to your wrist. His other hand began to gently cradle your hip.
“God Damn it Hongjoong! Do I really mean that little to you? Am I really just another bargaining chip? All you care about is yourself and I am over it!” You were screaming now. It wasn't your intention but you were so fucking mad. You dared to meet your boyfriend's eyes, expecting the same nonchalant look he always carried, but instead his bemused smile had dropped into a deep frown.
In a start he pushed off the counter and rounded on you, you stubbled backward onto the marble and his arms came around to cage you against the cool surface.
"You are the most perfect thing in my life, baby doll. Can't you see that?" He continued barely above a whisper.
All too quickly his hands went from slow and steady movement to feverish, like he couldn't touch enough of you. His lips were crawling up your arm and shoulder to your neck. He wasn't kissing to make marks, instead, it was quick pecks to every inch of your skin and you instinctively allowed him more room. All your anger was forgotten as his hands roamed you freely.
From where they began on your hip they had moved from your lower back to your butt, around to your tummy, and up to your chest each time taking care to caress every inch of you. You had become putty in his grasp, practically melting into the cool countertop, your eyes already glazed over and releasing soft noises.
"There she is, my little doll," Hongjoong mumbled with a quiet chuckle after observing your flushed face. His free hand reached up to cup your jaw, pulling your lolling head back to meet his eyes.
"You are still unhappy with me dolly?" He asked with a deceivingly innocent look in his gaze.
"No," you mumbled, wanting to feel the gentle pressure of his lips on you again. Hongjoong giggled freely at your wanton face.
"No," he mumbled, "my little doll doesn't know how to be upset with me does she?"
You shook your head no. How could you be mad when you could still feel the buzzing from everywhere his hands had touched. You had always bent so easily to his will and this time was no different, but you trusted him completely so it was easy to let go.
Two hands gripped your thighs suddenly. You let out a small yelp only to silence yourself, good dolls don't speak unless spoken to. His fingers dug into the flesh for a moment before cupping your thighs and nudging you up onto the counter. You followed through and pushed yourself up, spreading your legs enough so that Hongjoong could slip between them.
He was still kneading your upper thighs when he connected your lips. Hongjoong has such perfect lips and he knew how to kiss you exactly how you wanted. He was guiding you gently through the motions of the kiss, taking his time from pecking you gently to a slow precise kiss to pushing past your lips and exploring your mouth freely, all the while inching further up your legs till his hands were beneath the hem of your dress playing with the waistline of your underwear. In one quick pinch on the soft skin, he signaled for you to lift your hips enough to pull them off.
"Your already so wet baby doll," he hummed into your lips while his finger brushed your folds. "Always so ready for me. Always so good."
Your bottom was now connected to the cold counter but your body was heating faster than you could feel it. Two of his fingers gently prodded into you, slipping into your hole with ease. His firm grip on your leg kept you grounded as your hands reached out to his biceps holding on for dear life. Hongjoong had always enjoyed playing with your cunt as much as you enjoyed feeling it, he loved how silky your walls were and how they wrapped around his fingers so perfectly. He slowly pushed in and out of you at his own leisure, occasionally scissoring you open in preparation.
"You feel so nice down here dolly, so warm and wet. Almost like you were made for me" his breath fanned over your face as he spoke as he was still so close to you. His eyes were drinking in every tiny shift in your expression, your eyes were shut tight but you nodded frantically.
"Awe, you're so sweet. Wanna tell me something? Go ahead," Hongjoong cooed.
"All yours," feel past your lips in a quiet moan.
"I know doll, my most prized possession." You opened your eyes to beam at him and he gave an affectionate smile in return. His hand suddenly pulled out if you're almost bringing a whine past your lips but you held it in. You could not stop the pained expression as he was watching your face so closely.
"Don't worry doll your gonna be filled up soon." He chuckled as he spoke, pulling away from you enough to unzip his frighteningly expensive suit pants and pull his length from his boxers. Despite the sight being familiar, you blushed madly, remembering all of the times he fucked you before brought you anticipation to a new height and you could feel more wetness seep out of you onto the counter.
Hongjoong bunched your dress up around your hips and quickly pulled you to the edge of the counter and into his strong arms. Your hands came to rest in fists on his chest. One of his hands came down to grip his dick, pumping himself a few times spreading precut down his length.
"Ready to take it like a good doll?" He asked smirking at your expectant face.
"I am," you mumbled with a small nod. To focused on the desire for him to fill you up to say more. It took little else for him to thrust into you completely. There was a stretch, as there always was, but the gentle pain was only a reminder of your purpose. To take all he was willing to give you.
Hongjoong never restrained himself with you as there was no need. It only took a moment for him to build up a rapid pace and you wouldn't have it any other way. He was gripping your hips tightly keeping your body flush against his thrusts. You were twitching around him already from the stimulation he had already given you and your gasping breathes match his own soft grunts of exertion perfectly.
"Does my baby doll like it when I use her like this?" He spoke through his deep breaths. You squealed in both embarrassment and affirmation.
"This is what you love, to be used however I want, whenever I want. You really are the perfect doll." He huffed, angling his hips in just the right way to have you panting open-mouthed. Your eyes and lips were glossy with tears and saliva but you didn't care, and to Hongjoong you never have looked more beautiful than you did right at that moment. With a groan he reattached himself to your neck, pecking up and down your jugular showering you in praise.
He was pounding into you relentlessly. Hongjoong always took such good care of you, but in times like this, he allowed himself to be selfish, to use your little cunt as much as he pleased, each time forcing himself deeper and deeper into you. At times like these, he recklessly chased his own high as much as it brought you closer to your own but right now he honestly couldn't care less if you came, you would take it anyway and thank him afterward like a good girl. You could feel each thrust with deadly precision as he railed into you. It was hard to keep quiet with this kind of treatment, because as selfish as it was it still felt so good and every stroke reminded you that you were his.
Your head was positively spinning and you could feel your stomach tighten. Clearly, Hongjoong felt it as well.
"You gonna come dolly? It's ok, I'm getting there as well. Gonna fill you up so well, and you're going to take it so well aren't you." His pace was uneven as he spoke through his grunts. Your walls were clinging to him so perfectly as if you were destined for this.
"Yes, I will! I'll be good, I promise," your hands were clinging a little too tight to his shirt for you much money it cost but just as your sentence concluded you felt yourself snap. You bit your lip to keep your noises contained as waves of pleasure crashed through you and it was only a few more moments for your pulsing walls to pull Hongjoong's orgasm from him. He continued thrusting madly as each movement ripped more pleasure through your body and his cum was shooting into you in ropes keeping you full. It wasn't until Hongjoong felt the pain of overestimation himself that he pulled out.
With barely a moment to catch his breath and adjust himself, he had already sprung into action. You collapsed onto the counter without his support and you could feel his cum dripping out of you as you lay without the strength to move. A few moments of panting later Hongjoong returned to his place between your legs with a damp cloth to clean you up.
He chuckled breathily between your legs and looked up.
As he worked you twitched and mewled with every gentle movement between your oversensitive legs. At one particular stroke of the towel directly over your clit you cried out.
"Sorry baby, I know it hurts but what kind of man would I be if I didn't take care of my things," he asked flashing a million-dollar smile. As he finished his work he looked up to meet your eyes.
"Now, what do we say?" he asked.
"Thank you,"
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crushing companions reacting to f!sole being caught under the mistletoe by someone who ISNT him?
omg, that’s so funny to think about. some are longer than others so i hope you don’t mind (also i got a little carried away). please enjoy! ❤️
i feel like i moved away from the topic but yknow.. ☠️
christmas/new years reacts are still open!
somehow, he was dragged into this and had no choice but to attend upon soles request, not being able to say no due to his obvious crush on her. now he was here, mindlessly listening to the chattering of the person who accompanied him during the party, being absolutely bored out of his mind despite the liveliness of the party. as the person continued on, words not being absorbed, his eyes scanned the area for sole, wanting to at least see her once during the whole event and hopefully strike a conversation before it ended.
he expected to see everything; her chatting with some people, maybe putting out some food, or playing with the kids, but what he didn’t expect was to find her under the mistletoe with someone else. someone that wasn’t him.
his world stopped for a mere second, all his surroundings becoming blurred as he focused on the scene the raveled before him, unknowingly holding his breath while he did so. his mind slowly processed what was happening and once it completely settled in, a wave of genuine irritation and jealousy began to crash over him. danse being danse, he tries to keep his emotions under control as best as he can. on one hand, sole has the freedom to do anything and everything with anyone she pleases with... and on the other? he wants to pull her into his arms for him and him only.
as the person leans in for a kiss, he leaves no room for debate as he unconsciously rushes his way there, unable to cope with the idea of his precious crush sharing such contact with someone else. sole would yelp in shock as she was pulled away from the person without explanation. he ignored sole’s questions as he dragged her to a quiet corner, not thinking straight.
his eyes stayed on the individual, glaring at them silently with a displeased look as if sole wasn’t staring up at him with the most confused expression. the protective hold on her wrist never detached, the grip still as tight as when he first grabbed it.
she coughed to get his attention and his gaze immediately fell on her, forgetting that he had dragged her without a reason. he would be struck with horror, his heart stopping at the realization that he had done so without registering it. “so, uh. mind explaining what that was for?”
his face would go completely red, his mouth opening to respond, but much to his dismay, nothing came out. the words became tangled in his throat as he tried to come up with anything to cover him from the truth but eventually came to the conclusion that there was no way he could save himself at this point. swallowing nervously, he slowly slid the hand that grabbed her wrist to enevelope hers and with a flushed expression, he knew he had a lot of explaining to do. no better time to do it than christmas day, right?
if someone were to ask deacon why he was so afraid to fall in love again, this would be the exact reason why. he didn’t like the familiar feeling that began pooling in his stomach and the unwanted envy and insecurities that began to surface. instead of showing his discomfort, he smiled through it all and excused himself from the conversation, quickly sneaking up on them. he didn’t have a plan, but he knows damn well that he could at least make one.
before the person could lean in for a kiss, he’d pop out of no where, cutting the individual off even before they had the chance. with a “panicked” expression, he’d grab sole by the shoulder before she could let a word out, ignoring the confusion on her face. “charmer! i just came here to say...” he stopped for a moment, giving her the longest stare as the awkward silence began to build up, “..that you look great today, partner!”
she would send him a look of disbelief. “seriously, deeks? all that just to say i look good?”
“someone’s sounding a little ungrateful during the holiday season, tsk. a thank you would be nice.” he shook his head disapprovingly, both ignoring the individual that watched them dumbly, unsure of what to say. he then pointed to the door behind him while keeping a disappointed expression, “also, dogmeats totally destroying your vault suit.”
“he’s WHAT?!” sole nearly yelled, covering her moth instantly as she received stares left and right. with a paled expression, she’d laugh nervously and run towards the other way, excusing herself in a hurry. “sorry, gotta go!”
deacon would smile and pat himself on the back at the accomplishment of his mission. the person would be left dumbfounded at what just happened. “uhhh..”
with a smirk, he’d turn over to the individual and look up back at the mistletoe that hung above them. “so you gonna kiss me or what loverboy? these lips can’t wait forever.” and just like that, the person immediately shook their head and left the area with an embarrassed expression. he scoffed as he watched them drag away to another area of the party. that’ll teach them not to mess with him.
now he just needed to find another lie to tell sole when she realizes that dogmeat wasn’t at all destroying her vault suit but was instead sleeping by the fire.
maccready is many things; petulant, angry, and absolutely jealous to his core and does not bother to hide it. he disregards the person he’s talking to, immediately stomping off towards soles direction without a word spared to the individual that accompanied him. sole would hear the loud footsteps behind her and would turn around upon hearing the noise, seeing a red faced maccready making his way to them with the biggest scowl ever. the person would raise a brow, absolutely bewildered at macs behavior as they stepped forward in attempt to shield sole.
“hey man, you good-“
“take a hike, buddy.” mac shot back through gritted teeth, his tone full of venom. the persons confused and concerned expression would soon turn into a surprised one, full of disbelief at the words that left the mercenary’s mouth. before they could respond with just as much attitude, sole would stop the situation from escalating, a sweet tone in her voice.
“okay, okay. take it easy.” she cut in between the two heated individuals and slipped her hand in macs own, instantly earning a surprised and flustered from him. she looked at the person with a apologetic smile, “i’m sorry, please give us a moment.”
and just like that, she’d pull him to a more private area of the party, folding her arms with a demanding expression.
“what the hell was that?”
mac would try to pretend as if he was irritated, whining quietly but loud enough for her to hear. he’d throw his arms in the air dramatically in response, letting his emotions take over the best of him. “they were gonna kiss you!” then he began to panic more, realizing the position he dreadfully put himself in with little to no ways to take him out. “i mean- uh- they were gonna- i was-“
“so what if they were gonna kiss me?” she raised a brow, a small smirk forming on her face as she pieced together what was happening. “what then?”
“i- i-“ he began stammering, unable to find excuses this time around. he mentally beat himself up, instantly regretting the fact that he allowed his emotions to take control of the situation instead of his mind. ultimately, he gave up as soles eyes bored into him, his voice dying down into a quiet whisper. “i-i don’t know.”
sole would let out a laugh, entertained by his reaction, leaving mac a blushing and embarrassed mess as he looked towards the other direction, hands stuffed in his pockets. “don’t laugh at me.” he murmured, face growing more red.
she would immediately stop upon request but the smile on her face never left as she stepped forward, placing a hand on his bicep. “if you were trying to let me know you liked me, you got the message across.” mac grew rigid at the words that left her mouth but made no attempt to deny them, knowing the truth of it , “and just to give you a straight up answer..” she tiptoed and placed a quick kiss on his cheek, his eyes widening upon contact. he felt himself freeze at the softness of her lips.
“i like you too.” she whispered against his flushed skin and he nearly fainted from the intensity of the situation. what a way to celebrate christmas.
everyone knows hancock has it absolutely bad for sole, so for someone to approach her in such a brave manner secretly ticked him off. he saw the stupid ass smile that plastered that persons face and he wanted nothing more but to slap it off them. he’d look at the person accompanying him, holding a finger up to shush them for a moment with force, “hold that thought, sister/brother. got something i need to take care of.” and he’d immediately make his way to them, not wasting a precious second.
“sunshine!” he’d call out to sole with open arms and a smug smile, immediately attracting her attention away from the individual who wore an irritated expression upon seeing hancock. her face lit up with happiness, a grin stretching across her cheeks. “hey hancock!”
hancock would throw an arm over soles shoulders, gazing lovingly at them as she giggled. “looking beautiful as always, i see.” he chuckled at the redness forming on her cheeks. “so how’s my favorite girl doing?”
they’d continue on their conversation as if the other person wasn’t currently in their presence, wanting to continue where they left off. the endless compliments and inside jokes made them uncomfortable, unsure of what to do or say at the moment. “um hello?”
sole would smile sympathetically upon seeing the irritated expression on the persons face. “oh, sorry. got a little distracted.” hancock would cut in with a smirk, feeding off the persons reactions. “sorry brother/sister, we’re busy.” he pointed at the mistletoe above them, going straight to the point and sole let out a surprised, “huh?” with a flushed face. “now scram before i make you do it.”
the person cursed under their breath and stomped off elsewhere, leaving hancock satisfied and accomplished. sole would shyly look up at him. “so did you mean what you said or was that to help put me in a more comfortable position?”
he looked down at her, thinking for a moment but smiled warmly to ease her tension. “a mix of both, sunshine. if you’re still up for that kiss, i’d be more than happy to do so with your permission.”
she would become more flushed at his response but would grin happily. “you didn’t need a mistletoe to kiss me, hancock. i was more than willing to if you felt the same.”
“guess now we know, huh?” he’d whisper softly and tilt her chin up, slowly closing the distance between them both.
Nick Valentine:
nicks smile faltered in response, his eyes observing the scene before him for a little while. something in him throbbed with pain at the way the person smiled at her confidently as she stood still, not rejecting his offer and he took that as a sign that she allowed it. he excused himself from the conversation politely before it could happen and walked out of the room without a second thought to allow himself to have a breather. the muffled holiday music would fall on his ears as he took a seat on the patio, quietly attempting to push away the idea that sole was indeed having fun with someone else.
lighting up a cigerrate, he quietly watched the christmas lights that lit up the street with a sigh and took a drag, wanting to get the thought out of his mind as soon as possible. perhaps he’d head on back to diamond city as soon as he was done with his cigar, hopefully having the courage to thank sole for inviting him with a smile. nick wouldn’t realize how much time had passed or how long he’s been out in the cold until he heard a voice calling out his name faintly behind him.
“nick?” he’d look over his shoulder and immediately throw the cigar on the ground, stepping on it upon realizing who the voice belonged to. composing himself, he’d address her with a forced smile.
“hey there, doll.”
sole would smile back at him and stop in her tracks, looking at the empty spot near nick. “is this seat taken?”
“not at all. never taken for you.” sole giggled softly and sat near him, giving him some space. he quietly removed his jacket, placing it over her shoulders and she chortled, sending him a small thanks in return as she pulled the coat closer to her body. a silence surrounded the two for a moment before he broke it, not wanting to appear suspicious. “what brings you out here, doll?”
sole thought for a moment before responding, “i just came here to check on you.” she said with a worried smile, “i saw that you weren’t around and well.. they told me you just suddenly up and left the party, so i just had to check.”
he smiled, a warm feeling filling his body. even at times where she was occupied by other things, she still cared about his well being. “i’m doing just fine, no need to worry. besides, i know you’re busy with your date, so i wanted to give you some space.”
“my.. what?” she was pulled back at the words that left his mouth but then responded quickly upon realization, “oh! you mean the person you saw me with? no, no, nick that’s a misunderstanding!” she laughed. “they were just doing that whole mistletoe tradition thing, yknow. where they kiss and stuff... but i’m pretty sure you know about it.”
he gazed at her as she continued to speak, pausing in between as she processed her thoughts. she stared at the ground. “i didn’t kiss them though. i rejected them and told them i wasn’t interested.”
a sudden flood of relief washed over nick and he let out a breath he never knew he was holding, the dreading feeling in his chest immediately turning into nothing. “is that so?”
“yeah. i had other plans too, so it just wouldn’t work out either way.” she smiled with a blush, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. he looked at her with a curious expression. “did you manage to get around to those ‘other plans’?”
she blushed and scooted closer to him, leaning in to place a kiss on his cheek softly, immediately sending him to shock. his eyes fell on her the moment he realized what was happening and felt something inside him whir loudly. once she pulled away, she grinned at him shyly with a completely flushed face. “i have now.” she beamed happily as he touched the spot where she kissed, a smile of his own growing. “merry christmas, nick.”
he pulled her in, wrapping both his arms around her and kissed her temple lovingly as he whispered.“merry christmas, sole.” sole let out a pleased sigh at the contact, melting into his embrace.
sturges would swallow with a small, forced smile, trying to hide his discomfort in front of the eyes of others. much to his luck, he was great at doing that. his eyes would remain on her, not being able to avert it elsewhere no matter how hard he tried. despite his strange change of behavior, he’d still try to contribute the the conversation he was held hostage in, but give shorter replies, uninterested. a series of ‘uh-huh’, ‘yeah’, and hums would leave his mouth instead of well thought replies as he continued to focus on the scene nearby.
once sole presented a sign of discomfort that he was well aware of, he’d immediately excuse himself as apologetic as possible, quickly pacing to her. as he made it closer to them, he’d speak with a friendly tone, not wanting to make the situation worse. “hey now, is everythin’ alright here?” his eyes would flicker from sole for a while and then to the person who stood in front of her, a scowl on their face as they looked straight at him. he didn’t mind; if it meant irritating the person away from sole as far as possible, then so be it. he had no plans to leave now and he definitely wasn’t going to do so, even at soles commands.
“yeah, it’s just fine.” they said with an annoyed tone and sturges would reply with just as much attitude. “i wasn’t askin’ you.” he would then turn back to sole who smiled at him with relief, and he knew he made the right decision. “i’m okay, sturges.”
“i hope this fella wasn’t botherin’ ya too much, sole.”he commented loud enough for them to hear and their face went red with anger as they shot him a glare. “whatever, man.” and would stalk off towards the other direction with mumbled insults.
he’d sigh disapprovingly as he watched the person walk off childishly and then look back at her with a smile. “you okay, sweetheart?”
“of course i am. i was about to tell him off anyway.” she smiled happily at him and he felt his heart melt at the sight. “i’m glad you stepped up and saved me the trouble though. i really appreciate it.”
“no need for a thank you. i just did what was right.”
sole laughed and tiptoed, resting a hand on his cheek and before sturges could react, she placed a lingering kiss on his cheek, closing her eyes in bliss as she did so. once she retreated, she caught the familiar crimson that dusted his cheeks and giggled at the surprised expression on his face.
“my way of saying thank you since you won’t accept it and, uh..” she pointed at the mistletoe above them and he smiled nervously, letting out a shaky laugh. “gotta follow the tradition, yknow?”
“well, ain’t that a lovely way to say thank you.”
she nodded, taking both his hand in hers and stepped closer so that he could hear her murmur. “hope you don’t mind me saying thank you like that from now on.”
he leaned his forehead on hers and chuckled. “not at all.”
preston would immediately show reaction to it, his smile dropping completely and his eyes widening in what seemed like terror and devastation. the words around him would become nothing but static and the music would be blurred as he felt time slow down. he knew sole deserved the best, but deep down, he hoped he was the best for her and maybe this was just the answer he was waiting for all along. with a heavy heart, he’d look away from the scene before it could happen and grow uncharacteristically silent throughout the whole conversation. he didn’t even bother to spare a second glance and tilted his hat down, afraid of what he’ll see.
when sole approached him later that night during the party, he jolted and automatically felt his heart drop as he met eyes with the one person he had it bad for. he tried his best to pull a smile but failed miserably as it looked absolutely forced.
“hey preston, not enjoying the party or something?” she said quietly, taking a seat next to him on the couch. the concern on her face meant she was picking up the unusual signs he was exhibiting and he felt panicked, knowing there was no escape.
“just not feeling it, that’s all.” he responded, looking back down at his drink on in his hand.
“we both know that’s a lie, preston. i can see right through you.” well it was worth a shot. “mind telling me what’s on your mind?”
he thought for a moment, wondering if it was worth telling sole about his feelings at this point since he had already gotten his answer. maybe he could fake it with a smile and carry on with the conversation casually in hopes that she’ll eventually drop it or maybe he could excuse himself elsewhere for the rest of the night to think to himself. instead, he just let out a deep breath and put down his drink.
“mind if we talk outside then?” sole smiled and nodded, standing from the couch and offered him a hand to help him up. they exited the building and walked down the quiet streets of sanctuary, side by side. sole remained quiet, waiting for preston to break the silence instead of forcing it out of him.
“you know what i’m about to tell you, i hope it doesn’t change anything between us.” he filled the stillness of the air and felt a small hand gently grab his bicep to stop him from walking any further. he looked back and caught the reassuring smile on her face. “you know it won’t change anything.”
he looked down at his feet, a blush forming on his face. “i know.” he breathed, “ i know it wont. you’re not like that.” she let out a hum of agreement.
“i guess.. i guess i was just upset that i saw you with someone else under the mistletoe.” he murmured, voice dying down the more he spoke, “and that i lost my chance.”
sole looked at him, baffled for a moment. “lost your chance? what do you mean?” he picked up his head to gaze at her with a defeated smile, lightly scratching the nape of his neck. “to tell you i like you, i guess. seems like someone already beat me to it.”
“what?” she looked confused and stepped forward, trying to explain herself, “preston, you’ve got it all wrong. i didnt kiss them! i left to go find you after i checked up on a few people.”
he stood there, wide eyed while trying to process the words that left his mouth and he realized in horror that he based off things due to his assumptions. “i- uhm, excuse me? you didn’t uh-“
“no, i didn’t kiss them preston and well, you could say i know who i want.” she grinned happily at him with a blush on her cheeks, keeping her hand on his bicep. he felt his heart beat loudly against his chest and he was caught off guard upon registering what she meant. “oh. oh!” a smile slowly grew on his face as he beamed at sole, holding both her shoulders in excitement. all signs of devastation and sadness immediately washed away as if it wasn’t there in the first place. “that’s - that’s great! oh my god! i-i don’t know what to say!”
“you don’t need to say anything.” sole laughed and moved her hand to his cheek, brushing her thumb over his skin. “just kiss me. you know, a celebratory one.. since it’s christmas and as my way of saying i feel the same way.” he nodded, leaning in to connect their lips.
“of course.”
as if this party wasn’t bad enough already; the person talking was annoying the shit out of him and now the only person he’s ever had a crush on was being hit on by some low life. his scowl that was already there would only deepen more upon seeing that unsettling scene but would watch from afar, hand ready on his gun just in case some funny business were to arise. as much as he wants to put a bullet right between their eyes, he resists, waiting for some kind of signal from sole to give him the go.
without looking at the person who accompanied him, he’d speak gruffly, his expression absolutely twisted in anger. “shut the fuck up, will ya?” and they did, slowly sliding away from him in fear. he kept his eye on her, patience running thin as they grew closer to sole by the second. the second their hand stroked her arm flirtatiously, he snapped and made his way to them without a second thought, hand already drawing his gun.
“youd look better with a smile.” they commented as sole rolled her eyes, obviously unintimidated by their behavior. the sound of a gun cocking behind the person would stop her from responding and she’d peek behind them, seeing a furious gage glaring at the back of their head. the room went quiet, watching the scene before them but not daring to butt in, knowing gage was a tough one to take down. after all, they knew the safest route to this was for sole to take care of the situation before it escalated.
“and you’d look better with red,” he threatened, pressing the gun harder against the back of their head. “lots of it.”
the individual would turn a deathly white as they shook in fear, paralyzed. through stuttered words, they’d try to explain themselves, “i-i-its a tradition, the mistletoe! it’s - it’s just something w-we do every ch- christma-“
gage would shoot the mistletoe above them and sole watched as it fell to the ground, broken into pieces as sole sighed at the sad sight. “stupid ass tradition if ya asked me.”
she’d sigh and fold her arms, tapping her foot almost impatiently. “gage, quit it.” she demanded with an irate expression, “leave it and let’s go.” when gage refused to withdraw the weapon, sole sent him a sharp look. “now.”
and just like that, the person would let out a breath as gage retreated, mumbling some colorful language under his breath as he made his way to sole. they both walked past the silence crowd and once they made their way far enough from the party, she stopped in her tracks and faced him with a smirk. “jealous much?”
“i ain’t jealous. that was just getting’ ridiculous and embarrassin’.” he commented, looking elsewhere with a scowl.
“sure you weren’t.” she teased, earning a glare from the raider, “can’t deny that you wanted to kiss me though and you definetly wouldn’t think that tradition was stupid if you were under the mistletoe with me instead.”
he rolled his eyes and walked past her, wanting to hide the growing blush on his cheeks. “shut the hell up and keep walking, boss. we ain’t ever gonna make it back to nuka world with all yer blabberin’.” he stayed silent, knowing well that whatever sole had just told him was utterly true to the core and there was no absolute way he could deny it.
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moonlights-inkwell · 4 years
Demand an Encore
Jaskier x Reader
Word Count: 6,958
Summary: anon said: hello! i see your requests are open...! could i maybe get a Jaskier x reader where the reader very shyly explains (maybe after an embarrassing moment?) that they are into spanking? and Jaskier indulges them and it is fluffy/smutty? if not, that's okay!! i figured I'd ask. thank you! 💜
A/N: Anon. I literally owe you my life, because Dom! Jaskier now literally lives rent free in my head. A fic from Jaskier's perspective? It shocked me too. Oops. Also. Clapping joke title on a spanking fic? I think I’m way funnier than I am  
Warnings: Smut. Spanking. Oral (female receiving). Clothed sex? Sorta. Discussions of Sadomasochism. Canon complicit violence. A very bad take on Jaskier's perspective.
Title from Wild Blue Yonder
“Oh wank!”  
The expletive draws his eyes from his lute and upwards, to you.  
You’re busy, always busy, swinging that blade about and clashing it noisily into Geralt's. Parry, swipe, dodge, sword fighting is as boring a sport as Jaskier can even imagine, only marginally better than fencing because at least there’s some danger to sword fighting. Paint drying is a more interesting thing to watch, lectures less painful to listen to. Jaskier hates it. Sparring holds no interest to Jaskier, beyond when he tries to describe how sword fighting looks for a new song, but there are no new songs. The monsters have seemingly realised that Geralt is about, and have kept themselves to themselves, and so the well of songs about danger and adventure has dried up- like a brook during a heatwave. There’s no song about battles to be won, and if he plays Toss A Coin once more then he’s quite sure that Geralt will shove his lute up his arse sideways. All he wants is to work on a new melody and the clanging is quite possibly the worst thing he can imagine. The clanging, clanking, crashing of steel on steel is enough to drive him to distraction. All he needs is a new song, but no. He simply must be tormented by the sound of metal hitting metal. Needs must apparently, at least when it comes to sparring. 
He’s sure Geralt is doing this to spite him specifically. Revenge for years upon years of songs and mindless chatter and taunting, wrapped up with the knowledge that the bard would never complain about your training- that your safety is paramount to him, even if it is noisy as all hell and infuriatingly distracting.  
Cornflower blue eyes scan up and take you in, on hands and knees and holding your sword at such an angle to block Geralt’s swipe; face crumpled with effort and concentration while the Witcher above is as stoic looking as ever, bringing his blade down closer and closer until you slide to the ground and roll away from the sword. The buckles of your over-bust drags against the ground and knocks loose two of the buttons of your blouse, revealing an expanse of skin below the clavicle and to the dip in skin between breasts.
He wonders, not for the first time, how you manage to fight in a corset. When he was a lad, a little longer ago now than he’s quite happy to acknowledge, how a girl at a ball had collapsed because her corset was laced too tight and even after fetching a healer, the girl walked awkwardly until he left for Oxenfurt, probably long afterwards too. Yet, you can fight in one, swing that blade around with a relative ease that Jaskier can’t even manage if his trousers are tailored too high in the crotch. It’s strange. Watching you duck and twist, bend and thrust that blade around all while being held in place by tightly laced bones, it’s impressive- like watching someone dance. You aren’t a master swords-man but you’re skilled and it’s nice to watch. The exhilarated grin across your face, panting with heaving chest: it’s beauty. Pure, unadulterated beauty, even with a smear of dirt across your cheek, sweat beading about your forehead and a nick on your arm that’s letting out a small but steady stream of blood trickling down from your upper arm.
“Better.” Geralt says firmly, Jaskier watches as your face breaks into a grin and you just glow. A relaxed, genuine smile that makes you look younger than you are. You've mocked him before for how he just soaks up any validation, but even the slightest praise has your skin all but shining, cheeks flushed and mouth upturned. He understands entirely. Praise, acclaim, acknowledgement, it’s addictive; more so than any ale, any drug. Praise leaves you desperate for more, shaking and craving a next hit, almost insecurely hoping against hope that any second will bring that much needed praise. Bard's are like faeries, they require attention to survive while thriving on the energy people give, And Jaskier has been desperate for attention long before he became a bard.  
Praise from the Witcher is a seldom given gift- one that Jaskier doesn’t think he’s ever been given- but he praises you. Training is important, and Geralt seems to have realised that he’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar, so sparring is when he speaks most, even then it’s minimal though; but he compliments. Your form, your grip, the strength of blows. Praise from the Witcher is a seldom given thing.
Jaskier isn’t jealous.  
He isn’t.  
Jealousy implies that there’s something to be envied, like a possession that he wants. You aren’t a possession, he knows that, and even if you were, you wouldn’t be Geralt’s. His fingers fall from the frets of the lute, sending a sour note that makes him cringe out through the clearing.  
“Gods, Dandy- if that’s a sign of what your new song sounds like then I don’t think I want to hear it!” You call over to him, head tilted as the sword twirls between your fingers. “I thought you were supposed to be a good bard.”
“You wound me, Love. Wound me.”  
“No good bard would write Toss A Coin.” Geralt says, but there’s humour in his voice- well, humour enough for it to be noticeable against Geralt’s signature style of stoicism. Must be a good sort of day, for Geralt to be joking about and complimentary. These sorts of things don’t happen every day.  
“Leave him be, Bully!” You swat at Geralt's side, grinning at Jaskier. “Don't you worry, Dear Heart, I love you- even with this brute insulting you.” It’s as if you don’t even remember that you started the insults, but that smile is enough to keep him quiet. That must be a sign of love, that Jaskier could be quiet for you: he’s never been silent for anyone before, even when he had himself half-convinced that he was in love with every person he's spent more than a night with, he’s never been able to keep quiet for more than a few minutes or so, he’s felt an overwhelming need to fill the silence. It’s pleasant to just bask in atmosphere that comes from being about you.  
The swat at Geralt had not gone unnoticed, even if it took a moment or so for him to strike you. Geralt, facing Jaskier, lifted a hand to thump you on the back, too absorbed by the simple pleasure of retaliation to have perceived two very simple things with those enhanced Witcher senses: that the laces of your boots have come undone, and that you had bent down to tie it.  
Time slows sickeningly, as Jaskier realises what’s about to happen only a second before the SLAP comes through the air at a volume none of you anticipated. Not to the lower back, a spot that while painful is little more than inconvenient when hit, but instead to your arse- angled upwards as you bent to fiddle with the ribbons of your shoes. The white-haired man had wanted something vaguely friendly but still running with undercurrents of the same energy that comes from sparring, but instead he had brought one enormous hand down onto your arse with some force. Unexpected, and completely out of nowhere as it is, it somehow is not the most surprising part.  
The moan is.  
A loud, broken moan- somewhere between pain and pleasure- which Jaskier knows all too well. That sound haunts his dreams. Jaskier would know it blind, dumb and senseless. Your moan, normally reserved for during the nights when his fingers slide inside of you, when his tongue breeches you. It’s weak, beautiful, and oh so very unexpected. Its a noise more beautiful than music, more beautiful than the sound of children’s laughter- always his , finally heard by another. Geralt looks horrified, cat-like eyes wide and filled with something akin to fear, but nothing like the unadulterated horror written across your face; sun-coloured skin turning red with embarrassment, lips parted wide but slowly contorting into a grimace, eyes wide but watering.  
Jaskier forces himself up and towards you, while Geralt steps back, saying your name softly and apologetically,
“I am so sorry-"
“Little Miss-"  
“I'm going to the stream to wash!” You say loudly, side-stepping around Jaskier to make a beeline into the thicket of trees, where a stream was hidden. Without any thought, Jaskier groans and looks up at the Witcher, eyes narrowed into accusatory slits.  
“So much for those Witcher senses of yours.” It’s a ridiculous thing to be annoyed about. Geralt does not have any feelings for you beyond the platonic, and Jaskier knows that, knows full well that Geralt wouldn’t do something like that to you, least of all in front of your lover and a man far too willing to write humiliating songs about Geralt.  
“It was an accident.” All stoicism has returned to Geralt’s voice, despite the still apologetic look written across his features. “She’s going to hate me. She sounded so pained.”  
That almost made the Bard splutter with laughter. Moans like that are many things but not pained, at least not in a way that isn’t seen as pleasurable. Somehow, he manages to keep the laughter down and instead claps a hand to the taller man's shoulder.  
“I doubt she hates you. Missy is a resilient little thing.” He tries to sound comforting, but some humour seeps through, making Geralt turn and squint at him.  
“This isnt funny, Bard.”  
“I’m well aware.” Jaskier nods. “I'm going to check on her though. To make sure she hasn’t drowned herself.”  
“Don’t joke.”  
“I’m not.” He trills as he walks along the step-worn path to the trees.  
The stream is a pathetic little thing really, barely a foot in width and surrounded on all sides by the thickest section of trees which almost blocked out all light. It was easy to believe it was around dusk, but it couldn’t be much later than midday, the shade made it appear so much later than it was. And there was you, hunched over by the reeds and moss, scooping up water and splashing it in your face and onto the gash still trickling blood to try to clean it. Even in spite of the shadows, your flushed cheeks are still clear to him and he stops to take you in.  
He’s had many lovers. Too many to list really, but not one of them holds a candle to you. Every girl before you was perfectly primped and polished, in fine clothes with perfect hair and made up faces, and they were beautiful but artificially so. Made that way by clothes and corsets and cosmetics. You though, you’re something else. Beautiful with the sun in your eyes, unkempt hair and rumpled clothes. Indescribably perfect cast half in fire-light, with bags beneath your eyes and blood across your cheek. Sonnet worthy while drunk and stumbling, singing out of tune to his ever songs. Godly in the dark, mouth open and back arching towards him as you stumble headfirst into climax. He loves you. He loves you, and it’s the first time he thinks he has ever really loved anyone: more than infatuation, more than lust, but actual love. Love that makes his head muddled and heart sore. He doesn’t deserve you. Wants you, needs you, but will never deserve you. Reckless, wild and brilliant you, willing to leave a life behind to fight monsters. A fool. Beautiful little fool, selfless and-
“I can feel you staring at me.”
“Hard not to stare at a goddess. Careful, I hear some gods will drown pretty things like you out of jealousy.”  
“Fool.” You say softly, but there’s a chuckle in your voice so he comes closer to you, stepping behind you to twist your hair away from your throat to press a kiss to the crook of your neck.  
“Your fool.” He breathes out shallowly, letting his chin rest on your shoulder while his arms wind about your waist. “Are you alright, Dear Heart?”  
“Embarrassed, I suppose. My pride will recover though, Dandy.” The lightness of your words combined with your stiff posture makes sure Jaskier knows you’re lying.  
“Little Miss-"
“Geralt must be embarrassed as well. I should have apologised to him before-"
“You moaned.” He cuts you off, making you shut up, stiffening even more. “And you may try to deny it, but I know that noise. I might just be the only person who knows that noise.”
“Jaskier.” It sounds like a warning, but he doesn’t care.  
“If it’s because it was Geralt, I understand.” He says softly, feelings coming out unbidden. “I understand, of course, and I love you but I understand if I’m in the way.”  
“I liked it. Be... being hit. Not Geralt.” You whisper.  
It truly is a day of surprises. Jaskier can feel the grin slip onto his face and his hands move from your stomach to your hips to begin tickling.  
“Is that so?” He asks softly, revelling in your choked-out laughter and how you lean back against him. “My Little Miss wants to be spanked. Well, darling, you should have told me earlier.”  
“I didn’t know it was a thing!” You argue between laughs. Jaskier so often forgets that you were a virgin before he got his hands on you, so of course you hadn’t known. His tickling doesn’t stop as he pulls you backward, rolling you onto the ground and climbing on top of you to continue his assault.  
“Would you like a lesson in masochism, Dear Heart?” He teases, head tilting to the side as he looks down at you.  
“The pleasures of pain.” He explains, and watches how your face turns pink once more. “Oh, she does!”  
“Stop taunting me!” You argue, thrashing beneath him but not with any intensity.  
“Taunting? Never. I’m just trying to work out if I need to rent two rooms when we next go into town.” He too easily grabs at your arm when you reach up to swat at Jaskier. “For your lessons, I mean.”  
“You... weren't joking?” You ask lightly and he shakes his head.
“I never joke about teaching My Muse about what brings her pleasure.” He says lightly, climbing off of you to sit by your side. “If you want me to.”  
“You Wouldn’t mind?” You ask incredulously, drawing out a chuckle from the bard.  
“Darling-heart, don’t be a fool, of course I wouldn’t. You know how I like pleasing you, and having you know what pleases you pleases me. Besides, it’s hardly my first dalliance into sadomasochism; there was a countess I used to know who couldn’t achieve orgasm unless tied up, with wax melted on her and at least three people watching her-"  
“Jaskier.” You say softly, and he stops.  
“Sorry. What I mean is, liking someone slapping your perfect bottom isn’t something to be embarrassed by, darling. Alright?”  
“Alright. Thank you, Jaskier.”  
“No need to thank me, Dear Heart.”  
It takes weeks for Jaskier's plan to come to fruition. Weeks of traveling and camping in the woods until the three of you are able to find a town in need of a Witcher and his services. It’s a simple job, just a few drowners, but the pay is good and there is a very decent inn more than willing to accommodate all of you, and with two rooms none the less- which is far easier to negotiate while the two of you are off to do what you do. The inn-keep is a pleasant, portly man in his middle forties who seems to appreciate Jaskier's way with words, and is more than willing to forgo payment on the rooms in return for a show- and who is Jaskier to disagree with a deal such as that?  
His friendly demeanour is welcome too, means the Bard actually has someone to talk to while he awaits your return- but that plan dies a death when the job takes significantly longer than he expects. Normally, it only takes a few hours for something like this, but the sun is set and his songs just coming to an end when you finally return.  
The crowds, cider-drunk and rowdy had sang along to every song they knew, and sang over these they didn't- but that was fine. Drinking songs were always nice to hear, but their song dies when the door to the inn-cum-tavern opens and you pad in, followed closely by Geralt. Both drenched from tip to toe and scowling, hair stringy and clothes dark with saturation. That explains a fair bit and even with how upset you look, Jaskier grins, grip on the lute loosening and stage persona rolling off of him. Wet and angry as the two of you are, the sight of you is enough to make the crowd let out a loud, drunken cheer before beginning an enthusiastic if out of tune rendition of Toss a Coin. For once, the Bard is uninterested in joining in and instead opens his arms wide for you, it takes less than a minute for you to run to him and wind your arms around his middle while the people mill around Geralt to interrogate him about monsters and the like. Jaskier sighs and presses a kiss to your forehead.  
“You had me worried.”  
“Almost drowned. But I’m fine.” You say apologetically against his jerkin. “Tired though.”  
“I’ve booked our room. And I think my performance is over.” He says soothing, fingers carding through your wet hair. “Come on, Darling-heart.” He offers a hand, though it takes you a moment or so to reluctantly pull back from him you take it and follow him up to your rented room.  
The room is tiny, little more than a box room with just a bed and small table but it’s clean and that is more than enough for you. Before even a minute can pass, you release Jaskier's hand to flop down onto the bed, moaning when you sink down into the mattress.  
“Comfortable?” He asks playfully and you hum in agreement.  
“I got you wet.” You reply after a minute and Jaskier chuckles.  
“I don’t mind, now wait here. I’ve something to sort out for you.” The door clicks as he slips out of the room and you’re alone in the room, just you and the tingling sensation running through your body and making your brain feel as if a mist has descended over it, yet you don’t even realise it until the door opens once more and you lift your head up to look at the noise. It’s a girl, looking about fourteen or so, carrying two large buckets to the archway across from the bed which you had not even noticed, and in your drunken haze you consider why she would be taking buckets to another room through yours. Jaskier follows after her, buckets hanging from each hand and you notice how steam is billowing from the buckets until he disappears beyond the doorway. Confusion comforts your mouth into a frown, so instead of giving it much thought you let yourself sink back into the mattress, deciding it not worthy of a second thought. Water crashing against water echoes from the other room as your eyelids grow heavy and slip shut. Someone had told you once that the sound of water is enough to drive even an insomniac to sleep, you believe them in this moment, the sound of water is so relaxing to your dazed mind that you don’t question why you can hear it at all, so you simply shut your eyes and listen. You have no idea how long you lay there, listening and breathing, it could be seconds or millennia.
“Are you awake, Dear Heart?”  
“Come on, I ordered you a bath, you need it.” A bath. You smile and he grins at you. “Now, darling. Come along. You'll soak the sheets through.”  
“I'll soak you through.” You retort tiredly, rolling off of the bed and toeing off your boots before following him into the bath's room. He watches as you walk through and is upon you within seconds, unlacing your corset and unlacing your chemise before you can move your fingers to do it for yourself. “Julian, I know you find me attractive but stripping me?”
“I don’t want you dying of cold.” He chides playfully, kissing the exposed akin of your shoulder as he pulls off the blouse. “Forgive me for loving you.”  
“I love you.” You say softly and untie your trousers, pulling them and your underwear off in a single movement. He smiles at the sight and presses a hand to your lower back once you step out of the sopping fabric.  
“I know, muse. Now in.” He says encouraging you into the bath, turning to fiddle with a few vials of scented oils. “Rose, Lavender or honeysuckle?”  
“Lavender. It smells like you.” You say softly and sink into the water, letting out a loud moan when the heat overtakes you. He turns back to you with a smile and pours a little of the oil into the water.  
“Oh, you like the smell of me?” He teases and moves around towards you.  
“Of course, I do.”  
He smiles at that and sinks down to his knees behind the tub at your back and picks up a rag, soaking it in the water and then moving it up to rub at your shoulders and the knobbles of your spine. The sweet floral smell is carried on the steam coming from the water, sweet and familiar and made all the better by the contented noises that come from you. He likes you like this, all pliant and sleepy and willing to let him help without complaint, it makes him feel useful in ways he never can on hunts. You shoulder so much, act so brave and mature and it’s so nice to see you just let him take control and look after you. He hums a little tune as he washes your back and feels your back move as you chuckle.  
“Tickles.” You say, giggly and more awake than before. “What song is that?”  
“It’s something my mother used to sing.” He says gently, scooping up some water with his hands and pouring it over your head before working out some of the tangles in your hair. “I don’t think it has a name.”  
“It’s pretty.” You hum, head tilting into his hands like a kitten. “Why aren’t you in here with me?”  
“I got the bath to warm you up, Silly Little Miss. I’m warm.” He says with a sigh and pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck.  
“I want to touch you." You whine, twisting around to face him.  
“There's time for that later, Dear Heart. “ He shakes his head affectionately and kisses the tip of your nose. “I have plans for you tonight.”  
“Oh?” You ask, leaning up on your knees and allowing your breasts to lean against the lip of the tub. It’s a trick, trying to lure him in, and he knows it, but gods above it’s tempting. Far too much willpower is exerted to not reach out and take them into his hands. A siren, sent to toy with his heart and mind. He sighs and leans in to kiss you gently.  
“You remember a few weeks ago? When Geralt slap-"  
“Yes!” You interrupt quickly and he rolls his eyes, reaching up to smooth your hair down.  
“And you said you liked the feeling?”  
“I remember, Jaskier.”  
He smiles and rubs his thumb across your cupid’s bow.  
“Well. We have the room to ourselves, so I thought that we could experiment with that."
You blink at him owlishly before squinting at him. It would almost be enough to worry him, but he knows you too well to think you’re angry- you’re confused, but still very relaxed.  
“With you... hitting me.”  
“With you letting me dominate you, spank you, and make you feel good.” He clarifies. It sounds foolish, and far too perverse when laid out so candidly to someone not well versed with this. You nod sagely.
“...And if I ask you to stop them you will.”  
“Of course I will.” He says seriously and rests his hands on your shoulders, leaning in so you are eye to eye. “This is for your enjoyment, if you say stop, this stops. Just like always.” You smile and close the gap between his lips and your own. It’s soft and lazy, with no indication of proceeding any further than just chastely kissing, his hands still on your shoulders and your hands creeping up into his hair. It’s perfect, always is, and not for the first time, Jaskier considers that he could spend the rest of forever just kissing you and never be bored. Still, all too soon he pulls away, fetching a towel while you heave yourself out of the tub waiting for the bard and the towel. Even though you reach for it, Jaskier ignores your outstretched arms and instead swaddles you in it himself, drying you.  
“I can do it myself!”
“You can, but you won't.” He says firmly, rubbing your skin. Beneath the soft fabric, he can feel you start to struggle which makes him hum and swat at your arse. It’s not enough to hurt, especially through the towel, but it serves as a good warning for who is in charge tonight. Dominance is nothing new for him, but he isn’t dominant with you. You were a virgin when he met you, all sex had to be approached with kid-gloved hands, even now that you are confident with it Jaskier has never felt any need to try and guide you towards that sort of thing. Submission, he had assumed, would be a difficult thing for you; you spend so much time fighting and fending for yourself during fights, asking you to hand over control never seemed to be a good idea. Control keeps you safe but you trust him. Trust him enough to give him control. It’s enough to rush to his head, that level of trust. Of course, it’s flattering when anyone allows him control, but it means so much more when someone who loves him, someone who is so dangerous would allow themselves to be vulnerable. He loves you, has since the second he clapped eyes on you, but this is more than love now, this is adoration. “Now, be a good girl and don’t argue.” Seldom does Jaskier have a need to be stern, so you doing as he says is to be expected. You go limp, eyes wide as he towels you dry. “There’s my good Little Miss.” He says once he finishes, folding the cloth while you stand stock still, pupils blown wide.  
“Good.” You repeat back to him, starry-eyed and blushing, so he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth before nodding.  
“Well, you are my Good Little Miss, aren’t you?” He asks gently, watching the enthusiastic nod he gets in response with a smile. “I know.” He says with an air of finality, turning away from you and heading back into the bedchambers to sit on the bed. It takes a few seconds of silent sitting for you to finally walk to the doorway. You’re naked as the day you were born, wet hair hanging in snakelike tendrils around your face, skin glowing gold from the warm light of the fire reflecting off of the still damp flesh. You’re beautiful. Too beautiful, comfortable in your skin and his looking at you, pale criss-crossing of scars running across the planes of your body like gold holding formerly broken ceramics together. How Jaskier has ever gotten a chance to lay his hands on you is beyond him, why a bard such as himself can even look at you, never mind touch or kiss you. A goddess, battle-hardened and wise, intoxicating and intense but oh so soft and kind.
“You’re staring.” You laugh, leaning against the door frame and smiling at him.  
“Yes. Yes I am.” Jaskier says simply and beckons you closer, which you do with a slight swing of your hips that he is entirely sure isn’t purposeful. You settle beside him, looking at him with a look somewhere between reverence and fear- like he's simultaneously the most beautiful and awful thing you’ve ever seen. He hates how much he likes it, the power it feels like he possesses in this moment. You look so small and defenceless, and he is too aware of how large he is by comparison. Usually, Jaskier feels slight- especially in comparison to Geralt and his hulking mass of muscle and manliness- but he’s suddenly far more aware of how big his hands are compared to your own, how he almost dwarfs you in height. You aren’t dainty, and he knows how much damage you can do with little to no effort, but you look so now.  
You lean in to him slowly and tilt your head, taking him in before smiling with a raised eyebrow. Well? Your face seems to scream. I'm waiting. It’s all the encouragement he needs to put his hand between your shoulder blades and push your torso over his lap unceremoniously. Every jutting bone, every knobble of spine, outline of rib exposed when you let out a noise of mild confusion, but rest there with your stomach over his thighs. His fingertips, calloused from lute strings but still soft from the warm water, trail down your back slowly; his skin is colder than yours, leaving goose pimples in his wake as he moves towards the rounded flesh of your arse.  
Pink and pert, the flesh juts out from the dip at the base of your spine, like a peach. Jaskier loves it. Loves all arses really. There is something so strangely enticing about them, likely the fact they’re so often covered that seeing them seems taboo in a way that seeing tits isn’t. Every inch of your skin that he gets to see is a luxury not afforded to others, and while his hands finally reach the plump skin, he had been moving towards he kisses your back, gripping one cheek firmly while rubbing soft circles into the other. A moan, airy and musical comes from you spurring Jaskier in his ministrations: shifting the cheek to the side, revealing a hole he had never paid much mind to at all, only to release his hold and watch as it bounces back into place. The jiggle is hypnotic, he thinks to himself wordlessly as he repeats the act on the opposite cheek, earning another moan from you in response.  
“Jask.” You whine out and he hums in confirmation, feeling you push yourself back against his hand. “Don't tease.” He chuckles. Teasing is hardly what he'd call it. No, this is isn’t teasing, teasing is something gentler than this. This is preparation. He can hardly just start spanking you, especially when you've never done it before, but the whining makes him smirk. “Jask, if you don’t hurry, I’ll go to bed.” You insist and try to push yourself off of him, so he presses down on the middle of your back and brings his hand down on your arse harshly.  
The sharp sound of skin-on-skin rings through the air, followed by a gasp. A tingle ran across his palm, and he snicks at the sensation.  
“I thought you were my good girl, not a brat, Missy.” He says, voice low and on the verge of a growl. “I told you, I am in control tonight. Not you.”  
Brat. You shiver at that, going still, and he smirks, grabbing the cheek he had just struck before tugging at it. He releases it before sliding his hand up your thigh.  
“I. I can be good.” You whisper meekly. That isn’t enough though and he swats at the cheek once more, lighter this time.  
“You will be good.” He corrects you, leaning in close to your ear and catching sight of your red cheeks and misty eyes. “I know you will be, won’t you Darling?” You nod quickly and he smirks. “That's my Princess.”  
At that, your posture loosens and you relax against him. Praise. That’s good to know. Lazily, he rubs a circle against the curve of skin before striking it once more.  
“I'm going to hit you ten times, and I want you to count them out loud for me. Can you do that for me?” He asks gently and you nod instantly. “I need you to use your words, Darling.”  
“I. I can do that.” You say, tilting your head to look at him with a sweet smile. Jaskier smiles back at you, then brings his hand back down with a hard slap.  
“One!” You say loudly, jolting forward and dragging your stomach across his crotch. He’s been so invested in planning and preparing that he hasn’t even noticed the hardness developing between his legs until it’s rubbed against. The moans from the bath had been enough to make him half hard, but seeing you like this, lips parted and the skin of your bottom turning an inviting shade of pink, it’s enough to have him fully hard.  
“Two!” You shout out after his hand lands hard against your rear before two more swats come in quick succession.  
“Three! Four!” The numbers are more moans than words, loud and needy. In the back of his mind, Jaskier wonders if the drunks downstairs are still singing and making noise, shouting and swearing, or if they too can hear the moans of pleasure. It’s sick, but he wants them to hear. Wants them to hear the pretty song that you’re moaning out, to look at you in the morning as you shift uncomfortably in your seat and know how you loved every second of it, see him smirk and know exactly who drew every noise from you.  
He’s a bard. He knows how to make noises, but these might just be the prettiest ones yet. A hand rubs at the pinking skin and then, quickly as it comes it's gone and brought down, this time to the space where arse meets thigh.
He could listen to you moan all day. Sex, or at least sex while travelling, is normally a quiet affair. Quiet murmurs of affirmation, whispered begs and pleas, it’s not enough. Jaskier loves sex, loves the intimacy that comes from being as close to someone as humanly possible, but more so than the enjoyment of sex, Jaskier loves the theatrics of sex. Sex is like performing. Doing all possible to please an enthusiastic audience, listening to the sounds of enjoyment as it builds and crescendos, fingers moving faster, doing his best to not make a fool of himself.  
He can’t help himself from hoping that this won't be a one-time occurrence. For a few stolen moments you can hand over control to him and give the both of you what you need.  
“Eight!” Your stomach rubs against his cock once more and he chokes back a moan. You'll be the death of him. Ruin him entirely. It isn’t enough that he loves you, isn’t enough that you are the most beautiful person he could dream up, no you have to do things like this. Unintentionally ideal. Perfection given human form.  
His hand comes down one final time and you scream out a broken, “Ten!”, and Jaskier heaves out a sigh, rubbing the red skin as gently as he can to soothe you when you begin to tremble. Calloused fingertips slide softly across the abused flesh.  
“Oh Darling. My good girl. My good, brave little miss.” He coos sweetly, gently guiding you up to sit on his lap, one hand still running the skin while the other threads itself in the hair at the nape of your neck. “You did so well.” Gently, he presses his forehead against your own, staring into tear filled eyes. “Oh, Dear Heart, did you not like it?” Worry washes over him suddenly. He should have reminded you that you could say no once more, that he wouldn’t be disappointed.  
“Kiss me.” You breathe back against his lips and he sighs softly, hand shifting to your jaw to tug you into a chaste kiss. You tremble against his lap, but kiss back far more forcefully than he had kissed you. Gentle but seeking, tongue pushing between his lips to make its way into his mouth. He smirks slightly, but doesn’t open his mouth, feeling you rock against his lap- sweet nectar between your legs dripping through the fabric of his trousers while shaking fingers toy with the lacing of his doublet.  
“You're wearing far too much.” You whine pulling back to stare at him. “Take it off.”  
“Take what off?”  
“Everything.” One word has never held so much weight. He could look at you like this for always, so soft and desperate and wanting- it makes his heart beat faster and his cock jumps against the heat of your core. He wants to strip himself, rid himself of the offensive articles and just let you take from him all that he has, but he holds your jaw gently instead, using the warm skin as a means to ground himself once more.  
“Ask nicely.”  
“Jaskier.” You say with a slight scowl, but he narrows his eyes and tilts his head, trying not to laugh at your intent look. “Please. Please strip.”  
“I think you can ask nicer than that, Dear Heart.”  
“Julian, please take off your clothes. Please.” You ask softly and trail your hands along the chemise beneath his half-unlaced jerkin. “Please, Dandy? I want to touch you- can I?”  
The pet name brings a soft smile to his face, hands moving to your hips to shift you onto the bed before undoing the rest of his jacket and shucking it off, to toss it to the side. Ducking down, he peppers a few feverish kisses to your thighs, toying with the ties of his chemise while you tug it over his head. Needy and half frenzied is unlike you, but he can’t say that it isn’t perfection. Shy, unsure sex has been too common, the occasional rushed shag when you two can spare a few seconds less frequent, but this magically manic need is sweet. Jaskier is a performer; performers preen under the watchful eye of attentive audience, need the knowledge of a job well done, which he normally gets from you in the form of moans and frantic rutting. This enthusiasm is perfection, especially while his face is so close to your cunt that he can smell the arousal dripping from it.
Nudity can wait, The Bard smirks, grips your thighs in a vice-like grip and widens the distance between them so he can get his mouth on your sex, tongue gathering slick and relishing that sweet, musky taste. Sweeter than any fruit, more addictive than any wine. Jaskier’s lips find your clit, that bud of nerves that might as well contain every breathless moan that you can fit in your body, and sucks, tongue flicking across it with the moans and curses that such an act wrings from you. Nose buried in the curls that cover your mount, cornflower eyes look up to take you in, writhing in ecstasy, breasts quivering with every stuttered breath. He knew that he had missed something while spanking you’d but it falls into place now. Your face.
Every emotion flit across it, as clear to read as sheet music to him. You have an expressive face at the best of times, but it only seems heightened by sex. He knows many men prefer not to face their lovers and, hell, in his more adventurous days had preferred it himself, but seeing how you feel written across your features is part of the joy of sex. It had taken a while to convince you to stop silencing yourself during intimacy, that those moans are his and hard earned, but those expressions mean even more. Miniscule twitches of the brows and lips that let him know that you enjoy what he is doing, he loves them. Loves you. Those noises are meaningless without that face, pink and contorted with pleasure. That face. He could stare at it all day.
He doesn’t miss Lettenhove, not for a minute, but he does miss paintings. Portraits, moments trapped in time, forever perfect. He wants a painting of moments like this; nothing pornographic, just your face, with not a care for anything but pleasure. To see him through those nights when hunting takes too long and he's long asleep by the time you return. A little painting to have with him always.  
“Jaskier-" You whimper, fingers curled into his hair and tugging. “Please. Please.”  
He hums softly and slaps your thigh, revelling in the sweet little gasp that comes from you before a gush of fluid hits his lips. The Bard pulls back and blinks in shock. You’re shaking, twisting in the blankets as he just breathes you in. Squirted. You just squirted on him. He was half convinced that such a thing was just A rumour but... you did it.  
Blinking rapidly, Jaskier stares up at you awestruck and starry-eyed, trying desperately not to spill into his trousers.  
Oh yes. This is going to be a regular occurrence.  
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zontiky · 3 years
au where lila is adopted imto the umbrella academy
*rubs my gay little hands together* heehee hoohoo
first off im gonna say sorry diego :/ 
so lila grows up to be less of a manipulative shit bc she doesnt need it to survive or gain love from her parent
no thats not right
she receives real/”real” love from grace and reggie doesnt even pretend to give them love so unlike the handler who used love as leverage
so while lila is still cunning and sly and shit she also doesn’t try so hard to manipulate the hargreeves, bc, theyre her family
controversial take but i think lila and five would be close
this take is also hilarious but maybe only to me
both of them are good at getting things done and getting their way and also maybe it has smth to do with lila really liking how fives powers work?
it would really hit her hard when five leaves. bc that was her friend right there. maybe she and ben and/or vanya form a bond based on being bitter five left them behind
lila and ben would be a good friendship i would like to see it
six seven eight hanging out... hhh
OOOH MAYBE VANYA WOULD BE 8? because she’s powerless now? no no the number system existed before their powers came in nvm
its arbitrary so w/e lila’s #8 kjshssd
i think it’d once again be harder to blank slate vanya because,,  lila can use vanyas powers. she knows vanya has powers. maybe im not making any sense but also i just think it’d be nice for vanya to catch a break
maybe when little allie tries to rumour lila into forgetting lila pulls out that uno reverse card
or uno DEFLECT card lmao
but assuming vanya is still powerless, i still think vanya would have a bit of a better upbringing than canon
1) vanya has TWO other girls in the house who hang out with her and do girl things and yay sisters! 2) lila... gets it. her powers are reliant on the other’s powers. without them using their powers first, she basically has nothing. she gets it! vanya may be completely powerless but lila doesn’t have powers unless they’re training or they’re fighting and so vanya and lila would be close too
maybe vanya still gets some training bc of that! because if lila, part-time powerless, trains, and doesn’t use powers for half of battles, maybe vanya, “powerless,” can train and fight too
and i know this isnt a good thing bc like. hellooo child soldiers lmao?? but also vanya would feel like shes more of a part of the family and would have a friend by her side and maybe wouldnt even want to write the book in the first place
but also at the end of s1, when it’s discovered vanya DOES have powers, and they’re the most powerful of them all, actually, maybe lila grows bitter
i mean wouldnt you? the one person who was “less” than you, who you were better than in even the slightest way, is suddenly the baddest bitch around
so that sets up some interesting stuff for s2 haha
maybe ben doesn’t die
with another person on the mission, maybe somebody has his back. maybe ben doesn’t die
that’s assuming ben’s death was accidental tho bc we’ve all seen the death-by-horror-suicide theories
but anyway maybe lila stops ben’s death just by being there and fighting other people so ben has one more person covering him. maybe she’s there and it doesn’t matter and ben dies anyway. idk
if ben dies anyway then i think lila would be Extra Bitter but also really sad
five left her and now ben too? the people she cares most about keep getting torn away from her
and that’s not a good way to think because obviously her other siblings are hurting too, and theyre there with her too, and theyre there to do their best to support her in their own shitty way, and lila cares about them too...
but still. 
also tho lila and diego friendship... this is jumping back up a couple bullets back to before or right after five left
in s2 lila and diego both being in the asylum together would still be funny. lila pulls the bacon out of her sock and diego rolls his eyes and takes it, not even phased, because she’s been doing this for yearsss
ok if five doesnt leave and ben doesn’t die i think they might have a bit of a better life post-academy? but also if five does and ben does then i have no idea what lila would be
maybe she opens a shop
yeah i think that would be nice. lila’s store au JHSFKJHKSD
i think she might follow one of the siblings (diego or vanya) in their career paths bc its been drilled into her from the beginning that shes nothing without someone else to copy
maybe diego bc he still has powers... maybe she’d want to keep at least some powers
but if vanya didnt get suppressed or still got trained at least i think she’d go with vanya because they just do better together and diego is a bootlicker anyway /j but no seriously i get why he chose the police academy but also why not a fucking firefighter bitch?
maybe vanya plays in the orchestra and lila plays in a band
OK BUT IF BEN DOES DIE. maybe she follows klaus around for a bit because she cant bear to let ben go and when she copies klaus’ powers she can see him... even if just for a bit
that would impact ben’s arc a lot too because he’s not completely alone with only klaus, who is high out of his mind most of the time to keep him company, but also lila too, who i dont think would mess with drugs
so basically lila being added to the mix would mean everyone is just a little less alone i think
maybe luther is also less... mm idk how to put this
maybe he’s disillusioned a bit earlier regarding reggie? because he’s supposed to be #1 and the best but lila can do just what he can too. she can lift cars and throw people from buildings too. so how special is he really?
GOD i love thinking abt this. lila would impact all of their stories, in major or minor ways, and its really cool to explore how that would transpire
i think allison might also be a bit humbler before stepping into marriage in regards to using her powers
because if someone uses her own power on her as she’s growing up i feel like she’d learn that doing that has big consequences faster? maybe she’d still rumour her way into some roles or some classy interviews or just in general use her powers to help her career a bit... but i think with her knowing what its like to be rumoured she wouldn’t use it in personal situations. so maybe she wouldnt rumour claire.
maybe claire doesn’t exist at all bc it’s implied she rumoured patrick into falling in love with her :bonk: or maybe she still married patrick but later on because their relationship needs to develop first
oh also maybe pogo would be less of a BITCH in s1 because lila is persuasive tm 
yeah um thats all ive got alsfkds
THIS IS A FUN GOOD AU. i hope u like my Thoughts
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protezioni · 5 years
ALSO ONE MORE THING LOL, headcanons on a crossover au horror movie night?
This ended up really long but I hope you love it!! It's also probably because it's headcanons which I really live for. BUT ALSO YES OF COURSE I LIVE FOR THE CROSSOVER AU AND ALSO FOR HALLOWEEN!! All Zeta characters belong to Emi, FOLLOW @zetacomic !! Miho also was made by @polar-stars !! Isao was made by @nightcrownsking!! Stan them
Movie Picking
-Zuro sets out a whole bunch of movies, ranging from mockumentary horror films to you wouldn't be able to sleep for a week horror films on the table.
-Shoya is set on watching JAWS series. He wants to see his family win. Zuro adds one movie to the list because it was his bro's request.
-Haru comes in, SHE PICKS A MOVIE. She doesn't realize she's scarier than the movie marathon that is coming, but well- her choice will be included. Or else she will be angry. No one wants her angry. Ayame approves on her choice and recommends a movie. Zuro places her recommendation away. Ayame was never best to pick one unless it was romance movies.
-TAI AND MAI SAY THEY WANT MURDER ON SCREEN. Their sugesstion? Accepted. There was a slasher horror, which did include murder. They would probably enjoy it that day.
-Izami tosses a few recommendations. He picks the one with the horror that pulls on the most heartstrings yet still scares the crap out of people. Suggestion accepted.
-Isao gives a movie. Immediately burned by Sepheir. She does not trust this man.
-So far they have one Jaws movie, a film Haru wanted, slasher horror and an angsty horror movie. Seems good enough. They will be watching from 6-3, but people can choose to sleep earlier (if they can after that).
Movie Preparation
-Ko spends SO MUCH. Chips, Sodas, Full blown Meals, Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Everything--- For EVERYONE. He splits them all evenly and everyone has their personal food and drink box.
-Makoto is SURPISED over how much things he bought without thinking... He shouldn't spend his money like this! But it was for Zygos and Protezioni... but still! That's carelessly using money!
-Makoto gives him a good talk
-Yuuki is lowkey anxious over the movie choices but Asuka ends up comforting him and calming him down. Tells him that Big Sis Asuka is always there! Yuuki calms down fairly well!
-Yuri is watching Shigure cry even before the movie starts. She's calling him a dumbass and tells him it hasn't started yet. Turns our Shigure was crying over something else and she facepalms.
-Romano is hugging his paperwork but Hide is trying to tell him to relax for once and let it go. He follows for once and believes in her words. She says it is best to let himself not do work since Halloween only happens once a year. He is very convinced.
-Ace is worried if the kids can handle it, but he prepares a comfort blanket in advanced in case any of them want to go under one later. There are 10 comfort blankets with stuffed toys under it. Tsukki helps in gathering pillows.
-The movie marathon starts.
Movie Watching
-Jaws was the first to come.
-All of Zygos turn their head to Shoya. Protezioni proceeds to do the same.
-"I wanted to see my fellow scalys."
"Jun, your temper is worse than your height"
-Eis tries to calm Junko down, Zuro laughs about the whole thing. Fortunato facepalms and tells them to calm the fuck down. Maemi knew this would happen. He is very tired. Kaito tries to stop them.
-Anyway Jaws was being watched by several other people. Kuro thoughts the sharks were dolphins. "Dudeeee, they're sharks? I thought sharks were bigger." "THOSE ARE WHALES, KURO"
-Kana is laughing her ass off at this moment, Ren makes a dramatic speech in the middle "Oh whale, oh shark, what is your true reflection-" Shima is so done with this shit. What's worse- the speech or the movie? Shinji talks about how different everyone's aura is because of one single movie.
-Tilear is too busy snickering over Team Omega to focus, she is enjoying. Izami is actually watching the movie. Asks Oliviero if his fang was close to a shark's. Oliviero said he was more of cub or something. Ko wants them to be quiet so he could watch the film. They don't become quiet.
-Haru is excited. She says she brought up the next movie! Everyone is wondering what she picked. It turns out to be a psychological horror! They did not expect this, but the movie was fine.
-Kaito SCREAMS when he sees something happens, he is seeking for hug. For comfort. He cannot handle this. Aki decides to hug him and comfort him. They go to the comfort blankets.
-Tsuyobi jumps off the couch when something happens, Mitsu is the one who takes care of a shaking Tsuyobi. Hoping he is is okay.
-Alderardo names everything wrong with the film because it's a psychological horror and not a lot of things makes sense. Haru yells at him to shut up. He shuts up. Tana is glad he was able to shut the fuck up. Wants to thank Haru for that.
-Masao feels like an undefeated entity because he didn't back out in the movie unlike Kaito. HE WAS THE SUPERIOR LEADER. THE BRAVER LEADER. THE--- Kaya tells him to stop being like that and just sit down and enjoy the movie. Masao ends up sitting down and watching the movie.
-Anzu is clinging to Hide, Hide allows her to cling to her. Eis is clinging to Ella, who looks around but awkwardly pats Eis's back. Team 2 is making a theory silently because they are the most observant team. ALL THEIR THEORIES WERE PROVEN RIGHT.
-Miho comes in out of nowhere, a smile on her face, a flashlight underneath her. "Tea?" EVERYONE THOUGHT SHE LOOKED LIKE A GHOST. Turns out Ami was holding the flashlight below her. She is now officially dubbed as the tea ghost. She looked like one of the characters.
-The next is the slasher film the Murder Twins chose. THEY BOTH BRING UP MURDER. Riichi looks interested, he brings up he learned some sneaky moves through this movie! A lot of people look at them and see them as a very dangerous group if they worked together.
-Yuuki does get anxious over some parts, but Asuka is there to comfort him. Yarohe ends up being his comfort teddy bear. Ko just silently watches the rest to see how they are doing.
-Bren and Tilear have a small discussion because there is a lot of things to talk about since there are weapons in it. Tilear asks Yuuki about a question about his gun and says he doesn't need to feel anxious because he'd be able to shoot the man with no problem. Asuka pats the back of Yuuki who is internally screaming because someone believes in his skill.
-Marmi ends up gathering notes and he sees how Riichi was able to use these notes for something. Celes predicts what's happens next, saying it was a common strategy that is found in horror films. Calls the cast dumb and she isn't surprised that they are dying.
-The strategists talk about something together and make the best plan to escape if they ever end up in a situation like that. Their plan is the best plan ever created and if they were in a horror movie, they will 10000000% survive. Celes, Hide, Maemi, Miho and Shinji were a group who'd never die in a horror film.
-Ami mentions things that could have happened and says she would be a better murderer than the main antagonist of the slasher film. The stealth experts agree with her. Kiyaru also brings that up and Team 2 all agree with her. Bernando says he would fight the antagonist and win. The whole team 4 agrees. Akira comments about how unrealistic it is and the cops are doing a horrible job, brings up both Zygos and Protezioni are way better than the cops. Says the cops are useless in the movie.
-The talk is about murder and how they survive. The movie was overall enjoyable though and it was a great slasher film. There were holes to it, but the Murder Twins loved the blood.
-Okay now was the horror film that had the most emotional scenes. Kaito goes out of the comfort blanket, and Izami gives a small warning that it gets pretty sad. Sepheir comments she knows the film and it does get pretty sad. Everyone knows it's seriously shit sad when Sepheir says that.
-The horror parts were scary as fuck. People jumped from their seats. Kaito wanted to hide again and he screamed again. He is not the best with horror movies. Ayame comments about how this was really disturbing and Hiyaro agrees with her comments. Junko says if she saw a face like that, she's stab the fucker.
-Okay but when the sad parts come? PEOPLE BEGIN CRYING. Kaito starts bawling his eyes out instead of screaming and the whole Zetas decided to comfort their leader. Anzu starts tearing up and Hide tries to cheer her up but yells at Izami for showing that movie. Izami yells back that he warns them. Shigure is crying so bad and Yuri awkwardly comforts him but he just cries even louder. Aki is crying and Allen is in panic. Rika is silently crying and Akira is just allowing her to lean on him.
-It ends up with people crying because of fear or because of sadness. Shoya laughs at some parts and no one knows why he laughs. "LOOK HE DIED" "It isnT FUNNY SHO" "IT WAS IN A STUPID WAY" "SHO"
-Mitsu cries and the whole Zeta is prepared to fight whoever made Mitsu cry. It turns out it was the film. It's just that emotional.
-Movie night ends after the whole roller coaster ride of emotions
-A lot end up sleeping in the living room. Reo and Namito were actually busy doing trick or treating and they slept early like the good kids they are! They wake up to this sight and wonder what happened! Good children through and through.
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hildorien · 5 years
I am in the minority but I’d love to know more about the pre-noldor elvish edain culture, history, and just life. 
I wanna know more about men in the context of men, I wanna see history through human eyes without the elvish perspective. 
I wanna know the full experiences of all humans in middle earth not the ones the elves interacted with. And if you have to have elves, I wanna hear about what humans thought of elves that isnt ‘oh they are so perfect and amazing and beautiful uwu’, because that’s kind of boring and we can all agree first age elves? on the whole? pretty shitty. (I love em but they have one brain cell to share among them and fuck up on the regular). 
I wanna see Humans who were born into a dumpster fire that is the world of arda, these are a people who didn’t get Orome leading them to heaven on earth, they got Morgoth. These are a people who lived in Morgoth’s land for centuries who probably experienced horror and oppression from basically their species infancy. Unlike the elves of valinor, or even the Sindarin protected by Melian, horror and despair would have not been their abnormal, it would be their everyday.  But they aren’t broken, they survive. They make families, connections, lives in this wasteland. They adapt and change, because I think in some ways that is the race of men’s true advantage over elves. That we don’t have a gap on our ‘greatness’ persay, humanity’s ambitions get’s mutated into greed a lot (I mean numenor is a dumspter fire for a reason) but I think that human ambition is a strength because it means we don’t accept our circumstances. The Edian sure didn’t. 
The edain, the Boerians, the people of haleth, and the hadorians, all marched themselves out of morgoth’s land hoping for something better, with NO GUARANTEE they find anything better.  But they still did it. And while we are here, let’s talk about how the race of men has not guarantee of anything, like elves (and dwarves) kind of know where they end up. They go to Mandos and get reborn, they go to aule, respectively. Men...don’t have that. Men really didn’t get anything (but Morgoth and suffering). They leave this world forever, thats what they know. Thats what they are told. 
But no one knows what the means. (Personally, I think its like a good place situation kind of. Eru is just michael and turin is janet) 
But anyway back to the POINT, (if there ever was one) the edain end up finding beleriand but beleriand isn’t the paradise they wanted. But hey, its not morgoth so let’s celebrate said the beorians before promptly getting found by finrod. And look elves did a lot of good for humans, but I also think there is this really bad dynamic of elves holding all the power and men just being in it for the ride. 
Ive made the joke that the elves of the first age are kind of like the edian’s sugar daddies but it’s kind of true. They give them land and like ‘wisdom’ (whatever the fuck that means) and in return men give them their ever increasing numbers. The Silm is a very elven story we don’t really get a lot of human, but when we do I think it’s pretty interesting. Because the relationship between Elves and Men is really uneven in the first age...and all ages even though in later ages forces of men like numenor at their height could I think easily sweep the floor with the elves of the second age combined. I think culturally Elves give a lot more, like men end up picking up their language, though im one hundred percent sure human languages didn’t die out and never do, humans must have shit talked elves a LOT in taliska (oh yes, that is the name of at least the language spoken by the hadorians and beorians, the people of haleth spoke a different dialect) and I think a lot of humans give more in resources (aka men, power, infantry). I mean personally if I was having at a guess I don’t think (as the latecomers) men got very many places to actually farm and have good land and relied on elvish goods to survive. I think this unevenness kind of spurred this idea that ‘elvishness = superior’, so to make this full circle I think a lot of pre edain culture was lost to make place for diet pepsi version of elf culture that we see human cultures like numenor and gondor have, because that’s better than their orn because elves are SPECIal BETTER AND DON’T DIE LIKE US BROKEN AND FALLEN PEOPLE.  ((screams)) 
Okay let’s talk about the death thing. Human and Mortal and Men all mean the same thing, humans die is not a statement that should be up for debate. But the humans of edain, at least from what we see of Andreth is that this was not how it always was. Humans were once immortal like the elves until they were bad and listened to morgoth and then they became mortal and all sick and ew. 
yeahhhh, I don’t think thats true. I think in-universe its a great myth. I love finrod ah andreth for this reason (also andreth is tolkien’s best female character he ever created and the fact that she’s not in the published silm is why we are in the bad timeline) , but I think humans...always were mortal. 
And thats okay. 
We talked about human ambition above, I think that is fueled by the fact that we all die. We have a timer, so we have to do things now, and that’s not a bad mindset to have. I think it gets humjans into trouble but also, imagine your a human in beleriand, you have children, a family, they might have children someday you want to do what you need to do to make sure THEY have a chance. 
(also lets talk about the fucked up fact that humans are punished for lsitening to morgoth in the first place like im sorry that humans didnt have any other valar looking for them, there was no orome, no fucking chance that they could have met anyone else because no valar came for them only morgoth with his lies so yes humans are bad for listening to the only god like entity that seemed like he wanted to help them, the elves did that too but they had nice gods so they are wise while humans who have illness and sickness and death over their heads listen to a guy with power okay jirt i see your double fuckig stnarad and its STUPID) 
And you can’t wait for that chance, so you leap. I think this is best illustrated by Turin of all people. Turin gets called elvish a lot in looks but in actions, he, like most of his family, are allllllllll human. The bridge in nargothrand even though it’s stupid and ends up horribly kind of reminds me of this. Turin doesn’t have time to wait like Gwindor, and Orodreth, etc do. his people have already been fucking disomated, he’s lost his father, his mother is trapped in enemy territory.  He wants to help. 
Sure it blows up in his face, but yknow...the want to do good is there. 
I think on the whole humans get a bad rep...like they’re called stupid and dumb and ugly by both fandom and in universe elves alike. But I don’t think that’s the case. Humans have a lot more balls and have collectively been through more trauma as a species than I think all of the elves (especially valinorian) elves combined. I think when humans fuck up, whether it be turin or numenor, it’s proof of their incompetence, that their inante (eru-given ability) to have ambition to seek beyond the world they live in for something better for something more is evil and they should be more like the elves, stagnant, already at the height of ‘perfection’, never changing....instead of being humans. Like look at these fools trying to act like than can be GOOD at something, sit down and let these elves be best at everything obviously. How many of you would look at me funny if I said, maybe the race of men was BETTER THAN THE ELVES AT SOMETHING? A lot of you im sure, and someone would have a rebuttle for how I was wrong and how this elf was considered the best. 
(like that post going around how could turin actually be #that pretty to thot his way through all of beleriand? Maybe he just Was like that, sure he may have a little elvish ness but honestly I think that be a funny thing elves say to cover up the fact some elves found a icky human was actually just that fucking hot, because obviously humans could never be that actually hot ever, not to intangle a sindarin mast of a guard, a NOLDORIAN VANYAR-DESSCENT PRINCESS, ect) 
Also just to go back to numenor, ever want an example of why it doesnt work for men to act like elves...look at numenor, early numenor was as elvish as humans could produce....but then they got bored. And then numneor became an empire and everyone eventually had so much of a bad time, eru reshaped the fucking world just to wipe the valar’s ‘humans but better’ ocs off the face of the planet. Like just to stray off topic I personally think men can’t go to valinor 1) because the two trees are actually nuclear, and the whole damn island is chernobyl instant death right there and thats why the valinor elves are like #that (they GLOW for gods shake) 2) the monotonous never changing perfection of valinor while amazing in the short term for humans would eventually drive them crazy. Not to say that the race of men doesn’t like some peace and quite or even humans (like myself) can be obverse to change, even I can admit doing the same thing ever day would drive me crazy. 
This got super rambly, but its been a lot of thoughts Ive been having for a long ass time. Basically, I just want people to talk to me about the atani, edian, race of men, whatever you want to call them. They deserve a lot better and a lot more respect than just playing a supporting role to the elves. 
They didn’t kill all those dragons to be ignored like this. 
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Crystal skulls. Whats the appeal? & Their ancient, phony history. 💀☠️💀☠️
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Disclaimer: Most of my posts about magic are my personal craft, and my opinions. I hope they inspire you in your craft, but as always, they are just opinions. my word is not the authority , and neither is any other blog post.
The history
If you want some well sourced and better written information on how these skulls came about, I suggest the wikipedia article for crystal skulls.
In the early 1900′s, there was a trend of the occult, adventuring, archaeology, and treasure. This resulted in a lot of fake artifacts that people produced solely for fame and fortune, and a lot of frauds.  (similar things come to mind, like the Ica stones, Ectoplasm photography,The trade of shrunken heads, and pretty much anything to do with Ed and Lorraine warren, in my opinion at least.) 
Tldr, think about stuff like the plot of the disney tarzan movie. White dudes, trying to make money off of some culture theyre actively harming.
Theres a lot of “history” about them being Mesoamerican artifacts, important in aztec, inca, and whoever else they've decided to pass it to’s religious practices and magical rituals, but this is simply not true. There probably have been skull shaped idols/icons in the past, but these perfect, “ancient aliens” style , magical, all knowing , perfectly carved crystal skulls were made up purely to sensationalize them. Anything about getting “all 13″ or however many together for some ritual,, i call BS. 
Most modern carved skulls might have had these older ones in mind when they were made, but truly, have nothing to do with them.
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(a modern skull that was originally passed off as an artifact, who resides in the British museum)
So whats the appeal of modern skulls? 
First of all, from a lapidary standpoint, skulls are challenging and fun to carve! having a style, giving it an expression, the markings that end up on it from the inclusions in the stone, all very fun for someone who cuts stones. Its simply art, even if you dont use them for anything else. alot of the time, due to the quality of the materials, and the effort that went into their creation, they end up higher end of the price range. Its worth it if youre willing. 
In magic, the skull shape is symbolic of many things. of the self, mankind, of consciousness, maybe a memento mori, or a figure to represent death or the cycles, for retaining knowledge, or maybe just for ancestor worship. (And probably more im overlooking.) They have so many uses and are very versatile just for their symbolic meaning. Skull candles are also very good for magic no matter what kind of magic it is.
This next part is something ive learned/realized in my work~
The skull shape also gives the crystal spirit a stronger personality. by giving the crystal a Human-ish shape, or one that represents us at least, it can easier express itself in terms a human can understand. Crystal skulls a lot of the time are more talkative and opinionated than regular crystal spirits, simply because now they have a link, and a way to relate to humans a bit better. Another part of this is because a human put work and effort into making it, and the love that comes with the craft contributes to its personality and strength. 
These skulls are known to be knowledgeable. If you have questions, try asking a crystal skull. 
A lot of skulls have their own likes and dislikes, and relationships. One skull might name itself the protector ,mother, or leader of a group of skulls. They might have likes and dislikes concerning the way you cleans them, what music to listen to, who should be put where, And the fairness of house spirit rules.
(my sisters skull, the dumortierite with the mask on the left there, wasnt fond of my rules when i put them into place. just try and work it out with them if they have any scruples.) 
Crystal skulls are good to have as companions for those who want to start spirit work, but start somewhere kinda small. Theyre a step up from plant spirits, but are probably easier than more complex spirits. They help in divination and meditation because of their opinions, and in general, theyre just really fun. Even if you start out off put by the imagery of a skull, try adding one to your family. You might just find that youve fallen in love. I didnt buy my first skull, it was given to me as a gift,i never considered getting one. But ever since then my family has steadily grown.
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Good ole grainy pic of my little family. Left to right, Doomy, Princip, Seft, Jasper (whom isnt a jasper), And Tibbs! theres still room for more on my shelf, too~
Like the ideas in my Crystal spirits post ,Which you should totally check out if you dont know how to work with crystals, btw,  These skulls work the same way as regular crystals. once you get to know them for a while, ive found most of the time they WILL give you their name, if they have one. If you have problems trying to work with crystals, get you a skull. they seem to be much stronger. 
Certain crystals might have preferred roles. Some like to work in healing magic, some like to help in divination, some may help in grounding/warding/protecting, and some may just like to hang around with you just for fun.
There are also other shaped skulls, some looking like aliens,some being bird skulls,  some having decorative carvings on them, or druzy body horror aspects  (my seftonite up there, the big guy, has a snake on his head~)
Im sure other folk use these crystals in different ways, but personally, thats how i work with them. 
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 What if I think skulls are spooky and gross, and i dont want them in my craft!
Dont be scared when i tell you this, sit down for a sec. Grab your own hand. Poke at it a bit, Feel that? The hard stuff? That means youve got a skeleton in you, Right now! Dont be scared of them, we all have one. Theyre pretty neat.
Im mostly jokeing, but being grossed out by something that helps you live is kind of funny~ 
I know skulls are given a bad rep. some known as “deaths head”,and in the instance of one crystal skulls in specific, “the skull of doom” . Because they can be used to do hexes/curses, and predict/cause deaths. But most of this is because of the aforementioned sensationalism. Skulls bring up ideas like death and decay, evil, and general bad omens. some people just dont like looking at things that are considered “gorey” or “macabre”. but let me sway you to think about it on both of the sides. Anything symbolizing death also comes with the ideas of rebirth and regrowth. Anything negative must be analyzed to find the positives. Even if you “CAN” theoretically use them in negative magic, you dont HAVE to.
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If youve found this post as a magic user who was unsure but curious about skulls, i hope youve come away with some more knowledge on how to work with them/their history. 
If youve stumbled upon this post somehow because you are a parent, and are concerned for your kids obsession with “morbid” things, or possibly that they are a practicing magic user, just be aware they are probably just exploring their creativity and bringing positivity to the world.
A lot of things you can use crystal skulls for, is the same or similar as candle skulls, and real bones. (the discussion of bone magic and the ethical problems with owning actual remains, whether human or animal, is for another time, and definitely not for this post. I only work with crystals and candles and therefore dont have a dog in that fight.) 
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And after all, if you dont WANT a skull. you dont absolutely need one. But i would definitely recommend trying them at least once. most of the time they are friendly, and willing to help. I hope this post made at least a little bit of coherent sense. 
Admin Fifa~
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theav0cadobaby · 5 years
Podcast Recs cause I'm listening to too many of them. I listened to most of these in a month.
WOLF 359:
I literally couldn't recommend this podcast enough it's a ride of excitement and stress; twists and turns that is a rollercoaster of an experience. Basically it's about this crew of three plus a friendly AI orbiting the dwarf star Wolf 359, it seems like a fun comedy until shit gets real.
This podcast has frequent stressful situations, a lot of violence, and a lot of near death experiences. It's hard to tag everything.
This podcast so far is really interesting in world building and characters. It's about these two mechanics held in debt by this intergalactic corporation that go around and fix space junk.
This podcast has violence, body horror in one episode, and alien plagues.
This is kinda like a mix of Gravity Falls and Welcome to Night Vale. The show is told completely through radio broadcasts of the Sammy and Ben show. Though mysterious things (more mysterious than all of the other paranormal shenanigans) start happening and it's just... Great. All of the characters are wonderful and honestly hilarious, I really recommend this one it's sooooo good.
There are depictions of Gaslighting, violence, alien abductions, intense racism from one character though it's very clear that that character is a bad person and it is comedic, homophobia in later episodes, violence against sugar gliders specifically (no I'm not kidding), and one murderous elf on the shelf.
I honestly don't know what the hell goes on in this podcast but like it's pretty cool time stuff so like yeah. Its two hours tops to get through it.
This story is a bit trippy and I honestly barely remember it so I don't have much in the way of trigger warnings
This podcast is good technically I'd say but it's kinda thick if that makes sense. It feels like a chore to watch cause I don't care that much for the characters and they don't talk like normal people which is annoying. But it's still something I think is good. It's about these two scientists going to an alien planet and getting their shit fucked up thoroughly. It's genuinely terrifying at times.
There are trigger warnings in the show notes but this podcast has a lot body horror, violence, and is kinda fucked up sometimes.
Honestly this podcast is the next big thing in my opinion. I really liked the first season it's so interesting and it's like Janus Descending but a lot cooler and more interesting and funny. I'm really looking forward to it's next season! Basically this Xenobiologist (space animal scientist) is stranded on alien planet with intense tidal activity and the podcast is a mix of her complaining about her co-workers, surviving, and talking about the ecosystem. It's super interesting.
This podcast is kinda icky but I love it. There are depictions of small spaces and people who don't like water might not like this podcast.
EOS 10:
This is one of the big ones. It's about doctors, a cook, and an alleged space terrorist on this space station. It's really funny and I love the characters to death. The third season got a bit tricky though cause they kinda had to retcon a character out of the story cause they apparently fired his voice actor. And it gets like.... Super confusing. But still please watch it it's so good.
This story deals with alcoholism and drug addiction, along with violence, terrorism, grief, sexual interactions (though these are brief.) And medical stuff in general.
It's like We Fix Space Junk but 100x more positive (not saying that WFSJ is inferior, that's not true at all) and honestly it's like so sweet to watch. Things can get a bit unclear but that's okay. Also apparently the main character is nonbinary so that's great. It's about this fellow Feston who decides "fuck it" and fucks off away from their office job and goes to explore the universe with their ship (who I love btw, she's really nice)
There are occasional moments of violence and implications of sexual situations but overall it's pretty safe I think.
I haven't listened to the other storyline yet but basically it's about this private detective on mars. It's really gay like... REALLY GAY. This is the epitome of the "podcasts are really gay" posts. This podcast is what they're talking about. Aside from that is has a really interesting plot, stellar voice acting and great characters!
This podcast has depictions of violence, body horror at some point, guns (laser guns though) and abuse (there is a warning before those episodes however.
This is a genre defining podcast. All of the podcasts I just listed proably wouldn't exist without this and it's actually so good. It's fucking trippy, and it's so much fun. You can tell the creators put so much love and thought into the podcast and it's just amazing. Basically it's a radio show about this incredibly weird town. And if I have to explain it to you, that means you need to listen to it.
This podcast is very existential, and since it's just so weird and all over the place in what's weird it's hard to really tag anything, I apologise, plus it's been a while since I've listened to it.
This podcast is so fucking good, you've probably already heard of it, and definitely of the producers, the McElroy family. It's these three brothers and their dad playing DnD (initially) together and I can't even describe it. But it literally made me cry so hard that I got a sinus infection.
There are depictions of violence, torture during the suffering game arc, there's an instance of bury your gays which I'm not gonna elaborate on cause of spoilers but don't worry about it. And sometimes some innuendos and sexual stuff ("hey thug what's your name I'm about to tentacle your dick" is an iconic line and a good example of that)
This podcast is about a philosophy student going to live in a underwater station and it's a lot of fun and the atmosphere of wet and uncomfortable is really excellently communicated. It's another really diverse podcast (which seems to be a trend with Procyon podcasts)
This podcast is not for people who like small spaces and deep ocean.
Maybe I'm just stupid or this one's hard to keep up on. Nevertheless I really liked the characters and it's just really fun. It's about this crew of ragtag smugglers trying to find out what's up with the former ship of their new crewmate. Featuring a lot of diversity (This is a Procyon podcast) and good voice acting.
This is actually a true crime / nonfiction podcast about the Bear Brook murders. It's rather gory and disgusting at times but really interesting.
This podcast is not for the faint of heart though, it is a true crime podcast, and it does talk about the horrible things that a serial killer can do.
Basically therapy sessions for those with abnormal abilities. It's really good and the characters are actually so amazing. This podcast does a lot of interesting stuff that really interests me. I haven't finished it but I'm currently pretty far in. I think this podcast has the potential to actually help people with their problems.
This podcast has depictions of gaslighting, manipulation, panic attacks, mentions of torture and isolation, attempted kidnapping, actual kidnappings, depictions of war (this has trigger warnings though), and violence
I'm actually sad that this is just a three part series. It's so much fun, and so good. It's by the same people who made Wolf 359 and it follows a bomb squad on New Year's Eve. Highly recommend it cause it's a really quick listen.
This podcast has bombs.
This podcast deals with true crime and supernatural stuff and is presented in the classic podcast way. It's also really triggering cause of the true crime aspect but I seriously recommend this. It's genuinely really informative.
This podcast like Bear Brook is not for the faint of heart.
This is a really interesting take on various legends it's a mix of storytelling in a very nonfictional sense that slips into dialogue that's rather interesting. I haven't listened to a lot of the episodes but it's good.
This podcast does discuss myths that were a product of their times so there are depictions and mentions of misogyny, rape and violence, even if I haven't listened to all of it.
Has that same kinda switches in storytelling as Myths and Legends but a lot less coordinated and a lot funnier. Its a lot of fun to listen to the podcast and the hosts are really funny.
These also have the same tw as the podcast before this.
This is by one of the co-creators of WTNV it's about a trucker trying to find her lost wife. Ive only listened to the first part but it's really good and I highly recommend it. It's actually like amazing and really captivating. Also terrifying.
This podcast has depictions of intense violence, existentialism, and body horror. And probably more I haven't even finished it.
I'm sorry if I didn't include something in the trigger warnings about these podcasts, but I hope it helps. I've been listening to a lot of them and it's so much fun!
13 notes · View notes
juju-on-that-yeet · 6 years
In my defense, the good ending isnt done yet ;w;
This is the bad end in which Dark stays dead forever and the other egos have to cope. Be warned that theres some pretty messed-up stuff in here. I added new tags on AO3, Take a look at those before you read if youre worried.
Tag list: @spookyscarydarky @alliedoesstuff
Happy reading?
> NO
“Well?” Chrome asks.
Dr. Iplier shakes his head.
“He’s not going to come back,” he says, somber and quiet, “It’s been weeks, and the bullet wound is the same as it was when he first got shot. If he was going to heal, there’d be some progress by now.”
Chrome’s eyebrows knit together. He was never Dark’s biggest fan, but Dark is still one of them, not to mention the leader of them all. Chrome is young, he’s never seen a figment die like this before.
“What happens now?” he asks.
“I…” Dr. Iplier shudders. “I have to tell the others. I have to tell everyone.” He begins to pace as it sinks in. “Dark’s dead, the others have to know. Wilford…fuck, Wilford might kill someone. He might kill me. Someone has to watch Yan…”
“I can watch him,” Chrome says, “And I can put out an alert for a meeting.”
Dr. Iplier pauses, surprised to hear the most crochety of the Googles offer help.
“Yes, please do, thank you,” he replies. He sighs. “This is bad. This is really bad.”
Chrome nods as he sends a mental ping to his brothers, letting them know that a group meeting is to be called.
Dr. Iplier leaves the clinic, still muttering.
Yandere sleeps a dreamless sleep.
Yandere misses the meeting, which is for the best. Dr. Iplier relays the news, and despite how uncertain they all were to begin with, they can’t help but be shocked. Wilford takes the news especially poorly, putting a dozen new holes in the conference room. It takes all three attending Googles to restrain him, but by some miracle no one is shot. It takes quite a long time for the meeting to calm down, and Dr. Iplier is beyond drained by the end of it.
When he walks back to the clinic to see if Yandere has woken up yet, he finds him sobbing into Chrome’s chest. Chrome, meanwhile, holds Yandere with a pained expression that he doesn’t bother disguising when he turns to Dr. Iplier. The doctor bites his lip as he walks over.
“Oh, kid,” he says softly, sitting down beside Yandere and Chrome. He lays a gentle hand on Yandere’s shoulder, and feels it shake as he cries. “I…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry—”
“Don’t…don’t say it,” Yandere chokes out through his sobs, “P-please don’t say it.”
Dr. Iplier’s mouth snaps shut. It’s in his nature as a figment to say what he’s about to say, so doesn’t let himself say anything at all. Chrome is silent, too, and the pair comfort Yandere as best they can.
Several days go by as Yandere cries almost nonstop, curled up in a clinic bed with half a dozen IVs in his arm. He starts to recover despite himself under Dr. Iplier’s care, and Chrome is practically glued to his side the entire time. Dr. Iplier and Chrome both know that Wilford is always the best at comforting Yandere, but they also know that they can’t go to him for help right now, not when the man is barely himself.
Since the meeting, Wilford has become more erratic than ever. He paces, mutters, twitches, and doesn’t respond when others try to talk to him. Before long he ends up in Dark’s room, taking Yandere’s place there. But instead of cuddling Dark and talking to him quietly, Wilford rages. He screams at Dark so loud the whole building can hear, curses him for doing this, for dying on him again, or else he laughs, letting out peals of deranged hysterical laughter because surely it’s another joke, isn’t it? It has to be another joke, Dr. Iplier is in it, and it certainly was a fine prank, but it’s gone on too long, it’s not funny anymore, quit joking around and wake up Dark it’s not funny wake up come back not again not again not again not again it’s been ten hours it’s been so much more than ten hours Dark you asshole you self-absorbed bastard don’t you fucking do this to me–
As angry as he gets, somehow he always stops short of violence towards Dark. He’ll punch the wall or fire into the ceiling, but he never touches Dark. Anyone who enters the room to talk sense into him is fair game, however, so the other egos mostly leave him alone.
Eventually, though, Wilford and Yandere both calm down, and the other egos decide it’s finally time to bury Dark before either of them get too upset again.
When Dr. Iplier leaves that meeting and enters the clinic, this time he finds Yandere laying in his hospital bed, staring at the ceiling with tired, half-lidded eyes. Chrome is sitting nearby, silently watching as per usual.
“Hey, Yan,” the doctor begins as he approaches Yandere’s bedside, “How are you feeling?”
Yandere says nothing. He doesn’t even look at Dr. Iplier.
“Look, Yandere, we’re having the funeral tomorrow,” he says, knowing he doesn’t have to – and shouldn’t – clarify for whom, “Do you want to be there?”
There’s a long pause as Yandere closes his eyes. When he opens them, his blank expression remains unchanged.
“Of course,” he says, voice flat and monotone and so unlike Yandere that it hurts Dr. Iplier to hear.
The funeral happens with every ego in attendance but Wilford, who couldn’t bear to see his oldest friend go under the ground. It’s somber and mostly quiet, though the most sensitive among them can’t help but cry.
All but Yandere.
Throughout the entire sad ceremony, Yandere’s expression remains blank. His eyes are glazed and half-lidded, but they stay dry. His lips are a straight line, never turning even slightly up or down. His steps are measured and quiet, his arms at his sides, body language stiff. He doesn’t shed a single tear, doesn’t say a single word, doesn’t give Dark any last touch before he’s buried. He’s since healed up from his time spent not eating or sleeping, but he still looks like a ghost as he stands among the other egos, silent and nearly still. He stares at the ground where Dark is buried, remaining there even as the others leave. For nearly an hour he stays there.
Mark already knows what’s going on. He was shocked to hear of Dark’s death, and despite how much he and Dark hated each other, he still expressed sorrowful and guilt-stricken apologies to the other egos when he was told about it. Yandere doesn’t doubt Mark’s sincerity, but sincerity cannot raise the dead, nor can it make up for what death takes. An apology isn’t good enough. There needs to be something more.
And Yandere knows just how to get it.
The other egos, by now, are used to him leaving Ego Inc. and traveling through Los Angeles to have fun or let off steam. So no one thinks anything of it when he slinks away from Dark’s grave and disappears into the city.
Mark takes a moment to sit back and stretch for as he edits a video. He’s been at it for only an hour, but already he finds himself getting distracted by his thoughts as he works. Perhaps it’s because he’s editing footage of himself playing a horror game, but he can’t help thinking about Darkiplier.
It’s stunning to know that he’s dead. That something as simple as a Valentine’s video, intended to be goofy and lighthearted and a treat for the fans, was the thing that did it. It’s almost poetic; videos brought Dark into the world, and a video took him out of it. It’s sad, too. Mark didn’t like Dark, still doesn’t like him now that he’s gone, but he can’t help but feel a strange sort of sorrow. Maybe the fans were the ones who created him originally, but they only made him because Mark gave them the idea. In a way, Mark made him, and he hadn’t meant to cause his death. His friends have already told him it wasn’t his fault and that no one could’ve predicted this outcome, and objectively Mark knows it’s true, but he can’t help but feel responsible. It had been Dr. Iplier who told him, and Mark could hear in his voice how serious the situation is. Dark had led all the egos, who’s going to do that now? Mark’s first thought is Wilford, but having created him, he can’t imagine him as a very effective leader. So who, then? Mark doesn’t know. He suspects Dr. Iplier doesn’t know either. The entire future of the egos is up in the air, all because of a video that, by all accounts, should’ve made Dark stronger.
He sighs to himself, shakes his head to clear his thoughts, and decides to go back to editing. He slips his headphones back on, but before he can unpause the footage he was looking at, he hears Chica running through the hall, hears her claws scrabbling on the hardwood. He takes his headphones off again, wondering if she might need to go out. Chica makes a deep sound, somewhere between a bark and a woof, and beneath it, Mark hears a door opening.
Wait, that can’t be right. He’s the only one in the house aside from Chica. He isn’t expecting any visitors, and even if he was, they wouldn’t be able to just come inside. This is Los Angeles; Mark can’t afford to leave his front door unlocked, and he never does.
He stands from his chair, walking to the door of the recording room he’s in and pressing an ear against it, trying to listen to whatever’s happening in the house more clearly. He knows he could hear better if he just opened the door, but he’s too nervous to. Chica continues to bark, sharper now, in a way that suggests whatever’s she’s seeing is unfamiliar to her.
Mark’s heart stops when, between Chica’s barks, he hears a voice telling her to hush.
He pulls away from the door and instinctively puts a hand over his mouth, hoping whoever’s here – whoever’s invaded his home – doesn’t know he’s here. Hoping whoever’s here isn’t out for blood. The kitchen is within sight of the front entrance, his wallet’s on the counter there. It’d be a hassle to cancel and replace his cards, but the best-case scenario in his mind is whoever’s here snatching his wallet and leaving as quickly as they came. Mark hopes they don’t hurt Chica, who continues to bark and growl.
Until she stops.
Mark feels ice freezing his veins. Why did she stop barking? He can hear the person walking around still, no longer telling Chica to be quiet. Emotion rises in Mark’s throat. Is Chica hurt? Did this person break into his house and hurt his dog? Or worse? Terror grabs hold of Mark’s heart, but he stays where he is, frozen in his recording room. He wants to go out and confront this son of a bitch, find out if Chica is alright, but he has no idea what he’d do if the other person started a fight. What if they’re armed? Mark hasn’t heard a gun go off, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have one. Or a knife, or a bat, or anything that could’ve silenced Chica quietly.
That thought makes Mark whimper from behind his hand, but he doesn’t move. He feels like a coward as he listens to whoever is in his house walk around a little more before the front door shuts.
Then, all is quiet.
Mark waits, silently counts to ten, before throwing open the door and running down the hall, rushing to the kitchen. He finds Chica laying on the floor, chewing something between her paws, blood spotting her neck and back.
“Chica!” Mark cries as he reaches her. He pats Chica all over, looking for injuries, not caring about getting blood on his hands.
But he finds nothing. Not a scratch. Chica looks at Mark blithely, tongue hanging out of her mouth, as though nothing is amiss at all. Mark finally looks at what she’s holding in her paws: A bone, rather like the rawhide ones he’s given her in the past, long and already pocked with Chica’s teeth marks on one end. Mark has never seen it before. Is that how the intruder got Chica to stop barking?
“No, no, you can’t have that, you don’t know where it’s been,” Mark says as he pulls the bone from between her paws. He chucks the bone in the trash and washes his hands, getting the blood from Chica’s fur off them. It occurs to him that if Chica is fine, then the blood wasn’t hers. Did Chica bite the intruder? He looks back at her. There’s a bit of red in her teeth and lips, but most of it is around her neck and on her back. It doesn’t add up, not to mention he’s never known Chica to bite before. He finishes washing his hands, drying them off on a dish towel before walking back to her.
“What the hell happened?” he asks, exhaling. The fear is wearing off, leaving Mark exhausted, not to mention confused. He peers at Chica as if he’s expecting her to answer him. In a way, she does, because it’s then that Mark sees something white at Chica’s neck, near the blood. Paper? He takes it, avoiding the blood (he’s wary of it now that he’s no longer worried for Chica), and finds a note tied on a string around Chica’s neck. It’s loose enough for him to simply tug over her head, and he does, looking at the bloodstained string and paper note now in his hands. He unfolds the note and finds a message written in black ink, letters scraggly, splotches of scribbled ink covering errors. He reads it:
           If Yami taught me anything, it’s how to take revenge. I already know I can’t kill you: Without you, the channel dies and so do the others. But I can make you wish you were dead.
           You can see I left a present for Chica, and I left one for you, too. Check your doorstep.
Oh no.
Mark thinks of the bone he took from Chica, the bone sitting in his kitchen trashcan, and feels sick.
He supposes he has no choice. He gets up on suddenly shaky legs and moves to the front door, letting the note fall out of his hand and flutter to the ground. Chica follows suit, padding after Mark nonchalantly. When he reaches the front door, he takes a deep breath, then grabs the doorknob and turns it before he can change his mind.
On the doorstep, partly covering the welcome mat, is a cardboard box. Chica sniffs it intently, but Mark pushes her away from it, ushering her back inside. He closes the door behind him, making sure not to lock himself out. He turns back to the box, and right as he does, takes in a breath through his nose. He reels, gags, almost pukes from the awful smell he catches coming from the box. He starts to tremble, as afraid as he was when Yandere was in his house, maybe more. He takes in a shuddering breath through his mouth, exhaling in a nervous sigh. He thinks again of that bone, and of the blood in Chica’s fur. He closes his eyes, willing the bile in his throat to settle back into his stomach. But Mark knows he can’t stand out her forever. For better or worse, he has to open that box. He bends down, takes the cardboard flaps, and pulls the box open.
Mark screams.
Resting inside the box is Amy’s severed head.
Her once-pretty face is frozen in an expression of horror and agony. Her once-beautiful brown eyes are wide open and glassy. Her mouth is twisted in a grimace. Her dark hair is splayed around her head. The ragged stump of her neck is just barely visible. Blood coats the bottom of the box, reaching out in a pool from her neck, staining parts of her deadly pale skin, slicking up the ends of her hair, stinking up the air.
Mark wails, howling with grief and fighting the urge to vomit, kneeling and sobbing on his doorstep as Chica whines from behind the front door.
The egos don’t find out until hours have passed, and Mark is still a wreck when he thinks to call Ego Inc.’s landline, screaming into the phone as soon as Google picks up. He’s so distraught he’s incomprehensible, and Google has to get Dr. Iplier to calm him over the phone, to get him to breathe and explain himself. Once he does, Google and Dr. Iplier can’t hide the horror they feel.
“Google, do you know when Yandere came back?” Dr. Iplier asks, voice wavering.
“Four hours and seventeen minutes ago,” Google answers, eyes wide as he forces out his typical monotone, “He was covered in blood, but that’s typical for him, I didn’t think anything of it…”
“We have to find him, make sure he’s still here,” Dr. Iplier says, beginning to pace, “Now that he’s done this there’s nothing he won’t do, the rest of Mark’s friends could be in danger.”
“I have sent out an alert to my brothers,” Google says, “They can put out an announcement and tell the others.”
Dr. Iplier nods before leaving to search for Yandere, Google going in a different direction to do the same.
Before long, the doctor runs into Chrome, looking around the building with a deeply worried expression, and they both run into Wilford, stumbling through the halls much more leisurely.
“He’s fine, of course he’s fine,” Wilford laughs, “He has to fine.”
Dr. Iplier and Chrome say nothing.
The three head to Yandere’s bedroom. If Yandere is there, then there’s no one else but then who he’d allow inside. But when they reach the door, they find a piece of paper taped there. The message is messy, blobs of ink covering unreadable, half-formed kanjis. The only parts readable are in romaji:
Watakushi wa kare nashi de wa ikiraremasen.
Suggoku gomen ne.
Chrome’s eyes flash as he translates the words. His expression twists with pain, but before Dr. Iplier can ask what the message means, Chrome is breaking down the door.
They’re too late. Yandere lays on the ground, facing away from the door, curled around his katana and surrounded by a pool of blood.
Chrome curses, punches a hole into the wall. Dr. Iplier crumples where he stands. Wilford’s eyes widen even as he grins a tight-mouthed grin.
“We’re figments,” Wilford laughs, “He’ll be fine.”
“Wil…” Dr. Iplier manages as he begins to cry.
“He can’t be dead, he’s just…” Wilford takes a breath in, still grinning with shining eyes, “He’s pulling one over on us. Just like Dark. Ol’ Darky was too stubborn to admit it, but Yan is…Yan’s just pulling a prank. A joke. It’s a joke.” He barks out a laugh that sounds more like a sob. “It’s a joke. He’ll come back. He’s fine.”
“Wil, h-he’s not like you,” Dr. Iplier says, voice shaky and quiet, “He’s n-not popular like y-you are, and he…” He shudders. “He w-wanted to die, and putting th-those together…he w-won’t…”
“C’mon, Doc, he…” Wilford starts, grin faltering as his mind tries to make sense of the doctor’s words. “Chrome?” He turns to the android to back him up, but Chrome is facing the wall where he punched it, shoulders shaking. “No, that’s not right…Yan…” He stumbles forward and kneels next to Yandere, practically falling, cold blood sinking into the knees of his pants. “Yan, quit fooling around. Dark already made this joke, it’s not as funny the second time…” He swallows thickly as Yandere remains still. “Yan, kid, you can’t…you…” He grins again, more forced this time, as tears roll down his face. “Dark’s gone already, you wouldn’t leave me alone, would you? You wouldn’t leave your onii-san, right? Yan, c’mon, I know you, you wouldn’t…” His mouth turns down suddenly as he finds awful clarity in the fog of mania. “Yan, kid, otouto, please don’t leave me alone…”
Before long Wilford breaks down, crying along with Chrome and Dr. Iplier, and there they remain until the other egos find them.
Later, Chrome will destroy everything in his room and scream until his voice processor gives out, trying to purge the grief from his circuitry.
Tomorrow, Wilford will be pulled away from Yandere’s body, sobbing and laughing but letting himself be dragged out of Yandere’s bedroom.
Forever, Dr. Iplier will have regret eating him from the inside, making him wish he could’ve prevented this, all of this, making him wish he could go back to before that damn video and stop all this misery and death before it happened.
But for now, the Host sits in his library, shudders, and sighs.
“Sadistic, aren’t you?” he says to no one, voice cold and bitter. “The Host hopes you’re happy.”
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nadiya-m · 3 years
(Dont judge before reading the whole writing).
May 18th 2021
What is my worth?
Do some see me as human being or lower me to a level where they name me as their pet? Cat or dog? As if synchronized even?
Did I became someone's toy? Puppet? While not knowing anything about this? Because truly, I feel robotized.
Being watched 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. "They" even see me nude. And my own family gets so brainwashed and drugged I am afraid that they forget about me as being their own daughter. I see their minds vanishing away. As they put in other memories about me or who I should be. I see no other answer. I know them the best. And my youngest oldest brother is too scared to say a true thing. I can only see it in their eyes and he knows. So he barely looks at me, directly.
I am called the devil by the people who raised me. These people are my parents.
I am being called cat and dog by people who didnt raised me. These people are nothing to me.
When I eat I hear my, our, horror cat someone I dont want to put on a level to name him my ex but I do now, miauwing. I have to live now by force with our cat in my apartment. In order for safety i would during pregnancy sleep seperate. As I would otherwise get attacked and worse out of my sleep sometimes. I brought my cat to the vet because I was feeling sorry for my cat a bit as I was too poor to actually have a cat. That man convinced me that our cat didnt needed vaccins. Or when having a vlooienplaag in the house not any treatment needed. I would give my cat treatment. And so brought my cat to the vet. With almost no money. After breaking up it all became a hell. As if being punished. Still my cat is waiting for his owner to come. After our cat accomplished his job maybe. Do I want to know? I dont like being attacked in my face as it many times happend out of nowhere or when just opening the door of the toilet or so. Or when saying something rude to myself about the owner of our cat. Actually, the truth sounds rude to others when they cant stand it. I know someone truly can love when that person stands the truth and appreciates honesty.
I feel sorry for living creatures to be made as propety of those who dont know much about love. And look for those who learn and search for love as their target. Do they hate beauty? I sometimes question myself. In this case "they" are those who sended me a postcard before mothersday from my son with "from us" on it. Naming no ones name. No daddy to be named.
But "us". So I call them: they. As they are a group. I am afraid. Who do such things to many. And dont love in a natural way. Can I say that?
My son was showing on the photograph to be in a poor state. Malnutrition showing as he looks to be not growing properly when I look at this shoulders. Clothes he still can wear that I bought for him as newborn while he is born in October 27th 2020. 6plus months. And still newborn clothes? When I gave birth they gave me clothes as present for 6 months. I knew enough somewhere. Was I allowed to show care and love as mother? To be a mother myself? A parent? To give attention to our son? To someone else? What are we as humans without care, attention and so love in this way? No one wish to raise his child with hate. That will bring dictators to the world. I always knew.
So plan A didnt worked out that well.
Brainwash me and drug me in a way that I would become their pet.
Plan B is to make me homeless and mommy said I would become a whore in Amsterdam. A slut. Many times these month they almost accomplished to make me homeless. And made me "missing" from the radar while just being at home according to the police.
I have no phone. As I buy it and they hack it in a way that it isnt my phone anymore. They decide who I can reach out to. And take even over the chats with my parents. As they cant speak Dutch properly are close to none. They have access to my house. I live in Megen where I have to live with elderly people facing their last stage of life in a bejaardenhuis/verzorgingshuis. With a beautiful view. No, not the church but the clouds. Beautiful clouds I can daydream on. I see beauty everyday while I should see darkness. I am grateful for this gift that I still am able to see beauty.
Proudly I am African. Somali. I see myself as citizen of the world. As I dont know where I truly belong to. I feel a connection to the world. With Mother Nature. I care about Mother Nature as if almost a mother. And everything that lives I see as having feel too. Even if this isnt scientifically proven yet. What do we know? What do I know? Almost nothing. What is a good thing somewhere. Be curious enough to go after the real thing I would say. And the truth. To find out the meaning and worth of life and beauty. With no weird psychology. No racism. No hate. No underestimating of me, a lady. Now 25 years. Born on the last day of November in 1995. Oss, North-Brabant, The Netherlands.
I should be recylced they say.
"Please recycle!"
Hobbies such as photography, writing and sketching is been taken away from me. Animals dont show such human activity isnt?
I wonder when they are going to teach me how to miauw or woof while I am about to metaphorically make the next Mona Lisa or Vermeers Girl with the pearl. Well, I make pensketches. I paint with ink or pencil. It runs in my blood to paint but I never got lessons. To poor. I make abstracts with paint instead.
Somali people before war used to be free. And open minded. At least more than now.
As being robotized (only when near them) lady and citizen of the world, no dog, no cat, no monster, no ghost, no devil. But as Nadiya Mohado. Hi. To THE WORLD i got to know by watching documentary's. NatGeo and BBC. The list is endless. After reading their magazine I got from my dad in 2009 everything changed for me. I want to become a journalist and write. Discover the world. I get to see a whole different world meanwhile. Maybe that is needed in order to know more about what some hide for others. I feel like writing a whole book in one week to reflect on love and life. And modern slavery. Cause I am caughed as many others in this. And still I question about love and life. Waiting to see if true journalists still work as they should work. Hear both sides of the story. Instead of manipulated work as they are not live there. I watch and learn. And so I learn more about life. And love.
Many attemps I have witnessed. Torturements. I still love. Still believe. Still look for the real thing if we talk about love.
I have felt connections of beautiful souls I met during severe ilness. Doctors. They would save my life in secret behind my back or made deals with these people so I could live longer. We had by accident a thing going on. They were older. It never came to touch. I dont approach men. Gentlemans I wait for. But someone blocks their way and break their hearts and mine a bit. I get to hear what lies they have heard as they force me to still go there while I refuse to. These people find it funny or so to play with feel as they dont feel on our levels. I try to take distance as much as I can in order for safety as they have important jobs. If there were not any feelings involved I would go to court and make money on them. But I cant. Now. So I blame it on love somewhere as I know they still believe in these lies. Maybe its better. I dont want to cause more trouble. They need their focus, and I think its not for me to say how these things go. I am just 25. And patient for love. Mother Nature or I dont know what force made us almost fall in love. Almost.
- I wish to dance in the rain. Wash my sorrows away from yesterday. Make place for better days. And start the day with what I hope one day the love of my life saying goodmorning to me with warmth and touch only true lovers or soulmates are able to feel.
I feel a connection. For a long time now. Through these times I still havent give up on love.
I love now in silence. I am not in love but will wait. Patiently. Love in this could mean anything. Love romantically, and broadly to show care and be good for others.
- So, still patiently enough to wait.
Here I wait.
Nadiya M...
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